コード例 #1
 public GenericExpression(IntermediateInstruction baseInstruction, IExpression[]?parameters = null, Graph?block1 = null, Graph?block2 = null)
     BaseInstruction = baseInstruction;
     Parameters      = parameters;
     Block1          = block1;
     Block2          = block2;
コード例 #2
 public InstructionNode(IntermediateInstruction instruction, int idx, Rivers.Graph?block1 = null, Rivers.Graph?block2 = null) : base($"_{idx:X4}")
     Instruction = instruction;
     Index       = idx;
     Block1      = block1;
     Block2      = block2;
コード例 #3
        private static void HandleInstruction(ref IntermediateContext context, IntermediateInstruction instruction)
            if (context.RestOfBlockUnreachable && instruction.IsImplicit)
                #if DEBUG
                context.WriteFull("// omitted implicit instruction because rest of block is unreachable");

            var args = new Variable[instruction.PopCount];

            for (int i = 0; i < instruction.PopCount; i++)
                args[i] = context.Pop();
                Debug.Assert(instruction.PopTypes[i] == args[i].Type || instruction.PopTypes[i] == ValueKind.Any || args[i].Type == ValueKind.Any);

            context.RestOfBlockUnreachable = instruction.RestOfBlockUnreachable;

            // NOTE: really ugly and slow, but can't be replaced with string.format since input is dynamic and can contain {}
            string s = instruction.OperationStringFormat.SafeFormat(args);

            Debug.Assert(instruction.PushCount <= 1);
            if (instruction.PushCount > 0)
                s = $"{context.Push(instruction.PushTypes[0])} = {s}";

            if (instruction.HasBlock)
                s += " {";

            if (instruction.Comment != null)
                s += " // " + instruction.Comment;


            if (instruction.HasBlock)
                HandleBlock(ref context, instruction.Block1 !);

                if (instruction.Block2 != null)
                    context.WriteFull("} else {");
                    HandleBlock(ref context, instruction.Block2);

コード例 #4
        public void Execute(Tag action, Stack <Tag> stk, Token tk, ref Environment env)
            #region Sentenças Declarativas
            if (action == Tag._Begin)
                // Sinaliza o início de uma sentença imperativa
                env.SentencaImperativa = true;
            else if (action == Tag._End)
                // Sinaliza o final de uma sentença imperativa
                env.SentencaImperativa = false;

            else if (action == Tag._CreateList)
                List <object> list = new List <object>();


                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = list;
            else if (action == Tag._InsertList)
                List <object> list = (List <object>)action.Inherited[0];


                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = list;

            else if (action == Tag._Integer)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = new IntegerType();
                // stk.ElementAt<Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = AbsType.IntegerType;
            else if (action == Tag._Real)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = new RealType();
                // stk.ElementAt<Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = AbsType.RealType;

            else if (action == Tag._BeginRange)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(6).Inherited[2] = ((Integer)tk).Value;
            else if (action == Tag._EndRange)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(3).Inherited[1] = ((Integer)tk).Value;
            else if (action == Tag._ArrayDec)
                AbsType type       = (AbsType)action.Inherited[0];
                int     rangeEnd   = (int)action.Inherited[1];
                int     rangeBegin = (int)action.Inherited[2];

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = new ArrayType(type, rangeBegin, rangeEnd);

            else if (action == Tag._IdVar)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(2).Inherited[1] = action.Inherited[0];
            else if (action == Tag._VarDec)
                List <object> lexemas = (List <object>)action.Inherited[1];
                AbsType       type    = (AbsType)action.Inherited[0];

                foreach (string v in lexemas)
                    env.locals.Add(v, type);

            else if (action == Tag._IdProc)
                // Verificar se o identificador é novo
                if (tk.tag != Tag.IDNEW)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("O Id deve ser novo!");
                string lexema = ((IdNew)tk).Lexema;

                // O contexto deve ser alterado logo antes dos parâmetros serem declarados
                ProcType type = new ProcType(env, env.machine);

                env.locals.Add(lexema, type);

                env = type.Env;

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[0] = lexema;
            else if (action == Tag._IdFunc)
                // Verificar se o identificador é novo
                if (tk.tag != Tag.IDNEW)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("O Id deve ser novo!");
                string lexema = ((IdNew)tk).Lexema;

                // O contexto deve ser alterado logo antes dos parâmetros serem declarados
                FuncType type = new FuncType(env, env.machine);

                env.locals.Add(lexema, type);

                env = type.Env;

