コード例 #1
        public JDatatableResponse GetDatatable(JDatatableViewModel model)
            JDatatableResponse result = new JDatatableResponse();

            string[] arrOrderColumn = new string[] { "CreatedOn"
                                                     , "NIK"
                                                     , "Fullname"
                                                     , "Role"
                                                     , "ValidFrom"
                                                     , "ValidTo" };

            if (_userAuth == null)

            DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUtcID().Date;

            IRepository <RHHeader> repo = _unitOfWork.GetRepository <RHHeader>();

            repo.Includes  = new string[] { "SLMObj1" };
            repo.Condition = PredicateBuilder.True <RHHeader>().And(x => x.ValidTo >= today && x.SLM == _userAuth.NIK);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword))
                repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.SLMObj1.FullName.Contains(model.Keyword));

            SetDatatableRepository(model, arrOrderColumn, ref repo, ref result);

            if (model.Length > -1 && result.TotalRecords == 0)

            List <RHHeader> listItem = repo.Find();

            if (listItem == null)

            List <SalesmanViewModel> listData = new List <SalesmanViewModel>();

            foreach (var item in listItem)
                if (item.SLMObj1 == null)


            result.Data = listData;

コード例 #2
        public ActionResult Datatable(JDatatableViewModel model)
            if (!Request.IsAjaxRequest())

            JDatatableResponse resp = new JDatatableResponse();

            CollectorBusiness business = new CollectorBusiness();


            resp = business.GetDatatableByQuery(model);

            return(new MyJsonResult(resp, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult ExportSales(JDatatableViewModel model)
            HierSalesBusiness business = new HierSalesBusiness();


            AlertMessage alert = business.ExportSalesToExcel(model);

            if (alert.Status == 1)
                var bytes = alert.Data as byte[];

                return(File(bytes, System.Net.Mime.MediaTypeNames.Application.Octet, string.Format("HirarkiSales-{0}.xlsx", DateTime.UtcNow.ToUtcID().ToString("yyyyMMdd-HHmm"))));

コード例 #4
ファイル: BaseBusiness.cs プロジェクト: iwasug/Aida.Master.V2
        protected void SetDatatableRepository <T>(JDatatableViewModel model, string[] arrOrderColumn, ref IRepository <T> repo, ref JDatatableResponse result)
            long?totalRecords = null;

            if (model.Length > -1) // get total records for pagging info only, model.length -1 = get all records
                totalRecords = repo.Count();

                if (totalRecords == null)

                result.TotalRecords        = totalRecords.Value;
                result.TotalDisplayRecords = totalRecords.Value;

            SqlOrderBy orderBy = new SqlOrderBy()
                Type   = SqlOrderType.Descending,
                Column = "CreatedDate"

            if (model.IndexOrderCol <= arrOrderColumn.Length)
                orderBy.Column = arrOrderColumn[model.IndexOrderCol];
                orderBy.Type   = model.OrderType.Equals(SqlOrderType.Ascending) ? SqlOrderType.Ascending : SqlOrderType.Descending;

            repo.OrderBy = orderBy;

            if (model.Length > -1)
                repo.Limit  = model.Length;
                repo.Offset = model.Start;
コード例 #5
        public JDatatableResponse GetDatatableByQuery(JDatatableViewModel model)
            JDatatableResponse result = new JDatatableResponse();

            string[] arrOrderColumn = new string[] { "col.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "col.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "a.NIK"
                                                     , "col.Fullname"
                                                     , "col.Role"
                                                     , "col.ValidFrom"
                                                     , "col.ValidTo" };

            if (_userAuth == null)

            string query = "SELECT [:SELECT]" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM (" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	SELECT rth.Collector as NIK"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	FROM RTHeader rth"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	LEFT JOIN TCollector col ON col.NIK = rth.Collector"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	WHERE 1=1"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "       AND rth.ValidTo >= GETDATE()" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "		AND rth.Collector <> 0"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "		AND rth.Collector IS NOT NULL"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "		[:PRE_CONDITION]"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	UNION" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	SELECT t.NIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	FROM TCollector t" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	WHERE 1=1" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"		AND CreatedBy = '"+_userAuth.NIK.ToString()+"'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           ") a" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN TCollector col ON col.NIK = a.NIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE 1=1" + System.Environment.NewLine +

            string selectColumn = "DISTINCT a.NIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "   ,col.FULLNAME" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,col.Role" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "   ,col.ValidFrom" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "   ,col.ValidTo";

            string selectCount = "COUNT(DISTINCT a.NIK) AS NumRows";

            if (_userAuth == null)

            string preCondition = "";
            string condition    = "";
            Dictionary <string, object> dcParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (RoleCode.AdminOperation.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
            else if (RoleCode.KaCab.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                preCondition      += "	AND rth.Plant = @plant";
                dcParams["@plant"] = _userAuth.Plant;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword))
                model.Keyword = model.Keyword.ToLower();

                condition += System.Environment.NewLine;
                condition += "	AND (a.NIK LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(col.FULLNAME) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%')";

                condition = condition.Replace("[:KEYWORD]", model.Keyword);

            query = query.Replace("[:PRE_CONDITION]", preCondition);
            query = query.Replace("[:CONDITION]", condition);

            string query1 = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectCount);

            string connString = GetConnectionString();

