public Toy InitToyObj(Island_Button island_b, string toy_name, bool fake) { if (island_b.my_toy != null && island_b.my_toy.gameObject.activeSelf) { throw new Exception("Adding toy " + toy_name + " to an island " + + " that already has a toy\n"); } GameObject parent = island_b.parent; Vector3 posv = parent.transform.position; island_b.setBlocked(true); GameObject toy_obj = zoo.getObject("Toys/" + toy_name, false); toy_obj.tag = "Player"; toy_obj.layer = 10; Toy toy = toy_obj.GetComponent <Toy>(); toy_obj.transform.SetParent(parent.transform); toy_obj.transform.position = posv; toy_obj.transform.localScale =;// =; toy_obj.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; toy_obj.SetActive(true); StationaryZ z = toy_obj.GetComponent <StationaryZ>(); if (z != null) { z.Init(); } return(toy); }
public void EnableMe(float timer, Island_Button island) { my_button = island; my_time = timer; StartCoroutine("DisableMe"); this.transform.SetParent(island.transform); }
void Level2_Sensible() { Island_Button i = islands[2]; GameObject zero = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "default0"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); i = islands[3]; GameObject one = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "one"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); i = islands[1]; GameObject two = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "two"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); i = islands[4]; GameObject three = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "three"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); i = islands[5]; GameObject four = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "four"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); i = islands[6]; GameObject five = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "five"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); i = islands[12]; GameObject six = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "six"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); i = islands[8]; GameObject seven = Peripheral.Instance.PlaceToyOnIsland("sensible_tower", i.gameObject); = "seven"; i.my_toy.my_tower_stats = GameStatCollector.Instance.addTowerStats(i.my_toy); }
public bool TowerBuild(MyPlayerEvent e) { if (e.event_complete) { return(true); } //unitStats stats = Central.Instance.getToy(tower.toy_id.rune_type, tower.toy_id.toy_type); unitStats stats = Central.Instance.getToy(e.attribute_1); string toy_name =; bool force = true; if (force || canBuildTower(stats, force)) { Toy f = null; Island_Button island = Monitor.Instance.getIslandByID(e.attribute_2); if (island == null) { Debug.LogError("Could not locate island " + e.attribute_2 + " for tower " + e.attribute_1 + "\n"); return(false); } GameObject o = Peripheral.Instance.makeToy(toy_name, island, true, ref f, true); Toy toy = o.GetComponent <Toy>(); = e.metric_1.ToString(); if (toy.toy_type == ToyType.Temporary) { ghosts.Add(toy); } else { toys.Add(toy); } if (toy.toy_type == ToyType.Hero) { loadHeroSkills(skills_and_inventory, toy.runetype); } e.event_complete = true; return(true); } else { Debug.LogError("Could not build tower " + e.attribute_2 + " for tower " + e.attribute_1 + "\n"); return(false); } return(false); }
void Awake() { Instance = this; if (islands_parent == null) { Debug.Log("Monitor cannot find Islands gameobject!!\n"); return; } //might want to store this in the prefab later on foreach (Transform i in islands_parent.transform) { Island_Button b = i.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Island_Button>(); b.setID(); b.Hidden = false; if (b != null) { try { islands.Add(, b); }catch (Exception e) { Debug.LogError(e + ": " + + "\n"); } } if (b == castle_island) { continue; //castle or anything else that has a permanent sprite } if (b.transform.childCount > 0) { Transform child = b.transform.GetChild(0); SpriteRenderer sprite = child.gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); if (sprite != null) { island_sprites.Add(sprite); } } } if (EagleEyes.Instance.global_rune_panel != null) { global_rune_panel = EagleEyes.Instance.global_rune_panel; } SpyGlass.onSelected += onSelected; Island_Button.onSelected += onSelected; Peripheral.onSelected += onSelected; MyButton.onSelected += onSelected; MyFastForwardButton.onSelected += onSelected; Enemy_Button.onSelected += onSelected; }
