private void loadThongTinHocTap() { if (ControlUtil.IsEditValueNull(cmbLop) || ControlUtil.IsEditValueNull(cmbNam) || ControlUtil.IsEditValueNull(cmbThang)) { return; } int lopId = (int)cmbLop.EditValue; int nam = (int)cmbNam.EditValue; int thang = IntUtil.StringToInt((string)cmbThang.EditValue).Value; DateTime ngay = new DateTime(nam, thang, DateTime.DaysInMonth(nam, thang)); this.viewHocTapRowBindingSource.DataSource = this.viewHocTapTableAdapter.GetDataByLopAndNgay(lopId, ngay); this.DataTable = this.viewHocTapRowBindingSource.DataSource as DataTable; foreach (QLMamNon.Dao.QLMamNonDs.ViewHocTapRow row in (this.DataTable as QLMamNon.Dao.QLMamNonDs.ViewHocTapDataTable)) { if (row.IsNgayTinhNull()) { row.NgayTinh = new MySql.Data.Types.MySqlDateTime(nam, thang, DateTime.DaysInMonth(nam, thang), 0, 0, 0, 0); } if (row.IsSoNgayNghiThangNull()) { row.SoNgayNghiThang = 0; } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute"></param> /// <param name="valueStr"></param> /// <param name="dbFields"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual bool setDBSegmentAttribute(DBSegment dbSegment, string attribute, string valueStr, List <DBField> dbFields) { int tmp; switch (attribute) { case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_FLAGS: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbSegment.Flags = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ISN: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbSegment.Isn = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_FLD_ISN: int fldIsn; IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out fldIsn); dbSegment.Field = dbFields.Find(x => x.Isn == fldIsn); break; default: return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute"></param> /// <param name="valueStr"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual bool setAttribute(DatabaseDefinition databaseDefinition, string attribute, string valueStr) { int tmp; switch (attribute) { case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DATABASE_NAME: databaseDefinition.Name = valueStr; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DATABASE_LOCATION: { string localDatabaseLocation = String.Empty; databaseDefinition.Location = valueStr; } break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DATABASE_TYPE: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); databaseDefinition.DatabaseType = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DATABASE_USER_PASSWORD: { databaseDefinition.UserPassword = valueStr; } break; default: return(false); } return(true); }
internal Publication(ClientConductor clientConductor, string channel, int streamId, int sessionId, IReadablePosition positionLimit, LogBuffers logBuffers, long registrationId) { var buffers = logBuffers.AtomicBuffers(); var logMetaDataBuffer = buffers[LogBufferDescriptor.LOG_META_DATA_SECTION_INDEX]; for (var i = 0; i < LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT; i++) { _termAppenders[i] = new TermAppender(buffers[i], buffers[i + LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT]); } var termLength = logBuffers.TermLength(); _maxPayloadLength = LogBufferDescriptor.MtuLength(logMetaDataBuffer) - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; MaxMessageLength = FrameDescriptor.ComputeMaxMessageLength(termLength); _clientConductor = clientConductor; Channel = channel; StreamId = streamId; SessionId = sessionId; InitialTermId = LogBufferDescriptor.InitialTermId(logMetaDataBuffer); _logMetaDataBuffer = logMetaDataBuffer; RegistrationId = registrationId; _positionLimit = positionLimit; _logBuffers = logBuffers; _positionBitsToShift = IntUtil.NumberOfTrailingZeros(termLength); _headerWriter = new HeaderWriter(LogBufferDescriptor.DefaultFrameHeader(logMetaDataBuffer)); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute"></param> /// <param name="valueStr"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual bool setDBKeyAttribute(DBKey dbKey, string attribute, string valueStr) { int tmp; switch (attribute) { case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_KEY_DB_NAME: dbKey.KeyDBName = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ISN: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbKey.Isn = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_FLAGS: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbKey.Flags = tmp; break; default: return(false); } return(true); }
