コード例 #1
        private void SetInvoiceLine(InvoiceLineType InvoiceLine)
            _InvoiceLine = InvoiceLine;
            if (InvoiceLine != null)
                txtUrunAdi.Text  = InvoiceLine.Item != null ? InvoiceLine.Item.Name.Value : "";
                txtMarka.Text    = InvoiceLine.Item.BrandName != null ? InvoiceLine.Item.BrandName.Value : "";
                txtModel.Text    = InvoiceLine.Item.ModelName != null ? InvoiceLine.Item.ModelName.Value : "";
                txtAciklama.Text = InvoiceLine.Item.Description != null ? InvoiceLine.Item.Description.Value : "";

                txtAliciKodu.Text   = GetItemIdentification(InvoiceLine.Item.BuyersItemIdentification);
                txtUreticiKodu.Text = GetItemIdentification(InvoiceLine.Item.ManufacturersItemIdentification);
                txtSaticiKodu.Text  = GetItemIdentification(InvoiceLine.Item.SellersItemIdentification);

                txtSatirNotu.Text = GetSatirNotu(InvoiceLine.Note);

                txtFiyat.Text  = GetAmountType(InvoiceLine.Price.PriceAmount);
                txtMiktar.Text = InvoiceLine.InvoicedQuantity.Value.ToString();
                txtBirim.Text  = InvoiceLine.InvoicedQuantity.unitCode;
                txtToplamTutar.Text = InvoiceLine.LineExtensionAmount.Value.ToString();
コード例 #2
        private string XmlCreate()
            InvoiceType res = new InvoiceType();

            .With(io =>
                #region Invoice
                io.UBLVersionID.Value    = "2.1";
                io.CustomizationID.Value = "TR1.2";
                io.ProfileID.Value       = "TEMELFATURA";
                io.InvoiceTypeCode.Value = "SATIS";
                io.ID.Value                   = "HKN0000000000001";
                io.UUID.Value                 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                io.IssueDate.Value            = DateTime.Now;
                io.IssueTime.Value            = DateTime.Now;
                io.DocumentCurrencyCode.Value = "TRY";
                io.LineCountNumeric.Value     = 1;

                io.Note           = new List <NoteType>();
                NoteType oNewNote = new NoteType();
                oNewNote.Value    = "Test Dip Not";

                //xslt base64 formatında gömme
                io.AdditionalDocumentReference = new List <DocumentReferenceType>();

                DocumentReferenceType oNewAdd = new DocumentReferenceType();
                oNewAdd.ID.Value        = io.UUID.Value;
                oNewAdd.IssueDate.Value = DateTime.Now;
                oNewAdd.Attachment      = new AttachmentType();
                .With(att =>
                    att.EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject                  = new EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType();
                    att.EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject.filename         = io.UUID.Value + ".xslt";
                    att.EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject.characterSetCode = "UTF-8";
                    att.EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject.encodingCode     = "Base64";
                    att.EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject.mimeCode         = "application/xml";
                    att.EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject.Value            = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(File.ReadAllText(System.Windows.Forms.Application.StartupPath + "/general.xslt"));

                //irsaliye bilgilerini ekleme
                io.DespatchDocumentReference  = new List <DocumentReferenceType>();
                DocumentReferenceType onewSip = new DocumentReferenceType();
                onewSip.ID.Value        = "A859552";
                onewSip.IssueDate.Value = DateTime.Now;

                //Sipariş bilgilerini ekleme
                io.OrderReference                 = new OrderReferenceType();
                io.OrderReference.ID.Value        = "32123";
                io.OrderReference.IssueDate.Value = DateTime.Now;

                #region Signature
                //io.Signature = new List<SignatureType>();
                //SignatureType oSig = new SignatureType();
                //    .With(sg =>
                //    {
                //        sg.ID = new IDType();
                //        sg.ID.schemeID = "VKN_TCKN";
                //        sg.ID.Value = "1288331521";

                //        sg.SignatoryParty = new PartyType();
                //        sg.SignatoryParty
                //            .With(sp =>
                //            {
                //                sp.PartyIdentification = new List<PartyIdentificationType>();

                //                PartyIdentificationType oPartyIdent = new PartyIdentificationType();
                //                oPartyIdent.ID = new IDType();
                //                oPartyIdent.ID.schemeID = "VKN";
                //                oPartyIdent.ID.Value = oSirket.RegisterNumber;
                //                sp.PartyIdentification.Add(oPartyIdent);

                //                sp.PostalAddress = new AddressType();
                //                sp.PostalAddress
                //                    .With(pa =>
                //                    {
                //                        pa.StreetName = new StreetNameType();
                //                        pa.StreetName.Value = oSirket.Address;

                //                        //pa.BuildingNumber = new BuildingNumberType();
                //                        //pa.BuildingNumber.Value = "21";

                //                        pa.CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType();
                //                        pa.CitySubdivisionName.Value = oSirket.District;

                //                        pa.CityName = new CityNameType();
                //                        pa.CityName.Value = oSirket.City;

                //                        //pa.PostalZone = new PostalZoneType();
                //                        //pa.PostalZone.Value = "34100";

                //                        pa.Country = new CountryType();
                //                        pa.Country.Name.Value = oSirket.Country;
                //                    });
                //            });

                //        sg.DigitalSignatureAttachment = new AttachmentType();
                //        sg.DigitalSignatureAttachment.ExternalReference = new ExternalReferenceType();
                //        sg.DigitalSignatureAttachment.ExternalReference.URI.Value = "#Signature";
                //    });


                #region AccountingSupplierParty
                io.AccountingSupplierParty = new SupplierPartyType();
                .With(asp =>
                    asp.Party = new PartyType();
                    .With(pp =>
                        pp.WebsiteURI          = new WebsiteURIType();
                        pp.WebsiteURI.Value    = "www.hakanuçar.com.tr";
                        pp.PartyIdentification = new List <PartyIdentificationType>();
                            new PartyIdentificationType
                            ID = new IDType {
                                schemeID = "VKN", Value = "1234567801"
                        //Firma diğer bilgiler
                            new PartyIdentificationType
                            ID = new IDType {
                                schemeID = "MERSISNO", Value = "4235234"

                        pp.PartyName            = new PartyNameType();
                        pp.PartyName.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR Bilgi İşlem";
                        pp.PostalAddress        = new AddressType();
                        .With(pa =>
                            pa.ID       = new IDType();
                            pa.ID.Value = "1234567801";

                            pa.StreetName       = new StreetNameType();
                            pa.StreetName.Value = "KOZYATAĞI";

                            //pa.BuildingNumber = new BuildingNumberType();
                            //pa.BuildingNumber.Value = "21";

                            pa.CitySubdivisionName       = new CitySubdivisionNameType();
                            pa.CitySubdivisionName.Value = "Beşiktaş";

                            pa.CityName       = new CityNameType();
                            pa.CityName.Value = "İstanbul";

                            //pa.PostalZone = new PostalZoneType();
                            //pa.PostalZone.Value = "341000";

                            pa.Country            = new CountryType();
                            pa.Country.Name.Value = "Türkiye";

                        pp.PartyTaxScheme                      = new PartyTaxSchemeType();
                        pp.PartyTaxScheme.TaxScheme            = new TaxSchemeType();
                        pp.PartyTaxScheme.TaxScheme.Name       = new NameType1();
                        pp.PartyTaxScheme.TaxScheme.Name.Value = "KOZYATAĞI";

                        pp.Contact = new ContactType();
                        .With(co =>
                            co.Name       = new NameType1();
                            co.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR";

                            co.Telephone       = new TelephoneType();
                            co.Telephone.Value = "0592 558 5588";

                            co.Telefax       = new TelefaxType();
                            co.Telefax.Value = "0592 558 5588";

                            co.ElectronicMail       = new ElectronicMailType();
                            co.ElectronicMail.Value = "*****@*****.**";

                #region AccountingCustomerParty
                io.AccountingCustomerParty = new CustomerPartyType();
                string Senaryo             = "0";
                switch (Senaryo)
                //Temel Fatura
                case "0":
                        #region customerinf
                        .With(cus =>
                            cus.Party = new PartyType();
                            .With(cusp =>
                                cusp.WebsiteURI       = new WebsiteURIType();
                                cusp.WebsiteURI.Value = "www.hakanuçar.com.tr";

                                cusp.PartyIdentification = new List <PartyIdentificationType>();

                                PartyIdentificationType pi = new PartyIdentificationType();
                                pi.ID          = new IDType();
                                pi.ID.schemeID = "VKN";
                                pi.ID.Value    = "1234567801";

                                cusp.PartyName            = new PartyNameType();
                                cusp.PartyName.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR bilgi İşlem";

                                cusp.PostalAddress = new AddressType();
                                .With(cupa =>
                                    cupa.ID       = new IDType();
                                    cupa.ID.Value = "1234567801";

                                    cupa.StreetName       = new StreetNameType();
                                    cupa.StreetName.Value = "Kadıköy";

                                    cupa.CityName       = new CityNameType();
                                    cupa.CityName.Value = "İstanbul";

                                    cupa.CitySubdivisionName       = new CitySubdivisionNameType();
                                    cupa.CitySubdivisionName.Value = "Kadıköy";

                                    cupa.Country            = new CountryType();
                                    cupa.Country.Name.Value = "Türkiye";

                                    cupa.PostalZone       = new PostalZoneType();
                                    cupa.PostalZone.Value = "34000";

                                cusp.Contact = new ContactType();
                                .With(cuc =>
                                    cuc.Name       = new NameType1();
                                    cuc.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR";

                                    cuc.Telephone       = new TelephoneType();
                                    cuc.Telephone.Value = "0555 55 55 55";

                                    cuc.Telefax       = new TelefaxType();
                                    cuc.Telefax.Value = "0555 55 55 55";

                                    cuc.ElectronicMail       = new ElectronicMailType();
                                    cuc.ElectronicMail.Value = "*****@*****.**";

                //Ticari Fatura
                case "1":
                        #region customerinf
                        .With(cus =>
                            cus.Party = new PartyType();
                            .With(cusp =>
                                cusp.WebsiteURI       = new WebsiteURIType();
                                cusp.WebsiteURI.Value = "www.hakanuçar.com.tr";

                                cusp.PartyIdentification = new List <PartyIdentificationType>();

                                PartyIdentificationType pi = new PartyIdentificationType();
                                pi.ID          = new IDType();
                                pi.ID.schemeID = "VKN";
                                pi.ID.Value    = "1234567801";

                                cusp.PartyName            = new PartyNameType();
                                cusp.PartyName.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR bilgi İşlem";

                                cusp.PostalAddress = new AddressType();
                                .With(cupa =>
                                    cupa.ID       = new IDType();
                                    cupa.ID.Value = "1234567801";

                                    cupa.StreetName       = new StreetNameType();
                                    cupa.StreetName.Value = "Kadıköy";

                                    cupa.CityName       = new CityNameType();
                                    cupa.CityName.Value = "İstanbul";

                                    cupa.CitySubdivisionName       = new CitySubdivisionNameType();
                                    cupa.CitySubdivisionName.Value = "Kadıköy";

                                    cupa.Country            = new CountryType();
                                    cupa.Country.Name.Value = "Türkiye";

                                    cupa.PostalZone       = new PostalZoneType();
                                    cupa.PostalZone.Value = "34000";

                                cusp.Contact = new ContactType();
                                .With(cuc =>
                                    cuc.Name       = new NameType1();
                                    cuc.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR";

                                    cuc.Telephone       = new TelephoneType();
                                    cuc.Telephone.Value = "0555 55 55 55";

                                    cuc.Telefax       = new TelefaxType();
                                    cuc.Telefax.Value = "0555 55 55 55";

