static void CopyBehaviour(MonoBehaviour behaviour, JSSerializer serizlizer) { lstAnalyze.Clear(); lstString.Clear(); lstObjs.Clear(); // GameObject go = behaviour.gameObject; //Type type = behaviour.GetType(); // 1) Fields FieldInfo[] fields = GetMonoBehaviourSerializedFields(behaviour); foreach (FieldInfo field in fields) { AddAnalyze(field.FieldType, field.Name, field.GetValue(behaviour)); } // 2) Properties PropertyInfo[] properties = GetTypeSerializedProperties(behaviour.GetType()); foreach (PropertyInfo pro in properties) { AddAnalyze(pro.PropertyType, "#" + pro.Name, pro.GetValue(behaviour, null)); } TraverseAnalyze(); for (var i = 0; i < lstAnalyze.Count; i++) { lstAnalyze[i].Alloc(serizlizer); } serizlizer.jsClassName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(behaviour.GetType()); serizlizer.arrString = lstString.ToArray(); serizlizer.arrObject = lstObjs.ToArray(); }
/// <summary> /// 获取当前类型继承关系信息 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public static StringBuilder GetJsTypeInheritInfo(Type type) { var sb = new StringBuilder(); //生成BaseType信息 string baseTypeName = JSNameMgr.GetJSTypeFullName(type.BaseType); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(baseTypeName)) { sb.Append("\n baseTypeName: '" + baseTypeName + "',"); } //生成Interface信息 var interfaces = type.GetInterfaces(); if (interfaces.Length > 0) { sb.Append("\n interfaceNames: ["); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++) { var iType = interfaces[i]; if (iType.IsPublic || iType.IsNestedPublic) { sb.Append("'" + JSNameMgr.GetJSTypeFullName(interfaces[i]) + "'"); if (i < interfaces.Length - 1) { sb.Append(", "); } } } sb.Append("],"); } return(sb); }
static void GenerateEnum() { string fullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type); string jsTypeName = fullName.Replace('.', '$'); var sbValues = new StringBuilder(); { FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(BindingFlags.GetField | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); string fmtField = " {0}: {1}{2}\n"; for (int i = 0; i < fields.Length; i++) { sbValues.AppendFormat(fmtField, fields[i].Name, (int)fields[i].GetValue(null), i == fields.Length - 1 ? "" : ","); } } var sbDef = new StringBuilder(); sbDef.AppendFormat(@" jst_pushOrReplace([[ fullname: '{1}', staticDefinition: [[ {2} ]], Kind: 'Enum' ]]); ", jsTypeName, fullName, sbValues); HandleStringFormat(sbDef); W.Write(sbDef.ToString()); }
private static void GenerateMono2JsComConfig() { var mono2JsCom = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Assembly logicCodeLib = Assembly.Load("Assembly-CSharp"); if (logicCodeLib != null) { var types = logicCodeLib.GetExportedTypes(); foreach (var t in types) { if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MonoBehaviour))) { if (WillTypeBeTranslatedToJavaScript(t)) { string jsComponentName = JSComponentGenerator.GetJSComponentClassName(t); mono2JsCom.Add(JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(t, false), jsComponentName); } } } } else { Debug.LogError("Load Assembly-CSharp.dll failed"); } string filePath = JSPathSettings.Mono2JsComConfig; File.WriteAllText(filePath, JsonMapper.ToJson(mono2JsCom)); Debug.Log(string.Format("Mono2JsCom:{0}\nOK. File: {1}", mono2JsCom.Count, filePath)); }
public static string GetMethodArg_DelegateFuncionName(Type classType, string methodName, int methodTag, int argIndex) { // append Method Index if still conflicts var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("{0}_{1}_GetDelegate_member{2}_arg{3}", classType.Name, methodName, methodTag, argIndex); return(JSNameMgr.HandleFunctionName(sb.ToString())); }