/* Properties Setup */ public void SetMountainProperties() { this.startPosition = AppController.LastEnd; this.actualHeight = IntUtil.Random(heightRange[0], heightRange[1]); this.actualWidth = IntUtil.Random(widthRange[0], widthRange[1]); this.topWidth = IntUtil.Random(1, this.actualWidth + 1); this.exitWidth = IntUtil.Random(0, this.actualWidth - this.topWidth + 1); this.entryWidth = this.actualWidth - this.topWidth - this.exitWidth; if (this.entryWidth != 0) { this.entryHeight = IntUtil.Random(heightRange[0], this.actualHeight); this.topHeight = this.entryHeight; } if (this.exitWidth != 0) { this.exitHeight = IntUtil.Random(heightRange[0], this.actualHeight); } if (topWidth > Valley.width[0]) { topIsValley = true; valley = new Valley(); } }
public void ToggleElement(int index) { if (IntUtil.InRange(index, toggleButtons.Length)) { toggleButtons[index].Toggle(); } }
void SpawnLootBox(BasePlayer player, Vector3 hitloc) { var randomlootprefab = randomlootprefab1; var rlroll = IntUtil.Random(1, 6); if (rlroll == 1) { randomlootprefab = randomlootprefab1; } if (rlroll == 2) { randomlootprefab = randomlootprefab2; } if (rlroll == 3) { randomlootprefab = randomlootprefab3; } if (rlroll == 4) { randomlootprefab = randomlootprefab4; } if (rlroll == 5) { randomlootprefab = randomlootprefab5; } var createdPrefab = GameManager.server.CreateEntity(randomlootprefab, hitloc); BaseEntity treasurebox = createdPrefab?.GetComponent <BaseEntity>(); treasurebox.enableSaving = false; treasurebox?.Spawn(); timer.Once(treasureDespawn, () => CheckTreasureDespawn(treasurebox)); }
public Boolean ReLogin(string tsHashCode) { if (tsHashCode == "") { return(false); } string lsSql = @"select b.* from t_S_OnLine_Employee a inner join t_S_Employee b on a.Employee_Id=b.Employee_Id where a.HashCode='" + tsHashCode + "'"; DataTable lodtEmployee = new DataTable(); DAL.DBA.FillDataTable(lodtEmployee, lsSql); if (lodtEmployee.Rows.Count == 1) { this.loUserInfo = new UserInfo(); loUserInfo.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_ID"].ToString()); loUserInfo.UserName = lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_Name"].ToString(); loUserInfo.DeptId = Convert.ToInt32(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Dept_ID"].ToString()); loUserInfo.Is_Employee_Pwd_Reset = Convert.ToBoolean(IntUtil.SafeCInt(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Is_Employee_Pwd_Reset"])); loUserInfo.Employee_Status = (EnumDef.EStatus)IntUtil.SafeCInt(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_Status"].ToString()); loUserInfo.Login_ID = lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_Login_ID"].ToString(); loUserInfo.Is_Admin = Convert.ToBoolean(IntUtil.SafeCInt(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Is_Admin"])); loUserInfo.Password = lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["employee_login_pwd"].ToString(); loUserInfo.PositionID = IntUtil.SafeCIntNullable(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Position_ID"]); this.moSession["UserSession"] = this; this.InitMenu(); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
// // // private void cloudy() { while (!stopThread) { try { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { // if we returned after a pause here level will be remembered _fixtureController.setWallLevelByPanel(level, i); level = (ushort)IntUtil.Random(1, 100); //this.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate //{ // label7.Text = level.ToString() + "%"; //}); } //System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(delay); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(@"problem during transmission of command to lutron panel/area: " + ex.ToString()); //break; } finally { // update progress graphic? } } #region old clouds based upon schedules //_fixtureController.turnOffWall(); //var panels = _fixtureController.getAreas().ToArray(); //var area1 = panels[0]; //var area2 = panels[1]; //var area3 = panels[2]; //var area4 = panels[3]; //var fixtures1 = _fixtureController.getFixturesForArea(area1).OrderBy(f => f.IntegrationId).Skip(4); //var fixtures2 = _fixtureController.getFixturesForArea(area2).OrderBy(f => f.IntegrationId); //var fixtures3 = _fixtureController.getFixturesForArea(area3).OrderBy(f => f.IntegrationId); //var fixtures4 = _fixtureController.getFixturesForArea(area4).OrderBy(f => f.IntegrationId).Take(20); //var levels = new List<int>(); //levels.AddRange(new List<int> { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }); //levels.AddRange(new List<int> { 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 100 }); //levels.AddRange(new List<int> { 95, 90, 85, 80, 75, 70, 65, 60, 55, 50, 45, 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, 5 }); //var schedules = new List<FixtureSchedule>(); //schedules.AddRange(MakeRotatingLevel(fixtures1, levels)); //schedules.AddRange(MakeRotatingLevel(fixtures2, levels)); //schedules.AddRange(MakeRotatingLevel(fixtures3, levels)); //schedules.AddRange(MakeRotatingLevel(fixtures4, levels)); //_skywallFadeWorker = new SkyWallFadeWorker(schedules, _fixtureController); //_skywallFadeWorker.StartSkyWall(); #endregion }
private DateTime GetNgayTinh() { if (!ControlUtil.IsEditValueNull(this.cmbNam) && !ControlUtil.IsEditValueNull(this.cmbThang)) { Int32 nam = (Int32)cmbNam.EditValue; int thang = IntUtil.StringToInt((string)cmbThang.EditValue).Value; int ngay = DateTime.DaysInMonth(nam, thang); DateTime ngayTinh = new DateTime(nam, thang, ngay); return(ngayTinh); } return(DateTime.MinValue); }
private void GenerateRandomActor() { int randomActor; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { do { randomActor = IntUtil.Random(1, 11); }while(actorIds.Contains(randomActor)); actorIds.Add(randomActor); } }
List <Dog> getAdoptedDogsForPage(int pageIndex) { int startIndex = getStartIndex(pageIndex); if (IntUtil.InRange(startIndex, dogCollection.Count)) { int endIndex = Mathf.Clamp(startIndex + dogsPerPage, 0, dogCollection.Count); return(dogCollection.GetRange(startIndex, endIndex - startIndex)); } else { return(new List <Dog>()); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="elementName"></param> /// <param name="elementValue"></param> /// <param name="attributes"></param> public void endElement(string elementName, string elementValue, NameValueCollection attributes) { switch (elementName) { case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_KEYS: case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_SEGS: case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_FLDS: // closing collection - do nothing return; case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_DBH: case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_DBH_DATA_ID: // set the attributes dataSourceBuilder.SetAttributes(dataSourceDefinition, attributes); break; case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_FLD: // create the field and add it to the DataSourceDefinition DBField field = new DBField(); dataSourceBuilder.SetDBFieldAttributes(field, attributes); dataSourceBuilder.AddField(dataSourceDefinition, field); break; case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_KEY: // create the key and add it to the DataSourceDefinition DBKey key = new DBKey(); dataSourceBuilder.SetDBKeyAttributes(key, attributes); // Add the segments collection and reset the local one key.Segments = segments; segments = new List <DBSegment>(); dataSourceBuilder.AddKey(dataSourceDefinition, key); break; case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_SEG: // create the segment and add it to the DataSourceDefinition DBSegment segment = new DBSegment(); dataSourceBuilder.SetDBSegmentAttributes(segment, attributes, dataSourceDefinition.Fields); dataSourceBuilder.AddSegment(dataSourceDefinition, segment); break; case ConstInterface.MG_TAG_SEGMENT: // Get the segment's isn and add the segment to the local segment collection. This way it will be added // later to the right key int isn; IntUtil.TryParse((string)attributes.GetValues(0)[0], out isn); segments.Add(dataSourceDefinition.Segments.Find(x => x.Isn == isn)); break; } }