                                    cuc.ElectronicMail       = new ElectronicMailType();
                                    cuc.ElectronicMail.Value = "*****@*****.**";

                case "2":
                        #region ExportCustomerInfo
                        .With(cus =>
                            cus.Party = new PartyType();
                            .With(cusp =>
                                cusp.WebsiteURI       = new WebsiteURIType();
                                cusp.WebsiteURI.Value = "";

                                cusp.PartyIdentification = new List <PartyIdentificationType>();

                                PartyIdentificationType pi = new PartyIdentificationType();
                                pi.ID          = new IDType();
                                pi.ID.schemeID = "VKN";
                                pi.ID.Value    = "1460415308";

                                cusp.PartyName            = new PartyNameType();
                                cusp.PartyName.Name.Value = "Gümrük ve Ticaret Bakanlığı Gümrükler Genel Müdürlüğü- Bilgi İşlem Dairesi Başkanlığı";

                                cusp.PostalAddress = new AddressType();
                                .With(cupa =>
                                    //cupa.ID = new IDType();
                                    //cupa.ID.Value = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Vergi No", grdRowIndex).ToString();

                                    //cupa.StreetName = new StreetNameType();
                                    //cupa.StreetName.Value = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Adres", grdRowIndex).ToString();

                                    cupa.CityName       = new CityNameType();
                                    cupa.CityName.Value = "Ankara";

                                    //cupa.CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType();
                                    //cupa.CitySubdivisionName.Value = grd.DataTable.GetValue("İlçe", grdRowIndex).ToString();

                                    cupa.Country            = new CountryType();
                                    cupa.Country.Name.Value = "Türkiye";

                                cusp.PartyTaxScheme                      = new PartyTaxSchemeType();
                                cusp.PartyTaxScheme.TaxScheme            = new TaxSchemeType();
                                cusp.PartyTaxScheme.TaxScheme.Name       = new NameType1();
                                cusp.PartyTaxScheme.TaxScheme.Name.Value = "Ulus";

                //Yolcu Beraber Fatura
                case "3":
                        #region TaxFreeInfo
                        //oInvoice.TaxFreeInfo = new TaxFreeInfo();
                        //    .With(txfi =>
                        //    {
                        //        txfi.TouristInfo = new TouristInfo(); //Turistin bilgilerinin girileceği alandır.
                        //        txfi.TouristInfo
                        //            .With(ti =>
                        //            {
                        //                ti.Name = ""; //Bu alan turistin ad bilgisi girilir.
                        //                ti.SurName = ""; //Bu alan turistin soyad bilgisi girilir.
                        //                ti.PassportNo = ""; //Bu alan turistin pasaport numarası bilgisi girilir.
                        //                ti.PassportDate = DateTime.Now; //Bu alan turistin pasaport tarihi bilgisi girilir.
                        //                ti.CountryCode = ""; //Bu alan turistin ülke kodu bilgisi girilir.(örn:TR)
                        //                ti.FinancialAccountInfo = new FinancialAccountInfo(); //Bu alana turistin banka hesap bilgileri girilir.
                        //                ti.FinancialAccountInfo
                        //                    .With(fa =>
                        //                    {
                        //                        fa.BankName = ""; //Bu alan Banka Adı bilgisi girilir.
                        //                        fa.BranchName = ""; //Bu alan Banka Şube Adı bilgisi girilir.
                        //                        fa.CurrencyCode = ""; //Bu alan Para Birimi bilgisi girilir.
                        //                        fa.ID = ""; //Bu alan Banka Hesap Numarası bilgisi girilir.
                        //                        fa.PaymentNote = ""; //Bu alan Ödeme Notu bilgisi girilir.
                        //                    });
                        //                ti.AddressInfo = new AddressInfo(); //Bu alan turistin adres bilgileri girilir.
                        //                ti.AddressInfo
                        //                    .With(ai =>
                        //                    {
                        //                        ai.Address = "";
                        //                        ai.City = "";
                        //                        ai.Country = "";
                        //                        ai.District = "";
                        //                        ai.Fax = "";
                        //                        ai.Mail = "";
                        //                        ai.Phone = "";
                        //                        ai.PostalCode = "";
                        //                        ai.WebSite = "";
                        //                    });
                        //            });

                        //        txfi.TaxRepresentativeInfo = new TaxRepresentativeInfo(); //Aracı kurum bilgilerinin girileceği alandır.
                        //        txfi.TaxRepresentativeInfo
                        //            .With(tri =>
                        //            {
                        //                tri.RegisterNumber = ""; //Bu alana Aracı Kurumun Vergi Kimlik Numarası girilir.
                        //                tri.Alias = ""; //Bu alana Aracı Kurumun Etiket bilgisi girilir.
                        //                tri.Address = new AddressInfo();//Bu alan turistin adres bilgileri girilir
                        //                tri.Address
                        //                    .With(ai =>
                        //                    {
                        //                        ai.Address = "";
                        //                        ai.City = "";
                        //                        ai.Country = "";
                        //                        ai.District = "";
                        //                        ai.Fax = "";
                        //                        ai.Mail = "";
                        //                        ai.Phone = "";
                        //                        ai.PostalCode = "";
                        //                        ai.WebSite = "";
                        //                    });
                        //            });
                        //    });

                //EArşiv Fatura
                case "4":
                        #region customerinf
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo = new PartyInfo();
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.Address = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Adres", grdRowIndex).ToString();
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.City = grd.DataTable.GetValue("İl", grdRowIndex).ToString();//"İstanbul";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.Country = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Ülke", grdRowIndex).ToString();//"Türkiye";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.District = grd.DataTable.GetValue("İlçe", grdRowIndex).ToString();//"Ataşehir";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.Fax = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Fax", grdRowIndex).ToString();//"216 688 51 99";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.Mail = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Email", grdRowIndex).ToString();//"*****@*****.**";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.Name = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Muhatap Adı", grdRowIndex).ToString();//"NES Bilgi Teknolojileri";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.Phone = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Telefon", grdRowIndex).ToString();// "216 688 51 00";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.RegisterNumber = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Vergi No", grdRowIndex).ToString();// "1234567801";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.TaxOffice = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Vergi Dairesi", grdRowIndex).ToString();// "KOZYATAĞI";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.WebSite = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Web Sitesi", grdRowIndex).ToString();// "https://nesbilgi.com.tr/";
                        //oInvoice.CustomerInfo.ReceiverAlias = grd.DataTable.GetValue("Alıcı Posta Etiketi", grdRowIndex).ToString();// "urn:mail:[email protected]";/



                if (Senaryo == "2")
                    #region BuyerCustomerParty
                    io.BuyerCustomerParty = new CustomerPartyType();
                    .With(cus =>
                        cus.Party = new PartyType();
                        .With(cusp =>
                            cusp.WebsiteURI       = new WebsiteURIType();
                            cusp.WebsiteURI.Value = "www.hakanucar.com.tr";

                            cusp.PartyIdentification = new List <PartyIdentificationType>();

                            PartyIdentificationType pi = new PartyIdentificationType();
                            pi.ID          = new IDType();
                            pi.ID.schemeID = "VKN";
                            pi.ID.Value    = "1234567801";

                            cusp.PartyName            = new PartyNameType();
                            cusp.PartyName.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR Bilişim";

                            cusp.PostalAddress = new AddressType();
                            .With(cupa =>
                                cupa.ID       = new IDType();
                                cupa.ID.Value = "1234567801";

                                cupa.StreetName       = new StreetNameType();
                                cupa.StreetName.Value = "Meçhul bir yer";

                                cupa.CityName       = new CityNameType();
                                cupa.CityName.Value = "İstanbul";

                                cupa.CitySubdivisionName       = new CitySubdivisionNameType();
                                cupa.CitySubdivisionName.Value = "Beşiktaş";

                                cupa.Country            = new CountryType();
                                cupa.Country.Name.Value = "Türkiye";

                                cupa.PostalZone       = new PostalZoneType();
                                cupa.PostalZone.Value = "34000";

                            cusp.Contact = new ContactType();
                            .With(cuc =>
                                cuc.Name       = new NameType1();
                                cuc.Name.Value = "Hakan UÇAR";

                                cuc.Telephone       = new TelephoneType();
                                cuc.Telephone.Value = "555 55 55 55";

                                cuc.Telefax       = new TelefaxType();
                                cuc.Telefax.Value = "555 55 55 55";

                                cuc.ElectronicMail       = new ElectronicMailType();
                                cuc.ElectronicMail.Value = "*****@*****.**";

                #region PaymentTerms
                //Ödeme Koşulu

                io.PaymentTerms            = new PaymentTermsType();
                io.PaymentTerms.Note       = new NoteType();
                io.PaymentTerms.Note.Value = "60 gün vadeli";

                #region TaxTotal
                io.TaxTotal = new List <TaxTotalType>();
                .With(tt =>
                    TaxTotalType ott         = new TaxTotalType();
                    ott.TaxAmount            = new TaxAmountType();
                    ott.TaxAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                    ott.TaxAmount.Value      = 180;

                    ott.TaxSubtotal = new List <TaxSubtotalType>();

                    TaxSubtotalType oSubt          = new TaxSubtotalType();
                    oSubt.TaxableAmount            = new TaxableAmountType();
                    oSubt.TaxableAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                    oSubt.TaxableAmount.Value      = 1000;

                    oSubt.TaxAmount            = new TaxAmountType();
                    oSubt.TaxAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                    oSubt.TaxAmount.Value      = 180;

                    oSubt.TaxCategory                             = new TaxCategoryType();
                    oSubt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme                   = new TaxSchemeType();
                    oSubt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme.TaxTypeCode       = new TaxTypeCodeType();
                    oSubt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme.TaxTypeCode.Value = "0015";



                #region InvoiceLine
                io.InvoiceLine = new List <InvoiceLineType>();

                InvoiceLineType il = new InvoiceLineType();

                .With(iol =>
                    //Sıra No
                    iol.ID       = new IDType();
                    iol.ID.Value = "1";

                    //Kalem Tanımı
                    iol.Item            = new ItemType();
                    iol.Item.Name       = new NameType1();
                    iol.Item.Name.Value = "HP X534 Yazıcı";

                    iol.Item.SellersItemIdentification          = new ItemIdentificationType();
                    iol.Item.SellersItemIdentification.ID.Value = "KLM0012";

                    //Kalem Miktarı
                    iol.InvoicedQuantity          = new InvoicedQuantityType();
                    iol.InvoicedQuantity.unitCode = "C62";
                    iol.InvoicedQuantity.Value    = 1;

                    //Kalem Birim Fiyatı
                    iol.Price                        = new PriceType();
                    iol.Price.PriceAmount            = new PriceAmountType();
                    iol.Price.PriceAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                    iol.Price.PriceAmount.Value      = 1000;

                    iol.Note          = new List <NoteType>();
                    NoteType oKlmNote = new NoteType();
                    oNewNote.Value    = "Test kalem notu";

                    //iol.AllowanceCharge = new List<AllowanceChargeType>();
                    //    .With(all =>
                    //    {
                    //        AllowanceChargeType allc = new AllowanceChargeType();
                    //        allc.ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType();
                    //        allc.ChargeIndicator.Value = false;
                    //        allc.MultiplierFactorNumeric = new MultiplierFactorNumericType();
                    //        allc.MultiplierFactorNumeric.Value = 0.0M;
                    //        allc.Amount = new AmountType2();
                    //        allc.Amount.currencyID = "TRY";
                    //        allc.Amount.Value = 0M;
                    //        allc.BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType();
                    //        allc.BaseAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                    //        allc.BaseAmount.Value = ((decimal)Services.ObjectToDouble(fech.Item("Quantity").Value)) *
                    //                                ((decimal)Services.ObjectToDouble(fech.Item("Price").Value));
                    //        all.Add(allc);
                    //    });

                    if (Senaryo == "2")
                        iol.Delivery           = new List <DeliveryType>();
                        DeliveryType oDelivery = new DeliveryType();

                        .With(d =>
                            DeliveryTermsType dtt = new DeliveryTermsType();
                            dtt.ID.schemeID       = "INCOTERMS";
                            dtt.ID.Value          = "Teslim şartı";

                            .With(ai =>
                                ai.StreetName       = new StreetNameType();
                                ai.StreetName.Value = "Meçhul bir adres";

                                ai.CitySubdivisionName       = new CitySubdivisionNameType();
                                ai.CitySubdivisionName.Value = "Beşiktaş";

                                ai.CityName       = new CityNameType();
                                ai.CityName.Value = "İstanbul";

                                ai.Country            = new CountryType();
                                ai.Country.Name.Value = "Türkiye";

                            .With(shp =>
                                shp.ID.Value                   = "Gümrük tarkip numarası";
                                GoodsItemType oGItem           = new GoodsItemType();
                                oGItem.RequiredCustomsID.Value = "GTIP";

                                ShipmentStageType oState       = new ShipmentStageType();
                                oState.TransportModeCode.Value = "Gönderim şekli";

                                TransportHandlingUnitType othlu = new TransportHandlingUnitType();
                                PackageType op             = new PackageType();
                                op.ID.Value                = "Kab numarası";
                                op.Quantity.Value          = 1;   //paket adedi
                                op.PackagingTypeCode.Value = "Kabın cinsi";

                                //di.PackageBrandName = fech.Item("U_PackageBrandName").Value.ToString() == "" ? grd.DataTable.GetValue("Kabın Markası", grdRowIndex).ToString() : fech.Item("U_PackageBrandName").Value.ToString(); //Bu alana Mal/Hizmetin bulunduğu Kabın Marka isim bilgisi girilir.


