private bool IntersectsPolygon(Polygon polygon, Ray ray, out Intersection intersection) { intersection = new Intersection(); Vector3 vecDirection = ray.Direction; Vector3 rayToPlaneDirection = ray.Origin - this.Position; float D = Vector3.Dot(polygon.NormalDirection, vecDirection); float N = -Vector3.Dot(polygon.NormalDirection, rayToPlaneDirection); if (Math.Abs(D) <= .0005f) { return false; } float sI = N / D; if (sI < 0 || sI > ray.Distance) // Behind or out of range { return false; } var intersectionPoint = ray.Origin + (new Vector3(sI) * vecDirection); var uv = this.GetUVCoordinate(intersectionPoint); return true; }
public Street(Intersection node1, Intersection node2, Unit width) { var diffH = node1.Position.X - node2.Position.X; var diffV = node1.Position.Y - node2.Position.Y; var isEastWest = diffH.Squared > diffV.Squared; this.comparer = isEastWest ? eastWestComparer : southNorthComparer; this.Width = width; if (this.comparer.Compare(node1, node2) > 0) { this.intersections = new List<Intersection>(3) { node2, node1 }; } else { this.intersections = new List<Intersection>(3) { node1, node2 }; } }
// public override bool Intersect(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection) { Statistics.Add("Triangle test"); intersection = null; //don't intersect backside if (Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, Normal) > 0) { return false; } var P = Vector3.Cross(ray.Direction, _e2); var det = Vector3.Dot(_e1, P); //if determinant is near zero, then there is no intersection if (det > -float.Epsilon && det < float.Epsilon) { return false; } var invDet = 1/det; var T = Vector3.Subtract(ray.Origin, _p1); //calculate u coordinate of triangle var u = Vector3.Dot(T, P)*invDet; //if it lies outside the triangle if (u < 0 || u > 1) { return false; } var Q = Vector3.Cross(T, _e1); //calculate v coordinate of triangle var v = Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, Q)*invDet; //if it lies outside the triangle if (v < 0 || u + v > 1) { return false; } //t parameter of ray float t = Vector3.Dot(_e2, Q)*invDet; if (t > Constants.MinimumRayT && t <= ray.T) { var intersectionPoint = ray.GetPoint(t); ray.SetLength(t); intersection = new Intersection(this, ray, Normal, intersectionPoint, t, Material); Statistics.Add("Triangle test success"); return true; } return false; }
/// <summary> /// starting city blueprint O-type /// </summary> /// <param name="center"></param> /// <param name="angle"></param> public void AddCityCentreO(Vector2 center, float angle) { angle = 360f / 8f; RoadSegment last = null; RoadSegment first = null; for (int i=0; i<8; i++) { Quaternion rotationA = Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, angle * i); Quaternion rotationB = Quaternion.Euler (0, 0, angle * (i + 1)); RoadPoint a = new RoadPoint (); a.point = rotationA * (new Vector2 (this.scale / 2.5f, 0) + center); RoadPoint b = new RoadPoint (); b.point = rotationB * (new Vector2 (this.scale / 2.5f, 0) + center); RoadSegment rA = new RoadSegment (a, b, 0); this.RoadSegments.Add(rA); if(first == null) first = rA; if(last != null) { Intersection iA = new Intersection (new List<RoadPoint> (){rA.PointA,last.PointA}); this.RoadIntersections.Add (iA); } last = rA; } Intersection iB = new Intersection (new List<RoadPoint> (){first.PointA,last.PointA}); this.RoadIntersections.Add (iB); }
public override bool TryCalculateIntersection(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection) { intersection = new Intersection(); Vector3 vecDirection = ray.Direction; Vector3 rayToPlaneDirection = ray.Origin - this.Position; float D = Vector3.Dot(this.normalDirection, vecDirection); float N = -Vector3.Dot(this.normalDirection, rayToPlaneDirection); if (Math.Abs(D) <= .0005f) { return false; } float sI = N / D; if (sI < 0 || sI > ray.Distance) // Behind or out of range { return false; } var intersectionPoint = ray.Origin + (new Vector3(sI) * vecDirection); var uv = this.GetUVCoordinate(intersectionPoint); var color = Material.GetDiffuseColorAtCoordinates(uv); intersection = new Intersection(intersectionPoint, this.normalDirection, ray.Direction, this, color, (ray.Origin - intersectionPoint).Magnitude()); return true; }
public override bool TryIntersect(Ray r, ref Intersection intersection) { Transform w2p; _worldToPrimitive.Interpolate(r.Time, out w2p); Ray ray = w2p.TransformRay(r); if (!_primitive.TryIntersect(ray, ref intersection)) return false; r.MaxT = ray.MaxT; if (!w2p.IsIdentity()) { // Compute world-to-object transformation for instance intersection.WorldToObject = intersection.WorldToObject * w2p; intersection.ObjectToWorld = Transform.Invert(intersection.WorldToObject); // Transform instance's differential geometry to world space Transform primitiveToWorld = Transform.Invert(w2p); var dg = intersection.DifferentialGeometry; dg.Point = primitiveToWorld.TransformPoint(ref dg.Point); dg.Normal = Normal.Normalize(primitiveToWorld.TransformNormal(ref dg.Normal)); dg.DpDu = primitiveToWorld.TransformVector(ref dg.DpDu); dg.DpDv = primitiveToWorld.TransformVector(ref dg.DpDv); dg.DnDu = primitiveToWorld.TransformNormal(ref dg.DnDu); dg.DnDv = primitiveToWorld.TransformNormal(ref dg.DnDv); } return true; }
public bool Intersect(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection, out float t) { float a = Vector.Dot(ray.Direction, ray.Direction); Vector omc = ray.Origin - this._center; float b = 2 * Vector.Dot(ray.Direction, omc); float c = Vector.Dot(omc, omc) - (this._radius * this._radius); float sqr = b * b - 4 * c; if (sqr < 0) { intersection = null; t = 0; return false; } intersection = new Intersection() { Shape = this }; if (sqr == 0) { t = -b / 2; intersection.Point = ray[t]; } else { sqr = (float)System.Math.Sqrt(sqr); t = System.Math.Min(-b + sqr, -b - sqr) * 0.5f; intersection.Point = ray[t]; } intersection.Normal = new Normal(intersection.Point - this._center); GenerateTextureCoords(intersection); return true; }
public override PreciseColor GetDiffuseIllumination(Intersection intersection) { Material material = intersection.Shape3D.Material; Vector3D dir = position - intersection.Point; float distance = dir.Length; var ray = new ColoredRay3D { Start = intersection.Point, End = position }; NearestIntersection intersections = GetIntersections(ray); bool shadowed = false; Intersection obstacle = intersections.Get(); if (obstacle != null && obstacle.Length > 0.05 && obstacle.Length < distance) { shadowed = true; } if (!shadowed) { var diffuseColor = new PreciseColor(omni.Color.Red * material.DiffuseColor.Red, omni.Color.Green * material.DiffuseColor.Green, omni.Color.Blue * material.DiffuseColor.Blue); float diffuseIntensity = omni.Power * (1 - material.Shininess) * System.Math.Abs(Vector3D.Scalar(dir.Normalize(), intersection.Normal)); diffuseIntensity /= dir.Length * dir.Length; Vector3D reflected = Math3D.GetReflectedVector((intersection.Point - position).Normalize(), intersection.Normal); float cosTeta = Vector3D.Scalar(reflected, (intersection.Ray.Start - intersection.Ray.End).Normalize()); float specularIntensity = cosTeta < 0 ? 0 : omni.Power * material.Shininess * (float)System.Math.Pow(cosTeta, 200); if (intersection.Shape3D is RESphere) { specularIntensity /= material.Shininess; } specularIntensity *= 0.05f; return diffuseColor * diffuseIntensity + material.SpecularColor * specularIntensity; } return new PreciseColor(); }
public override void OnIntersection(Intersection intersection) { int x = (int)(canvas.Width * intersection.TextureU); int y = (int)(canvas.Height * intersection.TextureV); if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x >= canvas.Width) x = canvas.Width - 1; if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y >= canvas.Height) y = canvas.Height - 1; canvas[x, y] = intersection.Ray.Color; base.OnIntersection(intersection); }
public void Init() { gameControl = GameObject.Find("Game").GetComponent<GameControl>(); int ix = Random.Range (0, gameControl.nBricksX * 2); int iy = Random.Range (0, gameControl.nBricksY); nextIntersetion = new Intersection(ix, iy); PlaceAtIntersection(); clearTrail(); }
// Update is called once per frame void Update() { // Move UpdatePosition (); if (gameControl.IsAtIntersection(transform.localPosition, nextIntersetion, direction)) { UpdateDirection(); nextIntersetion = gameControl.GetNextIntersection(nextIntersetion, direction); } }
private void RetrieveCaptures (Intersection intersection) { GameObject obj; for (int index = 0; index < intersection.GetDirections().Length; ++index) { obj = this.captures[index].transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; obj.GetComponent<Text> ().text = this.GetLetter(intersection.GetCaptures()[index]).ToString (); } obj = this.captures [8].transform.GetChild (0).gameObject; obj.GetComponent<Text> ().text = this.GetLetter(intersection.GetPawnType()).ToString (); }
public void Set(Intersection intersection) { if (intersection.Length < 0.05) return; if (_nearest == null) { _nearest = intersection; return; } if (intersection.Length < _nearest.Length) { _nearest = intersection; } }
public void EnableInfosPanel (Intersection intersection) { this.canvasGroup.alpha = 1; this.canvasGroup.interactable = true; this.canvasGroup.blocksRaycasts = true; this.SetDefaultTextValues (); this.RetrieveIntersectionName (intersection); this.RetrieveOwnedBy (intersection); this.RetrieveIsBreakable (intersection); this.RetrieveDirections (intersection); this.RetrieveCaptures (intersection); }
public override bool TryCalculateIntersection(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection) { if (base.TryCalculateIntersection(ray, out intersection) && WithinArea(intersection.Point)) { return true; } else { return false; } }
public override bool TryIntersect(Ray ray, ref Intersection intersection) { float thit, rayEpsilon; DifferentialGeometry dg; if (!_shape.TryIntersect(ray, out thit, out rayEpsilon, out dg)) return false; intersection = new Intersection(dg, this, _shape.ObjectToWorld, _shape.WorldToObject, rayEpsilon); ray.MaxT = thit; return true; }
public override bool Intersect(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection) { intersection = null; var C = ray.Origin - Center; float t; //inside sphere var dotC = Vector3.Dot(C, C); var insideSphere = dotC <= _rad2; if (insideSphere) { //slow way to calculate var a = Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, ray.Direction); var b = Vector3.Dot(2*ray.Direction, C); var c = dotC - _rad2; var d = b*b - 4*a*c; //no intersection if (d < 0) { return false; } var sd = (float)Math.Sqrt(d); var t1 = (-b + sd)/2*a; var t2 = (-b - sd)/2*a; t = Math.Max(t1, t2); } else { //fast way to calculate t = Vector3.Dot(-C, ray.Direction); var q = -C - t*ray.Direction; float p2 = Vector3.Dot(q, q); if (p2 > _rad2) return false; t -= (float) Math.Sqrt(_rad2 - p2); } if (t > float.Epsilon) { var intersectionPoint = ray.GetPoint(t); var normal = (intersectionPoint - Center).Normalized(); if (insideSphere) { normal *= -1; } var mat = insideSphere ? Material.Air : Material; intersection = new Intersection(this, ray, normal, intersectionPoint, t, mat, insideSphere); return true; } return false; }
public override bool Intersect(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection) { var t = -(Vector3.Dot(ray.Origin, _normal) + _height)/Vector3.Dot(ray.Direction, _normal); if (t >= 0) { var loc = ray.GetPoint(t); intersection = new Intersection(this, ray, _normal, loc, t, Material); return true; } intersection = null; return false; }
