public static JSONClass ConvertVector2(Vector2 convert) { JSONClass vector = new JSONClass(); vector.Add("x", new JSONData(convert.x)); vector.Add("y", new JSONData(convert.y)); return vector; }
public static JSONClass ToJSON(MonoHelper helper) { JSONClass componentData = new JSONClass(); componentData.Add("hash", new JSONData(helper.monoID)); componentData.Add("fields", GetFields(helper)); return componentData; }
public void Serialize(JSONClass cls) { foreach (var item in Positions) { cls.Add(item.Key, item.Value.Serialize()); } }
public void Serialize(JSONClass cls) { foreach (var item in _dict) { cls.Add(item.Key, new JSONData(item.Value)); } }
/// <summary> /// Binds a key to active an InputCommand and saves it to PlayerPrefs. /// Note that it will not save to PlayerPrefs if the build is a debug build. /// </summary> /// <param name="a">The command to bind.</param> /// <param name="k">The key to bind the command to.</param> public static void BindKey(InputCommand a, KeyCode k) { Console.Log("Binding " + k + " to " + a); a.keyPress = k; if (keysPressed.ContainsKey(k)) { keysPressed[k] = a; } else { keysPressed.Add(k, a); } JSONClass bindings = new JSONClass(); foreach (KeyValuePair<KeyCode, InputCommand> kvp in keysPressed) { bindings.Add(kvp.Key.ToString(), new JSONData(kvp.Value.ToString())); } if (!Debug.isDebugBuild) { PlayerPrefs.SetString("bindings", bindings.ToString()); PlayerPrefs.Save(); } }
private static void SerializeClip(AtomAnimationClip clip, JSONClass clipJSON) { if (clip.animationPattern != null) { clipJSON.Add("AnimationPattern", clip.animationPattern.containingAtom.uid); } var controllersJSON = new JSONArray(); clipJSON.Add("Controllers", controllersJSON); foreach (var controller in clip.targetControllers) { var controllerJSON = new JSONClass { { "Controller", }, { "ControlPosition", controller.controlPosition ? "1" : "0" }, { "ControlRotation", controller.controlRotation ? "1" : "0" }, { "X", SerializeCurve(controller.x) }, { "Y", SerializeCurve(controller.y) }, { "Z", SerializeCurve(controller.z) }, { "RotX", SerializeCurve(controller.rotX) }, { "RotY", SerializeCurve(controller.rotY) }, { "RotZ", SerializeCurve(controller.rotZ) }, { "RotW", SerializeCurve(controller.rotW) } }; if (controller.parentRigidbodyId != null) { controllerJSON["Parent"] = new JSONClass { { "Atom", controller.parentAtomId }, { "Rigidbody", controller.parentRigidbodyId } }; } if (controller.weight != 1f) { controllerJSON["Weight"] = controller.weight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } controllersJSON.Add(controllerJSON); } var paramsJSON = new JSONArray(); clipJSON.Add("FloatParams", paramsJSON); foreach (var target in clip.targetFloatParams) { var paramJSON = new JSONClass { { "Storable", target.storableId }, { "Name", target.floatParamName }, { "Value", SerializeCurve(target.value) } }; paramsJSON.Add(paramJSON); } var triggersJSON = new JSONArray(); clipJSON.Add("", triggersJSON); clipJSON.Add("Triggers", triggersJSON); foreach (var target in clip.targetTriggers) { var triggerJSON = new JSONClass { { "Name", } }; var entriesJSON = new JSONArray(); foreach (var x in target.triggersMap.OrderBy(kvp => kvp.Key)) { entriesJSON.Add(x.Value.GetJSON()); } triggerJSON["Triggers"] = entriesJSON; triggersJSON.Add(triggerJSON); } }
public void ReportMessage(string channelId, string message, string messageId, IFizzLanguageCode lang, string userId, string offense, string description, Action <string, FizzException> callback) { IfOpened(() => { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(channelId)) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ERROR_INVALID_CHANNEL_ID, callback); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message)) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE, callback); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(messageId)) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ERROR_INVALID_MESSAGE_ID, callback); return; } if (lang == null) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ERROR_INVALID_LANGUAGE, callback); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(userId)) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ERROR_INVALID_USER_ID, callback); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(offense)) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ERROR_INVALID_OFFENCE, callback); return; } try { JSONClass json = new JSONClass(); json["channel_id"] = channelId; json["message"] = message; json["message_id"] = messageId; json["language"] = lang.Code; json["user_id"] = userId; json["offense"] = offense.ToString(); json.Add("time", new JSONData(FizzUtils.Now() / 1000)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(description)) { json["description"] = description; } _restClient.Post(FizzConfig.API_BASE_URL, FizzConfig.API_PATH_REPORTS, json.ToString(), (response, ex) => { if (ex != null) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ex, callback); } else { try { JSONNode responseJson = JSONNode.Parse(response); string reportedMessageId = responseJson["id"]; FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (reportedMessageId, null, callback); } catch { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ERROR_INVALID_RESPONSE_FORMAT, callback); } } }); } catch (FizzException ex) { FizzUtils.DoCallback <string> (null, ex, callback); } }); }
private void Get(NetworkingPlayer player, JSONNode data) { // Pull the game id and the filters from request string gameId = data["id"]; string gameType = data["type"]; string gameMode = data["mode"]; int playerElo = data["elo"].AsInt; if (_playerRequests.ContainsKey(player.Ip)) { _playerRequests[player.Ip]++; } else { _playerRequests.Add(player.Ip, 1); } int delta = _playerRequests[player.Ip]; // Get only the list that has the game ids List <Host> filter = (from host in hosts where host.Id == gameId select host).ToList(); // If "any" is supplied use all the types for this game id otherwise select only matching types if (gameType != "any") { filter = (from host in filter where host.Type == gameType select host).ToList(); } // If "all" is supplied use all the modes for this game id otherwise select only matching modes if (gameMode != "all") { filter = (from host in filter where host.Mode == gameMode select host).ToList(); } // Prepare the data to be sent back to the client JSONNode sendData = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); JSONArray filterHosts = new JSONArray(); foreach (Host host in filter) { if (host.UseElo) { if (host.PlayerCount >= host.MaxPlayers) //Ignore servers with max capacity { continue; } if (_eloRangeSet && (playerElo > host.Elo - (EloRange * delta) && playerElo < host.Elo + (EloRange * delta))) { continue; } } JSONClass hostData = new JSONClass(); hostData.Add("name", host.Name); hostData.Add("address", host.Address); hostData.Add("port", new JSONData(host.Port)); hostData.Add("comment", host.Comment); hostData.Add("type", host.Type); hostData.Add("mode", host.Mode); hostData.Add("players", new JSONData(host.PlayerCount)); hostData.Add("maxPlayers", new JSONData(host.MaxPlayers)); hostData.Add("protocol", host.Protocol); hostData.Add("elo", new JSONData(host.Elo)); hostData.Add("useElo", new JSONData(host.UseElo)); hostData.Add("eloDelta", new JSONData(delta)); filterHosts.Add(hostData); } if (filterHosts.Count > 0) { _playerRequests.Remove(player.Ip); } sendData.Add("hosts", filterHosts); // Send the list of hosts (if any) back to the requesting client server.Send(player.TcpClientHandle, Text.CreateFromString(server.Time.Timestep, sendData.ToString(), false, Receivers.Target, MessageGroupIds.MASTER_SERVER_GET, true)); }
