public JsonResult DataGrid() { int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int skp = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int tke = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); int roleId = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["roleId"]); var projList = roleFeatureService.GetFeaturesByRoleID(roleId).OrderBy(r => r.Name); var obj = (from c in projList select new object[] { c.Description , new GridButtonModel[] { new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Delete", new { id = c.Id }), T = "Delete", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Delete Feature", M = "class=\"btn btn-info btn-mini\"" } } }).Skip(tke).Take(skp).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = projList.Count().ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult DataGrid() { int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int skp = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int tke = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); IEnumerable <StandingData> projList = null; int id = (int)SessionHelper.Temp; if (id == 1) { projList = standingDataService.GetSource(); } var obj = (from c in projList select new object[] { c.Name, c.StringValue, c.IsActive?"Active":"Inactive" , new GridButtonModel[] { new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Edit", new { id = c.Id }), T = "Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Edit", M = "class=\"btn btn-info btn-mini\"" }, } }).Skip(tke).Take(skp).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = projList.Count().ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
// ''' <summary> // ''' Returns data to build a data grid // ''' </summary> // ''' <param name="params"></param> // ''' <returns></returns> // ''' <remarks></remarks> //Public Function GetData(ByVal params As Dictionary(Of String, String)) As JQueryDataTable // Dim gridData As New JQueryDataTable // Dim offset As Integer = params("start") // Dim pageSize As Integer = params("length") // Dim columnNames As String() = params("columnnames").Split(",") // Dim columnIndex = CType(params("order[0].column"), Integer) // Dim sortColumn As String = columnNames(columnIndex) // Dim sortOrder As String = params("order[0].dir") // Dim searchText As String = params("searchtext") // Dim searchType As String = params("searchtype") // Dim searchData As New DataSet // Dim totalRecords As Integer // Dim sortingOrder As Boolean // sortingOrder = IIf(sortOrder.ToLower = "asc", False, True) // Select Case searchType // Case Is = "TEXTSEARCH" // Dim dbTextSearch As New DBTextSearch(settings) // searchData = dbTextSearch.TextSearch(searchText, offset, pageSize, sortColumn, IIf(sortOrder.ToLower = "asc", False, True)) // Case Is = "PAYMENTTYPESEARCH" // Dim dbPaymentTypeSearch As New DBPaymentTypeSearch(settings) // searchData = dbPaymentTypeSearch.PaymentTypeSearch(searchText, offset, pageSize, sortColumn, IIf(sortOrder.ToLower = "asc", False, True)) // End Select // totalRecords = CType(searchData.Tables(0).Rows(0)(0), Integer) // gridData.draw = params("draw") // gridData.recordsTotal = totalRecords // gridData.recordsFiltered = totalRecords // = ConvertDataTableToList(searchData.Tables(1)) // Return gridData //End Function /// <summary> /// Returns data to build a data grid /// </summary> /// <param name="params"></param> /// <param name="searchType"></param> /// <param name="offset"></param> /// <param name="pageSize"></param> /// <param name="sortColumn"></param> /// <param name="sortOrder"></param> /// <param name="searchText"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// <remarks></remarks> public JQueryDataTable GetData(Dictionary <string, string> @params, int draw, string searchType, int offset, int pageSize, string sortColumn, string sortOrder, string searchText) { JQueryDataTable gridData = new JQueryDataTable(); DataSet searchData = new DataSet(); int totalRecords = 0; bool sortingOrder; sortingOrder = sortOrder.ToLower() == "asc" ? false : true; switch (searchType) { case "TEXTSEARCH": TalentSystemDefaults.DESettings temp_settings = settings; Database_Text_Search dbTextSearch = new Database_Text_Search(ref temp_settings); settings = temp_settings; searchData = dbTextSearch.TextSearch(searchText, offset, pageSize, sortColumn, sortOrder.ToLower() == "asc" ? false : true); break; case "PAYMENTTYPESEARCH": TalentSystemDefaults.DESettings temp_settings2 = settings; Database_PaymentType_Search dbPaymentTypeSearch = new Database_PaymentType_Search(ref temp_settings2); settings = temp_settings2; searchData = dbPaymentTypeSearch.PaymentTypeSearch(searchText, offset, pageSize, sortColumn, sortOrder.ToLower() == "asc" ? false : true); break; } totalRecords = System.Convert.ToInt32(searchData.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); gridData.draw = draw; gridData.recordsTotal = totalRecords; gridData.recordsFiltered = totalRecords; = ConvertDataTableToList(searchData.Tables[1]); return(gridData); }
