public static void InstallApkFile(Context context, string urlString, string PackName) { string Err; ProgressDialog pd = ProgressDialog.Show(context, new Java.Lang.String("提示"), new Java.Lang.String("正在更新版本,請稍後……"), true); Java.Lang.Thread th = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { try { downloadFile(context, urlString, PackName); } catch (Exception ex) { pd.Dismiss(); Err = ex.Message; } finally { pd.Dismiss(); try { openFile(context, setMkdir(context), PackName); } catch { Err = "安裝程序打開錯誤"; } } }); th.Start(); }
static LibVpxCom() { try { var block = new Object(); var thread = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { Java.Lang.JavaSystem.LoadLibrary("vpx"); Java.Lang.JavaSystem.LoadLibrary("vpxJNI"); lock (block) { System.Threading.Monitor.Pulse(block); } }); lock (block) { thread.Start(); System.Threading.Monitor.Wait(block); } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error("Could not load libvpx. Make sure and are present.", ex); } }
public void startTracking() { if (mTracking) { return; } mTracker.reset(); mSensorEventListener = new SensorEventListener(this); Java.Lang.Thread sensorThread = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { Looper.Prepare(); mSensorLooper = Looper.MyLooper(); Handler handler = new Handler(); SensorManager sensorManager = mContext.GetSystemService(Context.SensorService) as SensorManager; foreach (var item in INPUT_SENSORS) { var sensor = sensorManager.GetDefaultSensor(item); if (sensor != null) { sensorManager.RegisterListener(mSensorEventListener, sensor, SensorDelay.Fastest, handler); } } Looper.Loop(); }); sensorThread.Start(); mTracking = true; }
public bool Initialize() { _initialized = false; if (!StopDecoder()) { return(_initialized); } _mediaFormat = GetMediaFormat(_mimeType, _sampleRate, _channels); _mediaCodec = MediaCodec.CreateDecoderByType(_mimeType); _mediaCodec.Configure( format: _mediaFormat, surface: null, crypto: null, flags: MediaCodecConfigFlags.None); _audioTrack = GetAudioTrack(); _audioTrack.Play(); _mediaCodec.Start(); _encoderThread = GetEncoderThread(); _encoderThread.Start(); _decoderThread = GetDecoderThread(); _decoderThread.Start(); _initialized = true; return(_initialized); }
// static Java.Lang.Thread downloadThread; public static void DownloadFromLink(string url, string title, string toast = "", string ending = "", bool openFile = false, string descripts = "") { try { print("DOWNLOADING: " + url); DownloadManager.Request request = new DownloadManager.Request(Android.Net.Uri.Parse(url)); request.SetTitle(title); request.SetDescription(descripts); string mainPath = Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDownloads; string subPath = title + ending; string fullPath = mainPath + "/" + subPath; print("PATH: " + fullPath); request.SetDestinationInExternalPublicDir(mainPath, subPath); request.SetVisibleInDownloadsUi(true); request.SetNotificationVisibility(DownloadVisibility.VisibleNotifyCompleted); DownloadManager manager; manager = (DownloadManager)MainActivity.activity.GetSystemService(Context.DownloadService); long downloadId = manager.Enqueue(request); // AUTO OPENS FILE WHEN DONE DOWNLOADING if (openFile || toast != "") { Java.Lang.Thread downloadThread = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { try { bool exists = false; while (!exists) { try { string p = manager.GetUriForDownloadedFile(downloadId).Path; exists = true; } catch (System.Exception) { Java.Lang.Thread.Sleep(100); } } Java.Lang.Thread.Sleep(1000); if (toast != "") { App.ShowToast(toast); } if (openFile) { print("OPEN FILE"); string truePath = (Android.OS.Environment.ExternalStorageDirectory + "/" + fullPath); OpenFile(truePath); } } catch { } }); downloadThread.Start(); } } catch (Exception _ex) { error(_ex); } }