public IEnumerator IeHostPartySubmit() { DecorItemPropties.Clear(); RoomPropties.Clear(); var encoding = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(); Dictionary <string, string> postHeader = new Dictionary <string, string> (); var jsonElement = new Simple_JSON.JSONClass(); jsonElement ["player_id"] = PlayerPrefs.GetInt("PlayerId").ToString(); jsonElement ["party_name"] = partyName; jsonElement ["party_desc"] = partyDiscription; jsonElement ["max_no_of_guests"] = TotelGuest.ToString(); // string eTime = ExtensionMethods.GetTimeStringFromFloat (PartyTime); // DateTime EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime (eTime); if (PrivateParty) { jsonElement ["party_type"] = "2"; } else { jsonElement ["party_type"] = "1"; } var PEndTime = DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(PartyTime); DateTime EndTime = PEndTime; jsonElement ["party_end_time"] = EndTime.ToString(); jsonElement ["no_of_present_member"] = "0"; jsonElement ["no_of_rooms"] = RoomPurchaseManager.Instance.flats.Count.ToString(); for (int i = 0; i < DecorController.Instance.PlacedDecors.Count; i++) { GameItemPropties tempObj = new GameItemPropties(DecorController.Instance.PlacedDecors [i].GetComponent <Decor3DView> ().decorInfo.Id, "Decor" + "/" + DecorController.Instance.PlacedDecors [i].GetComponent <Decor3DView> ().decorInfo.Name.Trim('/').Trim('"'), SerializeVector3Array(DecorController.Instance.PlacedDecors [i].GetComponent <Decor3DView> ().transform.position).Trim('|') + "/" + DecorController.Instance.PlacedDecors [i].GetComponent <Decor3DView> ().direction ); DecorItemPropties.Add(tempObj); } for (int j = 0; j < RoomPurchaseManager.Instance.Addedflats.Count; j++) { GameItemPropties tempRomm = new GameItemPropties(0, RoomPurchaseManager.Instance.flats [j].x.ToString() + ":" + RoomPurchaseManager.Instance.flats [j].y.ToString() + "/" + RoomPurchaseManager.Instance.Addedflats [j].GetComponent <Flat3D> ().WallColourNames + "/" + RoomPurchaseManager.Instance.Addedflats [j].GetComponent <Flat3D> ().GroundTextureName, SerializeVector3Array(RoomPurchaseManager.Instance.Addedflats [j].GetComponent <Flat3D> ().transform.position)); RoomPropties.Add(tempRomm); } for (int a = 0; a < DecorItemPropties.Count; a++) { var jsonarray = new JSONClass(); jsonarray.Add("item_id", DecorItemPropties [a].id.ToString()); jsonarray.Add("item_type", DecorItemPropties [a].types.ToString()); jsonarray.Add("properties", DecorItemPropties [a].propties.ToString()); jsonElement ["items"].Add(jsonarray); } // foreach (var item in DecorItemPropties) { // var jsonarray = new JSONClass (); // jsonarray.Add ("item_id", ()); // jsonarray.Add ("item_type", item.types.ToString ()); // jsonarray.Add ("properties", item.propties.ToString ()); // // jsonElement ["items"].Add (jsonarray); // } for (int b = 0; b < RoomPropties.Count; b++) { var jsonarray = new JSONClass(); jsonarray.Add("item_id", RoomPropties [b].id.ToString() + "Room"); jsonarray.Add("item_type", RoomPropties [b].types.ToString()); jsonarray.Add("properties", RoomPropties [b].propties.ToString()); jsonElement ["items"].Add(jsonarray); } // foreach (var item in RoomPropties) { // var jsonarray = new JSONClass (); // jsonarray.Add ("item_id", () + "Room"); // jsonarray.Add ("item_type", item.types.ToString ()); // jsonarray.Add ("properties", item.propties.ToString ()); // // jsonElement ["items"].Add (jsonarray); // } postHeader.Add("Content-Type", "application/json"); postHeader.Add("Content-Length", jsonElement.Count.ToString()); WWW www = new WWW(HostPartyLink, encoding.GetBytes(jsonElement.ToString()), postHeader); print(" flat party jsonDtat is ==>> " + jsonElement.ToString()); yield return(www); if (www.error == null) { JSONNode _jsnode = Simple_JSON.JSON.Parse(www.text); print("_jsnode ==>> " + _jsnode.ToString()); if (isPaid) { // if (_jsnode ["status"].ToString ().Contains ("200") && _jsnode ["description"].ToString ().Contains ("Your flat party has been updated successfully")) { // int HostedPartyId = 0; // int.TryParse (_jsnode ["party_id"], out HostedPartyId); // PlayerPrefs.SetInt ("HostedPartyId", HostedPartyId); // print (HostedPartyId.ToString () + " this is party id"); //// if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt ("Tutorial_Progress") >= 26) //// AchievementsManager.Instance.CheckAchievementsToUpdate ("hostFlatParties"); // // OnMyFlatPartySubmited (EndTime, HostedPartyId); // } else if (_jsnode ["status"].ToString().Contains("200") && _jsnode ["description"].ToString().Contains("Your flat party has saved successfully")) { int HostedPartyId = 0; int.TryParse(_jsnode ["party_id"], out HostedPartyId); PlayerPrefs.SetInt("HostedPartyId", HostedPartyId); print(HostedPartyId.ToString() + " this is party id"); OnMyFlatPartySubmited(EndTime, HostedPartyId); if (PlayerPrefs.GetInt("Tutorial_Progress") >= 26) { AchievementsManager.Instance.CheckAchievementsToUpdate("hostFlatParties"); } } else if (_jsnode == null) { print("Somthing went wrong!!!"); } } } }
public void Add <T>(string key, List <T> list) where T : IJsonable { if (list.Count > 0) { var array = new JSONArray(); foreach (var element in list) { var n = element.ToJSON(); if (n?.Impl != null) { array.Add(n.Impl); } } c_?.Add(key, array); } }
public void Serialize(JSONClass cls) { cls.Add("CodeGenDisabled", new JSONData(CodeGenDisabled)); cls.Add("SnapSize", new JSONData(_snapSize)); cls.Add("Snap", new JSONData(_snap)); cls.Add("CodePathStrategyName", new JSONData(_codePathStrategyName)); cls.Add("GridLinesColor", SerializeColor(GridLinesColor)); cls.Add("GridLinesColorSecondary", SerializeColor(GridLinesColorSecondary)); cls.Add("AssociationLinkColor", SerializeColor(_associationLinkColor)); cls.Add("DefinitionLinkColor", SerializeColor(_definitionLinkColor)); cls.Add("InheritanceLinkColor", SerializeColor(_inheritanceLinkColor)); cls.Add("SceneManagerLinkColor", SerializeColor(_sceneManagerLinkColor)); cls.Add("SubSystemLinkColor", SerializeColor(_subSystemLinkColor)); cls.Add("TransitionLinkColor", SerializeColor(_transitionLinkColor)); cls.Add("ViewLinkColor", SerializeColor(_viewLinkColor)); cls.Add("RootNamespace", new JSONData(RootNamespace)); }
private static JSONClass SerializeMutation(Mutation mutation) { var newJson = new JSONClass(); newJson.Add("IsActive", new JSONData(mutation.IsActive.ToString())); //newJson.Add("ImageExternalPath", new JSONData(mutation.ImageExternalPath)); newJson.Add("AtomName", new JSONData(mutation.AtomName)); newJson.Add("AtomType", new JSONData(mutation.AtomType)); newJson.Add("ScenePathToOpen", SerializeString(mutation.ScenePathToOpen)); JSONArray morphSet = new JSONArray(); mutation.FaceGenMorphSet.Select(i => SerializeMorphSet(i)).ToList().ForEach(morphSet.Add); newJson.Add("MorphSet", morphSet); JSONArray clothinItems = new JSONArray(); mutation.ClothingItems.Select(i => SerializeClothingMutation(i)).ToList().ForEach(clothinItems.Add); newJson.Add("ClothingItems", clothinItems); JSONArray hairItems = new JSONArray(); mutation.HairItems.Select(i => SerializeHairMutation(i)).ToList().ForEach(hairItems.Add); newJson.Add("HairItems", hairItems); JSONArray activeMorphs = new JSONArray(); mutation.ActiveMorphs.Select(i => SerializeActiveMorphMutation(i)).ToList().ForEach(activeMorphs.Add); newJson.Add("ActiveMorphs", activeMorphs); JSONArray poseMorphs = new JSONArray(); mutation.PoseMorphs.Select(i => SerializePoseMorphMutation(i)).ToList().ForEach(poseMorphs.Add); newJson.Add("PoseMorphs", poseMorphs); JSONArray storables = new JSONArray(); mutation.Storables.ForEach(storables.Add); newJson.Add("Storables", storables); JSONArray storedAtoms = new JSONArray(); mutation.StoredAtoms.ForEach(i => storedAtoms.Add(SerializeStoredAtom(i))); newJson.Add("StoredAtoms", storedAtoms); JSONArray storedActions = new JSONArray(); mutation.StoredActions.ForEach(i => storedActions.Add(SerializeStoredAction(i))); newJson.Add("StoredActions", storedActions); //newJson.Add("Img_RGB24_W1000H1000_64bEncoded", new JSONData(mutation.Img_RGB24_W1000H1000_64bEncoded)); return(newJson); }
