コード例 #1
        public virtual void LongPointEqualsAndHashCodeToAnotherNotEqualPointTest()
            IntPoint first  = new IntPoint(1, 5);
            IntPoint second = new IntPoint(0, 5);

            second = new IntPoint(1, 0);
            // Do not check the hash code method, because it works differently depending on the framework
コード例 #2
        public virtual void LongPointEqualsAndHashCodeItselfTest()
            IntPoint lp = new IntPoint(1, 5);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(lp.GetHashCode(), lp.GetHashCode());
コード例 #3
 public bool Equals(EditPictureProperties other)
     return(wannaOffset.Equals(other.wannaOffset) &&
            FlipX == other.FlipX &&
            FlipY == other.FlipY &&
            ModeType == other.ModeType &&
            ReferencePositionType == other.ReferencePositionType);
コード例 #4
        public virtual void LongPointEqualsAndHashCodeToAnotherEqualPointTest()
            IntPoint first  = new IntPoint(1, 5);
            IntPoint second = new IntPoint(1, 5);

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(first.GetHashCode(), second.GetHashCode());
コード例 #5
            public int ComparePoints(IntPoint a, IntPoint b)
                if (a.Equals(b))

                // use longs to guard against int-underflow
                double thetaA = Math.Atan2((long)a.Y - lowestPoint.Y, (long)a.X - lowestPoint.X);
                double thetaB = Math.Atan2((long)b.Y - lowestPoint.Y, (long)b.X - lowestPoint.X);

                if (thetaA < thetaB)
                else if (thetaA > thetaB)
                    // collinear with the 'lowest' point, let the point closest to it come first

                    // use longs to guard against int-over/underflow
                    double distanceA = Math.Sqrt((((long)lowestPoint.X - a.X) * ((long)lowestPoint.X - a.X)) + (((long)lowestPoint.Y - a.Y) * ((long)lowestPoint.Y - a.Y)));
                    double distanceB = Math.Sqrt((((long)lowestPoint.X - b.X) * ((long)lowestPoint.X - b.X)) + (((long)lowestPoint.Y - b.Y) * ((long)lowestPoint.Y - b.Y)));

                    if (distanceA < distanceB)
コード例 #6
        public virtual void LongPointEqualsToAnotherClassTest()
            IntPoint lp = new IntPoint(1, 5);

コード例 #7
        public virtual void LongPointEqualsToNullTest()
            IntPoint lp = new IntPoint(1, 5);

コード例 #8
ファイル: Clipper.cs プロジェクト: martindevans/ClipperRedux
        private void AddOutPt(TEdge e, IntPoint pt)
            Contract.Requires(e != null);
            Contract.Requires(e.OutIdx < 0 || e.OutIdx < _polyOuts.Count);

            var toFront = e.Side == EdgeSide.Left;
            if (e.OutIdx < 0)
                var outRec = CreateOutRec();
                e.OutIdx = outRec.Idx;
                var op = new OutPt();
                outRec.Pts = op;
                op.Pt = pt;
                op.Next = op;
                op.Prev = op;
                SetHoleState(e, outRec);
                var outRec = _polyOuts[e.OutIdx];
                var op = outRec.Pts;
                if (toFront && pt.Equals(op.Pt) ||
                    (!toFront && pt.Equals(op.Prev.Pt)))

                var op2 = new OutPt {
                    Pt = pt,
                    Next = op,
                    Prev = op.Prev
                op2.Prev.Next = op2;
                op.Prev = op2;
                if (toFront)
                    outRec.Pts = op2;
コード例 #9
ファイル: Clipper.cs プロジェクト: martindevans/ClipperRedux
 private static bool Pt3IsBetweenPt1AndPt2(IntPoint pt1, IntPoint pt2, IntPoint pt3)
     if (pt1.Equals(pt3) || pt2.Equals(pt3))
         return true;
     else if (pt1.X != pt2.X)
         return pt1.X < pt3.X == pt3.X < pt2.X;
         return pt1.Y < pt3.Y == pt3.Y < pt2.Y;
コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// This method generates move commands ehich try to get from a given point to another whilst staying on the outline
        /// of an island
        /// </summary>s
        /// <param name="p1">The starting point</param>
        /// <param name="p2">The ending point</param>
        /// <param name="zPos">The z position of the layer</param>
        /// <param name="outlineLines">The outline linesegments of the island</param>
        private static void generateMovesBetweenPoints(IntPoint p1, IntPoint p2, long zPos, List <List <LineSegment> > outlineLines, int moveSpeed, ref Queue <MoveSegment> moveQueue)
            //TODO: sometimes it appears as if though when there are two points on the smae line a move if first genertated from p1 to the end (or start) of the
            //line and then back, there sould instead be a direct move from p1 to p2

            //If the two points are already equal then a move between them is not neccesary
            if (p1.Equals(p2))