internal ExclusivePublication( ClientConductor clientConductor, string channel, int streamId, int sessionId, IReadablePosition positionLimit, LogBuffers logBuffers, long originalRegistrationId, long registrationId) { var buffers = logBuffers.TermBuffers(); var logMetaDataBuffer = logBuffers.MetaDataBuffer(); for (var i = 0; i < LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT; i++) { _termAppenders[i] = new ExclusiveTermAppender(buffers[i], logMetaDataBuffer, i); } var termLength = logBuffers.TermLength(); _termBufferLength = termLength; MaxPayloadLength = LogBufferDescriptor.MtuLength(logMetaDataBuffer) - DataHeaderFlyweight.HEADER_LENGTH; MaxMessageLength = FrameDescriptor.ComputeExclusiveMaxMessageLength(termLength); _maxPossiblePosition = termLength * (1L << 31); _conductor = clientConductor; Channel = channel; StreamId = streamId; SessionId = sessionId; _logMetaDataBuffer = logMetaDataBuffer; _originalRegistrationId = originalRegistrationId; RegistrationId = registrationId; _positionLimit = positionLimit; _logBuffers = logBuffers; _positionBitsToShift = IntUtil.NumberOfTrailingZeros(termLength); _headerWriter = new HeaderWriter(LogBufferDescriptor.DefaultFrameHeader(logMetaDataBuffer)); InitialTermId = LogBufferDescriptor.InitialTermId(logMetaDataBuffer); var activeIndex = LogBufferDescriptor.ActivePartitionIndex(logMetaDataBuffer); _activePartitionIndex = activeIndex; long rawTail = LogBufferDescriptor.RawTail(_logMetaDataBuffer, activeIndex); _termId = LogBufferDescriptor.TermId(rawTail); _termOffset = LogBufferDescriptor.TermOffset(rawTail, termLength); _termBeginPosition = LogBufferDescriptor.ComputeTermBeginPosition(_termId, _positionBitsToShift, InitialTermId); }
/// <summary> /// Sets the Data Source Definition /// </summary> /// <param name="valueStr"></param> /// <returns></returns> private void SetDataSourceDefinitionAttribute(string valueStr) { int ctlIdx; int tableIsn; String[] data = StrUtil.tokenize(valueStr, ","); Debug.Assert(data.Length > 1); IntUtil.TryParse(data[0], out ctlIdx); IntUtil.TryParse(data[1], out tableIsn); DataSourceId id = new DataSourceId(); id.CtlIdx = ctlIdx; id.Isn = tableIsn; DataSourceDefinition = ClientManager.Instance.LocalManager.ApplicationDefinitions.DataSourceDefinitionManager.GetDataSourceDefinition(id); }
void FishTypeRoll(BasePlayer player, Vector3 hitloc) { int totalfishtypechance = rarecatchchance + uncommoncatchchance + common1catchchance + common2catchchance; var fishtyperoll = IntUtil.Random(1, totalfishtypechance + 1); if (allowrandomitemchance) { if (fishtyperoll < randomitemchance) { catchFishCui(player, randomitemiconurl); SendReply(player, msg("randomitem", player.UserIDString)); SpawnLootBox(player, hitloc); return; } } if (fishtyperoll < rarecatchchance) { catchFishCui(player, rareiconurl); SendReply(player, msg("rarefish1", player.UserIDString)); player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(rarecatchitemid, rarecatchamount)); player.Command("note.inv", rarecatchitemid, rarecatchamount); return; } if (fishtyperoll < rarecatchchance + uncommoncatchchance) { catchFishCui(player, uncommoniconurl); SendReply(player, msg("uncommonfish1", player.UserIDString)); player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(uncommoncatchitemid, uncommoncatchamount)); player.Command("note.inv", uncommoncatchitemid, uncommoncatchamount); return; } if (fishtyperoll < rarecatchchance + uncommoncatchchance + common2catchchance) { catchFishCui(player, common2iconurl); SendReply(player, msg("commonfish2", player.UserIDString)); player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(common2catchitemid, common2catchamount)); player.Command("note.inv", common2catchitemid, common2catchamount); return; } if (fishtyperoll < rarecatchchance + uncommoncatchchance + common2catchchance + common1catchchance) { catchFishCui(player, common1iconurl); SendReply(player, msg("commonfish1", player.UserIDString)); player.inventory.GiveItem(ItemManager.CreateByItemID(common1catchitemid, common1catchamount)); player.Command("note.inv", common1catchitemid, common1catchamount); return; } }
void FishChanceRoll(BasePlayer player, Vector3 hitloc) { int roll = IntUtil.Random(1, 101); int totatchance = CatchFishModifier(player); if (roll < totatchance) { FishTypeRoll(player, hitloc); return; } else { SendReply(player, msg("missedfish", player.UserIDString)); } return; }