                    //Vergi Toplam
                    iol.TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType();
                    .With(tx =>
                        tx.TaxAmount            = new TaxAmountType();
                        tx.TaxAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                        tx.TaxAmount.Value      = 180;

                        tx.TaxSubtotal = new List <TaxSubtotalType>();
                        .With(txs =>
                            TaxSubtotalType sbt          = new TaxSubtotalType();
                            sbt.TaxableAmount            = new TaxableAmountType();
                            sbt.TaxableAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                            sbt.TaxableAmount.Value      = 1000;
                            sbt.TaxAmount            = new TaxAmountType();
                            sbt.TaxAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                            sbt.TaxAmount.Value      = 180;
                            sbt.Percent       = new PercentType1();
                            sbt.Percent.Value = 18;

                            sbt.TaxCategory                             = new TaxCategoryType();
                            sbt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme                   = new TaxSchemeType();
                            sbt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme.Name              = new NameType1();
                            sbt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme.Name.Value        = "KDV";
                            sbt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme.TaxTypeCode       = new TaxTypeCodeType();
                            sbt.TaxCategory.TaxScheme.TaxTypeCode.Value = "0015";


                    //Kalem Mal Hizmet Tutarı
                    iol.LineExtensionAmount            = new LineExtensionAmountType();
                    iol.LineExtensionAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                    iol.LineExtensionAmount.Value      = 1000;



                #region LegalMonetaryTotal
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal = new MonetaryTotalType();

                //Mal Hizmet Toplam Tutar
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.LineExtensionAmount            = new LineExtensionAmountType();
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.LineExtensionAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.LineExtensionAmount.Value      = 1000;

                //Vergiler Hariç Tutar
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.TaxExclusiveAmount            = new TaxExclusiveAmountType();
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.TaxExclusiveAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.TaxExclusiveAmount.Value      = 1000;

                //Vergiler Dahil Tutar
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.TaxInclusiveAmount            = new TaxInclusiveAmountType();
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.TaxInclusiveAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.TaxInclusiveAmount.Value      = 1180;

                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.AllowanceTotalAmount            = new AllowanceTotalAmountType();
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.AllowanceTotalAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.AllowanceTotalAmount.Value      = 0M;

                //Ödenecek Tutar
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.PayableAmount            = new PayableAmountType();
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.PayableAmount.currencyID = "TRY";
                io.LegalMonetaryTotal.PayableAmount.Value      = 1180;


コード例 #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            InvoiceType invoiceType = new InvoiceType();
            XmlDocument xmlDocument = new XmlDocument();
            XmlElement  firma       = xmlDocument.CreateElement("ext:firma", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2");

            UBLExtensionType[] uBLExtensionTypes = new UBLExtensionType[]
                new UBLExtensionType {
                    ExtensionContent = firma

            UBLVersionIDType uBLVersionIDType = new UBLVersionIDType();

            uBLVersionIDType.Value = "2.1";

            CustomizationIDType customizationIDType = new CustomizationIDType();

            customizationIDType.Value = "2.0";

            ProfileIDType profileIDType = new ProfileIDType();

            profileIDType.schemeName       = "SUNAT:Identificador de Tipo de Operación";
            profileIDType.schemeAgencyName = "PE:SUNAT";
            profileIDType.schemeURI        = "urn:pe:gob:sunat:cpe:see:gem:catalogos:catalogo17";
            profileIDType.Value            = "0101";

            InvoiceLineType[] invoiceLineTypes = new InvoiceLineType[] {
                new InvoiceLineType {
                    ID = new IDType {
                        Value = "1"
                new InvoiceLineType {
                    ID = new IDType {
                        Value = "2"

            invoiceType.UBLVersionID    = uBLVersionIDType;
            invoiceType.UBLExtensions   = uBLExtensionTypes;
            invoiceType.CustomizationID = customizationIDType;
            invoiceType.ProfileID       = profileIDType;
            invoiceType.InvoiceLine     = invoiceLineTypes;
            XmlSerializer xmlSerializer = new XmlSerializer(typeof(InvoiceType));

            XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlSerializerNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("cac", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2");
            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("cbc", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2");
            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("ccts", "urn:un:unece:uncefact:documentation:2");
            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("ds", "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#");
            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("ext", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2");
            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("qdt", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:QualifiedDatatypes-2");
            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("udt", "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:specification:UnqualifiedDataTypesSchemaModule:2");
            xmlSerializerNamespaces.Add("xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");

            var oStringWriter = new StringWriter();

            xmlSerializer.Serialize(XmlWriter.Create(oStringWriter), invoiceType, xmlSerializerNamespaces);
            string stringXML = oStringWriter.ToString();

            System.IO.File.WriteAllText("XML_Sunat.xml", stringXML);
コード例 #4
        //Informacion de las lineas del documento
        #region InvoiceLine
        /// <summary>
        /// Generacion de InvoiceLine
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private InvoiceLineType[] InvoiceLine(List <ITEM> ITEM_collection)
            Moneda = "PEN";
            //string PESUNAT = "PE:SUNAT";
            List <InvoiceLineType> Items_Respuesta = new List <InvoiceLineType>();;

                foreach (var item in ITEM_collection)
                    #region InvoiceLine
                    string[]        DE        = item.DE.Split('|');
                    string[]        DEDR      = item.DEDR.Split('|');
                    List <string>   DEIM_LIST = item.DEIM;//.Split('|');
                    string[]        DEDI      = item.DEDI.Split('|');
                    InvoiceLineType Linea     = new InvoiceLineType();
                        //numero de orden del item
                        Linea.ID = new IDType()
                            Value = DE[1].ToString()
                        //(InvoicedQuantity)cantidad de unidades del item
                        Linea.InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType()
                            Value                  = Convert.ToDecimal(DE[4].ToString()),
                            unitCode               = DE[3].ToString(),
                            unitCodeListID         = "UN/ECE rec 20",
                            unitCodeListAgencyName = "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe"
                        //(LineExtensionAmount)Valor de Venta del item
                        Linea.LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType()
                            Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(DE[5].ToString()),
                            currencyID = Moneda

                        #region PricingReference
                        Linea.PricingReference = new PricingReferenceType()
                            AlternativeConditionPrice = new PriceType[]
                                new PriceType()
                                    //(PriceAmount) precoi de venta unitario/ valor referencial
                                    PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType()
                                        Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(DE[2].ToString()),
                                        currencyID = Moneda
                                    //(PriceTypeCode) codigo de tipo de precio
                                    PriceTypeCode = new PriceTypeCodeType()
                                        Value          = DE[7].ToString(),
                                        listName       = "SUNAT:Indicador de Tipo de Precio",
                                        listAgencyName = ConstantesAtributo.PESUNAT,
                                        listURI        = ConstantesAtributo.CATALOGO16

                        #region Delivery


                        //Descuentos o Recargos de la linea
                        #region AllowanceCharge
                        Linea.AllowanceCharge = new AllowanceChargeType[]
                            new AllowanceChargeType()
                                ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType()
                                    Value = DEDR[1].ToString() == "true"?true :false
                                AllowanceChargeReasonCode = new AllowanceChargeReasonCodeType()
                                    Value = DEDR[3].ToString()
                                MultiplierFactorNumeric = new MultiplierFactorNumericType()
                                    Value = Convert.ToDecimal(DEDR[4].ToString())
                                Amount = new AmountType2()
                                    Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(DEDR[2].ToString()),
                                    currencyID = Moneda
                                BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType()
                                    Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(DEDR[5].ToString()),
                                    currencyID = Moneda

                        //Monto de tributo del item
                        #region TaxTotal
                        List <TaxTotalType> taxTotals = new List <TaxTotalType>();
                        foreach (var DEIM_Item in DEIM_LIST)
                            string[]     DEIM         = DEIM_Item.Split('|');
                            TaxTotalType taxTotalType = new TaxTotalType()
                                //Monto de tributo del ítem
                                TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType()
                                    Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(DEIM[1].ToString()),
                                    currencyID = Moneda

                                TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[]
                                    new TaxSubtotalType()
                                        //Monto de la Operacion
                                        TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType()
                                            Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(DEIM[2].ToString()),
                                            currencyID = Moneda
                                        //Monto de Tributo por Item
                                        TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType()
                                            Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(DEIM[3].ToString()),
                                            currencyID = Moneda

                                        TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType()
                                            ID = new IDType()
                                                Value          = "S",
                                                schemeID       = ConstantesAtributo.UNECE5305,
                                                schemeAgencyID = "6"
                                            Percent = new PercentType1
                                                Value = Convert.ToDecimal(DEIM[4].ToString())
                                            TaxExemptionReasonCode = new TaxExemptionReasonCodeType()
                                                Value          = DEIM[6].ToString(),
                                                listAgencyName = ConstantesAtributo.PESUNAT,
                                                listName       = "SUNAT:Codigo de Tipo de Afectación del IGV",
                                                listURI        = ConstantesAtributo.CATALOGO07
                                            TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType()
                                                ID = new IDType()
                                                    Value = DEIM[8].ToString(),
                                                Name = new NameType1()
                                                    Value = DEIM[9].ToString(),
                                                TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType()
                                                    Value = DEIM[5].ToString()
                        Linea.TaxTotal = taxTotals.ToArray();


                        #region Item
                        Linea.Item = new ItemType()
                            Description = new DescriptionType[]
                                new DescriptionType()
                                    Value = DEDI[1].ToString()
                            SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType()
                                ID = new IDType()
                                    Value = DE[6].ToString()
                            CommodityClassification = new CommodityClassificationType[]
                                new CommodityClassificationType()
                                    ItemClassificationCode = new ItemClassificationCodeType()
                                        Value = DEDI[6].ToString()

                        #region Price
                        Linea.Price = new PriceType()
                            PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType()
                                Value = Convert.ToDecimal(DE[8].ToString()),

            catch (Exception)
コード例 #5
        public void addInvoiceLine(string invId, string currencyID, string unitCode, decimal quantity, decimal lineExtensionAmount, decimal taxAmount,
                                   decimal taxableAmount, decimal percent, string itemName, decimal price)
            InvoiceLineType invoiceLine = new InvoiceLineType
                ID = new IDType {
                    Value = invId
                Note = new NoteType[] { new NoteType {
                                            Value = "Note"
                                        } },
                InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType {
                    unitCode = unitCode, Value = quantity
                LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType {
                    currencyID = currencyID, Value = lineExtensionAmount
                AllowanceCharge = new[]
                    new AllowanceChargeType
                        ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType {
                            Value = false
                        },                                                                     //ıskonto false
                        Amount = new AmountType2
                            currencyID = currencyID,
                            Value      = 0.00M                    //suan ındırım yapmıyoruz
                        BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType
                            currencyID = currencyID,
                            Value      = 0
                TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType
                    TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                        currencyID = currencyID,
                        Value      = taxAmount

