コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Each managed module linked into the final binary may have its own global tables for strings,
        /// statics, etc that need initializing. InitializeGlobalTables walks through the modules
        /// and offers each a chance to initialize its global tables.
        /// </summary>
        private static unsafe void InitializeGlobalTablesForModule(TypeManagerHandle typeManager, int moduleIndex)
            // Configure the module indirection cell with the newly created TypeManager. This allows EETypes to find
            // their interface dispatch map tables.
            int length;
            TypeManagerSlot *section = (TypeManagerSlot *)RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.TypeManagerIndirection, out length);

            section->TypeManager = typeManager;
            section->ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;

            // Initialize statics if any are present
            IntPtr staticsSection = RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.GCStaticRegion, out length);
            if (staticsSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);
                InitializeStatics(staticsSection, length);

            // Initialize frozen object segment with GC present
            IntPtr frozenObjectSection = RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.FrozenObjectRegion, out length);
            if (frozenObjectSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);
                InitializeFrozenObjectSegment(frozenObjectSection, length);
コード例 #2
ファイル: StartupCodeHelpers.cs プロジェクト: wtgodbe/corert
        /// <summary>
        /// Each managed module linked into the final binary may have its own global tables for strings,
        /// statics, etc that need initializing. InitializeGlobalTables walks through the modules
        /// and offers each a chance to initialize its global tables.
        /// </summary>
        private static unsafe void InitializeGlobalTablesForModule(IntPtr typeManager)
            // Configure the module indirection cell with the newly created TypeManager. This allows EETypes to find
            // their interface dispatch map tables.
            int     length;
            IntPtr *section = (IntPtr *)GetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.TypeManagerIndirection, out length);

            *section = typeManager;

            // Initialize statics if any are present
            IntPtr staticsSection = GetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.GCStaticRegion, out length);

            if (staticsSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);
                InitializeStatics(staticsSection, length);

            // Initialize frozen object segment with GC present
            IntPtr frozenObjectSection = GetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.FrozenObjectRegion, out length);

            if (frozenObjectSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);
                InitializeFrozenObjectSegment(frozenObjectSection, length);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Each managed module linked into the final binary may have its own global tables for strings,
        /// statics, etc that need initializing. InitializeGlobalTables walks through the modules
        /// and offers each a chance to initialize its global tables.
        /// </summary>
        private static unsafe void InitializeGlobalTablesForModule(IntPtr moduleManager)
            // Configure the module indirection cell with the newly created ModuleManager. This allows EETypes to find
            // their interface dispatch map tables.
            int     length;
            IntPtr *section = (IntPtr *)GetModuleSection(moduleManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.ModuleManagerIndirection, out length);

            *section = moduleManager;

            // Initialize strings if any are present
            IntPtr stringSection = GetModuleSection(moduleManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.StringTable, out length);

            if (stringSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);
                InitializeStringTable(stringSection, length);

            // Initialize statics if any are present
            IntPtr staticsSection = GetModuleSection(moduleManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.GCStaticRegion, out length);

            if (staticsSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);
                InitializeStatics(staticsSection, length);
コード例 #4
        private static string[] GetMainMethodArguments()
            // GetCommandLineArgs includes the executable name, Main() arguments do not.
            string[] args = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();

            Debug.Assert(args.Length > 0);

            string[] mainArgs = new string[args.Length - 1];
            Array.Copy(args, 1, mainArgs, 0, mainArgs.Length);

コード例 #5
ファイル: StartupCodeHelpers.cs プロジェクト: wtgodbe/corert
        private static unsafe void InitializeEagerClassConstructorsForModule(IntPtr typeManager)
            int length;

            // Run eager class constructors if any are present
            IntPtr eagerClassConstructorSection = GetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.EagerCctor, out length);

            if (eagerClassConstructorSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);
                RunEagerClassConstructors(eagerClassConstructorSection, length);
コード例 #6
        static unsafe partial void InitializeStringTable(IntPtr stringTableStart, int length)
            IntPtr stringTableEnd = (IntPtr)((byte *)stringTableStart + length);

            for (IntPtr *tab = (IntPtr *)stringTableStart; tab < (IntPtr *)stringTableEnd; tab++)
                byte *bytes = (byte *)*tab;
                int   len   = (int)NativePrimitiveDecoder.DecodeUnsigned(ref bytes);
                int   count = LowLevelUTF8Encoding.GetCharCount(bytes, len);
                Debug.Assert(count >= 0);

                string newStr = RuntimeImports.RhNewArrayAsString(EETypePtr.EETypePtrOf <string>(), count);
                fixed(char *dest = newStr)
                    int newCount = LowLevelUTF8Encoding.GetChars(bytes, len, dest, count);

