protected override void DrawSingleEquipField(SerializedProperty element, Rect rect) { base.DrawSingleEquipField(element, rect); if (playerPrefab.objectReferenceValue != null) { var obj = playerPrefab.objectReferenceValue as GameObject; if (obj != null) { if (element.FindPropertyRelative("findDynamic").boolValue == false) { return; } string path = element.FindPropertyRelative("equipTransformPath").stringValue; Transform child = null; InventoryUtility.FindChildTransform(obj.transform, path, ref child); if (child == null || path == "") { rect.y += 36; EditorGUI.HelpBox(rect, "Object with path \"" + path + "\" was not found.", MessageType.Error); } } } }
public static bool CanShow(int eid) { var partnerData = InventoryUtility.GetPartnerData(eid); var presetNames = InventoryUtility.GetAllEquipmentPresetNameContains(eid); return(partnerData != null || (presetNames != null && presetNames.Count > 0)); }
private void SetPreviewObject(InventoryItemBase item) { item.gameObject.SetActive(true); item.transform.SetParent(itemPreviewParent); item.transform.localPosition =; item.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity; item.transform.localScale =; InventoryUtility.SetLayerRecursive(item.gameObject, itemPreviewLayer); // TODO: Move itemPreviewLayer to settings var rigids = item.gameObject.GetComponentsInChildren <Rigidbody>(); foreach (var rigid in rigids) { rigid.isKinematic = true; } var renderer = item.gameObject.GetComponentInChildren <Renderer>(); if (renderer != null) { var totalSize = (renderer.bounds.size.x + renderer.bounds.size.y + renderer.bounds.size.z); if (itemPreviewCamera.orthographic) { itemPreviewCamera.orthographicSize = totalSize * cameraDistanceToScaleRatio; } else { itemPreviewCamera.transform.position = new Vector3(0, 0, -totalSize * cameraDistanceToScaleRatio); } } }
public void Open() { selectedItem = null; selectedModule = null; gridItems.Clear(); foreach (Item item in InventoryUtility.InvArmorEquips(Main.LocalPlayer)) { if (item.IsAir) { continue; } if (item.ModItem is ModularItem modularItem) { UIModularItem uiModularItem = new UIModularItem(modularItem) { Width = { Pixels = 48 }, Height = { Pixels = 48 } }; uiModularItem.OnClick += args => { args.Handled = true; OpenItem(modularItem); }; gridItems.Add(uiModularItem); } } }
public virtual void RepaintAll() { if (isActiveAndEnabled == false || defaultStatusRowPrefab == null) { return; } if (statsCollection == null) { return; } // Get rid of the old foreach (Transform child in container) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } // Maybe make a pool for the items? See some spikes... foreach (var stat in statsCollection) { // Maybe make a pool for the items? See some spikes... if (stat.Value.Count(o => o.definition.showInUI) == 0) { continue; // No items to display in this category. } // stat.Key is category // stat.Value is all items in category StatCategoryUI cat = null; if (statusCategoryPrefab != null) { cat = GetNewCategoryUIInstance(stat.Key); cat.Repaint(stat.Key); cat.transform.SetParent(container); InventoryUtility.ResetTransform(cat.transform); } foreach (var s in stat.Value) { if (s.definition.showInUI == false) { continue; } var obj = GetNewStatUIInstance(s); obj.Repaint(s); obj.transform.SetParent(cat != null ? cat.container : container); UIUtility.ResetTransform(obj.transform); } } }
private void CreateWapper(ItemCollectionSlotUI prefab, uint index) { var c = Instantiate <ItemCollectionSlotUI>(prefab); c.transform.SetParent(inventoryCollection.container); InventoryUtility.ResetTransform(c.transform); c.itemCollection = inventoryCollection; c.index = index; inventoryCollection.items[index] = c; c.Repaint(); }
private void Show(int eid) { var partnerData = InventoryUtility.GetPartnerData(eid); var presetNames = InventoryUtility.GetAllEquipmentPresetNameContains(eid); var showPreset = presetNames != null && presetNames.Count > 0; var showPartner = partnerData != null; _goLeftPlaceholder.SetActive(!showPreset); _goScrollView.SetActive(showPreset); _goRightPlaceholder.SetActive(!showPartner); _goPartnerItem.SetActive(showPartner); _partnerCellController.Fill(partnerData); UpdatePresetNameList(presetNames); }
