public static void Main(String[] strArgList) { bool bResult = false; bool bDataOK; try { IsSeparator_char ObjIsSeparator_char = new IsSeparator_char(); bDataOK = ObjIsSeparator_char.ReadUnicodeData(); if (!bDataOK) { Console.WriteLine("Not able to read the UniCode data from the file"); return; } bResult = ObjIsSeparator_char.runTest(); } catch (Exception exc) { bResult = false; Console.Error.WriteLine("IsSeparator_char main caught an Exception!" + exc.ToString()); Console.Error.WriteLine(exc.ToString()); } if (bResult == true) { Environment.ExitCode = 0; } else { Environment.ExitCode = 1; } }
public static void Main(String[] strArgList) { bool bResult = false; bool bDataOK; try { IsSeparator_char ObjIsSeparator_char = new IsSeparator_char(); bDataOK = ObjIsSeparator_char.ReadUnicodeData(); if(! bDataOK ) { Console.WriteLine("Not able to read the UniCode data from the file"); return ; } bResult = ObjIsSeparator_char.runTest(); } catch ( Exception exc ) { bResult = false; Console.Error.WriteLine( "IsSeparator_char main caught an Exception!" + exc.ToString()); Console.Error.WriteLine( exc.ToString() ); } if ( bResult == true ) Environment.ExitCode = 0; else Environment.ExitCode = 1; }