public void intersectionClicked(Intersection i) { if (currSelectedIntersection == i) { i.renderer.material.color = Constants.grey; currSelectedIntersection = null; return; } if (currSelectedIntersection != null) { currSelectedIntersection.renderer.material.color = Constants.grey; } currSelectedIntersection = i; currSelectedIntersection.renderer.material.color = Constants.selectedGrey; }
public override bool TryCalculateIntersection(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection) { for (int g = 0; g < polygons.Length; g++) { if (IntersectsPolygon(polygons[g], ray, out intersection)) { return true; } } intersection = new Intersection(); return false; }
public static Intersection LinePlane(Vector3 pA, Vector3 pB, Plane plane, float e, Intersection dst) { if (dst == null) { dst = new Intersection(); } float a = plane.normal.x; float b = plane.normal.y; float c = plane.normal.z; float d = plane.distance; float x1 = pA.x; float y1 = pA.y; float z1 = pA.z; float x2 = pB.x; float y2 = pB.y; float z2 = pB.z; float r0 = (a * x1) + (b * y1) + (c * z1) + d; float r1 = a * (x1 - x2) + b * (y1 - y2) + c * (z1 - z2); float u = r0 / r1; if (Mathf.Abs(u) < e) { dst.status = IntersectionType.PARALLEL; } else if ((u > 0 && u < 1)) { dst.status = IntersectionType.INTERSECTION; Vector3 pt = dst.point; pt.x = x2 - x1; pt.y = y2 - y1; pt.z = z2 - z1; pt.x *= u; pt.y *= u; pt.z *= u; pt.x += x1; pt.y += y1; pt.z += z1; dst.alpha = u; dst.vert.x = pt.x; dst.vert.y = pt.y; dst.vert.z = pt.z; } else { dst.status = IntersectionType.NONE; } return dst; }
public bool TryIntersect(Ray ray, ref Intersection intersection) { RefineIfNeeded(); // Loop over primitives in voxel and find intersections bool hitSomething = false; for (var i = 0; i < _primitives.Count; ++i) { var prim = _primitives[i]; if (prim.TryIntersect(ray, ref intersection)) hitSomething = true; } return hitSomething; }
public bool breakBy(Intersection I) { double dist1, dist2; Point newPoint = new Point (I.X, I.Y); /* * dist1 = Math.Sqrt ((a.x - I.X) * (a.x - I.X) + (a.y - I.Y) * (a.y - I.Y)); * dist2 = Math.Sqrt ((b.x - I.X) * (b.x - I.X) + (b.y - I.Y) * (b.y - I.Y)); * dist3 = Math.Sqrt ((a.x - b.x) * (a.x - b.x) + (a.y - b.y) * (a.y - b.y)); */ dist1 = segment.a.getDistanceFrom (newPoint); dist2 = segment.b.getDistanceFrom (newPoint); return (segment.distance == dist1 + dist2); }
public static Spectrum SpecularTransmit(RayDifferential ray, Bsdf bsdf, Random rng, Intersection isect, Renderer renderer, Scene scene, Sample sample) { Vector wo = -ray.Direction, wi; float pdf; Point p = bsdf.DgShading.Point; Normal n = bsdf.DgShading.Normal; Spectrum f = bsdf.SampleF(wo, out wi, new BsdfSample(rng), out pdf, BxdfType.Transmission | BxdfType.Specular); Spectrum L = Spectrum.CreateBlack(); if (pdf > 0.0f && !f.IsBlack && Vector.AbsDot(wi, n) != 0.0f) { // Compute ray differential _rd_ for specular transmission var rd = new RayDifferential(p, wi, ray, isect.RayEpsilon); if (ray.HasDifferentials) { rd.HasDifferentials = true; rd.RxOrigin = p + isect.DifferentialGeometry.DpDx; rd.RyOrigin = p + isect.DifferentialGeometry.DpDy; float eta = bsdf.Eta; Vector w = -wo; if (Vector.Dot(wo, n) < 0) eta = 1.0f / eta; Normal dndx = bsdf.DgShading.DnDu * bsdf.DgShading.DuDx + bsdf.DgShading.DnDv * bsdf.DgShading.DvDx; Normal dndy = bsdf.DgShading.DnDu * bsdf.DgShading.DuDy + bsdf.DgShading.DnDv * bsdf.DgShading.DvDy; Vector dwodx = -ray.RxDirection - wo, dwody = -ray.RyDirection - wo; float dDNdx = Vector.Dot(dwodx, n) + Vector.Dot(wo, dndx); float dDNdy = Vector.Dot(dwody, n) + Vector.Dot(wo, dndy); float mu = eta * Vector.Dot(w, n) - Vector.Dot(wi, n); float dmudx = (eta - (eta * eta * Vector.Dot(w, n)) / Vector.Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdx; float dmudy = (eta - (eta * eta * Vector.Dot(w, n)) / Vector.Dot(wi, n)) * dDNdy; rd.RxDirection = wi + eta * dwodx - (Vector) (mu * dndx + dmudx * n); rd.RyDirection = wi + eta * dwody - (Vector) (mu * dndy + dmudy * n); } Spectrum Li = renderer.Li(scene, rd, sample, rng); L = f * Li * Vector.AbsDot(wi, n) / pdf; } return L; }
public void fileInput(string inputFile) { try { this.reset(); FileStream readStream = new FileStream(inputFile, FileMode.Open); BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); Intersection readData = (Intersection)formatter.Deserialize(readStream); readStream.Close(); modelIntersection = readData; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.StackTrace); } window.refreshSimulationReference(modelIntersection, this); }
public IEnumerator GetEnumerator() { var t1 = new TriangleIntersector(Vector3.I, Vector3.J, Vector3.K); var t1n = new Vector3(1, 1, 1).UnitDirection; var e1 = new Edge(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(1, 1, 1)); var e2 = new Edge(Vector3.Zero, 2 * Vector3.I); var e3 = new Edge(Vector3.Zero, new Vector3(-1, -1, -1)); var e4 = new Edge(Vector3.I, Vector3.J); var i1 = new Intersection(new Vector3(1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0), t1n); var i2 = new Intersection(Vector3.I, t1n); var none = Enumerable.Empty<Intersection>(); yield return new object[] { t1, e1, new[] { i1 } }; yield return new object[] { t1, e2, new[] { i2 } }; yield return new object[] { t1, e3, none }; yield return new object[] { t1, e4, none }; }
public Block(Street streetEast, Street streetSouth, Street streetWest, Street streetNorth, Intersection southEast, Intersection southWest, Intersection northEast, Intersection northWest) { this.SouthEast = southEast; this.SouthWest = southWest; this.NorthEast = northEast; this.NorthWest = northWest; this.Children = new List<Block>(4); this.streets = new[] { streetEast, streetSouth, streetWest, streetNorth }; this.East = streetEast.Intersections[0].Position.X; this.West = streetWest.Intersections[0].Position.X; this.South = streetSouth.Intersections[0].Position.Y; this.North = streetNorth.Intersections[0].Position.Y; this.Width = this.East - this.West; this.Height = this.North - this.South; }
// Pattern : Pion posé - Ennemi - Ennemi - Case vide public static void CheckThirdCapturePattern(Intersection enemy, int direction) { Intersection secondEnemy = null, empty = null; Coordinates coords; int oppositeDirection; coords = Coordinates.GetDirection (direction, enemy.X, enemy.Y); secondEnemy = BoardManager.INSTANCE.GetIntersection (coords); if (secondEnemy != null && secondEnemy.GetPawnType () == enemy.GetPawnType ()) { coords = Coordinates.GetDirection(direction, secondEnemy.X, secondEnemy.Y); empty = BoardManager.INSTANCE.GetIntersection(coords); if (empty != null && empty.GetPawnType() == PawnType.NONE) { oppositeDirection = Coordinates.GetOppositeDirection(direction); empty.GetCaptures()[oppositeDirection] = BoardManager.INSTANCE.GetOppositePawnType (enemy.GetPawnType()); enemy.Catchable += 1; secondEnemy.Catchable += 1; } } }
public BlockOctreeSearcher() { intersection = new Intersection(); pool = new Box3D[10000]; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { pool[i] = new Box3D(); } listpool = new ListBox3d[50]; for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { listpool[i] = new ListBox3d(); listpool[i].arr = new Box3D[1000]; } l = new BlockPosSide[1024]; lCount = 0; currentHit = new float[3]; }
//TODO public Direction[] AllowedDirections(Intersection intersection, Direction currentDirection) { Direction[] allowedDirections = new Direction[0]; //TODO: better corners if (intersection.ix == 0) { allowedDirections = new Direction[1]; allowedDirections [0] = Direction.Right; } else if (intersection.ix == nIntersectionsX - 1) { allowedDirections = new Direction[1]; allowedDirections [0] = Direction.Left; } else if (intersection.iy == 0) { allowedDirections = new Direction[1]; allowedDirections [0] = Direction.Up; } else if (intersection.iy == nIntersectionsY - 1) { allowedDirections = new Direction[1]; allowedDirections [0] = Direction.Down; } else if (currentDirection == Direction.Up || currentDirection == Direction.Down) { allowedDirections = new Direction[2]; allowedDirections [0] = Direction.Right; allowedDirections [1] = Direction.Left; } else { if ((intersection.ix % 2 == 0 && intersection.iy % 2 == 0) || (intersection.ix % 2 == 1 && intersection.iy % 2 == 1)) { allowedDirections = new Direction[2]; allowedDirections [0] = currentDirection; allowedDirections [1] = Direction.Down; } else if ((intersection.ix % 2 == 0 && intersection.iy % 2 == 1) || (intersection.ix % 2 == 1 && intersection.iy % 2 == 0)) { allowedDirections = new Direction[2]; allowedDirections [0] = currentDirection; allowedDirections [1] = Direction.Up; } } return allowedDirections; }
public abstract bool Intersect(Ray ray, out Intersection intersection);
public void addNeighborIntersection(Intersection i) { neighborIntersections.Add(; }
void PickEntity(Game game, Line3D pick, BlockPosSide[] pick2, IntRef pick2count) { game.SelectedEntityId = -1; game.currentlyAttackedEntity = -1; float one = 1; for (int i = 0; i < game.entitiesCount; i++) { if (game.entities[i] == null) { continue; } if (i == game.LocalPlayerId) { continue; } if (game.entities[i].drawModel == null) { continue; } Entity p_ = game.entities[i]; if (p_.networkPosition == null) { continue; } if (!p_.networkPosition.PositionLoaded) { continue; } if (!p_.usable) { continue; } float feetposX = p_.position.x; float feetposY = p_.position.y; float feetposZ = p_.position.z; float dist = game.Dist(feetposX, feetposY, feetposZ, game.player.position.x, game.player.position.y, game.player.position.z); if (dist > 5) { continue; } //var p = PlayerPositionSpawn; Box3D bodybox = new Box3D(); float h = p_.drawModel.ModelHeight; float r = one * 35 / 100; bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); float[] p; float localeyeposX = game.EyesPosX(); float localeyeposY = game.EyesPosY(); float localeyeposZ = game.EyesPosZ(); p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, bodybox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { game.SelectedEntityId = i; if (game.cameratype == CameraType.Fpp || game.cameratype == CameraType.Tpp) { game.currentlyAttackedEntity = i; } } } } }
