public void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) { //Debug.Log("other is " +; if (other.gameObject.tag == "Decal") { Sprite tmp = other.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite; closeDecals.Add(other.gameObject); //Debug.Log("NPC Detected"); } if (other.gameObject.tag == "NPC" && !deadNPCs.Contains(other.gameObject)) { nearbyNPCs.Add(other.gameObject); } if (!seesObj && !closeMiss && other.isTrigger == false) { LayerMask newMask = LayerMask.GetMask("walls"); if (other.gameObject.tag == "Ignore" && !Physics.Linecast(transform.position, other.gameObject.transform.position, newMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal)) { ItemActionInterface actions = other.GetComponent <ItemActionInterface>(); Rigidbody body = other.attachedRigidbody; if (actions != null && body != null && body.velocity.magnitude > 2) { seesObj = true; setSurprised(); Debug.Log("Just seen it"); } } } }
//Sets up the haunt/unhaunt actions buttons when initially looking at an object //Also stores the object and the implemented abstract ItemActionInterface // associated with that object /*public void prepForHaunt(GameObject item, ItemActionInterface itemInfo) * { * lastItemObject = item; * lastItemInterface = itemInfo; * myController.setItemInfo(myHauntActions); * * dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.receiveItemObject(gameObject, myHauntActions); * dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.setStates(myHauntActions.states); * } */ //This is called to progress down a tree of actions public void goFowardAHaunt(ItemActionInterface info) { //Debug.Log("before global item is: " + myGlobal.itemInfo ); previousMenus.Enqueue(myGlobal.itemInfo); //Debug.Log("new global item is " + info); myGlobal.itemInfo = info; dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.receiveItemObject(myGlobal.itemInfo.gameObject, info); //dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.setStates(info.states); }
void Awake() { #if UNITY_STANDALONE_WIN Debug.Log("Win"); platform = false; #elif UNITY_STANDALONE_OSX Debug.Log("OSX"); platform = false; #elif UNITY_ANDROID Debug.Log("Android"); platform = true; #elif UNITY_IOS Debug.Log("IOS"); platform = true; #else Debug.Log("Unsupported"); platform = false; #endif height = Screen.height; width = Screen.width; itemInfo = null; possessing = false; //possesMove = false; haunted = false; mouseLocked = true; placingDecal = false; decided = false; action = Action.None; selectedItem = null; //inMenus = false; points = 0; currentScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex; startScene = 1; mainScene = 2; tutorial = true; }
private void rayCheck() { if (!global.possessing) { Vector3 rayOrigin = cameraComponent.ViewportToWorldPoint(new Vector3(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f)); RaycastHit rayHit; if (Physics.Raycast(rayOrigin, cameraComponent.transform.forward, out rayHit, 3)) // 3 is the length of the ray drawn { GameObject other = rayHit.collider.gameObject; if (other.tag == "Item") { //Call Dynamic button system if (decalOpen) { decalStates = dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.getStates(); } ItemActionInterface tmp = other.GetComponent <ItemActionInterface>(); itemInfo = myHauntActions; //myHauntScript.prepForHaunt(other, tmp); decalOpen = false; //dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.receiveItemObject(gameObject, myHauntActions); } // do stuff like check other for tags or w/e you like } else { if (!decalOpen) { selectorIcon.sprite = null; itemInfo = myDecalActions; dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.receiveItemObject(gameObject, myDecalActions); selectorText.text = "Decal"; //dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.setStates(decalStates); decalOpen = true; } } } //Debug.DrawRay(rayOrigin, gameCam.transform.forward * 3,; // this will draw a green line in editor for debugging }
