private void GameEvents_UpdateTick(object s, EventArgs e) { EnforceSerializer(); if (!Context.IsWorldReady) { return; } if ((Game1.player.CurrentItem == null && this.prevItem != null) || (Game1.player.CurrentItem != null && !Game1.player.CurrentItem.Equals(this.prevItem))) { ItemEvents.FireActiveItemChanged(new EventArgsActiveItemChanged(this.prevItem, Game1.player.CurrentItem)); this.prevItem = Game1.player.CurrentItem; } PlayerModifierHelper._UpdateModifiers(); Vector2 playerPos = new Vector2(Game1.player.getStandingX() / Game1.tileSize, Game1.player.getStandingY() / Game1.tileSize); if (LastTouchAction == playerPos) { return; } string text = Game1.currentLocation.doesTileHaveProperty((int)playerPos.X, (int)playerPos.Y, "TouchAction", "Back"); LastTouchAction = playerPos; if (text == null) { return; } string[] split = (text).Split(' '); string[] args = new string[split.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(split, 1, args, 0, args.Length); this.ActionInfo = new EventArgsActionTriggered(Game1.player, split[0], args, playerPos); MoreEvents.FireTouchActionTriggered(this.ActionInfo); }
/// <summary>Raised after the game finishes writing data to the save file (except the initial save creation).</summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void OnSaved(object sender, SavedEventArgs e) { // delete legacy mod data (migrated into save file by this point) { FileInfo legacyFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json")); if (legacyFile.Exists) { legacyFile.Delete(); } DirectoryInfo legacyDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework")); if (legacyDir.Exists && !legacyDir.GetFileSystemInfos().Any()) { legacyDir.Delete(); } } // read data this.Monitor.Log("Unpacking custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeDeserialize(); IDictionary <string, InstanceState> data = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <Dictionary <string, InstanceState> >("custom-items") ?? new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); this.RestoreItems(data); ItemEvents.FireAfterDeserialize(); }
/// <summary>Raised after the player loads a save slot and the world is initialised.</summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void OnSaveLoaded(object sender, SaveLoadedEventArgs e) { // read data if (Context.IsMainPlayer) { this.Monitor.Log("Unpacking custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeDeserialize(); IDictionary <string, InstanceState> data = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <Dictionary <string, InstanceState> >("custom-items"); if (data == null) { // read from legacy mod file FileInfo legacyFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json")); if (legacyFile.Exists) { data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, InstanceState> >(File.ReadAllText(legacyFile.FullName)); } } if (data == null) { data = new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); } this.RestoreItems(data); ItemEvents.FireAfterDeserialize(); } }
private void SaveEvents_BeforeSave(object s, EventArgs e) { this.Monitor.Log("Packing custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeSerialize(); var data = new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (Chest chest in loc.objects.Where(a => a.Value is Chest).Select(a => (Chest)a.Value)) { chest.items = Serialize(data, chest.items); } } Game1.player.items = Serialize(data, Game1.player.items); var house = (Game1.getLocationFromName("FarmHouse") as StardewValley.Locations.FarmHouse); if (house.fridge != null) { house.fridge.items = Serialize(data, house.fridge.items); } string path = Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json"); this.Helper.WriteJsonFile(path, data); ItemEvents.FireAfterSerialize(); }
/// <summary>Raised before the game begins writes data to the save file (except the initial save creation).</summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void OnSaving(object sender, SavingEventArgs e) { if (Context.IsMainPlayer) { this.Monitor.Log("Packing custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeSerialize(); Dictionary <string, InstanceState> data = new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (Chest chest in loc.Objects.Values.OfType <Chest>()) { this.Serialize(data, chest.items); } } this.Serialize(data, Game1.player.Items); FarmHouse house = Game1.getLocationFromName("FarmHouse") as FarmHouse; if (house.fridge.Value != null) { this.Serialize(data, house.fridge.Value.items); } this.Helper.Data.WriteSaveData("custom-items", data); ItemEvents.FireAfterSerialize(); } }
/// <summary>Raised after the game state is updated (≈60 times per second).</summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void OnUpdateTicked(object sender, UpdateTickedEventArgs e) { this.EnforceSerializer(); if (!Context.IsWorldReady) { return; } if (Game1.player.CurrentItem == null && this.PrevItem != null || Game1.player.CurrentItem != null && !Game1.player.CurrentItem.Equals(this.PrevItem)) { ItemEvents.FireActiveItemChanged(new EventArgsActiveItemChanged(this.PrevItem, Game1.player.CurrentItem)); this.PrevItem = Game1.player.CurrentItem; } IModHelperExtensions.PlayerModifierHelper.UpdateTick(); if (Context.IsPlayerFree) { Vector2 playerPos = new Vector2(Game1.player.getStandingX() / Game1.tileSize, Game1.player.getStandingY() / Game1.tileSize); if (EntoaroxFrameworkMod.LastTouchAction != playerPos) { string text = Game1.currentLocation.doesTileHaveProperty((int)playerPos.X, (int)playerPos.Y, "TouchAction", "Back"); EntoaroxFrameworkMod.LastTouchAction = playerPos; if (text != null) { string[] split = text.Split(' '); string[] args = new string[split.Length - 1]; Array.Copy(split, 1, args, 0, args.Length); this.ActionInfo = new EventArgsActionTriggered(Game1.player, split[0], args, playerPos); MoreEvents.FireTouchActionTriggered(this.ActionInfo); } } } }