public static StringBuilder Build_DelegateFunction(Type classType, MemberInfo memberInfo, Type delType, int methodTag, int argIndex) { // building a closure // a function having a up-value: jsFunction string getDelFunctionName = GetMethodArg_DelegateFuncionName(classType, memberInfo.Name, methodTag, argIndex); var sb = new StringBuilder(); MethodInfo delInvoke = delType.GetMethod("Invoke"); ParameterInfo[] ps = delInvoke.GetParameters(); Type returnType = delType.GetMethod("Invoke").ReturnType; var argsParam = new cg.args(); for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++) { argsParam.Add(ps[i].Name); } // format as <t,u,v> string stringTOfMethod = string.Empty; if (delType.ContainsGenericParameters) { var arg = new cg.args(); foreach (var t in delType.GetGenericArguments()) { arg.Add(t.Name); } stringTOfMethod = arg.Format(cg.args.ArgsFormat.GenericT); } // this function name is used in BuildFields, don't change sb.AppendFormat("public static {0} {1}{2}(CSRepresentedObject objFunction)\n[[\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(delType, true), // [0] getDelFunctionName, // [2] stringTOfMethod // [1] ); sb.Append(" if (objFunction == null || objFunction.jsObjID == 0)\n"); sb.Append(" [[\n return null;\n ]]\n"); sb.AppendFormat(" {0} action = ({1}) => \n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(delType, true), argsParam.Format(cg.args.ArgsFormat.OnlyList)); sb.AppendFormat(" [[\n"); sb.AppendFormat(" JSMgr.vCall.CallJSFunctionValue(0, objFunction.jsObjID{0}{1});\n", (argsParam.Count > 0) ? ", " : "", argsParam); if (returnType != typeof(void)) { sb.Append(" return (" + JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(returnType) + ")" + JSDataExchangeEditor.Get_GetJSReturn(returnType) + ";\n"); } sb.AppendFormat(" ]];\n"); sb.Append(" JSMgr.addJSFunCSDelegateRel(objFunction.jsObjID, action);\n"); sb.Append(" return action;\n"); sb.AppendFormat("]]\n"); return(sb); }
public static string Build_GetDelegate(string getDelegateFunctionName, Type delType) { return(new StringBuilder() .AppendFormat("JSDataExchangeMgr.GetJSArg<{0}>(()=>[[\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(delType)) .AppendFormat(" if (JSApi.isFunctionS((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg))\n") .AppendFormat(" return {0}(JSApi.getFunctionS((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg));\n", getDelegateFunctionName) .Append(" else\n") .AppendFormat(" return ({0})JSMgr.datax.getObject((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(delType)) .Append("]])\n") .ToString()); }
public string Get_GetParam(Type t) { elementType = t.GetElementType(); if (elementType.IsArray) { //...error } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string getVal = JSDataExchangeMgr.GetMetatypeKeyword(elementType); var arrayFullName = string.Empty; var elementFullName = string.Empty; if (elementType.IsGenericParameter) { arrayFullName = "object[]"; elementFullName = "object"; } else { arrayFullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(t); elementFullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(elementType); } sb.AppendFormat("JSDataExchangeMgr.GetJSArg<{0}>(() =>\n", arrayFullName) .Append(" [[\n") .AppendFormat(" int jsObjID = JSApi.getObject((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);\n") .AppendFormat(" int length = JSApi.getArrayLength(jsObjID);\n") .AppendFormat(" var ret = new {0}[length];\n", elementFullName) .AppendFormat(" for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) [[\n") .AppendFormat(" JSApi.getElement(jsObjID, i);\n") .AppendFormat(" ret[i] = ({0}){1}((int)JSApi.GetType.SaveAndRemove);\n", elementFullName, getVal) .AppendFormat(" ]]\n") .AppendFormat(" return ret;\n") .AppendFormat("]])\n"); // sb.AppendFormat("JSDataExchangeMgr.GetJSArg<{0}>(() => [[\n", arrayFullName) // .AppendFormat(" IntPtr jsObj = JSApi.JSh_ArgvObject(, vc.vp, vc.currIndex++);\n") // .AppendFormat(" int length = JSApi.JSh_GetArrayLength(, jsObj);\n") // .AppendFormat(" var ret = new {0}[length];\n", elementFullName) // .AppendFormat(" for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) [[\n") // .AppendFormat(" JSApi.JSh_GetElement(, jsObj, (uint)i, ref