// King 47.798666, -122.409016 to 47.463651, -121.799275 // pierce 47.303719, -122.521626 to 46.890506, -121.274678 // snohomish 47.809735, -122.398030 to 48.309042, -121.101643 public Person() { HairColor = RandomValueOfArray(_hairColors); EyeColor = RandomValueOfArray(_eyeColors); Sex = RandomValueOfArray(_sex); YearOfBirth = IntUtil.Random(1940, 2005); SearchAction = "mergeOrUpload"; Region = RandomValueOfArray(_regions); switch (Region) { case "King": City = RandomValueOfArray(_kingCities); //var kingLatitude = 47.463651 + ((double) IntUtil.Random(0, 335015)/1000000); //var kingLongitude = -121.799275 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 609741) / 1000000); var kingLatitude = 47.49 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 200) / 1000); var kingLongitude = -122.4 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 400) / 1000); //47.615330, -122.146812 HomeLocation = new GeoPoint(kingLatitude, kingLongitude); break; case "Snohomish": City = RandomValueOfArray(_snohomishCities); //var snoLatitude = 47.809735 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 499307) / 1000000); //var snoLongitude = -122.398030 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 1296387) / 10000000); var snoLatitude = 47.7 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 500) / 1000); var snoLongitude = -122.3 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 500) / 1000); //47.916760, -122.102074 HomeLocation = new GeoPoint(snoLatitude, snoLongitude); break; case "Pierce": City = RandomValueOfArray(_pierceCities); //var pierceLatitude = 46.890506 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 413213) / 10000000); //var pierceLongitude = -121.274678 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 1246948) / 10000000); var pierceLatitude = 46.93 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 400) / 1000); var pierceLongitude = -122.6 + ((double)IntUtil.Random(0, 500) / 1000); //47.218698, -122.416958 HomeLocation = new GeoPoint(pierceLatitude, pierceLongitude); break; } State = "WA"; }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new image over a log to represent a stream of messages from a <seealso cref="Publication"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="subscription"> to which this <seealso cref="Image"/> belongs. </param> /// <param name="sessionId"> of the stream of messages. </param> /// <param name="subscriberPosition"> for indicating the position of the subscriber in the stream. </param> /// <param name="logBuffers"> containing the stream of messages. </param> /// <param name="errorHandler"> to be called if an error occurs when polling for messages. </param> /// <param name="sourceIdentity"> of the source sending the stream of messages. </param> /// <param name="correlationId"> of the request to the media driver. </param> public Image(Subscription subscription, int sessionId, IPosition subscriberPosition, LogBuffers logBuffers, ErrorHandler errorHandler, string sourceIdentity, long correlationId) { Subscription = subscription; SessionId = sessionId; _subscriberPosition = subscriberPosition; _logBuffers = logBuffers; _errorHandler = errorHandler; SourceIdentity = sourceIdentity; CorrelationId = correlationId; _termBuffers = logBuffers.TermBuffers(); var termLength = logBuffers.TermLength(); _termLengthMask = termLength - 1; _positionBitsToShift = IntUtil.NumberOfTrailingZeros(termLength); _header = new Header(LogBufferDescriptor.InitialTermId(logBuffers.MetaDataBuffer()), _positionBitsToShift); }
/// <summary> /// Construct a new image over a log to represent a stream of messages from a <seealso cref="Publication"/>. /// </summary> /// <param name="subscription"> to which this <seealso cref="Image"/> belongs. </param> /// <param name="sessionId"> of the stream of messages. </param> /// <param name="subscriberPosition"> for indicating the position of the subscriber in the stream. </param> /// <param name="logBuffers"> containing the stream of messages. </param> /// <param name="errorHandler"> to be called if an error occurs when polling for messages. </param> /// <param name="sourceIdentity"> of the source sending the stream of messages. </param> /// <param name="correlationId"> of the request to the media driver. </param> public Image(Subscription subscription, int sessionId, IPosition subscriberPosition, LogBuffers logBuffers, ErrorHandler errorHandler, string sourceIdentity, long correlationId) { Subscription = subscription; SessionId = sessionId; _subscriberPosition = subscriberPosition; _logBuffers = logBuffers; _errorHandler = errorHandler; SourceIdentity = sourceIdentity; CorrelationId = correlationId; var buffers = logBuffers.AtomicBuffers(); Array.Copy(buffers, 0, _termBuffers, 0, LogBufferDescriptor.PARTITION_COUNT); var termLength = logBuffers.TermLength(); _termLengthMask = termLength - 1; _positionBitsToShift = IntUtil.NumberOfTrailingZeros(termLength); _header = new Header(LogBufferDescriptor.InitialTermId(buffers[LogBufferDescriptor.LOG_META_DATA_SECTION_INDEX]), _positionBitsToShift); }