private void RestoreSave() { if (!Context.IsMainPlayer) { return; } // read data this.Monitor.Log("Unpacking custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeDeserialize(); Dictionary <string, Tuple <bool, InstanceState> > locations = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <Dictionary <string, Tuple <bool, InstanceState> > >("custom-locations") ?? new Dictionary <string, Tuple <bool, InstanceState> >(); foreach (var location in locations) { if (location.Value.Item1) { return; } Game1.locations.Remove(Game1.getLocationFromName(location.Key)); Game1.locations.Add(location.Value.Item2.Restore <GameLocation>()); } IDictionary <string, InstanceState> data = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <Dictionary <string, InstanceState> >("custom-items") ?? new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); this.RestoreItems(data); List <Tuple <string, Vector2, InstanceState> > features = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <List <Tuple <string, Vector2, InstanceState> > >("custom-features") ?? new List <Tuple <string, Vector2, InstanceState> >(); foreach (var feature in features) { Game1.getLocationFromName(feature.Item1)?.terrainFeatures.Add(feature.Item2, feature.Item3.Restore <TerrainFeature>()); } ItemEvents.FireAfterDeserialize(); }
/// <summary> /// Drop item in town and record it so we can avoid picking it up again. /// </summary> public static async Task <CoroutineResult> Drop(ACDItem item) { if (!ZetaDia.IsInGame || !ZetaDia.IsInTown || item.IsAccountBound) { return(CoroutineResult.NoAction); } s_logger.Information($"[{nameof(Drop)}] Dropping {item.Name} ({item.ActorSnoId}) in town. AnnId={item.AnnId} "); bool dropResult = false; try { dropResult = item.Drop(); } catch (InjectionSEHException) { s_logger.Information($"[{nameof(DropItems)}] Failed to Drop {item.Name} ({item.ActorSnoId}) in town. AnnId={item.AnnId} "); DroppedItemAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); } if (dropResult) { DroppedItemAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); ItemEvents.FireItemDropped(item); await Coroutine.Yield(); return(CoroutineResult.Done); } return(CoroutineResult.Failed); }
public async Task <IActionResult> PutItemEvents(int id, ItemEvents itemEvents) { if (id != itemEvents.ItemEventId) { return(BadRequest()); } _context.Entry(itemEvents).State = EntityState.Modified; try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!ItemEventsExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(NoContent()); }
/// <summary> /// Drop item in town and record it so we can avoid picking it up again. /// </summary> public static async Task <bool> Drop(TrinityItem item) { if (!ZetaDia.IsInGame || !ZetaDia.IsInTown || item.IsAccountBound) { return(false); } Core.Logger.Log($"[DropItems] --> Dropping {item.Name} ({item.ActorSnoId}) in town. AnnId={item.AnnId} "); bool dropResult = false; try { dropResult = item.Drop(); } catch (InjectionSEHException) { Core.Logger.Log($"[DropItems] --> Failed to Drop {item.Name} ({item.ActorSnoId}) in town. AnnId={item.AnnId} "); DroppedItemAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); } if (dropResult) { DroppedItemAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); ItemEvents.FireItemDropped(item); await Coroutine.Sleep(500); return(true); } return(false); }
private void SaveEvents_AfterSave(object s, EventArgs e) { this.Monitor.Log("Unpacking custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeDeserialize(); string path = Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json"); var data = this.Helper.ReadJsonFile <Dictionary <string, InstanceState> >(path) ?? new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (SObject objects in loc.Objects.Values) { if (objects is Chest chest) { chest = new Chest(chest.coins.Value, Deserialize(data, chest.items), chest.TileLocation, chest.giftbox.Value, chest.giftboxIndex.Value); } } } Game1.player.Items = Deserialize(data, Game1.player.Items); if (Game1.getLocationFromName("FarmHouse") is FarmHouse house) { house.fridge.Value?.items.Clear(); if (house.fridge.Value != null) { var items = this.Deserialize(data, house.fridge.Value.items); foreach (Item item in items) { house.fridge.Value.addItem(item); } } } ItemEvents.FireAfterDeserialize(); }
private void SaveEvents_BeforeSave(object s, EventArgs e) { this.Monitor.Log("Packing custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeSerialize(); var data = new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations) { //TODO Testing. look into where Chests & Fridge store thier item locations /*[22:58:19 ERROR Entoarox Framework] This mod failed in the SaveEvents.AfterSave event. Technical details: * System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast object of type 'StardewValley.Object' to type 'StardewValley.Objects.Chest'. * at Entoarox.Framework.Core.EntoaroxFrameworkMod.SaveEvents_AfterSave(Object s, EventArgs e) * at StardewModdingAPI.Framework.Events.ManagedEvent.Raise() in C:\source\_Stardew\SMAPI\src\SMAPI\Framework\Events\ManagedEvent.cs:line 126 */ foreach (SObject objects in loc.Objects.Values) { if (objects is Chest chest) { Serialize(data, chest.items); } } } Game1.player.Items = Serialize(data, Game1.player.Items); if (Game1.getLocationFromName("FarmHouse") is FarmHouse house && house.fridge.Value != null) { Serialize(data, house.fridge.Value.items); } string path = Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json"); this.Helper.WriteJsonFile(path, data); ItemEvents.FireAfterSerialize(); }
