コード例 #1
 private static int LookupAuthenticationPackage(SafeLsaHandle lsaHandle, string packageName)
         int packageId;
         byte[] asciiPackageName = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(packageName);
         fixed (byte* pAsciiPackageName = &asciiPackageName[0])
             LSA_STRING lsaPackageName = new LSA_STRING((IntPtr)pAsciiPackageName, checked((ushort)(asciiPackageName.Length)));
             int ntStatus = Interop.SspiCli.LsaLookupAuthenticationPackage(lsaHandle, ref lsaPackageName, out packageId);
             if (ntStatus < 0) // non-negative numbers indicate success
                 throw GetExceptionFromNtStatus(ntStatus);
         return packageId;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the WindowsIdentity class for the user represented by the specified User Principal Name (UPN).
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Unlike the desktop version, we connect to Lsa only as an untrusted caller. We do not attempt to exploit Tcb privilege or adjust the current
        /// thread privilege to include Tcb.
        /// </remarks>
        public WindowsIdentity(string sUserPrincipalName)
            : base(null, null, null, ClaimTypes.Name, ClaimTypes.GroupSid)
            // Desktop compat: See comments below for why we don't validate sUserPrincipalName.

            using (SafeLsaHandle lsaHandle = ConnectToLsa())
                int packageId = LookupAuthenticationPackage(lsaHandle, Interop.SspiCli.AuthenticationPackageNames.MICROSOFT_KERBEROS_NAME_A);

                // 8 byte or less name that indicates the source of the access token. This choice of name is visible to callers through the native GetTokenInformation() api
                // so we'll use the same name the CLR used even though we're not actually the "CLR."
                byte[] sourceName = { (byte)'C', (byte)'L', (byte)'R', (byte)0 };

                TOKEN_SOURCE sourceContext;
                if (!Interop.Advapi32.AllocateLocallyUniqueId(out sourceContext.SourceIdentifier))
                    throw new SecurityException(new Win32Exception().Message);
                sourceContext.SourceName = new byte[TOKEN_SOURCE.TOKEN_SOURCE_LENGTH];
                Buffer.BlockCopy(sourceName, 0, sourceContext.SourceName, 0, sourceName.Length);

                // Desktop compat: Desktop never null-checks sUserPrincipalName. Actual behavior is that the null makes it down to Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes() which then throws
                // the ArgumentNullException (provided that the prior LSA calls didn't fail first.) To make this compat decision explicit, we'll null check ourselves
                // and simulate the exception from Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes().
                if (sUserPrincipalName == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("s");

                byte[] upnBytes = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(sUserPrincipalName);
                if (upnBytes.Length > ushort.MaxValue)
                    // Desktop compat: LSA only allocates 16 bits to hold the UPN size. We should throw an exception here but unfortunately, the desktop did an unchecked cast to ushort,
                    // effectively truncating upnBytes to the first (N % 64K) bytes. We'll simulate the same behavior here (albeit in a way that makes it look less accidental.)
                    Array.Resize(ref upnBytes, upnBytes.Length & ushort.MaxValue);
                    // Build the KERB_S4U_LOGON structure.  Note that the LSA expects this entire
                    // structure to be contained within the same block of memory, so we need to allocate
                    // enough room for both the structure itself and the UPN string in a single buffer
                    // and do the marshalling into this buffer by hand.
                    int authenticationInfoLength = checked (sizeof(KERB_S4U_LOGON) + upnBytes.Length);
                    using (SafeLocalAllocHandle authenticationInfo = Interop.Kernel32.LocalAlloc(0, new UIntPtr(checked ((uint)authenticationInfoLength))))
                        if (authenticationInfo.IsInvalid)
                            throw new OutOfMemoryException();

                        KERB_S4U_LOGON *pKerbS4uLogin = (KERB_S4U_LOGON *)(authenticationInfo.DangerousGetHandle());
                        pKerbS4uLogin->MessageType = KERB_LOGON_SUBMIT_TYPE.KerbS4ULogon;
                        pKerbS4uLogin->Flags       = KerbS4uLogonFlags.None;

                        pKerbS4uLogin->ClientUpn.Length = pKerbS4uLogin->ClientUpn.MaximumLength = checked ((ushort)upnBytes.Length);

                        IntPtr pUpnOffset = (IntPtr)(pKerbS4uLogin + 1);
                        pKerbS4uLogin->ClientUpn.Buffer = pUpnOffset;
                        Marshal.Copy(upnBytes, 0, pKerbS4uLogin->ClientUpn.Buffer, upnBytes.Length);

                        pKerbS4uLogin->ClientRealm.Length = pKerbS4uLogin->ClientRealm.MaximumLength = 0;
                        pKerbS4uLogin->ClientRealm.Buffer = IntPtr.Zero;

                        ushort sourceNameLength = checked ((ushort)(sourceName.Length));
                        using (SafeLocalAllocHandle sourceNameBuffer = Interop.Kernel32.LocalAlloc(0, new UIntPtr(sourceNameLength)))
                            if (sourceNameBuffer.IsInvalid)
                                throw new OutOfMemoryException();

                            Marshal.Copy(sourceName, 0, sourceNameBuffer.DangerousGetHandle(), sourceName.Length);
                            LSA_STRING lsaOriginName = new LSA_STRING(sourceNameBuffer.DangerousGetHandle(), sourceNameLength);

                            SafeLsaReturnBufferHandle profileBuffer;
                            int  profileBufferLength;
                            LUID logonId;
                            SafeAccessTokenHandle accessTokenHandle;
                            QUOTA_LIMITS          quota;
                            int subStatus;
                            int ntStatus = Interop.SspiCli.LsaLogonUser(
                                ref lsaOriginName,
                                ref sourceContext,
                                out profileBuffer,
                                out profileBufferLength,
                                out logonId,
                                out accessTokenHandle,
                                out quota,
                                out subStatus);

                            if (ntStatus == unchecked ((int)Interop.StatusOptions.STATUS_ACCOUNT_RESTRICTION) && subStatus < 0)
                                ntStatus = subStatus;
                            if (ntStatus < 0) // non-negative numbers indicate success
                                throw GetExceptionFromNtStatus(ntStatus);
                            if (subStatus < 0) // non-negative numbers indicate success
                                throw GetExceptionFromNtStatus(subStatus);

                            if (profileBuffer != null)

                            _safeTokenHandle = accessTokenHandle;