protected override void OnSlotEndDrag(GameObject go, ItemSlot slot) { ItemSlot target = go.GetComponentInParent <ItemSlot>(); if (Type != OpenType.Preview && target && slot != target && grid.ContainsItem(target)) { slot.Swap(target); } else if (Type != OpenType.Preview && go.GetComponentInParent <DiscardButton>() == discardButton) { InventoryUtility.DiscardItem(Handler, slot.Item, discardButton.transform.position); } else if (WindowsManager.IsWindowOpen <ItemSelectionWindow>(out var selecter) && (target && selecter.ContainsSlot(target) || go == selecter.PlacementArea)) { selecter.Place(slot); }
private void RefreshTips() { if (_tipsBackground == null) { return; } if (Data != null && LTPartnerEquipMainController.instance != null && LTPartnerEquipMainController.instance.CurrentEquipmentViewState == LTPartnerEquipMainController.EquipmentViewState.PresetEditView && _tipsBackground != null) { bool isEquiped = InventoryUtility.IsEquipped(Data.Eid); bool isInPreset = InventoryUtility.IsInEquipmentPreset(Data.Eid); _tipsBackground.gameObject.SetActive(isEquiped || isInPreset); _tipsBackground.spriteName = isEquiped ? "Equipment_Di_2" : "Equipment_Di_1"; _tipsLabel.text = isEquiped ? EB.Localizer.GetString("ID_EQUIPMENT_PRESET_DRESSED") : EB.Localizer.GetString("ID_EQUIPMENT_PRESET_USED"); } else { _tipsBackground.gameObject.SetActive(false); } }
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { if (eventData.button == PointerEventData.InputButton.Left) { #if UNITY_STANDARD if (DragableManager.Instance.IsDraging) { ItemSlotAgent source = DragableManager.Instance.Current as ItemSlotAgent; if (source) { InventoryUtility.DiscardItem(Window.Handler, source.Item); source.FinishDrag(); } } else { OpenDiscardWindow(); } #elif UNITY_ANDROID OpenDiscardWindow(); FloatTipsPanel.ShowText(transform.position, "将物品拖拽到此按钮丢弃,或者点击该按钮进行多选。", 3); #endif } }
private void Awake() { sharedInstance = this; }
public virtual void Repaint(InventoryItemBase item) { SetText(itemName,, true); SetText(itemDescription, item.description, true); SetText(itemAmount, item.currentStackSize + "X", true); SetText(itemRarity,, true); if (useItemRarityColor && itemRarity != null) { itemRarity.color = item.rarity.color; } SetText(itemCategory,; SetText(itemCooldownTime, item.cooldownTime.ToString(), true); DestroyChildren(propertyContainer); foreach (var stat in item.stats) { var row = Instantiate <StatRowUI>(propertyRowPrefab); row.transform.SetParent(propertyContainer); InventoryUtility.ResetTransform(row.transform); row.text.text = string.Format("{0} {1}", stat.value,; if (stat.floatValue < 0f) { // - sign is added auto. row.text.text = row.text.text.Remove(0, 1); row.text.text = "- " + row.text.text; row.text.color = propertyNegativeColor; } else if (stat.floatValue > 0f) { if (stat.actionEffect == StatDecorator.ActionEffect.Decrease) { row.text.text = "- " + row.text.text; row.text.color = propertyNegativeColor; } else { row.text.text = "+ " + row.text.text; row.text.color = proprertyPositiveColor; } } } DestroyChildren(usageRequirementPropertiesContainer); foreach (var stat in item.usageRequirement) { var row = Instantiate <UsageRequirementRowUI>(usageRequirementPropertyRowPrefab); row.transform.SetParent(usageRequirementPropertiesContainer); InventoryUtility.ResetTransform(row.transform); row.text.text = string.Format("{0} {1}", stat.value,; if (stat.CanUse(PlayerManager.instance.currentPlayer.inventoryPlayer)) { row.text.color = usageRequirementPositiveColor; } else { row.text.color = usageRequirementNegativeColor; } } SetText(itemWeight, item.weight.ToString(), true); SetText(itemRequiredLevel, item.requiredLevel.ToString(), true); if (itemIcon != null) { itemIcon.sprite = item.icon; } if (isDroppable != null) { isDroppable.gameObject.SetActive(item.isDroppable == false); } if (isSellable != null) { isSellable.gameObject.SetActive(item.isSellable == false); } if (isStorable != null) { isStorable.gameObject.SetActive(item.isStorable == false); } SetText(buyPrice, item.buyPrice.ToString()); SetText(sellPrice, item.sellPrice.ToString()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Console.WriteLine("\n........Welcome To Object Oriented Programs........