            DataTable dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                result.TotalRecords        = Convert.ToInt64(dataTable.Rows[0]["NumRows"]);
                result.TotalDisplayRecords = result.TotalRecords;

            if (result.TotalRecords == 0)

            query1 = query = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectColumn);

            if (model.IndexOrderCol <= arrOrderColumn.Length)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1}", arrOrderColumn[model.IndexOrderCol], model.OrderType.ToUpper());

            if (model.Length > -1)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + "OFFSET " + model.Start + " ROWS" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "FETCH NEXT " + model.Length + " ROWS ONLY";

            dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            List <CollectorViewModel> listData = new List <CollectorViewModel>();

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows)

            result.Data = listData;

コード例 #6
ファイル: ASMBusiness.cs プロジェクト: iwasug/Aida.Master.V2
        public JDatatableResponse GetDatatableByQuery(JDatatableViewModel model)
            JDatatableResponse result = new JDatatableResponse();

            string[] arrOrderColumn = new string[] { "asm.Fullname"
                                                     , "asm.Fullname"
                                                     , "asm.AllowedByNIK"
                                                     , "asm.UploadValidTo"
                                                     , "asm.NIK"
                                                     , "asm.Fullname"
                                                     , "asm.DefaultRayonType"
                                                     , "asm.Role"
                                                     , "asm.ValidFrom"
                                                     , "asm.ValidTo" };

            if (_userAuth == null)

            string query = "SELECT [:SELECT]" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM (" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	SELECT DISTINCT ASM"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	FROM RTHeader"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	WHERE 1=1"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "		AND ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "       [:PRE_CONDITION]" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	UNION"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	SELECT DISTINCT ASM"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	FROM RHHeader"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	WHERE 1=1"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "		AND ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "       [:PRE_CONDITION]" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "    UNION" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	    SELECT DISTINCT NIK"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	    FROM ASM"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	    WHERE 1=1"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "		    AND CreatedBy = '"+ _userAuth.NIK.ToString() + "'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           ") t" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN ASM asm ON asm.NIK = t.ASM" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE 1=1" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND asm.NIK IS NOT NULL"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "   [:CONDITION]";

            string selectColumn = "DISTINCT *";

            string selectCount = "COUNT(DISTINCT ASM) AS NumRows";

            if (_userAuth == null)

            string condition    = "";
            string preCondition = "";
            Dictionary <string, object> dcParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (RoleCode.NSM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode) || RoleCode.KaCab.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                preCondition    += "AND NSM = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.BUM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                //preCondition += "	    AND BUM = @nik";
                //dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword))
                model.Keyword = model.Keyword.ToLower();

                condition += System.Environment.NewLine;
                condition += "AND (asm.NIK LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "   OR LOWER(asm.FullName) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "   OR LOWER(asm.DefaultRayonType) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%')";

                condition = condition.Replace("[:KEYWORD]", model.Keyword);

            query = query.Replace("[:PRE_CONDITION]", preCondition);
            query = query.Replace("[:CONDITION]", condition);

            string query1 = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectCount);

            string connString = GetConnectionString();

            DataTable dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                result.TotalRecords        = Convert.ToInt64(dataTable.Rows[0]["NumRows"]);
                result.TotalDisplayRecords = result.TotalRecords;

            if (result.TotalRecords == 0)

            query1 = query = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectColumn);

            if (model.IndexOrderCol <= arrOrderColumn.Length)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1}", arrOrderColumn[model.IndexOrderCol], model.OrderType.ToUpper());

            if (model.Length > -1)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + "OFFSET " + model.Start + " ROWS" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "FETCH NEXT " + model.Length + " ROWS ONLY";

            dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            List <ASMViewModel> listData = new List <ASMViewModel>();

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows)

            result.Data = listData;