public static void AddProgressionEvent(EGAProgressionStatus progressionStatus, string progression01, string progression02, string progression03, double score, bool sendScore) { string progressionStatusString = ProgressionStatusToString(progressionStatus); // Validate event params if (!GAValidator.ValidateProgressionEvent(progressionStatus, progression01, progression02, progression03)) { GAHTTPApi.Instance.SendSdkErrorEvent(EGASdkErrorType.Rejected); return; } // Create empty eventData JSONClass eventDict = new JSONClass(); // Progression identifier string progressionIdentifier; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression02)) { progressionIdentifier = progression01; } else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(progression03)) { progressionIdentifier = progression01 + ":" + progression02; } else { progressionIdentifier = progression01 + ":" + progression02 + ":" + progression03; } // Append event specifics eventDict["category"] = CategoryProgression; eventDict["event_id"] = progressionStatusString + ":" + progressionIdentifier; // Attempt double attempt_num = 0; // Add score if specified and status is not start if (sendScore && progressionStatus != EGAProgressionStatus.Start) { eventDict.Add("score", new JSONData(score)); } // Count attempts on each progression fail and persist if (progressionStatus == EGAProgressionStatus.Fail) { // Increment attempt number GAState.IncrementProgressionTries(progressionIdentifier); } // increment and add attempt_num on complete and delete persisted if (progressionStatus == EGAProgressionStatus.Complete) { // Increment attempt number GAState.IncrementProgressionTries(progressionIdentifier); // Add to event attempt_num = GAState.GetProgressionTries(progressionIdentifier); eventDict.Add("attempt_num", new JSONData(attempt_num)); // Clear GAState.ClearProgressionTries(progressionIdentifier); } // Add custom dimensions AddDimensionsToEvent(eventDict); // Log GALogger.I("Add PROGRESSION event: {status:" + progressionStatusString + ", progression01:" + progression01 + ", progression02:" + progression02 + ", progression03:" + progression03 + ", score:" + score + ", attempt:" + attempt_num + "}"); // Send to store AddEventToStore(eventDict); }
private static void TextMessageReceived(NetworkingPlayer player, Text frame, NetWorker sender) { try { var json = JSON.Parse(frame.ToString()); if (json["register"] != null) { string address = player.IPEndPointHandle.Address.ToString(); ushort port = json["register"]["port"].AsUShort; if (!hosts.ContainsKey(address)) { hosts.Add(address, new List <Host>()); } for (int i = hosts[address].Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // This host is already registered. Let's remove it so it can be refreshed. if (hosts[address][i].port == port) { hosts[address].Remove(hosts[address][i]); } } System.Console.Write("Hosted Server received: "); System.Console.Write(address); System.Console.Write(":"); System.Console.Write(port); System.Console.Write(" received"); System.Console.Write(System.Environment.NewLine); hosts[address].Add(new Host(player, address, port)); } else if (json["host"] != null && json["port"] != null) { server.Disconnect(player, false); string addresss = json["host"]; ushort port = json["port"].AsUShort; ushort listeningPort = json["clientPort"].AsUShort; addresss = NetWorker.ResolveHost(addresss, port).Address.ToString(); if (!hosts.ContainsKey(addresss)) { return; } Host foundHost = new Host(); foreach (Host iHost in hosts[addresss]) { if (iHost.port == port) { foundHost = iHost; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { return; } JSONNode obj = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); obj.Add("host", new JSONData(player.IPEndPointHandle.Address.ToString().Split(':')[0])); obj.Add("port", new JSONData(listeningPort)); JSONClass sendObj = new JSONClass(); sendObj.Add("nat", obj); Text notifyFrame = Text.CreateFromString(server.Time.Timestep, sendObj.ToString(), false, Receivers.Target, MessageGroupIds.NAT_ROUTE_REQUEST, false); server.Send(foundHost.player, notifyFrame, true); } } catch { server.Disconnect(player, true); } }
public string ToJSON() { JSONClass json = new JSONClass(); json.Add("gravity", new JSONData(GravityMult)); json.Add("jumpmult", new JSONData(JumpForceMult)); json.Add("bouncemult", new JSONData(BounceMult)); json.Add("scalemult", new JSONData(ScaleMult)); json.Add("frictionmult", new JSONData(FrictionMult)); json.Add("rollX", new JSONData(RollForceMult.x)); json.Add("rollY", new JSONData(RollForceMult.y)); json.Add("airX", new JSONData(AirForceMult.x)); json.Add("airY", new JSONData(AirForceMult.y)); json.Add("canblast", new JSONData(CanBlast)); json.Add("airjumps", new JSONData(AirJumps)); return(json.ToString()); }
public void Serialize(JSONClass cls) { cls.Add("OutputIdentifier", OutputIdentifier ?? string.Empty); cls.Add("InputIdentifier", InputIdentifier ?? string.Empty); }
public override void Add(string aKey, JSONNode aItem) { var tmp = new JSONClass(); tmp.Add(aKey, aItem); Set(tmp); }
public void Refresh() { ClearServers(); if (lan) { NetWorker.RefreshLocalUdpListings(ushort.Parse(portNumber.text)); return; } // The Master Server communicates over TCP TCPMasterClient client = new TCPMasterClient(); // Once this client has been accepted by the master server it should sent it's get request client.serverAccepted += x => { try { // The overall game id to select from string gameId = "myGame"; // The game type to choose from, if "any" then all types will be returned string gameType = "any"; // The game mode to choose from, if "all" then all game modes will be returned string gameMode = "all"; // Create the get request with the desired filters JSONNode sendData = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); JSONClass getData = new JSONClass(); // The id of the game to get getData.Add("id", gameId); getData.Add("type", gameType); getData.Add("mode", gameMode); sendData.Add("get", getData); // Send the request to the server client.Send(BeardedManStudios.Forge.Networking.Frame.Text.CreateFromString(client.Time.Timestep, sendData.ToString(), true, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.MASTER_SERVER_GET, true)); } catch { // If anything fails, then this client needs to be disconnected client.Disconnect(true); client = null; } }; // An event that is raised when the server responds with hosts client.textMessageReceived += (player, frame, sender) => { try { // Get the list of hosts to iterate through from the frame payload JSONNode data = JSONNode.Parse(frame.ToString()); if (data["hosts"] != null) { // Create a C# object for the response from the master server MasterServerResponse response = new MasterServerResponse(data["hosts"].AsArray); if (response != null && response.serverResponse.Count > 0) { // Go through all of the available hosts and add them to the server browser foreach (MasterServerResponse.Server server in response.serverResponse) { Debug.Log("Found server " + server.Name); // Update UI MainThreadManager.Run(() => { AddServer(server.Name, server.Address, server.PlayerCount, server.Mode); }); } } } } finally { if (client != null) { // If we succeed or fail the client needs to disconnect from the Master Server client.Disconnect(true); client = null; } } }; client.Connect(masterServerHost, (ushort)masterServerPort); }
public void Refresh() { // Clear out all the currently listed servers for (int i = content.childCount - 1; i >= 0; --i) { Destroy(content.GetChild(i).gameObject); } // The Master Server communicates over TCP client = new TCPMasterClient(); // Once this client has been accepted by the master server it should sent it's get request client.serverAccepted += () => { try { // Create the get request with the desired filters JSONNode sendData = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); JSONClass getData = new JSONClass(); getData.Add("id", gameId); getData.Add("type", gameType); getData.Add("mode", gameMode); sendData.Add("get", getData); // Send the request to the server client.Send(Frame.Text.CreateFromString(client.Time.Timestep, sendData.ToString(), true, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.MASTER_SERVER_GET, true)); } catch { // If anything fails, then this client needs to be disconnected client.Disconnect(true); client = null; } }; // An event that is raised when the server responds with hosts client.textMessageReceived += (player, frame) => { try { // Get the list of hosts to iterate through from the frame payload JSONNode data = JSONNode.Parse(frame.ToString()); if (data["hosts"] != null) { MasterServerResponse response = new MasterServerResponse(data["hosts"].AsArray); if (response != null && response.serverResponse.Count > 0) { // Go through all of the available hosts and add them to the server browser foreach (MasterServerResponse.Server server in response.serverResponse) { string protocol = server.Protocol; string address = server.Address; ushort port = server.Port; string name = server.Name; // name, address, port, comment, type, mode, players, maxPlayers, protocol CreateServerOption(name, () => { // Determine which protocol should be used when this client connects NetWorker socket = null; if (protocol == "udp") { // TODO: Add NAT hole punching server socket = new UDPClient(); ((UDPClient)socket).Connect(address, port); } else if (protocol == "tcp") { socket = new TCPClient(); ((TCPClient)socket).Connect(address, port); } else if (protocol == "web") { socket = new TCPClientWebsockets(); ((TCPClientWebsockets)socket).Connect(address, port); } if (socket == null) { throw new Exception("No socket of type " + protocol + " could be established"); } Connected(socket); }); } } } } finally { if (client != null) { // If we succeed or fail the client needs to disconnect from the Master Server client.Disconnect(true); client = null; } } }; client.Connect(masterServerHost, (ushort)masterServerPort); }
