コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Server服务实例向Client服务实例Notify当前周期的Mission对象
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public IEnumerator <ITask> MissionParaNotification()
            // Notify all subscribers.
            MissionPara announce = new MissionPara();

            // 将当前仿真使命的通用Mission对象拷贝一份用于策略调用的参数传递
            Mission mission = (Mission)MyMission.Instance().MissionRef.Clone();

            for (int i = 0; i < mission.CommonPara.TeamCount; i++)
            {// 循环对每条仿真机器鱼施加图像处理干扰 LiYoubing 20110617
                for (int j = 0; j < mission.CommonPara.FishCntPerTeam; j++)
                    RoboFish f = mission.TeamsRef[i].Fishes[j];
                    Interference.ImageProcessInterference(ref f.PositionMm, ref f.BodyDirectionRad,
                                                          f.VelocityMmPs, f.AngularVelocityRadPs);
            for (int i = 0; i < mission.EnvRef.Balls.Count; i++)
            {// 循环对所有仿真水球施加图像处理干扰 LiYoubing 20110617
                Ball  b   = mission.EnvRef.Balls[i];
                float tmp = 0;
                Interference.ImageProcessInterference(ref b.PositionMm, ref tmp, b.VelocityMmPs, b.AngularVelocityRadPs);
            announce.Body = new MissionParaRequest(mission);
            //announce.Body = new MissionParaRequest(MyMission.Instance().MissionRef);//modified 20101203
            base.SendNotification(_submgrPort, announce);

            yield break;
コード例 #2
    private void ReadInterference(Interference itf)
        double[] k_svt_alpha = { 0,       20.0D,  40.0D,  60.0D,  80.0D, 100.0D, 120.0D,
                                 140.0D, 160.0D, 180.0D, 200.0D, 220.0D, 240.0D, 260.0D, 280.0D,
                                 300.0D, 320.0D, 340.0D, 360.0D };
        double[] k_svt_wg_k_svt = new double[19];
        double[] k_svt_ht_k_svt = new double[19];
        int      i;

        for (i = 0; i < k_svt_alpha.Length; i++)
            k_svt_alpha[i] = MathTool.DegToRad(k_svt_alpha[i]);

        Pass("k_SVtail_Wing_stall(alpha) = ");
        for (i = 0; i < 19; i++)
            k_svt_wg_k_svt[i] = ReadDouble();
        itf.k_SVtail_Wing_stall = new Function2D(k_svt_alpha, k_svt_wg_k_svt);
        Pass("k_SVtail_Htail_stall(alpha) = ");
        for (i = 0; i < 19; i++)
            k_svt_ht_k_svt[i] = ReadDouble();
        itf.k_SVtail_Htail_stall = new Function2D(k_svt_alpha, k_svt_ht_k_svt);
コード例 #3
ファイル: InteferenceGraph.cs プロジェクト: killbug2004/reko
		public void Add(Identifier id1, Identifier id2)
			if (id1 != id2)
				Interference i = new Interference(id1, id2);
				if (!intf.ContainsKey(i))
					intf.Add(i, i);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 指示是否已经发生过策略调用异常true是false否
        /// 20110820废弃 策略代码中存在条件性除零/数组越界等异常时 不必要直接结束掉策略运行
        /// </summary>
        //bool _strategyExceptionFlag = false;

        /// <summary>
        /// 进行策略调用 获取指定id对应队伍的决策数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="teamId">待获取决策数据的队伍id(从0开始)</param>
        void GetLocalDecision(int teamId)
            MyMission myMission = MyMission.Instance();

