public IHttpActionResult convertForVerify(DataAPI portal) { Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return(Unauthorized()); //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username] } string invPattern = null, invSerial = null; getPublishInvoice(portal.pattern,, out invPattern, out invSerial); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(invPattern)) { return(Ok("ERR:20")); } IInvoiceService _iInvoicSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(invPattern, comID); IInvoice oInvoiceBase = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(invPattern, comID); if (portal.invNo > 0) { oInvoiceBase = _iInvoicSrv.GetByNo(comID, invPattern, invSerial, portal.invNo); } else { oInvoiceBase = _iInvoicSrv.GetByFkey(comID, portal.fkey); } if (null == oInvoiceBase) { return(Ok <string>("ERR:6")); //không tìm thấy hóa đơn } //lay html IRepositoryINV _repository = IoC.Resolve <IRepositoryINV>(); byte[] invdata = _repository.GetData(oInvoiceBase); string err = ""; string rv = _iInvoicSrv.ConvertForVerify(oInvoiceBase, "", out err); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(rv) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(err)) { return(Ok <string>("ERR:8")); //hóa đơn đã convert rồi } return(Ok <string>(rv)); }
public IHttpActionResult convertForStore(DataAPI portal) { Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return(Unauthorized()); //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username] } string invPattern = null, invSerial = null; getPublishInvoice(portal.pattern,, out invPattern, out invSerial); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(invPattern)) { return(Ok("ERR:20")); } IInvoiceService _iInvoicSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(invPattern, comID); IInvoice currentInv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(invPattern, comID); if (portal.invNo > 0) { currentInv = _iInvoicSrv.GetByNo(comID, invPattern, invSerial, portal.invNo); } else { currentInv = _iInvoicSrv.GetByFkey(comID, portal.fkey); } if (null == currentInv) { return(NotFound()); } //lay html IRepositoryINV _repository = IoC.Resolve <IRepositoryINV>(); byte[] invdata = _repository.GetData(currentInv); string err = ""; string rv = _iInvoicSrv.ConvertForStore(currentInv, "", out err); return(Ok <string>(rv)); }
public ActionResult Create(string Pattern) { ICompanyService comSrv = IoC.Resolve <ICompanyService>(); Company currentCom = comSrv.Getbykey(((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current); IPublishInvoiceService _PubIn = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); IRegisterTempService _ReTemSvc = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); string ViewName = InvServiceFactory.GetView(Pattern, + "Create"; IInvoice model = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(Pattern,; model.Pattern = Pattern; model.ComID =; model.Name = _ReTemSvc.SeachNameInv(Pattern,; List <string> ser = _PubIn.GetSerialByPatter(Pattern,; if (ser.Count == 0) { Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage("Dải số đã hết hoặc đã bị hủy."); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Pattern = Pattern })); } ViewData["ser"] = ser; ViewData["company"] = currentCom; return(View(ViewName, model)); }
private string processCancelInv(string fkey, string pattern = null, string serial = null, decimal invNo = 0) { Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return("ERR:7"); //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username] } int isPattern = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern) ? 0 : 1; IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); switch ((isPattern)) { case 0: PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 }); if (pubinv != null) { pattern = pubinv.InvPattern; serial = pubinv.InvSerial; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pubinv); } else { return("ERR:20"); //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le } break; case 1: PublishInvoice pubFirst = _PubInvSrv.GetbyPattern(comID, pattern, new int[] { 1, 2 }).FirstOrDefault(); if (pubFirst == null) { return("ERR:20"); } else { serial = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial) ? serial : pubFirst.InvSerial; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pubFirst); } break; } IInvoiceService iinvSrc = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID); try { IInvoice currentInv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(pattern, comID); if (invNo > 0) { currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByNo(comID, pattern, serial, invNo); } else { currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByFkey(comID, fkey); } if (null == currentInv) { return("ERR:2"); //khong ton tai hoa don } Launcher t = Launcher.Instance; t.Cancel(new IInvoice[] { currentInv }); ILogSystemService businessLog = IoC.Resolve <ILogSystemService>(); businessLog.WriteLogCancel(comID, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, currentInv.Pattern, currentInv.Serial, currentInv.No.ToString("0000000"), currentInv.PublishDate, currentInv.Amount, currentInv.CusName, currentInv.CusAddress, currentInv.CusCode, currentInv.CusTaxCode, BusinessLogType.Cancel); businessLog.CommitChanges(); return("OK:"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("cancelInv " + ex); return("ERR:6 " + ex.Message); } }