                    Debug.Assert(newCount == count);

                GCHandle handle = GCHandle.Alloc(newStr);
                *        tab    = (IntPtr)handle;
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Each managed module linked into the final binary may have its own global tables for strings,
        /// statics, etc that need initializing. InitializeGlobalTables walks through the modules
        /// and offers each a chance to initialize its global tables.
        /// </summary>
        private static unsafe void InitializeGlobalTablesForModule(TypeManagerHandle typeManager, int moduleIndex, object[] gcStaticBaseSpines)
            // Configure the module indirection cell with the newly created TypeManager. This allows EETypes to find
            // their interface dispatch map tables.
            int length;
            TypeManagerSlot *section = (TypeManagerSlot *)RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.TypeManagerIndirection, out length);

            section->TypeManager = typeManager;
            section->ModuleIndex = moduleIndex;

            // Initialize statics if any are present
            IntPtr staticsSection = RuntimeImports.RhGetModuleSection(typeManager, ReadyToRunSectionType.GCStaticRegion, out length);

            if (staticsSection != IntPtr.Zero)
                Debug.Assert(length % IntPtr.Size == 0);

                object[] spine = InitializeStatics(staticsSection, length);

                // Call write barrier directly. Assigning object reference does a type check.
                Debug.Assert((uint)moduleIndex < (uint)gcStaticBaseSpines.Length);
                ref object rawSpineIndexData = ref Unsafe.As <byte, object>(ref Unsafe.As <RawArrayData>(gcStaticBaseSpines).Data);
                InternalCalls.RhpAssignRef(ref Unsafe.Add(ref rawSpineIndexData, moduleIndex), spine);
コード例 #8
ファイル: LowLevelUTF8Encoding.cs プロジェクト: wffy/corert
        // Note:  We throw exceptions on individually encoded surrogates and other non-shortest forms.
        //        If exceptions aren't turned on, then we drop all non-shortest &individual surrogates.
        // To simplify maintenance, the structure of GetCharCount and GetChars should be
        // kept the same as much as possible
        internal unsafe static int GetCharCount(byte *bytes, int count)
            Debug.Assert(count >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(bytes != null);

            // Initialize stuff
            byte *pSrc = bytes;
            byte *pEnd = pSrc + count;

            // Start by assuming we have as many as count, charCount always includes the adjustment
            // for the character being decoded
            int charCount = count;
            int ch        = 0;
            DecoderFallbackBuffer fallback = null;

            for (;;)
                // SLOWLOOP: does all range checks, handles all special cases, but it is slow

                if (pSrc >= pEnd)

                if (ch == 0)
                    // no pending bits
                    goto ReadChar;

                // read next byte. The JIT optimization seems to be getting confused when
                // compiling "ch = *pSrc++;", so rather use "ch = *pSrc; pSrc++;" instead
                int cha = *pSrc;

                // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                if ((cha & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                    // This can be a valid starting byte for another UTF8 byte sequence, so let's put
                    // the current byte back, and try to see if this is a valid byte for another UTF8 byte sequence
                    charCount += (ch >> 30);
                    goto InvalidByteSequence;

                // fold in the new byte
                ch = (ch << 6) | (cha & 0x3F);

                if ((ch & FinalByte) == 0)
                    Debug.Assert((ch & (SupplimentarySeq | ThreeByteSeq)) != 0);

                    if ((ch & SupplimentarySeq) != 0)
                        if ((ch & (FinalByte >> 6)) != 0)
                            // this is 3rd byte (of 4 byte supplimentary) - nothing to do