コード例 #7
        public JDatatableResponse GetDatatableByQuery(JDatatableViewModel model)
            JDatatableResponse result = new JDatatableResponse();

            string[] arrOrderColumn = new string[] { "rth.CreatedOn"
                                                     , "rth.RayonCode"
                                                     , "rth.Plant"
                                                     , "SLM"
                                                     , "slm.FullName"
                                                     , "FSS"
                                                     , "fss.FullName"
                                                     , "ASM"
                                                     , "asm.FullName"
                                                     , "rth.NSM"
                                                     , "nsm.FullName"
                                                     , "Collector"
                                                     , "col.FULLNAME" //,"CollectorObj.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "Fakturis"
                                                     , "ftr.FULLNAME" //,"FakturisObj.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "SPVFakturis"
                                                     , "spv.FULLNAME" //,"SPVFakturisObj.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "rth.ValidFrom"
                                                     , "rth.ValidTo" };

            #region query
            string query = "SELECT [:SELECT]" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM RTHeader rth" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN NSM nsm ON nsm.NIK = rth.NSM" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND nsm.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN ASM asm ON asm.NIK = rth.ASM" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND asm.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN FSS fss ON fss.NIK = rth.FSS" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND fss.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN SLM slm ON slm.NIK = rth.SLM" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND slm.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN TCollector col ON col.NIK = rth.Collector" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND col.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN TFakturis ftr ON ftr.NIK = rth.Fakturis" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND ftr.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "LEFT JOIN TSPVFakturis spv ON spv.NIK = rth.SPVFakturis" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND spv.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE 1=1" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	AND rth.ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +

            string selectColumn = "rth.RayonCode" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.Plant" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.NSM AS NSMNIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,nsm.FullName AS NSMFullName" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.ASM AS ASMNIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,asm.FullName AS ASMFullName" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.FSS AS FSSNIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,fss.FullName AS FSSFullName" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.SLM AS SLMNIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,slm.FullName AS SLMFullName" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.Collector AS CollectorNIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,col.FULLNAME AS CollectorFullName" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.Fakturis AS FakturisNIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,ftr.FULLNAME AS FakturisFullName" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.SPVFakturis AS SPVFakturisNIK" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,spv.FULLNAME AS SPVFakturisFullName" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "   ,rth.ValidFrom" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                                  "	,rth.ValidTo";

            string selectCount = "COUNT(*) AS NumRows";


            if (_userAuth == null)

            string condition = "";
            Dictionary <string, object> dcParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (RoleCode.RM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition += "  AND rth.NSM IN (" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		SELECT DISTINCT NSM"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		FROM RHHeader"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		WHERE 1=1"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "			AND ValidTo >= GETDATE()"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "			AND BUM = @nik"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "	)";

                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.NSM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rth.NSM = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.ASM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rth.ASM = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.FSS.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rth.FSS = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.SLM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rth.FSS = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.KaCab.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode) && _userAuth.Plant != null)
                //condition += " AND (rth.Plant = @plant)";
                //condition += "	AND (rth.NSM = @nik /*OR rth.Plant = @plant*/)";
                condition         += "	AND (rth.NSM = @nik)";
                dcParams["@nik"]   = _userAuth.NIK;
                dcParams["@plant"] = _userAuth.Plant.Value;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword))
                model.Keyword = model.Keyword.ToLower();

                condition += System.Environment.NewLine;
                condition += "	AND (LOWER(rth.RayonCode) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.Plant LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.NSM LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(nsm.FullName) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.ASM LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(asm.FullName) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.FSS LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(fss.FullName) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.SLM LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(slm.FullName) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.Collector LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(col.FULLNAME) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.Fakturis LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(ftr.FULLNAME) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR rth.SPVFakturis LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                             "		OR LOWER(spv.FULLNAME) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%')";

                condition = condition.Replace("[:KEYWORD]", model.Keyword);

            query = query.Replace("[:CONDITION]", condition);

            string query1 = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectCount);

            string connString = GetConnectionString();

            DataTable dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                result.TotalRecords        = Convert.ToInt64(dataTable.Rows[0]["NumRows"]);
                result.TotalDisplayRecords = result.TotalRecords;

            if (result.TotalRecords == 0)

            query1 = query = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectColumn);

            if (model.IndexOrderCol <= arrOrderColumn.Length)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1}", arrOrderColumn[model.IndexOrderCol], model.OrderType.ToUpper());

            if (model.Length > -1)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + "OFFSET " + model.Start + " ROWS" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "FETCH NEXT " + model.Length + " ROWS ONLY";

            dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            List <HierTagihViewModel> listData = new List <HierTagihViewModel>();

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows)

            result.Data = listData;

