コード例 #1
        public void Submission_Up()
            string userName = USERNAMES.User50CCP;
            var    user     = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(userName, null);

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var x     = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                var response = db.VoteSubmission(context.SubmissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                var expectedUpCount   = ups + 1;
                var expectedDownCount = downs;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, response.Response.UpCount, "Response UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, response.Response.DownCount, "Response DownCount is off");
                //pull fresh data and compare
                x = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, x.UpCount, "Database UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, x.DownCount, "Database DownCount is off");

                TestDirectVoteAccess(userName, Domain.Models.ContentType.Submission, context.SubmissionID, 1);
コード例 #2
        public void Submission_Reset_NoRevoke()
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User100CCP, null);

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var x     = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                var response = db.VoteSubmission(context.SubmissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                Assert.AreEqual(Status.Success, response.Status, "Vote was not successfull");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, response.RecordedValue, "Recorded value off");

                var expectedUpCount   = ups + 1;
                var expectedDownCount = downs;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, response.Response.UpCount, "Response UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, response.Response.DownCount, "Response DownCount is off");
                //pull fresh data and compare
                x = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, x.UpCount, "Database UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, x.DownCount, "Database DownCount is off");

                //try to re-up vote
                response = db.VoteSubmission(context.SubmissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""), false);
                Assert.IsTrue(response.Status == Status.Ignored); //setting tells voting to ignore if submitted vote is current vote
                Assert.IsTrue(response.RecordedValue == 1);       //should still be an upvote
コード例 #3
        public void DownvoteComment()
            bool voteEventReceived = false;

            EventNotification.Instance.OnVoteReceived += (s, e) => {
                voteEventReceived = e.TargetUserName == "unit" && e.SendingUserName == "User500CCP" && e.ChangeValue == -1 && e.ReferenceType == Domain.Models.ContentType.Comment && e.ReferenceID == 1;
            var cmd = new CommentVoteCommand(1, -1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

            var c = cmd.Execute().Result;


            //verify in db
            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository())
                var comment = db.GetComment(1);
                Assert.IsNotNull(comment, "Couldn't find comment in db");
                Assert.AreEqual(comment.UpCount, c.Response.UpCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(comment.DownCount, c.Response.DownCount);
            Assert.IsTrue(voteEventReceived, "VoteEvent not have the expected values");
コード例 #4
        public void Submission_Down()
            string userName = USERNAMES.User500CCP;
            var    user     = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(userName, null); //This user has one comment with 101 likes

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var x     = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                var response = db.VoteSubmission(context.SubmissionID, -1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                Assert.AreEqual(Status.Success, response.Status, response.Message);
                Assert.AreEqual(-1, response.RecordedValue, "Recorded value off");

                var expectedUpCount   = ups;
                var expectedDownCount = downs + 1;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, response.Response.UpCount, "Response UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, response.Response.DownCount, "Response DownCount is off");
                //pull fresh data and compare
                x = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, x.UpCount, "Database UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, x.DownCount, "Database DownCount is off");

                TestDirectVoteAccess(userName, Domain.Models.ContentType.Submission, context.SubmissionID, -1);
コード例 #5
        public void Comment_Reset_Default()
            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository())
                var x     = db.GetComment(context.CommentID);
                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                TestHelper.SetPrincipal("User100CCP", null);

                var response = db.VoteComment(context.CommentID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                //refresh comment
                x = db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                Assert.IsTrue(response.Success, response.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, response.RecordedValue, "Vote value incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual((ups + 1), x.UpCount, "UpCount Off");

                //try to re-up vote, by default should revoke vote
                response = db.VoteComment(context.CommentID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.Success, response.Status);
                Assert.AreEqual(0, response.RecordedValue, "Vote value incorrect");

                ////try to reset vote
                //response = repository.VoteComment(context.CommentID, 0);

                //refresh comment
                x = db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                Assert.AreEqual(ups, x.UpCount, "Final Up Count off");
                Assert.AreEqual(downs, x.DownCount, "Final Down Count off");
コード例 #6
        public async Task Comment_Down()
            string userName = USERNAMES.User500CCP;
            var    user     = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(userName, null); //This user has one comment with 101 likes

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var x = await db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                var response = db.VoteComment(context.CommentID, -1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
                Assert.IsTrue(response.Success, response.Message);
                Assert.AreEqual(-1, response.RecordedValue, "Vote was not successfull");

                //refresh comment
                x = await db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                Assert.AreEqual(ups, x.UpCount);
                Assert.AreEqual((downs + 1), x.DownCount);

                TestDirectVoteAccess(userName, Domain.Models.ContentType.Comment, context.CommentID, -1);
コード例 #7
 public void EnsureInvalidVoteValueThrowsException_Sub()
     using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository())
         db.VoteSubmission(1, 21, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
コード例 #8
        public async Task Comment_Up()
            string userName = USERNAMES.User50CCP;
            var    user     = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(userName, null);