private string processReplace(string xmlData, string pattern, string fkey, string serial = null, decimal invNo = 0, int convert = 0) { if (FXContext.Current == null) { return("ERR:1"); } try { XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(); if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(xmlData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\replacevatinvoice.xsd")) { //customer xml string not valid, don't do any thing log.Info("processReplace " + validator.ValidationError); return("ERR:3 err:" + validator.ValidationError); //du lieu dau vao khong hop le } if (convert == 1) { xmlData = DataHelper.convertTCVN3ToUnicode(xmlData); } Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return("ERR:7"); //username khong phu hop - ko tim thay company phu hop voi [username] } ICustomerService _cusSvr = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>(); string invNumList = ""; int isPattern = string.IsNullOrEmpty(pattern) ? 0 : 1; IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); switch ((isPattern)) { case 0: PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 }); if (pubinv != null) { pattern = pubinv.InvPattern; serial = pubinv.InvSerial; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pubinv); } else { return("ERR:20"); //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le } break; case 1: PublishInvoice pubFirst = _PubInvSrv.GetbyPattern(comID, pattern, new int[] { 1, 2 }).FirstOrDefault(); if (pubFirst == null) { return("ERR:20"); } else { serial = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(serial) ? serial : pubFirst.InvSerial; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pubFirst); } break; } IInvoiceService iinvSrc = InvServiceFactory.GetService(pattern, comID); IInvoice currentInv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(pattern, comID); if (invNo > 0) { currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByNo(comID, pattern, serial, invNo); } else { currentInv = iinvSrc.GetByFkey(comID, fkey); } if (null == currentInv) { log.Error("Không tồn tại hóa đơn."); return("ERR:2"); //khong ton tai hoa don, hoa don da duoc thay the roi; } string invPattern = null, invSerial = null, errorMessage = ""; if (!LaunchInvoices.Instance.ExistNoInPubInv(comID, currentInv.Pattern, currentInv.Serial, out invPattern, out invSerial, out errorMessage)) { log.Error("het so hoa don trong dai."); return("ERR:6 " + fkey); //het so hoa don trong dai } IInvoice inv = (InvoiceBase)InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(invPattern, comID); try { XElement xeles = XElement.Parse(xmlData); DataHelper.DeserializeEinvFromXML(xmlData, inv); inv.No = 0; inv.Name = currentInv.Name; inv.Pattern = invPattern; inv.Serial = invSerial; inv.CreateBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; var Typecus = (from c in _cusSvr.Query where c.ComID == comID && c.Code == inv.CusCode && c.CusType == 1 select c.CusType).SingleOrDefault(); if (Typecus == 0) { inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NocusSignStatus; } else { inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NoSignStatus; } if (currentInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.SignedInv || currentInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv) { IList <ProductInv> products = new List <ProductInv>(); foreach (IProductInv ii in inv.Products) { products.Add((ProductInv)ii); } Launcher.Instance.PublishReplace(currentInv, products, (InvoiceBase)inv, ""); invNumList += inv.Fkey ?? " "; } else { return("ERR:9 " + currentInv.Status); } } catch (EInvoice.Core.Launching.NoFactory.OpenTranException ex) { log.Error(ex); return("ERR:14"); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("replaceInv err5: " + ex); return("ERR:5 " + ex.Message);//loi phat hanh hoa don } ILogSystemService businessLog = IoC.Resolve <ILogSystemService>(); businessLog.WriteLogReplaceAdjust(comID, currentInv.Pattern, currentInv.Serial, currentInv.No, currentInv.PublishDate, currentInv.Amount, inv.Pattern, inv.Serial, inv.No, inv.PublishDate, inv.Amount, inv.CusName, inv.CusAddress, inv.CusCode, inv.CusTaxCode, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, BusinessLogType.Replace); businessLog.CommitChanges(); //invNumList = invNumList.Remove(invNumList.Length - 1, 1); return("OK_" + invNumList); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("replaceInv: " + ex); return("ERR:5 " + ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult CreateAdJustInv(string NewPattern, string NewSerial, string Pattern, string PubDatasource, string NoInv, string SerialNo, string type, HttpPostedFileBase FileUpload) { ICompanyService _comSrv = IoC.Resolve <ICompanyService>(); Company currentCom = _comSrv.Getbykey(((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current); ICustomerService _CusSvc = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>(); InvoiceBase model = (InvoiceBase)InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(NewPattern,; TryUpdateModelFromType(model.GetType(), model); model.Pattern = NewPattern; model.Serial = NewSerial; model.ComID =; IInvoiceService IInvSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(Pattern,; IInvoice inv = IInvSrv.GetByNo(, Pattern, SerialNo, Convert.ToDecimal(NoInv)); IList <ProductInv> lst = (IList <ProductInv>)PubDatasource.DeserializeJSON <ProductInv>(typeof(IList <ProductInv>)); if (lst.Count() == 0) { Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage(Resources.Message.MRequestProd); return(RedirectToAction("CreateAdJustInv", new { Pattern = Pattern, Serial = SerialNo, invNo = NoInv })); } try { var Typecus = (from c in _CusSvc.Query where c.Code == model.CusCode && c.CusType == 1 && c.ComID == select c.CusType).SingleOrDefault(); if (Typecus == 0) { model.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NocusSignStatus; } else { model.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NoSignStatus; } if ((inv.Status == InvoiceStatus.SignedInv || inv.Status == InvoiceStatus.InUseInv || inv.Status == InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv))// =1 hoa don dieu chinh { if (lst != null && lst.Count > 0) { model.Products = (from pr in lst select pr as IProductInv).ToList(); } string xmldata = string.Empty; string message = string.Empty; string resultLauncher = string.Empty; model.Fkey = ""; = 0; model.Type = (InvoiceType)Convert.ToInt32(type); //save file and get path string strPath = ""; if (FileUpload != null) { string fileext = (Path.GetExtension(FileUpload.FileName).Length > 1) ? Path.GetExtension(FileUpload.FileName).Substring(1) : ""; if (fileext.ToLower() == "docx" || fileext.ToLower() == "pdf" || fileext.ToLower() == "doc") { strPath = @"\RecordsInv\" + + @"\" + Pattern.Replace("/", "") + @"\" + SerialNo.Replace("/", "") + "_" + NoInv + "." + fileext; string strFullPath = GetFullPathRecordsCancel(strPath); FileUpload.SaveAs(strFullPath); } } ILauncherService _launcher = IoC.Resolve(Type.GetType(currentCom.Config["LauncherType"])) as ILauncherService; _launcher.PublishAdjust(inv, lst, model, strPath); resultLauncher = _launcher.Message; if (resultLauncher.Contains("OK:")) { Messages.AddFlashMessage("Điều chỉnh hóa đơn thành công."); } else { Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage(StringErrorService(resultLauncher)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage("Có lỗi xảy ra, vui lòng thực hiện lại."); log.Error(" CreateAdJustInv -: " + ex); } return(RedirectToAction("AdjustInvIndex", new { pattern = Pattern, Serial = SerialNo })); }
public ActionResult CreateAdJustInv(AdjustModel model) { try { ICompanyService comSrv = IoC.Resolve <ICompanyService>(); Company currentCom = comSrv.Getbykey(((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current); IPublishInvoiceService PubIn = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); IInvoiceService IInvSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(model.pattern,; string ErrorMessage = ""; string newPattern = null, newSerial = null; int result = getTaxDeclaration(, model.pattern, model.serial, model.invNo); if (result > 0 && result != -2) { log.Error("Error CreateReplaceInv! Hóa đơn này chưa chốt kê khai thuế, vì vậy không thể thực hiện điều chỉnh. Hãy thực hiện nghiệp vụ thay thế hóa đơn!"); Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage("Hóa đơn này chưa chốt kê khai thuế, vì vậy không thể thực hiện điều chỉnh. Hãy thực hiện nghiệp vụ thay thế hóa đơn!"); return(RedirectToAction("SearchAdJustInv", new { pattern = model.pattern, serial = model.serial })); } //kiểm tra số hóa đơn của giải còn hay hết if (!LaunchInvoices.Instance.ExistNoInPubInv(, model.pattern, model.serial, out newPattern, out newSerial, out ErrorMessage)) { Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage(ErrorMessage); return(RedirectToAction("SearchAdJustInv", new { pattern = model.pattern, serial = model.serial })); } //Lấy ra đối tượng hóa đơn cần thay thế //Hóa đơn đã thay thế và kê khai thuế thì không được chỉnh sửa IInvoice inv = IInvSrv.GetByNo(, model.pattern, model.serial, Convert.ToDecimal(model.invNo)); if (inv.Status == InvoiceStatus.ReplacedInv || inv.Status == InvoiceStatus.CanceledInv) { Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage("Hóa đơn đã bị thay thế hoặc bị hủy!"); return(RedirectToAction("SearchAdJustInv")); } int type = 0; int.TryParse(model.type, out type); model.pattern = newPattern ?? model.pattern; model.serial = newSerial ?? model.serial; ViewData["NewPattern"] = model.pattern; ViewData["NewSerial"] = model.serial; ViewData["Data"] = inv; ViewData["company"] = currentCom; ViewData["type"] = model.type; //them dong chu tang hay giam ViewData["typeName"] = model.typeName; int signPlugin = 0; if (currentCom.Config.Keys.Contains("SignPlugin")) { int.TryParse(currentCom.Config["SignPlugin"], out signPlugin); } ViewData["SignPlugin"] = signPlugin; if (inv.Pattern != model.pattern) { IInvoice invNew = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(model.pattern,; invNew.ComID =; invNew.Name = inv.Name; invNew.CusName = inv.CusName; invNew.CusCode = inv.CusCode; invNew.CusAddress = inv.CusAddress; invNew.Buyer = inv.Buyer; invNew.No = inv.No; invNew.Serial = inv.Serial; invNew.Note = ""; invNew.PaymentMethod = inv.PaymentMethod; invNew.Products = inv.Products; invNew.Pattern = inv.Pattern; invNew.Type = (InvoiceType)type; invNew.Amount = inv.Amount; invNew.Total = inv.Total; invNew.VATAmount = inv.VATAmount; string adjustView = InvServiceFactory.GetView(model.pattern, + "CreateAdJustInv"; return(View(adjustView, invNew)); } inv.Note = ""; inv.Type = (InvoiceType)type; string ViewName = InvServiceFactory.GetView(model.pattern, + "CreateAdJustInv"; return(View(ViewName, inv)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" CreateAdJustInv -:" + ex); Messages.AddErrorFlashMessage("Không tồn tại hóa đơn này!"); return(RedirectToAction("SearchAdJustInv")); } }
public IHttpActionResult ImportAndPublishInv(ApiPublish publish) { ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(PublishController)); //check valiadate xml XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(); //xmlInvData = convertSpecialCharacter(xmlInvData); if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(publish.xmlData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\VATInVoice_ws.xsd")) { log.Error(publish.xmlData); log.Error("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError); return(Ok("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError)); //du lieu dau vao khong hop le } if (publish.convert == 1) { publish.xmlData = DataHelper.convertTCVN3ToUnicode(publish.xmlData); } Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; IDeliver _DeliverService = _currentCompany.Config.ContainsKey("IDeliver") ? InvServiceFactory.GetDeliver(_currentCompany.Config["IDeliver"]) : null; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return(NotFound()); } IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); int patternNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(publish.pattern) ? 0 : 1; int serialNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(publish.serial) ? 0 : 1; string nameInvoice = ""; switch ((patternNull + serialNull)) { case 0: PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 }); if (pubinv != null) { IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); RegisterTemp rtemp = regisSrv.Getbykey(pubinv.RegisterID); publish.pattern = pubinv.InvPattern; publish.serial = pubinv.InvSerial; nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pubinv); regisSrv.UnbindSession(rtemp); } else { return(Ok("ERR:20")); //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le } break; case 1: PublishInvoice pubFirst = null; try { if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(publish.pattern)) { pubFirst = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvPattern == publish.pattern) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).FirstOrDefault(); } else { pubFirst = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvSerial == publish.serial) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).FirstOrDefault(); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(Ok("ERR:20")); //khong can return cung duoc } if (pubFirst == null) { return(Ok("ERR:20")); } else { IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); RegisterTemp rtemp = regisSrv.Getbykey(pubFirst.RegisterID); nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice; publish.pattern = pubFirst.InvPattern; publish.serial = pubFirst.InvSerial; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pubFirst); regisSrv.UnbindSession(rtemp); } break; case 