/// <summary> /// Este evento inicia el proceso de envio de datos, que al usar hilos /// ejecuta en segundo plano la funcion Run(), para que envie las respuestas. /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> void btnEnviar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bandera = 1;//Envia Datos //progress = ProgressDialog.Show(this, "Progreso de envio de datos", "Enviando datos al servidor....", true, true); threadEnviaDatos = new Java.Lang.Thread(this); threadEnviaDatos.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Este metodo verifica si existe la base de datos para el almacenamiento de información en el dispositivo /// Si no existe la crea /// </summary> public void ConfiguraDB() { //Buscamos el directorio personal en el dispositivo var personalFolderPath = System.Environment.GetFolderPath(System.Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments); //Buscamos el directorio database en la carpeta personal var databaseFolderPath = string.Format(@"{0}/database", personalFolderPath.Substring(0, personalFolderPath.LastIndexOf('/'))); if (!Directory.Exists(databaseFolderPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(databaseFolderPath);//Si no existe la creamos } if (!Directory.Exists(databaseFolderPath)) { throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} no existe!", databaseFolderPath));//Si no existe quiere decir que en el paso anterior no se creo correctamente el dir } //var paths = Android.OS.Environment.GetExternalStoragePublicDirectory(Android.OS.Environment.DirectoryDcim).ToString() + "/Encuestas.db3"; string dbPath = Path.Combine(databaseFolderPath, "Encuestadb.db3"); //Verifica si existe el archivo mencionado en la parte de arriba exists = File.Exists(dbPath); if (!exists) { SqliteConnection.CreateFile(dbPath); //Si no existe crea la base de datos } connection = new SqliteConnection("Data Source=" + dbPath); //Abre la cadena de conexion con la base de datos creado anteriormente if (connection.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { connection.Close(); } connection.Open();//Abre la conexion a la base de datos creado con anterioridad if (!exists) { //Por cada comando se realiza la accion en la base de datos (Creacion de tablas, insertar, actualizar, eliminar) using (SqliteCommand c = connection.CreateCommand()) { c.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [DatosEncuesta] (IdEncuesta ntext, DescEncuesta ntext,IdPregunta ntext,DescPregunta ntext,Respuestas ntext);"; c.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (SqliteCommand cc = connection.CreateCommand()) { cc.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [DatosEncuestaEnvia] (IdDispositivo ntext,IdEncuesta ntext,IdsPreguntaRespuesta ntext);"; cc.ExecuteNonQuery(); } using (SqliteCommand ccc = connection.CreateCommand()) { ccc.CommandText = "CREATE TABLE [DatosDispositivo] (NumTel ntext, IMEI ntext);"; ccc.ExecuteNonQuery(); } configuraInicio = ProgressDialog.Show(this, "Configurando aplicación", "Instalando y configurando las herramientas" + " necesarias para el buen funcionamiento del sistema, espere unos momentos por favor....", true, true); threadConfiguraInicial = new Java.Lang.Thread(this); threadConfiguraInicial.Start(); } }
public void Load(EmojiCompat.MetadataRepoLoaderCallback loaderCallback) { var runnable = new InitRunnable(mContext, loaderCallback, assetName); var thread = new JThread(runnable) { Daemon = false }; thread.Start(); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> public virtual NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Server.Connection.ClientServerConnection WaitForRemoteConnection () { System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient connection = socketServer.Accept(); connection.SetTcpNoDelay(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Server.Connection.DefaultConnectionThread connectionThread = new NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Server.Connection.DefaultConnectionThread(this, connection, automaticallyCreateDatabase ); Java.Lang.Thread thread = new Java.Lang.Thread(connectionThread); connectionThread.SetName(thread.GetName()); thread.Start(); return(connectionThread); }
public void TakeScreenShot() { Java.Lang.Thread thread = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { var bitMap = Bitmap.CreateBitmap(containerView.Width, containerView.Height, Bitmap.Config.Argb8888); Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bitMap); containerView.Draw(canvas); bitmap = bitMap; }); thread.Start(); }
public void InicializarPagina() { // Carga los pokemons iniciales GlobalVar.friendCoach.pokemons.Add(rep.ObtenerPokemon(GlobalVar.friendCoach.user.pokemons[0].name)); GlobalVar.enemyCoach.pokemons.Add(rep.ObtenerPokemon(GlobalVar.enemyCoach.user.pokemons[0].name)); // Pone a cargar el resto de pokemons de forma secundaria CargarPokemonsThread.Start(); // Genero y gestiono los grids de la página GlobalGrid.InicializarGrids(); GlobalGrid.DimensionarGrids(); GlobalGrid.EstructurarGrids(); }