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var x = await db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                var response = db.VoteComment(context.CommentID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                //refresh comment
                x = await db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                Assert.IsTrue(response.Success, response.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, response.RecordedValue, "Vote value incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual((ups + 1), x.UpCount, "UpCount Off");
                Assert.AreEqual(downs, x.DownCount, "DownCount Off");

                TestDirectVoteAccess(userName, Domain.Models.ContentType.Comment, context.CommentID, 1);
コード例 #9
 public void EnsureInvalidVoteValueThrowsException_Com()
     using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository())
         db.VoteComment(121, -2, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
コード例 #10
        public async Task <JsonResult> Vote(int submissionID, int typeOfVote)
            var cmd    = new SubmissionVoteCommand(submissionID, typeOfVote, IpHash.CreateHash(UserHelper.UserIpAddress(this.Request)));
            var result = await cmd.Execute();

コード例 #11
        public async Task <JsonResult> VoteComment(int commentId, int typeOfVote)
            var cmd    = new CommentVoteCommand(commentId, typeOfVote, IpHash.CreateHash(UserHelper.UserIpAddress(this.Request)));
            var result = await cmd.Execute();

コード例 #12
        public async Task Comment_Reset_NoRevoke()
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User100CCP, null);

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var x = await db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                var response = db.VoteComment(context.CommentID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                //refresh comment
                x = await db.GetComment(context.CommentID);

                Assert.IsTrue(response.Success, response.ToString());
                Assert.AreEqual(1, response.RecordedValue, "Vote value incorrect");
                Assert.AreEqual((ups + 1), x.UpCount, "UpCount Off");

                //try to re-up vote, by default should revoke vote
                response = db.VoteComment(context.CommentID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""), false);
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.Ignored, response.Status);
                Assert.AreEqual(1, response.RecordedValue, "Vote value incorrect");
コード例 #13
        public void Submission_Reset_Default()
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User100CCP, null);

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var x     = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                var ups   = x.UpCount;
                var downs = x.DownCount;

                var response = db.VoteSubmission(context.SubmissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                Assert.AreEqual(Status.Success, response.Status, "Vote was not successfull");
                Assert.AreEqual(1, response.RecordedValue, "Recorded value off");

                var expectedUpCount   = ups + 1;
                var expectedDownCount = downs;
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, response.Response.UpCount, "Response UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, response.Response.DownCount, "Response DownCount is off");
                //pull fresh data and compare
                x = db.GetSubmission(context.SubmissionID);
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedUpCount, x.UpCount, "Database UpCount is off");
                Assert.AreEqual(expectedDownCount, x.DownCount, "Database DownCount is off");

                //try to re-up vote
                response = db.VoteSubmission(context.SubmissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
                Assert.IsTrue(response.Status == Status.Success);
                Assert.IsTrue(response.RecordedValue == 0);
コード例 #14
        public void InvalidVoteValue_Submission_Low()

            var cmd = new CommentVoteCommand(1, -2, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

            var c = cmd.Execute().Result;
コード例 #15
 public void InvalidVoteValue_Comment_Low()
     VoatAssert.Throws<ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => {
         var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.Unit);
         var cmd = new CommentVoteCommand(1, -2, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user);
         var c = cmd.Execute().Result;
コード例 #16
        public void DownvoteComment_MinCCP()
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User0CCP);

            var cmd = new CommentVoteCommand(5, -1, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user); //SubmissionID: 3 is in MinCCP sub

            var c = cmd.Execute().Result;
コード例 #17
        public void Submission_Down_NoCCP()
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal("TestUser03", null); //Random User has no CCP

            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var response = db.VoteSubmission(context.SubmissionID, -1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
                Assert.AreEqual(Status.Denied, response.Status);
コード例 #18
        public void Comment_Down_NoCCP()
            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository())
                TestHelper.SetPrincipal("TestUser3", null); //Random User has no CCP

                var response = db.VoteComment(context.CommentID, -1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));

                Assert.AreEqual(Status.Denied, response.Status);
コード例 #19
        public void DownvoteSubmission_MinCCP()

            var cmd = new SubmissionVoteCommand(3, -1, IpHash.CreateHash("")); //SubmissionID: 3 is in MinCCP sub

            var c = cmd.Execute().Result;

コード例 #20
        public void EnsureInvalidVoteValueThrowsException_Sub()
            string userName = USERNAMES.User500CCP;
            var    user     = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(userName, null); //This user has one comment with 101 likes

