コード例 #1
 // Adds an InvItem, given an InvName, quantity, and whether it is to persist at zero
 public virtual void AddInvItem(InvNames name, int quantity, bool persist = false)
     // If the item isn't already there, create a new item and add it to the inventory
     if (!names.Contains(name))
         contents.Add(InvData.MakeNewInvItem(name, persist));
         contents[contents.Count - 1].Quantity = quantity;
         // If the Inventory already contains this items, just increase the quantity
         // If a quantity of -1 is passed, the quantity "increases" to "Unlimited"
         if (quantity < 0)
             contents[names.IndexOf(name)].Quantity = -1; // -1 for "Unlimited"
             // If quantity is already -1, leave it at -1, but add quantity if >= 0
             if (contents[names.IndexOf(name)].Quantity >= 0)
                 contents[names.IndexOf(name)].Quantity += quantity;
コード例 #2
         *  Market.UpdateMarketGroups();
         *  Market.UpdateMarketValues();
         *  //Market.UpdateRegionMarket(999);
         *  Market.UpdateRegionMarket(10000030);
         *  List<long> orderIDs = Market.GetOrdersForTypeAndRegion(34, 10000030);
         *  Market.MarketOrder order = Market.GetOrder(orderIDs[0]);
         *  Sovereignty.UpdateStructures();
         *  Sovereignty.Structure str = Sovereignty.GetStructure(1035629924);
         *  Sovereignty.UpdateMap();
         *  Sovereignty.Map map = Sovereignty.GetMap(30000721);
        public static void pathTest()
            // Will only work after loading successful.
            DateTime    s     = DateTime.Now;
            SolarSystem start = SolarSystem.GetSystem(30002510);
            List <int>  path  = start.FindPath(30000142, true);

            if (path == null)
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Path not found.");
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(path.Count + " jumps.");
                foreach (int systemID in path)
                    //SolarSystem system = SolarSystem.getSystem(systemID);
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(systemID + ": " + InvNames.GetName(systemID));
            DateTime f  = DateTime.Now;
            TimeSpan ts = f - s;

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Path test took: " + ts.TotalMilliseconds + " ms");
コード例 #3
 // Gives all inventory items mentioned in InvNames the statistics of a tiny health potion.
 // Used only in case of a read error.
 void SetInvDataDefaultValues()
     foreach (InvNames name in InvNames.GetValues(typeof(InvNames)))
         invStatData.Add(name, new InvItem(InvNames.Potion_Health_Tiny, "default fullname", "default description", Resources.Load <Sprite>(@"Sprites\InvItems\Potion\Health\" + name.ToString()), 1, 0, 0, InvType.Potion, InvSubtype.Health, EquipSlots.none, 1));
コード例 #4
 // Retrieve a reference to an item, but do not remove it.
 public InvItem GetItem(InvNames name)
     if (names.Contains(name))
コード例 #5
        private void PopulateOrders(int typeID, int regionID)
            List <Market.MarketOrder> orders;

            if (regionID > 0)
                orders = Market.GetOrdersForTypeAndRegion(typeID, regionID);
            else if (regionID == 0)
                // No region selected, leave empty.
                // All regions selected
                orders = Market.GetOrdersForType(typeID);
            string[] selCols = new string[4];
            string[] buyCols = new string[6];
            foreach (Market.MarketOrder order in orders)
                TimeSpan expiresIn   = new TimeSpan(order.duration, 0, 0, 0) - (DateTime.Now - order.issued);
                string   expireStr   = expiresIn.Days.ToString() + "D " + expiresIn.Hours.ToString() + "H " + expiresIn.Minutes.ToString() + "M " + expiresIn.Seconds.ToString() + "S";
                string   locationStr = InvNames.GetName((int)order.location_id);
                if (locationStr == null)
                    // Get structure name.
                    // TO-DO:
                    locationStr = "Structure: " + order.location_id.ToString();
                if (order.is_buy_order)
                    buyCols[0] = order.volume_remain.ToString();
                    buyCols[1] = order.price.ToString("N2");
                    buyCols[2] = locationStr;
                    buyCols[3] = order.range;
                    buyCols[4] = order.min_volume.ToString();
                    buyCols[5] = expireStr;
                    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(buyCols);
                    selCols[0] = order.volume_remain.ToString();
                    selCols[1] = order.price.ToString("N2");
                    selCols[2] = locationStr;
                    selCols[3] = expireStr;
                    ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(selCols);
コード例 #6
    // Override for Inventory.RemoveInvItem(). Empties the relevant slot, then base.RemoveInvItem()
    public override void RemoveInvItem(InvNames name, int quantity)
        EquipSlots removeSlot = InvData.Data[name].Slot;