                        // 2nd byte, check for non-shortest form of supplimentary char and the valid
                        // supplimentary characters in range 0x010000 - 0x10FFFF at the same time
                        if (!InRange(ch & 0x1F0, 0x10, 0x100))
                            goto InvalidByteSequence;
                        // Must be 2nd byte of a 3-byte sequence
                        // check for non-shortest form of 3 byte seq
                        if ((ch & (0x1F << 5)) == 0 ||                 // non-shortest form
                            (ch & (0xF800 >> 6)) == (0xD800 >> 6))     // illegal individually encoded surrogate
                            goto InvalidByteSequence;

                // ready to punch

                // adjust for surrogates in non-shortest form
                if ((ch & (SupplimentarySeq | 0x1F0000)) == SupplimentarySeq)
                goto EncodeChar;

                // this code fragment should be close to the gotos referencing it
                // Have to do fallback for invalid bytes
                throw new UTF8DecodeException();
                // ch = 0;
                // continue;

                ch = *pSrc;
                if (ch > 0x7F)
                    // If its > 0x7F, its start of a new multi-byte sequence

                    // Long sequence, so unreserve our char.

                    // bit 6 has to be non-zero for start of multibyte chars.
                    if ((ch & 0x40) == 0)
                        // Unexpected trail byte
                        goto InvalidByteSequence;

                    // start a new long code
                    if ((ch & 0x20) != 0)
                        if ((ch & 0x10) != 0)
                            // 4 byte encoding - supplimentary character (2 surrogates)

                            ch &= 0x0F;

                            // check that bit 4 is zero and the valid supplimentary character
                            // range 0x000000 - 0x10FFFF at the same time
                            if (ch > 0x04)
                                ch |= 0xf0;
                                goto InvalidByteSequence;

                            // Add bit flags so that when we check new characters & rotate we'll be flagged correctly.
                            // Final byte flag, count fix if we don't make final byte & supplimentary sequence flag.
                            ch |= (FinalByte >> 3 * 6) | // Final byte is 3 more bytes from now
                                  (1 << 30) |            // If it dies on next byte we'll need an extra char
                                  (3 << (30 - 2 * 6)) |  // If it dies on last byte we'll need to subtract a char
                                  (SupplimentarySeq) | (SupplimentarySeq >> 6) |
                                  (SupplimentarySeq >> 2 * 6) | (SupplimentarySeq >> 3 * 6);

                            // Our character count will be 2 characters for these 4 bytes, so subtract another char
                            // 3 byte encoding
                            // Add bit flags so that when we check new characters & rotate we'll be flagged correctly.
                            ch = (ch & 0x0F) | ((FinalByte >> 2 * 6) | (1 << 30) |
                                                (ThreeByteSeq) | (ThreeByteSeq >> 6) | (ThreeByteSeq >> 2 * 6));

                            // We'll expect 1 character for these 3 bytes, so subtract another char.
                        // 2 byte encoding

                        ch &= 0x1F;

                        // check for non-shortest form
                        if (ch <= 1)
                            ch |= 0xc0;
                            goto InvalidByteSequence;

                        // Add bit flags so we'll be flagged correctly
                        ch |= (FinalByte >> 6);


                int availableBytes = PtrDiff(pEnd, pSrc);

                // don't fall into the fast decoding loop if we don't have enough bytes
                if (availableBytes <= 13)
                    // try to get over the remainder of the ascii characters fast though
                    byte *pLocalEnd = pEnd; // hint to get pLocalEnd enregistered
                    while (pSrc < pLocalEnd)
                        ch = *pSrc;

                        if (ch > 0x7F)
                            goto ProcessChar;
                    // we are done
                    ch = 0;

                // To compute the upper bound, assume that all characters are ASCII characters at this point,
                //  the boundary will be decreased for every non-ASCII character we encounter
                // Also, we need 7 chars reserve for the unrolled ansi decoding loop and for decoding of multibyte sequences
                byte *pStop = pSrc + availableBytes - 7;

                while (pSrc < pStop)
                    ch = *pSrc;

                    if (ch > 0x7F)
                        goto LongCode;

                    // get pSrc 2-byte aligned
                    if ((unchecked ((int)pSrc) & 0x1) != 0)
                        ch = *pSrc;
                        if (ch > 0x7F)
                            goto LongCode;

                    // get pSrc 4-byte aligned
                    if ((unchecked ((int)pSrc) & 0x2) != 0)
                        ch = *(ushort *)pSrc;
                        if ((ch & 0x8080) != 0)
                            goto LongCodeWithMask16;
                        pSrc += 2;