コード例 #8
        public JDatatableResponse GetDatatable(JDatatableViewModel model)
            JDatatableResponse result = new JDatatableResponse();

            string[] arrOrderColumn = new string[] { "CreatedOn"
                                                     , "RayonCode"
                                                     , "Plant"
                                                     , "NSM"
                                                     , "NSMObj.FullName"
                                                     , "ASM"
                                                     , "ASMObj.FullName"
                                                     , "FSS"
                                                     , "FSSObj.FullName"
                                                     , "SLM"
                                                     , "SLMObj.FullName"
                                                     , "Collector"
                                                     , "Collector"   //,"CollectorObj.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "Fakturis"
                                                     , "Fakturis"    //,"FakturisObj.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "SPVFakturis"
                                                     , "SPVFakturis" //,"SPVFakturisObj.FULLNAME"
                                                     , "ValidFrom"
                                                     , "ValidTo" };

            if (_userAuth == null)

            IRepository <RTHeader> repo = _unitOfWork.GetRepository <RTHeader>();

            repo.Includes = new string[] { "NSMObj", "ASMObj", "FSSObj", "SLMObj", /*"CollectorObj", "FakturisObj", "SPVFakturisObj"*/ };

            repo.Condition = PredicateBuilder.True <RTHeader>();

            if (RoleCode.NSM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.NSM == _userAuth.NIK);
            else if (RoleCode.ASM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.ASM == _userAuth.NIK);
            else if (RoleCode.FSS.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.FSS == _userAuth.NIK);
            else if (RoleCode.SLM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.SLM == _userAuth.NIK);
            else if (RoleCode.KaCab.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.Plant.Equals(_userAuth.Plant.Value.ToString()));

            DateTime today = DateTime.UtcNow.ToUtcID().Date;

            repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.ValidTo >= today);

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword))
                repo.Condition = repo.Condition.And(x => x.RayonCode.Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.Plant.Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.NSM.ToString().Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.NSMObj.FullName.Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.ASM.ToString().Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.ASMObj.FullName.Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.FSS.ToString().Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.FSSObj.FullName.Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.SLM.ToString().Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    x.SLMObj.FullName.Contains(model.Keyword) ||
                                                    //|| x.CollectorObj.FULLNAME.Contains(model.Keyword)
                                                    || x.Fakturis.ToString().Contains(model.Keyword)
                                                    //|| x.FakturisObj.FULLNAME.Contains(model.Keyword)
                                                    || x.SPVFakturis.ToString().Contains(model.Keyword));
                //|| x.SPVFakturisObj.FULLNAME.Contains(model.Keyword));

            SetDatatableRepository(model, arrOrderColumn, ref repo, ref result);

            if (model.Length > -1 && result.TotalRecords == 0)

            List <RTHeader> listItem = repo.Find();

            if (listItem == null)

            List <HierTagihViewModel> listData = new List <HierTagihViewModel>();

            foreach (var item in listItem)

            result.Data = listData;

コード例 #9
        public AlertMessage ExportTagihToExcel(JDatatableViewModel model)
            AlertMessage alert = new AlertMessage();

            model.Length = -1;

            JDatatableResponse response = GetDatatableByQuery(model);

            IWorkbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();

            int rowIndex = 0;

            ISheet sheet1 = workbook.CreateSheet("Sheet 1");

            string dateFormat = "yyyy/MM/dd";

            ICreationHelper creationHelper = workbook.GetCreationHelper();

            ICellStyle cellStyleDate = workbook.CreateCellStyle();

            cellStyleDate.DataFormat = creationHelper.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat(dateFormat);

            ICellStyle cellStyleText = workbook.CreateCellStyle();

            cellStyleText.DataFormat = creationHelper.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("text");

            ICellStyle cellStyleNumber = workbook.CreateCellStyle();

            cellStyleNumber.DataFormat = creationHelper.CreateDataFormat().GetFormat("0");

            var fontBold = workbook.CreateFont();

            fontBold.FontHeightInPoints = 11;
            fontBold.Boldweight         = (short)NPOI.SS.UserModel.FontBoldWeight.Bold;

            ICellStyle cellStyleHeader = workbook.CreateCellStyle();

            cellStyleHeader.BorderBottom        = BorderStyle.Thin;
            cellStyleHeader.FillForegroundColor = IndexedColors.Grey25Percent.Index;
            cellStyleHeader.FillPattern         = FillPattern.SolidForeground;

            IRow row = sheet1.CreateRow(rowIndex);

            row = sheet1.CreateRow(rowIndex);

            int cellIndex = 0;

            ICell cell = null;