vc.valTemp);\n") // .AppendFormat(" ret[i] = ({0}){1}((int)JSApi.GetType.Jsval);\n", elementFullName, getVal) // .AppendFormat(" ]]\n") // .AppendFormat(" return ret;\n") // .AppendFormat("]])\n"); sb.Replace("[[", "{"); sb.Replace("]]", "}"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public static void GenerateClass(Type type, out List <string> memberNames) { memberNames = new List <string>(); GeneratorHelp.ATypeInfo ti; int slot = GeneratorHelp.AddTypeInfo(type, out ti); string jsDefName = GetJsTypeDefinition(type); var sbClass = new StringBuilder(); var sbDefinition = new StringBuilder(); var sbStaticDefinition = new StringBuilder(); BuildConstructors(type, ti.constructors, slot, sbDefinition, memberNames); BuildProperties(type,, slot, sbDefinition, sbStaticDefinition, memberNames); BuildMethods(type, ti.methods, slot, sbDefinition, sbStaticDefinition, memberNames); var sbAllDefinition = new StringBuilder(); if (sbStaticDefinition.Length > 0) { sbAllDefinition.AppendFormat(@" staticDefinition: [[{0} ]],", sbStaticDefinition); } if (sbDefinition.Length > 0) { sbAllDefinition.AppendFormat(@" definition: [[{0} ]],", sbDefinition); } sbClass.AppendFormat(@" // {0} var {1} = [[ assemblyName: '{2}', fullname: '{3}', Kind: '{4}',{5}{6}{7} ]]; jsb_ReplaceOrPushJsType({1}); ", type.FullName, jsDefName, type.Assembly.FullName, JSNameMgr.GetJSTypeFullName(type), GetJsTypeKind(type), GetJsTypeInheritInfo(type), BuildFields(type, ti.fields, slot, memberNames), sbAllDefinition); HandleStringFormat(sbClass); _streamWriter.Write(sbClass.ToString()); }
static string typefn(Type tType, string eraseNs, CsNameOption opt = CsNameOption.Compilable) { string fn = JSNameMgr.CsFullName(tType, opt); if (eraseNs == "no-namespace") { int dot = fn.LastIndexOf('.'); if (dot >= 0) { fn = fn.Substring(dot + 1); } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(eraseNs) && fn.StartsWith(eraseNs + ".")) { fn = fn.Substring(eraseNs.Length + 1); } return(fn); }
public static void GenerateJsTypeBindings(HashSet <Type> exportTypes, HashSet <Type> exportEnums, Type[] otherExportTypes) { OnBegin(); // <typeName,members> var allExportInfoDic = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); // classes foreach (var type in exportTypes) { List <string> memberNames; GenerateClass(type, out memberNames); allExportInfoDic.Add(JSNameMgr.GetJSTypeFullName(type), memberNames); } foreach (var type in otherExportTypes) { List <string> memberNames; GenerateClass(type, out memberNames); allExportInfoDic.Add(JSNameMgr.GetJSTypeFullName(type), memberNames); } foreach (var type in exportEnums) { GenerateEnum(type); } OnEnd(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var item in allExportInfoDic) { sb.AppendFormat("[{0}]\r\n", item.Key); var lst = item.Value; foreach (string l in lst) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0}\r\n", l); } sb.Append("\r\n"); } File.WriteAllText(JsExternalTools.GetAllExportedMembersFile(), sb.ToString()); }
public static string Get_Return(Type type, string expVar) { if (type == typeof(void)) { return(expVar + ";"); } if (type.IsArray) { arrayExchange.elementType = type.GetElementType(); if (arrayExchange.elementType.IsArray) { Debug.LogError("Return [][] not supported"); return(string.Empty); } // else if (arrayExchange.elementType.ContainsGenericParameters) // { // Debug.LogError(" Return T[] not supported"); // return "/* Return T[] is not supported */"; // } return(arrayExchange.Get_Return(expVar)); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); string keyword = SetMetatypeKeyword(type); if (type.IsPrimitive) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0}((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, ({1})({2}));", keyword, JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type), expVar); } else if (type.IsEnum) { sb.AppendFormat(" {0}((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (int){1});", keyword, expVar); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" {0}((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, {1});", keyword, expVar); } return(sb.ToString()); }