public void ScanNetworks() { if (_cts != null) { _cts.Cancel(); } _thread = null; _cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); _run = new ReadingRun(_usbConnection, _usbReadEndpoint, _usbWriteEndpoint, _handler, _cts.Token); _thread = new Java.Lang.Thread(_run); _thread.Start(); }
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { base.OnCreate(savedInstanceState); SetContentView(Resource.Layout.proximity_status); _viewModel = new ProximityStatusViewModel(); _viewModel.GetAndParseDevices(); InitView(); Thread thread = new Thread(ResizeDevider); thread.Start(); StartBluetoothIfHasPermissions(); }
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId) { Toast.MakeText(this, "Started", ToastLength.Long).Show(); var t = new Java.Lang.Thread(async() => { while (true) { try { var address = $"×tamp={DateTime.UtcNow}&lat=1.2&lon=2.3&altitude=1&speed=0&bearing=0&accuracy=0"; var client = new HttpClient(); //client.BaseAddress = new Uri(address); var content = new StringContent("", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); HttpResponseMessage response = await client.PostAsync(address, content); var result = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); }catch (Exception e) { } Thread.Sleep(30000); } //_cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); //Task.Run(() => //{ // try // { // var cloud = new CloudUploader(); // cloud.ExecutePost(_cts.Token).Wait(); // } // catch (Android.Accounts.OperationCanceledException) // { // } // finally // { // if (_cts.IsCancellationRequested) // { // } // } //}, _cts.Token); }); t.Start(); return(StartCommandResult.Sticky); }
public void CastVideoStart() { print("START"); updateThred = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { try { while (castingVideo) { Java.Lang.Thread.Sleep(1000); RunOnUiThread(() => UpdateTime()); } } finally { updateThred.Join(); } }); updateThred.Start(); }
public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Android.Content.Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId) { var t = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { Task.Run(() => { try { databaseService.CreateDataBase(); activityManager = (ActivityManager)GetSystemService(Context.ActivityService); ExecuteSpentTimehecking().Wait(); } catch (Exception exception) { } }); } ); t.Start(); return(StartCommandResult.Sticky); }
public static Java.Lang.Thread StartThread(Java.Lang.Runnable runnable) { if (runnable == null) { return(null); } Java.Lang.Thread thread = new Java.Lang.Thread(runnable); if (thread != null) { try { thread.Start(); } catch (Java.Lang.IllegalThreadStateException) { thread = null; } } return(thread); }
public void start() { mDetectorThread = new Java.Lang.Thread(mDetector); mDetectorThread.Start(); }
public override View OnCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState) { // Use this to return your custom view for this Fragment // return inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.YourFragment, container, false); View view = inflater.Inflate(Resource.Layout.ax_Settings, container, false); ax_settings = this; // --------- SET VARS --------- var cbookmarks = view.FindViewById(Resource.Id.clearbookmarks); var chistory = view.FindViewById(Resource.Id.clearhistory); msearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.msearch); hdasearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.hdasearch); asearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.asearch); basearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.basearch); tvasearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.tvasearch); htvasearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.htvasearch); bmsearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.bmsearch); hdbasearch = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.hdbasearch); savelinks = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.savelinks); savetitles = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.savetitles); savem3u = view.FindViewById <CheckBox>(Resource.Id.savem3u); Button updatebtt = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.update); updatebtt.