public List <Intersection> GetIntersections(Vector2 antLocation, Vector2 antDirection) { float ant_y = antLocation.y; float ant_x = antLocation.x; GV.directionQuadrants dquad = GV.directionQuadrants.q1; if (antDirection.y >= ant_y && antDirection.x >= ant_x) { dquad = GV.directionQuadrants.q1; } else if (antDirection.y >= ant_y && antDirection.x < ant_x) { dquad = GV.directionQuadrants.q2; } else if (antDirection.y < ant_y && antDirection.x < ant_x) { dquad = GV.directionQuadrants.q3; } else if (antDirection.y < ant_y && antDirection.x >= ant_x) { dquad = GV.directionQuadrants.q4; } List <PheromoneNode> relevantNodes = new List <PheromoneNode>(); List <PheromoneTrail> relevantTrails = new List <PheromoneTrail>(); List <PheromoneTrail> crossingTrails = new List <PheromoneTrail>(); List <Intersection> intersectionPoints = new List <Intersection>(); if ((antDirection.x - ant_x) != 0) { float slope = (antDirection.y - ant_y) / (antDirection.x - ant_x); float y_intercept = ant_y - slope * ant_x; switch (dquad) { case GV.directionQuadrants.q1: foreach (PheromoneNode node in pheromoneNodes) { if (node.transform.position.y >= ant_y && node.transform.position.x >= ant_x) { relevantNodes.Add(node); } } break; case GV.directionQuadrants.q2: foreach (PheromoneNode node in pheromoneNodes) { if (node.transform.position.y >= ant_y && node.transform.position.x < ant_x) { relevantNodes.Add(node); } } break; case GV.directionQuadrants.q3: foreach (PheromoneNode node in pheromoneNodes) { if (node.transform.position.y < ant_y && node.transform.position.x < ant_x) { relevantNodes.Add(node); } } break; case GV.directionQuadrants.q4: foreach (PheromoneNode node in pheromoneNodes) { if (node.transform.position.y < ant_y && node.transform.position.x >= ant_x) { relevantNodes.Add(node); } } break; default: break; } foreach (PheromoneTrail trail in pheromoneTrails) { if (trail.pHome == null || trail.pAway == null) { continue; } if (relevantNodes.Contains(trail.pHome) || relevantNodes.Contains(trail.pAway)) { relevantTrails.Add(trail); } } foreach (PheromoneTrail trail in relevantTrails) { if (trail.pHome == null || trail.pAway == null) { continue; } if ((trail.pHome.transform.position.y >= (slope * trail.pHome.transform.position.x) + y_intercept && trail.pAway.transform.position.y <= (slope * trail.pAway.transform.position.x) + y_intercept) || (trail.pHome.transform.position.y <= (slope * trail.pHome.transform.position.x) + y_intercept && trail.pAway.transform.position.y >= (slope * trail.pAway.transform.position.x) + y_intercept)) { crossingTrails.Add(trail); } } foreach (PheromoneTrail trail in pheromoneTrails) { if (trail.pHome == null || trail.pAway == null) { continue; } float pHome_y = trail.pHome.transform.position.y; float pHome_x = trail.pHome.transform.position.x; float pAway_y = trail.pAway.transform.position.y; float pAway_x = trail.pAway.transform.position.x; if ((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q1 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q3) && (((pHome_y >= ant_y && pHome_x <= ant_x) && (pAway_y <= ant_y && pAway_x >= ant_x)) || ((pHome_y <= ant_y && pHome_x >= ant_x) && (pAway_y >= ant_y && pAway_x <= ant_x)))) { crossingTrails.Add(trail); } if ((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q2 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q4) && (((pHome_y >= ant_y && pHome_x >= ant_x) && (pAway_y <= ant_y && pAway_x <= ant_x)) || ((pHome_y <= ant_y && pHome_x <= ant_x) && (pAway_y >= ant_y && pAway_x >= ant_x)))) { crossingTrails.Add(trail); } } foreach (PheromoneTrail trail in crossingTrails) { if (trail.pHome == null || trail.pAway == null) { continue; } Intersection intersectPoint = new Intersection(, trail); float pHome_y = trail.pHome.transform.position.y; float pHome_x = trail.pHome.transform.position.x; float pAway_y = trail.pAway.transform.position.y; float pAway_x = trail.pAway.transform.position.x; float trailSlope; float trailIntercept; if (pHome_x > pAway_x) { trailSlope = (pHome_y - pAway_y) / (pHome_x - pAway_x); } else { trailSlope = (pAway_y - pHome_y) / (pAway_x - pHome_x); } trailIntercept = pHome_y - (trailSlope * pHome_x); intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.x = (trailIntercept - y_intercept) / (slope - trailSlope); intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.y = slope * intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.x + y_intercept; if (((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q1 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q4) && (intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.x > ant_x)) || ((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q2 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q3) && (intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.x < ant_x))) { intersectionPoints.Add(intersectPoint); } } } else { foreach (PheromoneTrail trail in relevantTrails) { if (trail.pHome == null || trail.pAway == null) { continue; } if ((trail.pHome.transform.position.x >= ant_x && trail.pAway.transform.position.x <= ant_x) || (trail.pHome.transform.position.x <= ant_x && trail.pAway.transform.position.x >= ant_x)) { crossingTrails.Add(trail); } } foreach (PheromoneTrail trail in pheromoneTrails) { if (trail.pHome == null || trail.pAway == null) { continue; } float pHome_y = trail.pHome.transform.position.y; float pHome_x = trail.pHome.transform.position.x; float pAway_y = trail.pAway.transform.position.y; float pAway_x = trail.pAway.transform.position.x; if ((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q1 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q3) && (((pHome_y >= ant_y && pHome_x <= ant_x) && (pAway_y <= ant_y && pAway_x >= ant_x)) || ((pHome_y <= ant_y && pHome_x >= ant_x) && (pAway_y >= ant_y && pAway_x <= ant_x)))) { crossingTrails.Add(trail); } if ((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q2 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q4) && (((pHome_y >= ant_y && pHome_x >= ant_x) && (pAway_y <= ant_y && pAway_x <= ant_x)) || ((pHome_y <= ant_y && pHome_x <= ant_x) && (pAway_y >= ant_y && pAway_x >= ant_x)))) { crossingTrails.Add(trail); } } foreach (PheromoneTrail trail in crossingTrails) { if (trail.pHome == null || trail.pAway == null) { continue; } Intersection intersectPoint = new Intersection(, trail); float pHome_y = trail.pHome.transform.position.y; float pHome_x = trail.pHome.transform.position.x; float pAway_y = trail.pAway.transform.position.y; float pAway_x = trail.pAway.transform.position.x; float trailSlope; float trailIntercept; if (pHome_x > pAway_x) { trailSlope = (pHome_y - pAway_y) / (pHome_x - pAway_x); } else { trailSlope = (pAway_y - pHome_y) / (pAway_x - pHome_x); } trailIntercept = pHome_y - (trailSlope * pHome_x); intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.x = ant_x; intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.y = trailSlope * ant_x + trailIntercept; if (((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q1 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q4) && (intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.x > ant_x)) || ((dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q2 || dquad == GV.directionQuadrants.q3) && (intersectPoint._intersectionPoint.x < ant_x))) { intersectionPoints.Add(intersectPoint); } } } return(intersectionPoints); }
public override RtVector LocalNormalAt(RtPoint point, Intersection hit) { return(new RtVector(point.X, point.Y, point.Z)); }
public bool GetIntersection(ref BoundingSphere sphere, ref Vector3 velocityNormal, int polyIndex, out OCTreeIntersection intersection) { var flag = false; intersection = new OCTreeIntersection(); var plane = Planes[polyIndex]; if (plane.DotNormal(velocityNormal) < 0f) { if (plane.DotCoordinate(sphere.Center) < 0f) { return(false); } if (plane.Intersects(sphere) != PlaneIntersectionType.Intersecting) { return(false); } var a = Vertices[Indices[polyIndex * 3]]; var b = Vertices[Indices[(polyIndex * 3) + 1]]; var c = Vertices[Indices[(polyIndex * 3) + 2]]; var p = Intersection.ClosestPointOnPlane(sphere.Center, plane); if (Intersection.PointInTriangle(p, a, b, c)) { intersection.IntersectionPoint = p; intersection.IntersectionNormal = plane.Normal; intersection.IntersectionDepth = sphere.Radius - Vector3.Distance(p, sphere.Center); intersection.Node = this; intersection.PolygonIndex = polyIndex; intersection.IntersectType = OCTreeIntersectionType.Inside; flag = true; } else { float num; Vector3 vector5; if (sphere.Contains(a) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { intersection.IntersectionPoint = a; intersection.IntersectionNormal = Vector3.Normalize(sphere.Center - a); intersection.IntersectionDepth = sphere.Radius - Vector3.Distance(a, sphere.Center); intersection.Node = this; intersection.PolygonIndex = polyIndex; intersection.IntersectType = OCTreeIntersectionType.Point; return(true); } if (sphere.Contains(b) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { intersection.IntersectionPoint = b; intersection.IntersectionNormal = Vector3.Normalize(sphere.Center - b); intersection.IntersectionDepth = sphere.Radius - Vector3.Distance(b, sphere.Center); intersection.Node = this; intersection.PolygonIndex = polyIndex; intersection.IntersectType = OCTreeIntersectionType.Point; return(true); } if (sphere.Contains(c) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { intersection.IntersectionPoint = c; intersection.IntersectionNormal = Vector3.Normalize(sphere.Center - c); intersection.IntersectionDepth = sphere.Radius - Vector3.Distance(c, sphere.Center); intersection.Node = this; intersection.PolygonIndex = polyIndex; intersection.IntersectType = OCTreeIntersectionType.Point; return(true); } Intersection.ClosestPointOnSegment(sphere.Center, a, b, out num, out vector5); if (sphere.Contains(vector5) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { intersection.IntersectionPoint = vector5; intersection.IntersectionNormal = Vector3.Normalize(sphere.Center - vector5); intersection.IntersectionDepth = sphere.Radius - Vector3.Distance(vector5, sphere.Center); intersection.IntersectType = OCTreeIntersectionType.Edge; intersection.Node = this; intersection.PolygonIndex = polyIndex; return(true); } Intersection.ClosestPointOnSegment(sphere.Center, b, c, out num, out vector5); if (sphere.Contains(vector5) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { intersection.IntersectionPoint = vector5; intersection.IntersectionNormal = Vector3.Normalize(sphere.Center - vector5); intersection.IntersectionDepth = sphere.Radius - Vector3.Distance(vector5, sphere.Center); intersection.IntersectType = OCTreeIntersectionType.Edge; intersection.Node = this; intersection.PolygonIndex = polyIndex; flag = true; } else { Intersection.ClosestPointOnSegment(sphere.Center, c, a, out num, out vector5); if (sphere.Contains(vector5) != ContainmentType.Disjoint) { intersection.IntersectionPoint = vector5; intersection.IntersectionNormal = Vector3.Normalize(sphere.Center - vector5); intersection.IntersectionDepth = sphere.Radius - Vector3.Distance(vector5, sphere.Center); intersection.IntersectType = OCTreeIntersectionType.Edge; intersection.Node = this; intersection.PolygonIndex = polyIndex; flag = true; } } } } return(flag); }
public bool HasNoNeighbors(Intersection intersection) { return(GetAdjacentEdges(intersection). SelectMany(edge => GetAdjacentIntersections(edge)). All(inter => inter.Equals(intersection) || GetPiece(inter) == null)); }
public async Task TestMethod1() { Func <int, bool> accountFilter = accountId => accountId.ToString().StartsWith("45"); //Load SBC invoices var fromSBC = (await Tools.LoadSBCInvoices(accountFilter)).Select(o => new SBCVariant { AccountId = o.AccountId, Amount = o.Amount, CompanyName = o.Supplier, DateRegistered = NodaTime.LocalDate.FromDateTime(o.RegisteredDate), DateFinalized = o.PaymentDate.HasValue ? NodaTime.LocalDate.FromDateTime(o.PaymentDate.Value) : (NodaTime.LocalDate?)null, Source = o, }).ToList(); //Load SIE vouchers List <TransactionMatched> fromSIE; { var files = Enumerable.Range(2010, 10).Select(o => $"output_{o}.se"); var sieDir = Tools.GetOutputFolder("SIE"); var roots = await SBCExtensions.ReadSIEFiles(files.Select(file => Path.Combine(sieDir, file))); var allVouchers = roots.SelectMany(o => o.Children).OfType <VoucherRecord>(); var matchResult = MatchSLRResult.MatchSLRVouchers(allVouchers, VoucherRecord.DefaultIgnoreVoucherTypes); fromSIE = TransactionMatched.FromVoucherMatches(matchResult, TransactionMatched.RequiredAccountIds).Where(o => accountFilter(o.AccountId)).ToList(); } var sbcByName = fromSBC.GroupBy(o => o.CompanyName).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList()); var sieByName = fromSIE.GroupBy(o => o.CompanyName).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList()); //Create name lookup (can be truncated in one source but not the other): Dictionary <string, string> nameLookup; { var(Intersection, OnlyInA, OnlyInB) = IntersectInfo(sbcByName.Keys, sieByName.Keys); nameLookup = Intersection.ToDictionary(o => o, o => o); AddLookups(OnlyInA, OnlyInB); AddLookups(OnlyInB, OnlyInA); void AddLookups(List <string> enumA, List <string> enumB) { for (int i = enumA.