            Decision[] decisions = null;
            if (_serverControlBoard.TeamStrategyControls[teamId].StrategyInterface != null
                /*&& _strategyExceptionFlag == false*/)
            {// 进行null检查确保不出异常 LiYoubing 20110511
                // 将当前仿真使命的通用Mission对象拷贝一份用于策略调用的参数传递
                Mission mission = (Mission)MyMission.Instance().MissionRef.Clone();
                for (int i = 0; i < mission.CommonPara.TeamCount; i++)
                {// 循环对每条仿真机器鱼施加图像处理干扰 LiYoubing 20110617
                    for (int j = 0; j < mission.CommonPara.FishCntPerTeam; j++)
                        RoboFish f = mission.TeamsRef[i].Fishes[j];
                        Interference.ImageProcessInterference(ref f.PositionMm, ref f.BodyDirectionRad,
                                                              f.VelocityMmPs, f.AngularVelocityRadPs);
                for (int i = 0; i < mission.EnvRef.Balls.Count; i++)
                {// 循环对所有仿真水球施加图像处理干扰 LiYoubing 20110617
                    Ball  b   = mission.EnvRef.Balls[i];
                    float tmp = 0;
                    Interference.ImageProcessInterference(ref b.PositionMm, ref tmp, b.VelocityMmPs, b.AngularVelocityRadPs);
                // 交换半场后交换策略处理 LiYoubing 20110711
                // 交换半场后TeamsRef[0]/[1]代表交换前右/左半场的队伍因此应该分别调用第1/0号控件所加载的策略
                int strategyId = myMission.ParasRef.IsExchangedHalfCourt ? (teamId + 1) % 2 : teamId;
                    decisions = _serverControlBoard.TeamStrategyControls[strategyId].StrategyInterface.GetDecision(
                        mission, teamId);
                    //_strategyExceptionFlag = true;
                    MessageBox.Show("Remoting object timeout.\nThe instance of class Strategy has been released."
                                    + "\nYour simulated robofish will not be controlled.",
                                    "Confirming", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
                //decision = _serverControlBoard.TeamStrategyControls[teamId].StrategyInterface.GetDecision(
                //   mission, teamId);
                //decision = _serverControlBoard.TeamStrategyControls[teamId].StrategyInterface.GetDecision(
                //   myMission.MissionRef, teamId);
            if (decisions == null)
            for (int j = 0; j < myMission.TeamsRef[teamId].Fishes.Count; j++)
                myMission.DecisionRef[teamId, j] = decisions[j];
コード例 #5
    public AirPlane(String path)
        plane             = new PlaneGeneral();
        n_fuselage        = 0;
        fuslage           = new Fuselage[7, 2];
        n_wing            = 0;
        wing              = new Wing[1];
        n_htail           = 0;
        htail             = new Wing[1];
        n_vtail           = 0;
        vtail             = new Wing[1];
        n_canard          = 0;
        canard            = new Wing[1];
        n_fin             = 0;
        fin               = new Wing[5];
        n_aileron         = 0;
        aileron           = new ControlPlane[1, 2];
        n_elevator        = 0;
        elevator          = new ControlPlane[1, 2];
        n_rudder          = 0;
        rudder            = new ControlPlane[1, 2];
        n_l_flap          = 0;
        l_flap            = new ControlPlane[1, 2];
        n_t_flap          = 0;
        t_flap            = new ControlPlane[1, 2];
        n_canard_elevator = 0;
        canard_elevator   = new ControlPlane[1, 2];
        n_powerPlant      = 0;
        powerPlant        = new PowerPlant[4];
        n_LandingGear     = 0;
        landing_gear      = new LandingGear[3, 2];
        airbrake          = new AirBrake();
        interference      = new Interference();
        pilot             = new Pilot();
        force             = new Vector3D();
        torque            = new Vector3D();
        a_force           = new Vector3D();
        a_torque          = new Vector3D();
        f_force           = new Vector3D();
        f_torque          = new Vector3D();
        n_force           = new Vector3D();
        n_torque          = new Vector3D();
        t_force           = new Vector3D();
        t_torque          = new Vector3D();
        flag_landing_gear = 1;
        flag_land         = 1;
        crash_point       = -1;

        AirPlaneFile apsf = new AirPlaneFile(this, path);

コード例 #6
		public void InterfSymmetry()
			var id1 = new Identifier("id1", PrimitiveType.Word32, null);
			var id2 = new Identifier("id2", PrimitiveType.Word32, null);

			var intf1 = new Interference(id1, id2);
			var intf2 = new Interference(id1, id2);
			var intf3 = new Interference(id2, id1);
			Assert.AreEqual(intf1.GetHashCode(), intf2.GetHashCode());
			Assert.AreEqual(intf1.GetHashCode(), intf3.GetHashCode());
			Assert.AreEqual(intf2.GetHashCode(), intf3.GetHashCode());