        if (slots.ContainsKey(removeSlot))
            base.RemoveInvItem(name, quantity);
            Debug.Log(removeSlot.ToString() + " slot is empty.");
コード例 #7
    // Override for Inventory.AddInvItem(). Assigns the item to the slot, then base.AddInvItem()
    public override void AddInvItem(InvNames name, int quantity, bool persist = false)
        EquipSlots addSlot = InvData.Data[name].Slot;

        if (slots.ContainsKey(addSlot))
            Debug.Log(addSlot.ToString() + " slot already occupied.");
            slots.Add(addSlot, name);
            base.AddInvItem(name, quantity, persist);
コード例 #8
 public InvItem(InvNames name, string fullName, string description, Sprite sprite, int id, int price, int quantity, InvType type, InvSubtype subtype, EquipSlots slot, int rank, bool persist = false)
     Name          = name;
     FullName      = fullName;
     Description   = description;
     Sprite        = sprite;
     ID            = id;
     Price         = price;
     Quantity      = quantity;
     Type          = type;
     Subtype       = subtype;
     Slot          = slot;
     Rank          = rank;
     PersistAtZero = persist;
コード例 #9
    /// <summary>
    /// Sets the panel's display
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="item">The InvItem in SHop.Stock that the panel represents</param>
    /// <param name="held">The quantity held in the partyStash</param>
    public void SetPanel(InvItem item, int held)
        // Use info from the InvItem in Shop.Stock to store locally
        itemName             = item.Name;
        icon.sprite          = item.Sprite;
        nameText.text        = item.FullName;
        descriptionText.text = item.Description;
        cost  = item.Price;
        stock = item.Quantity;

        // Use provided int as the number held by the party
        this.held = held;

        // Update the display with stored variables
コード例 #10
    /// <summary>
    /// Alter BattleStats when equipping an item.
    /// Also called when using for tomes.
    /// All items have BattleStats.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="name">the item to equip as an InvNames</param>
    public void Equip(InvNames name)
        // First: Calculate new stats

        // retrieve bstats of item to remove, if one exists. If not, remains null.
        BattleStats remove            = null;
        InvItem     returnToStashItem = null;

        // compare kind of equip item to all the equipped items
        foreach (InvItem item in Equipment.Contents)
            if (item.Slot == InvData.Data[name].Slot)
                remove            = ((InvEqItem)InvData.Data[item.Name]).BStats;
                returnToStashItem = item;

        // retrieve bstats of item to add
        BattleStats add = (InvData.Data[name] as InvEqItem).BStats;

        // Reduce hero stats by the remove InvItem (if not null). Increase by the add InvItem.
        BStats.Equip(add, remove);

        // Second: move items from inventories

        // remove 1 of EQUIPPED item from partyStash
        if (BattleLoader.Party.Inventory.ContainsItem(name))
            BattleLoader.Party.Inventory.RemoveInvItem(name, 1);

        // remove UNEQUIPPED item from Equipment, add 1 to partyStash
        if (returnToStashItem != null)
            Equipment.RemoveInvItem(returnToStashItem.Name, 1);
            BattleLoader.Party.Inventory.AddInvItem(returnToStashItem.Name, 1);

        // add EQUIPPED item to hero's Equipment
        Equipment.AddInvItem(name, 1);
コード例 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a *new* InvItem, using only InvNames. Anything other than a potion has a BattleStats
 /// included, and thus is also an InvEqItem. If the item is to remain in the inventory even when
 /// at zero quantity, pass in persist=true. This occurs for the Shop inventory when out-of-stock.
 /// This method is necessary, otherwise all inventories will reference only one of each kind of
 /// item, stored here.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="name">InvNames name of the item to be created.</param>
 /// <param name="persist">Whether the InvItem will persist in the Inventory at Quantity = 0.</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static InvItem MakeNewInvItem(InvNames name, bool persist = false)
     // Potions do not require BattleStats, and are not InvEqItems.
     if (Data[name].Type == InvType.Potion)
         InvItem orig    = InvData.Data[name];
         InvItem newItem = new InvItem(name, orig.FullName, orig.Description,
                                       orig.Sprite, orig.ID, orig.Price, orig.Quantity, orig.Type, orig.Subtype, orig.Slot, orig.Rank, persist);
         // InvEqItem includes tomes and equipment.
         InvEqItem orig    = (InvEqItem)InvData.Data[name];
         InvEqItem newItem = new InvEqItem(name, orig.FullName, orig.Description,
                                           orig.Sprite, orig.ID, orig.Price, orig.Quantity, orig.Type, orig.Subtype, orig.Slot, orig.Rank, orig.BStats, persist);
コード例 #12
    // Removes an InvItem from the Inventory, given a name and a quantity.
    public virtual void RemoveInvItem(InvNames name, int quantity)
        // Only proceed if the item exists in the inventory
        if (names.Contains(name))
            // Find the index of the InvItem by referencing names
            int     index   = names.IndexOf(name);
            InvItem invItem = contents[index];