2: // PublishInvoice pub = _PubInvSrv.CurrentPubInv(comID, pattern, serial, 1); PublishInvoice pub = null; try { pub = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvPattern == publish.pattern) && (p.InvSerial == publish.serial) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).First(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(Ok("ERR:20")); //khong can return cung duoc } if (pub == null) { return(Ok("ERR:20")); } else { IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); RegisterTemp rtemp = regisSrv.Getbykey(pub.RegisterID); nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pub); regisSrv.UnbindSession(rtemp); } break; } log.Info("pattern-serial: " + publish.pattern + "-" + publish.serial); XElement elem = XElement.Parse(publish.xmlData); IList <IInvoice> lstINV = new List <IInvoice>(); string invKeyAndNumList = ""; IEnumerable <XElement> listTemp = elem.Elements("Inv"); IList <String> lstKey = new List <String>(); //check xem con du so hoa don ko if (getMaxInvNumber(comID, publish.pattern, publish.serial) < listTemp.Count()) { return(Ok("ERR:6")); //khong con du so hoa don cho lo phat hanh } //check xem lo truyen vao lon hon MaxBlockInv hay ko int maxBlockInv; string temp = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxBlockInv"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp) || !Int32.TryParse(temp, out maxBlockInv)) { maxBlockInv = 5000; } if (listTemp.Count() > maxBlockInv) { return(Ok("ERR:10")); // lo hoa don truyen vao lon hon maxBlockInv; } try { foreach (XElement e in listTemp) { XElement ele = e.Element("Invoice"); string fKey = e.Element("key").Value.Trim(); lstKey.Add(fKey); IInvoice inv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(publish.pattern, comID); string read = string.Concat(ele); inv.DeserializeFromXML(read); inv.Name = nameInvoice; inv.Pattern = publish.pattern; inv.Serial = publish.serial; inv.CreateBy = inv.CreateBy ?? System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; inv.Fkey = fKey; lstINV.Add(inv); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(Ok("ERR:5"));//loi phat hanh hoa don } try { Launcher.Instance.Launch(publish.pattern, publish.serial, lstINV.ToArray()); if (_DeliverService != null) { _DeliverService.PrepareDeliver(lstINV.ToArray(), _currentCompany); } for (int i = 0; i < lstINV.Count; i++) { invKeyAndNumList += lstKey[i] + "_" + lstINV[i].No + ","; } //remove the last "," character invKeyAndNumList = invKeyAndNumList.Remove(invKeyAndNumList.Length - 1, 1); return(Ok("OK:" + publish.pattern + ";" + publish.serial + "-" + invKeyAndNumList)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(Ok("ERR:13")); } }
public IHttpActionResult ImportInv(ApiPublish publish) { ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(PublishController)); XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(); //xmlInvData = convertSpecialCharacter(xmlInvData); if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(publish.xmlData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\VATInVoice_ws.xsd")) { //customer xml string not valid, don't do any thing log.Error("ERR3: " + validator.ValidationError); return(Ok("ERR:3")); } if (publish.convert == 1) { publish.xmlData = DataHelper.convertTCVN3ToUnicode(publish.xmlData); } Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; IPublishInvoiceService _PubInvSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); string nameInvoice = "", serial = null; int patternNull = string.IsNullOrEmpty(publish.pattern) ? 0 : 1; switch (patternNull) { case 0: PublishInvoice pubinv = _PubInvSrv.GetFirst(comID, new int[] { 1, 2 }); if (pubinv != null) { IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); RegisterTemp rtemp = regisSrv.Getbykey(pubinv.RegisterID); publish.pattern = pubinv.InvPattern; nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice; serial = pubinv.InvSerial; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pubinv); regisSrv.UnbindSession(rtemp); } else { return(Ok("ERR:20")); //tham so pattern va serial khong hop le } break; case 1: PublishInvoice pub = null; try { pub = (from p in _PubInvSrv.Query where (p.ComId == comID) && (p.InvPattern == publish.pattern) && (p.Status == 1 || p.Status == 2) select p).FirstOrDefault(); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(Ok("ERR:20")); //khong can return cung duoc } if (pub == null) { return(Ok("ERR:20")); } else { IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); RegisterTemp rtemp = regisSrv.Getbykey(pub.RegisterID); nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice; serial = pub.InvSerial; _PubInvSrv.UnbindSession(pub); regisSrv.UnbindSession(rtemp); } break; } XElement elem = XElement.Parse(publish.xmlData); IList <IInvoice> lstINV = new List <IInvoice>(); string invKeyAndNumList = ""; IEnumerable <XElement> listTemp = elem.Elements("Inv"); IList <String> lstKey = new List <String>(); //check xem lo truyen vao lon hon MaxBlockInv hay ko int maxBlockInv; string temp = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["MaxBlockInv"]; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(temp) || !Int32.TryParse(temp, out maxBlockInv)) { maxBlockInv = 5000; } if (listTemp.Count() > maxBlockInv) { return(Ok("ERR:10")); // lo hoa don truyen vao lon hon maxBlockInv; } try { int cc = listTemp.Count(); foreach (XElement e in listTemp) { XElement ele = e.Element("Invoice"); string fKey = e.Element("key").Value.Trim(); lstKey.Add(fKey); IInvoice inv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(publish.pattern, comID); string read = string.Concat(ele); inv.DeserializeFromXML(read); inv.No = 0; inv.Name = nameInvoice; inv.Pattern = publish.pattern; inv.Serial = serial; inv.CreateBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; inv.Fkey = fKey; lstINV.Add(inv); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error("ERR:5-", ex); return(Ok("ERR:5"));//loi phat hanh hoa don } string mess = ""; bool isImport = false; IInvoiceService t = EInvoice.Core.InvServiceFactory.GetService(publish.pattern,; t.BeginTran(); try { if (lstINV.Count > 50) { t.isStateLess = true; } isImport = t.CreateInvoice(lstINV.ToArray(), out mess); t.CommitTran(); } catch (Exception ex) { t.RolbackTran(); log.Error(ex); return(Ok("ERR:5")); } finally { t.isStateLess = false; } if (isImport) { for (int i = 0; i < lstINV.Count; i++) { invKeyAndNumList += lstKey[i] + ","; } //remove the last "," character invKeyAndNumList = invKeyAndNumList.Remove(invKeyAndNumList.Length - 1, 1); return(Ok("OK:" + publish.pattern + ";" + serial + "-" + invKeyAndNumList)); } log.Error(mess); return(Ok("ERR:5")); }
public ActionResult Create(string Pattern, string PubDatasource) { ICompanyService comSrv = IoC.Resolve <ICompanyService>(); Company currentCom = comSrv.Getbykey(((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current); IPublishInvoiceService _PubIn = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); IRegisterTempService _ReTemSvc = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); string ErrorMessage = ""; IInvoice model = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(Pattern,; IInvoiceService IInvSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(Pattern,; try { TryUpdateModelFromType(model.GetType(), model); model.CusCode = !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(model.CusCode) ? model.CusCode : model.CusTaxCode; var tem = InvServiceFactory.GetInvoiceType(Pattern,; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PubDatasource)) { ICustomerService _CusSvc = FX.Core.IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>(); var Typecus = (from c in _CusSvc.Query where c.Code == model.CusCode && c.CusType == 1 && c.ComID == select c.CusType).SingleOrDefault(); if (Typecus == 0) { model.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NocusSignStatus; } else { model.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NoSignStatus; } IList <ProductInv> lstproduct = (IList <ProductInv>)PubDatasource.DeserializeJSON <ProductInv>(typeof(IList <ProductInv>)); if (IInvSrv.CreateInvoice(lstproduct, model, out ErrorMessage) == true) { log.Info("Create EInvoice by: " + HttpContext.User.Identity.Name + " Info-- TenKhachHang: " + model.CusName + " MaKhachHang: " + model.CusCode + " SoTien: " + model.Amount); Messages.AddFlashMessage("Tạo mới hóa đơn thành công."); return(RedirectToAction("Index", new { Pattern = Pattern, Serial = model.Serial })); } else { Messages.AddErrorMessage(ErrorMessage); } model.Products = (from pr in lstproduct select pr as IProductInv).ToList(); } else { Messages.AddErrorMessage("Chưa nhập thông tin sản phẩm, dịch vụ"); } List <string> ser = _PubIn.GetSerialByPatter(Pattern,; ViewData["ser"] = ser; ViewData["company"] = currentCom; string ViewName = InvServiceFactory.GetView(Pattern, + "Create"; return(View(ViewName, model)); } catch (HttpRequestValidationException ex) { log.Error("ArgumentException: " + ex); Messages.AddErrorMessage("Dữ liệu không hợp lệ hoặc có chứa mã gây nguy hiểm tiềm tàng cho hệ thống!"); model = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(Pattern,; List <string> ser = _PubIn.GetSerialByPatter(Pattern,; ViewData["ser"] = ser; ViewData["company"] = currentCom; string ViewName = InvServiceFactory.GetView(Pattern, + "Create"; return(View(ViewName, model)); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(" Create - " + ex); Messages.AddErrorMessage("Có lỗi xảy ra, vui lòng thực hiện lại!"); List <string> ser = _PubIn.GetSerialByPatter(Pattern,; ViewData["ser"] = ser; ViewData["company"] = currentCom; if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(PubDatasource)) { IList <ProductInv> lstproduct = (IList <ProductInv>)PubDatasource.DeserializeJSON <ProductInv>(typeof(IList <ProductInv>)); model.Products = (from pr in lstproduct select pr as IProductInv).ToList(); } string ViewName = InvServiceFactory.GetView(Pattern, + "Create"; return(View(ViewName, model)); } }