\n"); bool flag = true; while (flag) { try { Console.WriteLine("\n"); Console.WriteLine("\t1. Inventory Data Management"); Console.WriteLine("\t2. Inventory Management Program"); Console.WriteLine("\t3. Address Book"); Console.WriteLine("\t4. Stock Account Management"); Console.WriteLine("\t5. Deck Of Cards"); Console.WriteLine("\t6. Deck Of Cards Using Queue"); Console.WriteLine("\t7. Clinique Management"); Console.WriteLine("\t8. Commercial Data Processing"); Console.WriteLine("\t9. Exit"); Console.Write("Enter Your Choice: "); int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); switch (choice) { case 1: InventoryUtility.InventoryMain(); break; case 2: InventoryManagement.InventoryManager(); break; case 3: AddressBookProgram.AddressBook(); break; case 4: StockReportProgram.StockReport(); break; case 5: DeckOfCardsProgram.DeckOfCards(); break; case 6: DeckOfCardsQueueProgram.DeckOfCardsQueue(); break; case 7: CliniqueManagementProgram.CliniqueManagement(); break; case 8: StockAccountReportProgram.StockReport();; break; case 9: flag = false; break; default: Console.WriteLine("Wrong choice!"); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex); } } }
internal void UpdateCache() { TotalPowerNetConsumption = PowerConsumptionByGroup.Values.Sum(); TotalPowerStorage = BlockCountByType .Select(x => MyTuple.Create(MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(x.Key), x.Value)) .Where(x => x.Item1 is MyBatteryBlockDefinition) .Sum(x => ((MyBatteryBlockDefinition)x.Item1).MaxStoredPower * x.Item2); TotalInventoryCapacity = BlockCountByType .Select(x => x.Value * InventoryUtility.GetInventoryVolume(x.Key)) .Sum(); m_productionCache.Clear(); m_gasStorageCache.Clear(); foreach (var kv in BlockCountByType) { var def = MyDefinitionManager.Static.GetCubeBlockDefinition(kv.Key); var gasTankDef = def as MyGasTankDefinition; if (gasTankDef != null) { m_gasStorageCache.AddValue(gasTankDef.StoredGasId, gasTankDef.Capacity * kv.Value); continue; } var oxyDef = def as MyOxygenGeneratorDefinition; if (oxyDef != null) { if (oxyDef.ProducedGases == null) { continue; } foreach (var recipe in oxyDef.ProducedGases) { m_productionCache.AddValue(recipe.Id, recipe.IceToGasRatio * oxyDef.IceConsumptionPerSecond * kv.Value); } continue; } var oxyFarmDef = def as MyOxygenFarmDefinition; if (oxyFarmDef != null) { m_productionCache.AddValue(oxyFarmDef.ProducedGas, oxyFarmDef.MaxGasOutput * Utilities.SunMovementMultiplier * (oxyFarmDef.IsTwoSided ? 1 : 0.5f) * kv.Value); continue; } var prodDef = def as MyProductionBlockDefinition; if (prodDef == null) { continue; } var speedMult = 1.0; var asmDef = def as MyAssemblerDefinition; if (asmDef != null) { speedMult = asmDef.AssemblySpeed; } var refineDef = def as MyRefineryDefinition; if (refineDef != null) { speedMult = refineDef.RefineSpeed; } foreach (var bpc in prodDef.BlueprintClasses) { foreach (var bp in bpc) { foreach (var result in bp.Results) { m_productionCache.AddValue(result.Id, speedMult * (1 / bp.BaseProductionTimeInSeconds) * (double)result.Amount * kv.Value); } foreach (var preq in bp.Prerequisites) { if (preq.Id.TypeId != typeof(MyObjectBuilder_Ore)) { continue; } m_productionCache.AddValue(preq.Id, speedMult * (1 / bp.BaseProductionTimeInSeconds) * (double)preq.Amount * kv.Value); } } } } var reqResources = 0D; foreach (var kv in BlockCountByType) { reqResources += BlueprintIndex.Instance.GetRawResourcesFor(kv.Key) * kv.Value; } TotalRawResources = reqResources; }
private void UMACharacterUpdated(UMAData data) { InventoryUtility.SetLayerRecursive(gameObject, InventorySettingsManager.instance.settings.localPlayerLayer); }