コード例 #1
        internal Configuration(string locationSubPath, Type typeConfigHost, params object[] hostInitConfigurationParams)
            _typeConfigHost = typeConfigHost;
            _hostInitConfigurationParams = hostInitConfigurationParams;

            _configRoot = new InternalConfigRoot(this);

            IInternalConfigHost configHost = (IInternalConfigHost)TypeUtil.CreateInstanceWithReflectionPermission(typeConfigHost);

            // Wrap the host with the UpdateConfigHost to support SaveAs.
            IInternalConfigHost updateConfigHost = new UpdateConfigHost(configHost);

            ((IInternalConfigRoot)_configRoot).Init(updateConfigHost, true);

            // Set the configuration paths for this Configuration.
            // We do this in a separate step so that the WebConfigurationHost
            // can use this object's _configRoot to get the <sites> section,
            // which is used in it's MapPath implementation.
            string configPath, locationConfigPath;

            configHost.InitForConfiguration(ref locationSubPath, out configPath, out locationConfigPath, _configRoot, hostInitConfigurationParams);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationSubPath) && !updateConfigHost.SupportsLocation)
                throw ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError("Configuration::ctor");

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationSubPath) != String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationConfigPath))
                throw ExceptionUtil.UnexpectedError("Configuration::ctor");

            // Get the configuration record for this config file.
            _configRecord = (MgmtConfigurationRecord)_configRoot.GetConfigRecord(configPath);

            // Create another MgmtConfigurationRecord for the location that is a child of the above record.
            // Note that this does not match the resolution hiearchy that is used at runtime.
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(locationSubPath))
                _configRecord = MgmtConfigurationRecord.Create(
                    _configRoot, _configRecord, locationConfigPath, locationSubPath);

            // Throw if the config record we created contains global errors.