public virtual JSONNode MasterServerRegisterData(NetWorker server, string id, string serverName, string type, string mode, string comment = "", bool useElo = false, int eloRequired = 0) { // Create the get request with the desired filters JSONNode sendData = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); JSONClass registerData = new JSONClass(); registerData.Add("id", id); registerData.Add("name", serverName); registerData.Add("port", new JSONData(server.Port)); registerData.Add("playerCount", new JSONData(server.Players.Count)); registerData.Add("maxPlayers", new JSONData(server.MaxConnections)); registerData.Add("comment", comment); registerData.Add("type", type); registerData.Add("mode", mode); registerData.Add("protocol", server is UDPServer ? "udp" : "tcp"); registerData.Add("elo", new JSONData(eloRequired)); registerData.Add("useElo", new JSONData(useElo)); sendData.Add("register", registerData); return(sendData); }
private static void AddEventToStore(JSONClass eventData) #endif { // Check if datastore is available if (!GAStore.IsTableReady) { GALogger.W("Could not add event: SDK datastore error"); return; } // Check if we are initialized if (!GAState.Initialized) { GALogger.W("Could not add event: SDK is not initialized"); return; } try { // Check db size limits (10mb) // If database is too large block all except user, session and business if (GAStore.IsDbTooLargeForEvents && !GAUtilities.StringMatch(eventData["category"].AsString, "^(user|session_end|business)$")) { GALogger.W("Database too large. Event has been blocked."); return; } // Get default annotations JSONClass ev = GAState.GetEventAnnotations(); // Create json with only default annotations string jsonDefaults = ev.SaveToBase64(); // Merge with eventData foreach (KeyValuePair <string, JSONNode> pair in eventData) { ev.Add(pair.Key, pair.Value); } // Create json string representation string json = ev.ToString(); // output if VERBOSE LOG enabled GALogger.II("Event added to queue: " + json); // Add to store Dictionary <string, object> parameters = new Dictionary <string, object>(); parameters.Add("$status", "new"); parameters.Add("$category", ev["category"].Value); parameters.Add("$session_id", ev["session_id"].Value); parameters.Add("$client_ts", ev["client_ts"].Value); parameters.Add("$event", ev.SaveToBase64()); string sql = "INSERT INTO ga_events (status, category, session_id, client_ts, event) VALUES($status, $category, $session_id, $client_ts, $event);"; GAStore.ExecuteQuerySync(sql, parameters); // Add to session store if not last if (eventData["category"].AsString.Equals(CategorySessionEnd)) { parameters.Clear(); parameters.Add("$session_id", ev["session_id"].Value); sql = "DELETE FROM ga_session WHERE session_id = $session_id;"; GAStore.ExecuteQuerySync(sql, parameters); } else { sql = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO ga_session(session_id, timestamp, event) VALUES($session_id, $timestamp, $event);"; parameters.Clear(); parameters.Add("$session_id", ev["session_id"].Value); parameters.Add("$timestamp", GAState.SessionStart); parameters.Add("$event", jsonDefaults); GAStore.ExecuteQuerySync(sql, parameters); } } catch (Exception e) { GALogger.E("addEventToStoreWithEventData: error using json"); GALogger.E(e.ToString()); } }
public static void SetQuestionWasAnswered(string shieldNum, string key) { string values = PlayerPrefs.GetString("opened_questions"); if (values != null && values.Length > 0) { var jsonStr = JSON.Parse(values); var listNode = jsonStr [key].AsArray; if (listNode != null) { foreach (JSONData i in listNode) { if (i.Value == shieldNum) { return; } } JSONNode jnod = new JSONNode(); jnod.Add(shieldNum); listNode.Add(shieldNum); jsonStr [key] = listNode; } else { JSONArray listNode1 = new JSONArray(); JSONNode jnod1 = new JSONNode(); jnod1.Add(shieldNum); listNode1.Add(shieldNum); jsonStr.Add(key, listNode1); } //UserController.currentUser.Motto = jsonStr.ToString(); //profile.SaveUser (); PlayerPrefs.SetString("opened_questions", jsonStr.ToString()); return; } else { JSONArray listNode = new JSONArray(); JSONNode jnod = new JSONNode(); jnod.Add(shieldNum); listNode.Add(shieldNum); JSONClass rootNode = new JSONClass(); rootNode.Add(key, listNode); //UserController.currentUser.Motto = rootNode.ToString(); //profile.SaveUser (); PlayerPrefs.SetString("opened_questions", rootNode.ToString()); return; } }
public static JSONClass ToJSON() { CacheGOs(true); JSONClass roomData = new JSONClass(); JSONClass cachedRooms = new JSONClass(); foreach (KeyValuePair<string, List<CachedPrefab>> kvp in roomGOs) { JSONArray roomObjects = new JSONArray(); List<CachedPrefab> cachedGOs = kvp.Value; foreach (CachedPrefab cachedGO in cachedGOs) { JSONClass jsonObject = new JSONClass(); jsonObject.Add("source", new JSONData(cachedGO.source)); jsonObject.Add("hash", new JSONData(cachedGO.hash)); jsonObject.Add("position", SaveGame.ConvertVector3(cachedGO.position)); jsonObject.Add("scale", SaveGame.ConvertVector3(cachedGO.scale)); jsonObject.Add("rotation", SaveGame.ConvertVector3(cachedGO.rotation)); jsonObject.Add("components", cachedGO.components); roomObjects.Add(jsonObject); } cachedRooms.Add(kvp.Key, roomObjects); } roomData.Add("roomdata", cachedRooms); return roomData; }
private void RegisterOnMasterServer(ushort port, int maxPlayers, string masterServerHost, ushort masterServerPort, bool useElo = false, int eloRequired = 0) { // The Master Server communicates over TCP TCPMasterClient client = new TCPMasterClient(); // Once this client has been accepted by the master server it should send it's get request client.serverAccepted += () => { try { // Create the get request with the desired filters JSONNode sendData = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); JSONClass registerData = new JSONClass(); registerData.Add("id", "myGame"); registerData.Add("name", "Forge Game"); registerData.Add("port", new JSONData(port)); registerData.Add("playerCount", new JSONData(0)); registerData.Add("maxPlayers", new JSONData(maxPlayers)); registerData.Add("comment", "Demo comment..."); registerData.Add("type", "Deathmatch"); registerData.Add("mode", "Teams"); registerData.Add("protocol", "udp"); registerData.Add("elo", new JSONData(eloRequired)); registerData.Add("useElo", new JSONData(useElo)); sendData.Add("register", registerData); Frame.Text temp = Frame.Text.CreateFromString(client.Time.Timestep, sendData.ToString(), true, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.MASTER_SERVER_REGISTER, true); //Debug.Log(temp.GetData().Length); // Send the request to the server client.Send(temp); } catch { // If anything fails, then this client needs to be disconnected client.Disconnect(true); client = null; } }; client.Connect(masterServerHost, masterServerPort); Networker.disconnected += () => { client.Disconnect(false); MasterServerNetworker = null; }; MasterServerNetworker = client; }
public static JSONClass ConvertColor(Color convert) { JSONClass vector = new JSONClass(); vector.Add("r", new JSONData(convert.r)); vector.Add("g", new JSONData(convert.g)); vector.Add("b", new JSONData(convert.b)); vector.Add("a", new JSONData(convert.a)); return vector; }