IEnumerator DisableMe() { while (my_time > 0) { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(interval)); my_time -= interval; } my_button.setBlocked(false); my_button = null; Peripheral.Instance.zoo.returnObject(this.gameObject); yield return(null); }
void InitSignal(Range_Indicator my_signal, Island_Button island, float _size, bool main) { if (main && my_signal == null) { my_signal = Zoo.Instance.getObject("GUI/range_sphere", true).GetComponent <Range_Indicator>(); signal = my_signal; } my_signal.gameObject.SetActive(true); //soft clear removes signal my_signal.gameObject.transform.SetParent(island.transform); my_signal.gameObject.transform.position = island.transform.position; SetSignalSize(my_signal, _size); my_signal.Set(true, island.island_type == IslandType.Temporary && island.my_toy != null); }
public void UpdatePanel(Island_Button button) { if (button == null && selected_island == null) { return; } if (button != null && selected_island != null && button.gameObject.GetInstanceID() == selected_island.gameObject.GetInstanceID()) { return; } if (button == null) { selected_island = null; selected_island_image.gameObject.SetActive(false); my_panel.gameObject.SetActive(false); return; } //if (selected_island != null && button.gameObject.GetInstanceID() != selected_island.gameObject.GetInstanceID()) ResetSelected(); selected_island = button; bool temp_ok = false; temp_ok = (selected_island.island_type == IslandType.Permanent || (selected_island.island_type == IslandType.Temporary && Monitor.Instance.SetAllowedRange("sensible_city"))); int ok_buttons = 0; EagleEyes.Instance.UpdateToyButtons("blah", ToyType.Normal, true); foreach (MyLabel label in my_panel.list) { if (!label.AmIActive()) { label.SetHidden(true); continue; } unitStats stats = Central.Instance.getToy(label.runetype, label.toytype); if (stats != null) { if (stats.island_type != IslandType.Either && stats.island_type != selected_island.island_type) { label.SetHidden(true); label.ShowButtons(false); continue; } if (stats.island_type == IslandType.Temporary) { if (!temp_ok) { label.SetHidden(true); label.ShowButtons(false); continue; } string ok = selected_island.verify_toy_for_distance(label.content); if (ok.Equals("TOOFAR")) { label.SetHidden(true); label.ShowButtons(false); continue; } } //if (label.button.IsInteractable()){ label.SetHidden(false); label.ShowButtons(true); ok_buttons++; /* * }else{ * label.SetHidden(true); * label.ShowButtons(false); * }*/ } } Vector3 set_to = button.transform.position; if (ok_buttons > 0) { my_panel.transform.position = set_to; my_panel.gameObject.SetActive(true); my_panel.radius = (ok_buttons <= 6) ? 1.2f : (ok_buttons == 7) ? 1.35f : (ok_buttons == 8) ? 1.5f : 1.6f; my_panel.spacing = 2f * Mathf.PI * my_panel.radius / ok_buttons; my_panel.UpdatePanel(); // if (Monitor.Instance != null) Monitor.Instance.my_spyglass.PointSpyglass(button.transform.position,.20f); selected_island_image.gameObject.SetActive(true); selected_island_image.transform.position = set_to; } else { selected_island_image.gameObject.SetActive(false); Noisemaker.Instance.Play("island_too_far"); ShowNoResourcesPopup(set_to); } }
