public override void GetContent(Invert.Core.GraphDesigner.IDocumentationBuilder _) { base.GetContent(_); _.Paragraph("uFrame utilizes a new concept developed to fit the uFrame and RX paradigm of programming. " + "We like to call this \"Re-active\" state machines. "); _.Paragraph("The main concept of state machines in uFrame MVVM is that when defining them in your " + "diagrams you don't need to focus on anything other than the states and transitions that " + "make up the machine. Making the machine come to life is a matter of wiring them to " + "computed properties, command bindings, and view bindings. But initially, you can focus " + "purely on the high-level rather than implementation, once commands and transitions " + "are all wired together transitions and states can be easily tweaked with minimal to " + "zero changes in your code."); _.Paragraph("Reactive State Machines employ the concept of data subscriptions causing transitions, rather than polling data every frame, this can give a definite increase in performance."); _.Break(); _.ImageByUrl(""); _.Break(); _.Title2("Manually triggering transitions"); _.Paragraph("To set a transition in code, you'll need to access the state machine property. This should be the property that is connected to your state machine."); _.CodeSnippet("{ViewModel}.{StateMachinePropertyName}Property.Transition(\"NAME OF TRANSITION HERE\");"); _.Break(); _.Title2("Manually setting the state"); _.CodeSnippet("{ViewModel}.{StateMachinePropertyName}Property.SetState<STATE_CLASS_NAME>();"); _.Title3("or"); _.CodeSnippet("{ViewModel}.{StateMachinePropertyName}Property.SetState(\"STATE_NAME\");"); _.Break(); // _.AlsoSeePages(typeof(UsingStateMachines)); }
public override void GetContent(Invert.Core.GraphDesigner.IDocumentationBuilder _) { base.GetContent(_); _.Paragraph("Commands define a property of type ISignal<TCommandClass> on an element. These act as a delegate to a pre-initialized handler." + "The handlers are setup in the controllers initialize method to point to a method, this makes a controller a factory for a view-model." + ""); var ele = new ScaffoldGraph() .BeginNode <ElementNode>("Player") .AddItem <CommandsChildItem>("Hit") .EndNode(); _.Title2("Executing a command from a viewmodel."); _.CodeSnippet("MyViewModel.CommandName.OnNext(new {CommandName}Command() { });"); _.Break(); _.Title2("Generated Model Commands"); _.TemplateExample <ViewModelTemplate, ElementNode>(ele as ElementNode, true, "CommandItems", "Bind"); _.Break(); _.Title2("Generated Controller Command Handlers"); _.TemplateExample <ControllerTemplate, ElementNode>(ele as ElementNode, true, "CommandItems", "CommandMethod"); _.Break(); _.Break(); _.Title3("Also See"); _.LinkToPage <Controllers>(); _.LinkToPage <CreationAndInitialization>(); }