public static JSONClass SaveField(object fieldObj, string fieldName) { JSONClass fieldData = null; if (fieldObj == null || fieldObj is LuaBinding) { return null; } else if (fieldObj is GameObject) { if ((GameObject)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(MonoHelper.GetMonoHelper((GameObject)fieldObj).monoID)); } else if (fieldObj is MonoHelper) { if ((MonoHelper)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); string typeName = ((MonoHelper)fieldObj).GetType().Name; // For some reason, doing this in one step screws up serialization. fieldData.Add(COMPONENT_NAME_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(typeName)); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(((MonoHelper)fieldObj).monoID)); } else if (fieldObj is MonoBehaviour) { if ((MonoBehaviour)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); string typeName = ((MonoBehaviour)fieldObj).GetType().Name; fieldData.Add(COMPONENT_NAME_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(typeName)); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(MonoHelper.GetMonoHelper(((MonoBehaviour)fieldObj).gameObject).monoID)); } else if (fieldObj is Camera) { if ((Camera)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); string typeName = "Camera"; fieldData.Add(COMPONENT_NAME_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(typeName)); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(MonoHelper.GetMonoHelper(((Camera)fieldObj).gameObject).monoID)); } else if (fieldObj is TextMesh) { if ((TextMesh)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); string typeName = "TextMesh"; fieldData.Add(COMPONENT_NAME_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(typeName)); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(MonoHelper.GetMonoHelper(((TextMesh)fieldObj).gameObject).monoID)); } else if (fieldObj is string) // String is technically an IEnumerable so we need to check for it first { fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(fieldName, new JSONData((string)fieldObj)); } else if (fieldObj is IEnumerable) { fieldData = SerializeIEnumerable((IEnumerable)fieldObj, fieldName); } else if (fieldObj is Vector2) { fieldData = ConvertVector2((Vector2)fieldObj); } else if (fieldObj is Vector3) { fieldData = ConvertVector3((Vector3)fieldObj); } else if (fieldObj is Vector4) { fieldData = ConvertVector4((Vector4)fieldObj); } else if (fieldObj is Color) { fieldData = ConvertColor((Color)fieldObj); } else if (fieldObj is bool) { fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(fieldName, new JSONData((bool)fieldObj)); } else if (fieldObj is int) { fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(fieldName, new JSONData((int)fieldObj)); } else if (fieldObj is float) { fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(fieldName, new JSONData((float)fieldObj)); } else if (fieldObj is double) { fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(fieldName, new JSONData((double)fieldObj)); } else if (fieldObj is Enum) { fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(fieldName, SerializeEnum((Enum)fieldObj)); } else if (fieldObj is AudioClip) { if ((AudioClip)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add(fieldName, SerializeAudioClip((AudioClip)fieldObj)); } else if (fieldObj is Renderer) { if ((Renderer)fieldObj == null || fieldObj is LineRenderer) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); string typeName = "Renderer"; fieldData.Add(COMPONENT_NAME_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(typeName)); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(MonoHelper.GetMonoHelper(((Renderer)fieldObj).gameObject).monoID)); } else if (fieldObj is Collider) { if ((Collider)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); string typeName = "Collider"; fieldData.Add(COMPONENT_NAME_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(typeName)); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(MonoHelper.GetMonoHelper(((Collider)fieldObj).gameObject).monoID)); } else if (fieldObj is Collider2D) { if ((Collider2D)fieldObj == null) { return null; } fieldData = new JSONClass(); string typeName = "Collider2D"; fieldData.Add(COMPONENT_NAME_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(typeName)); fieldData.Add(OBJECT_ID_JSON_STRING, new JSONData(MonoHelper.GetMonoHelper(((Collider2D)fieldObj).gameObject).monoID)); } else { // Etc Type t = fieldObj.GetType(); System.Reflection.MethodInfo componentMethod = t.GetMethod("ToJSON"); // Let Component handle serialization if it can if (componentMethod != null) { fieldData = componentMethod.Invoke(fieldObj, null) as JSONClass; } else if (t.IsValueType) { fieldData = new JSONClass(); JSONClass fieldClass = new JSONClass(); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; FieldInfo[] fields = t.GetFields(flags); FieldInfo[] badFieldArray = typeof(MonoHelper).GetFields(flags); List<string> badFields = new List<string>(); foreach (FieldInfo field in badFieldArray) { badFields.Add(field.Name); } foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { object childObj = field.GetValue(fieldObj); if (childObj == null) { continue; } string childName = field.Name; if (badFields.Contains(childName)) { continue; } JSONClass childData = SaveField(childObj, childName); if (childData == null) { continue; } fieldClass.Add(childName, childData); } fieldData.Add(fieldName, fieldClass); } if (fieldData == null && t != typeof(Action)) { Debug.LogWarning(fieldName + " (" + t + "): " + fieldObj); } } return fieldData; }
private static void LoadMetaDataFromDocumentDirectory() { SoundLoaderProxy.Instance.Initial(); String path = Application.persistentDataPath + "/SoundEffect"; String path2 = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Music"; DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(path); FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles(); DirectoryInfo directoryInfo2 = new DirectoryInfo(path2); FileInfo[] files2 = directoryInfo2.GetFiles(); Int32 num = 0; JSONClass jsonclass = new JSONClass(); JSONArray jsonarray = new JSONArray(); jsonclass.Add("data", jsonarray); FileInfo[] array = files; for (Int32 i = 0; i < (Int32)array.Length; i++) { FileInfo fileInfo = array[i]; jsonarray.Add(new JSONClass { { "name", fileInfo.Name }, { "soundIndex", num.ToString() }, { "type", "SoundEffect" } }); num++; } JSONClass jsonclass2 = new JSONClass(); JSONArray jsonarray2 = new JSONArray(); jsonclass2.Add("data", jsonarray2); FileInfo[] array2 = files2; for (Int32 j = 0; j < (Int32)array2.Length; j++) { FileInfo fileInfo2 = array2[j]; jsonarray2.Add(new JSONClass { { "name", fileInfo2.Name }, { "soundIndex", num.ToString() }, { "type", "Music" } }); num++; } SoundMetaData.SoundEffectMetaData = jsonclass.ToString(); SoundMetaData.MusicMetaData = jsonclass2.ToString(); }
private static JSONClass SerializeTextMesh(TextMesh mesh) { JSONClass fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add("alignment", new JSONData(mesh.alignment.ToString())); fieldData.Add("anchor", new JSONData(mesh.anchor.ToString())); fieldData.Add("size", new JSONData(mesh.characterSize)); JSONClass textColor = ConvertColor(mesh.color); fieldData.Add("color", textColor); fieldData.Add("text", new JSONData(mesh.text)); return fieldData; }
private static void TextMessageReceived(NetworkingPlayer player, Text frame, NetWorker sender) { try { var json = JSON.Parse(frame.ToString()); if (json["register"] != null) { string address = player.IPEndPointHandle.Address.ToString(); ushort port = json["register"]["port"].AsUShort; if (!hosts.ContainsKey(address)) { hosts.Add(address, new List <Host>()); } if (CheckAndUpdateRegisteredHost(player, address, port)) { return; } RegisterNewHost(player, address, port); } else if (json["host"] != null && json["port"] != null) { server.Disconnect(player, false); string addresss = json["host"]; ushort port = json["port"].AsUShort; ushort listeningPort = json["clientPort"].AsUShort; addresss = NetWorker.ResolveHost(addresss, port).Address.ToString(); if (!hosts.ContainsKey(addresss)) { return; } Host foundHost = new Host(); foreach (Host iHost in hosts[addresss]) { if (iHost.port == port) { foundHost = iHost; break; } } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { return; } JSONNode obj = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); obj.Add("host", new JSONData(player.IPEndPointHandle.Address.ToString().Split(':')[0])); obj.Add("port", new JSONData(listeningPort)); JSONClass sendObj = new JSONClass(); sendObj.Add("nat", obj); Text notifyFrame = Text.CreateFromString(server.Time.Timestep, sendObj.ToString(), false, Receivers.Target, MessageGroupIds.NAT_ROUTE_REQUEST, false); server.Send(foundHost.player, notifyFrame, true); } } catch { server.Disconnect(player, true); } }
private static JSONClass SerializeIEnumerable(IEnumerable fieldObj, string fieldName) { JSONClass fieldData = new JSONClass(); JSONArray fieldArray = new JSONArray(); if (fieldObj is IDictionary) { foreach (DictionaryEntry item in (IDictionary)fieldObj) { JSONClass keyVal = SaveField(item.Key, "key"); JSONClass itemVal = SaveField(item.Value, "value"); if (itemVal == null || keyVal == null) { continue; } JSONClass dictArray = new JSONClass(); dictArray.Add("dictionarykey", keyVal); dictArray.Add("dictionaryvalue", itemVal); fieldArray.Add(dictArray); } } else { try { foreach (var item in (IEnumerable)fieldObj) { JSONClass itemVal = SaveField(item, "value"); if (itemVal == null) { continue; } fieldArray.Add(itemVal); } } catch (UnassignedReferenceException) { return null; } } fieldData.Add(fieldName, fieldArray); return fieldData; }