public void initStats(unitStats s, Vector3 scaleV, Island_Button i, string _name, Rune _rune) { tilesize = i.getPeripheral().tileSize; stats = s; float dmg_base = 0; my_name = _name; my_tower_stats = new tower_stats(); my_tower_stats.island_name = string.Copy(i.ID); my_tower_stats.wave_time = Moon.Instance.TIME; my_tower_stats.initSkillStats(runetype); if (building.tower_visual) { building.tower_visual.updateVisuals(); building.tower_visual.setSprite(true); } Rune.onUpgrade += onUpgrade; float bonus = 0f; // float bonus = StaticRune.GetDistanceBonus(my_name, this.transform.position, this); Debug.Log($"TOY Initializing {toy_type} {runetype}\n"); if (_rune == null || toy_type != ToyType.Hero) { rune = new Rune(); SetBonus(bonus); int max_lvl = LevelStore.getMaxLevel(Central.Instance.current_lvl, Peripheral.Instance.difficulty, runetype, toy_type); rune.initStats(runetype, max_lvl, toy_type); Debug.Log($"TOY Initializing {toy_type} {runetype} new rune lvl {max_lvl}\n"); } else { SetBonus(bonus); rune = _rune; rune.UpdateStats(); Debug.Log($"TOY Initializing {toy_type} {runetype} EXISTING rune lvl {rune.getMaxLevel()}\n"); } Active = true; island = i; rune.ID = this.gameObject.GetInstanceID(); center.localPosition = Vector3.Scale(center.localPosition, scaleV); // = Vector3.Scale(, scaleV); transform.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; building.initStats(this); // // if (rune.level > 0 && rune_buttons != null) rune_buttons.UpdateMe(); if (parent_toy != null) { parent_toy.AddTargetToy(this); } if (toy_type == ToyType.Hero) { //rune.InitHero(Central.Instance.current_lvl);//for testing, gives hero some xp based on current level, if xp is 0 // also sensible hero comes with airattack for free, done by an event in 02level_scene rune.setMaxLevel((int)Mathf.Max(Central.Instance.getToy(my_name).getMaxLvl(), rune.getMaxLevel())); } if (firearm != null) { firearm.initStats(this); } //if (rune_buttons != null) rune_buttons.UpdateMe(); // ghost towers don't get their own rune buttons TIME_AT_START = Time.time; }
public void LoadBasicMidLevelShit(SaveState saver) { // Debug.Log("Peripheral loaded snapshot, wave " + saver.current_wave + "\n"); StopAllCoroutines(); level_state = LState.WaveButton; ChangeTime(TimeScale.Normal); Wave_interval = 0f; TIME = 0f; have_cities = false; toy_parents = new List <Toy>(); Moon.Instance.WaveInProgress = false; foreach (unitStatsSaver a in saver.actor_stats) { Central.Instance.setUnitStats(a, a.toy_id.toy_type == ToyType.Hero); } Monitor.Instance.ResetIslands(); xp_factor.Reset(); damage_factor.Reset(); dream_factor.Reset(); difficulty = saver.difficulty; if (saver.type == SaveStateType.MidLevel) { FancyLoader.Instance.LoadWavesOnly(Central.Instance.level_list.levels[Central.Instance.current_lvl].name); Moon.Instance.SetWave(saver.current_wave, 0); Sun.Instance.Init(0); Moon.Instance.WaveInProgress = false; foreach (unitStatsSaver a in saver.actor_stats) { Central.Instance.setUnitStats(a, true); } TIME = next_wave_time; Debug.Log("Peripheral Loading snapshot\n"); // Sun.Instance.SetTimePassively(saver.time_of_day); PlaceCastle(); RuneSaver castle_toysaver = saver.getCastle(); if (castle_toysaver != null) { castle.loadSnapshot(castle_toysaver); //this guy needs to be loaded first } else { Debug.LogError("Could not find castle toysaver!"); } //castle.rune.DoSpecialThing(EffectType.Architect); //load gnomesss if ( > 0) { SetHealth(, false); } dreams = saver.dreams; setToys(0); monster_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < saver.islands.Count; i++) { var island_saver = saver.islands[i]; Island_Button island = null; Monitor.Instance.islands.TryGetValue(, out island); if (island == null) { Debug.Log("Could not find island " + + "\n"); continue; } if (island_saver.island_type != IslandType.Null) { island.ChangeType(island_saver.island_type, false); } if (island_saver.toy_saver != null) { if (island_saver.toy_saver.rune_saver.runetype == RuneType.Castle) { continue; } if (island_saver.toy_saver.toy_name.Equals(Get.NullToyName())) { continue; } Toy toy = null; GameObject toy_object = makeToy(island_saver.toy_saver.toy_name, island, false, ref toy, false); if (toy_object == null) { Debug.Log("FAILED TO LOAD TOY! NO FIREARM\n"); return; } toy.loadSnapshot(island_saver.toy_saver); if (toy.firearm != null) { toy.firearm.CheckForUpgrades(); } if (island_saver.toy_saver.rune_saver.runetype != RuneType.Modulator && (island_saver.toy_saver.type == ToyType.Normal)) { incrementToys(); } } if (!