public void OnCloseTriggerEnter(Collider other) { if (!closeMiss && other.isTrigger == false && other.gameObject.tag != "Decal") { //Debug.Log("Close Miss!!"); LayerMask newMask = LayerMask.GetMask("walls"); if (other.gameObject.tag == "Ignore" && !Physics.Linecast(transform.position, other.gameObject.transform.position, newMask, QueryTriggerInteraction.UseGlobal)) { ItemActionInterface actions = other.GetComponent <ItemActionInterface>(); Rigidbody body = other.attachedRigidbody; if (actions != null && body != null && body.velocity.magnitude > 2) { if (seesObj) { //Debug.Log("I saw the obj first"); StopAllCoroutines(); stopped = true; myAgent.isStopped = true; setAllAnimBoolsToBool(false); myAnimator.SetBool("surprisedDuck", true); myAnimator.SetTrigger("fireTransition"); addFear(250); IEnumerator coro = idling(2); StartCoroutine(coro); //saySomethingGeneral(generalQuotes); mySkinMeshRend.material.mainTexture = human_surprised; reactionFace = true; } else { setSurprisedDuck(); } closeMiss = true; } } } }
private void clickCheck() { if (!global.possessing) { RaycastHit rayHit; Ray ray = cameraComponent.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition); if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out rayHit)) { GameObject other = rayHit.collider.gameObject; if (other.tag == "Item") { if (decalOpen) { decalStates = dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.getStates(); } ItemActionInterface tmp = other.GetComponent <ItemActionInterface>(); itemInfo = myHauntActions; //myHauntScript.prepForHaunt(other, tmp); decalOpen = false; } } else { if (!decalOpen) { selectorIcon.sprite = null; itemInfo = myDecalActions; dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.receiveItemObject(gameObject, myDecalActions); selectorText.text = "Decal"; //dynamicButtonUpdaterScript.setStates(decalStates); decalOpen = true; } } } }
// This is called in 2 cases // 1. the player is looking/selected an object and will now display the option to haunt // 2. The player chose to haunt an object public void receiveItemObject(GameObject item, ItemActionInterface itemInfo) { selectorText.text =; global.itemInfo = itemInfo; enableAllButtons(); setStates(global.itemInfo.states); string[] names = itemInfo.getActionNames(); action1Text.text = names[0]; if (names[0] == "Open2") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[0]; } else if (names[0] == "Close2") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[1]; } else if (names[0] == "Open1") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[2]; } else if (names[0] == "Close1") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[3]; } else if (names[0] == "Burst" || names[0] == "POP*" || names[0] == "Explode") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[4]; } else if (names[0] == "Power" || names[0] == "On/Off" || names[0] == "Jazz") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[5]; } else if (names[0] == "Slam" || names[0] == "Haunt Call" || names[0] == "Spookify" || names[0] == "Shake") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[6]; } else if (names[0] == "Crumble") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[7]; } else if (names[0] == "Random Pitch") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[8]; } else if (names[0] == "Distort") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[9]; } else if (names[0] == "Shoot Soda*") { action1Image.sprite = icons1[10]; } action2Text.text = names[1]; if (names[1] == "Smoke") { action2Image.sprite = icons2[0]; } else if (names[1] == "Sound") { action2Image.sprite = icons2[1]; } else if (names[1] == "Volume Up") { action2Image.sprite = icons2[2]; } else if (names[0] == "Power" || names[0] == "On/Off" || names[0] == "Jazz") { action2Image.sprite = icons1[5]; } else if (names[1] == "Overload*" || names[1] == "POP*") { action2Image.sprite = icons2[3]; } action3Text.text = names[2]; if (names[2] == "Back...") { action3Image.sprite = icons3[0]; } else if (names[2] == "Explode") { action3Image.sprite = icons2[3]; } action4Text.text = names[3]; if (names[3] == "Special") { action4Image.sprite = icons4[0]; } else if (names[3] == "Volume Down") { action4Image.sprite = icons4[1]; } global.selectedItem = item; Image tmpImage = item.GetComponentInChildren <Image>(); if (tmpImage == null || tmpImage.sprite == null) { selectorIcon.sprite = selectorIconDefault; } else { selectorIcon.sprite = tmpImage.sprite; } }
public override void callAction4() { ItemActionInterface tmp = gameObject.GetComponent <SpecialRadioActions>(); myHaunt.goFowardAHaunt(tmp); }
public override void callAction1() { ItemActionInterface tmp = gameObject.GetComponent <PowerActions>(); myHaunt.goFowardAHaunt(tmp); }
public void setItemInfo(ItemActionInterface itemInterface) { itemInfo = itemInterface; }