public string Get_GetParam(Type t) { elementType = t.GetElementType(); if (elementType.IsArray) { //...error } var sb = new StringBuilder(); string getVal = JSDataExchangeEditor.GetMetatypeKeyword(elementType); string arrayFullName = string.Empty; string elementFullName = string.Empty; if (elementType.IsGenericParameter) { arrayFullName = "object[]"; elementFullName = "object"; } else { arrayFullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(t); elementFullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(elementType); } sb.AppendFormat("JSDataExchangeMgr.GetJSArg<{0}>(() =>\n", arrayFullName) .Append(" [[\n") .AppendFormat(" int jsObjID = JSApi.getObject((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);\n") .AppendFormat(" int length = JSApi.getArrayLength(jsObjID);\n") .AppendFormat(" var ret = new {0}[length];\n", elementFullName) .AppendFormat(" for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) [[\n") .AppendFormat(" JSApi.getElement(jsObjID, i);\n") .AppendFormat(" ret[i] = ({0}){1}((int)JSApi.GetType.SaveAndRemove);\n", elementFullName, getVal) .AppendFormat(" ]]\n") .AppendFormat(" return ret;\n") .AppendFormat(" ]])"); sb.Replace("[[", "{"); sb.Replace("]]", "}"); return(sb.ToString()); }
public string Get_Return(string expVar) { if (elementType == null) { Debug.LogError("JSDataExchange_Arr elementType == null !!"); return(""); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string getValMethod = JSDataExchangeMgr.GetMetatypeKeyword(elementType).Replace("get", "set"); // 2015.Sep.2 // +ÅжÏarrRetΪnullµÄÇé¿ö if (elementType.ContainsGenericParameters) { sb.AppendFormat(" var arrRet = (Array){0};\n", expVar) .AppendFormat(" for (int i = 0; arrRet != null && i < arrRet.Length; i++)\n") .Append(" [[\n") .AppendFormat(" {0}((int)JSApi.SetType.SaveAndTempTrace, arrRet.GetValue(i));\n", getValMethod) .AppendFormat(" JSApi.moveSaveID2Arr(i);\n") .AppendFormat(" ]]\n") .AppendFormat(" JSApi.setArrayS((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (arrRet != null ? arrRet.Length : 0), true);"); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" var arrRet = ({0}[]){1};\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(elementType), expVar) .AppendFormat(" for (int i = 0; arrRet != null && i < arrRet.Length; i++)\n") .Append(" [[\n") .AppendFormat(" {0}((int)JSApi.SetType.SaveAndTempTrace, {1}arrRet[i]);\n", getValMethod, elementType.IsEnum ? "(int)" : "") .AppendFormat(" JSApi.moveSaveID2Arr(i);\n") .AppendFormat(" ]]\n") .AppendFormat(" JSApi.setArrayS((int)JSApi.SetType.Rval, (arrRet != null ? arrRet.Length : 0), true);"); } sb.Replace("[[", "{"); sb.Replace("]]", "}"); return(sb.ToString()); }
// public string RecursivelyGetParam(Type type) // { // if (type.IsByRef) // { // return RecursivelyGetParam(type.GetElementType()); // } // if (!type.IsArray) // { // // } // } // Editor only public static ParamHandler Get_ParamHandler(Type type, int paramIndex, bool isRef, bool isOut) { var ph = new ParamHandler(); ph.argName = "arg" + paramIndex; if (IsDelegateDerived(type)) { Debug.LogError("Delegate derived class should not get here"); return(ph); } bool bTOrContainsT = type.IsGenericParameter || type.ContainsGenericParameters; string typeFullName; if (bTOrContainsT) { typeFullName = "object"; } else { typeFullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type); } if (type.IsArray) { ph.getter = new StringBuilder() .AppendFormat("{0} {1} = {2};", typeFullName, ph.argName, arrayExchange.Get_GetParam(type)) .ToString(); } else { if (isRef || isOut) { type = type.GetElementType(); } string keyword = GetMetatypeKeyword(type); if (keyword == string.Empty) { Debug.LogError("keyword is empty: " + type.Name); return(ph); } if (isOut) { ph.getter = new StringBuilder() .AppendFormat("int r_arg{0} = JSApi.incArgIndex();\n", paramIndex) .AppendFormat(" {0} {1}{2};", typeFullName, ph.argName, bTOrContainsT ? " = null" : "") .ToString(); } else if (isRef) { ph.getter = new StringBuilder() .AppendFormat("int r_arg{0} = JSApi.getArgIndex();\n", paramIndex) .AppendFormat("{0} {1} = ({0}){2}((int)JSApi.GetType.ArgRef);", typeFullName, ph.argName, keyword) .ToString(); } else { ph.getter = new StringBuilder() .AppendFormat("{0} {1} = ({0}){2}((int)JSApi.GetType.Arg);", typeFullName, ph.argName, keyword) .ToString(); } if (isOut || isRef) { var _sb = new StringBuilder(); if (bTOrContainsT) { // TODO // sorry, 'arr_t' is written in CSGenerator2.cs _sb.AppendFormat(" {0} = arr_t[{1}];\n", ph.argName, paramIndex); } ph.updater = _sb.AppendFormat(" JSApi.setArgIndex(r_arg{0});\n", paramIndex) .AppendFormat(" {0}((int)JSApi.SetType.ArgRef, {1});\n", keyword.Replace("get", "set"), ph.argName) .ToString(); } } return(ph); }
public static void OutputAllTypesWithJsTypeAttribute() { //var sb = new StringBuilder(); var sb2 = new StringBuilder(); // sb.Append(@"/* Generated by JSBinding Menu : JSB | Generate SharpKit JsType file CS.require list //* see JSAnalyzer.cs / OutputAllTypesWithJsTypeAttribute() function //* better not modify manually. //*/ // //"); sb2.Append(@"/* Generated by JSBinding Menu : JSB | Generate MonoBehaviour to JSComponent_XX * see JSAnalyzer.cs / OutputAllTypesWithJsTypeAttribute() function * better not modify manually. */ "); sb2.AppendLine("var MonoBehaviour2JSComponentName =").AppendLine("["); foreach (Assembly a in AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()) { Type[] types = a.GetTypes(); foreach (Type t in types) { if (JSSerializerEditor.WillTypeBeTranslatedToJavaScript(t)) { System.Object[] attrs = t.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(JsTypeAttribute), false); JsTypeAttribute jsTypeAttr = (JsTypeAttribute)attrs[0]; if (jsTypeAttr.Filename != null) { //Debug.Log(jsTypeAttr.filename); string mustBegin = "StreamingAssets/JavaScript/"; //string mustBegin = JSBindingSettings.sharpKitGenFileDir; int index = 0; if ((index = jsTypeAttr.Filename.IndexOf(mustBegin)) >= 0) { //sb.AppendFormat("CS.require(\"{0}\");\n", jsTypeAttr.Filename.Substring(index + mustBegin.Length)); } else { Debug.LogError(JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(t) + " is ignored because JsType.filename doesn't contain \"" + mustBegin + "\""); } } ///// if (t.IsSubclassOf(typeof(MonoBehaviour))) { string jsComponentName = JSComponentGenerator.GetJSComponentClassName(t); sb2.AppendFormat(" \"{0}|{1}\",\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(t, false), jsComponentName); } } } } sb2.AppendLine("];"); sb2.Append(@" var GetMonoBehaviourJSComponentName = function (i) { if (i < MonoBehaviour2JSComponentName.length) { return MonoBehaviour2JSComponentName[i]; } return """"; // returning empty string when end } "); //Debug.Log(sb); string path = JSBindingSettings.sharpkitGeneratedFiles; // 现在不需要这个 // File.WriteAllText(path, sb.ToString()); // Debug.Log("OK. File: " + path); // AssetDatabase.Refresh(); path = JSBindingSettings.monoBehaviour2JSComponentName; File.WriteAllText(path, sb2.ToString()); Debug.Log("OK. File: " + path); }
// // arg: a,b,c // public static string BuildCallString(Type classType, MemberInfo memberInfo, string argList, MemberFeature features, string newValue = "") { bool bGenericT = classType.IsGenericTypeDefinition; string memberName = memberInfo.Name; bool bIndexer = (features & MemberFeature.Indexer) > 0; bool bStatic = (features & MemberFeature.Static) > 0; bool bStruct = classType.IsValueType; string typeFullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(classType); bool bField = memberInfo is FieldInfo; bool bProperty = memberInfo is PropertyInfo; bool bGet = (features & MemberFeature.Get) > 0; bool bSet = (features & MemberFeature.Set) > 0; if ((bGet && bSet) || (!bGet && !bSet)) { return(">>>> sorry >>>>"); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); if (bField || bProperty) { if (!bGenericT) { string strThis = typeFullName; if (!bStatic) { strThis = "_this"; sb.AppendFormat(" {0} _this = ({0})vc.csObj;\n", typeFullName); } string result = string.Empty; if (bGet) { // convention: name 'result' result = "var result = "; } if (bIndexer) { sb.AppendFormat(" {2}{0}[{1}]", strThis, argList, result); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" {2}{0}.