public static JSONNode Deserialize(System.IO.BinaryReader aReader) { JSONBinaryTag type = (JSONBinaryTag)aReader.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case JSONBinaryTag.Array: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32(); JSONArray tmp = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { tmp.Add(Deserialize(aReader)); } return(tmp); } case JSONBinaryTag.Class: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32(); JSONClass tmp = new JSONClass(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string key = aReader.ReadString(); var val = Deserialize(aReader); tmp.Add(key, val); } return(tmp); } case JSONBinaryTag.Value: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadString())); } case JSONBinaryTag.IntValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadInt32())); } case JSONBinaryTag.DoubleValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadDouble())); } case JSONBinaryTag.BoolValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadBoolean())); } case JSONBinaryTag.FloatValue: { return(new JSONData(aReader.ReadSingle())); } default: { throw new Exception("Error deserializing JSON. Unknown tag: " + type); } } }
private static JSONClass SerializeEnum(Enum enumObj) { JSONClass fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add("type", new JSONData(enumObj.GetType().Name)); fieldData.Add("value", new JSONData(enumObj.ToString())); return fieldData; }
private IEnumerator getGameFromServer() { string id_token = GetIdToken(); string id_game = GetIdGame(); string strColor1 = ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(picker1.GetComponent <Image>().color); string strColor2 = ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGB(picker2.GetComponent <Image>().color); string customText = input.text; WWWForm form = new WWWForm(); WWWDic header1 = form.headers; header1["Authorization"] = id_token; Debug.Log("try to get on : " + "" + id_game); string url1 = "" + id_game; WWW www = new WWW(url1, null, header1); yield return(www); Debug.Log("JSON got " + www.text); var N = JSON.Parse(www.text); JSONClass rootClass = new JSONClass(); rootClass.Add("game_ref", new JSONData(id_game)); JSONClass secondClass = new JSONClass(); secondClass.Add("ref", new JSONData("2")); if (N["game"][0]["name"] != null) { secondClass.Add("name", new JSONData(N["game"][0]["name"])); } else { secondClass.Add("name", new JSONData("")); } if (N["game"][0]["description"] != null) { secondClass.Add("description", new JSONData(N["game"][0]["description"])); } else { secondClass.Add("description", new JSONData("")); } secondClass.Add("color1", new JSONData(strColor1)); secondClass.Add("color2", new JSONData(strColor2)); if (N["game"][0]["perso1"] != null) { secondClass.Add("perso1", new JSONData(N["game"][0]["perso1"])); } else { secondClass.Add("perso1", new JSONData("")); } if (N["game"][0]["perso2"] != null) { secondClass.Add("perso2", new JSONData(N["game"][0]["perso2"])); } else { secondClass.Add("perso2", new JSONData("")); } secondClass.Add("custom", new JSONData(customText)); rootClass.Add("game", secondClass); JSONNode rootNode = (JSONNode)rootClass; Debug.Log(rootNode.ToString()); byte[] rawData = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rootNode.ToString()); string url = ""; WWWDic headers = new WWWDic(); headers["Accept"] = "application/json"; headers["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; headers["Authorization"] = id_token; StartCoroutine(sendRequest(url, rawData, headers)); }
private static JSONClass SerializeAudioClip(AudioClip clip) { if (clip == null) { return null; } JSONClass fieldData = new JSONClass(); fieldData.Add("name", new JSONData(; return fieldData; }
public virtual void MatchmakingServersFromMasterServer(string masterServerHost, ushort masterServerPort, int elo, System.Action <MasterServerResponse> callback = null, string gameId = "myGame", string gameType = "any", string gameMode = "all") { // The Master Server communicates over TCP TCPMasterClient client = new TCPMasterClient(); // Once this client has been accepted by the master server it should send it's get request client.serverAccepted += (sender) => { try { // Create the get request with the desired filters JSONNode sendData = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); JSONClass getData = new JSONClass(); getData.Add("id", gameId); getData.Add("type", gameType); getData.Add("mode", gameMode); getData.Add("elo", new JSONData(elo)); sendData.Add("get", getData); // Send the request to the server client.Send(Text.CreateFromString(client.Time.Timestep, sendData.ToString(), true, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.MASTER_SERVER_GET, true)); } catch { // If anything fails, then this client needs to be disconnected client.Disconnect(true); client = null; MainThreadManager.Run(() => { if (callback != null) { callback(null); } }); } }; // An event that is raised when the server responds with hosts client.textMessageReceived += (player, frame, sender) => { try { // Get the list of hosts to iterate through from the frame payload JSONNode data = JSONNode.Parse(frame.ToString()); MainThreadManager.Run(() => { if (data["hosts"] != null) { MasterServerResponse response = new MasterServerResponse(data["hosts"].AsArray); if (callback != null) { callback(response); } } else { if (callback != null) { callback(null); } } }); } finally { if (client != null) { // If we succeed or fail the client needs to disconnect from the Master Server client.Disconnect(true); client = null; } } }; try { client.Connect(masterServerHost, masterServerPort); } catch (System.Exception ex) { Debug.LogError(ex.Message); MainThreadManager.Run(() => { if (callback != null) { callback(null); } }); } }
private JSONNode CreateStatement(string trace) { string[] parts = trace.Split(','); string timestamp = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc).AddMilliseconds(long.Parse(parts [0])).ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fffZ"); JSONNode statement = JSONNode.Parse("{\"timestamp\": \"" + timestamp + "\"}"); if (actor != null) { statement.Add("actor", actor); } statement.Add("verb", CreateVerb(parts [1])); statement.Add("object", CreateObject(parts)); if (parts.Length > 4) { // Parse extensions int extCount = parts.Length - 4; if (extCount > 0 && extCount % 2 == 0) { // Extensions come in <key, value> pairs JSONClass extensions = new JSONClass(); JSONNode extensionsChild = null; for (int i = 4; i < parts.Length; i += 2) { string key = parts[i]; string value = parts[i + 1]; if (key.Equals("") || value.Equals("")) { continue; } if (key.Equals(Tracker.Extension.Score.ToString().ToLower())) { JSONClass score = new JSONClass(); float valueResult = 0f; float.TryParse(value, out valueResult); score.Add("raw", new JSONData(valueResult)); extensions.Add("score", score); } else if (key.Equals(Tracker.Extension.Success.ToString().ToLower())) { bool valueResult = false; bool.TryParse(value, out valueResult); extensions.Add("success", new JSONData(valueResult)); } else if (key.Equals(Tracker.Extension.Completion.ToString().ToLower())) { bool valueResult = false; bool.TryParse(value, out valueResult); extensions.Add("completion", new JSONData(valueResult)); } else if (key.Equals(Tracker.Extension.Response.ToString().ToLower())) { extensions.Add("response", new JSONData(value)); } else { if (extensionsChild == null) { extensionsChild = JSONNode.Parse("{}"); extensions.Add("extensions", extensionsChild); } string id = key; bool tbool; int tint; float tfloat; double tdouble; if (extensionIds.ContainsKey(key)) { id = extensionIds[key]; } if (int.TryParse(value, out tint)) { extensionsChild.Add(id, new JSONData(tint)); } else if (float.TryParse(value, out tfloat)) { extensionsChild.Add(id, new JSONData(tfloat)); } else if (double.TryParse(value, out tdouble)) { extensionsChild.Add(id, new JSONData(tdouble)); } else if (bool.TryParse(value, out tbool)) { extensionsChild.Add(id, new JSONData(tbool)); } else { extensionsChild.Add(id, new JSONData(value)); } } } statement.Add("result", extensions); } } return(statement); }