(island_saver.block_timer > 0)) { continue; } island.MakeDeadIsland(island_saver.block_timer); } //skillmaster is initialized indirectly, when the toys are initialized, through Rune Central.Instance.level_list.special_skill_button_driver.Init(); EagleEyes.Instance.UpdateToyButtons("blah", ToyType.Normal, false); } else { Debug.LogError("Loading midlevel shit on a non midlevel savegame!\n"); Debug.Log("Peripheral loaded start level snapshot, current wave is " + 0 + "\n"); Moon.Instance.SetWave(0, 0); Sun.Instance.Init(0); PlaceCastle(); }// end loading snapshot specific stuff EagleEyes.Instance.UpdateToyButtons("blah", ToyType.Normal, false); level_active = true; ChangeTime(TimeScale.Normal); // not sure what this is for, what are we saving for castle??? //if (saver.castle != null){ castle.loadSnapshot(saver.castle); } }
public GameObject makeToy(string toy_name, Island_Button island_b, bool check_cost, ref Toy _toy, bool force) { unitStats my_stats = Central.Instance.getToy(toy_name); Cost my_cost_type = my_stats.cost_type; if (!force && check_cost && my_cost_type.type != CostType.Dreams) { if (!HaveResource(my_stats.cost_type)) { Debug.Log("Cannot afford toy " + toy_name + " of type " + my_cost_type + " for " + my_cost_type.Amount + " cost\n"); return(null); } } _toy = InitToyObj(island_b, toy_name, false); GameObject toy_obj = _toy.gameObject; if (_toy.target_toys.Length > 0) { toy_parents.Add(_toy); } if (_toy.firearm != null) { firearms.Add(_toy.firearm); } island_b.my_toy = _toy; _toy.my_name = toy_name; Rune rune = null; bool new_hero = false; if (_toy.toy_type == ToyType.Hero) { Rune have = Central.Instance.getHeroStats(_toy.runetype); if (have != null) { rune = have; } else { new_hero = true; } } if (_toy != null) { _toy.initStats(my_stats,, island_b, toy_name, rune); } if (_toy.building) { _toy.building.StartConstruction(); } // Debug.Log("NEW TOY cost toytype " + my_cost_type.toytype + "\n"); = toy_name + "|" + all_toys; _toy.rune.order = all_toys; all_toys++; if (check_cost || my_cost_type.isHero()) { if (my_cost_type.type == CostType.Dreams) { if (_toy.runetype != RuneType.Modulator) { incrementToys(); } addDreams(-my_cost_type.Amount, toy_obj.transform.position, false); Central.Instance.updateCost(toys); // if (Central.Instance.getToy(toy_name).cost_type.cost > dreams) { SelectToy(""); } } else if (my_cost_type.type == CostType.Wishes) { my_inventory.AddWish(WishType.Sensible, -my_cost_type.Amount, 1); } else if (my_cost_type.isHero()) { SetHeroPoint(my_cost_type.getHeroRuneType(), 0, true); SelectToy(null, RuneType.Null); } } if (onPlacedToy != null) { onPlacedToy(_toy.my_name, _toy.runetype, _toy.toy_type); } if (new_hero) { Central.Instance.hero_toy_stats.Add(_toy.rune); } if (check_cost) { Noisemaker.Instance.Play("make_tower"); } if (check_cost) { Tracker.Log(PlayerEvent.TowerBuilt, true, customAttributes: new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "attribute_1", _toy.my_name }, { "attribute_2", island_b.ID } }, customMetrics: new Dictionary <string, double>() { { "metric_1", _toy.rune.order } }); } return(toy_obj); }
public GameObject makeToy(string name, GameObject parent, ref Toy firearm) { Island_Button island_b = parent.GetComponent <Island_Button>(); return(makeToy(name, island_b, true, ref firearm, false)); }