{1}", strThis, memberName, result); } if (bGet) { sb.Append(";\n"); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" = {0};\n", newValue); if (!bStatic && bStruct) { sb.Append(" JSMgr.changeJSObj(vc.jsObjID, _this);\n"); } } } else { // convention: name 'member' if (bIndexer || !bIndexer) // both indexer and not indexer enters { if (bProperty) { sb.AppendFormat(" {4}member.{0}({1}, {2}new object[][[{3}]]);\n", bGet ? "GetValue" : "SetValue", bStatic ? "null" : "vc.csObj", bSet ? newValue + ", " : "", argList, bGet ? "var result = " : ""); } else { sb.AppendFormat(" {3}member.{0}({1}{2});\n", bGet ? "GetValue" : "SetValue", bStatic ? "null" : "vc.csObj", bSet ? ", " + newValue : "", bGet ? "var result = " : ""); } } } } return(sb.ToString()); }
public static string SharpKitClassName(Type type) { return(JSNameMgr.GetJSTypeFullName(type)); }
public static StringBuilder BuildHeader(Type type) { string fmt = @"// {0} _jstype = jst_pushOrReplace([[ definition: [[]], staticDefinition: [[]], fields: [[]], staticFields: [[]], assemblyName: '{1}', Kind: '{2}', fullname: '{3}', {4} {5} ]]); "; string jsTypeName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type); jsTypeName = jsTypeName.Replace('.', '$'); string assemblyName = ""; string Kind = "unknown"; if (type.IsClass) { Kind = "Class"; } else if (type.IsEnum) { Kind = "Enum"; } else if (type.IsValueType) { Kind = "Struct"; } else if (type.IsInterface) { Kind = "Interface"; } string fullname = SharpKitClassName(type); string baseTypeName = SharpKitClassName(type.BaseType); Type[] interfaces = type.GetInterfaces(); StringBuilder sbI = new StringBuilder(); if (interfaces != null && interfaces.Length > 0) { sbI.Append("\n interfaceNames: ["); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++) { sbI.AppendFormat("\'{0}\'", SharpKitClassName(interfaces[i])); if (i < interfaces.Length - 1) { sbI.Append(", "); } } sbI.Append("],"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat(fmt, jsTypeName, // [0] assemblyName, // [1] Kind, // [2] fullname, // [3] full name sbI.ToString(), // [4] interfaceNames baseTypeName.Length > 0 ? "baseTypeName: '" + baseTypeName + "'" : ""); // [5] baseTypeName return(sb); }
// CheckClassBindings: check 'classes' array // 1 skip something unnecessary or unsupported // 2 auto add base classes & interfaces public static Type[] CheckClassBindings() { HashSet <Type> skips = new HashSet <Type>(); { // // these types are defined in clrlibrary.javascript // skips.Add(typeof(System.Object)); skips.Add(typeof(System.Exception)); skips.Add(typeof(System.SystemException)); skips.Add(typeof(System.ValueType)); } HashSet <Type> wanted = new HashSet <Type>(); var sb = new StringBuilder(); bool ret = true; foreach (var type in classes) { // delegate is not allowed if (typeof(System.Delegate).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { sb.AppendFormat("Delegate \"{0}\" can not be exported.\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type)); ret = false; } // generic type but not generic type definition is not allowed if (type.IsGenericType && !type.IsGenericTypeDefinition) { sb.AppendFormat("\"{0}\" is not allowed. Try \"{1}\".\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type), JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type.GetGenericTypeDefinition())); ret = false; } // interfaces should not be in this array, they are auto-added if (type.IsInterface) { sb.AppendFormat("Interface \"{0}\" should not be in JSBindingSettings.classes.