private void SaveEvents_BeforeSave(object s, EventArgs e) { this.Monitor.Log("Packing custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeSerialize(); Dictionary <string, InstanceState> data = new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (Chest chest in loc.Objects.Values.OfType <Chest>()) { this.Serialize(data, chest.items); } } this.Serialize(data, Game1.player.Items); FarmHouse house = Game1.getLocationFromName("FarmHouse") as FarmHouse; if (house.fridge.Value != null) { this.Serialize(data, house.fridge.Value.items); } string path = Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json"); this.Helper.WriteJsonFile(path, data); ItemEvents.FireAfterSerialize(); }
public void GetGeneralUnlocks(ICLIFlags toolFlags) { string basePath; if (toolFlags is ExtractFlags flags) { basePath = flags.OutputPath; } else { throw new Exception("no output path"); } foreach (var key in TrackedFiles[0x54]) { STUGlobalInventoryMaster invMaster = GetInstance <STUGlobalInventoryMaster>(key); if (invMaster == null) { continue; } var achivementUnlocks = invMaster.AchievementUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Select(it => GatherUnlock((ulong)it)).ToList(); SprayAndIcon.SaveItems(basePath, null, "General", "Achievements", flags, achivementUnlocks); if (invMaster.EventGeneralUnlocks != null) { foreach (var eventUnlocks in invMaster.EventGeneralUnlocks) { if (eventUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Unlocks == null) { continue; } var eventKey = ItemEvents.GetInstance().EventsNormal[(uint)eventUnlocks.Event]; var unlocks = eventUnlocks.Unlocks.Unlocks.Select(it => GatherUnlock((ulong)it)).ToList(); SprayAndIcon.SaveItems(basePath, null, "General", eventKey, flags, unlocks); } } if (invMaster.LevelUnlocks != null) { var unlocks = new HashSet <ItemInfo>(); foreach (var levelUnlocks in invMaster.LevelUnlocks) { if (levelUnlocks?.Unlocks == null) { continue; } foreach (var unlock in levelUnlocks.Unlocks) { unlocks.Add(GatherUnlock(unlock)); } } SprayAndIcon.SaveItems(basePath, null, "General", "Standard", flags, unlocks.ToList()); Portrait.SaveItems(basePath, null, "General", "Standard", flags, unlocks.ToList()); } } }
public static Dictionary <string, HashSet <ItemInfo> > GetUnlocksForHero(ulong guid) { Dictionary <string, HashSet <ItemInfo> > @return = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ItemInfo> >(); STUHeroUnlocks unlocks = GetInstance <STUHeroUnlocks>(guid); if (unlocks == null) { return(null); } @return["Default"] = GatherUnlocks(unlocks.SystemUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Select(it => (ulong)it)); if (unlocks.Unlocks != null) { foreach (STUUnlocks defaultUnlocks in unlocks.Unlocks) { if (defaultUnlocks?.Unlocks == null) { continue; } if ([email protected]("Standard")) { @return["Standard"] = new HashSet <ItemInfo>(); } foreach (ItemInfo info in GatherUnlocks(defaultUnlocks.Unlocks.Select(it => (ulong)it))) { @return["Standard"].Add(info); } } } if (unlocks.LootboxUnlocks != null) { foreach (STULootBoxUnlocks eventUnlocks in unlocks.LootboxUnlocks) { if (eventUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Unlocks == null) { continue; } string eventKey = $"Event/{ItemEvents.GetInstance().EventsNormal[(uint)eventUnlocks.Event]}"; if ([email protected](eventKey)) { @return[eventKey] = new HashSet <ItemInfo>(); } foreach (ItemInfo info in GatherUnlocks(eventUnlocks.Unlocks.Unlocks.Select(it => (ulong)it))) { @return[eventKey].Add(info); } } } return(@return); }
public Dictionary <string, HashSet <ItemInfo> > GetUnlocks() { Dictionary <string, HashSet <ItemInfo> > @return = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <ItemInfo> >(); foreach (ulong key in TrackedFiles[0x54]) { STUGlobalInventoryMaster invMaster = GetInstance <STUGlobalInventoryMaster>(key); if (invMaster == null) { continue; } @return["Achievement"] = GatherUnlocks(invMaster.AchievementUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Select(it => (ulong)it)); @return["Standard"] = new HashSet <ItemInfo>(); if (invMaster.LevelUnlocks != null) { foreach (STUAdditionalUnlocks levelUnlocks in invMaster.LevelUnlocks) { if (levelUnlocks?.Unlocks == null) { continue; } foreach (ItemInfo info in GatherUnlocks(levelUnlocks.Unlocks.Select(it => (ulong)it))) { @return["Standard"].Add(info); } } } if (invMaster.EventGeneralUnlocks != null) { foreach (STULootBoxUnlocks eventUnlocks in invMaster.EventGeneralUnlocks) { if (eventUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Unlocks == null) { continue; } string eventKey = $"Event/{ItemEvents.GetInstance().EventsNormal[(uint)eventUnlocks.Event]}"; if ([email protected](eventKey)) { @return[eventKey] = new HashSet <ItemInfo>(); } foreach (ItemInfo info in GatherUnlocks(eventUnlocks.Unlocks.Unlocks.Select(it => (ulong)it))) { @return[eventKey].Add(info); } } } } return(@return); }
private void Awake() { instance = this; playerEvents = new PlayerEvents(); evilPlayerEvents = new EvilPlayerEvents(); enemyEvents = new EnemyEvents(); levelEvents = new LevelEvents(); enviromentEvents = new EnviromentEvents(); weaponEvents = new WeaponEvents(); itemEvents = new ItemEvents(); }