                    // Run 8 + 8 characters at a time!
                    while (pSrc < pStop)
                        ch = *(int *)pSrc;
                        int chb = *(int *)(pSrc + 4);
                        if (((ch | chb) & unchecked ((int)0x80808080)) != 0)
                            goto LongCodeWithMask32;
                        pSrc += 8;

                        // This is a really small loop - unroll it
                        if (pSrc >= pStop)

                        ch  = *(int *)pSrc;
                        chb = *(int *)(pSrc + 4);
                        if (((ch | chb) & unchecked ((int)0x80808080)) != 0)
                            goto LongCodeWithMask32;
                        pSrc += 8;

                    // be careful about the sign extension
                    ch = (int)(((uint)ch) >> 16);
                    ch = (int)(((uint)ch) >> 8);
#else // BIGENDIAN
                    ch &= 0xFF;
#endif // BIGENDIAN
                    if (ch <= 0x7F)

                    int chc = *pSrc;

                    if (
                        // bit 6 has to be zero
                        (ch & 0x40) == 0 ||
                        // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                        (chc & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                        goto BadLongCode;

                    chc &= 0x3F;

                    // start a new long code
                    if ((ch & 0x20) != 0)
                        // fold the first two bytes together
                        chc |= (ch & 0x0F) << 6;

                        if ((ch & 0x10) != 0)
                            // 4 byte encoding - surrogate
                            ch = *pSrc;
                            if (
                                // check that bit 4 is zero, the non-shortest form of surrogate
                                // and the valid surrogate range 0x000000 - 0x10FFFF at the same time
                                !InRange(chc >> 4, 0x01, 0x10) ||
                                // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                                (ch & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                                goto BadLongCode;

                            chc = (chc << 6) | (ch & 0x3F);

                            ch = *(pSrc + 1);
                            // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                            if ((ch & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                                goto BadLongCode;
                            pSrc += 2;

                            // extra byte
                            // 3 byte encoding
                            ch = *pSrc;
                            if (
                                // check for non-shortest form of 3 byte seq
                                (chc & (0x1F << 5)) == 0 ||
                                // Can't have surrogates here.
                                (chc & (0xF800 >> 6)) == (0xD800 >> 6) ||
                                // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                                (ch & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                                goto BadLongCode;

                            // extra byte
                        // 2 byte encoding

                        // check for non-shortest form
                        if ((ch & 0x1E) == 0)
                            goto BadLongCode;

                    // extra byte
#endif // FASTLOOP

                // no pending bits at this point
                ch = 0;
                pSrc -= 2;
                ch    = 0;

            // May have a problem if we have to flush
            if (ch != 0)
                // We were already adjusting for these, so need to unadjust
                charCount += (ch >> 30);

                // Fallback for invalid byte sequence
                throw new UTF8DecodeException();

            // Shouldn't have anything in fallback buffer for GetCharCount
            // (don't have to check m_throwOnOverflow for count)
            Debug.Assert(fallback == null);

コード例 #9
ファイル: LowLevelUTF8Encoding.cs プロジェクト: wffy/corert
        // WARNING:  If we throw an error, then System.Resources.ResourceReader calls this method.
        //           So if we're really broken, then that could also throw an error... recursively.
        //           So try to make sure GetChars can at least process all uses by
        //           System.Resources.ResourceReader!
        // Note:  We throw exceptions on individually encoded surrogates and other non-shortest forms.
        //        If exceptions aren't turned on, then we drop all non-shortest &individual surrogates.
        // To simplify maintenance, the structure of GetCharCount and GetChars should be
        // kept the same as much as possible
        internal unsafe static int GetChars(byte *bytes, int byteCount,
                                            char *chars, int charCount)
            Debug.Assert(chars != null);
            Debug.Assert(byteCount >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(charCount >= 0);
            Debug.Assert(bytes != null);

            byte *pSrc    = bytes;
            char *pTarget = chars;

            byte *pEnd = pSrc + byteCount;
            char *pAllocatedBufferEnd = pTarget + charCount;

            int ch = 0;