internal int SelectBucketIndex(int bufferSize) { Debug.Assert(bufferSize >= 0); var intUtil = Math.Max(0, (32 - IntUtil.NumberOfLeadingZeros(bufferSize - 1)) - _minBufferLengthPow2); #if DEBUG // TODO remove this check after some usage, see if this is not the same on some edge case // bufferSize of 0 will underflow here, causing a huge // index which the caller will discard because it is not // within the bounds of the bucket array. uint bitsRemaining = ((uint)bufferSize - 1) >> _minBufferLengthPow2; int poolIndex = 0; if (bitsRemaining > 0xFFFF) { bitsRemaining >>= 16; poolIndex = 16; } if (bitsRemaining > 0xFF) { bitsRemaining >>= 8; poolIndex += 8; } if (bitsRemaining > 0xF) { bitsRemaining >>= 4; poolIndex += 4; } if (bitsRemaining > 0x3) { bitsRemaining >>= 2; poolIndex += 2; } if (bitsRemaining > 0x1) { bitsRemaining >>= 1; poolIndex += 1; } var manual = poolIndex + (int)bitsRemaining; Debug.Assert(manual == intUtil); #endif return(intUtil); }
public List <xyPairs> generateArray() { int xPairsParam = 0; int yPairsParam = 0; for (int i = 0; i < testPointsNum * 2; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { xPairsParam = IntUtil.Random(1, 1000); } else { yPairsParam = IntUtil.Random(1, 1000); //Console.WriteLine("({0}, {1})", xPairsParam, yPairsParam); xyPairs xyStruct = new xyPairs(); xyStruct.x = xPairsParam; xyStruct.y = yPairsParam; PointsLi.Add(xyStruct); } } return(this.PointsLi); }
//判断是否有某个页面的权限 public static Boolean ValidatePageRight(int tnEmployeeId, int tnPageId) { string lsSql = @" select c.Page_Id from t_S_Employee_Role a inner join t_S_Role b on a.ROLE_ID=b.Role_ID inner join t_S_Role_Page c on b.Role_ID=c.Role_ID where a.Valid_Date<Sysdate and a.Invalid_Date>Sysdate and a.Employee_ID=" + tnEmployeeId + @" and Page_Id=" + tnPageId + @" union select Page_ID from t_S_Employee_Module_Add d where d.Valid_Date<Sysdate and d.Invalid_Date>Sysdate and d.Employee_ID=" + tnEmployeeId + @" and Page_Id=" + tnPageId; DataTable lodtpage = new DataTable(); int lnPageid = IntUtil.SafeCInt(DAL.DBA.ExecuteScalar(lsSql)); if (lnPageid == tnPageId) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
/// <summary> /// Sets the value of specific attribute (according the data from parser) /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute"></param> /// <param name="valueStr">value of attribute</param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual bool setAttribute(string attribute, string valueStr) { int num; switch (attribute) { case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_TASK_TABLE_NAME_EXP: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out num); NameExpression = num; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_TASK_TABLE_ACCESS: Access = (Access)valueStr[0]; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_TASK_TABLE_IDENTIFIER: SetDataSourceDefinitionAttribute(valueStr); break; default: return(false); } return(true); }
private async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //checking if textbox value is int int n; bool isNumeric = int.TryParse(textBox1.Text, out n); if (isNumeric == true) { bet = n; label2.Text = "Bet: " + bet.ToString(); if (credits == 0) { MessageBox.Show("Sorry, you're out of credits!"); this.Close(); } else if (credits < bet) { MessageBox.Show("Bet must be equal to or lower than Credit balance!"); } else if (credits >= bet) { credits = credits - bet; label1.Text = "Credits: " + credits.ToString(); for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) { p1 = IntUtil.Random(1, 5); p2 = IntUtil.Random(1, 5); p3 = IntUtil.Random(1, 5); if (pictureBox1.Image != null) { pictureBox1.Image.Dispose(); } pictureBox1.Image = Image.FromFile(p1.ToString() + ".png"); if (pictureBox2.Image != null) { pictureBox2.Image.Dispose(); } pictureBox2.Image = Image.FromFile(p2.ToString() + ".png"); if (pictureBox3.Image != null) { pictureBox3.Image.Dispose(); } pictureBox3.Image = Image.FromFile(p3.ToString() + ".png"); await Task.Delay(50); } total = 0; //Three of a kind combos if (p1 == 3 & p2 == 3 & p3 == 3) { total = total + (bet * 3); } else if (p1 == 1 & p2 == 1 & p3 == 1) { total = total + (bet * 3); } else if (p1 == 2 & p2 == 2 & p3 == 2) { total = total + (bet * 5); } else if ((p1 == 3 & p2 == 3) || (p1 == 3 & p3 == 3) || (p2 == 3 & p3 == 3)) { total = total + (bet * 2); } else if ((p1 == 1 & p2 == 1) || (p1 == 1 & p3 == 1) || (p2 == 1 & p3 == 1)) { total = total + (bet * 2); } else if ((p1 == 2 & p2 == 2) || (p1 == 2 & p3 == 2) || (p2 == 2 & p3 == 2)) { total = total + (bet * 2); } credits = credits + total; label3.Text = "Win: " + total.ToString(); label1.Text = "Credits: " + credits.ToString(); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please enter a number value with no decimals!"); } }
