コード例 #1
        public void Test_InterceptList_MergeInterceptLists_MaximumListLength()
            InterceptList list1 = new InterceptList();
            InterceptList list2 = new InterceptList();

            for (int i = 0; i < InterceptList.MaxIntercepts + 10; i++)
                list1.AddPoint(new InterceptRec(i, i, i, i, i, i));

            for (int i = 99; i < 199; i++)
                list2.AddPoint(new InterceptRec(i, i, i, i, i + 0.5, i));

            InterceptList mergedList = new InterceptList();

            mergedList.MergeInterceptLists(list1, list2);

            Assert.True(InterceptList.MaxIntercepts == mergedList.Count, $"Count not == MaxIntercepts after overfilling list ({InterceptList.MaxIntercepts } vs {mergedList.Count}");

            mergedList = new InterceptList();
            mergedList.MergeInterceptLists(list2, list1);

            Assert.True(InterceptList.MaxIntercepts == mergedList.Count, $"Count not == MaxIntercepts after overfilling list ({InterceptList.MaxIntercepts } vs {mergedList.Count}");
コード例 #2
        public void Test_InterceptList_UpdateMergedListInterceptMidPoints_EmptyList()
            InterceptList list1 = new InterceptList();
            InterceptList list2 = new InterceptList();

            InterceptList mergedList = new InterceptList();

            mergedList.MergeInterceptLists(list1, list2);

            Assert.True(0 == mergedList.Count, $"merged list count != 0 after merge, = {mergedList.Count}");
コード例 #3
        public void Test_InterceptList_MergeInterceptLists_SameItems()
            InterceptList list1 = new InterceptList();
            InterceptList list2 = new InterceptList();

            var newPoint = new InterceptRec(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);


            InterceptList mergedList = new InterceptList();

            mergedList.MergeInterceptLists(list1, list2);

            Assert.True(1 == mergedList.Count, $"merged list count != after merge, = {mergedList.Count}");
            Assert.Equal(newPoint, mergedList.Items[0]);
コード例 #4
        public void Test_InterceptList_MergeInterceptLists_UniqueItems_InOrder()
            InterceptList list1 = new InterceptList();
            InterceptList list2 = new InterceptList();

            var newPoint1 = new InterceptRec(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6);
            var newPoint2 = new InterceptRec(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);


            InterceptList mergedList = new InterceptList();

            mergedList.MergeInterceptLists(list1, list2);

            Assert.True(2 == mergedList.Count, $"merged list count != after merge, = {mergedList.Count}");
            Assert.Equal(newPoint1, mergedList.Items[0]);
            Assert.Equal(newPoint2, mergedList.Items[1]);
コード例 #5
        public void Test_InterceptList_MergeInterceptLists_SameItems_InExactOutOfOrder()
            InterceptList list1 = new InterceptList();
            InterceptList list2 = new InterceptList();

            var newPoint1 = new InterceptRec(1.99995f, 2.99995f, 3, 4, 5.99995f, 6);
            var newPoint2 = new InterceptRec(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);


            InterceptList mergedList = new InterceptList();

            mergedList.MergeInterceptLists(list1, list2);

            Assert.True(1 == mergedList.Count, $"merged list count != after merge, = {mergedList.Count}");
            Assert.Equal(newPoint1, mergedList.Items[0]);
            Assert.Equal(newPoint2, mergedList.Items[0]);
コード例 #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a vector of cells in profileCells along the path of the profile geometry containing in nEECoords
        /// </summary>
        public bool Build(XYZ[] nEECoords, List <T> profileCells)
            NEECoords    = nEECoords;
            ProfileCells = profileCells;

            CellSize = SiteModel.CellSize;

            CurrStationPos = 0;

            CurrentSubgridOrigin  = new SubGridCellAddress(int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);
            ReturnDesignElevation = CutFillDesignWrapper?.Design != null;
            DesignElevations      = null;