            // If existing quantity is -1, it is unlimited, and cannot be deducted from.
            // Only remove or deduct if 0 or greater
            if (invItem.Quantity < 0)
                // The quantity doesn't change when < 0
                // If the deduction of quantity would result in a zero or less Quantity
                if (invItem.Quantity - quantity <= 0)
                    if (invItem.PersistAtZero)
                        // The item persists, and the (shop) inventory has quantity of the item
                        invItem.Quantity = 0;
                        // Fully remove item from the inventory, because it becomes 0 or less.
                    // Deduct from inventory, but leave a remainder of 1+ behind
                    invItem.Quantity -= quantity;

            // No sort is required because the order only changes when adding.
コード例 #13
 // Provides the index of an item in both contents and names
 public int IndexOfItem(InvNames name)
コード例 #14
 // Whether or not the Inventory contains an item. Returns true even if Quantity = 0.
 public bool ContainsItem(InvNames name)
コード例 #15
    /// <summary>
    /// Reads configuration data from a file. If the file read fails, the constructor contains
    /// default values for each kind of configuration data
    /// REFACTOR: Break this into three different constructors
    /// </summary>
    public ConfigData(ConfigDataType type)
        // Read and save configuration data from file
        StreamReader input = null;

        // Three kinds of ConfigData
        switch (type)
        case ConfigDataType.EnemyData:
            #region EnemyData

                // Create stream reader input
                input = File.OpenText(Path.Combine(
                                          Application.streamingAssetsPath, EnemyDataFileName));

                // Populate StatNames from header row
                string            currentLine = input.ReadLine();
                string[]          names       = currentLine.Split(',');
                BattleStatNames[] statHeader  = new BattleStatNames[names.Length];

                // Validate the header row before importing
                BattleStats validate = new BattleStats();

                for (int i = 1; i < names.Length; i++)
                    statHeader[i] = (BattleStatNames)Enum.Parse(typeof(BattleStatNames), names[i]);
                    if (!validate.ValidateOrder(i - 1, statHeader[i]))
                        errorMessage = "Headers do not match BattleStats.\nUsing default settings.";

                // Only procede forward if there is no error with the headers
                if (errorMessage == null)
                    // Populate values for enemyData
                    currentLine = input.ReadLine();
                    while (currentLine != null)
                        // Parse current line into name and stat values
                        string[]  tokens    = currentLine.Split(',');
                        EnemyName enemyName =
                                typeof(EnemyName), tokens[0]);

                        int[] intTokens = new int[tokens.Length - 1];

                        for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length - 1; i++)
                            int bStat;
                            intTokens[i] = int.TryParse(tokens[i + 1], out bStat) ? bStat : 0;

                        // import the array of ints into a new BattleStats
                        BattleStats battleStats = new BattleStats();

                        // add to enemyStatData
                        enemyStatData.Add(enemyName, battleStats);

                        // queue next line in csv
                        currentLine = input.ReadLine();
            catch (Exception e)
                // send the error to the console for debugging
                errorMessage = "Problem loading file. \nUsing default settings.\n";

                // close files that were opened
                if (input != null)

            break;     // end of EnemyData
            #endregion EnemyData

        case ConfigDataType.InvData:
            #region InvData

                // create stream reader input
                input = File.OpenText(Path.Combine(
                                          Application.streamingAssetsPath, InvDataFileName));

                // populate StatNames from header row
                string            currentLine = input.ReadLine();
                string[]          headings    = currentLine.Split(',');
                BattleStatNames[] statHeader  = new BattleStatNames[headings.Length];

                // Validate the header row before importing
                // 0 name, 1 fullname, 2 description, 3 id, 4 price, 5 type, 6 subtype, 7 slot,
                // 8 rank, 9+ Battlestats
                BattleStats validate = new BattleStats();

                for (int i = 9; i < headings.Length; i++)
                    statHeader[i] = (BattleStatNames)Enum.Parse(typeof(BattleStatNames), headings[i]);
                    if (!validate.ValidateOrder(i - 9, statHeader[i]))
                        errorMessage = "Headers do not match BattleStats.\nUsing default settings.";

                // only procede forward if there is no error with the headers
                if (errorMessage == null)
                    // populate values for enemyData
                    currentLine = input.ReadLine();
                    while (currentLine != null)
                        // parse current line into name and stat values
                        // 0 name, 1 fullname, 2 description, 3 id, 4 price, 5 type, 6 subtype, 7 slot, 8 rank

                        // 0 name
                        string[] tokens  = currentLine.Split(',');
                        InvNames invName =
                                typeof(InvNames), tokens[0]);