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; // --------- PING DATA --------- seachBoxes = new List <CheckBox> { msearch, hdasearch, asearch, basearch, tvasearch, bmsearch, htvasearch, hdbasearch }; for (int i = 0; i < seachBoxes.Count; i++) { searchTxts[i] = seachBoxes[i].Text; } Button pingBtt = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.pingProviders); pingBtt.Click += (o, e) => { for (int i = 0; i < providersCount; i++) { DelegateWithParameters_int ping = new DelegateWithParameters_int(Ping); IAsyncResult tag = ping.BeginInvoke(i, null, null); } }; Button showBtt = view.FindViewById <Button>(Resource.Id.showProviders); showBtt.Click += (o, e) => { showSites = !showSites; for (int i = 0; i < providersCount; i++) { seachBoxes[i].Text = searchTxts[i] + (showSites ? (" (" + pingLinks[i] + ")") : ""); } }; // --------- AUTO UPDATE --------- version = Context.PackageManager.GetPackageInfo(Context.PackageName, 0).VersionName; TextView versionTxt = view.FindViewById <TextView>(Resource.Id.versionTxt); versionTxt.Text = "v" + version; sThred = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { try { WebClient client = new WebClient(); string d = client.DownloadString(""); string look = "/LagradOst/CloudStream/releases/tag/"; // float bigf = -1; // string bigUpdTxt = ""; // while (d.Contains(look)) { string tag = FindHTML(d, look, "\""); string updText = FindHTML(d, look + tag + "\">", "<"); /* * try { * float tagf = float.Parse(tag.Replace("v", "")); * print("" + tagf); * if(tagf > bigf) { * bigf = tagf; * bigUpdTxt = updText; * } * } * catch (Exception) { * * } * d = d.Substring(d.IndexOf(look) + 1, d.Length - d.IndexOf(look) - 1); */ updatebtt.Click += (o, e) => { if (version != updateTo && updateTo != "-1") { string downloadLink = "" + updateTo + "/CloudStream.CloudStream.apk"; DownloadFromLink(downloadLink, "CloudStream-" + updateTo, "Downloading APK", this, ".apk", true); updatebtt.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } }; if (tag != "") { Activity.RunOnUiThread(new Action(() => { updateTo = tag; if (tag == "v" + version) { versionTxt.Text = "v" + version + " (Up to date)"; updatebtt.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } else { versionTxt.Text = "v" + version + " -> " + tag + " (" + updText + ")"; updatebtt.Visibility = ViewStates.Visible; updatebtt.Text = "Update to " + tag; } })); } } finally { sThred.Join(); } }); if (searchForUpdates) { sThred.Start(); } // var sdownloads = view.FindViewById(Resource.Id.showdownloads); // sdownloads.Click += (o,e) => MainActivity.mainActivity.ShowDownloads(); // --------- DEF DATA --------- var set = Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences("Settings", FileCreationMode.Private); msearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("msearch", true); hdasearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("hdasearch", haveAnimeEnabled); asearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("asearch", false); basearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("basearch", false); tvasearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("tvasearch", false); bmsearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("bmsearch", false); htvasearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("htvasearch", true); hdbasearch.Checked = set.GetBoolean("hdbasearch", false); savem3u.Checked = set.GetBoolean("savem3u", false); if (!haveAnimeEnabled) { hdasearch.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; asearch.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; basearch.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; hdbasearch.Visibility = ViewStates.Gone; } // --------- SAVE DATA --------- savelinks.Checked = set.GetBoolean("savelinks", true); savetitles.Checked = set.GetBoolean("savetitles", true); msearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("msearch", msearch.Checked); hdasearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("hdasearch", hdasearch.Checked); asearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("asearch", asearch.Checked); basearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("basearch", basearch.Checked); tvasearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("tvasearch", tvasearch.Checked); bmsearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("bmsearch", bmsearch.Checked); htvasearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("htvasearch", htvasearch.Checked); hdbasearch.