                    TaxSubtotal = new[]
                        new TaxSubtotalType
                            TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType
                                currencyID = currencyID,
                                Value      = taxableAmount

                            TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                                currencyID = currencyID,
                                Value      = taxAmount
                            CalculationSequenceNumeric = new CalculationSequenceNumericType
                                Value = 1
                            Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                Value = percent

                            TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                    Name = new NameType1 {
                                        Value = nameof(EI.TaxType.KDV)
                                    TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                        Value = "0015"
                Item = new ItemType
                    Name = new NameType1 {
                        Value = itemName

                Price = new PriceType
                    PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType
                        currencyID = currencyID,
                        Value      = price

コード例 #6
        public InvoiceType Convert2Invoice(InvoiceViewModel src)
            var dest = new InvoiceType();

            dest.ID = new IDType()
                Value = src.ID
            dest.IssueDate = new IssueDateType()
                Value = src.IssueDate
            dest.Note = new NoteType[] { new NoteType()
                                             Value = src.Reason
                                         } };
            dest.InvoiceTypeCode = new InvoiceTypeCodeType {
                Value = src.InvoiceType

            dest.AccountingSupplierParty = new SupplierPartyType
                CustomerAssignedAccountID = new CustomerAssignedAccountIDType()
                    Value = src.Supplier.AccountID
                Party = new PartyType()
                    PartyName = new PartyNameType[] { new PartyNameType()
                                                          Name = new NameType1 {
                                                              Value = src.Supplier.Name
                                                      } },
                    PartyTaxScheme = new PartyTaxSchemeType[] { new PartyTaxSchemeType {
                                                                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType {
                                                                        ID = new IDType {
                                                                            Value = src.Supplier.VAT
                                                                } },
                    PostalAddress = new AddressType
                        StreetName = new StreetNameType {
                            Value = src.Supplier.StreetName
                        BuildingNumber = new BuildingNumberType {
                            Value = src.Supplier.BuildingNumber
                        CityName = new CityNameType {
                            Value = src.Supplier.CityName
                        PostalZone = new PostalZoneType {
                            Value = src.Supplier.PostalZone

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(src.Supplier.IndustryClassificationCode))
                dest.AccountingSupplierParty.Party.IndustryClassificationCode = new IndustryClassificationCodeType {
                    Value = src.Supplier.IndustryClassificationCode

            var lines = new List <InvoiceLineType>();

            foreach (var item in src.Lines)
                var line = new InvoiceLineType();
                line.ID = new IDType {
                    Value = item.ID
                line.InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType {
                    unitCode = item.UnitCode, Value = item.InvoicedQuantity
                line.Item = new ItemType {
                    Name = new NameType1 {
                        Value = item.ItemName
                line.TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType[]
                    new TaxTotalType {
                        TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[]
                            new TaxSubtotalType
                                TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType {
                                    Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                        Value = item.VatPercentage
                                TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                                    Value = item.TaxAmount
            dest.InvoiceLine = lines.ToArray();
コード例 #7
        void LlenarDetalle(En_ComprobanteElectronico Comprobante, ref InvoiceType invoice)
            List <InvoiceLineType> oListaDetalle = new List <InvoiceLineType>();

            foreach (En_ComprobanteDetalle oDet in Comprobante.ComprobanteDetalle)
                List <DescriptionType> oListaDescripcion = new List <DescriptionType>();

                DescriptionType oDescripcion = new DescriptionType();
                oDescripcion.Value = oDet.Descripcion;

                foreach (string oDes in oDet.MultiDescripcion)
                    DescriptionType oDescrip = new DescriptionType();
                    oDescrip.Value = oDes.ToString();

                List <TaxSubtotalType> oListaSubtotal = new List <TaxSubtotalType>();

                foreach (En_ComprobanteDetalleImpuestos odetImpuesto in oDet.ComprobanteDetalleImpuestos)
                    TaxSubtotalType oSubTotal = new TaxSubtotalType();
                    oSubTotal = LlenarSubTotalDetalle(odetImpuesto.MontoBase, odetImpuesto.MontoTotalImpuesto, Comprobante.Moneda.Trim(), odetImpuesto.Porcentaje, odetImpuesto.CodigoInternacionalTributo, odetImpuesto.NombreTributo, odetImpuesto.CodigoTributo, odetImpuesto.AfectacionIGV);

                InvoiceLineType oInvoiceLine = new InvoiceLineType
                    ID = new IDType
                        Value = oDet.Item.ToString()
                    InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType
                        unitCode = oDet.UnidadMedida.Trim().ToUpper(),
                        unitCodeListAgencyName = "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe",
                        unitCodeListID         = "UN/ECE rec 20",
                        Value = oDet.Cantidad
                    LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType
                        Value      = oDet.Total,
                        currencyID = Comprobante.Moneda.Trim()
                    PricingReference = new PricingReferenceType
                        AlternativeConditionPrice = new PriceType[] {
                            new PriceType {
                                PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType {
                                    Value      = oDet.ValorVentaUnitarioIncIgv,
                                    currencyID = Comprobante.Moneda.Trim()
                                PriceTypeCode = new PriceTypeCodeType {
                                    Value          = oDet.CodigoTipoPrecio,
                                    listAgencyName = "PE:SUNAT",
                                    listName       = "Tipo de Precio",
                                    listURI        = "urn:pe:gob:sunat:cpe:see:gem:catalogos:catalogo16"
                    TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType[] {
                        new TaxTotalType {
                            TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                                Value      = oDet.ImpuestoTotal,
                                currencyID = Comprobante.Moneda.Trim()
                            TaxSubtotal = oListaSubtotal.ToArray()
                    Price = new PriceType
                        PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType
                            Value      = oDet.ValorVentaUnitario,
                            currencyID = Comprobante.Moneda.Trim()
                    Item = new ItemType
                        Description = oListaDescripcion.ToArray(),

                        SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                            ID = new IDType
                                Value = oDet.Codigo
                        CommodityClassification = new CommodityClassificationType[]
                            new CommodityClassificationType {
                                CommodityCode = new CommodityCodeType
                                    listAgencyName = "GS1 US",
                                    listID         = "UNSPSC",
                                    listName       = "Item Classification",
                                    Value          = oDet.CodigoSunat
            invoice.InvoiceLine = oListaDetalle.ToArray();
コード例 #8
        /// <summary>
        /// fatura kalem bilgilerinin doldurulması
        /// </summary>
        public InvoiceLineType[] GetInvoiceLines()
            Random rnd       = new Random();
            int    lineCount = rnd.Next(1, 10);

            List <InvoiceLineType> list = new List <InvoiceLineType>();

            for (int i = 1; i <= lineCount; i++)
                #region invoiceLine
                InvoiceLineType invoiceLine = new InvoiceLineType
                    ID = new IDType {
                        Value = i.ToString()
                    InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType {
                        unitCode = "C62", Value = 10
                    LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType {
                        currencyID = "TRY", Value = 20.00M

                    AllowanceCharge = new[]
                        new AllowanceChargeType
                            ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType {
                                Value = false
                            MultiplierFactorNumeric = new MultiplierFactorNumericType {
                                Value = 0.05M

                            Amount = new AmountType2
                                currencyID = "TRY",
                                Value      = 1.00M

                            BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType
                                currencyID = "TRY",
                                Value      = 20

                    TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType
                        TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                            currencyID = "TRY",
                            Value      = 0.19M

                        TaxSubtotal = new[]
                            new TaxSubtotalType
                                TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType
                                    currencyID = "TRY",
                                    Value      = 19.00M

                                TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                                    currencyID = "TRY",
                                    Value      = 0.19M
                                CalculationSequenceNumeric = new CalculationSequenceNumericType
                                    Value = 1

                                Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                    Value = 1

                                TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                        Name = new NameType1 {
                                            Value = "KDV"
                                        TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                            Value = "0015"

                    Item = new ItemType
                        Name = new NameType1 {
                            Value = "Kalem"

                    Price = new PriceType
                        PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType
                            currencyID = "TRY",
                            Value      = 2.00M


コード例 #9
        public static void EFaturaOlustur(EFatura EFatura, EFaturaAyarlar EFaturaAyarlar)
            //https://ebelge.gib.gov.tr/efaturamevzuat.html     >  KILAVUZLAR
            //Bkz:  BELGELER\UBL-TR Fatura - V 1.0.pdf      Bkz:  2.3 Fatura Elemanları-Detay (SAYFA-10)
            //Bkz:  KOD L˜İSTELER˜İ\UBL-TR Kod Listeleri - V 1.23.pdf
            //Bkz:  ORTAK ELEMANLAR\UBL-TR Ortak Elemanlar - V 0.7.pdf

            using (var transaction = new TransactionScope())
                var invoiceType = new InvoiceType();

                //invoiceType.UBLExtensions //Mali Mühür Bilgileri
                invoiceType.UBLVersionID = new UBLVersionIDType()
                    Value = "2.1"
                };                                                                  //indirdiğimiz UBLTR_1.2.1_Kilavuzlar.zip dosyasından oluşturduğumuz class versiyonu "UBL-2_1.cs"
                invoiceType.CustomizationID = new CustomizationIDType()
                    Value = "TR1.2"
                };                                                                          //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.3
                invoiceType.ProfileID = new ProfileIDType()
                    Value = "EARSIVFATURA"
                };                                                                     //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.4 Bkz:Kod Listeleri => 2.2 Senaryo (ProfileID)
                invoiceType.ID = new IDType()
                    Value = EFatura.FaturaNo
                };                                                         //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.5      13 haneli                                                    [EFatura Seri Sıra no]
                invoiceType.CopyIndicator = new CopyIndicatorType()
                    Value = false
                };                                                                    //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.6 Asıl:false    Suret:true
                invoiceType.UUID = new UUIDType()
                    Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                };                                                                      //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.7
                invoiceType.IssueDate = new IssueDateType()
                    Value = EFatura.TarihSaat
                };                                                                        //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.8                                                    [Fatura Düzenlenme Tarihi]
                invoiceType.IssueTime = new IssueTimeType()
                    Value = EFatura.TarihSaat
                };                                                                        //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.9                                                    [Fatura Düzenlenme Saati]
                invoiceType.InvoiceTypeCode = new InvoiceTypeCodeType()
                    Value = "SATIS"
                };                                                                          //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.10  Bkz:Kod Listeleri => 1.4 InvoiceTypeCode       [Fatura Tipi]
                invoiceType.DocumentCurrencyCode = new DocumentCurrencyCodeType()
                    Value = "TRY"
                };                                                                                  //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.12                                         [Para Birimi]
                invoiceType.LineCountNumeric = new LineCountNumericType()
                    Value = EFatura.FaturaKalemSayisi
                };                                                                                              //Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.18                             [FaturaKalemSayisi]

                #region TaxTotal
                invoiceType.TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType[] {
                    new TaxTotalType {
                        TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                            Value = EFatura.KdvToplam
                        TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[]
                            new TaxSubtotalType
                                TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType
                                    currencyID = "TRY",
                                    Value      = EFatura.NetToplam//Kdv Hariç Net Tutar
                                TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                                    currencyID = "TRY",
                                    Value      = EFatura.KdvToplam
                                CalculationSequenceNumeric = new CalculationSequenceNumericType {
                                    Value = 1
                                //Percent=new PercentType1{Value=18}//%18 Kdv için 18.0 girilmeli //TODO:Birden fazla KDV Oranına göre düzenle (1,8,18) gibi
                                TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                        Name = new NameType1 {
                                            Value = "KDV"
                                        TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                            Value = "0015"
                                        }                                            //Bkz Kod Listesi=>1.9 TaxTypeCode VERGİ KODLARI LİSTESİ
                }; //Bkz Ortak Elemanlar => 2.2.61

