コード例 #1
        internal HashSet <int> GetPotentialChargeState(int indexOfCurrentPeak, List <Peak> msPeakList, double ppmTolerance)
            //List<IsotopicProfile> potentialProfiles = new List<IsotopicProfile>();
            CreatePeaksIfNeeded();//note: does not actually create peaks. Only loads them. An exception is thrown if it's not there.

            var chargeStates = new HashSet <int>();
            var charge       = 1;

            for (; charge < 10; charge++)
                var mzPeak1 = msPeakList.ElementAt(indexOfCurrentPeak).XValue;
                var distanceToFindNextPeak = 1.0 / charge;
                var xValueToLookFor        = mzPeak1 + distanceToFindNextPeak;
                var lowerMZ = xValueToLookFor - ppmTolerance * xValueToLookFor / 1e6;
                var upperMZ = xValueToLookFor + ppmTolerance * xValueToLookFor / 1e6;

                var peak2 = msPeakList.Find(peak => peak.XValue <= upperMZ && peak.XValue >= lowerMZ);
                if (peak2 == null)
                var mzPeak2     = peak2.XValue;
                var correlation = getCorrelation(mzPeak1, mzPeak2, ppmTolerance, ppmTolerance);
                if (correlation > 0.2)

            var reportString521 = "Potential Charges using correlation: ";

            foreach (var currentCharge in chargeStates)
                reportString521 += currentCharge + "\t";
            IqLogger.LogTrace(reportString521 + "\n");
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// The main Thrash algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="originalXYData">Mass spec XY data</param>
        /// <param name="msPeakList">Mass spec peak data</param>
        /// <param name="backgroundIntensity"></param>
        /// <param name="minPeptideIntensity"></param>
        /// <param name="minMSFeatureToBackgroundRatio"></param>
        /// <returns>List of isotopic profiles</returns>
        public List <IsotopicProfile> PerformThrash(XYData originalXYData,
                                                    List <Peak> msPeakList,
                                                    double backgroundIntensity    = 0,
                                                    double minPeptideIntensity    = 0, double
                                                    minMSFeatureToBackgroundRatio = 3)
            var isotopicProfiles = new List <IsotopicProfile>();

            if (Parameters.AreAllTheoreticalProfilesCachedBeforeStarting)

            var minMSFeatureIntensity = backgroundIntensity * minMSFeatureToBackgroundRatio;

            var xyData = new XYData
                Xvalues = originalXYData.Xvalues,
                Yvalues = originalXYData.Yvalues

            var sortedPeakList        = new List <Peak>(msPeakList).OrderByDescending(p => p.Height).ToList();
            var peaksAlreadyProcessed = new HashSet <Peak>();

            var sb = new StringBuilder();

            var listOfMonoMZs = new SortedDictionary <int, double>();
            var currentUniqueMSFeatureIDNum = 0;

            var peakCounter = -1;

            foreach (var msPeak in sortedPeakList)
                //if (msPeak.XValue > 579.53 && msPeak.XValue < 579.54)
                //    int x = 90;
                var indexOfCurrentPeak = msPeakList.IndexOf(msPeak);

                if (peaksAlreadyProcessed.Contains(msPeak))

                var peakIsBelowIntensityThreshold = (msPeak.Height < minMSFeatureIntensity);
                if (peakIsBelowIntensityThreshold)


                if (peakCounter == 465)
                    // Console.WriteLine(peakCounter);

                //get potential charge states
                var ppmTolerance = (msPeak.Width / 2.35) / msPeak.XValue * 1e6;    //   peak's sigma value / mz * 1e6

                HashSet <int> potentialChargeStates;
                if (UseAutoCorrelationChargeDetermination)
                    var chargeState = PattersonChargeStateCalculator.GetChargeState(xyData, msPeakList, msPeak as MSPeak);
                    potentialChargeStates = new HashSet <int> {
                {   //Paul subtraction
                    IqLogger.LogTrace("MZ value: " + msPeak.XValue + "\n");
                    potentialChargeStates = GetPotentialChargeStates(indexOfCurrentPeak, msPeakList, ppmTolerance);
                    #region Paul Addition
                    var chargeDecider = new ChromCorrelatingChargeDecider(_run);
                    chargeDecider.GetPotentialChargeState(indexOfCurrentPeak, msPeakList, ppmTolerance);

                var reportString201 = "potentialChargeStates: ";
                foreach (var charge in potentialChargeStates)
                    reportString201 += charge + "\t";
                IqLogger.LogTrace(reportString201 + "\n");

                var potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState = new List <IsotopicProfile>();
                foreach (var potentialChargeState in potentialChargeStates)
                    var bestFitVal = 1.0;   // 1.0 is worst fit value. Start with 1.0 and see if we can find better fit value