            DecoderFallbackBuffer fallback = null;

            for (;;)
                // SLOWLOOP: does all range checks, handles all special cases, but it is slow

                if (pSrc >= pEnd)

                if (ch == 0)
                    // no pending bits
                    goto ReadChar;

                // read next byte. The JIT optimization seems to be getting confused when
                // compiling "ch = *pSrc++;", so rather use "ch = *pSrc; pSrc++;" instead
                int cha = *pSrc;

                // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                if ((cha & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                    // This can be a valid starting byte for another UTF8 byte sequence, so let's put
                    // the current byte back, and try to see if this is a valid byte for another UTF8 byte sequence
                    goto InvalidByteSequence;

                // fold in the new byte
                ch = (ch << 6) | (cha & 0x3F);

                if ((ch & FinalByte) == 0)
                    // Not at last byte yet
                    Debug.Assert((ch & (SupplimentarySeq | ThreeByteSeq)) != 0);

                    if ((ch & SupplimentarySeq) != 0)
                        // Its a 4-byte supplimentary sequence
                        if ((ch & (FinalByte >> 6)) != 0)
                            // this is 3rd byte of 4 byte sequence - nothing to do

                        // 2nd byte of 4 bytes
                        // check for non-shortest form of surrogate and the valid surrogate
                        // range 0x000000 - 0x10FFFF at the same time
                        if (!InRange(ch & 0x1F0, 0x10, 0x100))
                            goto InvalidByteSequence;
                        // Must be 2nd byte of a 3-byte sequence
                        // check for non-shortest form of 3 byte seq
                        if ((ch & (0x1F << 5)) == 0 ||                 // non-shortest form
                            (ch & (0xF800 >> 6)) == (0xD800 >> 6))     // illegal individually encoded surrogate
                            goto InvalidByteSequence;

                // ready to punch

                // surrogate in shortest form?
                // Might be possible to get rid of this?  Already did non-shortest check for 4-byte sequence when reading 2nd byte?
                if ((ch & (SupplimentarySeq | 0x1F0000)) > SupplimentarySeq)
                    // let the range check for the second char throw the exception
                    if (pTarget < pAllocatedBufferEnd)
                        *pTarget = (char)(((ch >> 10) & 0x7FF) +
                                          unchecked ((short)((CharUnicodeInfo.HIGH_SURROGATE_START - (0x10000 >> 10)))));

                        ch = (ch & 0x3FF) +
                             unchecked ((int)(CharUnicodeInfo.LOW_SURROGATE_START));

                goto EncodeChar;

                // this code fragment should be close to the gotos referencing it
                // Have to do fallback for invalid bytes
                throw new UTF8DecodeException();
                // ch = 0;
                // continue;

                ch = *pSrc;
                if (ch > 0x7F)
                    // If its > 0x7F, its start of a new multi-byte sequence

                    // bit 6 has to be non-zero
                    if ((ch & 0x40) == 0)
                        goto InvalidByteSequence;

                    // start a new long code
                    if ((ch & 0x20) != 0)
                        if ((ch & 0x10) != 0)
                            // 4 byte encoding - supplimentary character (2 surrogates)

                            ch &= 0x0F;

                            // check that bit 4 is zero and the valid supplimentary character
                            // range 0x000000 - 0x10FFFF at the same time
                            if (ch > 0x04)
                                ch |= 0xf0;
                                goto InvalidByteSequence;

                            ch |= (FinalByte >> 3 * 6) | (1 << 30) | (3 << (30 - 2 * 6)) |
                                  (SupplimentarySeq) | (SupplimentarySeq >> 6) |
                                  (SupplimentarySeq >> 2 * 6) | (SupplimentarySeq >> 3 * 6);
                            // 3 byte encoding
                            ch = (ch & 0x0F) | ((FinalByte >> 2 * 6) | (1 << 30) |
                                                (ThreeByteSeq) | (ThreeByteSeq >> 6) | (ThreeByteSeq >> 2 * 6));
                        // 2 byte encoding

                        ch &= 0x1F;

                        // check for non-shortest form
                        if (ch <= 1)
                            ch |= 0xc0;
                            goto InvalidByteSequence;

                        ch |= (FinalByte >> 6);