                #region Signature
                invoiceType.Signature = new[] {
                    new SignatureType()
                        ID = new IDType {
                            schemeID = "VKN_TCKN",
                            Value    = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaImzalayanTcKimlikNo
                        SignatoryParty = new PartyType {
                            PartyIdentification = new[] {
                                new PartyIdentificationType {
                                    ID = new IDType {
                                        schemeID = "VKN",
                                        Value    = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaImzalayanTcKimlikNo
                            PostalAddress = new AddressType {//zorunlu değil
                                CityName = new CityNameType {
                                    Value = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaImzalayanAdresIlAd
                                //TODO:İmzayan kişinin diğer adres bilgilerini getir
                        DigitalSignatureAttachment = new AttachmentType {
                            //EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject      //TODO:İmzalama İşlemi olduğu zaman eklenecek
                            ExternalReference = new ExternalReferenceType {
                                URI = new URIType {
                                    Value = "#Signature_" + EFatura.FaturaNo
                };//Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.27                             [E Faturayı İmzayan Bilgisi]

                #region AccountingSupplierParty
                invoiceType.AccountingSupplierParty = new SupplierPartyType
                    Party = new PartyType
                        PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[] {
                            new PartyIdentificationType {
                                ID = new IDType {
                                    schemeID = "VKN",
                                    Value    = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaImzalayanTcKimlikNo
                            new PartyIdentificationType {
                                ID = new IDType {
                                    schemeID = "MERSISNO",
                                    Value    = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaKesenKurumMersisNo
                        PostalAddress = new AddressType
                        {//zorunlu değil
                            CityName = new CityNameType {
                                Value = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaImzalayanAdresIlAd
                            //TODO:İmzayan kişinin diğer adres bilgilerini getir
                        //Person //TODO:Faturayı Kesen Şahış ise burayı doldur
                        PartyTaxScheme = new PartyTaxSchemeType {
                            TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType {
                                Name = new NameType1 {
                                    Value = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaKesenKurumVergiDairesi
                };//Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.28                             [FaturayıDüzenleyenTarafın Bilgileri]

                #region AccountingCustomerParty
                invoiceType.AccountingCustomerParty = new CustomerPartyType
                    Party = new PartyType
                        PartyIdentification = new PartyIdentificationType[] {
                            new PartyIdentificationType {
                                ID = new IDType {
                                    schemeID = "TCKN",
                                    Value    = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaKesilenMusteriTcKimlikNo
                        PartyName = new PartyNameType {
                            Name = new NameType1 {
                                Value = EFatura.CariAd
                        PostalAddress = new AddressType
                        {//zorunlu değil
                         //CityName = new CityNameType { Value = EFaturaAyarlar }
                         //TODO:Müşterinin diğer adres bilgilerini getir
                        Contact = new ContactType
                            ElectronicMail = new ElectronicMailType {
                                Value = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaKesilenMusteriEmail
                            Telephone = new TelephoneType {
                                Value = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaKesilenMusteriTelefon
                        Person = new PersonType
                            FirstName = new FirstNameType {
                                Value = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaKesilenMusteriAd
                            FamilyName = new FamilyNameType {
                                Value = EFaturaAyarlar.EFaturaKesilenMusteriSoyad
                };//Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.29                             [Müşteri (Fatura Kesilen Cari) Bilgileri]

                #region LegalMonetaryTotal-ALT TOPLAMLAR
                invoiceType.LegalMonetaryTotal = new MonetaryTotalType
                    LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType {
                        Value = EFatura.AraToplam
                    TaxExclusiveAmount = new TaxExclusiveAmountType {
                        Value = EFatura.NetToplam
                    TaxInclusiveAmount = new TaxInclusiveAmountType {
                        Value = EFatura.GenelToplam
                    AllowanceTotalAmount = new AllowanceTotalAmountType {
                        Value = EFatura.IskontoToplam
                    },                                                                                    //opsiyonel
                    PayableAmount = new PayableAmountType {
                        Value = EFatura.GenelToplam

                #region Opsiyonel Alanlar

                invoiceType.Note = new[] {
                    new NoteType {
                        Value = Utility.SayiyiYaziyaCevir(EFatura.GenelToplam)
                    new NoteType {
                        Value = "İş bu fatura muhteviyatına 7 gün içerisinde itiraz edilmediği taktirde aynen kabul edilmiş sayılır."
                    new NoteType {
                        Value = $"Cari Kod:{EFatura.CariKod} Cari Ad:{EFatura.CariAd}"
                };//Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.11

                invoiceType.AdditionalDocumentReference = new[] {
                    new DocumentReferenceType
                        ID = new IDType {
                            Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                        IssueDate = new IssueDateType {
                            Value = EFatura.TarihSaat
                        DocumentType = new DocumentTypeType {
                            Value = "XSLT"
                        Attachment = new AttachmentType
                            EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject = new EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType
                                characterSetCode = "UTF-8",
                                encodingCode     = "Base64",
                                filename         = "EFatura.xslt",
                                mimeCode         = "application/xml",
                                Value            = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(new StreamReader(new FileStream(EFaturaAyarlar.XsltDosyaYolu, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Encoding.UTF8).ReadToEnd())
                    new DocumentReferenceType
                        ID = new IDType {
                            Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                        IssueDate = new IssueDateType {
                            Value = EFatura.TarihSaat
                        DocumentTypeCode = new DocumentTypeCodeType {
                            Value = "SendingType"
                        DocumentType = new DocumentTypeType {
                            Value = "ELEKTRONIK"
                };//Bkz Kılavuz => 2.3.26 [xslt fatura tasarım dosyası]


                #region InvoiceLine- FATURA KALEMLERİ
                List <InvoiceLineType> ListInvoiceLineType = new List <InvoiceLineType>();

                var iEFaturaDetay = 1;

                foreach (var EFaturaDetay in EFatura.EFaturaDetay)
                    var invoiceLineType = new InvoiceLineType
                        ID = new IDType {
                            Value = iEFaturaDetay.ToString()
                        InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType {
                            unitCode = EFaturaDetay.Birim, Value = EFaturaDetay.Miktar
                        LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType {
                            Value = EFaturaDetay.NetTutar
                        Item = new ItemType {
                            Name = new NameType1 {
                                Value = EFaturaDetay.StokKod + " " + EFaturaDetay.StokAd
                        Price = new PriceType {
                            PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType {
                                Value = EFaturaDetay.Fiyat

                        #region İskonto
                        AllowanceCharge = new AllowanceChargeType[]
                            new AllowanceChargeType {
                                ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType {
                                    Value = false
                                MultiplierFactorNumeric = new MultiplierFactorNumericType {
                                    Value = EFaturaDetay.IskontoYuzde
                                Amount = new AmountType2 {
                                    Value = EFaturaDetay.IskontoTutar
                                BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType {
                                    Value = EFaturaDetay.Tutar

                        #region Vergi
                        TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType
                            TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                                Value = EFaturaDetay.KdvTutar
                            TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[]
                                new TaxSubtotalType
                                    TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType
                                        currencyID = "TRY",
                                        Value      = EFaturaDetay.NetTutar//Kdv Hariç Net Tutar
                                    TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                                        currencyID = "TRY",
                                        Value      = EFaturaDetay.KdvTutar
                                    CalculationSequenceNumeric = new CalculationSequenceNumericType {
                                        Value = 1
                                    Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                        Value = EFaturaDetay.KdvOran
                                    },                                                   //%18 Kdv için 18.00 gir
                                    TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                        TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                            Name = new NameType1 {
                                                Value = "KDV"
                                            TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                                Value = "0015"
                                            }                                            //Bkz Kod Listesi=>1.9 TaxTypeCode VERGİ KODLARI LİSTESİ

                invoiceType.InvoiceLine = ListInvoiceLineType.ToArray();


                #region Xml Serialization

                #region XmlSerializerNamespaces
                var ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
                ns.Add(prefix: "cac", ns: "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2");
                ns.Add(prefix: "xsi", ns: "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");

                ns.Add(prefix: "xades", ns: "http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#");
                ns.Add(prefix: "udt", ns: "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:specification:UnqualifiedDataTypesSchemaModule:2");
                ns.Add(prefix: "ubltr", ns: "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:TurkishCustomizationExtensionComponents");
                ns.Add(prefix: "qdt", ns: "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:QualifiedDataTypes-2");
                ns.Add(prefix: "ext", ns: "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2");
                ns.Add(prefix: "cbc", ns: "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2");
                ns.Add(prefix: "ccts", ns: "urn:un:unece:uncefact:documentation:2");
                ns.Add(prefix: "ds", ns: "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#");

                var xmlWriterSettings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                    OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true
                var ms     = new MemoryStream();
                var writer = XmlWriter.Create(ms, xmlWriterSettings);
                var srl    = new XmlSerializer(invoiceType.GetType());
                srl.Serialize(writer, invoiceType, ns);
                ms.Seek(offset: 0, loc: SeekOrigin.Begin);
                var sr      = new StreamReader(ms);
                var readXml = sr.ReadToEnd();
                if (!Directory.Exists(EFaturaAyarlar.XmlDosyaKlasor))

                var path = Path.Combine(EFaturaAyarlar.XmlDosyaKlasor, EFatura.FaturaNo + ".xml");   //Her zaman üzerinde yazılacak

                using (var sWriter = new StreamWriter(path, append: false, encoding: Encoding.UTF8)) //Fatura SeriSıraNo daha okunabilir, sıralanabilir.

            }//using transaction
コード例 #10
        private void btnTamam_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            _InvoiceLine = SatirDoldur();

            DialogResult = DialogResult.OK;
コード例 #11
        private InvoiceLineType SatirDoldur()
            if (_InvoiceLine == null)
                _InvoiceLine = new InvoiceLineType();

            var line = new InvoiceLineType
                //Ürün Açıklamaları
                Item = CreateItemType(_InvoiceLine.Item),

                AllowanceCharge = CreateAllowanceCharge(_InvoiceLine.AllowanceCharge),
                //Birim Fiyat
                Price = new PriceType {
                    PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType {
                        Value = Convert.ToDecimal(txtFiyat.Text), currencyID = "TRL"
                InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType {
                    unitCode = txtBirim.Text, Value = Convert.ToDecimal(txtMiktar.Text)
                },                                                                                                                   //NIU =Adet
                Note = new NoteType[] { new NoteType {
                                            Value = txtSatirNotu.Text
                                        } },
                // KDV ve Diğer Vergiler
                TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType
                    TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[] {
                        //Vergi 1 KDV
                        new TaxSubtotalType {
                            Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                Value = Convert.ToDecimal(txtKdvOrani.Text)
                            TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType {
                                TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType {
                                    TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                        Value = "0015"
                                    }, Name = new NameType1 {
                                        Value = "KDV"
                                }, TaxExemptionReason = new TaxExemptionReasonType {
                                    Value = "Tanıtım Ürünü"
                            TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                                Value = ((100 + Convert.ToDecimal(txtKdvOrani.Text)) / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(txtFiyat.Text) * (Convert.ToDecimal(txtMiktar.Text)), currencyID = "TRL"
                            PerUnitAmount = new PerUnitAmountType {
                                Value = ((100 + Convert.ToDecimal(txtKdvOrani.Text)) / 100) * Convert.ToDecimal(txtFiyat.Text), currencyID = "TRL"
                    TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                        Value = Convert.ToDecimal(txtKdvTutar.Text)

                ID = new IDType {
                    Value = "1"
                LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType {
                    Value = Convert.ToDecimal(txtToplamTutar.Text), currencyID = "TRL"