            // Obtain the primary partition map to allow this request to determine the elements it needs to process
            bool[] primaryPartitionMap = ImmutableSpatialAffinityPartitionMap.Instance().PrimaryPartitions();

            for (int loopBound = NEECoords.Length - 1, I = 0; I < loopBound; I++)
                StartX       = NEECoords[I].X;
                StartY       = NEECoords[I].Y;
                StartStation = NEECoords[I].Z;

                EndX       = NEECoords[I + 1].X;
                EndY       = NEECoords[I + 1].Y;
                EndStation = NEECoords[I + 1].Z;

                if (I == 0)                                               // Add start point of profile line to intercept list
                    CurrStationPos = SlicerToolUsed ? 0 : NEECoords[I].Z; // alignment profiles pass in station for more accuracy
                    VtHzIntercepts.AddPoint(StartX, StartY, CurrStationPos);

                Distance = SlicerToolUsed
          ? MathUtilities.Hypot(EndX - StartX, EndY - StartY) // station is not passed so compute
          : EndStation - StartStation;                        // use precise station passed

                if (Distance == 0)                            // if we have two points the same

                // Get all intercepts between profile line and cell boundaries for this segment
                CalculateHorizontalIntercepts(CurrStationPos); // pass the distance down alignment this segment starts

                CurrStationPos += Distance; // add distance to current station

            // Merge vertical and horizontal cell boundary/profile line intercepts
            VtHzIntercepts.MergeInterceptLists(VtIntercepts, HzIntercepts);

            // Add end point of profile line to intercept list
            VtHzIntercepts.AddPoint(EndX, EndY, CurrStationPos);

            // Update each intercept with it's midpoint and intercept length
            // i.e. the midpoint on the line between one intercept and the next one
            // and the length between those intercepts

            if (VtHzIntercepts.Count > ProfileCells.Capacity)
                ProfileCells.Capacity = VtHzIntercepts.Count;

            // Iterate over all intercepts calculating the results for each cell that lies in
            // a subgrid handled by this node
            for (int i = 0; i < VtHzIntercepts.Count; i++)
                if (Aborted)

                // Determine the on-the-ground cell underneath the midpoint of each intercept line
                                                                      VtHzIntercepts.Items[i].MidPointY, out OTGCellX, out OTGCellY);

                ThisSubgridOrigin = new SubGridCellAddress(OTGCellX & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, OTGCellY & ~SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask);

                if (!CurrentSubgridOrigin.Equals(ThisSubgridOrigin))
                    if (!primaryPartitionMap[ThisSubgridOrigin.ToSpatialPartitionDescriptor()])

                    CurrentSubgridOrigin = ThisSubgridOrigin;

                    if (!ProfileFilterMask.ConstructSubGridCellFilterMask(SiteModel, CurrentSubgridOrigin, VtHzIntercepts, i, FilterMask, CellFilter,

                    if (ReturnDesignElevation && CutFillDesignWrapper?.Design != null) // cut fill profile request then get elevation at same spot along design
                        var getDesignHeightsResult = CutFillDesignWrapper.Design.GetDesignHeightsViaLocalCompute(SiteModel, CutFillDesignWrapper.Offset, new SubGridCellAddress(OTGCellX, OTGCellY), CellSize);

                        DesignElevations = getDesignHeightsResult.designHeights;
                        DesignResult     = getDesignHeightsResult.errorCode;

                        if (DesignResult != DesignProfilerRequestResult.OK &&
                            DesignResult != DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)

                        if (DesignResult == DesignProfilerRequestResult.NoElevationsInRequestedPatch)
                            DesignElevations = null; // force a null height to be written

                if (FilterMask.BitSet(OTGCellX & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask, OTGCellY & SubGridTreeConsts.SubGridLocalKeyMask))
                    AddCellPassesDataToList(OTGCellX, OTGCellY, VtHzIntercepts.Items[i].ProfileItemIndex, VtHzIntercepts.Items[i].InterceptLength);

            Log.LogInformation($"CellProfileBuilder constructed a vector of {VtHzIntercepts.Count} vertices");