                        // 1 fullname
                        string fullName = tokens[1];

                        // 2 description
                        string description = tokens[2];

                        // 3 id
                        int id = int.Parse(tokens[3]);

                        // 4 price
                        int price = int.Parse(tokens[4]);

                        // 5 type
                        InvType invType = (InvType)Enum.Parse(
                            typeof(InvType), tokens[5]);

                        // 6 subtype
                        InvSubtype invSubtype = (InvSubtype)Enum.Parse(
                            typeof(InvSubtype), tokens[6]);

                        Sprite sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>(@"Sprites\InvItems\"
                                                                + invType.ToString() + @"\"
                                                                + invSubtype.ToString() + @"\"
                                                                + invName.ToString());

                        // 7 slot
                        EquipSlots slot = (EquipSlots)Enum.Parse(
                            typeof(EquipSlots), tokens[7]);

                        // 8 rank
                        int rank = int.Parse(tokens[8]);

                        // BattleStats is only included for InvEqItems (equipment and tomes)
                        // This is an InvEqItem
                        if (invType == InvType.Tome || invType == InvType.Weapon || invType == InvType.Armor)
                            // 9+ BattleStats

                            int[] intTokens = new int[tokens.Length - 9];

                            for (int i = 0; i < tokens.Length - 9; i++)
                                int bStat;
                                intTokens[i] = int.TryParse(tokens[i + 9], out bStat) ? bStat : 0;

                            // import the array of ints into a new BattleStats
                            BattleStats battleStats = new BattleStats();

                            // create a new InvEqItem
                            InvEqItem item = new InvEqItem(invName, fullName, description, sprite,
                                                           id, price, 0, invType, invSubtype, slot, rank, battleStats);

                            // add to invStatData
                            invStatData.Add(invName, item);
                        // else it is a potion, so add a regular InvItem
                            // create a new InvEqItem
                            InvItem item = new InvItem(invName, fullName, description, sprite,
                                                       id, price, 0, invType, invSubtype, slot, rank);

                            // add to invStatData
                            invStatData.Add(invName, item);

                        // queue next line in csv
                        currentLine = input.ReadLine();
            catch (Exception e)
                // send the error to the console for debugging
                errorMessage = "Problem loading file. \nUsing default settings.\n";

                // close files that were opened
                if (input != null)

            #endregion InvData

        case ConfigDataType.AbilityData:
            #region AbilityData
                // create stream reader input
                input = File.OpenText(Path.Combine(
                                          Application.streamingAssetsPath, AbilityDataFileName));

                // populate StatNames from header row
                string   currentLine = input.ReadLine();
                string[] headings    = currentLine.Split(',');

                // ignoring the header row

                // populate values for abilityData
                currentLine = input.ReadLine();
                while (currentLine != null)
                    // parse current line into name and stat values
                    // 0 name, 1 isPhysical, 2 mp, 3 noReduction, 4 modifier,
                    // 5 noMiss, 6 hitOverride, 7 noCrit

                    // 0 name
                    string[]   tokens = currentLine.Split(',');
                    BattleMode name   =
                            typeof(BattleMode), tokens[0]);

                    // 1 isPhyical
                    bool isPhysical = bool.Parse(tokens[1].ToLower());

                    // 2 mp
                    int?mp = null;
                    if (int.TryParse(tokens[2], out int num))
                        mp = num;
                        mp = null;

                    // 3 noReduction
                    bool noReduction = bool.Parse(tokens[3].ToLower());

                    // 4 modifier
                    float modifier = float.Parse(tokens[4]);

                    // 5 noMiss
                    bool noMiss = bool.Parse(tokens[5].ToLower());

                    // 6 hitOverride
                    int?hitOverride = null;
                    if (int.TryParse(tokens[6], out int num2))
                        hitOverride = num2;
                        hitOverride = null;

                    // 7 noCrit
                    bool noCrit = bool.Parse(tokens[7].ToLower());

                    // create a new battleAbility
                    BattleAbility ability = new BattleAbility(name, isPhysical, mp, noReduction, modifier, noMiss, hitOverride, noCrit);

                    // add to invStatData
                    abilityStatData.Add(name, ability);

                    // queue next line in csv
                    currentLine = input.ReadLine();
            catch (Exception e)
                // send the error to the console for debugging
                errorMessage = "Problem loading file. \nUsing default settings.\n";

                // close files that were opened
                if (input != null)

            #endregion AbilityData

コード例 #16
 public InvEqItem(InvNames name, string fullName, string description, Sprite sprite, int id,
                  int price, int quantity, InvType type, InvSubtype subtype, EquipSlots slot, int rank, BattleStats stats, bool persist = false)
     : base(name, fullName, description, sprite, id, price, quantity, type, subtype, slot, rank, persist)
     BStats = stats;