コード例 #12
        private InvoiceLineType[] InvoiceLineDoldur(int Master)
            List <InvoiceLineType> Liste = new List <InvoiceLineType>();

            using (VTContext db = new VTContext())
                var list = db.Detail.Where(x => x.MasterId == Master).ToList();
                foreach (var item in list)
                    var veri = db.Database.SqlQuery <Stoklar>("SELECT Id,StokKodu,StokAdi FROM Stoklar where Id='" +
                                                              item.StokId + "'").FirstOrDefault();
                    string _IL_ID                      = Convert.ToString(item.StokId);
                    string _IL_StokCode                = Convert.ToString(veri.StokKodu);
                    string _IL_InvoicedQuantity        = Convert.ToString(item.Miktar);
                    string _IL_LineExtensionAmount     = "0";
                    string _IL_TaxAmount               = Convert.ToString(item.KdvOrani);
                    string _IL_TaxableAmount           = Convert.ToString(item.Kdv);
                    string _IL_Percent                 = "";
                    string _IL_TaxCategory_Name        = "";
                    string _IL_TaxCategory_TaxTypeCode = "";
                    string _IL_ItemName                = veri.StokAdi;
                    string _IL_Price                   = Convert.ToString(item.Tutar);
                    string _IL_Birim                   = "C62";
                    string KdvIstisnasi                = "";
                    string KdvIstisnasiCode            = "";
                    _IL_ID                      = Convert.ToString(_IL_ID);
                    _IL_StokCode                = Convert.ToString(_IL_StokCode);
                    _IL_InvoicedQuantity        = Convert.ToString(_IL_InvoicedQuantity);
                    _IL_LineExtensionAmount     = Convert.ToString(_IL_LineExtensionAmount);
                    _IL_TaxAmount               = Convert.ToString(_IL_TaxAmount);
                    _IL_TaxableAmount           = Convert.ToString(_IL_TaxableAmount);
                    _IL_Percent                 = Convert.ToString(_IL_Percent);
                    _IL_TaxCategory_Name        = Convert.ToString(_IL_TaxCategory_Name);
                    _IL_TaxCategory_TaxTypeCode = Convert.ToString(_IL_TaxCategory_TaxTypeCode);
                    _IL_ItemName                = Convert.ToString(_IL_ItemName);
                    _IL_Price                   = Convert.ToString(_IL_Price);
                    _IL_Birim                   = Convert.ToString(_IL_Birim);
                    KdvIstisnasi                = Convert.ToString(KdvIstisnasi);
                    KdvIstisnasiCode            = Convert.ToString(KdvIstisnasiCode);

                    InvoiceLineType lineItem = new InvoiceLineType()
                        ID = new IDType {
                            Value = _IL_ID
                        InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType
                            unitCode = _IL_Birim, Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_InvoicedQuantity), 4)
                        LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType
                            currencyID = "TRY", Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_LineExtensionAmount), 4)

                        AllowanceCharge = new AllowanceChargeType[]
                            new AllowanceChargeType()
                                ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType {
                                    Value = false
                                MultiplierFactorNumeric = new MultiplierFactorNumericType {
                                    Value = 0.00M
                                Amount = new AmountType2 {
                                    currencyID = "TRY", Value = 0.00M
                                BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType
                                    currencyID = "TRY", Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_TaxableAmount), 4)

                        TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType
                            TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                                currencyID = "TRY", Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_TaxAmount), 4)

                            TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[]
                                new TaxSubtotalType()
                                    TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType
                                        currencyID = "TRY", Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_TaxableAmount), 4)
                                    TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType
                                        currencyID = "TRY", Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_TaxAmount), 4)
                                    Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                        Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_Percent), 4)

                                    TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                        TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                            Name = new NameType1 {
                                                Value = "KDV"
                                            TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                                Value = "0015"
                                        TaxExemptionReasonCode = new TaxExemptionReasonCodeType
                                            Value = KdvIstisnasiCode
                                        TaxExemptionReason = new TaxExemptionReasonType {
                                            Value = KdvIstisnasi

                        Item = new ItemType
                            Name = new NameType1 {
                                Value = _IL_ItemName
                            SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                ID = new IDType {
                                    Value = _IL_StokCode.Replace(" ", "")
                        Price = new PriceType
                            PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType
                                currencyID = "TRY", Value = Math.Round(Convert.ToDecimal(_IL_Price), 4)


コード例 #13
ファイル: FactElectronica.cs プロジェクト: ERICKLEO-ING/DESA
        //Informacion de las lineas del documento
        #region InvoiceLine
        /// <summary>
        /// Generacion de InvoiceLine
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private InvoiceLineType[] InvoiceLine()
            List <InvoiceLineType> Items_Respuesta = new List <InvoiceLineType>();

            //foreach (var item in ITEM_collection)

            #region InvoiceLine
            //string[] DE = item.DE.Split('|');
            //string[] DEDR = item.DEDR.Split('|');
            //List<string> DEIM_LIST = item.DEIM;
            //string[] DEDI = item.DEDI.Split('|');
            InvoiceLineType Linea = new InvoiceLineType();
                //numero de orden del item
                Linea.ID = new IDType()
                    Value = "Numero de Orden del Item"
                //(InvoicedQuantity)cantidad de unidades del item
                Linea.InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType()
                    Value                  = Convert.ToDecimal(3),
                    unitCode               = "Codigo Unitario",
                    unitCodeListID         = "UN/ECE rec 20",
                    unitCodeListAgencyName = "United Nations Economic Commission for Europe"
                //(LineExtensionAmount)Valor de Venta del item
                Linea.LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType()
                    Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(50),
                    currencyID = ConstantesAtributo.PEN

                #region PricingReference
                Linea.PricingReference = new PricingReferenceType()
                    AlternativeConditionPrice = new PriceType[]
                        new PriceType()
                            //(PriceAmount) precoi de venta unitario/ valor referencial
                            PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType()
                                Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(50),
                                currencyID = ConstantesAtributo.PEN
                            //(PriceTypeCode) codigo de tipo de precio
                            PriceTypeCode = new PriceTypeCodeType()
                                Value          = "Codigo de Tipo de Precio",
                                listName       = "SUNAT:Indicador de Tipo de Precio",
                                listAgencyName = ConstantesAtributo.PESUNAT,
                                listURI        = ConstantesAtributo.CATALOGO16

                #region Delivery


                //Descuentos o Recargos de la linea
                #region AllowanceCharge
                Linea.AllowanceCharge = new AllowanceChargeType[]
                    new AllowanceChargeType()
                        ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType()
                            Value = true
                        AllowanceChargeReasonCode = new AllowanceChargeReasonCodeType()
                            Value = "Codigo de cargo o descuento"
                        MultiplierFactorNumeric = new MultiplierFactorNumericType()
                            Value = Convert.ToDecimal(0.13)
                        Amount = new AmountType2()
                            Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(20),
                            currencyID = ConstantesAtributo.PEN
                        BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType()
                            Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(30),
                            currencyID = ConstantesAtributo.PEN

                //Monto de tributo del item
                #region TaxTotal
                List <TaxTotalType> taxTotals = new List <TaxTotalType>();
                //foreach (var DEIM_Item in DEIM_LIST)
                //    string[] DEIM = DEIM_Item.Split('|');


                TaxTotalType taxTotalType = new TaxTotalType()

                    //Monto de tributo del ítem

                    TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType()

                        Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(50),
                        currencyID = ConstantesAtributo.PEN

                    TaxSubtotal = new TaxSubtotalType[]
                        new TaxSubtotalType()
                            //Monto de la Operacion

                            TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType()
                                Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(10),
                                currencyID = ConstantesAtributo.PEN
                            //Monto de Tributo por Item
                            TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType()
                                Value      = Convert.ToDecimal(15),
                                currencyID = ConstantesAtributo.PEN

                            TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType()
                                ID = new IDType()
                                    Value          = "S",
                                    schemeID       = ConstantesAtributo.UNECE5305,
                                    schemeAgencyID = "6"
                                Percent = new PercentType1
                                    Value = Convert.ToDecimal(14)
                                TaxExemptionReasonCode = new TaxExemptionReasonCodeType()
                                    Value          = "Codigo de tipo de afeectacion del igv",
                                    listAgencyName = ConstantesAtributo.PESUNAT,
                                    listName       = "SUNAT:Codigo de Tipo de Afectación del IGV",
                                    listURI        = ConstantesAtributo.CATALOGO07
                                TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType()
                                    ID = new IDType()
                                        Value = "Codigo del tributo",
                                    Name = new NameType1()
                                        Value = "Nombre del tributo",
                                    TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType()
                                        Value = "Codigo Internacional del producto"
                Linea.TaxTotal = taxTotals.ToArray();


                #region Item
                Linea.Item = new ItemType()
                    Description = new DescriptionType[]
                        new DescriptionType()
                            Value = "Descripcion del item"
                    SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType()
                        ID = new IDType()
                            Value = "Codigo de producto"
                    CommodityClassification = new CommodityClassificationType[]
                        new CommodityClassificationType()
                            ItemClassificationCode = new ItemClassificationCodeType()
                                Value = "Catalogo 25 sunat"

                #region Price
                Linea.Price = new PriceType()
                    PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType()
                        Value = Convert.ToDecimal(50),

コード例 #14
ファイル: Form1.cs プロジェクト: mskyazilim/EFatura
        private void FaturaOlustur(E_Fatura.Fatura FaturaBilgileri)//, List<E_Fatura.FaturaHareket> faturaHareketleri
            InvoiceLineType[] FaturaHareketleri()
                var x = 1;

                var lines = new List <InvoiceLineType>();
                // var source = dataGridView1.Columns.Cast < FaturaHareketleri() >;
                //  while (x >=30)
                // {
                var line = new InvoiceLineType
                    ID = new IDType {
                        Value = x.ToString()
                    Note = new[] { new NoteType {
                                       Value = "00001 - kkkkk"
                                   } },
                    InvoicedQuantity = new InvoicedQuantityType {
                        unitCode = "C62", Value = 1
                    LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType {
                        currencyID = "TRY", Value = 1000
                    AllowanceCharge = new[] { new AllowanceChargeType
                                                  ChargeIndicator = new ChargeIndicatorType {
                                                      Value = false
                                                  MultiplierFactorNumeric = new MultiplierFactorNumericType {
                                                      Value = 10
                                                  Amount = new AmountType2 {
                                                      currencyID = "TRY", Value = 100
                                                  BaseAmount = new BaseAmountType {
                                                      currencyID = "TRY", Value = 1000
                                              } },
                    TaxTotal = new TaxTotalType
                        TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                            currencyID = "TRY", Value = 180
                        TaxSubtotal = new[]
                            new TaxSubtotalType
                                TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType {
                                    currencyID = "TRY", Value = 1000
                                TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                                    currencyID = "TRY", Value = 180
                                CalculationSequenceNumeric = new CalculationSequenceNumericType {
                                    Value = 1
                                Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                    Value = 18
                                TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                        TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                            Value = "0015", name = "KDV"
                                        Name = new NameType1 {
                                            Value = "KDV"
                    Item = new ItemType {
                        Name = new NameType1 {
                            Value = "Açıklama gir Stok Kod Adı neyin"
                    Price = new PriceType {
                        PriceAmount = new PriceAmountType {
                            currencyID = "TRY", Value = 200

                //  x++;
                // };


            var fatura = new InvoiceType
                UBLVersionID = new UBLVersionIDType {
                    Value = "2.1"
                CustomizationID = new CustomizationIDType {
                    Value = "TR1.2"
                ProfileID = new ProfileIDType {
                    Value = "TEMELFATURA"
                ID = new IDType {
                    Value = FaturaBilgileri.FaturaNo
                CopyIndicator = new CopyIndicatorType {
                    Value = false
                UUID = new UUIDType {
                    Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                IssueDate = new IssueDateType {
                    Value = FaturaBilgileri.Tarih
                IssueTime = new IssueTimeType {
                    Value = FaturaBilgileri.Tarih
                InvoiceTypeCode = new InvoiceTypeCodeType {
                    Value = "SATIS"
                },                                                              // SATIS,IADE,
                Note = new[] { new NoteType {
                                   Value = "Açıklamalar"
                               new NoteType {
                                   Value = "İş bu fatura muhteviyatına 7 gün içerisinde itiraz edilmediği taktirde aynen kabul edilmiş sayılır."
                               new NoteType {
                                   Value = FaturaBilgileri.CariKod + " " + FaturaBilgileri.CariUnv
                               } },
                DocumentCurrencyCode = new DocumentCurrencyCodeType {
                    Value = "TRY"
                LineCountNumeric = new LineCountNumericType {
                    Value = 3
                AdditionalDocumentReference = new[] { new DocumentReferenceType
                                                          ID = new IDType {
                                                              Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                                                          IssueDate = new IssueDateType {
                                                              Value = FaturaBilgileri.Tarih
                                                          DocumentType = new DocumentTypeType {
                                                              Value = "XSLT"
                                                          Attachment = new AttachmentType
                                                              EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObject = new EmbeddedDocumentBinaryObjectType
                                                                  characterSetCode = "UTF-8",

                                                                  encodingCode = "Base64",
                                                                  mimeCode     = "application/xml",
                                                                  filename     = "EArchiveInvoice.xslt",
                                                                  Value        = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(new StreamReader(new FileStream(path: Application.StartupPath + "\\" + "EFatura.xslt", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read), Encoding.UTF8).ReadToEnd())

                                                      new DocumentReferenceType
                                                          ID = new IDType {
                                                              Value = Guid.NewGuid().ToString()
                                                          IssueDate = new IssueDateType {
                                                              Value = FaturaBilgileri.Tarih
                                                          DocumentTypeCode = new DocumentTypeCodeType {
                                                              Value = "SendingType"
                                                          DocumentType = new DocumentTypeType {
                                                              Value = " ELEKTRONIK"
                                                      } },
                Signature = new[] { new SignatureType
                                        ID = new IDType {
                                            schemeID = "VKN_TCKN", Value = "7500263381"
                                        SignatoryParty = new PartyType
                                            PartyIdentification = new[] { new PartyIdentificationType {
                                                                              ID = new IDType {
                                                                                  schemeID = "VKN", Value = "7500263381"
                                                                          } },
                                            PostalAddress = new AddressType
                                                Room = new RoomType {
                                                    Value = ""
                                                BlockName = new BlockNameType {
                                                    Value = "B Blok"
                                                BuildingName = new BuildingNameType {
                                                    Value = "dd"
                                                BuildingNumber = new BuildingNumberType {
                                                    Value = "35"
                                                CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType {
                                                    Value = "Çanka"
                                                CityName = new CityNameType {
                                                    Value = "ANAKATA"
                                                PostalZone = new PostalZoneType {
                                                    Value = "78200"
                                                Country = new CountryType {
                                                    Name = new NameType1 {
                                                        Value = "Türkiye"
                                        DigitalSignatureAttachment = new AttachmentType {
                                            ExternalReference = new ExternalReferenceType {
                                                URI = new URIType {
                                                    Value = "#Signature_" + FaturaBilgileri.FaturaNo
                                    }, },

                AccountingSupplierParty = new SupplierPartyType
                    Party = new PartyType
                        PartyIdentification = new[]
                            new PartyIdentificationType {
                                ID = new IDType {
                                    schemeID = "VKN", Value = "7500263381"
                            new PartyIdentificationType {
                                ID = new IDType {
                                    schemeID = "MERSISNO", Value = "368955457878"
                        PartyName = new PartyNameType {
                            Name = new NameType1 {
                                Value = "MSK YAZILIM"

                        PostalAddress = new AddressType
                            Room = new RoomType {
                                Value = ""
                            BlockName = new BlockNameType {
                                Value = "B Blok"
                            BuildingName = new BuildingNameType {
                                Value = "dd"
                            BuildingNumber = new BuildingNumberType {
                                Value = "35"
                            CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType {
                                Value = "Çanka"
                            CityName = new CityNameType {
                                Value = "ANAKATA"
                            PostalZone = new PostalZoneType {
                                Value = "78200"
                            Country = new CountryType {
                                Name = new NameType1 {
                                    Value = "Türkiye"
                        WebsiteURI = new WebsiteURIType {
                            Value = "www.mskyazilim.com"
                        Contact = new ContactType {
                            ElectronicMail = new ElectronicMailType {
                                Value = "*****@*****.**"
                            }, Telephone = new TelephoneType {
                                Value = "05559963526"
                        PartyTaxScheme = new PartyTaxSchemeType {
                            TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType {
                                Name = new NameType1 {
                                    Value = "KARABÜK VERGİ DAİRESİ"
                                }, TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                    Value = "078220"

                AccountingCustomerParty = new CustomerPartyType
                    Party = new PartyType
                        PartyIdentification = new[]
                            new PartyIdentificationType {
                                ID = new IDType {
                                    schemeID = "TCK", Value = "3498788"

                        PartyName = new PartyNameType {
                            Name = new NameType1 {
                                Value = "UZUNER PAZARLAMA"

                        PostalAddress = new AddressType
                            Room = new RoomType {
                                Value = ""
                            BlockName = new BlockNameType {
                                Value = "C BLOK"
                            BuildingName = new BuildingNameType {
                                Value = "KEN"
                            BuildingNumber = new BuildingNumberType {
                                Value = "78"
                            CitySubdivisionName = new CitySubdivisionNameType {
                                Value = "ÜNİVERSİTE MAHALLESİ"
                            CityName = new CityNameType {
                                Value = "KARABÜK"
                            PostalZone = new PostalZoneType {
                                Value = "78200"
                            Country = new CountryType {
                                Name = new NameType1 {
                                    Value = "Türkiye"
                        Contact = new ContactType {
                            ElectronicMail = new ElectronicMailType {
                                Value = "*****@*****.**"
                            }, Telephone = new TelephoneType {
                                Value = "037063526"
                        Person = new PersonType {
                            FirstName = new FirstNameType {
                                Value = "ISIM"
                            }, FamilyName = new FamilyNameType {
                                Value = "SOYISIM"
                        }                                                                                                                                   // şahıslarda
                                                                                                                                                            // PartyTaxScheme = new PartyTaxSchemeType { TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType { Name = new NameType1 { Value = "KARABÜK VERGİ DAİRESİ" }, TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType { Value = "078220" } } }// Firmalarda

                TaxTotal = new[]
                { new TaxTotalType
                      TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                          Value = FaturaBilgileri.KdvTutar
                      TaxSubtotal = new[]
                          new TaxSubtotalType
                              TaxableAmount = new TaxableAmountType {
                                  currencyID = "TRY", Value = FaturaBilgileri.NetTutar
                              TaxAmount = new TaxAmountType {
                                  currencyID = "TRY", Value = FaturaBilgileri.KdvTutar
                              CalculationSequenceNumeric = new CalculationSequenceNumericType {
                                  Value = 1
                              TransactionCurrencyTaxAmount = new TransactionCurrencyTaxAmountType {
                                  currencyID = "TRY", Value = FaturaBilgileri.KdvTutar
                              Percent = new PercentType1 {
                                  Value = 18
                              },                                       // zorunlu değil
                              TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType {
                                  Name = new NameType1 {
                                      Value = "KDV"
                                  }, TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType {
                                      Name = new NameType1 {
                                          Value = "KDV GERCEK"
                                      }, TaxTypeCode = new TaxTypeCodeType {
                                          Value = "0015"
                  } },
                LegalMonetaryTotal = new MonetaryTotalType
                    LineExtensionAmount = new LineExtensionAmountType {
                        currencyID = "TRY", Value = FaturaBilgileri.Tutar
                    TaxExclusiveAmount = new TaxExclusiveAmountType {
                        Value = FaturaBilgileri.NetTutar
                    TaxInclusiveAmount = new TaxInclusiveAmountType {
                        Value = FaturaBilgileri.ToplamTutar
                    AllowanceTotalAmount = new AllowanceTotalAmountType {
                        Value = FaturaBilgileri.Iskonto
                    PayableAmount = new PayableAmountType {
                        Value = FaturaBilgileri.ToplamTutar

                InvoiceLine = FaturaHareketleri()

                              // InvoiceLine = FaturaHareketleri()

            var settings = new XmlWriterSettings {
                OmitXmlDeclaration = true, Indent = true
            var ms    = new MemoryStream();
            var write = XmlWriter.Create(ms, settings);
            var srl   = new XmlSerializer(fatura.GetType());

            srl.Serialize(write, fatura, XmlNameSpace());
            ms.Seek(offset: 0, loc: SeekOrigin.Begin);
            var srRead  = new StreamReader(ms);
            var readxml = srRead.ReadToEnd();
            var path    = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath + "\\EFATURA\\" + fatura.ID.Value.ToString() + ".XML");

            void FaturaOlus()
                using (var sWrt = new StreamWriter(path, append: false, Encoding.UTF8))


            if (!Directory.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\EFATURA"))
                Directory.CreateDirectory(Application.StartupPath + "\\EFATURA");
            if (!File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + "\\EFATURA\\" + fatura.ID.Value.ToString() + ".XML"))
            if (MessageBox.Show("Dosya Daha önce var", "Dikka", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button2) != DialogResult.Yes)

            XmlSerializerNamespaces XmlNameSpace()
                var ns = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();

                ns.Add("cac", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2");
                ns.Add("xsi", "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance");
                ns.Add("xades", "http://uri.etsi.org/01903/v1.3.2#");
                ns.Add("udt", "urn:un:unece:uncefact:data:specification:UnqualifiedDataTypesSchemaModule:2");
                ns.Add("ubltr", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:TurkishCustomizationExtensionComponents");
                ns.Add("qdt", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:QualifiedDatatypes-2");
                ns.Add("ext", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonExtensionComponents-2");
                ns.Add("cbc", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2");
                ns.Add("ccts", "urn:un:unece:uncefact:documentation:2");
                ns.Add("ds", "http://www.w3.org/2000/09/xmldsig#");
コード例 #15
ファイル: OKQ8invoice.cs プロジェクト: Rimbik/InvoiceApp
        public static InvoiceType Create()
            string       file        = @"D:\temp\ROM\MultiJson\1_0014_ 12007011905_Invoice.json";
            StreamReader r           = new StreamReader(file);
            string       jsonInvoice = r.ReadToEnd();

            var invObject = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Rootobject>(jsonInvoice);

