コード例 #1
 public ActionResult CellEditInsert([FromBody] CRUDModel <Coverage> coverage)
     coverage.Value.ID = Guid.NewGuid();
コード例 #2
ファイル: PremiumsController.cs プロジェクト: levinkata/isas
        public async Task <IActionResult> BulkPremium(UpLoadPremiumViewModel viewModel)
            Guid currentproductId = Guid.Parse(HttpContext.Session.GetString("ProductID"));
            Guid currentUserId    = Guid.Parse(User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier));
            int  startRow         = viewModel.StartRow;

            string IDNumberPos    = string.Empty;
            string PremiumDatePos = string.Empty;
            string AmountPos      = string.Empty;

            //  Uncomment/comment the below if residue data was not deleted in the ClientTemp table.

            Guid myParam = currentUserId;
            await _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(
                "DELETE FROM PremiumTemp WHERE UserID = {0}",
                parameters : myParam);

            var formattypes = _context.FormatTypes
                              .Where(l => l.LoadFormatID == viewModel.LoadFormatID &&
                                     l.TableName == viewModel.TableName)

            foreach (var row in formattypes)
                switch (row.FieldName)
                case "IDNumber":
                    IDNumberPos = row.Position;

                case "PremiumDate":
                    PremiumDatePos = row.Position;

                case "Amount":
                    AmountPos = row.Position;

                case "default":

            IFormFile           uploadFile   = viewModel.UpLoadFile;
            IList <PremiumTemp> premiumtemps = new List <PremiumTemp>();

            using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
                await uploadFile.CopyToAsync(ms);

                    if (viewModel.UploadFileType == UploadFileTypes.Excel)
                        using (OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage package = new OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage(ms))
                            ExcelWorksheet worksheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets[1];
                            int            rowCount  = worksheet.Dimension.Rows;

                            for (int row = startRow; row <= rowCount; row++)
                                PremiumTemp premiumtemp = new PremiumTemp
                                    UserID         = currentUserId,
                                    ProductID      = currentproductId,
                                    PremiumTypeID  = viewModel.PremiumTypeID,
                                    Reference      = viewModel.Reference,
                                    ReceivableDate = viewModel.ReceivableDate,
                                    PaymentTypeID  = viewModel.PaymentTypeID,
                                    PaymentAmount  = viewModel.PaymentAmount,
                                    BatchNumber    = viewModel.BatchNumber

                                if (worksheet.Cells[IDNumberPos + row].Value != null && IDNumberPos != null)
                                    premiumtemp.IDNumber = worksheet.Cells[IDNumberPos + row].Value.ToString().Trim();

                                if (worksheet.Cells[PremiumDatePos + row].Value != null && PremiumDatePos != null)
                                    var      premiumdate = worksheet.Cells[PremiumDatePos + row].Value.ToString().Trim();
                                    DateTime dt          = Convert.ToDateTime(premiumdate);
                                    premiumtemp.PremiumDate = dt;
                                    premiumtemp.PremiumDate = viewModel.PremiumDate;

                                if (worksheet.Cells[AmountPos + row].Value != null && AmountPos != null)
                                    premiumtemp.Amount = decimal.Parse(worksheet.Cells[AmountPos + row].Value.ToString().Trim());
                                    premiumtemp.Amount = 0;

                    else if (viewModel.UploadFileType == UploadFileTypes.CSV)
                        char[] delimiter = viewModel.Delimiter.ToCharArray(); // Get Delimiter

                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(uploadFile.OpenReadStream()))
                            string line = string.Empty;

                            //  Skip rows to where valid data row starts
                            if (startRow > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < startRow - 1; i++)

                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                PremiumTemp premiumtemp = new PremiumTemp
                                    UserID        = currentUserId,
                                    ProductID     = currentproductId,
                                    PremiumTypeID = viewModel.PremiumTypeID

                                string[] cols = line.Split(delimiter);

                                if (cols[int.Parse(IDNumberPos)] != null && IDNumberPos != null)
                                    premiumtemp.IDNumber = cols[int.Parse(IDNumberPos)];

                                if (cols[int.Parse(PremiumDatePos)] != null && PremiumDatePos != null)
                                    var      premiumdate = cols[int.Parse(PremiumDatePos)];
                                    DateTime dt          = Convert.ToDateTime(premiumdate);
                                    premiumtemp.PremiumDate = dt;
                                    premiumtemp.PremiumDate = viewModel.PremiumDate;

                                if (cols[int.Parse(AmountPos)] != null && AmountPos != null)
                                    premiumtemp.Amount = decimal.Parse(cols[int.Parse(AmountPos)]);
                                    premiumtemp.Amount = 0;

                    else if (viewModel.UploadFileType == UploadFileTypes.FixedLengthDelimited)
                        int IDNumberLen    = 0;
                        int PremiumDateLen = 0;
                        int AmountLen      = 0;

                        foreach (var row in formattypes)
                            switch (row.FieldName)
                            case "IDNumber":
                                IDNumberLen = row.ColumnLength;