public static JSONClass SerializeComponent(this object component) { var node = new JSONClass(); foreach (var property in component.GetType().GetProperties()) { if (property.CanRead && property.CanWrite) { if (property.PropertyType == typeof(int)) { node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((int)property.GetValue(component, null))); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(IntReactiveProperty)) { var reactiveProperty = property.GetValue(component, null) as IntReactiveProperty; if (reactiveProperty == null) { reactiveProperty = new IntReactiveProperty(); } node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((int)reactiveProperty.Value)); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(float)) { node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((float)property.GetValue(component, null))); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(FloatReactiveProperty)) { var reactiveProperty = property.GetValue(component, null) as FloatReactiveProperty; if (reactiveProperty == null) { reactiveProperty = new FloatReactiveProperty(); } node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((float)reactiveProperty.Value)); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(bool)) { node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((bool)property.GetValue(component, null))); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(BoolReactiveProperty)) { var reactiveProperty = property.GetValue(component, null) as BoolReactiveProperty; if (reactiveProperty == null) { reactiveProperty = new BoolReactiveProperty(); } node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((bool)reactiveProperty.Value)); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(string)) { node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((string)property.GetValue(component, null))); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(StringReactiveProperty)) { var reactiveProperty = property.GetValue(component, null) as StringReactiveProperty; if (reactiveProperty == null) { reactiveProperty = new StringReactiveProperty(); } node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((string)reactiveProperty.Value)); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Vector2)) { node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((Vector2)property.GetValue(component, null))); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Vector2ReactiveProperty)) { var reactiveProperty = property.GetValue(component, null) as Vector2ReactiveProperty; if (reactiveProperty == null) { reactiveProperty = new Vector2ReactiveProperty(); } node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((Vector2)reactiveProperty.Value)); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Vector3)) { node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((Vector3)property.GetValue(component, null))); continue; } if (property.PropertyType == typeof(Vector3ReactiveProperty)) { var reactiveProperty = property.GetValue(component, null) as Vector3ReactiveProperty; if (reactiveProperty == null) { reactiveProperty = new Vector3ReactiveProperty(); } node.Add(property.Name, new JSONData((Vector3)reactiveProperty.Value)); continue; } } } return(node); }
void Test() { var N = JSONNode.Parse("{\"name\":\"test\", \"array\":[1,{\"data\":\"value\"}]}"); N["array"][1]["Foo"] = "Bar"; P("'nice formatted' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString("")); P(""); P("'normal' string representation of the JSON tree:"); P(N.ToString()); P(""); P("content of member 'name':"); P(N["name"]); P(""); P("content of member 'array':"); P(N["array"].ToString("")); P(""); P("first element of member 'array': " + N["array"][0]); P(""); N["array"][0].AsInt = 10; P("value of the first element set to: " + N["array"][0]); P("The value of the first element as integer: " + N["array"][0].AsInt); P(""); P("N[\"array\"][1][\"data\"] == " + N["array"][1]["data"]); P(""); // var data = N.SaveToBase64(); // var data2 = N.SaveToCompressedBase64(); // N = null; // P("Serialized to Base64 string:"); // P(data); // P("Serialized to Base64 string (compressed):"); // P(data2); // P(""); // // N = JSONNode.LoadFromBase64(data); // P("Deserialized from Base64 string:"); // P(N.ToString()); // P(""); var I = new JSONClass(); I["version"].AsInt = 5; I["author"]["name"] = "Bunny83"; I["author"]["phone"] = "0123456789"; I["data"][-1] = "First item\twith tab"; I["data"][-1] = "Second item"; I["data"][-1]["value"] = "class item"; I["data"].Add("Forth item"); I["data"][1] = I["data"][1] + " 'addition to the second item'"; I.Add("version", "1.0"); P("Second example:"); P(I.ToString()); P(""); P("I[\"data\"][0] : " + I["data"][0]); P("I[\"data\"][0].ToString() : " + I["data"][0].ToString()); P("I[\"data\"][0].Value : " + I["data"][0].Value); P(I.ToString()); }
public static JSONNode SerializeObject(object target) { if (target == null) { return(new JSONNode()); } var objectType = target.GetType(); //Handle special types first if (objectType == typeof(Guid)) { return(new JSONData(target.ToString())); } //primitive detection var node = SerializePrimitive(target); if (node != null) { return(node); } //if if (objectType == typeof(DateTime)) { var t = (DateTime)target; return(new JSONData(t.ToString())); } if (typeof(IList).IsAssignableFrom(objectType)) // collection detected { //var type = objectType.GetGenericArguments()[0]; var list = target as IEnumerable; var jsonArray = new JSONArray(); if (list != null) { foreach (var instance in list) { jsonArray.Add(SerializeObject(instance)); } } return(jsonArray); } //enum detection if (objectType.IsEnum) { return(new JSONData((int)target)); } //poco-like detection JSONClass result = new JSONClass(); var properties = target.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (var propertyInfo in properties) { if (propertyInfo.IsDefined(typeof(JsonProperty), true) || propertyInfo.Name == "Identifier") { var value = propertyInfo.GetValue(target, null); if (value != null) { result.Add(propertyInfo.Name, SerializeObject(value)); } } } return(result); }
public static JSONClass GetFields(MonoHelper source, JSONClass fieldArray) { System.Type t = source.GetType(); BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.FlattenHierarchy; FieldInfo[] fields = t.GetFields(flags); FieldInfo[] badFieldArray = typeof(MonoHelper).GetFields(flags); List<string> badFields = new List<string>(); foreach (FieldInfo field in badFieldArray) { badFields.Add(field.Name); } foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { object fieldObj = field.GetValue(source); if (fieldObj == null) { continue; } string fieldName = field.Name; if (badFields.Contains(fieldName) || System.Attribute.IsDefined(field, typeof(DontSave))) { continue; } JSONClass fieldData = SaveGame.SaveField(fieldObj, fieldName); if (fieldData == null) { continue; } fieldArray.Add(fieldName, fieldData); } return fieldArray; }
public JSONClass Serialize() { JSONClass cls = new JSONClass(); for (int index = 0; index < _keys.Count; index++) { var key = _keys[index]; var value = _values[index]; cls.Add(key, SerializeValue(value)); } return cls; }
private void UpdateFrame() { var score = ScoreManager.Instance.score; while (cells.Count < score.Count) { var g = Object.Instantiate(cell) as GameObject; g.transform.parent = cell.transform.parent; Util.InitGameObject(g); cells.Add(g); g.SetActive(false); } foreach (var c in cells) { c.SetActive(false); } var keys = score.Keys.ToList(); keys.Sort((a, b) => { var ad = score[a]; var bd = score[b]; if (ad.killed > bd.killed) { return(-1); } if (ad.killed < bd.killed) { return(1); } return(0); }); var ord = 0; for (var i = 0; i < keys.Count; i++) { var k = keys[i]; //var player = ObjectManager.objectManager.GetPlayer(k); var un = ScoreManager.Instance.GetCacheName(k); var myId = NetMatchScene.Instance.myId; //var un = player.GetComponent<NpcAttribute>().userName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(un)) { var g = cells[i]; g.SetActive(true); g.GetComponent <GameOverCell>() .SetData(ord + 1, un, score[k].killed, score[k].serverId, score[k].killCount, score[k].deadCount, score[k].assistCount); ord++; if (ord == 1) { if (k != myId) { GetName("Title2").SetActive(true); GetName("Title1").SetActive(false); } else//MVP 场次 { var js = new JSONClass(); js.Add("mvp", new JSONData(1)); RecordData.UpdateRecord(js); } } } } StartCoroutine(WaitReset()); }