            var doc = new InvoiceType
                UBLVersionID    = "2.1",
                ID              = invObject.Cards[0].InvoiceNumber.Trim(),
                IssueDate       = "2009-12-15",
                InvoiceTypeCode = new CodeType
                    listID       = "UN/ECE 1001 Subset",
                    listAgencyID = "6",
                    Value        = "380"
                Note = new List <TextType>()
                    new TextType
                        languageID = "en",
                        Value      = "Ordered in our booth at the convention."
                //TaxPointDate = "2009-11-30",
                //DocumentCurrencyCode = new CodeType
                //    listID = "ISO 4217 Alpha",
                //    listAgencyID = "6",
                //    Value = "EUR"
                //AccountingCost = "Project cost code 123",
                InvoicePeriod = new List <PeriodType>()
                    new PeriodType
                        StartDate = "2009-11-01",
                        EndDate   = "2009-11-30"
                OrderReference = new OrderReferenceType
                    ID = "123"
                //ContractDocumentReference = new List<DocumentReferenceType>()
                //    new DocumentReferenceType
                //    {
                //        ID = "Contract321",
                //        DocumentType = "Framework agreement"
                //    }
                //AdditionalDocumentReference = new List<DocumentReferenceType>(),
                //AccountingSupplierParty = new SupplierPartyType(),
                //AccountingCustomerParty = new CustomerPartyType(),
                //PayeeParty = new PartyType(),
                Delivery = new List <DeliveryType>()
                    new DeliveryType
                        ActualDeliveryDate = "2009-12-15",
                        DeliveryLocation   = new LocationType
                            ID = new IdentifierType
                                schemeID       = "GLN",
                                schemeAgencyID = "9",
                                Value          = "6754238987648"
                            Address = new AddressType
                                StreetName           = "Deliverystreet",
                                AdditionalStreetName = "Side door",
                                BuildingNumber       = "12",
                                CityName             = "DeliveryCity",
                                PostalZone           = "523427",
                                CountrySubentity     = "RegionC",
                                Country = new CountryType
                                    IdentificationCode = "BE"
                PaymentMeans = new List <PaymentMeansType>()
                    new PaymentMeansType
                        PaymentMeansCode = new CodeType
                            listID = "UN/ECE 4461",
                            Value  = "31"
                        PaymentDueDate     = "2009-12-31",
                        PaymentChannelCode = "IBAN",
                        PaymentID          = new List <IdentifierType>()
                            new IdentifierType
                                Value = "Payref1"
                        PayeeFinancialAccount = new FinancialAccountType
                            ID = "DK1212341234123412",
                            FinancialInstitutionBranch = new BranchType
                                FinancialInstitution = new FinancialInstitutionType
                                    ID = "DKDKABCD"
                PaymentTerms    = new List <PaymentTermsType>(),
                AllowanceCharge = new List <AllowanceChargeType>(),
                TaxTotal        = new List <TaxTotalType>()
                    new TaxTotalType
                        TaxAmount = new AmountType
                            currencyID = "EUR",
                            Value      = 292.20M
                        TaxSubtotal = new List <TaxSubtotalType>()
                            new TaxSubtotalType
                                TaxableAmount = new AmountType
                                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                    Value      = 1460.5M
                                TaxAmount = new AmountType
                                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                    Value      = 292.1M
                                TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                        schemeID       = "UN/ECE 5305",
                                        schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                        Value          = "S"
                                    Percent   = 20M,
                                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                        ID = new IdentifierType
                                            schemeID       = "UN/ECE 5153",
                                            schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                            Value          = "VAT"
                            new TaxSubtotalType
                                TaxableAmount = new AmountType
                                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                    Value      = 1M
                                TaxAmount = new AmountType
                                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                    Value      = 0.1M
                                TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                        schemeID       = "UN/ECE 5305",
                                        schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                        Value          = "AA"
                                    Percent   = 10M,
                                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                        ID = new IdentifierType
                                            schemeID       = "UN/ECE 5153",
                                            schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                            Value          = "VAT"
                            new TaxSubtotalType
                                TaxableAmount = new AmountType
                                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                    Value      = -25M
                                TaxAmount = new AmountType
                                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                    Value      = 0M
                                TaxCategory = new TaxCategoryType
                                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                        schemeID       = "UN/ECE 5305",
                                        schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                        Value          = "E"
                                    Percent = 0M,
                                    TaxExemptionReasonCode = new CodeType
                                        listID       = "CWA 15577",
                                        listAgencyID = "ZZZ",
                                        Value        = "AAM"
                                    TaxExemptionReason = new List <TextType>()
                                        new TextType
                                            Value = "Exempt New Means of Transport"
                                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                        ID = new IdentifierType
                                            schemeID       = "UN/ECE 5153",
                                            schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                            Value          = "VAT"
                LegalMonetaryTotal = new MonetaryTotalType()
                                     //InvoiceLine = new List<InvoiceLineType>()
                                     //    new InvoiceLineType
                                     //    {
                                     //        ID = "1",
                                     //        Note = new List<TextType>()
                                     //        {
                                     //            new TextType
                                     //            {
                                     //                Value = "Scratch on box"
                                     //            }
                                     //        },
                                     //        InvoicedQuantity = new QuantityType
                                     //        {
                                     //            unitCode = "C62",
                                     //            Value = 1M
                                     //        },
                                     //        LineExtensionAmount = new AmountType
                                     //        {
                                     //            currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //            Value = 1273M
                                     //        },
                                     //        AccountingCost = "BookingCode001",
                                     //        OrderLineReference = new List<OrderLineReferenceType>()
                                     //        {
                                     //            new OrderLineReferenceType
                                     //            {
                                     //                LineID = "1"
                                     //            }
                                     //        },
                                     //        AllowanceCharge = new List<AllowanceChargeType>()
                                     //        {
                                     //            new AllowanceChargeType
                                     //            {
                                     //                ChargeIndicator = false,
                                     //                AllowanceChargeReason = new List<TextType>()
                                     //                {
                                     //                    new TextType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        Value = "Damage"
                                     //                    }
                                     //                },
                                     //                Amount = new AmountType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                    Value = 12M
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //            new AllowanceChargeType
                                     //            {
                                     //                ChargeIndicator = true,
                                     //                AllowanceChargeReason = new List<TextType>()
                                     //                {
                                     //                    new TextType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        Value = "Testing"
                                     //                    }
                                     //                },
                                     //                Amount = new AmountType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                    Value = 10M
                                     //                }
                                     //            }
                                     //        },
                                     //        TaxTotal = new List<TaxTotalType>()
                                     //        {
                                     //            new TaxTotalType
                                     //            {
                                     //                TaxAmount = new AmountType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                    Value = 254.6M
                                     //                }
                                     //            }
                                     //        },
                                     //        Item = new ItemType
                                     //        {
                                     //            Description = new List<TextType>()
                                     //            {
                                     //                new TextType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    languageID = "EN",
                                     //                    Value = @"Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo SU9400 LV (1.4GHz). RAM:3MB. Screen 1440x900"
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //            Name = "Labtop computer",
                                     //            SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                     //            {
                                     //                ID = "JB007"
                                     //            },
                                     //            StandardItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                     //            {
                                     //                ID = new IdentifierType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    schemeID = "GTIN",
                                     //                    schemeAgencyID = "9",
                                     //                    Value = "1234567890124"
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //            CommodityClassification = new List<CommodityClassificationType>()
                                     //            {
                                     //                new CommodityClassificationType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    ItemClassificationCode = new CodeType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        listAgencyID = "113",
                                     //                        listID = "UNSPSC",
                                     //                        Value = "12344321"
                                     //                    }
                                     //                },
                                     //                new CommodityClassificationType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    ItemClassificationCode = new CodeType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        listAgencyID = "2",
                                     //                        listID = "CPV",
                                     //                        Value = "65434568"
                                     //                    }
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //            ClassifiedTaxCategory = new List<TaxCategoryType>()
                                     //            {
                                     //                new TaxCategoryType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        schemeID = "UN/ECE 5305",
                                     //                        schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                     //                        Value = "S"
                                     //                    },
                                     //                    Percent = 20M,
                                     //                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        ID = new IdentifierType
                                     //                        {
                                     //                            schemeID = "UN/ECE 5153",
                                     //                            schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                     //                            Value = "VAT"
                                     //                        }
                                     //                    }
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //            AdditionalItemProperty = new List<ItemPropertyType>()
                                     //            {
                                     //                new ItemPropertyType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    Name = "Color",
                                     //                    Value = "black"
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //        },
                                     //        Price = new PriceType
                                     //        {
                                     //            PriceAmount = new AmountType
                                     //            {
                                     //                currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                Value = 1273M
                                     //            },
                                     //            BaseQuantity = new QuantityType
                                     //            {
                                     //                unitCode = "C62",
                                     //                Value = 1M
                                     //            },
                                     //            AllowanceCharge = new List<AllowanceChargeType>()
                                     //            {
                                     //                new AllowanceChargeType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    ChargeIndicator = false,
                                     //                    AllowanceChargeReason = new List<TextType>()
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        new TextType
                                     //                        {
                                     //                            Value = "Contract"
                                     //                        }
                                     //                    },
                                     //                    MultiplierFactorNumeric = 0.15M,
                                     //                    Amount = new AmountType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                        Value = 225M
                                     //                    },
                                     //                    BaseAmount = new AmountType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                        Value = 1500M
                                     //                    }
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //        }
                                     //    },
                                     //    new InvoiceLineType
                                     //    {
                                     //        ID = "2",
                                     //        Note = new List<TextType>()
                                     //        {
                                     //            new TextType
                                     //            {
                                     //                Value = "Cover is slightly damaged."
                                     //            }
                                     //        },
                                     //        InvoicedQuantity = new QuantityType
                                     //        {
                                     //            unitCode = "C62",
                                     //            Value = -1M
                                     //        },
                                     //        LineExtensionAmount = new AmountType
                                     //        {
                                     //            currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //            Value = -3.96M
                                     //        },
                                     //        OrderLineReference = new List<OrderLineReferenceType>()
                                     //        {
                                     //            new OrderLineReferenceType
                                     //            {
                                     //                LineID = "5"
                                     //            }
                                     //        },
                                     //        TaxTotal = new List<TaxTotalType>()
                                     //        {
                                     //            new TaxTotalType
                                     //            {
                                     //                TaxAmount = new AmountType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                    Value = -0.396M
                                     //                }
                                     //            }
                                     //        },
                                     //        Item = new ItemType
                                     //        {
                                     //            Name = "Returned \"Advanced computing\" book",
                                     //            SellersItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                     //            {
                                     //                ID = "JB008"
                                     //            },
                                     //            StandardItemIdentification = new ItemIdentificationType
                                     //            {
                                     //                ID = new IdentifierType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    schemeID = "GTIN",
                                     //                    schemeAgencyID = "9",
                                     //                    Value = "1234567890125"
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //            CommodityClassification = new List<CommodityClassificationType>()
                                     //            {
                                     //                new CommodityClassificationType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    ItemClassificationCode = new CodeType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        listAgencyID = "113",
                                     //                        listID = "UNSPSC",
                                     //                        Value = "32344324"
                                     //                    }
                                     //                },
                                     //                new CommodityClassificationType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    ItemClassificationCode = new CodeType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        listAgencyID = "2",
                                     //                        listID = "CPV",
                                     //                        Value = "65434567"
                                     //                    }
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //            ClassifiedTaxCategory = new List<TaxCategoryType>()
                                     //            {
                                     //                new TaxCategoryType
                                     //                {
                                     //                    ID = new IdentifierType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        schemeID = "UN/ECE 5305",
                                     //                        schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                     //                        Value = "AA"
                                     //                    },
                                     //                    Percent = 10M,
                                     //                    TaxScheme = new TaxSchemeType
                                     //                    {
                                     //                        ID = new IdentifierType
                                     //                        {
                                     //                            schemeID = "UN/ECE 5153",
                                     //                            schemeAgencyID = "6",
                                     //                            Value = "VAT"
                                     //                        }
                                     //                    }
                                     //                }
                                     //            },
                                     //        },
                                     //        Price = new PriceType
                                     //        {
                                     //            PriceAmount = new AmountType
                                     //            {
                                     //                currencyID = "EUR",
                                     //                Value = 3.96M
                                     //            },
                                     //            BaseQuantity = new QuantityType
                                     //            {
                                     //                unitCode = "C62",
                                     //                Value = 1M
                                     //            }
                                     //        }
                                     //    }

            doc.InvoiceLine = new List <InvoiceLineType>();
            foreach (var lineItem in invObject.Cards[0].Items.InvoiceRows)
                var invLine = new InvoiceLineType()
                    ID = lineItem.RowId.ToString(),
                    InvoicedQuantity = new QuantityType()
                        unitCode = "",
                        Value    = 1
                    LineExtensionAmount = new AmountType()
                        Value = decimal.Parse(lineItem.Netto.Replace(",", "."))


            doc.Xmlns = new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializerNamespaces(new[]
                new XmlQualifiedName("cac", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2"),
                new XmlQualifiedName("cbc", "urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"),