public GameItem SetupItem(GameEntity ent, string name, Vector3Int pos, Player owner) { var index = Loader.GetIndexByName(name); var npc = LuaNpcGetter.GetNpcById(index); ent.Owner = owner; ent.OriginalName = name; = name; var item = ent as GameItem; var evoTo = LuaNpcGetter.GetEvolutionTo(npc); if (evoTo.Length > 0) { if (!UnitEvolution.IsHasSoloEvolution(name)) { UnitEvolution.AddToSoloDict(name, evoTo); } if (item != null) { item.SoloEvolution = true; } } var evoCross = LuaNpcGetter.GetNpcEvoCrossing(npc); if (evoCross.Keys.Count > 0) { foreach (var pair in evoCross) { UnitEvolution.AddToStackDict(name, pair.Key, pair.Value); if (!string.Equals(pair.Key, name, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { UnitEvolution.AddToStackDict(pair.Key, name, pair.Value); } } } if (GroupUtil.IsItem(ent.Group)) { SecondaryGroundLvL.SetGroundEnt(ChunkNumber, pos, item); } if (GroupUtil.isBuilding(ent.Group)) { ChunkManager.AddVision(ent); } ItemEvents.OnCreateItem(item, firstCreate); Coloring.RecolorObject(ChunkUtil.GetDovvner(ent.CurrentPos)); return(item); }
public static async Task <CoroutineResult> SellItems() { if (!ZetaDia.IsInTown) { return(CoroutineResult.NoAction); } var sellItem = InventoryManager.Backpack .FirstOrDefault(i => ShouldSell(i) && InventoryManager.CanSellItem(i)); if (sellItem == null) { if (await RepairItems() == CoroutineResult.Running) { return(CoroutineResult.Running); } GameUI.CloseVendorWindow(); return(CoroutineResult.Done); } if (!UIElements.VendorWindow.IsVisible) { var merchant = TownInfo.NearestMerchant; if (merchant == null) { s_logger.Error($"[{nameof(SellItems)}] Unable to find merchant info for this area :("); return(CoroutineResult.Failed); } if (await CommonCoroutines.MoveAndInteract( merchant.GetActor(), () => UIElements.VendorWindow.IsVisible) == CoroutineResult.Running) { return(CoroutineResult.Running); } } if (!sellItem.IsValid || sellItem.IsUnidentified) { s_logger.Debug($"[{nameof(SellItems)}] Invalid Items Detected: IsValid={sellItem.IsValid} IsUnidentified={sellItem.IsUnidentified}"); return(CoroutineResult.Failed); } s_logger.Debug($"[{nameof(SellItems)}] Selling: {sellItem.Name} ({sellItem.ActorSnoId}) Quality={sellItem.ItemQualityLevel} IsAncient={sellItem.Stats.IsAncient} Name={sellItem.InternalName}"); ItemEvents.FireItemSold(sellItem); InventoryManager.SellItem(sellItem); Core.Inventory.InvalidAnnIds.Add(sellItem.AnnId); return(CoroutineResult.Running); }
public void OnDropped() { if (IsPickupNoClick) { return; } if (IsPrimalAncient) { Core.Logger.Warn($"Primal {Name} dropped. (SnoId={ActorSnoId} Ann={AnnId} AcdId={AcdId} GbId={GameBalanceId}) InternalName={InternalName} Quality={ItemQualityLevel} Ancient={IsAncient} Primal={IsPrimalAncient} RawType={RawItemType}"); } else { Core.Logger.Log($"{Name} dropped. (SnoId={ActorSnoId} Ann={AnnId} AcdId={AcdId} GbId={GameBalanceId}) InternalName={InternalName} Quality={ItemQualityLevel} Ancient={IsAncient} Primal={IsPrimalAncient} RawType={RawItemType}"); } ItemEvents.FireItemDropped(this); }
/// <summary>Raised before the game begins writes data to the save file (except the initial save creation).</summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void OnSaving(object sender, SavingEventArgs e) { if (Context.IsMainPlayer) { this.Monitor.Log("Packing custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeSerialize(); var data = new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); var features = new List <Tuple <string, Vector2, InstanceState> >(); var locations = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <bool, InstanceState> >(); foreach (var loc in this.GetAllLocations()) { foreach (Chest chest in loc.Objects.Values.OfType <Chest>()) { this.Serialize(data, chest.items); } this.Serialize(data, loc.Objects); if (loc.terrainFeatures != null) { this.Serialize(features, loc, loc.terrainFeatures); } } foreach (var location in Game1.locations.Where(a => a is ICustomItem).ToArray()) { Game1.locations.Remove(location); this.Serialize(locations, location); } this.Serialize(data, Game1.player.Items); FarmHouse house = Game1.getLocationFromName("FarmHouse") as FarmHouse; if (house.fridge.Value != null) { this.Serialize(data, house.fridge.Value.items); } this.Monitor.Log("Found and serialized [" + data.Count + "] Item instances", LogLevel.Trace); this.Monitor.Log("Found and serialized [" + features.Count + "] TerrainFeature instances", LogLevel.Trace); this.Monitor.Log("Found and serialized [" + locations.Count + "] GameLocation instances", LogLevel.Trace); string path = Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework"); this.Helper.Data.WriteSaveData("custom-items", data); this.Helper.Data.WriteSaveData("custom-features", features); this.Helper.Data.WriteSaveData("custom-locations", locations); ItemEvents.FireAfterSerialize(); this.Monitor.Log("Packing complete", LogLevel.Trace); } }