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(3).Inherited[1] = lexema;
            else if (action == Tag._ProcDec)
                // Identificador do procedimento
                string lexema = (string)action.Inherited[0];

                ProcType type = (ProcType)Environment.SearchLocal(env.parent, lexema);
            else if (action == Tag._FuncDec)
                // Identificador da função
                string lexema = (string)action.Inherited[1];

                FuncType type = (FuncType)Environment.SearchLocal(env.parent, lexema);

                type.ReturnType = (AbsType)action.Inherited[0];

            else if (action == Tag._EndParList)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(2).Inherited[1] = action.Inherited[0];
            else if (action == Tag._ParDec)
                foreach (string arg in (List <object>)action.Inherited[1])
                    env.parameters.Add(arg, (AbsType)action.Inherited[0]);
            else if (action == Tag._EnvRestore)
                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateReturn();
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                env = env.parent;

            else if (action == Tag._Args)
                // Recebe a lista de argumentos do programa

                foreach (string arg in (List <object>)action.Inherited[0])
                    env.parameters.Add(arg, AbsType.Untyped);

            #region Sentenças Imperativas
            else if (action == Tag._Number)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = Constant.Create(((Integer)tk).Value);
            else if (action == Tag._RValue)
                Address address = (Address)action.Inherited[0];
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = address;
            else if (action == Tag._Not)
                Name tmp = new Name();

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateUnary(Operator.NOT, (Address)action.Inherited[0], tmp);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = tmp;
            else if (action == Tag._Skip1)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[0] = action.Inherited[0];
            else if (action == Tag._FAddress) // Endereço da função
                FuncType func = (FuncType)Environment.Search(env, ((IdFunc)tk).Lexema);

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = func;
            else if (action == Tag._PAddress) // Endereço do procedimento
                ProcType proc = (ProcType)Environment.Search(env, ((IdProc)tk).Lexema);

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = proc.Env.CodeAddress;
            else if (action == Tag._FCall) // Chamada de função
                // Destino
                FuncType func  = (FuncType)action.Inherited[1];
                Label    label = new Label(func.Env.CodeAddress);
                // Número de argumentos
                int n = (int)action.Inherited[0];

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateCall(label, n);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = func.Env.returnvalue;
            else if (action == Tag._PCall) // Chamada de procedimento
                // Destino
                Label label = new Label((int)action.Inherited[1]);
                // Número de argumentos
                int n = (int)action.Inherited[0];

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateCall(label, n);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());
            else if (action == Tag._FirstActualPar) // Primeiro parâmetro atual
                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateParam((Address)action.Inherited[0]);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = 1; // Primeiro parametro
            else if (action == Tag._NextActualPar)       // Próximo parâmetro atual
                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateParam((Address)action.Inherited[0]);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = (int)action.Inherited[1] + 1;
            else if (action == Tag._EndActualPar)                               // Lista de parâmetros atuais completa
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[0] = (int)action.Inherited[0]; // Número de parâmetros
            else if (action == Tag._NoArgs)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = 0; // Não há parâmetros atuais
            else if (action == Tag._AddOp)
                if (((AddOp)tk).Value == '+')
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.ADD;
                else // if (((AddOp)tk).Value == '-')
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.SUB;
            else if (action == Tag._Add)
                Address  x  = (Address)action.Inherited[2];
                Operator op = (Operator)action.Inherited[1];
                Address  y  = (Address)action.Inherited[0];

                Name tmp = new Name();

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateBinary(op, tmp, x, y);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = tmp;
            else if (action == Tag._MulOp)
                if (((MulOp)tk).Value == '*')
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.MUL;
                else // if (((MulOp)tk).Value == '/')
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.DIV;
            else if (action == Tag._Mul)
                Address  x  = (Address)action.Inherited[2];
                Operator op = (Operator)action.Inherited[1];
                Address  y  = (Address)action.Inherited[0];

                Name tmp = new Name();

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateBinary(op, tmp, x, y);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = tmp;
            else if (action == Tag._RelOp)
                if (((RelOp)tk).Value == "<")
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.LT;
                else if (((RelOp)tk).Value == "<=")
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.LE;
                else if (((RelOp)tk).Value == ">")
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.GT;
                else if (((RelOp)tk).Value == ">=")
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.GE;
                else if (((RelOp)tk).Value == "=")
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.EQ;
                else // if (((RelOp)tk).Value == "<>")
                    stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[1] = Operator.NEQ;
            else if (action == Tag._Rel)
                Address  x  = (Address)action.Inherited[2];
                Operator op = (Operator)action.Inherited[1];
                Address  y  = (Address)action.Inherited[0];