                            case "PremiumDate":
                                PremiumDateLen = row.ColumnLength;

                            case "Amount":
                                AmountLen = row.ColumnLength;

                            case "default":

                        using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(uploadFile.OpenReadStream()))
                            string line = string.Empty;

                            //  Skip rows to where valid data row starts
                            if (startRow > 0)
                                for (int i = 0; i < startRow - 1; i++)

                            while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null)
                                PremiumTemp premiumtemp = new PremiumTemp
                                    UserID        = currentUserId,
                                    ProductID     = currentproductId,
                                    PremiumTypeID = viewModel.PremiumTypeID

                                if (line.Substring(int.Parse(IDNumberPos), IDNumberLen) != null && IDNumberPos != null)
                                    premiumtemp.IDNumber = line.Substring(int.Parse(IDNumberPos), IDNumberLen);

                                if (line.Substring(int.Parse(PremiumDatePos), PremiumDateLen) != null && PremiumDatePos != null)
                                    var      premiumdate = line.Substring(int.Parse(PremiumDatePos), PremiumDateLen);
                                    DateTime dt          = Convert.ToDateTime(premiumdate);
                                    premiumtemp.PremiumDate = dt;
                                    premiumtemp.PremiumDate = viewModel.PremiumDate;

                                if (line.Substring(int.Parse(AmountPos), AmountLen) != null && AmountPos != null)
                                    premiumtemp.Amount = decimal.Parse(line.Substring(int.Parse(AmountPos), AmountLen));
                                    premiumtemp.Amount = 0;

                    ViewData["Message"] = "The records are all the data that has been successfully uploaded from the input file." + "\n" +
                                          "You can proceed to load them to the database.";

                    foreach (PremiumTemp p in premiumtemps)

                    return(RedirectToAction("LoadPremiums", new
                        userId = currentUserId,
                        productId = currentproductId
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ModelState.AddModelError("Some error occured while exporting. ", ex.Message);
            viewModel.UpLoadFile      = uploadFile;
            viewModel.PaymentTypeList = new SelectList(await _context.PaymentTypes.ToListAsync(), "ID", "Name", viewModel.PaymentTypeID);
            viewModel.PremiumTypeList = new SelectList(await _context.PremiumTypes.ToListAsync(), "ID", "Name", viewModel.PremiumTypeID);
コード例 #3
 public ActionResult CellEditUpdate([FromBody] CRUDModel <Client> client)
コード例 #4
ファイル: PayablesController.cs プロジェクト: levinkata/isas
        // GET: Payables/ProcessPayments
        public async Task <IActionResult> ProcessPayments(Guid productId,
                                                          string errReference, string errBankAccounts)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errReference))
                ViewData["ErrReference"] = errReference;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errBankAccounts))
                ViewData["ErrBankAccounts"] = errBankAccounts;

            var myParam = productId;

            await _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(
                "DELETE FROM ChequeTemp WHERE ProductID = {0}",
                parameters : myParam);

            await _context.Database.ExecuteSqlCommandAsync(
                "DELETE FROM ChequeSummaryTemp WHERE ProductID = {0}",
                parameters : myParam);

            string query = "SELECT CT.ID AS ID, PD.ID AS ProductID, CT.ClaimID AS ClaimID, " +
                           "PY.ID AS PayeeID, PY.Name AS Payee, CT.InvoiceNumber AS InvoiceNumber, " +
                           "AC.AccountCode AS AccountCode, AF.Name AS Affected, " +
                           "CT.Authorised AS Authorised, CT.Amount AS Amount, " +
                           "CN.LastName + ' ' + CN.FirstName AS Client, IR.Name AS Insurer, " +
                           "PD.Name AS Product " +
                           "FROM ClaimTransaction AS CT INNER JOIN Payee AS PY ON CT.PayeeID = PY.ID " +
                           "INNER JOIN Claim AS CL ON CT.ClaimID = CL.ID " +
                           "INNER JOIN Policy AS PL ON CL.PolicyID = PL.ID " +
                           "INNER JOIN Client AS CN ON PL.ClientID = CN.ID " +
                           "INNER JOIN Affected AS AF ON CT.AffectedID = AF.ID " +
                           "INNER JOIN AccountChart AS AC ON CT.AccountID = AC.ID " +
                           "INNER JOIN Insurer AS IR ON PL.InsurerID = IR.ID " +
                           "INNER JOIN Product PD ON PL.ProductID = PD.ID " +
                           "WHERE CT.Authorised = 1 AND CT.Amount > 0 " +
                           "AND CT.HoldForPayment = 0 AND PassForPayment = 1 " +
                           "AND PayableID IS NULL AND PD.ID = {0} " +
                           "ORDER BY PY.Name";

            var chequetransactions = await _context.ChequeTemps
                                     .FromSql(query, myParam)

            foreach (ChequeTemp c in chequetransactions)