public string Login(string tsUserAccount, string tsPassword, ref string tsUserHash, bool lsBool) { string lsMessage = ""; string lsSql = "Select * from t_S_Employee where Employee_Login_ID='" + tsUserAccount + "'"; DataTable lodtEmployee = new DataTable(); DAL.DBA.FillDataTable(lodtEmployee, lsSql); if (lodtEmployee.Rows.Count >= 1) { try { this.loUserInfo = new UserInfo(); loUserInfo.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_ID"].ToString()); loUserInfo.UserName = lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_Name"].ToString(); loUserInfo.DeptId = Convert.ToInt32(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Dept_ID"].ToString()); loUserInfo.Is_Employee_Pwd_Reset = Convert.ToBoolean(IntUtil.SafeCInt(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Is_Employee_Pwd_Reset"])); loUserInfo.Employee_Status = (EnumDef.EStatus)IntUtil.SafeCInt(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_Status"].ToString()); loUserInfo.Login_ID = lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_Login_ID"].ToString(); loUserInfo.Is_Admin = Convert.ToBoolean(IntUtil.SafeCInt(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Is_Admin"])); loUserInfo.Password = lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["employee_login_pwd"].ToString(); loUserInfo.PositionID = IntUtil.SafeCIntNullable(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Position_ID"]); if (IntUtil.SafeCInt(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Employee_Status"]) != 1) { lsMessage = "此用户处于未激活状态!"; return(lsMessage); } //密码不正确 if (loUserInfo.Password != CommonFunction.GetCode(tsPassword)) { lsMessage = "登录密码错误,请重新输入!"; return(lsMessage); } if (!lsBool) { if (StrUtil.SafeCString(lodtEmployee.Rows[0]["Is_Out_Accesss"]) != "1") { lsMessage = "此用户无权登录!"; return(lsMessage); } } #region 添加在线用户表记录 string lsSQL = "select HashCode from t_S_OnLine_Employee where Employee_ID=" + loUserInfo.UserId + " and rownum =1"; object loUserHash = DAL.DBA.ExecuteScalar(lsSQL); if (loUserHash != null && loUserHash != DBNull.Value) { tsUserHash = loUserHash.ToString(); } else { tsUserHash = CommonFunction.GetCode(loUserInfo.Login_ID + loUserInfo.Password); int lnOnlineID = Convert.ToInt32(CommonDBFunction.GenerateSEQIdentity("t_S_OnLine_Employee")); lsSQL = @"insert into t_S_OnLine_Employee(OnLine_Employee_id,Employee_ID,Status,HashCode,LoginTime) values(" + lnOnlineID.ToString() + "," + loUserInfo.UserId.ToString() + ",1,'" + tsUserHash + "',to_date('" + DateTime.Now + "','yyyy-MM-dd HH24:MI:SS'))"; DAL.DBA.ExecSQL("userlogin", lsSQL, ref lsMessage); } #endregion this.moSession["UserSession"] = this; this.InitMenu(); return(lsMessage); } catch (Exception ex) { lsMessage = "登陆失败!\r\n" + ex.Message; return(lsMessage); } } else { lsMessage = "用户“" + tsUserAccount + "”不存在!"; return(lsMessage); } }
public static int FindNextPositivePowerOfTwo(int value) { return(1 << (32 - IntUtil.NumberOfLeadingZeros(value - 1))); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute"></param> /// <param name="valueStr"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual bool setAttribute(DataSourceDefinition dataSourceDefinition, string attribute, string valueStr) { int tmp; switch (attribute) { case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ISN: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dataSourceDefinition.Id.Isn = tmp; break; case XMLConstants.MG_ATTR_CTL_IDX: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dataSourceDefinition.Id.CtlIdx = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_NAME: dataSourceDefinition.Name = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_FLAGS: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dataSourceDefinition.Flags = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DBASE_NAME: dataSourceDefinition.DBaseName = valueStr == null ? null : valueStr.ToUpper(); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_POSITION_ISN: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dataSourceDefinition.PositionIsn = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ARRAY_SIZE: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dataSourceDefinition.ArraySize = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ROW_IDENTIFIER: dataSourceDefinition.RowIdentifier = valueStr[0]; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_CHECK_EXIST: dataSourceDefinition.CheckExist = valueStr[0]; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DEL_UPD_MODE: dataSourceDefinition.DelUpdMode = valueStr[0]; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DBH_DATA_URL: dataSourceDefinition.FileUrl = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); Debug.Assert(DataSourceReader != null); byte[] buf = DataSourceReader(dataSourceDefinition.FileUrl); new DataSourceDefinitionSaxHandler(dataSourceDefinition, this, buf); break; default: return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="attribute"></param> /// <param name="valueStr"></param> /// <returns></returns> protected virtual bool setDBFieldAttribute(DBField dbField, string attribute, string valueStr) { int tmp; switch (attribute) { case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ISN: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.Isn = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ATTR: dbField.Attr = valueStr[0]; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_ALLOW_NULL: dbField.AllowNull = valueStr[0] == '1'; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DEFAULT_NULL: dbField.DefaultNull = valueStr[0] == '1'; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_STORAGE: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.Storage = (FldStorage)tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_LENGTH: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.Length = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DATASOURCE_DEFINITION: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.DataSourceDefinition = (DatabaseDefinitionType)tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DIFF_UPDATE: dbField.DiffUpdate = valueStr[0]; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DEC: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.Dec = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_WHOLE: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.Whole = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_PART_OF_DATETIME: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.PartOfDateTime = tmp; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DEFAULT_STORAGE: dbField.DefaultStorage = valueStr[0] == '1'; break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_CONTENT: IntUtil.TryParse(valueStr, out tmp); dbField.BlobContent = (BlobContent)BlobType.ParseContentType(tmp); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_PICTURE: dbField.Picture = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DB_DEFAULT_VALUE: dbField.DbDefaultValue = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_FLD_DB_INFO: dbField.DbInfo = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DB_NAME: dbField.DbName = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_DB_TYPE: dbField.DbType = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_USER_TYPE: dbField.UserType = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_NULL_DISPLAY: dbField.NullDisplay = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; case XMLConstants.MG_ATTR_DEFAULTVALUE: dbField.DefaultValue = valueStr; if (dbField.Attr == (char)StorageAttribute.ALPHA || dbField.Attr == (char)StorageAttribute.UNICODE) { dbField.DefaultValue = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); dbField.DefaultValue = StrUtil.padStr(dbField.DefaultValue, dbField.Length); } else if (dbField.DefaultValue.Length == 0 && dbField.Attr != (char)StorageAttribute.BLOB && dbField.Attr != (char)StorageAttribute.BLOB_VECTOR) { dbField.DefaultValue = null; } else if (dbField.Attr == (char)StorageAttribute.BLOB) { dbField.DefaultValue = BlobType.createFromString(dbField.DefaultValue, (char)dbField.BlobContent); } break; case ConstInterface.MG_ATTR_FIELD_NAME: dbField.Name = XmlParser.unescape(valueStr); break; default: return(false); } return(true); }