                // write the pending character
                if (pTarget >= pAllocatedBufferEnd)
                    // Fix chars so we make sure to throw if we didn't output anything
                    ch &= 0x1fffff;
                    if (ch > 0x7f)
                        if (ch > 0x7ff)
                            if (ch >= CharUnicodeInfo.LOW_SURROGATE_START &&
                                ch <= CharUnicodeInfo.LOW_SURROGATE_END)
                                pSrc--;     // It was 4 bytes
                                pTarget--;  // 1 was stored already, but we can't remember 1/2, so back up
                            else if (ch > 0xffff)
                                pSrc--;     // It was 4 bytes, nothing was stored
                            pSrc--;         // It was at least 3 bytes
                        pSrc--;             // It was at least 2 bytes

                    // Throw that we don't have enough room (pSrc could be < chars if we had started to process
                    // a 4 byte sequence alredy)
                    Debug.Assert(pSrc >= bytes || pTarget == chars);
                    if (pTarget == chars)
                        // Overflow, buffer too short.
                        throw new UTF8DecodeException();

                    // Don't store ch in decoder, we already backed up to its start
                    ch = 0;

                    // Didn't throw, just use this buffer size.
                *pTarget = (char)ch;

                int availableChars = PtrDiff(pAllocatedBufferEnd, pTarget);
                int availableBytes = PtrDiff(pEnd, pSrc);

                // don't fall into the fast decoding loop if we don't have enough bytes
                // Test for availableChars is done because pStop would be <= pTarget.
                if (availableBytes <= 13)
                    // we may need as many as 1 character per byte
                    if (availableChars < availableBytes)
                        // not enough output room.  no pending bits at this point
                        ch = 0;

                    // try to get over the remainder of the ascii characters fast though
                    byte *pLocalEnd = pEnd; // hint to get pLocalEnd enregistered
                    while (pSrc < pLocalEnd)
                        ch = *pSrc;

                        if (ch > 0x7F)
                            goto ProcessChar;

                        *pTarget = (char)ch;
                    // we are done
                    ch = 0;

                // we may need as many as 1 character per byte, so reduce the byte count if necessary.
                // If availableChars is too small, pStop will be before pTarget and we won't do fast loop.
                if (availableChars < availableBytes)
                    availableBytes = availableChars;

                // To compute the upper bound, assume that all characters are ASCII characters at this point,
                //  the boundary will be decreased for every non-ASCII character we encounter
                // Also, we need 7 chars reserve for the unrolled ansi decoding loop and for decoding of multibyte sequences
                char *pStop = pTarget + availableBytes - 7;

                while (pTarget < pStop)
                    ch = *pSrc;

                    if (ch > 0x7F)
                        goto LongCode;
                    *pTarget = (char)ch;

                    // get pSrc to be 2-byte aligned
                    if ((unchecked ((int)pSrc) & 0x1) != 0)
                        ch = *pSrc;
                        if (ch > 0x7F)
                            goto LongCode;
                        *pTarget = (char)ch;

                    // get pSrc to be 4-byte aligned
                    if ((unchecked ((int)pSrc) & 0x2) != 0)
                        ch = *(ushort *)pSrc;
                        if ((ch & 0x8080) != 0)
                            goto LongCodeWithMask16;

                        // Unfortunately, this is endianess sensitive
                        *pTarget       = (char)((ch >> 8) & 0x7F);
                        pSrc          += 2;
                        *(pTarget + 1) = (char)(ch & 0x7F);
                        pTarget       += 2;
#else // BIGENDIAN
                        *pTarget       = (char)(ch & 0x7F);
                        pSrc          += 2;
                        *(pTarget + 1) = (char)((ch >> 8) & 0x7F);
                        pTarget       += 2;
#endif // BIGENDIAN

                    // Run 8 characters at a time!
                    while (pTarget < pStop)
                        ch = *(int *)pSrc;
                        int chb = *(int *)(pSrc + 4);
                        if (((ch | chb) & unchecked ((int)0x80808080)) != 0)
                            goto LongCodeWithMask32;