private static string GetDefaultBindings() { JSONClass bindings = new JSONClass(); KeyCode[] keys = Globals.instance.keys; InputCommandName[] actionNames = Globals.instance.actions; InputCommand[] actions = new InputCommand[actionNames.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < actionNames.Length; i++) { actions[i] = InputCommand.FromEnum(actionNames[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < keys.Length; i++) { bindings.Add(keys[i].ToString().ToLower(), new JSONData(actions[i].ToString())); } return bindings.ToString(); }
public static JSONClass SaveNode(int type, int index, string fileName, float positionX, float positionY, float rotation, float scaleX, float scaleY, List <int> children, bool visible, bool load, List <MapObject.KeyTrigger> keyTriggers, MapObject transferTrigger, MapObject.ShiftCrystalTrigger shiftTrigger) { JSONClass result = new JSONClass(); result.Add("Type", new JSONData(type)); result.Add("Index", new JSONData(index)); result.Add("FileName", new JSONData(fileName)); result.Add("Position", new JSONArray { new JSONData(positionX), new JSONData(positionY) }); result.Add("Rotation", new JSONData(rotation)); result.Add("Scale", new JSONArray { new JSONData(scaleX), new JSONData(scaleY) }); JSONArray childrenJSON = new JSONArray(); foreach (int child in children) { childrenJSON.Add(new JSONData(child)); } result.Add("Children", childrenJSON); result.Add("Visible", new JSONData(visible)); result.Add("Load", new JSONData(load)); JSONArray keyTrigger = new JSONArray(); foreach (MapObject.KeyTrigger trigger in keyTriggers) { JSONClass triggerClass = new JSONClass(); JSONArray indexArray = new JSONArray(); Debug.Log(trigger.dPosition.x); foreach (MapObject obj in trigger.objects) { indexArray.Add(new JSONData(obj.index)); } triggerClass.Add("Index", indexArray); triggerClass.Add("dPosition", new JSONArray() { new JSONData(trigger.dPosition.x * 100.0f), new JSONData(trigger.dPosition.y * 100.0f) }); triggerClass.Add("dRotation", new JSONData(trigger.dRotation)); triggerClass.Add("dScale", new JSONArray() { new JSONData(trigger.dScale.x), new JSONData(trigger.dScale.y) }); triggerClass.Add("Duration", new JSONData(trigger.duration));; triggerClass.Add("Visible", new JSONData(trigger.visible)); triggerClass.Add("Triggerable", new JSONData(trigger.triggerable)); triggerClass.Add("Load", new JSONData(trigger.load)); keyTrigger.Add(triggerClass); } result.Add("KeyTrigger", keyTrigger); result.Add("TransferCrystalTrigger", new JSONData(transferTrigger.index)); JSONClass shiftTriggerNode = new JSONClass(); JSONArray shiftIndex = new JSONArray(); foreach (MapObject obj in shiftTrigger.objects) { shiftIndex.Add(new JSONData(obj.index)); } shiftTriggerNode.Add("Index", shiftIndex); shiftTriggerNode.Add("Direction", new JSONData(shiftTrigger.direction)); result.Add("ShiftCrystalTrigger", shiftTriggerNode); return(result); }
public override JSONNode this[string aKey] { get { return new JSONLazyCreator(this, aKey); } set { var tmp = new JSONClass(); tmp.Add(aKey, value); Set(tmp); } }
void Update() { if (dummyMessageTimer >= 0) { if(Mathf.Abs(dummyMessageTimer - Time.time) >= 0.3f) { string msgJson = "MESG{\"channel_id\": \"0\", \"message\": \"Dummy Text on Editor Mode - " + Time.time + "\", \"user\": {\"image\": \"http://url\", \"name\": \"Sender\"}, \"ts\": 1418979273365, \"scrap_id\": \"\"}"; _OnMessageReceived(msgJson); dummyMessageTimer = Time.time; } } if (dummyChannelListFlag) { dummyChannelListFlag = false; JSONArray channels = new JSONArray(); JSONClass channel = new JSONClass(); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(1)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.channel_url")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Sample")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(2)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Unity3d")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Unity3d")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(3)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Lobby")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Lobby")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(4)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Cocos2d")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Cocos2d")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(5)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.GameInsight")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("GameInsight")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(6)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.iOS")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("iOS")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(7)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Android")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Android")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(8)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.News")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("News")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(9)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.Lobby")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("Lobby")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); channel.Add ("id", new JSONData(10)); channel.Add ("channel_url", new JSONData("app_prefix.iPad")); channel.Add ("name", new JSONData("iPad")); channel.Add ("cover_img_url", new JSONData("http://localhost/image.jpg")); channel.Add ("member_count", new JSONData(999)); channels.Add(channel.ToString()); _OnQueryChannelList(channels.ToString()); } }
public static JSONNode Deserialize(System.IO.BinaryReader aReader) { JSONBinaryTag type = (JSONBinaryTag)aReader.ReadByte(); switch (type) { case JSONBinaryTag.Array: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32(); JSONArray tmp = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) tmp.Add(Deserialize(aReader)); return tmp; } case JSONBinaryTag.Class: { int count = aReader.ReadInt32(); JSONClass tmp = new JSONClass(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { string key = aReader.ReadString(); var val = Deserialize(aReader); tmp.Add(key, val); } return tmp; } case JSONBinaryTag.Value: { return new JSONData(aReader.ReadString()); } case JSONBinaryTag.IntValue: { return new JSONData(aReader.ReadInt32()); } case JSONBinaryTag.DoubleValue: { return new JSONData(aReader.ReadDouble()); } case JSONBinaryTag.BoolValue: { return new JSONData(aReader.ReadBoolean()); } case JSONBinaryTag.FloatValue: { return new JSONData(aReader.ReadSingle()); } default: { throw new Exception("Error deserializing JSON. Unknown tag: " + type); } } }
public string DebugFaceNeighbourhood(Face face) { HashSet <Face> faces = new HashSet <Face>(); HashSet <Halfedge> halfedges = new HashSet <Halfedge>(); HashSet <Vertex> vertices = new HashSet <Vertex>(); // add neighbour faces foreach (var he in face.Circulate()) { foreach (var heCirculate in he.CirculateVertex()) { faces.Add(heCirculate.face); } } foreach (var f in faces) { foreach (var he in f.Circulate()) { halfedges.Add(he); vertices.Add(he.vert); } } JSONClass o = new JSONClass(); o.Add("face", new JSONData(; var faceArray = new JSONArray(); foreach (var f in faces) { var faceObj = new JSONClass(); faceObj.Add("id", new JSONData(; faceObj.Add("label", new JSONData(f.label)); faceObj.Add("he", new JSONData(; faceArray.Add(faceObj); } o.Add("faces", faceArray); var halfedgeArray = new JSONArray(); foreach (var he in halfedges) { var heObj = new JSONClass(); heObj.Add("id", new JSONData(; heObj.Add("opp", new JSONData(he.opp != null?; heObj.Add("next", new JSONData(; heObj.Add("label", new JSONData(he.label)); heObj.Add("face", new JSONData(; heObj.Add("vert", new JSONData(; halfedgeArray.Add(heObj); } o.Add("halfedges", halfedgeArray); var vertexArray = new JSONArray(); foreach (var vert in vertices) { var vertObj = new JSONClass(); vertObj.Add("id", new JSONData(; vertObj.Add("he", new JSONData(; vertObj.Add("label", new JSONData(vert.label)); var vertexPosition = new JSONArray(); vertexPosition.Add(new JSONData(vert.positionD.x)); vertexPosition.Add(new JSONData(vert.positionD.y)); vertexPosition.Add(new JSONData(vert.positionD.z)); vertObj.Add("position", vertexPosition); vertexArray.Add(vertObj); } o.Add("vertices", vertexArray); return(o.ToString()); }