/// <summary>Raised after the game finishes writing data to the save file (except the initial save creation).</summary> /// <param name="sender">The event sender.</param> /// <param name="e">The event arguments.</param> private void OnSaved(object sender, SavedEventArgs e) { // delete legacy mod data (migrated into save file by this point) { FileInfo legacyFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json")); if (legacyFile.Exists) { legacyFile.Delete(); } DirectoryInfo legacyDir = new DirectoryInfo(Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework")); if (legacyDir.Exists && !legacyDir.GetFileSystemInfos().Any()) { legacyDir.Delete(); } } // read data this.Monitor.Log("Unpacking custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeDeserialize(); Dictionary <string, Tuple <bool, InstanceState> > locations = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <Dictionary <string, Tuple <bool, InstanceState> > >("custom-locations") ?? new Dictionary <string, Tuple <bool, InstanceState> >(); foreach (var location in locations) { if (location.Value.Item1) { return; } Game1.locations.Remove(Game1.getLocationFromName(location.Key)); Game1.locations.Add(location.Value.Item2.Restore <GameLocation>()); } IDictionary <string, InstanceState> data = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <Dictionary <string, InstanceState> >("custom-items") ?? new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); this.RestoreItems(data); List <Tuple <string, Vector2, InstanceState> > features = this.Helper.Data.ReadSaveData <List <Tuple <string, Vector2, InstanceState> > >("custom-features") ?? new List <Tuple <string, Vector2, InstanceState> >(); foreach (var feature in features) { Game1.getLocationFromName(feature.Item1)?.terrainFeatures.Add(feature.Item2, feature.Item3.Restore <TerrainFeature>()); } ItemEvents.FireAfterDeserialize(); }
private void SaveEvents_AfterSave(object s, EventArgs e) { this.Monitor.Log("Unpacking custom objects...", LogLevel.Trace); ItemEvents.FireBeforeDeserialize(); string path = Path.Combine(Constants.CurrentSavePath, "Entoarox.Framework", "CustomItems.json"); Dictionary <string, InstanceState> data = this.Helper.ReadJsonFile <Dictionary <string, InstanceState> >(path) ?? new Dictionary <string, InstanceState>(); foreach (GameLocation loc in Game1.locations) { foreach (Chest chest in loc.Objects.Values.OfType <Chest>()) { this.Deserialize(data, chest.items); } } FarmHouse house = (FarmHouse)Game1.getLocationFromName("FarmHouse"); this.Deserialize(data, Game1.player.Items); this.Deserialize(data, house.fridge.Value.items); ItemEvents.FireAfterDeserialize(); }
public async Task <ActionResult <ItemEvents> > PostItemEvents(ItemEvents itemEvents) { _context.ItemEvents.Add(itemEvents); try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); } catch (DbUpdateException) { if (ItemEventsExists(itemEvents.ItemEventId)) { return(Conflict()); } else { throw; } } return(CreatedAtAction("GetItemEvents", new { id = itemEvents.ItemEventId }, itemEvents)); }
public void Parse(Dictionary <ushort, List <ulong> > track, Dictionary <ulong, Record> map, CASCHandler handler, bool quiet, OverToolFlags flags) { List <ulong> masters = track[0x75]; foreach (ulong masterKey in masters) { if (!map.ContainsKey(masterKey)) { continue; } STUD masterStud = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[masterKey], handler)); if (masterStud.Instances == null) { continue; } HeroMaster master = (HeroMaster)masterStud.Instances[0]; if (master == null) { continue; } string heroName = Util.GetString(, map, handler); if (heroName == null) { continue; } string goodhero = heroName; foreach (var c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { goodhero = goodhero.Replace(c, '_'); } if (master.Header.itemMaster.key == 0) // AI { continue; } bool ex = System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached || flags.Expert; bool hasName = false; if (!map.ContainsKey(master.Header.itemMaster.key)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Error loading inventory master file..."); continue; } STUD inventoryStud = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[master.Header.itemMaster.key], handler)); #if OUTPUT_STUDINVENTORYMASTER Stream studStream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.Header.itemMaster.key], handler); string outFilename = string.Format("./STUDs/ListInventoryMaster/{0}.stud", goodhero); string putPathname = outFilename.Substring(0, outFilename.LastIndexOf('/')); Directory.CreateDirectory(putPathname); Stream OutWriter = File.Create(outFilename); studStream.CopyTo(OutWriter); OutWriter.Close(); studStream.Close(); #endif InventoryMaster inventory = (InventoryMaster)inventoryStud.Instances[0]; if (inventory == null) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Error loading inventory master file..."); continue; } Dictionary <int, string> indexMap = new Dictionary <int, string>(); List <OWRecord> items = new List <OWRecord>(); items.AddRange(inventory.Achievables.ToList()); for (int i = 0; i < inventory.DefaultGroups.Length; ++i) { string name = $"STANDARD_{ItemEvents.GetInstance().GetEvent(inventory.DefaultGroups[i].@event)}"; items.AddRange(inventory.Defaults[i].ToList()); } for (int i = 0; i < inventory.ItemGroups.Length; ++i) { string name = ItemEvents.GetInstance().GetEvent(inventory.ItemGroups[i].@event); items.AddRange(inventory.Items[i].ToList()); } foreach (OWRecord record in items) { STUD item = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[record], handler)); if (item.Instances == null) { continue; } WeaponSkinItem skin = item.Instances[0] as WeaponSkinItem; if (skin == null) { continue; } if (!hasName) { if (ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Weapons for {0} ({2:X16}) in package {1:X16}", heroName, map[masterKey].package.packageKey, masterKey); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("Weapons for {0}", heroName); } hasName = true; } Console.Out.WriteLine("\tIndex {0} - {1}", skin.Data.index, Util.GetString(, map, handler)); } if (hasName) { Console.Out.WriteLine(""); } } }
