コード例 #1
        protected override IScope[] Select(List <IScope> scopes)
            int     count        = NumberOfSelectedSubScopesParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            bool    copy         = CopySelectedParameter.Value.Value;
            IRandom random       = RandomParameter.ActualValue;
            bool    maximization = MaximizationParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            ItemArray <DoubleValue> qualities = QualityParameter.ActualValue;

            IScope[] selected = new IScope[count];

            // create a list for each scope that contains the scope's index in the original scope list and its lots
            var temp = qualities.Where(x => IsValidQuality(x.Value)).Select((x, index) => new { index, x.Value });

            if (maximization)
                temp = temp.OrderBy(x => x.Value);
                temp = temp.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);
            var list = temp.Select((x, index) => new { x.index, lots = index + 1 }).ToList();

            //check if list with indexes is as long as the original scope list
            //otherwise invalid quality values were filtered
            if (list.Count != scopes.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("The scopes contain invalid quality values (either infinity or double.NaN) on which the selector cannot operate.");

            int lotSum = list.Count * (list.Count + 1) / 2;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                int selectedLot = random.Next(lotSum) + 1;
                int j           = 0;
                int currentLot  = list[j].lots;
                while (currentLot < selectedLot)
                    currentLot += list[j].lots;
                if (copy)
                    selected[i] = (IScope)scopes[list[j].index].Clone();
                    selected[i]           = scopes[list[j].index];
                    scopes[list[j].index] = null;
                    lotSum -= list[j].lots;
            if (!copy)
                scopes.RemoveAll(x => x == null);
コード例 #2
        public override IOperation Apply()
            ItemArray <BoolValue> tabu = IsTabuParameter.ActualValue;

            if (tabu.Length > 0)
                PercentValue value = PercentTabuParameter.ActualValue;
                if (value == null)
                    value = new PercentValue();
                    PercentTabuParameter.ActualValue = value;
                value.Value = tabu.Where(x => x.Value).Count() / (double)tabu.Length;
                ResultCollection results = ResultsParameter.ActualValue;
                if (results != null)
                    IResult result = null;
                    results.TryGetValue(PercentTabuParameter.ActualName, out result);
                    if (result != null)
                        result.Value = value;
                        results.Add(new Result(PercentTabuParameter.ActualName, "Indicates how much of the neighborhood is tabu.", (IItem)value.Clone()));
コード例 #3
        protected override IScope[] Select(List <IScope> scopes)
            int     count        = NumberOfSelectedSubScopesParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            bool    copy         = CopySelectedParameter.Value.Value;
            IRandom random       = RandomParameter.ActualValue;
            bool    maximization = MaximizationParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            ItemArray <DoubleValue> qualities = QualityParameter.ActualValue;

            IScope[] selected = new IScope[count];
            double   pressure = PressureParameter.ActualValue.Value;

            var ordered = qualities.Where(x => IsValidQuality(x.Value)).Select((x, index) => new KeyValuePair <int, double>(index, x.Value)).OrderBy(x => x.Value).ToList();

            if (maximization)

            //check if list with indexes is as long as the original scope list
            //otherwise invalid quality values were filtered
            if (ordered.Count != scopes.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("The scopes contain invalid quality values (either infinity or double.NaN) on which the selector cannot operate.");

            int m = scopes.Count;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                double rand   = 1 + random.NextDouble() * (Math.Pow(m, 1.0 / pressure) - 1);
                int    selIdx = (int)Math.Floor(Math.Pow(rand, pressure) - 1);

                if (copy)
                    selected[i] = (IScope)scopes[ordered[selIdx].Key].Clone();
                    int idx = ordered[selIdx].Key;
                    selected[i] = scopes[idx];
                    for (int j = 0; j < ordered.Count; j++)
                        var o = ordered[j];
                        if (o.Key > idx)
                            ordered[j] = new KeyValuePair <int, double>(o.Key - 1, o.Value);
コード例 #4
        protected override IScope[] Select(List <IScope> scopes)
            int  count        = NumberOfSelectedSubScopesParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            bool copy         = CopySelectedParameter.Value.Value;
            bool maximization = MaximizationParameter.ActualValue.Value;
            ItemArray <DoubleValue> qualities = QualityParameter.ActualValue;

            IScope[] selected = new IScope[count];

            // create a list for each scope that contains the scope's index in the original scope list
            var temp = qualities.Where(x => IsValidQuality(x.Value)).Select((x, index) => new { index, x.Value });

            if (maximization)
                temp = temp.OrderBy(x => x.Value);
                temp = temp.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);
            var list = temp.ToList();

            //check if list with indexes is as long as the original scope list
            //otherwise invalid quality values were filtered
            if (list.Count != scopes.Count)
                throw new ArgumentException("The scopes contain invalid quality values (either infinity or double.NaN) on which the selector cannot operate.");

            if (copy)
                int j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    selected[i] = (IScope)scopes[list[j].index].Clone();
                    if (j >= list.Count)
                        j = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    selected[i]           = scopes[list[0].index];
                    scopes[list[0].index] = null;
                scopes.RemoveAll(x => x == null);