public HttpResponseMessage convertToHTML(DataAPI portal) { Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent("ERR:1-Unauthorized") } } ; string invPattern = null, invSerial = null; getPublishInvoice(portal.pattern,, out invPattern, out invSerial); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(invPattern)) { return new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent("ERR:20") } } ; IInvoiceService _iInvoicSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(invPattern, comID); IInvoice currentInv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(invPattern, comID); if (portal.invNo > 0) { currentInv = _iInvoicSrv.GetByNo(comID, invPattern, invSerial, portal.invNo); } else { currentInv = _iInvoicSrv.GetByFkey(comID, portal.fkey); } if (null == currentInv) { return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent("ERR:2") }); //khong ton tai hoa don } //lay html IRepositoryINV _repository = IoC.Resolve <IRepositoryINV>(); byte[] invdata = _repository.GetData(currentInv); string err = ""; string rv = _iInvoicSrv.ConvertForStore(currentInv, "", out err); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(err)) { log.Error(err); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent("ERR:" + err) }); } var plainTextBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(rv); return(new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent(System.Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextBytes)) }); }
public IHttpActionResult GetDigest(RemoteInvoice data) { ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(RemoteLauncherController)); XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(); if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(data.InvData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\VATInVoice_ws.xsd")) { log.Error("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError); return(Ok("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError)); //du lieu dau vao khong hop le } Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return(Ok("ERR:4")); } string nameInvoice = ""; IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); IPublishInvoiceService pSrv = IoC.Resolve <IPublishInvoiceService>(); RegisterTemp rtemp = regisSrv.GetbyPattern(data.InvPattern,; nameInvoice = rtemp.NameInvoice; regisSrv.UnbindSession(rtemp); XElement elem = XElement.Parse(data.InvData); IList <IInvoice> lstINV = new List <IInvoice>(); IEnumerable <XElement> listTemp = elem.Elements("Inv"); IList <String> lstKey = new List <String>(); if (listTemp.Count() > 10) { return(Ok("ERR:10")); // lo hoa don truyen vao lon hon maxBlockInv; } try { foreach (XElement e in listTemp) { XElement ele = e.Element("Invoice"); string fKey = e.Element("key").Value.Trim(); lstKey.Add(fKey); IInvoice inv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(data.InvPattern, comID); string read = string.Concat(ele); inv.DeserializeFromXML(read); inv.No = 0; inv.Name = nameInvoice; inv.Pattern = data.InvPattern; inv.Serial = data.InvSerial; inv.CreateBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; inv.Fkey = fKey; lstINV.Add(inv); } } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(Ok("ERR:5")); } byte[] raw = Convert.FromBase64String(data.CertBase64String); X509Certificate2 x509Cert = new X509Certificate2(raw); IDictionary <string, string> dict = EInvoice.Core.Launching.Launcher.Instance.GetDigestForRemote(data.InvPattern, data.InvSerial, lstINV.ToArray(), x509Cert); return(Ok(dict)); }
public IHttpActionResult GetDigestForReplace(RemoteAdjustInvoice data) { ILog log = LogManager.GetLogger(typeof(RemoteLauncherController)); XmlSchemaValidator validator = new XmlSchemaValidator(); if (!validator.ValidXmlDoc(data.InvData, "", AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + @"xmlvalidate\replacevatinvoice.xsd")) { log.Error("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError); return(Ok("ERR:3-" + validator.ValidationError)); //du lieu dau vao khong hop le } Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return(Ok("ERR:4")); } IInvoiceService invSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(data.OriPattern, comID); IInvoice OriInv = invSrv.GetByNo(comID, data.OriPattern, data.OriSerial, data.OriNo); if (!checkInvNumber(comID, OriInv.Pattern, OriInv.Serial)) { log.Error("het so hoa don trong dai."); return(Ok <string>("ERR:6")); //het so hoa don trong dai } IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); ICustomerService _cusSvr = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>(); IInvoice inv = (InvoiceBase)InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(OriInv.Pattern, comID); string read = data.InvData;//string.Concat(invs.ElementAt(i)); DataHelper.DeserializeEinvFromXML(read, inv); inv.No = 0; inv.Name = OriInv.Name; inv.Pattern = OriInv.Pattern; inv.Serial = OriInv.Serial; inv.CreateBy = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name; inv.ProcessInvNote = ""; string strReplace = (_currentCompany.Config.ContainsKey("ReplaceString")) ? _currentCompany.Config["ReplaceString"] : "Hóa đơn này thay thế hóa đơn số: @InvNo, Ký hiệu: @InvSerial, Gửi ngày @InvDay Tháng @InvMonth Năm @InvYear"; strReplace = strReplace.Replace("@InvNo", OriInv.No.ToString(Utils.MAX_NO_LENGTH)).Replace("@InvSerial", OriInv.Serial).Replace("@InvDay", OriInv.ArisingDate.Day.ToString()).Replace("@InvMonth", OriInv.ArisingDate.Month.ToString()).Replace("@InvYear", OriInv.ArisingDate.Year.ToString()); inv.ProcessInvNote = strReplace; inv.Type = InvoiceType.ForReplace; var Typecus = (from c in _cusSvr.Query where c.ComID == comID && c.Code == inv.CusCode && c.CusType == 1 select c.CusType).SingleOrDefault(); if (Typecus == 0) { inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NocusSignStatus; } else { inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NoSignStatus; } if (OriInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.SignedInv || OriInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv) { byte[] raw = Convert.FromBase64String(data.CertBase64String); X509Certificate2 x509Cert = new X509Certificate2(raw); IDictionary <string, string> dict = EInvoice.Core.Launching.Launcher.Instance.GetDigestForRemote(data.OriPattern, data.OriSerial, new IInvoice[] { inv }, x509Cert); return(Ok(dict)); } return(NotFound()); }
public ActionResult LaunchReplaceByPlugin(string invData, string NewPattern, string NewSerial, int OriNo, string OriPattern, string OriSerial, string CertBase64String) { try { Company _currentCompany = ((EInvoiceContext)FXContext.Current).CurrentCompany; int comID =; if (_currentCompany == null) { return(Json(new { error = "ERR:2" })); } byte[] raw = Convert.FromBase64String(CertBase64String); X509Certificate2 x509Cert = new X509Certificate2(raw); KeyStores _keyStore = KeyStoresManagement.GetKeyStore(; if (_keyStore.SerialCert.ToUpper().CompareTo(x509Cert.GetSerialNumberString().ToUpper()) != 0) { return(Json("ERROR:2")); } if (DateTime.Parse(x509Cert.GetExpirationDateString()) < DateTime.Today) { return(Json("ERROR:3")); } IInvoiceService invSrv = InvServiceFactory.GetService(OriPattern, comID); IInvoice OriInv = invSrv.GetByNo(comID, OriPattern, OriSerial, OriNo); IRegisterTempService regisSrv = IoC.Resolve <IRegisterTempService>(); ICustomerService _cusSvr = IoC.Resolve <ICustomerService>(); IInvoice inv = InvServiceFactory.NewInstance(NewPattern, comID); inv.DeserializeFromJSON(invData); inv.Pattern = NewPattern; inv.Serial = NewSerial; inv.Status = InvoiceStatus.NewInv; DateTime dt = OriInv.ArisingDate; string strReplace = (_currentCompany.Config.ContainsKey("ReplaceString")) ? _currentCompany.Config["ReplaceString"] : "Hóa đơn này thay thế hóa đơn số: @InvNo, Ký hiệu: @InvSerial, Gửi ngày @InvDay Tháng @InvMonth Năm @InvYear"; strReplace = strReplace.Replace("@InvNo", OriInv.No.ToString(Utils.MAX_NO_LENGTH)).Replace("@InvSerial", OriInv.Serial).Replace("@InvPattern", OriInv.Pattern).Replace("@InvDay", OriInv.ArisingDate.Day.ToString()).Replace("@InvMonth", OriInv.ArisingDate.Month.ToString()).Replace("@InvYear", OriInv.ArisingDate.Year.ToString()); inv.ProcessInvNote = strReplace; inv.Type = InvoiceType.ForReplace; var Typecus = (from c in _cusSvr.Query where c.ComID == comID && c.Code == inv.CusCode && c.CusType == 1 select c.CusType).SingleOrDefault(); if (Typecus == 0) { inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NocusSignStatus; } else { inv.CusSignStatus = cusSignStatus.NoSignStatus; } if (OriInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.SignedInv || OriInv.Status == InvoiceStatus.AdjustedInv) { IDictionary <string, string> dict = EInvoice.Core.Launching.Launcher.Instance.GetDigestForRemote(OriPattern, OriSerial, new IInvoice[] { inv }, x509Cert); if (dict.Count == 0) { return(Json("ERROR:4")); } var dictFirst = dict.FirstOrDefault(); invSrv.UnbindSession(); return(Json(new { hashdata = dictFirst })); } return(Json("ERROR:4")); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(Json("ERROR:4")); } }