public void Parse(Dictionary <ushort, List <ulong> > track, Dictionary <ulong, Record> map, CASCHandler handler, bool quiet, OverToolFlags flags) { List <ulong> masters = track[0x75]; foreach (ulong masterKey in masters) { if (!map.ContainsKey(masterKey)) { continue; } STUD masterStud = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[masterKey], handler)); if (masterStud.Instances == null) { continue; } HeroMaster master = (HeroMaster)masterStud.Instances[0]; if (master == null) { continue; } string heroName = Util.GetString(, map, handler); if (heroName == null) { continue; } string goodhero = heroName; foreach (var c in Path.GetInvalidFileNameChars()) { goodhero = goodhero.Replace(c, '_'); } if (master.Header.itemMaster.key == 0) // AI { continue; } bool ex = System.Diagnostics.Debugger.IsAttached || flags.Expert; if (ex) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Cosmetics for {0} ({1:X16})", heroName, GUID.LongKey(masterKey)); } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("Cosmetics for {0}", heroName); } if (!map.ContainsKey(master.Header.itemMaster.key)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Error loading inventory master file..."); continue; } STUD inventoryStud = new STUD(Util.OpenFile(map[master.Header.itemMaster.key], handler)); #if OUTPUT_STUDINVENTORYMASTER Stream studStream = Util.OpenFile(map[master.Header.itemMaster.key], handler); string outFilename = string.Format("./STUDs/ListInventoryMaster/{0}.stud", goodhero); string putPathname = outFilename.Substring(0, outFilename.LastIndexOf('/')); Directory.CreateDirectory(putPathname); Stream OutWriter = File.Create(outFilename); studStream.CopyTo(OutWriter); OutWriter.Close(); studStream.Close(); #endif InventoryMaster inventory = (InventoryMaster)inventoryStud.Instances[0]; if (inventory == null) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Error loading inventory master file..."); continue; } Console.Out.WriteLine("\tACHIEVEMENT ({0} items)", inventory.Achievables.Length); foreach (OWRecord record in inventory.Achievables) { GetInventoryName(record.key, ex, map, handler, goodhero); } for (int i = 0; i < inventory.DefaultGroups.Length; ++i) { if (inventory.Defaults[i].Length == 0) { continue; } OWRecord[] records = inventory.Defaults[i]; Console.Out.WriteLine("\tSTANDARD_{0} ({1} items)", ItemEvents.GetInstance().GetEvent(inventory.DefaultGroups[i].@event), records.Length); foreach (OWRecord record in records) { GetInventoryName(record.key, ex, map, handler, goodhero); } } for (int i = 0; i < inventory.ItemGroups.Length; ++i) { if (inventory.Items[i].Length == 0) { continue; } OWRecord[] records = inventory.Items[i]; Console.Out.WriteLine("\t{0} ({1} items)", ItemEvents.GetInstance().GetEvent(inventory.ItemGroups[i].@event), records.Length); foreach (OWRecord record in records) { GetInventoryName(record.key, ex, map, handler, goodhero); } } Console.Out.WriteLine(""); } }
public void SaveUnlocksForHeroes(ICLIFlags flags, IEnumerable <STUHero> heroes, string basePath, bool npc = false) { if (flags.Positionals.Length < 4) { QueryHelp(QueryTypes); return; } Log("Initializing..."); Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, ParsedArg> > parsedTypes = ParseQuery(flags, QueryTypes, QueryNameOverrides); if (parsedTypes == null) { return; } foreach (STUHero hero in heroes) { string heroNameActual = GetString(hero.Name); string heroFileName = GetValidFilename(heroNameActual); if (heroFileName == null) { continue; // heroFileName = "Unknown"; // heroNameActual = "Unknown"; } heroNameActual = heroNameActual.TrimEnd(' '); heroFileName = heroFileName.TrimEnd(' '); Dictionary <string, ParsedArg> config = new Dictionary <string, ParsedArg>(); foreach (string key in new [] { heroNameActual.ToLowerInvariant(), "*" }) { if (!parsedTypes.ContainsKey(key)) { continue; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, ParsedArg> parsedArg in parsedTypes[key]) { if (config.ContainsKey(parsedArg.Key)) { config[parsedArg.Key] = config[parsedArg.Key].Combine(parsedArg.Value); } else { config[parsedArg.Key] = parsedArg.Value.Combine(null); // clone for safety } } } if (config.Count == 0) { continue; } var unlocks = GetInstance <STUHeroUnlocks>(hero.LootboxUnlocks); if (unlocks?.Unlocks == null && !npc) { continue; } if (unlocks?.LootboxUnlocks != null && npc) { continue; } Log($"Processing data for {heroNameActual}..."); List <ItemInfo> weaponSkins = ListHeroUnlocks.GetUnlocksForHero(hero.LootboxUnlocks)?.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Where(y => y.Type == "Weapon")).ToList(); // eww? var achievementUnlocks = GatherUnlocks(unlocks?.SystemUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Select(it => (ulong)it)).ToList(); foreach (ItemInfo itemInfo in achievementUnlocks) { if (itemInfo == null) { continue; } Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> tags = new Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> { { "event", new TagExpectedValue("base") } }; SaveItemInfo(itemInfo, basePath, heroFileName, flags, hero, "Achievement", config, tags, weaponSkins); } if (npc) { foreach (STUHeroSkin skin in hero.Skins) { if (config.ContainsKey("skin") && config["skin"].ShouldDo(GetFileName(skin.SkinOverride))) { Skin.Save(flags, $"{basePath}\\{RootDir}", hero, skin, false); } } continue; } foreach (var defaultUnlocks in unlocks.Unlocks) { var dUnlocks = GatherUnlocks(defaultUnlocks.Unlocks.Select(it => (ulong)it)).ToList(); foreach (ItemInfo itemInfo in dUnlocks) { Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> tags = new Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> { { "event", new TagExpectedValue("base") } }; SaveItemInfo(itemInfo, basePath, heroFileName, flags, hero, "Standard", config, tags, weaponSkins); } } foreach (var eventUnlocks in unlocks.LootboxUnlocks) { if (eventUnlocks?.Unlocks?.Unlocks == null) { continue; } var eventKey = ItemEvents.GetInstance().EventsNormal[(uint)eventUnlocks.Event]; var eUnlocks = eventUnlocks.Unlocks.Unlocks.Select(it => GatherUnlock(it)).ToList(); foreach (ItemInfo itemInfo in eUnlocks) { if (itemInfo == null) { continue; } Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> tags = new Dictionary <string, TagExpectedValue> { { "event", new TagExpectedValue(eventUnlocks.Event.ToString().ToLowerInvariant()) } }; SaveItemInfo(itemInfo, basePath, heroFileName, flags, hero, eventKey, config, tags, weaponSkins); } } Combo.ComboInfo guiInfo = new Combo.ComboInfo(); Combo.Find(guiInfo, hero.ImageResource1); Combo.Find(guiInfo, hero.ImageResource2); Combo.Find(guiInfo, hero.ImageResource3); Combo.Find(guiInfo, hero.ImageResource4); guiInfo.SetTextureName(hero.ImageResource1, "Icon"); guiInfo.SetTextureName(hero.ImageResource2, "Portrait"); guiInfo.SetTextureName(hero.ImageResource4, "Avatar"); guiInfo.SetTextureName(hero.SpectatorIcon, "SpectatorIcon"); SaveLogic.Combo.SaveLooseTextures(flags, Path.Combine(basePath, RootDir, heroFileName, "GUI"), guiInfo); } }
public async static Task <bool> Execute() { if (!ZetaDia.IsInTown) { Core.Logger.Verbose("[SellItems] Need to be in town to sell items"); return(false); } var sellItems = Core.Inventory.Backpack.Where(ShouldSell).ToList(); if (!sellItems.Any()) { await RepairItems.Execute(); Core.Logger.Verbose("[SellItems] Nothing to sell"); return(false); } Core.Logger.Verbose("[SellItems] Now to sell {0} items", sellItems.Count); sellItems.ForEach(i => Core.Logger.Debug($"[SellItems] Selling: {i.Name} ({i.ActorSnoId}) InternalName={i.InternalName} Ancient={i.IsAncient} Ann={i.AnnId}")); await Coroutine.Sleep(Randomizer.Fudge(150)); GameUI.CloseVendorWindow(); var merchant = TownInfo.NearestMerchant; if (merchant == null) { Core.Logger.Error("[SellItems] Unable to find merchant info for this area :("); return(false); } if (!UIElements.VendorWindow.IsVisible) { if (!await MoveToAndInteract.Execute(merchant)) { Core.Logger.Error($"[SellItems] Failed to move to merchant ({merchant.Name}) to sell items :("); return(false); } await Coroutine.Sleep(Randomizer.Fudge(1000)); } if (UIElements.VendorWindow.IsVisible) { await Coroutine.Sleep(Randomizer.Fudge(1500)); var freshItems = Core.Inventory.Backpack.Where(ShouldSell); foreach (var item in freshItems) { if (InventoryManager.CanSellItem(item.ToAcdItem())) { if (!item.IsValid || item.IsUnidentified) { Core.Logger.Verbose($"[SellItems] Invalid Items Detected: IsValid={item.IsValid} IsUnidentified={item.IsUnidentified}"); continue; } await Coroutine.Sleep(Randomizer.Fudge(100)); Core.Logger.Verbose($"[SellItems] Selling: {item.Name} ({item.ActorSnoId}) Quality={item.ItemQualityLevel} IsAncient={item.IsAncient} Name={item.InternalName}"); InventoryManager.SellItem(item.ToAcdItem()); ItemEvents.FireItemSold(item); Core.Inventory.InvalidAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); } } await Coroutine.Sleep(Randomizer.Fudge(1000)); await RepairItems.Execute(); return(true); } Core.Logger.Error($"[SellItems] Failed to sell items"); return(false); }
public static async Task <bool> Execute() { if (!ZetaDia.IsInTown) { Core.Logger.Verbose("[SalvageItems] Need to be in town to salvage items"); return(false); } var salvageItems = Core.Inventory.Backpack.Where(ShouldSalvage).ToList(); if (!salvageItems.Any()) { Core.Logger.Verbose("[SalvageItems] Nothing to salvage"); return(false); } Core.Logger.Verbose("[SalvageItems] Starting salvage for {0} items", salvageItems.Count); salvageItems.ForEach(i => Core.Logger.Debug($"[SalvageItems] Salvaging: {i.Name} ({i.ActorSnoId}) InternalName={i.InternalName} Ancient={i.IsAncient} Ann={i.AnnId}")); GameUI.CloseVendorWindow(); var blacksmith = TownInfo.BlacksmithSalvage; if (blacksmith == null) { Core.Logger.Error("[SalvageItems] Unable to find a blacksmith info for this area :("); return(false); } if (!UIElements.SalvageWindow.IsVisible) { var blacksmithNpc = TownInfo.Blacksmith; if (blacksmithNpc != null) { Core.DBGridProvider.AddCellWeightingObstacle(blacksmithNpc.ActorId, 4); } if (!await MoveTo.Execute(blacksmith.InteractPosition)) { Core.Logger.Error($"[SalvageItems] Failed to move to blacksmith interact position ({blacksmith.Name}) to salvage items :("); return(false); } ; if (!await MoveToAndInteract.Execute(blacksmith, 10f)) { Core.Logger.Error($"[SalvageItems] Failed to move to blacksmith ({blacksmith.Name}) to salvage items :("); return(false); } ; await Coroutine.Sleep(Rnd.Next(750, 1250)); } if (UIElements.SalvageWindow.IsVisible) { if (ZetaDia.Me.Level >= 70 && UIElements.SalvageAllWrapper.IsVisible) { var items = Core.Inventory.Backpack.Where(i => Combat.TrinityCombat.Loot.ShouldSalvage(i)).ToList(); var normals = items.Where(i => NormalQualityLevels.Contains(i.ItemQualityLevel)).ToList(); if (normals.Count > 0) { Core.Logger.Verbose($"[SalvageItems] Bulk Salvaging {normals.Count} Normal"); if (InventoryManager.SalvageItemsOfRarity(SalvageRarity.Normal)) { normals.ForEach(ItemEvents.FireItemSalvaged); } } var