                    //TODO: there could be a problem here
                    var msFeature = GetMSFeature(msPeakList, xyData, potentialChargeState, msPeak, ref bestFitVal, out var theorIso);

                    if (msFeature != null)
                        msFeature.Score = bestFitVal;
                        msFeature.IntensityMostAbundant = msFeature.getMostIntensePeak().Height;

                        var indexMostAbundantPeakTheor = theorIso.GetIndexOfMostIntensePeak();

                        //Paul edit. "&& indexMostAbundantPeakTheor>=0"
                        if (msFeature.Peaklist.Count > indexMostAbundantPeakTheor && indexMostAbundantPeakTheor >= 0)
                            msFeature.IntensityMostAbundantTheor = msFeature.Peaklist[indexMostAbundantPeakTheor].Height;
                            msFeature.IntensityMostAbundantTheor = msFeature.IntensityMostAbundant;

                        var msFeatureAlreadyPresentInAnotherChargeState = listOfMonoMZs.ContainsValue(msFeature.MonoPeakMZ);

                        if (!msFeatureAlreadyPresentInAnotherChargeState)
                            //Console.WriteLine( "Nope... not using this charge state... MSFeature already found with same MonoMZ. \tcurrent peak= \t" +msPeak.XValue.ToString("0.0000") + "\tmsfeature= " + msFeature);

                IsotopicProfile isoProfile;
                if (potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState.Count == 0)
                    sb.Append(msPeak.XValue.ToString("0.00000") + "\tNo profile found.\n");
                    isoProfile = null;
                else if (potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState.Count == 1)
                    isoProfile = potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState[0];

                    sb.Append(msPeak.XValue.ToString("0.00000") + "\t" +
                              isoProfile.MonoPeakMZ.ToString("0.0000") + "\t" +
                              isoProfile.ChargeState + "\t" + isoProfile.Score + "\t" + ppmTolerance + "\n");
                    sb.Append("Multiple candidates found...." + "\n");

                    foreach (var isotopicProfile in potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState)
                        sb.Append(msPeak.XValue.ToString("0.00000") + "\t" +
                                  isotopicProfile.MonoPeakMZ.ToString("0.0000") + "\t" +
                                  isotopicProfile.ChargeState + "\t" + isotopicProfile.Score + "\t" + ppmTolerance + "\n");

                    if (Parameters.CheckAllPatternsAgainstChargeState1)
                        isoProfile = potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState.FirstOrDefault(n => n.ChargeState == 1);
                        #region Paul addition
                        //TODO: [Paul]  This is the major means of deciding between charge states and where we need to do better.
                        //We need some test cases to capture this problem.
                        var stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

                        if (doPaulMethod)
                            var peaksNotLoaded = _run.ResultCollection.MSPeakResultList == null ||
                                                 _run.ResultCollection.MSPeakResultList.Count == 0;
                            if (peaksNotLoaded)
                                IqLogger.LogDebug("stopwatch: " + stopwatch.Elapsed);
                            var brain = new ChromCorrelatingChargeDecider(_run);
                            isoProfile = brain.DetermineCorrectIsotopicProfile(potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState.Where(n => n.Score < .50).ToList()) ??
                        else//do it the regular way.
                            isoProfile = (from n in potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState
                                          where n.Score < 0.15
                                          orderby n.ChargeState descending
                                          select n).FirstOrDefault() ?? (from n in potentialMSFeaturesForGivenChargeState
                                                                         orderby n.Score
                                                                         select n).First();

                            #region Paul Addition
                        //line outputs.
                        var reportString309 = "\nM/Z = " + isoProfile.MonoPeakMZ +
                                              "\nCHOSEN CHARGE: " + isoProfile.ChargeState + "\n\n";

                        //tabular output
                        //string reportString309 = "\tM/Z = \t" + msfeature.MonoPeakMZ +
                        //        "\tCHOSEN CHARGE: \t" + msfeature.ChargeState+ "\n";

                if (isoProfile != null)
                    listOfMonoMZs.Add(currentUniqueMSFeatureIDNum, isoProfile.MonoPeakMZ);