                Name tmp = new Name();

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateBinary(op, tmp, x, y);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = tmp;

            else if (action == Tag._Variable)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = new Name(((IdVar)tk).Lexema);
            else if (action == Tag._ToArray)
                Name tmp = new Name();

                Address y = (Address)action.Inherited[1];
                Address i = (Address)action.Inherited[0];

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateToArray(tmp, i, y);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[0] = tmp;
            else if (action == Tag._FromArray)
                Name tmp = new Name();

                Address y = (Address)action.Inherited[1];
                Address i = (Address)action.Inherited[0];

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateFromArray(tmp, i, y);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[0] = tmp;
            else if (action == Tag._LValue)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(2).Inherited[1] = action.Inherited[0];
            else if (action == Tag._Assign)
                Address lValue = (Address)action.Inherited[1];
                Address rValue = (Address)action.Inherited[0];

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateCopy(lValue, rValue);
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());
            else if (action == Tag._RetAssign)
                Address lValue = env.returnvalue;
                Address rValue = (Address)action.Inherited[0];

                if (lValue == null)
                    lValue = new Name();

                IntermediateInstruction code1 = ic.CreateCopy(lValue, rValue);
                // Console.WriteLine(code1.ToString());

                env.returnvalue = lValue;

                IntermediateInstruction code2 = ic.CreateRetVal(lValue); // ic.CreateCopy(lValue, rValue);
                // Console.WriteLine(code2.ToString());

            else if (action == Tag._IfExp)
                IntermediateInstruction code1 = ic.CreateIfTrue((Address)action.Inherited[0], null);;
                IntermediateInstruction code2 = ic.CreateGoto(null);

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = code1;

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(3).Inherited[0] = code2;
            else if (action == Tag._Then)
                ((IntermediateInstruction)action.Inherited[0])[0].Arg2 = new Label(env.machine.Count);
                // Console.WriteLine(action.Inherited[0].ToString());
            else if (action == Tag._Else)
                ((IntermediateInstruction)action.Inherited[0])[0].Arg2 = new Label(env.machine.Count + 1);
                // Console.WriteLine(action.Inherited[0].ToString());

                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateGoto(null);

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(2).Inherited[0] = code;
            else if (action == Tag._ExitIf)
                Label exit = new Label(env.machine.Count + 1);
                ((IntermediateInstruction)action.Inherited[0])[0].Arg2 = exit;
                // Console.WriteLine(action.Inherited[0].ToString());
                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateGoto(exit);

            else if (action == Tag._Loop)
                Label loop = new Label(env.machine.Count);
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(5).Inherited[1] = loop;
            else if (action == Tag._WhileExp)
                IntermediateInstruction code1 = ic.CreateIfTrue((Address)action.Inherited[0], null);;
                IntermediateInstruction code2 = ic.CreateGoto(null);

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(1).Inherited[0] = code1;

                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(3).Inherited[0] = code2;
            else if (action == Tag._Do)
                ((IntermediateInstruction)action.Inherited[0])[0].Arg2 = new Label(env.machine.Count);
                // Console.WriteLine(action.Inherited[0].ToString());
            else if (action == Tag._ExitWhile)
                Label loop = (Label)action.Inherited[1];
                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateGoto(loop);

                ((IntermediateInstruction)action.Inherited[0])[0].Arg2 = new Label(env.machine.Count);
                // Console.WriteLine(action.Inherited[0].ToString());

            else if (action == Tag._MainCode)
            else if (action == Tag._Done)
                // Insere uma instrução ret no final do código do programa.
                IntermediateInstruction code = ic.CreateReturn();
                // Console.WriteLine(code.ToString());

                string str = "program " + programName + " " + env.ToString();


                Console.WriteLine("\nPRESSIONE UMA TECLA PARA CONTINUAR...");



            else if (action == Tag._ProgramName)
                programName = ((IdNew)tk).Lexema;

            else if (action == Tag._Echo)
                stk.ElementAt <Tag>(0).Inherited[0] = action.Inherited[0];
                throw new NotImplementedException("Não implementado!");