magic = items.Where(i => MagicQualityLevels.Contains(i.ItemQualityLevel)).ToList(); if (magic.Count > 0) { Core.Logger.Verbose($"[SalvageItems] Bulk Salvaging {magic.Count} Magic"); if (InventoryManager.SalvageItemsOfRarity(SalvageRarity.Magic)) { magic.ForEach(ItemEvents.FireItemSalvaged); } } var rares = items.Where(i => RareQualityLevels.Contains(i.ItemQualityLevel)).ToList(); if (rares.Count > 0) { Core.Logger.Verbose($"[SalvageItems] Bulk Salvaging {rares.Count} Rare"); if (InventoryManager.SalvageItemsOfRarity(SalvageRarity.Rare)) { rares.ForEach(ItemEvents.FireItemSalvaged); } } } await Coroutine.Sleep(500); await Coroutine.Yield(); var timeout = DateTime.UtcNow.Add(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30)); while (DateTime.UtcNow < timeout) { if (!UIElements.SalvageWindow.IsVisible) { break; } await Coroutine.Sleep(Rnd.Next(200, 300)); Core.Actors.Update(); var freshItems = Core.Inventory.Backpack.Where(i => ShouldSalvage(i) && !Core.Inventory.InvalidAnnIds.Contains(i.AnnId)).ToList(); if (!freshItems.Any()) { break; } var item = freshItems.First(); if (ZetaDia.Actors.GetACDByAnnId(item.AnnId) == null) { Core.Logger.Log("AnnId doesn't exist, skipping salvage"); Core.Inventory.InvalidAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); continue; } if (!Core.Actors.IsAnnIdValid(item.AnnId)) { Core.Logger.Log("AnnId test failed, skipping salvage to prevent disconnect"); Core.Inventory.InvalidAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); continue; } Core.Logger.Log($"Salvaging: {item.Name} ({item.ActorSnoId}) Ancient={item.IsAncient}"); InventoryManager.SalvageItem(item.AnnId); Core.Inventory.InvalidAnnIds.Add(item.AnnId); ItemEvents.FireItemSalvaged(item); } await Coroutine.Sleep(Rnd.Next(750, 1250)); await RepairItems.Execute(); return(true); } Core.Logger.Error($"[SalvageItems] Failed to salvage items"); return(false); }
public void Parse(Dictionary <ushort, List <ulong> > track, Dictionary <ulong, Record> map, CASCHandler handler, bool quiet, OverToolFlags flags) { Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> > > > dict = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> > > >(); foreach (ulong key in track[0x54]) { if (!map.ContainsKey(key)) { continue; } using (Stream input = Util.OpenFile(map[key], handler)) { if (input == null) { continue; } STUD stud = new STUD(input); if (stud.Instances == null || stud.Instances[0] == null) { continue; } GlobalInventoryMaster master = stud.Instances[0] as GlobalInventoryMaster; if (master == null) { continue; } if (!dict.ContainsKey("ACHIEVEMENT")) { dict["ACHIEVEMENT"] = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> > >(); } if (!dict.ContainsKey("AVAILABLE")) { dict["AVAILABLE"] = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> > >(); } if (!dict.ContainsKey("LOOTBOX_EXCLUSIVE")) { dict["LOOTBOX_EXCLUSIVE"] = new Dictionary <string, Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> > >(); } for (int i = 0; i < master.Generic.Length; ++i) { if (master.GenericItems[i].Length == 0) { continue; } string s = ItemEvents.GetInstance().GetEvent(master.Generic[i].@event); if (!dict["ACHIEVEMENT"].ContainsKey(s)) { dict["ACHIEVEMENT"][s] = new Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> >(); } for (int j = 0; j < master.GenericItems[i].Length; ++j) { JSONPkg pkg = GenerateJSONPkg(master.GenericItems[i][j].key, map, handler); if (pkg.Name == null) { continue; } pkg.EventId = master.Generic[i].@event; pkg.Event = s; if (!dict["ACHIEVEMENT"][s].ContainsKey(pkg.Type)) { dict["ACHIEVEMENT"][s][pkg.Type] = new List <JSONPkg>(); } dict["ACHIEVEMENT"][s][pkg.Type].Add(pkg); } } for (int i = 0; i < master.Categories.Length; ++i) { if (master.CategoryItems[i].Length == 0) { continue; } string s = ItemEvents.GetInstance().GetEvent(master.Categories[i].@event); if (!dict["AVAILABLE"].ContainsKey(s)) { dict["AVAILABLE"][s] = new Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> >(); } for (int j = 0; j < master.CategoryItems[i].Length; ++j) { JSONPkg pkg = GenerateJSONPkg(master.CategoryItems[i][j].key, map, handler); if (pkg.Name == null) { continue; } pkg.EventId = master.Categories[i].@event; pkg.Event = s; if (!dict["AVAILABLE"][s].ContainsKey(pkg.Type)) { dict["AVAILABLE"][s][pkg.Type] = new List <JSONPkg>(); } dict["AVAILABLE"][s][pkg.Type].Add(pkg); } } for (int i = 0; i < master.ExclusiveOffsets.Length; ++i) { if (master.LootboxExclusive[i].Length == 0) { continue; } string s = ItemEvents.GetInstance().GetEvent((ulong)i); if (!dict["LOOTBOX_EXCLUSIVE"].ContainsKey(s)) { dict["LOOTBOX_EXCLUSIVE"][s] = new Dictionary <string, List <JSONPkg> >(); } for (int j = 0; j < master.LootboxExclusive[i].Length; ++j) { JSONPkg pkg = GenerateJSONPkg(master.LootboxExclusive[i][j].item, map, handler); if (pkg.Name == null) { continue; } pkg.EventId = (ulong)i; pkg.Event = s; if (!dict["LOOTBOX_EXCLUSIVE"][s].ContainsKey(pkg.Type)) { dict["LOOTBOX_EXCLUSIVE"][s][pkg.Type] = new List <JSONPkg>(); } dict["LOOTBOX_EXCLUSIVE"][s][pkg.Type].Add(pkg); } } } } if (Path.GetDirectoryName(flags.Positionals[2]).Trim().Length > 0 && !Directory.Exists(Path.GetDirectoryName(flags.Positionals[2]))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(flags.Positionals[2])); } using (Stream file = File.OpenWrite(flags.Positionals[2])) { using (TextWriter writer = new StreamWriter(file)) { writer.Write(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dict, Formatting.Indented)); } } }