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var itemA = enumA[i]; var itemB = enumB.FirstOrDefault(o => o.StartsWith(itemA)); if (itemB != null) { enumB.Remove(itemB); enumA.Remove(itemA); nameLookup.Add(itemB, itemA); nameLookup.Add(itemA, itemB); } } } //Non-matched: intersectInfo.OnlyInA and intersectInfo.OnlyInB } var matches = new List <(TransactionMatched, SBCVariant)>(); foreach (var(sieName, sieList) in sieByName) { if (nameLookup.ContainsKey(sieName)) { var inSbc = sbcByName[nameLookup[sieName]].GroupBy(o => o.Amount).ToDictionary(o => o.Key, o => o.ToList()); //Multiple passes of the following until no more matches while (true) { var newMatches = new List <(TransactionMatched, SBCVariant)>(); for (int sieIndex = sieList.Count - 1; sieIndex >= 0; sieIndex--) { var item = sieList[sieIndex]; if (inSbc.TryGetValue(item.Amount, out var sbcSameAmount)) { var sbcSameAmountAccount = sbcSameAmount.Where(o => o.AccountId == item.AccountId); //Find those with same register date (could be many) //If multiple or none, take those with closest payment date. //Remove match from inSbc so it can't be matched again var found = new List <SBCVariant>(); if (item.DateRegistered is NodaTime.LocalDate dateRegistered) { found = sbcSameAmountAccount.Where(o => (dateRegistered - item.DateRegistered.Value).Days <= 1).ToList(); } else { found = sbcSameAmountAccount.Where(o => (o.DateFinalized.HasValue && item.DateFinalized.HasValue) && (o.DateFinalized.Value - item.DateFinalized.Value).Days <= 1).ToList(); } if (found.Count > 1) { var orderByDateDiff = found .Where(o => (o.DateFinalized.HasValue && item.DateFinalized.HasValue)) .Select(o => new { #pragma warning disable CS8629 // Nullable value type may be null. Diff = Math.Abs((o.DateFinalized.Value - item.DateFinalized.Value).Days), #pragma warning restore CS8629 // Nullable value type may be null. Object = o }) .OrderBy(o => o.Diff); var minDiff = orderByDateDiff.First().Diff; if (orderByDateDiff.Count(o => o.Diff == minDiff) == 1) { found = orderByDateDiff.Take(1).Select(o => o.Object).ToList(); } } if (found.Count == 1) { newMatches.Add((item, found.Single())); sieList.RemoveAt(sieIndex); sbcSameAmount.Remove(found.First()); } } } if (!newMatches.Any()) { break; } matches.AddRange(newMatches); } } } var nonmatchedSBC = sbcByName.Values.SelectMany(o => o).Except(matches.Select(o => o.Item2)); //Remove cancelled-out pairs (same everything but opposite amount): var cancelling = nonmatchedSBC.GroupBy(o => $"{o.CompanyName} {Math.Abs(o.Amount)} {o.DateRegistered?.ToSimpleDateString()} {o.DateFinalized?.ToSimpleDateString()}") .Where(o => o.Count() == 2 && o.Sum(o => o.Amount) == 0).SelectMany(o => o); nonmatchedSBC = nonmatchedSBC.Except(cancelling); var nonmatched = nonmatchedSBC.Concat(sieByName.Values.SelectMany(o => o).Except(matches.Select(o => o.Item1))); var all = matches.Select(o => o.Item1).Concat(nonmatched); var sss = string.Join("\n", all .OrderBy(o => o.CompanyName).ThenBy(o => o.DateRegistered) .Select(o => $"{o.CompanyName}\t{o.Amount}\t{o.AccountId}\t{o.DateRegistered?.ToSimpleDateString()}\t{o.DateFinalized?.ToSimpleDateString()}\t{(nonmatched.Contains(o) ? "X" : "")}\t{((o is SBCVariant) ? "SBC" : "")}") ); }
public override Intersection Intersect(Ray r) { // Determine if there is an intersection, and find out where. float A = Vector3.Dot(r.D, r.D); float B = 2f * Vector3.Dot(r.D, r.O - O); float C = Vector3.Dot(r.O - O, r.O - O) - R * R; float discr = B * B - 4f * A * C; if (discr < 0) { return(null); // negative discriminant, miss } float rootDiscr = (float)Math.Sqrt(discr); float q; if (B < 0) { q = -0.5f * (B - rootDiscr); } else { q = -0.5f * (B + rootDiscr); } float t0 = q / A; float t1 = C / q; if (t0 > t1) { Swap(ref t0, ref t1); } if (t0 < 0) { return(null); // behind us, miss } // We need the point of intersection (x,y,z), and // the normal of the geometry at the point of intersection. // We also add the shape itself to reference the material data. var result = new Intersection { O = r.PointAt(t0), Shape = this, Normal = Vector3.Normalize(r.PointAt(t0) - O), T = t0 // Distance from the camera to the point of intersection // on the object. }; // Calculate UV coordinates for texture mapping. Transforms spherical // coordinates to UV coordinates between [0,1]^2. var phit = r.PointAt(t0) - O; if (phit.X == 0f && phit.Y == 0f) { phit.X = 1e-5f * R; } float phi = (float)Math.Atan2(phit.Y, phit.X); if (phi < 0f) { phi += 2f * (float)Math.PI; } float u = phi / PhiMax; float theta = (float)Math.Acos(Math.Clamp(phit.Z / R, -1f, 1f)); float v = (theta - ThetaMin) / (ThetaMax - ThetaMin); result.UV = new Vector2(u, v); return(result); }
public void SetIntersection(Intersection intersection) { RoadIntersection = intersection; }
public override Tuple NormalAtLocal(Tuple objectPoint, Intersection hit = null) { var objectNormal = Helper.CreateVector(objectPoint.X, objectPoint.Y, objectPoint.Z); return(objectNormal); }
///<summary> ///Take care of the instructions that the car will take ///Se encarga de las direcciones que va a tomar el coche ///</summary> void OnMouseDown() { //Si esta baldosa tiene la flecha activada entonces permitimos que se pulse en ella bool arrowActive = false; GameObject arrow = this.gameObject.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject; if (arrow.activeInHierarchy) { arrowActive = true; } //No se permite pulsar una flecha si está el mapa abierto if (!car.mapOpened && arrowActive && !car.isMoving()) { string tagPosition = null; Intersection inter = transform.parent.gameObject.GetComponent <Intersection>(); inter.HideArrows(); car.ResumeCar(); //El coche ya no está en una interseción. car.intersection = false; switch (car.dir()) { case CarMove.Direction.NE: switch (name) { case "NW": tagPosition = "L"; break; case "NE": tagPosition = "S"; break; case "SE": tagPosition = "R"; break; } break; case CarMove.Direction.SE: switch (name) { case "SW": tagPosition = "R"; break; case "SE": tagPosition = "S"; break; case "NE": tagPosition = "L"; break; } break; case CarMove.Direction.SW: switch (name) { case "SE": tagPosition = "L"; break; case "SW": tagPosition = "S"; break; case "NW": tagPosition = "R"; break; } break; default: switch (name) { case "SW": tagPosition = "L"; break; case "NW": tagPosition = "S"; break; case "NE": tagPosition = "R"; break; } break; } inter.ChangeTag(tagPosition, car.dir()); } }
public abstract BSDF GetBSDF(ref Intersection intersection);
protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { try { //Input Surface S = s; //if (!DA.GetData(0, ref S)) { return; } DA.GetData(0, ref S); Point3d P = Point3d.Unset; if (!DA.GetData(1, ref P)) { P = S.PointAt(S.Domain(0).Mid, S.Domain(1).Mid); } double R = Rhino.RhinoMath.UnsetValue; if (!DA.GetData(2, ref R)) { return; } double A = Rhino.RhinoMath.UnsetValue; if (!DA.GetData(3, ref A)) { return; } int max = 0; if (!DA.GetData(4, ref max)) { return; } Boolean extend = false; if (!DA.GetData(5, ref extend)) { return; } if (R <= 0) { this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Mesh edge length must be a positive, non-zero number."); return; } Mesh cutter = new Mesh(); //DA.GetData(8, ref cutter); Surface Sold = S; Sold.SetDomain(0, new Interval(0, 1)); Sold.SetDomain(1, new Interval(0, 1)); PointCloud cornerPoints = new PointCloud(new Point3d[] { Sold.PointAt(0, 0), Sold.PointAt(0, 1), Sold.PointAt(1, 0), Sold.PointAt(1, 1) }); if (extend) //Extend more and trim edges? { S = S.Extend(IsoStatus.North, R * 2, true); S = S.Extend(IsoStatus.East, R * 2, true); S = S.Extend(IsoStatus.South, R * 2, true); S = S.Extend(IsoStatus.West, R * 2, true); } //int L = 0; //int W = 0; //DA.GetData(6, ref L); //DA.GetData(7, ref W); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Solution // starting point double u0, v0; S.ClosestPoint(P, out u0, out v0); //Create plane on surface by point and surface normal, plane x,y axis are directions for the net Plane plane = new Plane(S.PointAt(u0, v0), S.NormalAt(u0, v0)); plane.Rotate(Rhino.RhinoMath.ToRadians(A), S.NormalAt(u0, v0)); Vector3d[] dir = new Vector3d[] { plane.XAxis *R, plane.YAxis *R, plane.XAxis * -R, plane.YAxis * -R }; //Surface Curve[] MyNakedEdges = Sold.ToBrep().DuplicateNakedEdgeCurves(true, false); Curve SurfaceNakedEdge = Curve.JoinCurves(MyNakedEdges)[0]; Mesh[] meshes = new Mesh[] { new Mesh(), new Mesh(), new Mesh(), new Mesh() }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Create axis // for each direction, walk out (and store list of points) double u, v; List <Point3d>[] axis = new List <Point3d> [4]; List <Arc>[] arcs = new List <Arc> [4]; polylines = new List <Polyline>(); for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { // set u and v to starting point u = u0; v = v0; List <Point3d> pts = new List <Point3d>(); List <Arc> arcCurrent = new List <Arc>(); for (int j = 0; j < max + 1; j++) { Point3d pt = S.PointAt(u, v); // get point and normal for uv pts.Add(pt); Vector3d srfNormal = S.NormalAt(u, v) * R; Arc arc = new Arc(pt + srfNormal, pt + dir[i], pt - srfNormal); // create forward facing arc and find intersection point with surface (as uv) arcCurrent.Add(arc); CurveIntersections isct = Intersection.CurveSurface(arc.ToNurbsCurve(), S, 0.01, 0.01); if (isct.Count > 0) { isct[0].SurfacePointParameter(out u, out v); } else { break; } // adjust direction vector (new position - old position) dir[i] = S.PointAt(u, v) - pt; } axis[i] = pts; arcs[i] = arcCurrent; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Build up the mesh quads in between Rhino.RhinoApp.ClearCommandHistoryWindow(); GH_PreviewUtil preview = new GH_PreviewUtil(GetValue("Animate", false)); Mesh mesh = new Mesh(); // target mesh Mesh[] fourMeshes = new Mesh[4]; List <int>[] faceID = new List <int>[] { new List <int>(), new List <int>(), new List <int>(), new List <int>() }; //columns lengths List <List <Polyline> >[] strips = new List <List <Polyline> >[] { new List <List <Polyline> >(), new List <List <Polyline> >(), new List <List <Polyline> >(), new List <List <Polyline> >() }; //columns lengths //List<Polyline> cuts = new List<Polyline>(); for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) //Loop through each axis { Mesh qmesh = new Mesh(); // local mesh for quadrant Point3d[,] quad = new Point3d[axis[k].Count + 10, axis[(k + 1) % 4].Count + 10]; // 2d array of points int[,] qindex = new int[axis[k].Count + 10, axis[(k + 1) % 4].Count + 10]; // 2d array of points' indices in local mesh int count = 0; //Add 2nd axis particles for (int i = 0; i < axis[(k + 1) % 4].Count; i++) { quad[0, i] = axis[(k + 1) % 4][i]; //store 2nd axis points in point array qmesh.Vertices.Add(axis[(k + 1) % 4][i]); //also add 2nd axis points to mesh qindex[0, i] = count++; //store indicies } for (int i = 1; i < quad.GetLength(0); i++) { if (i < axis[k].Count) // add axis vertex { quad[i, 0] = axis[k][i]; //store 1st axis points in point array qmesh.Vertices.Add(axis[k][i]); //also add 1st axis points to mesh qindex[i, 0] = count++; //store indicies } int counter = 0; List <Polyline> currentStrip = new List <Polyline>(); // for each column attempt to locate a new vertex in the grid for (int j = 1; j < quad.GetLength(1); j++) { // if quad[i - 1, j] doesn't exist, try to add it and continue (or else break the current row) if (quad[i - 1, j] == new Point3d()) { if (j < 2) { break; } CurveIntersections isct = this.ArcIntersect(S, quad[i - 1, j - 1], quad[i - 1, j - 2], R); if (isct.Count > 0) { quad[i - 1, j] = isct[0].PointB; qmesh.Vertices.Add(quad[i - 1, j]); qindex[i - 1, j] = count++; } else { break; } } // if quad[i, j - 1] doesn't exist, try to create quad[i, j] by projection and skip mesh face creation if (quad[i, j - 1] == new Point3d()) { if (i < 2) { break; } CurveIntersections isct = this.ArcIntersect(S, quad[i - 1, j], quad[i - 2, j], R); if (isct.Count > 0) { quad[i, j] = isct[0].PointB; qmesh.Vertices.Add(quad[i, j]); qindex[i, j] = count++; continue; } } // construct a sphere at each neighbouring vertex ([i,j-1] and [i-1,j]) and intersect Sphere sph1 = new Sphere(quad[i, j - 1], R); Sphere sph2 = new Sphere(quad[i - 1, j], R); Circle cir; if (Intersection.SphereSphere(sph1, sph2, out cir) == SphereSphereIntersection.Circle) { CurveIntersections cin = Intersection.CurveSurface(NurbsCurve.CreateFromCircle(cir), S, 0.01, 0.01);// intersect circle with surface // attempt to find the new vertex (i.e not [i-1,j-1]) foreach (IntersectionEvent ie in cin) { if ((ie.PointA - quad[i - 1, j - 1]).Length > 0.2 * R) // compare with a tolerance, rather than exact comparison { quad[i, j] = ie.PointA; qmesh.Vertices.Add(quad[i, j]); qindex[i, j] = count++; Point3d[] facePt = new Point3d[] { quad[i, j], quad[i - 1, j], quad[i - 1, j - 1], quad[i, j - 1] }; Sold.ClosestPoint(quad[i, j], out double u1, out double v1); Sold.ClosestPoint(quad[i - 1, j], out double u2, out double v2); Sold.ClosestPoint(quad[i - 1, j - 1], out double u3, out double v3); Sold.ClosestPoint(quad[i, j - 1], out double u4, out double v4); double tolerance = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance * 10; bool[] flag = new bool[] { Sold.PointAt(u1, v1).DistanceTo(quad[i, j]) < tolerance, Sold.PointAt(u2, v2).DistanceTo(quad[i - 1, j]) < tolerance, Sold.PointAt(u3, v3).DistanceTo(quad[i - 1, j - 1]) < tolerance, Sold.PointAt(u4, v4).DistanceTo(quad[i, j - 1]) < tolerance }; if (flag[0] && flag[1] && flag[2] && flag[3]) { qmesh.Faces.AddFace(qindex[i, j], qindex[i - 1, j], qindex[i - 1, j - 1], qindex[i, j - 1]);// create quad-face currentStrip.Add(new Polyline() { quad[i, j], quad[i - 1, j], quad[i - 1, j - 1], quad[i, j - 1], quad[i, j] }); counter++; } else if (flag[0] || flag[1] || flag[2] || flag[3]) { Polyline temp = new Polyline() { quad[i, j], quad[i - 1, j], quad[i - 1, j - 1], quad[i, j - 1] }; Polyline trimmedTemp = new Polyline(); //temp = new Polyline() { quad[i, j], quad[i - 1, j], quad[i - 1, j - 1], quad[i, j - 1], quad[i, j] }; double t = R * 0.1; HashSet <int> intersectedSurfaceEdgeId = new HashSet <int>(); for (int l = 0; l < 4; l++) { //If point is ons surface Sold.ClosestPoint(temp[l], out double cpu, out double cpv); if (Sold.PointAt(cpu, cpv).DistanceTo(temp[l]) < Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.ModelAbsoluteTolerance) { trimmedTemp.Add(temp[l]); } //Intersect line segment with closed brep Line faceSegment = new Line(temp[l], temp[MathUtil.Wrap(l + 1, 4)]); Point3d[] meshLinePts = Intersection.MeshLine(cutter, faceSegment, out int[] faceIds); if (meshLinePts.Length > 0) { trimmedTemp.Add(meshLinePts[0]); } } trimmedTemp.Close(); //cuts.Add(trimmedTemp); } break; } } if (preview.Enabled) { preview.Clear(); preview.AddMesh(mesh); preview.AddMesh(qmesh); preview.Redraw(); } } //if sphere intersection } //for j if (currentStrip.Count > 0) { strips[k].Add(currentStrip); } }//for i mesh.Append(qmesh);// add local mesh to target fourMeshes[k] = qmesh; }//for k //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// //Output mesh.Weld(Math.PI); mesh.Compact(); mesh.Normals.ComputeNormals(); DA.SetData(0, mesh); DA.SetDataTree(1, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE2(axis, 0)); this.PreparePreview(mesh, DA.Iteration, null, true, null, mesh.GetEdges()); //DA.SetDataList(2, cuts); //DA.SetDataTree(3, NGonsCore.GrasshopperUtil.IE4(patches.ToList(), 0)); //DA.SetDataList(4, fourMeshes); //DA.SetDataTree(5, GrasshopperUtil.IE3(strips, 0)); preview.Clear(); }catch (Exception e) { GrasshopperUtil.Debug(e); } }
//public override bool FindIntersection(Ray ray, out Intersection intersect) { // intersect = new Intersection(); // /* orientation of the ray with respect to the triangle's normal, // also used to calculate output parameters*/ // float det = -(ray.Direction * this.normalNonNormalized); // /* the non-culling branch */ // /* if determinant is near zero, ray is parallel to the plane of triangle */ // if ( det.NearZero()) { // return false; // } // /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex1 */ // Vector3D vect0 = this.vertex1 - ray.Origin; // /* normal vector used to calculate u and v parameters */ // Vector3D nvect = ray.Direction ^ vect0; // float inv_det = 1.0f / det; // /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex2*/ // Vector3D vect1 = this.vertex2 - ray.Origin; // /* calculate v parameter and test bounds */ // float v = -(vect1 * nvect) * inv_det; // if (v < 0.0f || v > 1.0f) { // return false; // } // /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex3*/ // vect1 = this.vertex3 - ray.Origin; // /* calculate v parameter and test bounds */ // float u = (vect1 * nvect) * inv_det; // if (u < 0.0f || u + v > 1.0f) { // return false; // } // const double epsilon = 2E-2; // float alpha = 1.0f - (u + v); // if (this.Wireframed && (!u.NearZero(epsilon) && !v.NearZero(epsilon) && !alpha.NearZero(epsilon))) // { // return false; // } // /* calculate t, ray intersects triangle */ // float t = -(vect0 * this.normalNonNormalized) * inv_det; // //if (t < 100) // // return false; // // return 1; // if (t >= MathUtil.Epsilon) // { // intersect.Normal = this.normal; // intersect.TMin = t; // intersect.HitPoint = ray.Origin + (t * ray.Direction); // this.CurrentBarycentricCoordinate = new BarycentricCoordinate(alpha, u, v); // intersect.HitPrimitive = this; // if (this.material != null && this.material.IsTexturized) { // //int widthTex = this.material.Texture.Width - 1; // //int heightTex = this.material.Texture.Height - 1; // //this.material.Color = this.material.Texture.GetPixel((int)(u * widthTex), (int)(v * heightTex)); // intersect.CurrentTextureCoordinate.U = u; // intersect.CurrentTextureCoordinate.V = v; // } // return true; // } // return false; //} #endregion public override bool FindIntersection(Ray ray, out Intersection intersect) { intersect = new Intersection(); float u, v; /* begin calculating determinant - also used to calculate U parameter */ Vector3D pvec = ray.Direction ^ this.edge2; /* if determinant is near zero, ray lies in plane of triangle */ float det = this.edge1 * pvec; /* calculate distance from vert0 to ray origin */ Vector3D tvec = ray.Origin - this.vertex1; float inv_det = 1.0f / det; Vector3D qvec = tvec ^ this.edge1; if (det > MathUtil.Epsilon) { u = (tvec * pvec); if (u < 0.0 || u > det) { return(false); } /* calculate V parameter and test bounds */ v = (ray.Direction * qvec); if (v < 0.0 || u + v > det) { return(false); } } else if (det < -MathUtil.Epsilon) { /* calculate U parameter and test bounds */ u = (tvec * pvec); if (u > 0.0 || u < det) { return(false); } /* calculate V parameter and test bounds */ v = (ray.Direction * qvec); if (v > 0.0 || u + v < det) { return(false); } } else { return(false); /* ray is parallell to the plane of the triangle */ } u *= inv_det; v *= inv_det; float alpha = 1.0f - (u + v); const double epsilon = 2.5E-2; if (this.Wireframed && (!u.NearZero(epsilon) && !v.NearZero(epsilon) && !alpha.NearZero(epsilon))) { return(false); } intersect.Normal = this.normal; intersect.TMin = (edge2 * qvec) * inv_det; if (intersect.TMin >= MathUtil.Epsilon) { intersect.HitPoint = ray.Origin + (intersect.TMin * ray.Direction); this.CurrentBarycentricCoordinate = new BarycentricCoordinate(alpha, u, v); intersect.HitPrimitive = this; if (this.material != null && this.material.IsTexturized) { int widthTex = this.material.Texture.Width - 1; int heightTex = this.material.Texture.Height - 1; this.material.DiffuseColor = this.material.Texture.GetPixel((int)(u * widthTex), (int)(v * heightTex)); intersect.CurrentTextureCoordinate.U = u; intersect.CurrentTextureCoordinate.V = v; } return(true); } return(false); }
public abstract bool TryIntersect(Ray ray, ref Intersection intersection);
/// <summary> /// 判断碰撞盒是否可通行 /// </summary> /// <param name="polygon"></param> /// <param name="character"></param> /// <param name="isPlayerStep">判定玩家的行走</param> /// <returns></returns> public bool isPassable(Intersection.Polygon polygon, GameCharacterBase character) { if (character.through) { return(true); } // 检测图块通行 foreach (Intersection.Polygon mapCollider in this.mapInfo.passageColliders) { if (Intersection.polygonPolygon(mapCollider, polygon)) { return(false); } } // 检测事件通行 character.lastHit.Clear(); foreach (GameEvent e in { Intersection.Polygon eventCollider = e.currCollider(); if (e.through == false && Intersection.polygonPolygon(eventCollider, polygon)) { if (character != null && character != e && !e.erased && !character.lastHit.Contains(e)) { character.lastHit.Add(e); } if (character.GetType() == typeof(GameEvent)) { GameEvent eChar = (GameEvent)character; if (!e.erased && !e.through && e.priorityType == GameCharacterBase.PRIORITIES.SAME && e.isPageActive() && character != e && !eChar.erased && !eChar.through && eChar.priorityType == GameCharacterBase.PRIORITIES.SAME) { return(false); } } else { if (!e.erased && !e.through && e.priorityType == GameCharacterBase.PRIORITIES.SAME && e.isPageActive() && character != e) { return(false); } } } } // 检查事件碰到主角 if (character.GetType() == typeof(GameEvent)) { Intersection.Polygon playerCollider = GameTemp.gamePlayer.currCollider(); GameEvent e = (GameEvent)character; if (e.through == false && Intersection.polygonPolygon(playerCollider, polygon)) { if (e != null && !e.erased && !e.lastHit.Contains(GameTemp.gamePlayer)) { e.lastHit.Add(GameTemp.gamePlayer); if (!GameTemp.gamePlayer.lastHit.Contains(e)) { GameTemp.gamePlayer.lastHit.Add(e); // 给玩家碰撞数据加上本事件 } } if (!e.erased && !e.through && e.isPageActive() && e.priorityType == GameCharacterBase.PRIORITIES.SAME) { return(false); } } } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Retruns a Collction of Tiles inside a Cone based on the Range Specified /// </summary> /// <param name="grid"></param> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="callback"></param> public static void FindConeRange(this Tilemap grid, ConeRangeRequest request, System.Action <RangeResult> callback) { List <Tile> coneTiles = new List <Tile>(); List <ushort> distances = new List <ushort>(); Intersection originIntersection = grid.GetNearestIntersection(request.origin, GetConeOriginDirection(request.origin, request.position)); short rangeInTiles = (short)(request.range / 5); int iCap = 0, jCap = 0; int jStartIndex = 0, jEndIndex = 0; int iOrigin = 0, jOrigin = 0; short iModifier = 0; //Get from a GridUtility called GetConeDirection Direction direction = GetConeDirection(request.origin, request.position); switch (direction) { case Direction.North: iOrigin = originIntersection.y; jOrigin = originIntersection.x; iCap = grid.Rows + 1; jCap = grid.Columns + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin - rangeInTiles; jEndIndex = jOrigin + rangeInTiles; iModifier = 1; break; case Direction.East: iOrigin = originIntersection.x; jOrigin = originIntersection.y; iCap = grid.Columns + 1; jCap = grid.Rows + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin - rangeInTiles; jEndIndex = jOrigin + rangeInTiles; iModifier = 1; break; case Direction.South: iOrigin = originIntersection.y; jOrigin = originIntersection.x; iCap = grid.Rows + 1; jCap = grid.Columns + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin - rangeInTiles; jEndIndex = jOrigin + rangeInTiles; iModifier = -1; break; case Direction.West: iOrigin = originIntersection.x; jOrigin = originIntersection.y; iCap = grid.Columns + 1; jCap = grid.Rows + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin - rangeInTiles; jEndIndex = jOrigin + rangeInTiles; iModifier = -1; break; case Direction.NorthWest: iOrigin = originIntersection.y; jOrigin = originIntersection.x; iCap = grid.Rows + 1; jCap = grid.Columns + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin - rangeInTiles; jEndIndex = jOrigin; iModifier = 1; break; case Direction.NorthEast: iOrigin = originIntersection.y; jOrigin = originIntersection.x; iCap = grid.Columns + 1; jCap = grid.Rows + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin; jEndIndex = jOrigin + rangeInTiles + 1; iModifier = 1; break; case Direction.SouthEast: iOrigin = originIntersection.y; jOrigin = originIntersection.x; iCap = grid.Rows + 1; jCap = grid.Columns + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin; jEndIndex = jOrigin + rangeInTiles + 1; iModifier = -1; break; case Direction.SouthWest: iOrigin = originIntersection.y; jOrigin = originIntersection.x; iCap = grid.Columns + 1; jCap = grid.Rows + 1; jStartIndex = jOrigin - rangeInTiles; jEndIndex = jOrigin; iModifier = -1; break; } for (int i = iOrigin + iModifier, iterations = 0, distanceFromOrigin = 1; iterations < rangeInTiles + 1; iterations++, i += iModifier, distanceFromOrigin++) { for (int j = jStartIndex; j < jEndIndex; j++) { if (j >= 0 && i >= 0 && j < jCap && i < iCap) { Intersection currentIntersection = grid.Intersections[j, i]; Intersection referenceIntersection = grid.Intersections[jOrigin, i]; bool insideCone = false; switch (direction) { case Direction.North: currentIntersection = grid.Intersections[j, i]; referenceIntersection = grid.Intersections[jOrigin, i]; insideCone = GridUtility.GetDistanceBetweenIntersections(currentIntersection, referenceIntersection) <= (distanceFromOrigin * TemporaryConstants.AdjacentDistance); break; case Direction.East: currentIntersection = grid.Intersections[i, j]; referenceIntersection = grid.Intersections[i, jOrigin]; insideCone = GridUtility.GetDistanceBetweenIntersections(currentIntersection, referenceIntersection) <= (distanceFromOrigin * TemporaryConstants.AdjacentDistance); break; case Direction.South: currentIntersection = grid.Intersections[j, i]; referenceIntersection = grid.Intersections[jOrigin, i]; insideCone = GridUtility.GetDistanceBetweenIntersections(currentIntersection, referenceIntersection) <= (distanceFromOrigin * TemporaryConstants.AdjacentDistance); break; case Direction.West: currentIntersection = grid.Intersections[i, j]; referenceIntersection = grid.Intersections[i, jOrigin]; insideCone = GridUtility.GetDistanceBetweenIntersections(currentIntersection, referenceIntersection) <= (distanceFromOrigin * TemporaryConstants.AdjacentDistance); break; default: currentIntersection = grid.Intersections[j, i]; referenceIntersection = grid.Intersections[jOrigin, i]; insideCone = true; break; } if (GridUtility.GetDistanceBetweenIntersections(originIntersection, currentIntersection) <= request.range && insideCone) { coneTiles.Add(grid.GetEncompassedTile(currentIntersection, originIntersection)); distances.Add((ushort)GridUtility.GetDistanceBetweenIntersections(originIntersection, currentIntersection)); } } } } ConeRange = coneTiles; callback(new ConeRangeResult(coneTiles.ToArray(), distances.ToArray(), request.callback)); }
public void addIntersection(Intersection intersection) { linkedIntersections.Add(; }
//From public bool FindIntersection(Ray ray, out Intersection intersect) { intersect = new Intersection(); Vector3D vect0, vect1, nvect; float det, inv_det; vect0 = this.Vertex2.Position - this.Vertex1.Position; vect1 = this.Vertex3.Position - this.Vertex1.Position; Vector3D normalNonNormalized = vect0 ^ vect1; /* orientation of the ray with respect to the triangle's normal, * also used to calculate output parameters*/ det = -(ray.Direction * normalNonNormalized); #if TEST_CULL /* define TEST_CULL if culling is desired */ if (det < MathUtil.Epsilon) { return(false); } /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex1 */ vect0 = this.Vertex1.Position - ray.Origin; /* vector used to calculate u and v parameters */ nvect = ray.Direction ^ vect0; /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex2*/ vect1 = this.Vertex2.Position - ray.Origin; /* calculate unnormalized v parameter and test bounds */ float v = -(vect1 * nvect); if (v < 0.0 || v > det) { return(false); } /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex3*/ vect1 = this.Vertex3.Position - ray.Origin; /* calculate unnormalized v parameter and test bounds */ float u = vect1 * nvect; if (u < 0.0 || u + v > det) { return(false); } /* calculate unormalized t parameter */ float t = -(vect0 * normalNonNormalized); inv_det = 1.0f / det; /* calculate u v t, ray intersects triangle */ u = u * inv_det; v = v * inv_det; t = t * inv_det; #else /* the non-culling branch */ /* if determinant is near zero, ray is parallel to the plane of triangle */ if (det.NearZero()) { return(false); } /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex1 */ vect0 = this.Vertex1.Position - ray.Origin; /* normal vector used to calculate u and v parameters */ nvect = ray.Direction ^ vect0; inv_det = 1.0f / det; /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex2*/ vect1 = this.Vertex2.Position - ray.Origin; /* calculate v parameter and test bounds */ float v = -(vect1 * nvect) * inv_det; if (v < 0.0f || v > 1.0f) { return(false); } /* calculate vector from ray origin to this.vertex3*/ vect1 = this.Vertex3.Position - ray.Origin; /* calculate v parameter and test bounds */ float u = (vect1 * nvect) * inv_det; if (u < 0.0f || u + v > 1.0f) { return(false); } /* calculate t, ray intersects triangle */ float t = -(vect0 * normalNonNormalized) * inv_det; #endif //if (t < 100) // return false; // return 1; //if (t < 100) //FIXME: the correct is t < 0, but dont work, why? tell me you! =P //{ // return false; //} if (t >= 0) { intersect.TMin = t; intersect.Normal = Vector3D.Normal(this.Vertex1.Position, this.Vertex2.Position, this.Vertex3.Position); intersect.HitPoint = ray.Origin + (t * ray.Direction); this.CurrentBarycentricCoordinate = new BarycentricCoordinate(1.0f - (u + v), u, v); intersect.HitPrimitive = this; return(true); } return(false); }
public Piece GetPiece(Intersection intersection) { return(settlements.ContainsKey(intersection) ? settlements[intersection] : null); }
public void AddIntersection(Intersection intersection) { Intersections.Add(intersection); }
public abstract Spectrum Li(Scene scene, RayDifferential ray, Sample sample, Random rng, ref Intersection intersection, out Spectrum t);
IEnumerator ProceduralLocal() { msg.Stop(Job.StartProcedural); msg.Start(Job.ProceduralPreparation); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; this.transform.position = TilePosition - new Vector3((float)TileManager.TileWidth * (float)TileManager.Scaling / 2f, 0f, (float)TileManager.TileWidth * (float)TileManager.Scaling / 2f); terrain = this.gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <Terrain>(); tC = this.gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <TerrainCollider>(); Building.Clear(); Intersection.Clear(); Street.Clear(); Water.Clear(); River.Clear(); Bridge.Clear(); unusedWays.Clear(); streets.Clear(); streetPolygons.Clear(); msg.Stop(Job.ProceduralPreparation); #region LOD0 if (lOD == 0) { Console.AddMessage("Procedural lod 0"); Debug.Log("Procedural lod 0"); #region terrain TerrainData terrainData = new TerrainData(); //HeightMap terrainData.heightmapResolution = 257; float[,] heights = new float[257, 257]; for (int x = 0; x < heights.GetLength(0); x++) { for (int y = 0; y < heights.GetLength(1); y++) { heights[x, y] = 1f; } } terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, heights); terrainData.size = new Vector3((float)TileManager.TileWidth * (float)TileManager.Scaling, 10f, (float)TileManager.TileWidth * (float)TileManager.Scaling); ////SplatPrototypes //SplatPrototype[] splatPrototypes = new SplatPrototype[1]; //splatPrototypes[0] = new SplatPrototype(); ////splatPrototypes[0].texture = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Textures/White1px"); //splatPrototypes[0].texture = (Texture2D)Resources.Load("Textures/Terrain/Grass (Hill)"); //terrainData.splatPrototypes = splatPrototypes; terrain.terrainData = terrainData; tC.terrainData = terrainData; #endregion terrain #region mesh TileMesh.Clear(); Vertex[] tileQuadVertices = new Vertex[4]; tileQuadVertices[0] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); tileQuadVertices[1] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); tileQuadVertices[2] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); tileQuadVertices[3] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); new Quad(tileQuadVertices, TileMesh, MaterialManager.GetMaterial("diffuseBrown")); TileMesh.FillMeshDivideMaterialsKeepMeshStructure(transform, true); #endregion Debug.Log("Procedural lod 0 - Done"); } #endregion #region LOD5 if (lOD == 5) { msg.Start(Job.CreateTerrain); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; #region terrain if (terrain.terrainData == null) { terrain.terrainData = new TerrainData(); } //HeightMap terrain.terrainData.heightmapResolution = 257; terrain.terrainData.alphamapResolution = 257; float height = 0f; terrain.terrainData.SetHeights(0, 0, SRTMHeightProvider.GetInterpolatedTerrain(this.Query.BoundingBox, out height)); terrain.terrainData.size = new Vector3((float)TileManager.TileWidth * (float)TileManager.Scaling, height, (float)TileManager.TileWidth * (float)TileManager.Scaling); tC.terrainData = terrain.terrainData; msg.Stop(Job.CreateTerrain); #endregion terrain #region mesh msg.Start(Job.MeshPreparation); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; TileMesh.Clear(); if (BackgroundMesh != null) { BackgroundMesh.Clear(); } else { BackgroundMesh = new ModularMesh(TileMesh, "BackgroundMesh"); } if (BuildingMesh != null) { BuildingMesh.Clear(); } else { BuildingMesh = new ModularMesh(TileMesh, "BuildingMesh"); } if (StreetMesh != null) { StreetMesh.Clear(); } else { StreetMesh = new ModularMesh(TileMesh, "StreetMesh"); } if (OtherMesh != null) { OtherMesh.Clear(); } else { OtherMesh = new ModularMesh(TileMesh, "OtherMesh"); } msg.Stop(Job.MeshPreparation); msg.Start(Job.TileQuad); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; Vertex[] tileQuadVertices = new Vertex[4]; tileQuadVertices[0] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); tileQuadVertices[1] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); tileQuadVertices[2] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); tileQuadVertices[3] = new Vertex(new Vector3((float)(TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d), 0f, (float)(-TileManager.TileWidth * TileManager.Scaling / 2d)) + TilePosition); new Quad(tileQuadVertices, BackgroundMesh, MaterialManager.GetMaterial("diffuseBlack")); msg.Stop(Job.TileQuad); yield return(null); msg.Start(Job.River); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; //Create Domain Objects ///Relations foreach (KeyValuePair <long, OSMRelation> kV in Query.OSM.relations) { OSMRelation relation = kV.Value; River.TryCreateFromOSM(relation, this); yield return(null); } msg.Stop(Job.River); msg.Start(Job.Ways); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; ///Ways foreach (KeyValuePair <long, OSMWay> kV in Query.OSM.ways) { OSMWay way = kV.Value; if (!way.FirstInBounds(Query.BoundingBox, Query.OSM)) { continue; } if (!Building.TryCreateFromOSM(way, this)) { if (!Intersection.TryCreateFromOSM(way, this)) { if (!Water.TryCreateFromOSM(way, this)) { } } } yield return(null); } msg.Stop(Job.Ways); //Nodes!? //foreach (KeyValuePair<long, OSMNode> kV in Query.OSM.nodes) //{ // OSMNode node = kV.Value; // TrafficSignal.TryCreateFromOSM(node, this); //} //Debug.Log("CreateStreets"); ////Create Streets (and Bridges) //Street.CreateStreets(this); //CreateTheMeshes //Debug.Log("CreateAllMeshes StreetMesh"); //Street.CreateAllMeshes(StreetMesh); //Debug.Log("CreateAllMeshes StreetMesh Bridge"); //Bridge.CreateAllMeshes(StreetMesh); //Debug.Log("CreateAllMeshes StreetMesh Intersection"); //Intersection.CreateAllMeshes(StreetMesh); //Debug.Log("CreateAllMeshes StreetMesh Street"); //Street.CreateAllMeshes(StreetMesh); // A second time, cause Intersections change streetproperties msg.Start(Job.CreateBuildingMesh); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; Building.CreateAllMeshes(BuildingMesh); msg.Stop(Job.CreateBuildingMesh); //Debug.Log("CreateAllMeshes Water"); //Water.CreateAllMeshes(OtherMesh); //Debug.Log("CreateAllMeshes TrafficSignal"); //TrafficSignal.CreateAllMeshes(OtherMesh); //StreetPolygon currentStreetPolygon; //bool hasLeftPolygon = false; //bool hasRightPolygon = false; //for (int i = 0; i < streets.Count; i++) //{ // for (int j = 0; j < streetPolygons.Count; j++) // { // hasLeftPolygon = streetPolygons[j].IsLefthandPolygonOf(streets[i]); // hasRightPolygon = streetPolygons[j].IsRighthandPolygonOf(streets[i]); // } // if (!hasLeftPolygon) // { // if (StreetPolygon.GetLefthandStreetPolygon(streets[i], out currentStreetPolygon)) // streetPolygons.Add(currentStreetPolygon); // } // if (!hasRightPolygon) // { // if (StreetPolygon.GetRighthandStreetPolygon(streets[i], out currentStreetPolygon)) // streetPolygons.Add(currentStreetPolygon); // } // hasLeftPolygon = false; // hasRightPolygon = false; //} //for (int i = 0; i < streetPolygons.Count; i++) //{ // streetPolygons[i].Triangulate(StreetMesh , MaterialManager.GetMaterial("error")); //} msg.Start(Job.FillMeshDivideMaterials); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; TileMesh.FillMeshDivideMaterialsKeepMeshStructure(transform, true); msg.Stop(Job.FillMeshDivideMaterials); #endregion } #endregion msg.Start(Job.GarbageCollection); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; System.GC.Collect(); msg.Stop(Job.GarbageCollection); yield return(null); msg.Start(Job.ProceduralDone); SimpleClient.jobStatus[jobNumber] = msg; OnProceduralDoneLocal(); msg.Stop(Job.Worker); msg.Stop(); yield return(true); }
public override bool FindIntersection(Ray ray, out Intersection intersect) { intersect = new Intersection(); float maxFrontDist = float.MinValue; float minBackDist = float.MaxValue; HitPrimitive frontType = HitPrimitive.None, backType = HitPrimitive.None; // 0, 1, 2 = top, bottom, side // Start with the bounding planes float pdotn = (ray.Origin * this.centralAxis) - this.centerDotcentralAxis; float udotn = ray.Direction * this.centralAxis; if (pdotn > this.halfHeight) { if (udotn >= 0.0) { return(false); // Above top plane pointing up } // Hits top from above maxFrontDist = (this.halfHeight - pdotn) / udotn; frontType = HitPrimitive.TopPlane; minBackDist = -(this.halfHeight + pdotn) / udotn; backType = HitPrimitive.BottomPlane; } else if (pdotn < -this.halfHeight) { if (udotn <= 0.0) { return(false); // Below bottom, pointing down } // Hits bottom plane from below maxFrontDist = -(this.halfHeight + pdotn) / udotn; frontType = HitPrimitive.BottomPlane; minBackDist = (this.halfHeight - pdotn) / udotn; backType = HitPrimitive.TopPlane; } else if (udotn < 0.0) { // Inside, pointing down minBackDist = -(this.halfHeight + pdotn) / udotn; backType = HitPrimitive.BottomPlane; } else if (udotn > 0.0) { // Inside, pointing up minBackDist = (this.halfHeight - pdotn) / udotn; backType = HitPrimitive.TopPlane; } if (maxFrontDist < 0) { return(false); } // Now handle the cylinder sides Vector3D v = ray.Origin -; float pdotuA = v * this.axisA; float pdotuB = v * this.axisB; float udotuA = ray.Direction * this.axisA; float udotuB = ray.Direction * this.axisB; float C = pdotuA * pdotuA + pdotuB * pdotuB - 1.0f; float B = (pdotuA * udotuA + pdotuB * udotuB); if (C >= 0.0 && B > 0.0) { return(false); // Pointing away from the cylinder } B += B; // Double B for final 2.0 factor float A = udotuA * udotuA + udotuB * udotuB; float alpha1, alpha2; // The roots, in order int numRoots = EquationSolver.SolveQuadric(A, B, C, out alpha1, out alpha2); if (numRoots == 0) { return(false); // No intersection } if (alpha1 > maxFrontDist) { if (alpha1 > minBackDist) { return(false); } maxFrontDist = alpha1; frontType = HitPrimitive.Cylinder; } if (numRoots == 2 && alpha2 < minBackDist) { if (alpha2 < maxFrontDist) { return(false); } minBackDist = alpha2; backType = HitPrimitive.Cylinder; } // Put it all together: float alpha; HitPrimitive hitSurface; if (maxFrontDist > 0.0) { intersect.HitFromInSide = true; // Hit from outside alpha = maxFrontDist; hitSurface = frontType; } else { intersect.HitFromInSide = false; // Hit from inside alpha = minBackDist; hitSurface = backType; } if (alpha < 0.01) { return(false); } intersect.TMin = alpha; intersect.TMax = alpha2; // Set v to the intersection point intersect.HitPoint = ray.Origin + ray.Direction * alpha; intersect.HitPrimitive = this; // Now set v equal to returned position relative to the center v = intersect.HitPoint -; float vdotuA = v * this.axisA; float vdotuB = v * this.axisB; float uCoord = 0; float vCoord = 0; switch (hitSurface) { case HitPrimitive.TopPlane: // Top surface intersect.Normal =; // Calculate U-V values for texture coordinates uCoord = 0.5f * (1.0f - vdotuA); vCoord = 0.5f * (1.0f + vdotuB); break; case HitPrimitive.BottomPlane: // Bottom face intersect.Normal = this.bottom.Normal; // Calculate U-V values for texture coordinates uCoord = 0.5f * (1.0f + vdotuA); vCoord = 0.5f * (1.0f + vdotuB); break; case HitPrimitive.Cylinder: // Cylinder's side intersect.Normal = ((vdotuA * this.axisA) + (vdotuB * this.axisB)); intersect.Normal.Normalize(); // Calculate u-v coordinates for texture mapping (in range[0,1]x[0,1]) uCoord = (float)(Math.Atan2(vdotuB, vdotuA) / (Math.PI + Math.PI) + 0.5); vCoord = ((v * this.centralAxis) + this.halfHeight) * 1.0f / this.height; break; } if (this.material != null && this.material.IsTexturized) { //int widthTex = this.material.Texture.Width - 1; //int heightTex = this.material.Texture.Height - 1; //this.material.Color = this.material.Texture.GetPixel((int)(uCoord * widthTex), (int)(vCoord * heightTex)); intersect.CurrentTextureCoordinate.U = uCoord; intersect.CurrentTextureCoordinate.V = vCoord; } return(true); }
public static List <Curve> BestSplitterCurves(List <Brep> zones, List <Curve> circ, Curve core) { int numZones = zones.Count; int numCircCurves = circ.Count; List <Curve> splitterCurves = new List <Curve>(); for (int i = 0; i < numZones; i++) { int validCircCurves = 0; List <bool> intersects = new List <bool>(); List <double> intersectionInterval = new List <double>(); //RhinoApp.WriteLine("---"); for (int j = 0; j < numCircCurves; j++) { if (Confirm.CurveRegionIntersection(circ[j], zones[i]) && circ[j].Degree == 1) { //RhinoApp.WriteLine("Region intersection exists."); validCircCurves++; intersects.Add(true); CurveIntersections csx = Intersection.CurveSurface(circ[j], zones[i].Surfaces[0], 0.1, 0.1); //RhinoApp.WriteLine("--{0} csx event(s). (Overlap: {1})", csx.Count, csx[0].OverlapA.ToString()); intersectionInterval.Add(csx[0].OverlapA.T1 - csx[0].OverlapB.T0); } else { //RhinoApp.WriteLine("Region intersection does not exist."); intersects.Add(false); intersectionInterval.Add(0); } } if (validCircCurves == 0) { //RhinoApp.WriteLine("No circulation options."); Curve newSplitCurve = Select.GenerateSplitCurve(zones[i], core); splitterCurves.Add(newSplitCurve); } if (validCircCurves == 1) { //RhinoApp.WriteLine("Only one option."); splitterCurves.Add(circ[intersects.IndexOf(true)]); } else if (validCircCurves > 1) { //RhinoApp.WriteLine(validCircCurves.ToString() + " options."); splitterCurves.Add(circ[intersectionInterval.IndexOf(intersectionInterval.Max())]); } intersects.Clear(); intersectionInterval.Clear(); } return(splitterCurves); }
public IntersectionExitNode(int x, int y, Intersection intersection) : base(x, y) { this.intersection = intersection; }
bool IllegalSpace(Intersection _intersection) { return(_intersection.occupant != null); }
internal void NextBullet(Game game, int bulletsshot) { float one = 1; bool left = game.mouseLeft; bool middle = game.mouseMiddle; bool right = game.mouseRight; bool IsNextShot = bulletsshot != 0; if (!game.leftpressedpicking) { if (game.mouseleftclick) { game.leftpressedpicking = true; } else { left = false; } } else { if (game.mouseleftdeclick) { game.leftpressedpicking = false; left = false; } } if (!left) { game.currentAttackedBlock = null; } Packet_Item item = game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial]; bool ispistol = (item != null && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].IsPistol); bool ispistolshoot = ispistol && left; bool isgrenade = ispistol && game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].PistolType == Packet_PistolTypeEnum.Grenade; if (ispistol && isgrenade) { ispistolshoot = game.mouseleftdeclick; } //grenade cooking if (game.mouseleftclick) { game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); if (ispistol && isgrenade) { if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootCount > 0) { game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.Shoot[0])); } } } float wait = ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds)) / 1000); if (isgrenade && left) { if (wait >= game.grenadetime && isgrenade && game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds != 0) { ispistolshoot = true; game.mouseleftdeclick = true; } else { return; } } else { game.grenadecookingstartMilliseconds = 0; } if (ispistol && game.mouserightclick && (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds) >= 500) { game.IronSights = !game.IronSights; game.lastironsightschangeMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } IntRef pick2count = new IntRef(); Line3D pick = new Line3D(); GetPickingLine(game, pick, ispistolshoot); BlockPosSide[] pick2 = game.Pick(game.s, pick, pick2count); if (left) { game.handSetAttackDestroy = true; } else if (right) { game.handSetAttackBuild = true; } if (game.overheadcamera && pick2count.value > 0 && left) { //if not picked any object, and mouse button is pressed, then walk to destination. if (game.Follow == null) { //Only walk to destination when not following someone game.playerdestination = Vector3Ref.Create(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1] + 1, pick2[0].blockPos[2]); } } bool pickdistanceok = (pick2count.value > 0); //&& (!ispistol); if (pickdistanceok) { if (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[1] + one / 2, pick2[0].blockPos[2] + one / 2, pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2]) > CurrentPickDistance(game)) { pickdistanceok = false; } } bool playertileempty = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysics( game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2))); bool playertileemptyclose = game.IsTileEmptyForPhysicsClose( game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.x), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.z), game.platform.FloatToInt(game.player.position.y + (one / 2))); BlockPosSide pick0 = new BlockPosSide(); if (pick2count.value > 0 && ((pickdistanceok && (playertileempty || (playertileemptyclose))) || game.overheadcamera) ) { game.SelectedBlockPositionX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[0]); game.SelectedBlockPositionY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[1]); game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick2[0].Current()[2]); pick0 = pick2[0]; } else { game.SelectedBlockPositionX = -1; game.SelectedBlockPositionY = -1; game.SelectedBlockPositionZ = -1; pick0.blockPos = new float[3]; pick0.blockPos[0] = -1; pick0.blockPos[1] = -1; pick0.blockPos[2] = -1; } PickEntity(game, pick, pick2, pick2count); if (game.cameratype == CameraType.Fpp || game.cameratype == CameraType.Tpp) { int ntileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]); int ntileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]); int ntileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]); if (game.IsUsableBlock(, ntileZ, ntileY))) { game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(ntileX, ntileZ, ntileY); } } if (game.GetFreeMouse()) { if (pick2count.value > 0) { OnPick_(pick0); } return; } if ((one * (game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart() - lastbuildMilliseconds) / 1000) >= BuildDelay(game) || IsNextShot) { if (left && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] == null) { game.SendPacketClient(ClientPackets.MonsterHit(game.platform.FloatToInt(2 + game.rnd.NextFloat() * 4))); } if (left && !fastclicking) { //todo animation fastclicking = false; } if ((left || right || middle) && (!isgrenade)) { lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } if (isgrenade && game.mouseleftdeclick) { lastbuildMilliseconds = game.platform.TimeMillisecondsFromStart(); } if (game.reloadstartMilliseconds != 0) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (ispistolshoot) { if ((!