コード例 #1
 public virtual void Annotate(Annotation annotation)
     if (annotation.ContainsKey(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation)))
         if (NThreads() != 1 || MaxTime() > 0)
             InterruptibleMulticoreWrapper <ICoreMap, ICoreMap> wrapper = BuildWrapper(annotation);
             foreach (ICoreMap sentence in annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation)))
                 bool success = false;
                 // We iterate twice for each sentence so that if we fail for
                 // a sentence once, we start a new queue and try again.
                 // If the sentence fails a second time we give up.
                 for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 2; ++attempt)
                         success = true;
                     catch (RejectedExecutionException)
                         // If we time out, for now, we just throw away all jobs which were running at the time.
                         // Note that in order for this to be useful, the underlying job needs to handle Thread.interrupted()
                         IList <ICoreMap> failedSentences = wrapper.JoinWithTimeout();
                         if (failedSentences != null)
                             foreach (ICoreMap failed in failedSentences)
                                 DoOneFailedSentence(annotation, failed);
                         // We don't wait for termination here, and perhaps this
                         // is a mistake.  If the processor used does not respect
                         // interruption, we could easily create many threads
                         // which are all doing useless work.  However, there is
                         // no clean way to interrupt the thread and then
                         // guarantee it finishes without running the risk of
                         // waiting forever for the thread to finish, which is
                         // exactly what we don't want with the timeout.
                         wrapper = BuildWrapper(annotation);
                 if (!success)
                     DoOneFailedSentence(annotation, sentence);
                 while (wrapper.Peek())
             IList <ICoreMap> failedSentences_1 = wrapper.JoinWithTimeout();
             while (wrapper.Peek())
             if (failedSentences_1 != null)
                 foreach (ICoreMap failed in failedSentences_1)
                     DoOneFailedSentence(annotation, failed);
             foreach (ICoreMap sentence in annotation.Get(typeof(CoreAnnotations.SentencesAnnotation)))
                 if (Thread.Interrupted())
                     throw new RuntimeInterruptedException();
                 DoOneSentence(annotation, sentence);
         throw new Exception("unable to find sentences in: " + annotation);