            #region cell header
            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("KaCab NIK");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("KaCab Name");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("ASM NIK");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("ASM Name");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("FSS NIK");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("FSS Name");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("SLM NIK");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("SLM Name");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("Collector NIK");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("Collector Name");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("AR Collector NIK");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("AR Collector Name");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("SPV AR Collector NIK");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;

            cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
            cell.SetCellValue("SPV AR Collector Name");
            cell.CellStyle = cellStyleHeader;


            #region cell data
            List <HierTagihViewModel> listData = response.Data as List <HierTagihViewModel>;

            if (listData != null)
                foreach (var item in listData)
                    row       = sheet1.CreateRow(rowIndex);
                    cellIndex = 0;

                    // RayonCode
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;

                    // Plant
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // NSM NIK
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // NSM Name
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;

                    // ASM NIK
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // ASM Name
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;

                    // FSS NIK
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // FSS Name
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;

                    // SLM NIK
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // SLM Name
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;

                    // Collector NIK
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.SetCellValue(item.CollectorNik ?? 0);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // Collector Name
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;

                    // AR Collector NIK
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.SetCellValue(item.FakturisNik ?? 0);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // AR Collector Name
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;

                    // SPV AR Collector NIK
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.SetCellValue(item.SPVFakturisNik ?? 0);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleNumber;

                    // SPV AR Collector Name
                    cell = row.CreateCell(cellIndex++);
                    cell.CellStyle = cellStyleText;


            #region auto size column
            for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++)

            using (var ms = new MemoryStream())

                alert.Data = ms.ToArray();

            alert.Status = 1;

コード例 #10
        public JDatatableResponse GetDatatableByQuery(JDatatableViewModel model)
            JDatatableResponse result = new JDatatableResponse();

            string[] arrOrderColumn = new string[] { "Fullname"
                                                     , "Fullname"
                                                     , "NIK"
                                                     , "Fullname"
                                                     , "Role"
                                                     , "ValidFrom"
                                                     , "ValidTo" };

            if (_userAuth == null)

            string query = "SELECT [:SELECT]" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "FROM (" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	SELECT slm.NIK, slm.FullName, slm.Role, slm.ValidFrom, slm.ValidTo"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	FROM RHHeader rhh"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	LEFT JOIN SLM slm ON slm.NIK = rhh.SLM"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "	WHERE 1=1"+ System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "   [:CONDITION]" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	UNION" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	SELECT NIK, FullName, Role, ValidFrom, ValidTo" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	FROM SLM" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"	WHERE 1=1" + System.Environment.NewLine +
//"       AND CreatedBy = '" +_userAuth.NIK+"'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           ") a" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "WHERE 1=1" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                           "   AND VALIDTO >= GETDATE()" + System.Environment.NewLine +

            string selectColumn = "DISTINCT *";

            string selectCount = "COUNT(DISTINCT NIK) AS NumRows";

            if (_userAuth == null)

            string condition  = "";
            string condition2 = "";
            Dictionary <string, object> dcParams = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            if (RoleCode.BUM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rhh.BUM = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.NSM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode) || RoleCode.KaCab.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rhh.NSM = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.ASM.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rhh.ASM = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;
            else if (RoleCode.FSS.Equals(_userAuth.RoleCode))
                condition       += "	AND rhh.FSS = @nik";
                dcParams["@nik"] = _userAuth.NIK;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Keyword))
                model.Keyword = model.Keyword.ToLower();

                condition2 += "	AND (NIK LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%'" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                              "		OR LOWER(FullName) LIKE '%[:KEYWORD]%')";

                condition2 = condition2.Replace("[:KEYWORD]", model.Keyword);

            query = query.Replace("[:CONDITION]", condition);
            query = query.Replace("[:CONDITION2]", condition2);

            string query1 = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectCount);

            string connString = GetConnectionString();

            DataTable dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                result.TotalRecords        = Convert.ToInt64(dataTable.Rows[0]["NumRows"]);
                result.TotalDisplayRecords = result.TotalRecords;

            if (result.TotalRecords == 0)

            query1 = query = query.Replace("[:SELECT]", selectColumn);

            if (model.IndexOrderCol <= arrOrderColumn.Length)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + string.Format("ORDER BY {0} {1}", arrOrderColumn[model.IndexOrderCol], model.OrderType.ToUpper());

            if (model.Length > -1)
                query1 += System.Environment.NewLine + "OFFSET " + model.Start + " ROWS" + System.Environment.NewLine +
                          "FETCH NEXT " + model.Length + " ROWS ONLY";

            dataTable = SqlHelper.ExecuteQuery(connString, query1, dcParams);

            List <SalesmanViewModel> listData = new List <SalesmanViewModel>();

            if (dataTable != null && dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dataTable.Rows)

            result.Data = listData;