            string query1 = "SELECT PY.ID AS ID, PD.ID AS ProductID, PY.Name AS Payee, " +
                            "NULL AS PostalAddress, NULL AS City, " +
                            "SUM(CT.Amount) AS Amount, COUNT(*) AS PayeeCount " +
                            "FROM ClaimTransaction AS CT INNER JOIN Payee AS PY ON CT.PayeeID = PY.ID " +
                            "INNER JOIN Claim AS CL ON CT.ClaimID = CL.ID " +
                            "INNER JOIN Policy AS PL ON CL.PolicyID = PL.ID " +
                            "INNER JOIN Client AS CN ON PL.ClientID = CN.ID " +
                            "INNER JOIN Affected AS AF ON CT.AffectedID = AF.ID " +
                            "INNER JOIN AccountChart AS AC ON CT.AccountID = AC.ID " +
                            "INNER JOIN Insurer AS IR ON PL.InsurerID = IR.ID " +
                            "INNER JOIN Product PD ON PL.ProductID = PD.ID " +
                            "WHERE CT.Authorised = 1 AND CT.Amount > 0 " +
                            "AND CT.HoldForPayment = 0 AND PassForPayment = 1 " +
                            "AND PayableID IS NULL AND PD.ID = {0} " +
                            "GROUP BY PY.ID, PD.ID, PY.Name " +
                            "ORDER BY PY.Name";

            var chequesummary = await _context.ChequeSummaryTemps
                                .FromSql(query1, myParam)

            int rowCount = chequesummary.Count();

            object[,] bankaccounts = new object[rowCount, 5];
            int  i           = 0;
            bool allaccounts = true;

            foreach (ChequeSummaryTemp c in chequesummary)
                //  Get PayeeID and check if Payee has Bank Account Number
                //  Then populate the BankAccount Array
                List <string> accountnumber = GetBankAccount(c.PayeeID);

                bankaccounts[i, 0] = c.PayeeID;
                bankaccounts[i, 1] = c.Payee;
                bankaccounts[i, 2] = accountnumber[0];      //  Account Number
                bankaccounts[i, 3] = accountnumber[1];      //  BIC
                bankaccounts[i, 4] = accountnumber[2];      //  Bank

                allaccounts = (accountnumber.Count == 0) ? false : true;

                //  Get Payee Address
                List <string> PayeeAddress = GetPayeeAddress(c.PayeeID);
                c.PostalAddress = PayeeAddress[0];
                c.City          = PayeeAddress[1];


            PaymentProcessingViewModel viewModel = new PaymentProcessingViewModel
                ProductID          = productId,
                ProductName        = ProductName(productId),
                ChequeTemps        = chequetransactions,
                ChequeSummaryTemps = chequesummary,
                BankAccounts       = bankaccounts,
                AllAccounts        = allaccounts,
                PaymentTypeList    = new SelectList(_context.PaymentTypes, "ID", "Name", _context.PaymentTypes.FirstOrDefault().ID),
                PaymentTypeID      = _context.PaymentTypes.FirstOrDefault().ID

コード例 #5
        void PopulateFormatTypes(Guid loadFormatTypeId)
            var formatTypes = new FormatType[]
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "Title", FieldLabel = "Title", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "FirstName", FieldLabel = "First Name", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "LastName", FieldLabel = "Last Name", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "BirthDate", FieldLabel = "Birth Date", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "Gender", FieldLabel = "Gender", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "IDNumber", FieldLabel = "ID Number", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = true
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "Occupation", FieldLabel = "Occupation", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Client", FieldName = "Country", FieldLabel = "Country", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false

                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Policy", FieldName = "IDNumber", FieldLabel = "ID Number", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = true
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Policy", FieldName = "InsurerNumber", FieldLabel = "Insurer Number", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Policy", FieldName = "CoverStartDate", FieldLabel = "Cover Start Date", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Policy", FieldName = "CoverEndDate", FieldLabel = "Cover End Date", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false

                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Premium", FieldName = "IDNumber", FieldLabel = "ID Number", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = true
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Premium", FieldName = "PremiumDate", FieldLabel = "Premium Date", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = true
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Premium", FieldName = "Amount", FieldLabel = "Premium", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false

                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ClaimID", FieldLabel = "Claim Number", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = true
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ReportDate", FieldLabel = "Report Date", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "IncidentDate", FieldLabel = "Incident Date", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "RegisterDate", FieldLabel = "Register Date", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ReserveInsured", FieldLabel = "Reserve Insured", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ReserveThirdParty", FieldLabel = "Reserve Third Party", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ReserveInsuredRevised", FieldLabel = "Reserve Insured Revised", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ReserveThirdPartyRevised", FieldLabel = "Reserve Third Party Revised", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ClaimExcess", FieldLabel = "Claim Excess", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "RecoverFromThirdParty", FieldLabel = "Recover From Third Party", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "ManualClaimNumber", FieldLabel = "Manual Claim Number", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false
                new FormatType {
                    ID = Guid.NewGuid(), LoadFormatID = loadFormatTypeId, TableName = "Claim", FieldName = "InsurerClaimNumber", FieldLabel = "Insurer Claim Number", Position = null, ColumnLength = 0, IsKey = false

            foreach (FormatType f in formatTypes)