(game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0)) || (!(game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] > 0))) { game.AudioPlay("Dry Fire"); PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } } if (ispistolshoot) { float toX = pick.End[0]; float toY = pick.End[1]; float toZ = pick.End[2]; if (pick2count.value > 0) { toX = pick2[0].blockPos[0]; toY = pick2[0].blockPos[1]; toZ = pick2[0].blockPos[2]; } Packet_ClientShot shot = new Packet_ClientShot(); shot.FromX = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[0]); shot.FromY = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[1]); shot.FromZ = game.SerializeFloat(pick.Start[2]); shot.ToX = game.SerializeFloat(toX); shot.ToY = game.SerializeFloat(toY); shot.ToZ = game.SerializeFloat(toZ); shot.HitPlayer = -1; for (int i = 0; i < game.entitiesCount; i++) { if (game.entities[i] == null) { continue; } if (game.entities[i].drawModel == null) { continue; } Entity p_ = game.entities[i]; if (p_.networkPosition == null) { continue; } if (!p_.networkPosition.PositionLoaded) { continue; } float feetposX = p_.position.x; float feetposY = p_.position.y; float feetposZ = p_.position.z; //var p = PlayerPositionSpawn; Box3D bodybox = new Box3D(); float headsize = (p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - p_.drawModel.eyeHeight) * 2; //0.4f; float h = p_.drawModel.ModelHeight - headsize; float r = one * 35 / 100; bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + 0, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); bodybox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); Box3D headbox = new Box3D(); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX - r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ - r); headbox.AddPoint(feetposX + r, feetposY + h + headsize, feetposZ + r); float[] p; float localeyeposX = game.EyesPosX(); float localeyeposY = game.EyesPosY(); float localeyeposZ = game.EyesPosZ(); p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, headbox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { if (!isgrenade) { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.positionX = p[0]; sprite.positionY = p[1]; sprite.positionZ = p[2]; sprite.image = "blood.png"; entity.sprite = sprite; entity.expires = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } shot.HitPlayer = i; shot.IsHitHead = 1; } } else { p = Intersection.CheckLineBoxExact(pick, bodybox); if (p != null) { //do not allow to shoot through terrain if (pick2count.value == 0 || (game.Dist(pick2[0].blockPos[0], pick2[0].blockPos[1], pick2[0].blockPos[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ) > game.Dist(p[0], p[1], p[2], localeyeposX, localeyeposY, localeyeposZ))) { if (!isgrenade) { Entity entity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.positionX = p[0]; sprite.positionY = p[1]; sprite.positionZ = p[2]; sprite.image = "blood.png"; entity.sprite = sprite; entity.expires = Expires.Create(one * 2 / 10); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } shot.HitPlayer = i; shot.IsHitHead = 0; } } } } shot.WeaponBlock = item.BlockId; game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] = game.LoadedAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1; game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] = game.TotalAmmo[item.BlockId] - 1; float projectilespeed = game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].ProjectileSpeedFloat); if (projectilespeed == 0) { { Entity entity = game.CreateBulletEntity( pick.Start[0], pick.Start[1], pick.Start[2], toX, toY, toZ, 150); game.EntityAddLocal(entity); } } else { float vX = toX - pick.Start[0]; float vY = toY - pick.Start[1]; float vZ = toZ - pick.Start[2]; float vLength = game.Length(vX, vY, vZ); vX /= vLength; vY /= vLength; vZ /= vLength; vX *= projectilespeed; vY *= projectilespeed; vZ *= projectilespeed; shot.ExplodesAfter = game.SerializeFloat(game.grenadetime - wait); { Entity grenadeEntity = new Entity(); Sprite sprite = new Sprite(); sprite.image = "ChemicalGreen.png"; sprite.size = 14; sprite.animationcount = 0; sprite.positionX = pick.Start[0]; sprite.positionY = pick.Start[1]; sprite.positionZ = pick.Start[2]; grenadeEntity.sprite = sprite; Grenade_ projectile = new Grenade_(); projectile.velocityX = vX; projectile.velocityY = vY; projectile.velocityZ = vZ; projectile.block = item.BlockId; projectile.sourcePlayer = game.LocalPlayerId; grenadeEntity.expires = Expires.Create(game.grenadetime - wait); grenadeEntity.grenade = projectile; game.EntityAddLocal(grenadeEntity); } } Packet_Client packet = new Packet_Client(); packet.Id = Packet_ClientIdEnum.Shot; packet.Shot = shot; game.SendPacketClient(packet); if (game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount > 0) { game.pistolcycle = game.rnd.Next() % game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEndCount; game.AudioPlay(game.platform.StringFormat("{0}.ogg", game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].Sounds.ShootEnd[game.pistolcycle])); } bulletsshot++; if (bulletsshot < game.DeserializeFloat(game.blocktypes[item.BlockId].BulletsPerShotFloat)) { NextBullet(game, bulletsshot); } //recoil game.player.position.rotx -= game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil(); game.player.position.roty += game.rnd.NextFloat() * game.CurrentRecoil() * 2 - game.CurrentRecoil(); PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (ispistol && right) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (pick2count.value > 0) { if (middle) { int newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[0]); int newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[1]); int newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(pick0.Current()[2]); if (, newtileZ, newtileY)) { int clonesource =, newtileZ, newtileY); int clonesource2 = game.d_Data.WhenPlayerPlacesGetsConvertedTo()[clonesource]; bool gotoDone = false; //find this block in another right hand. for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i] != null && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[i].BlockId == clonesource2) { game.ActiveMaterial = i; gotoDone = true; } } if (!gotoDone) { IntRef freehand = game.d_InventoryUtil.FreeHand(game.ActiveMaterial); //find this block in inventory. for (int i = 0; i < game.d_Inventory.ItemsCount; i++) { Packet_PositionItem k = game.d_Inventory.Items[i]; if (k == null) { continue; } if (k.Value_.ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block && k.Value_.BlockId == clonesource2) { //free hand if (freehand != null) { game.WearItem( game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y), game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(freehand.value)); break; } //try to replace current slot if (game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial] != null && game.d_Inventory.RightHand[game.ActiveMaterial].ItemClass == Packet_ItemClassEnum.Block) { game.MoveToInventory( game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(game.ActiveMaterial)); game.WearItem( game.InventoryPositionMainArea(k.X, k.Y), game.InventoryPositionMaterialSelector(game.ActiveMaterial)); } } } } string[] sound = game.d_Data.CloneSound()[clonesource]; if (sound != null) // && sound.Length > 0) { game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle } } } if (left || right) { BlockPosSide tile = pick0; int newtileX; int newtileY; int newtileZ; if (right) { newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[0]); newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[1]); newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Translated()[2]); } else { newtileX = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]); newtileY = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]); newtileZ = game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]); } if (, newtileZ, newtileY)) { //Console.WriteLine(". newtile:" + newtile + " type: " + d_Map.GetBlock(newtileX, newtileZ, newtileY)); if (!(pick0.blockPos[0] == -1 && pick0.blockPos[1] == -1 && pick0.blockPos[2] == -1)) { int blocktype; if (left) { blocktype =, newtileZ, newtileY); } else { blocktype = ((game.BlockInHand() == null) ? 1 : game.BlockInHand().value); } if (left && blocktype == game.d_Data.BlockIdAdminium()) { PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } string[] sound = left ? game.d_Data.BreakSound()[blocktype] : game.d_Data.BuildSound()[blocktype]; if (sound != null) // && sound.Length > 0) { game.AudioPlay(sound[0]); //todo sound cycle } } //normal attack if (!right) { //attack int posx = newtileX; int posy = newtileZ; int posz = newtileY; game.currentAttackedBlock = Vector3IntRef.Create(posx, posy, posz); if (!game.blockHealth.ContainsKey(posx, posy, posz)) { game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz)); } game.blockHealth.Set(posx, posy, posz, game.blockHealth.Get(posx, posy, posz) - game.WeaponAttackStrength()); float health = game.GetCurrentBlockHealth(posx, posy, posz); if (health <= 0) { if (game.currentAttackedBlock != null) { game.blockHealth.Remove(posx, posy, posz); } game.currentAttackedBlock = null; OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]), tile.collisionPos, right); } PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); return; } if (!right) { game.particleEffectBlockBreak.StartParticleEffect(newtileX, newtileY, newtileZ);//must be before deletion - gets ground type. } if (!, newtileZ, newtileY)) { game.platform.ThrowException(""); } OnPick(game, game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileX), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileZ), game.platform.FloatToInt(newtileY), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[0]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[2]), game.platform.FloatToInt(tile.Current()[1]), tile.collisionPos, right); //network.SendSetBlock(new Vector3((int)newtile.X, (int)newtile.Z, (int)newtile.Y), // right ? BlockSetMode.Create : BlockSetMode.Destroy, (byte)MaterialSlots[activematerial]); } } } } PickingEnd(left, right, middle, ispistol); }
public IntersectionExitNode(int x, int y, Intersection intersection, string name) : base(x, y, name) { this.intersection = intersection; }