            /*//If we are in plotting mode then we only need to lift up the pen and create a direct move
             * if (Global.Values.materialType == MaterialType.Pen)
             * {
             *  //Retract / lift up the pen
             *  Global.Values.MoveSegmentList.Add(new MoveSegment());
             *  //Make a direct move
             *  var vec1 = new Vector3(p1.X, p1.Y, zPos + 1);
             *  var vec2 = new Vector3(p2.X, p2.Y, zPos + 1);
             *  Global.Values.MoveSegmentList.Add(new MoveSegment(vec1, vec2, moveSpeed));
             *  //Move the pen down again
             *  vec1 = new Vector3(p2.X, p2.Y, zPos + 1);
             *  vec2 = new Vector3(p2.X, p2.Y, zPos);
             *  Global.Values.MoveSegmentList.Add(new MoveSegment(vec1, vec2, moveSpeed));
             *  return;
             * }*/

            //If there are no outline linesegments then we need to generate a direct move
            if (outlineLines.Count < 1)
                var vec1 = new Vector3(p1.X, p1.Y, zPos + 1); //);
                var vec2 = new Vector3(p2.X, p2.Y, zPos + 1); //);
                moveQueue.Enqueue(new MoveSegment(vec1, vec2, moveSpeed));

            //First find out which point on which polygon is closest to the first point
            List <LineSegment> closestOutline = new List <LineSegment>();
            IntPoint           closestPoint   = new IntPoint();
            LineSegment        closestLine    = new LineSegment(new IntPoint(), new IntPoint());
            double             closesDistance = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (List <LineSegment> lines in outlineLines)
                foreach (LineSegment line in lines)
                    IntPoint newPoint;
                    var      distance = distanceToLine(line, p1, out newPoint);

                    if (distance < closesDistance)
                        closesDistance = distance;
                        closestPoint   = newPoint;
                        closestOutline = lines;
                        closestLine    = line;

            //We now need to create a move from the first point to the closest point on the polygon
            var v1 = new Vector3(p1.X, p1.Y, zPos);
            var v2 = new Vector3(closestPoint.X, closestPoint.Y, zPos);

            moveQueue.Enqueue(new MoveSegment(v1, v2, moveSpeed));

            //Next we need to determine which point point on the above determined polygon is closest to the second
            IntPoint    closestPoint2 = new IntPoint();
            LineSegment closestLine2  = new LineSegment(new IntPoint(), new IntPoint());

            closesDistance = double.MaxValue;

            foreach (LineSegment line in closestOutline)
                IntPoint newPoint;
                var      distance = distanceToLine(line, p2, out newPoint);

                if (distance < closesDistance)
                    closesDistance = distance;
                    closestPoint2  = newPoint;
                    closestLine2   = line;

            //Create an endless looping warpper for the list
            LoopingList <LineSegment> loopingList = new LoopingList <LineSegment>(ref closestOutline);

            //We now need to determine the index of the two lines
            int lineIndex = closestOutline.IndexOf(closestLine);
            int lineIndex2;// = closestOutline.IndexOf(closestLine2);

            //We now need to add move segments for each line on the outline between the two closest points

            //A while ago we moved to closestPoint so it is now our last point
            IntPoint lastPoint = closestPoint;

            //For each line between the two points we have to move from the last point to the second point on the list
            int indexDiff = loopingList.distanceBetweenElements(closestLine, closestLine2, out lineIndex2); //lineIndex2 - lineIndex;

            if (indexDiff > 0)
                for (int i = lineIndex; i < lineIndex2; i++)
                    v1 = new Vector3(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, zPos);
                    var point2 = loopingList.elementAtIndex(i).Point2;
                    v2 = new Vector3(point2.X, point2.Y, zPos);
                    moveQueue.Enqueue(new MoveSegment(v1, v2, moveSpeed));
                    lastPoint = point2;//closestOutline[i].Point2;
            else if (indexDiff < 0)
                for (int i = lineIndex; i > lineIndex2; i--)
                    v1 = new Vector3(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, zPos);
                    var point1 = loopingList.elementAtIndex(i).Point1;
                    //v2 = new Vector3(closestOutline[i].Point1.X, closestOutline[i].Point1.Y, zPos);
                    v2 = new Vector3(point1.X, point1.Y, zPos);
                    moveQueue.Enqueue(new MoveSegment(v1, v2, moveSpeed));
                    //Global.Values.MoveSegmentList.Add(new MoveSegment(v1, v2, moveSpeed));
                    lastPoint = point1;//closestOutline[i].Point1;

            //Next we have to move from the last point to the closest point 2
            v1 = new Vector3(lastPoint.X, lastPoint.Y, zPos);
            v2 = new Vector3(closestPoint2.X, closestPoint2.Y, zPos);
            moveQueue.Enqueue(new MoveSegment(v1, v2, moveSpeed));

            //We then finally have to move from the last point 2 to the closest point 2
            v1 = new Vector3(closestPoint2.X, closestPoint2.Y, zPos);
            v2 = new Vector3(p2.X, p2.Y, zPos);
            moveQueue.Enqueue(new MoveSegment(v1, v2, moveSpeed));