\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type)); ret = false; } // duplicated type is not allowed if (wanted.Contains(type)) { sb.AppendFormat("There are more than 1 \"{0}\" in JSBindingSettings.classes.\n", JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(type)); ret = false; } else if (!skips.Contains(type)) { wanted.Add(type); } } // add base types foreach (var typeb in wanted.ToArray()) { Type type = typeb; // add base types Type baseType = type.BaseType; while (baseType != null) { if (!skips.Contains(baseType) && !wanted.Contains(baseType) && !(baseType.IsGenericType && !baseType.IsGenericTypeDefinition) && !IsDiscardType(baseType)) { wanted.Add(baseType); } baseType = baseType.BaseType; } } // add interfaces foreach (var typeb in wanted.ToArray()) { Type type = typeb; Type[] interfaces = type.GetInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < interfaces.Length; i++) { Type ti = interfaces[i]; string tiFullName = JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(ti); // some intefaces's name has <>, skip them if (!tiFullName.Contains("<") && !tiFullName.Contains(">") && !skips.Contains(ti) && !wanted.Contains(ti) && !IsDiscardType(ti)) { wanted.Add(ti); } } } Type[] arr = null; if (!ret) { Debug.LogError(sb); } else { arr = new Type[wanted.Count]; wanted.CopyTo(arr); // output final types to be exported sb.Remove(0, sb.Length); sb.AppendLine("Classes to export:"); foreach (var t in arr) { sb.AppendLine(JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(t)); } Debug.Log(sb.ToString()); } return(arr); }
public void Alloc(JSSerializer serializer) { eSerialize = SerializeType.String; switch (analyzeType) { case JSSerializer.AnalyzeType.ArrayBegin: AllocString("ArrayBegin/" + this.Name + "/"); break; case JSSerializer.AnalyzeType.ArrayEnd: AllocString("ArrayEnd/" + this.Name + "/"); break; case JSSerializer.AnalyzeType.StructBegin: AllocString("StructBegin/" + this.Name + "/" + JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(this.type)); break; case JSSerializer.AnalyzeType.StructEnd: AllocString("StructEnd/" + this.Name + "/" + JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(this.type)); break; case JSSerializer.AnalyzeType.ListBegin: AllocString("ListBegin/" + this.Name + "/" + JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(typeof(List <>))); break; case JSSerializer.AnalyzeType.ListEnd: AllocString("ListEnd/" + this.Name + "/" + JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(typeof(List <>))); break; case JSSerializer.AnalyzeType.Unit: { var sb = new StringBuilder(); // this.value could be null Type declaredType = this.type; Type valueType = (this.value != null ? this.value.GetType() : declaredType); if (this.unitType == JSSerializer.UnitType.ST_JavaScriptMonoBehaviour || this.unitType == JSSerializer.UnitType.ST_UnityEngineObject) { eSerialize = SerializeType.Object; if (this.unitType == JSSerializer.UnitType.ST_JavaScriptMonoBehaviour) { if (!typeof(UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour).IsAssignableFrom(valueType) || !WillTypeBeTranslatedToJavaScript(valueType)) { Debug.LogError("unitType is ST_JavaScriptMonoBehaviour, but valueType is not MonoBehaviour or doesn't JsType attribute."); } // if a monobehaviour is referenced // and this monobehaviour will be translated to js later // ST_MonoBehaviour // add game object // this.value can be null int index; if (this.value == null) { index = AllocObject(null); } else { index = AllocObject(((MonoBehaviour)this.value).gameObject); } // UnitType / Name / object Index / MonoBehaviour Name sb.AppendFormat("{0}/{1}/{2}/{3}", (int)this.unitType, this.Name, index, JSNameMgr.GetTypeFullName(valueType)); AllocString(sb.ToString()); } else { // UnitType / Name / object Index sb.AppendFormat("{0}/{1}/{2}", (int)this.unitType, this.Name, AllocObject((UnityEngine.Object) this.value)); AllocString(sb.ToString()); } } else { sb.AppendFormat("{0}/{1}/{2}", (int)this.unitType, this.Name, ValueToString(this.value, this.type)); AllocString(sb.ToString()); } } break; } }