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("hdbasearch", hdbasearch.Checked); savelinks.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("savelinks", savelinks.Checked); savetitles.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("savetitles", savetitles.Checked); savem3u.Click += (o, e) => SaveBool("savem3u", savem3u.Checked); // M3U FILE // --------- HISTORY --------- chistory.SetBackgroundColor(Color.AliceBlue); cbookmarks.SetBackgroundColor(Color.AliceBlue); // sdownloads.SetBackgroundColor(Color.AliceBlue); chistory.LongClickable = true; cbookmarks.LongClickable = true; chistory.LongClick += (o, e) => { ShowSnackBar("Removed All Viewhistory", o); var localC = Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences("History", FileCreationMode.Private); var edit = localC.Edit(); edit.Clear(); edit.Commit(); }; cbookmarks.LongClick += (o, e) => { ShowSnackBar("Removed All Bookmarks", o); var localC = Application.Context.GetSharedPreferences("Bookmarks", FileCreationMode.Private); var edit = localC.Edit(); edit.Clear(); edit.Commit(); ax_Bookmarks.ax_bookmarks.UpdateList(); }; chistory.Click += (o, e) => { ShowSnackBar("Hold To Remove History", o); }; cbookmarks.Click += (o, e) => { ShowSnackBar("Hold To Remove Bookmarks", o); }; // --------- ACTIONS --------- var defAct = view.FindViewById <Spinner>(Resource.Id.DefSpinner); var secAct = view.FindViewById <Spinner>(Resource.Id.SecSpinner); var adapter = new ArrayAdapter <string>(Context, Android.Resource.Layout.SimpleSpinnerItem, defChecks); defAct.Adapter = adapter; secAct.Adapter = adapter; defActions[0] = SettingsGetDef(0); // set.GetInt("defAct", 0); defActions[1] = SettingsGetDef(1); // set.GetInt("secAct", 1); defAct.SetSelection(defActions[0]); secAct.SetSelection(defActions[1]); defAct.ItemSelected += (o, e) => { SaveInt("defAct", e.Position); defActions[0] = e.Position; }; secAct.ItemSelected += (o, e) => { SaveInt("secAct", e.Position); defActions[1] = e.Position; }; return(view); }
/// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"></exception> public virtual NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Server.Connection.ClientServerConnection WaitForRemoteConnection () { System.Net.Sockets.TcpClient connection = socketServer.Accept(); connection.SetTcpNoDelay(true); NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Server.Connection.DefaultConnectionThread connectionThread = new NeoDatis.Odb.Core.Server.Connection.DefaultConnectionThread(this, connection, automaticallyCreateDatabase ); Java.Lang.Thread thread = new Java.Lang.Thread(connectionThread); connectionThread.SetName(thread.GetName()); thread.Start(); return connectionThread; }
//protected override void OnHandleWork(Intent p0) //{ //} public override StartCommandResult OnStartCommand(Android.Content.Intent intent, StartCommandFlags flags, int startId) { var t = new Java.Lang.Thread(() => { _cts = new CancellationTokenSource(); Task.Run(() => { try { _bleServer = new BleServer(this.ApplicationContext); } catch (Android.Accounts.OperationCanceledException) { } finally { if (_cts.IsCancellationRequested) { } } }, _cts.Token); } ); t.Start(); Task.Run(async() => { bleScannerService = BleScannerService.GetInstance; // while (true) //{ // using (var notificationManager = NotificationManager.FromContext(ApplicationContext)) // { // var title = "Title"; // var channelName = "TestChannel"; // if (Build.VERSION.SdkInt >= BuildVersionCodes.O) // { // NotificationChannel channel = null; // if (channel == null) // { // channel = new NotificationChannel(channelName, channelName, NotificationImportance.Low) // { // LockscreenVisibility = NotificationVisibility.Public // }; // channel.SetShowBadge(true); // notificationManager.CreateNotificationChannel(channel); // } // channel.Dispose(); // } // // var bitMap = BitmapFactory.DecodeResource(Resources, Resource.Drawable.notification_template_icon_bg); // var notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(ApplicationContext) // .SetContentTitle(title) // .SetContentText("test") // .SetSmallIcon(Android.Resource.Drawable.IcDialogInfo) // .SetShowWhen(false) // .SetChannelId(channelName); // var notification = notificationBuilder.Build(); // notificationManager.Notify(0, notification); // } Thread.Sleep(60000); }); return(StartCommandResult.Sticky); }
public static void start(this Java.Lang.Thread thread) { thread.Start(); }