コード例 #1
        public List <Dictionary <string, object> > GetPurchaseByUser(string user)
            List <Dictionary <string, object> > jewelries = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();

            ColmanInternetiotContext context = new ColmanInternetiotContext();

            // Get list of current account purchases
            List <Purchase> purchases = context.Purchase.Where(x => x.UserId == Account.GetCurrAccountId(User)).ToList();

            foreach (Purchase purchase in purchases)
                Dictionary <string, object> dictJewelry = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                //Get the jewelry object of the jewelry that bought in this purchase
                Jewelry jewelry = context.Jewelry.First(x => x.Id == purchase.JewelryId);

                jewelry.Purchase = null;

                // Convert from Jewelry object to Dictionary
                dictJewelry = jewelry.GetType()
                              .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.Public)
                              .ToDictionary(prop => prop.Name.ToLower(), prop => prop.GetValue(jewelry, null));

                // Add a summary attribute
                dictJewelry.Add("summary", purchase.Amount + " X " + jewelry.Price);


コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Method used to update fields of object that will be edited on the ui
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="item"></param>
        public void InitJewelryFields(ref Jewelry item)
            Fields = null;
            Fields = new ObservableCollection <EditJewelryItem>();
            var props = item.GetType().GetProperties();

            foreach (var property in props)
                //if this is list of materials, skip
                if (property.PropertyType.IsGenericList())

                if (property.GetMethod.ReturnType.IsEnum)
                    Fields.Add(new EditJewelryItem()
                        UiName      = property.GetCustomAttribute <UiNameAttribute>(false).Name,
                        Name        = property.Name,
                        ElementType = UiElementType.Enum,
                        EnumTypes   = property.GetMethod.ReturnType.GetEnumNames(),
                        FieldType   = property.GetMethod.ReturnType
                    Fields.Add(new EditJewelryItem()
                        Name = property.Name, UiName = property.GetCustomAttribute <UiNameAttribute>(false).Name, ElementType = UiElementType.Field, FieldType = property.GetMethod.ReturnType

            JewelryToEdit              = item;
            EditableJewelryMaterials   = JewelryToEdit.Materials;
            EditableJewelryMaterialsUI = new ObservableCollection <Material>(JewelryToEdit.Materials);
            IsEditingJewelryAllowed    = true;
            IsEditingMaterialAllowed   = true;