private void Seed() { if (People.Count() > 0) { // Don't re-seed database if people already exist in the database return; } // Ensure that the database is refreshed in case entities exist Addresses.RemoveRange(Addresses); Interests.RemoveRange(Interests); Occupations.RemoveRange(Occupations); #region Occupations var jedi = new Occupation { Name = "Jedi" }; var sith = new Occupation { Name = "Sith" }; var senator = new Occupation { Name = "Senator" }; var bountyHunter = new Occupation { Name = "Bounty Hunter" }; var smuggler = new Occupation { Name = "Smuggler" }; var moistureFarmer = new Occupation { Name = "Moisture Farmer" }; var general = new Occupation { Name = "General" }; var stormtrooper = new Occupation { Name = "Stormtrooper" }; var droid = new Occupation { Name = "Droid" }; var king = new Occupation { Name = "King" }; var emperor = new Occupation { Name = "Emperor" }; Occupations.AddRange(new List <Occupation> { jedi, sith, senator, bountyHunter, smuggler, moistureFarmer, general, stormtrooper, droid, king, emperor, }); SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Addresses // TODO: Change this to be accurate var jediTemple = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Jedi Temple", Region = "Senatorial District", City = "Coruscant", Planet = "Coruscant", }; var millenniumFalcon = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Millennium Falcon", AddressLine2 = "Unknown Location", Planet = "Galaxy", }; var alderaan = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Great Palace", City = "Organa City", Region = "Royal PLains", Planet = "Alderaan", }; var larsFarm = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Lars Farm", Region = "Desolate Plains", Planet = "Tatooine", }; var bensHut = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Ben's Hut", Region = "Dune Sea", Planet = "Tatooine", }; var slaveII = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Slave II", Region = "Location Unknown", Planet = "Space", }; var deathStar = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Corridors 53 x 78", AddressLine2 = "Barracks 893a", City = "Residential Level", Region = "Northeastern Quadrant", Planet = "Galaxy", }; var senateBuilding = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Senate Building", AddressLine2 = "Accommodations Section, Ste 361", Region = "Senatorial District", City = "Coruscant", Planet = "Coruscant", }; var imperialPalace = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Imperial Palace", AddressLine2 = "Emperor's Suite", Region = "Imperial District", City = "Coruscant", Planet = "Coruscant", }; var dagobah = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Yoda's Hut", Region = "Forgotten Swamps", Planet = "Dagobah", }; var unknown = new Address { AddressLine1 = "Unknown", }; Addresses.AddRange(new List <Address> { jediTemple, millenniumFalcon, alderaan, larsFarm, bensHut, slaveII, deathStar, senateBuilding, imperialPalace, dagobah, unknown, }); SaveChanges(); #endregion #region Interests var flying = new Interest { Name = "Flying" }; var meditating = new Interest { Name = "Meditating" }; var fighting = new Interest { Name = "Fighting" }; var eating = new Interest { Name = "Eating" }; var farming = new Interest { Name = "Farming" }; var politicalUpheaval = new Interest { Name = "Political Upheaval" }; var socializing = new Interest { Name = "Socializing" }; var racing = new Interest { Name = "Racing" }; var tracking = new Interest { Name = "Tracking" }; var familyTime = new Interest { Name = "Family Time" }; var gambling = new Interest { Name = "Gambling" }; var playingDejarik = new Interest { Name = "Playing Dejarik" }; var theForce = new Interest { Name = "The Force" }; var espionage = new Interest { Name = "Espionage" }; var chances = new Interest { Name = "Chances" }; var translating = new Interest { Name = "Translating" }; var problemSolving = new Interest { Name = "Problem Solving" }; Interests.AddRange(new List <Interest> { flying, meditating, fighting, eating, farming, politicalUpheaval, socializing, racing, tracking, familyTime, gambling, playingDejarik, theForce, espionage, chances, translating, problemSolving, }); SaveChanges(); #endregion #region People var luke = new Person { FirstName = "Luke", LastName = "Skywalker", OccupationId = moistureFarmer.Id, AddressId = larsFarm.Id, Age = 16, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Restless and sometimes whiny youth; prefers to spend time with friends picking up power converters; has much potential, but does not yet know it", }; var leia = new Person { FirstName = "Leia", LastName = "Organa", OccupationId = senator.Id, AddressId = senateBuilding.Id, Age = 16, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Adopted daughter of Bail Organa, royalty of Alderaan; schooled on all sorts of craft between espionage, deception, political positioning, marksmanship, and leadership; also unaware of her great Force ability", }; var han = new Person { FirstName = "Han", LastName = "Solo", Age = 28, OccupationId = smuggler.Id, AddressId = millenniumFalcon.Id, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Han is a proficient smuggler who also tends to make mistakes that get him into trouble; is very good at miraculously recovering from bad situations", }; var chewie = new Person { FirstName = "Chewbacca", LastName = "", OccupationId = smuggler.Id, AddressId = millenniumFalcon.Id, Age = 107, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "A Wookiee who has a life-debt to Han and is his best friend; copilot of the Millennium Falcon; party to all of the antics Han has done", }; var obiWan = new Person { FirstName = "Obi Wan", LastName = "Kenobi", OccupationId = jedi.Id, AddressId = bensHut.Id, Age = 74, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Taking on the alias of Ben, he is really a Jedi in hiding; after battling and leaving his pupil, Anakin, for dead, he took Anakin's son to the remote Tatooine in an effort to hid his existance from the Galactic Empire; a proficient Jedi, though not as spry as he used to be", }; var c3p0 = new Person { FirstName = "C-3PO", LastName = "", OccupationId = droid.Id, AddressId = larsFarm.Id, Age = 36, Picture = "", Email = "", Notes = "Protocol droid originally created by Anakin Skywalker; very good about telling everybody that can hear what the probabilities of something happening might be; excellent translator despite his extreme pessimism; bought by Lars from some Jawas who'd picked them up from the Dune Sea", }; var r2d2 = new Person { FirstName = "R2D2", LastName = "", OccupationId = droid.Id, AddressId = larsFarm.Id, Age = 48, Picture = "", Email = "", Notes = "Astromech droid that is like the Swiss army knife of all droids; likes to live life on the edge and takes risks regularly; purchased by Owen Lars from some Jawas who'd picked him up in the trecherous rocky canyons near the Dune Sea", }; var darthVader = new Person { FirstName = "Darth", LastName = "Vader", OccupationId = sith.Id, AddressId = deathStar.Id, Age = 44, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "The sinister dark hand of the Emperor; used to be called Anakin Skywalker and was a Jedi of the Jedi Order based on Coruscant; after some very terrible life choices, he took up the new name and became a Sith; somehow never decided to check in on his new \"nephew\" (that has his same last name) which his uncle and aunt started looking after...", }; var palpatine = new Person { FirstName = "Emperor", LastName = "Palpatine", OccupationId = emperor.Id, AddressId = imperialPalace.Id, Age = 86, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Emperor over the Galactic Empire and Dark Lord of the Sith; favorite thing to do is electrocute his adversaries to death; dictatorial status definite", }; var yoda = new Person { FirstName = "Yoda", LastName = "", OccupationId = jedi.Id, AddressId = dagobah.Id, Age = 308, Picture = "", Email = "", Notes = "Old and shriveled Jedi master; one of the few surviving Jedi in self-imposed exile; extremely powerful in the Force", }; var bobaFett = new Person { FirstName = "Boba", LastName = "Fett", OccupationId = bountyHunter.Id, AddressId = slaveII.Id, Age = 34, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Skilled bounty hunter, possibly the best in the galaxy; never fails and tracks his quarry carefully; would not recommend sending him an email directly; he will find you", }; var bossk = new Person { FirstName = "Bossk", LastName = "", OccupationId = bountyHunter.Id, AddressId = unknown.Id, Age = 25, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Trandoshan whose brutal methods have been effective in tracking down and often killing his quarry; should be as intimidated about hiring him as you would be if he was looking for you", }; var bail = new Person { FirstName = "Bail", LastName = "Organa", OccupationId = king.Id, AddressId = alderaan.Id, Age = 59, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "King of Alderaan; part-time senator, though much of that is now handled by Leia; one of the founders of the Rebel Alliance, though as quiet about this fact as he can be so the imperial intelligence doesn't catch wind of it", }; var owenLars = new Person { FirstName = "Owen", LastName = "Lars", OccupationId = moistureFarmer.Id, AddressId = larsFarm.Id, Age = 53, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Uncle to Luke and stepbrother to Anakin Skywalker; extremely fearful of the Empire, worried for their scrutiny if they were ever to find out that Luke was the son and heir to Anakin Skywalker, now Darth Vader", }; var beruLars = new Person { FirstName = "Beru", LastName = "Lars", OccupationId = moistureFarmer.Id, AddressId = larsFarm.Id, Age = 56, Picture = "", Email = "*****@*****.**", Notes = "Aunt to Luke and wife to Owen Lars; considerably less fearful of the Empire than her husband; more understanding of Luke's situation than her husband", }; People.AddRange(new List <Person> { luke, leia, han, chewie, obiWan, c3p0, r2d2, darthVader, palpatine, yoda, bobaFett, bossk, bail, owenLars, beruLars, }); SaveChanges(); #endregion #region PersonInterests PersonInterests.AddRange(new List <PersonInterest> { new PersonInterest { PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = flying.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = luke.Id, InterestId = socializing.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = leia.Id, InterestId = politicalUpheaval.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = leia.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = leia.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = han.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = han.Id, InterestId = flying.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = han.Id, InterestId = gambling.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = flying.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = gambling.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = chewie.Id, InterestId = playingDejarik.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = obiWan.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = obiWan.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = obiWan.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = c3p0.Id, InterestId = translating.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = c3p0.Id, InterestId = chances.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = r2d2.Id, InterestId = problemSolving.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = flying.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = darthVader.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = palpatine.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = palpatine.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = palpatine.Id, InterestId = politicalUpheaval.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = problemSolving.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = flying.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bobaFett.Id, InterestId = tracking.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bossk.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bossk.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bossk.Id, InterestId = tracking.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bail.Id, InterestId = familyTime.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bail.Id, InterestId = politicalUpheaval.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = bail.Id, InterestId = espionage.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = owenLars.Id, InterestId = farming.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = owenLars.Id, InterestId = eating.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = beruLars.Id, InterestId = farming.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = beruLars.Id, InterestId = familyTime.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = beruLars.Id, InterestId = eating.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = yoda.Id, InterestId = meditating.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = yoda.Id, InterestId = theForce.Id }, new PersonInterest { PersonId = yoda.Id, InterestId = fighting.Id }, }); SaveChanges(); #endregion }