                        // Unfortunately, this is endianess sensitive
                        *pTarget       = (char)((ch >> 24) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 1) = (char)((ch >> 16) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 2) = (char)((ch >> 8) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 3) = (char)(ch & 0x7F);
                        pSrc          += 8;
                        *(pTarget + 4) = (char)((chb >> 24) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 5) = (char)((chb >> 16) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 6) = (char)((chb >> 8) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 7) = (char)(chb & 0x7F);
                        pTarget       += 8;
#else // BIGENDIAN
                        *pTarget       = (char)(ch & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 1) = (char)((ch >> 8) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 2) = (char)((ch >> 16) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 3) = (char)((ch >> 24) & 0x7F);
                        pSrc          += 8;
                        *(pTarget + 4) = (char)(chb & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 5) = (char)((chb >> 8) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 6) = (char)((chb >> 16) & 0x7F);
                        *(pTarget + 7) = (char)((chb >> 24) & 0x7F);
                        pTarget       += 8;
#endif // BIGENDIAN

                    // be careful about the sign extension
                    ch = (int)(((uint)ch) >> 16);
                    ch = (int)(((uint)ch) >> 8);
#else // BIGENDIAN
                    ch &= 0xFF;
#endif // BIGENDIAN
                    if (ch <= 0x7F)
                        *pTarget = (char)ch;

                    int chc = *pSrc;

                    if (
                        // bit 6 has to be zero
                        (ch & 0x40) == 0 ||
                        // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                        (chc & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                        goto BadLongCode;

                    chc &= 0x3F;

                    // start a new long code
                    if ((ch & 0x20) != 0)
                        // fold the first two bytes together
                        chc |= (ch & 0x0F) << 6;

                        if ((ch & 0x10) != 0)
                            // 4 byte encoding - surrogate
                            ch = *pSrc;
                            if (
                                // check that bit 4 is zero, the non-shortest form of surrogate
                                // and the valid surrogate range 0x000000 - 0x10FFFF at the same time
                                !InRange(chc >> 4, 0x01, 0x10) ||
                                // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                                (ch & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                                goto BadLongCode;

                            chc = (chc << 6) | (ch & 0x3F);

                            ch = *(pSrc + 1);
                            // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                            if ((ch & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                                goto BadLongCode;
                            pSrc += 2;

                            ch = (chc << 6) | (ch & 0x3F);

                            *pTarget = (char)(((ch >> 10) & 0x7FF) +
                                              unchecked ((short)(CharUnicodeInfo.HIGH_SURROGATE_START - (0x10000 >> 10))));

                            ch = (ch & 0x3FF) +
                                 unchecked ((short)(CharUnicodeInfo.LOW_SURROGATE_START));

                            // extra byte, we're already planning 2 chars for 2 of these bytes,
                            // but the big loop is testing the target against pStop, so we need
                            // to subtract 2 more or we risk overrunning the input.  Subtract
                            // one here and one below.
                            // 3 byte encoding
                            ch = *pSrc;
                            if (
                                // check for non-shortest form of 3 byte seq
                                (chc & (0x1F << 5)) == 0 ||
                                // Can't have surrogates here.
                                (chc & (0xF800 >> 6)) == (0xD800 >> 6) ||
                                // we are expecting to see trailing bytes like 10vvvvvv
                                (ch & unchecked ((sbyte)0xC0)) != 0x80)
                                goto BadLongCode;

                            ch = (chc << 6) | (ch & 0x3F);

                            // extra byte, we're only expecting 1 char for each of these 3 bytes,
                            // but the loop is testing the target (not source) against pStop, so
                            // we need to subtract 2 more or we risk overrunning the input.
                            // Subtract 1 here and one more below
                        // 2 byte encoding

                        ch &= 0x1F;

                        // check for non-shortest form
                        if (ch <= 1)
                            goto BadLongCode;
                        ch = (ch << 6) | chc;

                    *pTarget = (char)ch;

                    // extra byte, we're only expecting 1 char for each of these 2 bytes,
                    // but the loop is testing the target (not source) against pStop.
                    // subtract an extra count from pStop so that we don't overrun the input.
#endif // FASTLOOP

                Debug.Assert(pTarget <= pAllocatedBufferEnd);

                // no pending bits at this point
                ch = 0;
                pSrc -= 2;
                ch    = 0;

            if (ch != 0)
                // Invalid byte sequence
                throw new UTF8DecodeException();

            // Shouldn't have anything in fallback buffer for GetChars
            // (don't have to check m_throwOnOverflow for chars)
            Debug.Assert(fallback == null);

            return(PtrDiff(pTarget, chars));