public JsonResult DataGrid() { int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int skp = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int tke = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); var projList = roleService.GetAll(); var obj = (from c in projList select new object[] { c.RoleName, c.RoleDefaultPage.Name, c.IsActive?"Active":"Inactive" , new GridButtonModel[] { new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Edit", new { id = c.Id }), T = "Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Edit Role", M = "class=\"btn btn-info btn-mini\"" } , new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Index", "RoleFeature", new { roleId = c.Id }), T = "Rights", M = "class=\"btn btn-info btn-mini\"", A = false } } }).Skip(tke).Take(skp).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = projList.Count().ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JQueryDataTable GetSearchData(DTParameters dtParams) { JQueryDataTable retVal = new JQueryDataTable(); DatabaseSearchModel model = default(DatabaseSearchModel); int offset = 0; int pageSize = 0; int draw = 0; string sortColumn = string.Empty; string searchText = string.Empty; string searchType = string.Empty; string sortOrder = string.Empty; base.SetParamsAndSettings(); string[] columnNames = dtParams.columnnames.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.None); var columnIndex = System.Convert.ToInt32(dtParams.order[0].Column); offset = dtParams.start; pageSize = dtParams.length; sortColumn = columnNames[columnIndex]; sortOrder = dtParams.order[0].Dir.ToString(); searchText = dtParams.searchtext; searchType = dtParams.searchtype; draw = dtParams.draw; model = new DatabaseSearchModel(settings); retVal = model.GetData(@params, draw, searchType, offset, pageSize, sortColumn, sortOrder, searchText); return(retVal); }
/// <summary> /// This methiod transforms the DataTableList data into a JQueryDataTable format. /// This is used by DataTables to ensure that the Ajax returns from server-side processing requests are drawn in sequence by DataTables (Ajax requests are asynchronous and thus can return out of sequence). /// This is used as part of the draw return parameter (see below). /// </summary> public JQueryDataTable <T> GetJQueryDataTable() { JQueryDataTable <T> result = new JQueryDataTable <T>(); result.draw = Draw; //Initialize row count variables if not implicitly set if (DataTableList == null) { result.recordsTotal = 0; result.recordsFiltered = 0; result.dataList = new List <T>(); } else { // Populate the totals if (RecordsTotal > 0) { result.recordsTotal = RecordsTotal; } else { result.recordsTotal = DataTableList.Count; } if (RecordsFiltered > 0) { result.recordsFiltered = RecordsFiltered; } else { result.recordsFiltered = DataTableList.Count; } // Populate the list result.dataList = DataTableList; } return(result); }
public JsonResult DataGrid() { int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int skp = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int tke = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); string searchText = Request.QueryString["searchText"]; var data = service.GetAll(searchText, userId); var obj = (from c in data select new object[] { c.Pin, c.UserName, c.EmailAddress, c.Role.RoleName, c.IsActive?"Active":"Inactive" , new GridButtonModel[] { new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Edit", new { id = c.Id }), T = "Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Edit User" } , new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Details", new { id = c.Id }), T = "Details", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "User Profile" } , new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("ResetPass", new { id = c.Id }), T = "Password Reset", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Reset Password", V = ("" + c.Password != "") } , new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Districts", new { id = c.Id }), T = "Districts", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Assigned Districts" } } }).Skip(tke).Take(skp).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = data.Count().ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult DataGridApp() { bool visible = UserRole.Check("DETAIL", SessionHelper.Role); int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int take = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int skip = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); if (take == -1) { take = 100000000; skip = 0; } int?srcId = null; try { //srcId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId1"]); } catch { } int?disId = null; try { //disId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId2"]); } catch { } int?upzId = null; try { //upzId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId3"]); } catch { } DateTime FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["FromDate"]); DateTime ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["ToDate"]); int count = 0; IEnumerable <DetailData> dataList = sunDataService.GetAppData(srcId, disId, upzId, FromDate, ToDate, skip, take, out count); var obj = (from c in dataList select new object[] { //c.StandingData.Name //,c.StandingData1.Name //,c.StandingData2.Name String.Format("{0:dd MMM, yyyy}", c.Date) //,c.Name //,c.Age , c.IsFever == true?"<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">হ্যা</span>":"না" , c.IsDryCough == true?"<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">হ্যা</span>":"না" , c.IsBreadth == true?"<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">হ্যা</span>":"না" , c.IsContact == true?"<span style=\"color:#FF0000\">হ্যা</span>":"না" //,c.StandingData3.Name , c.CollectedBy , c.Phone , c.Description //,c.UserProfile.UserName , new GridButtonModel[] { new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Edit", new { Id = c.Id }), T = "Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Edit", M = "class=\"btn btn-mini btn-warning\"", V = visible } } }).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = count.ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult DataGrid() { bool visible = UserRole.Check("DISTRICT", SessionHelper.Role); int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int take = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int skip = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); //bool isSum = bool.Parse(Request.QueryString["isSum"]); //if (take == -1 || isSum) { take = 1000000000; skip = 0; } int?divId = null; try { divId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId1"]); } catch { } int?disId = null; try { disId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId2"]); } catch { } DateTime FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["FromDate"]); DateTime ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["ToDate"]); int count = 0; List <DistrictData> dataList = disDataService.Get(divId, disId, FromDate, ToDate, skip, take, out count).ToList(); /* * if (skip <= 0 && dataList.Count()>0) * { * IEnumerable<DistrictData> dataListSum = disDataService.Get(divId, disId, FromDate, ToDate, 0, 10000000, out count); * * DistrictData tot = dataListSum.GroupBy(q => 1) * .Select(g => new DistrictData * { * Id = 0 * , * Date = ToDate * , * StandingData = new StandingData { Name = " Total" } * , * DivisionId = -1 * , * StandingData1 = new StandingData { Name = " " } * , * DistrictId = -1 * , * NewQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.NewQuarantine) * , * Death = g.Sum(c => c.Death) * , * DoTestOn = g.Sum(c => c.DoTestOn) * , * ReleasedQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.ReleasedQuarantine) * , * InsertedById = -1 * , * UserProfile = new UserProfile { UserName = "" } * } * ).Single(); * * dataList.Insert(0, tot); * } */ if (FromDate == ToDate && divId == null && disId == null) { IEnumerable <StandingData> districts = standingDataService.GetDistricts(); List <int> all = districts.Select(c => c.Id).ToList(); List <int> used = dataList.Select(c => c.DistrictId).ToList(); List <int> notused = all.Except(used).ToList(); List <StandingData> add = districts.Where(c => notused.Contains(c.Id)).ToList(); foreach (var v in add) { dataList.Add(new DistrictData { Id = 0 , Date = ToDate , StandingData = new StandingData { Name = "<span style=\"color:#0000ff;\">তথ্য দেয়া হয়নি</span>" } , DivisionId = v.ParentId.Value , StandingData1 = new StandingData { Name = v.Name } , DistrictId = v.Id , InsertedById = -1 , UserProfile = new UserProfile { UserName = "" } }); } } var obj = (from c in dataList select new object[] { "⇒" + c.StandingData.Name + "<br/>⇒" + c.StandingData1.Name + "<br/>⇒" + String.Format("{0:dd MMM, yyyy}", c.Date) + "<br/>⇒ D (" + c.MemberCount + ") U(" + c.MemberUpazillaCount + ")" //,c.NewQuarantine //,c.ReleasedQuarantine //,c.DoTestOn //,c.Death , c.LocalAdminMeasure , c.Demand , c.Panic , c.SocialIssue , c.BracThink , c.NgoDoing , c.NeedyPeople , c.BracDo , c.Remarks //,c.UserProfile.UserName //,new GridButtonModel[] // { // new GridButtonModel{U=Url.Action("Edit",new {Id=c.Id}), T="Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H="Edit", M="class=\"btn btn-mini btn-warning\"", V = visible} // } }).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = count.ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult DataGridReleif() { bool visible = UserRole.Check("DISTRICT", SessionHelper.Role); int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int take = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int skip = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); //bool isSum = bool.Parse(Request.QueryString["isSum"]); //if (take == -1 || isSum) { take = 1000000000; skip = 0; } int?divId = null; try { divId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId1"]); } catch { } int?disId = null; try { disId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId2"]); } catch { } DateTime FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["FromDate"]); DateTime ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["ToDate"]); int count = 0; List <DistrictData> dataList = disDataService.Get(divId, disId, FromDate, ToDate, skip, take, out count).ToList(); //List<DistrictData> dl = new List<DistrictData>(); /* * if (skip<=0 && dataList.Count()>0) * { * IEnumerable<DistrictData> dataListSum = disDataService.Get(divId, disId, FromDate, ToDate, skip, 1000000000, out count); * * DistrictData tot = dataListSum.GroupBy(q => 1) * .Select(g => new DistrictData * { * Id = 0 * , * Date = ToDate * , * StandingData = new StandingData { Name = "<span style=\"color:#ff6a00; font-size:14px;\">Total</span>" } * , * DivisionId = -1 * , * StandingData1 = new StandingData { Name = " " } * , * DistrictId = -1 * , * NewQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.NewQuarantine) * , * Death = g.Sum(c => c.Death) * , * DoTestOn = g.Sum(c => c.DoTestOn) * , * ReleasedQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.ReleasedQuarantine) * //, * //TillCurrentQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.TillCurrentQuarantine) * //, * //TillDeath = g.Sum(c => c.TillDeath) * //, * //TillDoTestOn = g.Sum(c => c.TillDoTestOn) * //, * //TillQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.TillQuarantine) * //, * //TillReleasedQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.TillReleasedQuarantine) * , * ReliefFamily = g.Sum(c => c.ReliefFamily) * //, * // ReliefPerson = g.Sum(c => c.ReliefPerson) * , * Rice = g.Sum(c => c.Rice) * , * Dal = g.Sum(c => c.Dal) * , * Potato = g.Sum(c => c.Potato) * , * Money = g.Sum(c => c.Money) * //, * // Onion = g.Sum(c => c.Onion) * //, * // Salt = g.Sum(c => c.Salt) * //, * // Oil = g.Sum(c => c.Oil) * //, * // Soap = g.Sum(c => c.Soap) * , * InsertedById = -1 * , * UserProfile = new UserProfile { UserName = "" } * } * ).Single(); * * dataList.Insert(0, tot); * } */ if (FromDate == ToDate && divId == null && disId == null) { IEnumerable <StandingData> districts = standingDataService.GetDistricts(); List <int> all = districts.Select(c => c.Id).ToList(); List <int> used = dataList.Select(c => c.DistrictId).ToList(); List <int> notused = all.Except(used).ToList(); List <StandingData> add = districts.Where(c => notused.Contains(c.Id)).ToList(); foreach (var v in add) { dataList.Add(new DistrictData { Id = 0 , Date = ToDate , StandingData = new StandingData { Name = "<span style=\"color:#0000ff;\">তথ্য দেয়া হয়নি</span>" } , DivisionId = v.ParentId.Value , StandingData1 = new StandingData { Name = v.Name } , DistrictId = v.Id , InsertedById = -1 , UserProfile = new UserProfile { UserName = "" } }); } } var obj = (from c in dataList select new object[] { c.StandingData.Name , c.StandingData1.Name , String.Format("{0:dd MMM, yyyy}", c.Date) , c.NewQuarantine , c.ReleasedQuarantine , c.DoTestOn , c.Death , c.TillQuarantine , c.TillReleasedQuarantine , c.TillDoTestOn , c.TillDeath , c.TillCurrentQuarantine , c.ReliefFamily //,c.ReliefPerson , c.Rice , c.Dal , c.Potato , c.Money , c.ReliefRemarks //,c.Onion //,c.Salt //,c.Oil //,c.Soap //,c.UserProfile.UserName //,new GridButtonModel[] // { // new GridButtonModel{U=Url.Action("Edit",new {Id=c.Id}), T="Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H="Edit", M="class=\"btn btn-mini btn-warning\"", V = visible} // } }).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = count.ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult DataGridSum() { //bool visible = UserRole.Check("DISTRICT", SessionHelper.Role); int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int take = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int skip = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); //if (take == -1) { take = 100000000; skip = 0; } int?divId = null; try { divId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId1"]); } catch { } int?disId = null; try { disId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId2"]); } catch { } //DateTime FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["FromDate"]); //DateTime ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["ToDate"]); int count = 0; List <DistrictSummery> dataList = disDataService.GetSummery(divId, disId, skip, take, out count).ToList(); if (dataList.Count() > 0) { DistrictSummery tot = dataList.GroupBy(q => 