コード例 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Enhance a string by replacing place holders with values.
    /// This should be done after translations, else the translation term is not recognized anymore.
    /// To enshure the correct order use 'TranslateAndReplace(string txt)' instead of this method.
    /// Actual keywords are:
    /// item
    ///     - can be followed by format
    ///     - should not be followed by preview (not supported yet, gives wrong results)
    /// value
    ///     - can be followed by preview, format
    /// dictionary
    ///     - replaces dictionary entry with string, format is not supported
    /// change
    ///     - similar to preview but shows the change of the value
    ///     - value should be declared first
    ///     - can have the parameters:
    ///         * up,down,left,right,add0,add1
    ///     - can differ from value preview because an other method for determing randomness for the value is used
    /// result
    ///     - similar to change but shows the possible result of the value
    ///     - value should be declared first
    ///     - can have the parameters:
    ///         * up,down,left,right,add0,add1
    ///     - can differ from value preview because an other method for determing randomness for the value is used
    /// format
    ///     - can be used every time and defines the formatter of the string cast e.g. '0.0', '##' etc.
    /// Examples for place holders:
    ///  {value=army}              -> is replaced by the actual value of army (if defined in value definitions), e.g. 75
    ///  {value=army,format=0.0}   -> is replace like before but with formatting, e.g. 75.0
    ///  {value=army,preview=up}   -> is replaced by the preview for army when swiping up
    ///  {item=sword}              -> is replaced by the number of swords in the inventory
    ///  {dictionary=name}         -> is replaced by the value for the key 'name'.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="input">Input string with place holder(s).</param>
    /// <returns>String with replaced parts.</returns>
    public static string ReplaceStringPlaceHolders(string input)
        string output       = string.Copy(input);
        string query        = input;
        string match        = "";
        string matchNoSpace = "";
        string pattern      = @"\{(.*?)\}";

        string[] commandSeqences;
        string[] commandSplit;
        var      matches = Regex.Matches(query, pattern); //e.g. "your army strenth is {army,format=0.0}." returns "army,format=0.0" in the first element (not a string yet)

        foreach (Match m in matches)
            //found a command/place holder
            match = m.Groups[1].ToString();

            //remove space characters
            matchNoSpace = match.Replace(" ", string.Empty);

            commandSeqences = matchNoSpace.Split(',');    //e.g. "army,format=0.0" is split into "army" and "format=0.0"

            //variables resulting from different commands
            string      format = "";
            ValueScript vs     = null;
            bool        valueChangePreviewRequested = false;
            bool        valueResultPreviewRequested = false;
            bool        randomIndependent           = true;
            float       previewValue         = 0f;
            EventScript es                   = null;
            string      SwipeDirectionString = "";
            string      dictionaryValue      = "";
            bool        dictionaryRequested  = false;

            Inventory.C_ItemAmount ia = null;
            int  itemAmount           = 0;
            bool itemAmountRequested  = false;

            //parse the parameters
            foreach (string parameter in commandSeqences)
                commandSplit = parameter.Split('='); //e.g. split "format=0.0" into "format" and "0.0". Can't use ':' here, because this can also be within the string format.
                switch (commandSplit[0])
                case "value":
                    if (commandSplit.Length > 1)
                        //parse the matching value
                        if (valueDefinitions.values.IsDefined(typeof(valueDefinitions.values), commandSplit[1]))
                            //matching place holder was found
                            valueDefinitions.values valueType = (valueDefinitions.values)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(valueDefinitions.values), commandSplit[1], true);
                            vs = valueManager.instance.getFirstFittingValue(valueType);
                            //command/place holder is unknown
                            Debug.LogWarning("The value '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} is unknown.");
                        Debug.LogWarning("The keyword 'value' for the place holder {" + match + "} is not followed by a selections, e.g. 'value=years'");

                case "format":
                    if (commandSplit.Length > 1)
                        format = commandSplit[1];
                        Debug.LogWarning("Command 'format' in text '" + match + "' is not followed by a valid parameter, e.g. format=0.0.");

                case "item":
                    itemAmountRequested = true;
                    if (commandSplit.Length > 1)
                        //find the matching item
                        if (Inventory.instance != null)
                            ia = Inventory.instance.GetItemByKey(commandSplit[1]);
                            //command/place holder is unknown
                            if (ia != null)
                                itemAmount = ia.amount;
                                //if the item is not within the inventory it still can be in the catalog (amount is 0)
                                InventoryItem item = Inventory.instance.GetItemFromCatalogByKey(commandSplit[1]);
                                itemAmount = 0;
                                if (item != null)
                                    //item is ok an known, amount is 0
                                    Debug.LogWarning("The item '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} is unknown.");
                            Debug.LogWarning("The item '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} can't be searched because there is no script 'LocalInventory.cs' found in the scene.");
                        Debug.LogWarning("The keyword 'item' for the place holder {" + match + "} is not followed by a selections, e.g. 'item=sword'");


                case "dict":        /*short writing for dictionary is the same case as */
                case "dictionary":
                    dictionaryRequested = true;
                    dictionaryValue     = GameDictionary.GetValue(commandSplit[1]);