			Assert.AreEqual(intf1, intf2, "1 compared 2");
			Assert.AreEqual(intf1, intf3, "1 compared 3");
			Assert.AreEqual(intf2, intf3, "2 compared 3");
コード例 #7
        public void InterfSymmetry()
            var id1 = new Identifier("id1", PrimitiveType.Word32, null);
            var id2 = new Identifier("id2", PrimitiveType.Word32, null);

            var intf1 = new Interference(id1, id2);
            var intf2 = new Interference(id1, id2);
            var intf3 = new Interference(id2, id1);
            Assert.AreEqual(intf1.GetHashCode(), intf2.GetHashCode());
            Assert.AreEqual(intf1.GetHashCode(), intf3.GetHashCode());
            Assert.AreEqual(intf2.GetHashCode(), intf3.GetHashCode());

            Assert.AreEqual(intf1, intf2, "1 compared 2");
            Assert.AreEqual(intf1, intf3, "1 compared 3");
            Assert.AreEqual(intf2, intf3, "2 compared 3");
コード例 #8
 private void btInterference_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (cmbAssembly.Text == "胀缩法")
         Interference infe = new Interference();
         infe.T       = double.Parse(txtT.Text);
         infe.Df      = double.Parse(txtDf.Text);
         infe.Lf      = double.Parse(txtLf.Text);
         infe.Mu      = double.Parse(txtMu.Text);
         infe.Da      = double.Parse(txtDa.Text);
         infe.Di      = double.Parse(txtDi.Text);
         infe.Ea      = double.Parse(txtEa.Text);
         infe.Ei      = double.Parse(txtEi.Text);
         infe.Va      = double.Parse(txtVa.Text);
         infe.Vi      = double.Parse(txtVi.Text);
         infe.Sigmasa = double.Parse(txtSigmasa.Text);
         infe.Sigmasi = double.Parse(txtSigmasi.Text);
         // 求解
         txtPfmin.Text     = infe.Pfmin().ToString("f4");
         txtQa.Text        = infe.Qa().ToString("f4");
         txtQi.Text        = infe.Qi().ToString("f4");
         txtEamin.Text     = infe.Eamin().ToString("f4");
         txtEimin.Text     = infe.Eimin().ToString("f4");
         txtDeltaemin.Text = infe.Deltaemin().ToString("f4");
         txtDeltamin.Text  = infe.Deltamin().ToString("f4");
         txtPfamax.Text    = infe.Pfamax().ToString("f4");
         txtPfimax.Text    = infe.Pfimax().ToString("f4");
         txtPfmax.Text     = infe.Pfmax().ToString("f4");
         txtFt.Text        = infe.Ft().ToString("f4");
         txtEamax.Text     = infe.Eamax().ToString("f4");
         txtEimax.Text     = infe.Eimax().ToString("f4");
         txtDeltaemax.Text = infe.Deltaemax().ToString("f4");
         txtDeltab.Text    = infe.Deltab().ToString("f4");
コード例 #9
ファイル: InteferenceGraph.cs プロジェクト: killbug2004/reko
		public bool Interfere(Identifier id1, Identifier id2)
			Interference i = new Interference(id1, id2);
			return intf.ContainsKey(i);
コード例 #10
 public InterferenceObject(Interference Interferenceinstance)
     InterferenceInstance = Interferenceinstance;
コード例 #11
ファイル: PunScript.cs プロジェクト: Oshiumi/Runners
 // Use this for initialization
 void Start()
     //  Initialization of photon
     inter = (GameObject.Find ("/UI/Window")).GetComponent<Interference> ();
     PhotonNetwork.ConnectUsingSettings ("0.1");
     caution = (GameObject.Find ("/UI/Caution/CautionMark")).GetComponent<CautionManager> ();
     selectedName = CharacterSelect.SelectedCharacter.Name;