                    //hitcounter++;//Paul Addition

                    foreach (var peak in isoProfile.Peaklist)
                        //For debugging
                        //if (peak.XValue > 534.76515 && peak.XValue < 534.78515) //(peak.XValue>579.62 && peak.XValue<579.65) || (peak.XValue>579.75 && peak.XValue<579.8))
                        //    int x = 39843;
            }//end of foreach peak loop


            var uniqueIsotopicProfiles = removeDuplicatesFromFoundMSFeatures(isotopicProfiles);
            #region Paul Addition
            //IqLogger.Log.Debug("Hit counter: " + hitcounter);
            //IqLogger.Log.Debug("Hit counter2: " + hitcounter2);
            //var uniqueOtherIsotopicProfiles = removeDuplicatesFromFoundMSFeatures(isotopicProfiles);

            //IqLogger.Log.Debug("old non unique count: " + otherIsotopicProfiles.Count + "\n" +
            //    "new non unique count: " + myIsotopicProfiles.Count + "\n");
            //var uniqueMyIsotopicProfiles = removeDuplicatesFromFoundMSFeatures(myIsotopicProfiles);

            //IqLogger.Log.Debug("\nOld unique profile count: " + uniqueOtherIsotopicProfiles.Count + "\n" +
            //    "New unique profile count: " + uniqueMyIsotopicProfiles.Count);
            //IqLogger.Log.Debug("\nunique profile count: " + uniqueIsotopicProfiles.Count + "\n");

            //NOTE: we don't need to do the reordering, but I do this so I can compare to the old THRASH
            uniqueIsotopicProfiles = uniqueIsotopicProfiles.OrderByDescending(p => p.IntensityMostAbundantTheor).ToList();
コード例 #3
        public override IsotopicProfile DetermineCorrectIsotopicProfile(List <IsotopicProfile> potentialIsotopicProfiles)
            if (null == potentialIsotopicProfiles || potentialIsotopicProfiles.Count == 0)

            CreatePeaksIfNeeded();//note: does not actually create peaks. Only loads them. An exception is thrown if it's not there.
            potentialIsotopicProfiles = potentialIsotopicProfiles.OrderByDescending(n => n.ChargeState).ToList();

            var chargeStates = (from prof in potentialIsotopicProfiles select prof.ChargeState).ToArray();
            var correlations = new double[chargeStates.Length];
            var correlationsWithAltChargeState = new double[chargeStates.Length, 2];   // [Index, How many other states to try]
            var indexCurrentFeature            = -1;

            double bestScore = -1;

            var index = potentialIsotopicProfiles.First().MonoIsotopicPeakIndex;

            if (index == -1)
                index = 0;
            //string reportString1 = "\tM/Z : \t" + potentialIsotopicProfiles.First().Peaklist[index].XValue + "\t";

            //with line spaces
            var reportString1 = "\nM/Z : " + potentialIsotopicProfiles.First().Peaklist[index].XValue + "\n";

            foreach (var potentialFeature in potentialIsotopicProfiles)

                var correlation  = GetCorrelation(potentialFeature);
                var chargesToTry = GetChargesToTry(potentialFeature);

                for (var i = 0; i < chargesToTry.Length; i++)
                    correlationsWithAltChargeState[indexCurrentFeature, i] = GetCorrelationWithAnotherChargeState(potentialFeature, chargesToTry[i]);

                //lines output
                var reportString = "\nCHARGE: " + potentialFeature.ChargeState + "\n" +
                                   "CORRELATION: " + correlation + "\n";
                for (var i = 0; i < chargesToTry.Length; i++)
                    reportString += "charge " + chargesToTry[i] + " (M/Z =" + GetMZOfAnotherChargeState(potentialFeature, index, chargesToTry[i]) + ") correlation: " +
                                    correlationsWithAltChargeState[indexCurrentFeature, i] + "\n";
                reportString += "Score: " + potentialFeature.Score;

                //tabular output
                //string reportString = "\tCHARGE: " + potentialFeature.ChargeState + "\t" +
                //   "CORRELATION: \t" + correlation + "\t";
                //for (int i = 0; i < chargesToTry.Length; i++)
                //    reportString += "charge \t" + chargesToTry[i] + "\t (M/Z =\t" + GetMZOfAnotherChargeState(potentialFeature, index, chargesToTry[i]) + "\t) correlation: \t" +
                //    correlationsWithAltChargeState[indexCurrentFeature, i] + "\t";
                //reportString += "Score: \t" + potentialFeature.Score + "\t";

                correlations[indexCurrentFeature] = correlation;

                if (bestScore < correlation)
                    bestScore = correlation;
            return(GetIsotopicProfileMethod1(chargeStates, correlations, correlationsWithAltChargeState, potentialIsotopicProfiles));