                case "change":
                    if (vs != null && commandSplit.Length > 1)
                        //get the reference to the actual card
                        if (CardStack.instance != null)
                            if (CardStack.instance.spawnedCard != null)
                                es = CardStack.instance.spawnedCard.GetComponent <EventScript>();
                                if (es != null)
                                    SwipeDirectionString = commandSplit[1];
                                    //Debug.Log("Card is " + CardStack.instance.spawnedCard.name);
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SwipeDirectionString))
                                        es.computeTextPreview(SwipeDirectionString, vs.valueType, ref previewValue, ref randomIndependent);
                                        valueChangePreviewRequested = true;
                                        Debug.LogWarning("Command 'direction' in text '" + match + "' is not defined yet, e.g. 'direction=left'.");
                                    Debug.LogWarning("The preview for value '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} can't be searched because there is no 'EventScrip' attached to the actual spawned card.");
                                Debug.LogWarning("The preview for value '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} can't be searched because there is no actual spawned card.");
                            Debug.LogWarning("The preview for value '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} can't be searched because there is no script 'CardStack.cs' found in the scene.");
                        Debug.LogWarning("The keyword 'preview' for the place holder {" + match + "} is not followed by a selections or no value was defined yet.");

                case "result":
                    if (vs != null && commandSplit.Length > 1)
                        //get the reference to the actual card
                        if (CardStack.instance != null)
                            if (CardStack.instance.spawnedCard != null)
                                es = CardStack.instance.spawnedCard.GetComponent <EventScript>();
                                if (es != null)
                                    SwipeDirectionString = commandSplit[1];
                                    //Debug.Log("Card is " + CardStack.instance.spawnedCard.name);
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SwipeDirectionString))
                                        es.computeTextPreview(SwipeDirectionString, vs.valueType, ref previewValue, ref randomIndependent);
                                        //calculate the result
                                        previewValue += vs.value;
                                        if (previewValue < vs.limits.min)
                                            previewValue = vs.limits.min;
                                        if (previewValue > vs.limits.max)
                                            previewValue = vs.limits.max;
                                        valueResultPreviewRequested = true;
                                        Debug.LogWarning("Command 'direction' in text '" + match + "' is not defined yet, e.g. 'direction=left'.");
                                    Debug.LogWarning("The preview for value '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} can't be searched because there is no 'EventScrip' attached to the actual spawned card.");
                                Debug.LogWarning("The preview for value '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} can't be searched because there is no actual spawned card.");
                            Debug.LogWarning("The preview for value '" + commandSplit[1] + "' for the place holder {" + match + "} can't be searched because there is no script 'CardStack.cs' found in the scene.");
                        Debug.LogWarning("The keyword 'preview' for the place holder {" + match + "} is not followed by a selections or no value was defined yet.");

                    Debug.LogWarning("Command '" + commandSplit[0] + "' in place holder '" + match + "' is not recognized.");

            //replace the original match
            if (valueChangePreviewRequested == true)
                //replace place holder with change preview
                if (randomIndependent == true)
                    output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", previewValue.ToString(format));
                    output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", "?");
            else if (valueResultPreviewRequested == true)
                //replace place holder with result preview
                if (randomIndependent == true)
                    output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", previewValue.ToString(format));
                    output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", "?");
            else if (dictionaryRequested == true)
                //repalce place holder with dictionary entry
                output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", dictionaryValue);
            else if (vs != null)
                //replace place holder with value
                output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", vs.value.ToString(format));
            else if (itemAmountRequested == true)
                //replace place holder with item amount
                output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", itemAmount.ToString(format));
                //If nothing matches: replace placeholder with escape-string. User should not see internal structure like {value:....}.
                output = output.Replace("{" + match + "}", "<?>");

コード例 #2
    //Set an item an its amount form an item-amount class (contains more information about the item, e.g. amount)
    public void SetItem(Inventory.C_ItemAmount ia)
        itemAmount = ia;

        if (ia != null && ia.item != null)
            if (itemImage != null)
                itemImage.sprite = itemAmount.item.image;
            if (itemText != null)
                itemText.text = TranslationManager.translateIfAvail(itemAmount.item.itemName);
            if (amountText != null)
                amountText.text = itemAmount.amount.ToString();
            if (descriptionText != null)
                descriptionText.text = TranslationManager.translateIfAvail(itemAmount.item.description);

            if (consumeText != null)
                consumeText.text = TranslationManager.translateIfAvail(itemAmount.item.consumeText);

            if (consumeButton != null)
                switch (itemAmount.item.consumeType)
                case InventoryItem.E_ItemConsumeType.consumable:

                    //enable consume button only, if conditions for consume are met
                    if (itemAmount.item.consumeConditions.AreConditionsMet() == true)
                        consumeButton.interactable = true;
                        consumeButton.interactable = false;
                    //consumeButton.onClick.AddListener(()=>consumeItem()); //this is buggy and can lead to many calls

                case InventoryItem.E_ItemConsumeType.nonConsumable:
                    consumeButton.interactable = false;

                    Debug.LogWarning("Inventory consume type '" + itemAmount.item.consumeType.ToString() + "' is unknown.");

            if (iconGraphics != null && iconGraphics.Length > 0)
                foreach (Graphic g in iconGraphics)
                    g.color = ia.item.itemColors.iconColor;
            if (primaryGraphics != null && primaryGraphics.Length > 0)
                foreach (Graphic g in primaryGraphics)
                    g.color = ia.item.itemColors.primaryColor;
            if (secondaryGraphics != null && secondaryGraphics.Length > 0)
                foreach (Graphic g in secondaryGraphics)
                    g.color = ia.item.itemColors.secondaryColor;