コード例 #1
ファイル: Decoration.cs プロジェクト: flavourous/System.IoC
        Object RecusrivelyConstructStack(Type rootDecorated, Stack <DecTypeIocInfo> sStack, ResolveDelegate resolve, IocConstructDelegate create)
            if (sStack.Count == 0)
            var           cs        = sStack.Pop();
            Func <Object> nextLevel = () => RecusrivelyConstructStack(rootDecorated, sStack, resolve, create);

            return(cs.Construct(x => x == cs.serviceType ? nextLevel() : resolve(x)));
コード例 #2
ファイル: Decoration.cs プロジェクト: flavourous/System.IoC
        // run extra registrations (that delegate to the container) before creating the container.
        public void AnylyzeAndRegisterDecorators(RegisterServiceDelegate registerService, ResolveDelegate resolve, IocConstructDelegate create)
            foreach (var dstack in serviceStacks.Where(x => x.Value.Any(y => y.madeDecorator)))
                if (dstack.Value.First().madeDecorator)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("root cant be decorator");
                if (dstack.Value.Skip(1).Any(x => !x.madeDecorator))
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("all following root must be decorator");

                // call do nit regiuster new
                var root       = dstack.Value.First().service(true);
                var decorators = dstack.Value.Skip(1).Select(x => x.service(true)).ToArray();

                // regenerate a stack each time.. (e.g. what if not a singleton?)
                Func <Stack <DecTypeIocInfo> > decStack = () => new Stack <DecTypeIocInfo>(decorators.Select(x => new DecTypeIocInfo(dstack.Key, x)));

                // registring construction like this
                registerService(dstack.Key, () => RecusrivelyConstructStack(root, decStack(), resolve, create));