            VoatAssert.Throws <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>(() => {
                using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                    db.VoteSubmission(1, 21, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
コード例 #21
        public void DownVoat_Comment_Denied_MinCCPInSubverse()
            var context = new VoatRuleContext();

            context.PropertyBag.CommentID   = 5;//A minCCP of 5000 is required in this comment sub
            context.PropertyBag.AddressHash = IpHash.CreateHash("");
            var outcome = UnitTestRulesEngine.Instance.EvaluateRuleSet(context, RuleScope.DownVoteComment, RuleScope.DownVote, RuleScope.Vote);

            Assert.AreEqual(RuleResult.Denied, outcome.Result);

            Assert.AreEqual("2.4", outcome.RuleNumber);
コード例 #22
ファイル: BugTrapTests.cs プロジェクト: vrijdagweekend/voat
        public void Bug_Trap_Spam_Votes_VoteCommand()
            int        submissionID     = 1;
            Submission beforesubmission = GetSubmission();

            int exCount = 0;
            Func <Task <VoteResponse> > vote1 = new Func <Task <VoteResponse> >(async() =>
                var principle = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(new System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity(USERNAMES.User500CCP, "Bearer"), null);
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principle;
                var cmd = new SubmissionVoteCommand(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                return(await cmd.Execute());//.Result;

            Func <Task <VoteResponse> > vote2 = new Func <Task <VoteResponse> >(async() =>
                var principle = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(new System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity(USERNAMES.User100CCP, "Bearer"), null);
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principle;
                var cmd = new SubmissionVoteCommand(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash(""));
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                return(await cmd.Execute());//.Result;

            //exCount = -2;
            //var x = vote1().Result;
            //var y = vote2().Result;

            var tasks = new List <Task <VoteResponse> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)


            Submission aftersubmission = GetSubmission();

            Assert.AreEqual(count, exCount, "Execution count is off");
            AssertData(beforesubmission, aftersubmission);
コード例 #23
        public void UpvoteSubmission_DeniesSameIP()
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal("UnitTestUser45");
            var cmd = new SubmissionVoteCommand(1, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user); 
            var c = cmd.Execute().Result;

            user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal("UnitTestUser46");
            cmd = new SubmissionVoteCommand(1, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user);
            c = cmd.Execute().Result;
            Assert.IsNotNull(c, "Response is null");
            Assert.IsFalse(c.Success, c.Message);

コード例 #24
        public async Task UpvoteComment()
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User50CCP);
            var cmd = new CommentVoteCommand(1, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user);

            var c = cmd.Execute().Result;

            //verify in db
            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var comment = await db.GetComment(1);
                Assert.IsNotNull(comment, "Couldn't find comment in db");
                Assert.AreEqual(comment.UpCount, c.Response.UpCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(comment.DownCount, c.Response.DownCount);
コード例 #25
ファイル: BugTrapTests.cs プロジェクト: vrijdagweekend/voat
        public void Bug_Trap_Spam_Votes_Repository()
            Submission          beforesubmission = GetSubmission();
            int                 exCount          = 0;
            Func <VoteResponse> vote1            = new Func <VoteResponse>(() =>
                var principal = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(new System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity(USERNAMES.User500CCP, "Bearer"), null);
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                using (var repo = new Voat.Data.Repository(principal))
                    return(repo.VoteSubmission(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")));
            Func <VoteResponse> vote2 = new Func <VoteResponse>(() =>
                var principal = new System.Security.Principal.GenericPrincipal(new System.Security.Principal.GenericIdentity(USERNAMES.User100CCP, "Bearer"), null);
                System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal = principal;
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                using (var repo = new Voat.Data.Repository(principal))
                    return(repo.VoteSubmission(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")));

            var tasks = new List <Task <VoteResponse> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)


            Submission aftersubmission = GetSubmission();

            Assert.AreEqual(count, exCount, "Execution count is off");
            AssertData(beforesubmission, aftersubmission);
コード例 #26
        public void DownvoteSubmission()
            var submissionUser = "******";
            var newSubmission = TestHelper.ContentCreation.CreateSubmission(submissionUser, new Domain.Models.UserSubmission() { Title = "This is what I think about you guys", Subverse = SUBVERSES.Unit });

            var userName = USERNAMES.User500CCP;
            var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(userName);
            bool voteEventReceived = false;

            EventNotification.Instance.OnVoteReceived += (s, e) => {
                voteEventReceived = 
                    e.TargetUserName == submissionUser
                    && e.SendingUserName == userName
                    && e.ChangeValue == -1 
                    && e.ReferenceType == Domain.Models.ContentType.Submission 
                    && e.ReferenceID == newSubmission.ID;
            var cmd = new SubmissionVoteCommand(newSubmission.ID, -1, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user);

            var c = cmd.Execute().Result;

            //verify in db
            using (var db = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                var submissionFromRepo = db.GetSubmission(newSubmission.ID);
                Assert.IsNotNull(submissionFromRepo, "Couldn't find comment in db");
                Assert.AreEqual(submissionFromRepo.UpCount, c.Response.UpCount);
                Assert.AreEqual(submissionFromRepo.DownCount, c.Response.DownCount);
            Assert.IsTrue(voteEventReceived, "VoteEvent not have the expected values");

            //Verify Submission pull has correct vote value recorded in output for current user
            var q = new QuerySubmission(newSubmission.ID, true).SetUserContext(user);
            var submission = q.Execute();
            Assert.AreEqual(c.RecordedValue, submission.Vote);

            //Verify non-logged in user has correct vote value
            q = new QuerySubmission(1, true);
            submission = q.Execute();
            Assert.AreEqual(null, submission.Vote);
コード例 #27
        public JsonResult VoteComment(int commentId, int typeOfVote)
            lock (_locker)
                int dailyVotingQuota            = Settings.DailyVotingQuota;
                var loggedInUser                = User.Identity.Name;
                var userCcp                     = Karma.CommentKarma(loggedInUser);
                var scaledDailyVotingQuota      = Math.Max(dailyVotingQuota, userCcp / 2);
                var totalVotesUsedInPast24Hours = UserHelper.TotalVotesUsedInPast24Hours(User.Identity.Name);

                switch (typeOfVote)
                case 1:
                    if (userCcp >= 20)
                        if (totalVotesUsedInPast24Hours < scaledDailyVotingQuota)
                            // perform upvoting or resetting
                            VotingComments.UpvoteComment(commentId, loggedInUser, IpHash.CreateHash(UserHelper.UserIpAddress(Request)));
                    else if (totalVotesUsedInPast24Hours < 11)
                        // perform upvoting or resetting even if user has no CCP but only allow 10 votes per 24 hours
                        VotingComments.UpvoteComment(commentId, loggedInUser, IpHash.CreateHash(UserHelper.UserIpAddress(Request)));

                case -1:
                    if (userCcp >= 100)
                        if (totalVotesUsedInPast24Hours < scaledDailyVotingQuota)
                            // perform downvoting or resetting
                            VotingComments.DownvoteComment(commentId, loggedInUser, IpHash.CreateHash(UserHelper.UserIpAddress(Request)));

                Response.StatusCode = 200;
                return(Json("Voting ok", JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
コード例 #28
ファイル: BugTrapTests.cs プロジェクト: vrijdagweekend/voat
        public void Bug_Trap_Spam_Votes_Repository_2()
            Submission          beforesubmission = GetSubmission();
            int                 exCount          = 0;
            Func <VoteResponse> vote1            = new Func <VoteResponse>(() =>
                var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User500CCP);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                using (var repo = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                    return(repo.VoteSubmission(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")));
            Func <VoteResponse> vote2 = new Func <VoteResponse>(() =>
                var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User100CCP);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                using (var repo = new Voat.Data.Repository(user))
                    return(repo.VoteSubmission(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")));

            var tasks = new List <Task <VoteResponse> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)


            Submission aftersubmission = GetSubmission();

            Assert.AreEqual(count, exCount, "Execution count is off");
            AssertData(beforesubmission, aftersubmission);
コード例 #29
ファイル: BugTrapTests.cs プロジェクト: vrijdagweekend/voat
        public void Bug_Trap_Spam_Votes_VoteCommand_2()
            int        submissionID     = 1;
            Submission beforesubmission = GetSubmission();

            int exCount = 0;
            Func <Task <VoteResponse> > vote1 = new Func <Task <VoteResponse> >(async() =>
                var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User500CCP);
                var cmd  = new SubmissionVoteCommand(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user);
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                return(await cmd.Execute());//.Result;
            Func <Task <VoteResponse> > vote2 = new Func <Task <VoteResponse> >(async() =>
                var user = TestHelper.SetPrincipal(USERNAMES.User100CCP);
                var cmd  = new SubmissionVoteCommand(submissionID, 1, IpHash.CreateHash("")).SetUserContext(user);;
                Interlocked.Increment(ref exCount);
                return(await cmd.Execute());//.Result;

            var tasks = new List <Task <VoteResponse> >();

            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                if (i % 2 == 0)


            Submission aftersubmission = GetSubmission();

            Assert.AreEqual(count, exCount, "Execution count is off");
            AssertData(beforesubmission, aftersubmission);
コード例 #30
        public async Task <JsonResult> Vote(Domain.Models.ContentType contentType, int id, int voteStatus)
            VoteResponse result = null;

            switch (contentType)
            case Domain.Models.ContentType.Submission:
                var cmdV = new SubmissionVoteCommand(id, voteStatus, IpHash.CreateHash(Request.RemoteAddress())).SetUserContext(User);
                result = await cmdV.Execute();


            case Domain.Models.ContentType.Comment:
                var cmdC = new CommentVoteCommand(id, voteStatus, IpHash.CreateHash(Request.RemoteAddress())).SetUserContext(User);
                result = await cmdC.Execute();