1) .Select(g => new DistrictSummery { Id = 0 , StandingData = new StandingData { Name = "<span style=\"color:#ff6a00; font-size:14px;\">Total</span>" } , DivisionId = -1 , StandingData1 = new StandingData { Name = " " } , DistrictId = -1 , HospitalCount = g.Sum(c => c.HospitalCount) , BedCount = g.Sum(c => c.BedCount) , CurrentQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.CurrentQuarantine) , TotalDeath = g.Sum(c => c.TotalDeath) , TotalDoTestOn = g.Sum(c => c.TotalDoTestOn) , TotalQuarantine = g.Sum(c => c.TotalQuarantine) , TotalReleased = g.Sum(c => c.TotalReleased) , TotalReliefFamily = g.Sum(c => c.TotalReliefFamily) //, //TotalReliefPerson = g.Sum(c => c.TotalReliefPerson) , TotalRice = g.Sum(c => c.TotalRice) , TotalDal = g.Sum(c => c.TotalDal) , TotalMoney = g.Sum(c => c.TotalMoney) , TotalPotato = g.Sum(c => c.TotalPotato) //, //TotalOil = g.Sum(c => c.TotalOil) //, //TotalOnion = g.Sum(c => c.TotalOnion) //, //TotalSalt = g.Sum(c => c.TotalSalt) //, //TotalSoap = g.Sum(c => c.TotalSoap) , InsertedById = -1 , UserProfile = new UserProfile { UserName = "" } } ).Single(); dataList.Insert(0, tot); } var obj = (from c in dataList select new object[] { c.StandingData.Name , c.StandingData1.Name , c.HospitalCount , c.BedCount , c.CurrentQuarantine , c.TotalQuarantine , c.TotalReleased , c.TotalDeath , c.TotalDoTestOn //,c.Remarks , c.TotalReliefFamily //,c.TotalReliefPerson , c.TotalRice , c.TotalDal , c.TotalPotato , c.TotalMoney //,c.TotalOnion //,c.TotalSalt //,c.TotalOil //,c.TotalSoap //,new GridButtonModel[] // { // new GridButtonModel{U=Url.Action("Edit",new {Id=c.Id}), T="Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H="Edit", M="class=\"btn btn-mini btn-warning\"", V = visible} // } }).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = count.ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public JsonResult DataGrid() { int count = 0; bool visible = UserRole.Check("HNPP", SessionHelper.Role); int ec = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["sEcho"]); int take = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayLength"]); int skip = int.Parse(Request.QueryString["iDisplayStart"]); //bool isSum = bool.Parse(Request.QueryString["isSum"]); //if (take == -1 || isSum) { take = 1000000000; skip = 0; } int?disId = null; try { disId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId2"]); } catch { } int?upzId = null; try { upzId = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["ContentTypeId3"]); } catch { } DateTime FromDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["FromDate"]); DateTime ToDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Request.QueryString["ToDate"]); List <HnppData> dataList = sunDataService.Get(disId, upzId, FromDate, ToDate, skip, take, out count).ToList(); //List<HnppData> dl = new List<HnppData>(); if (skip <= 0 && dataList.Count() > 0) { IEnumerable <HnppData> dataListSum = sunDataService.Get(disId, upzId, FromDate, ToDate, skip, 1000000000, out count); HnppData tot = dataListSum.GroupBy(q => 1) .Select(g => new HnppData { Id = 0 , Date = ToDate , DistrictId = -1 , StandingData = new StandingData { Name = "<span style=\"color:#ff6a00; font-size:14px;\">Total</span>" } , UpazillaId = -1 , StandingData1 = new StandingData { Name = " " } , RiskByAM = g.Sum(c => c.RiskByAM) , RiskByPA = g.Sum(c => c.RiskByPA) , RiskByPK = g.Sum(c => c.RiskByPK) , RiskBySK = g.Sum(c => c.RiskBySK) , RiskBySS = g.Sum(c => c.RiskBySS) , CaseCnt = g.Sum(c => c.CaseCnt) , BracMeeting = g.Sum(c => c.BracMeeting) , BracParticipant = g.Sum(c => c.BracParticipant) , GovtMeeting = g.Sum(c => c.GovtMeeting) , GovtParticipant = g.Sum(c => c.GovtParticipant) , Leaflet = g.Sum(c => c.Leaflet) , Sticker = g.Sum(c => c.Sticker) , InsertedById = -1 , UserProfile = new UserProfile { UserName = "" } }) .Single(); //dataList.Add(tot); dataList.Insert(0, tot); } //List<HnppData> dataListSorted = dataList // .OrderBy(c => c.StandingData.Name) // .ThenBy(c => c.StandingData1.Name) // .ToList(); var obj = (from c in dataList select new object[] { c.StandingData.Name , c.StandingData1.Name , String.Format("{0:dd MMM, yyyy}", c.Date) , c.RiskBySS , c.RiskBySK , c.RiskByPK , c.RiskByPA , c.RiskByAM , c.Leaflet , c.Sticker , c.CaseCnt , c.BracMeeting , c.BracParticipant , c.GovtMeeting , c.GovtParticipant , c.UserProfile.UserName , new GridButtonModel[] { new GridButtonModel { U = Url.Action("Edit", new { Id = c.Id }), T = "Edit", D = GridButtonDialog.dialig1.ToString(), H = "Edit", M = "class=\"btn btn-mini btn-warning\"" , V = (visible && c.Id != 0) } } }).ToArray(); JQueryDataTable js = new JQueryDataTable(); js.sEcho = ec; js.iTotalDisplayRecords = count.ToString(); js.iTotalRecords = js.iTotalDisplayRecords; js.aaData = obj; return(Json(js, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }