コード例 #1
        private void WriteToFileHelper(string filePath)
            InstrumentProfileReader   reader           = new InstrumentProfileReader();
            InstrumentProfileWriter   writer           = new InstrumentProfileWriter();
            IList <InstrumentProfile> profilesFromHttp = reader.ReadFromFile(dxfToolsHost, dxfToolsUser, dxfToolsPassword);

            Assert.Greater(profilesFromHttp.Count, 0);
            writer.WriteToFile(filePath, profilesFromHttp);

            IList <InstrumentProfile> profilesFromFile;

            using (FileStream inputStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open))
                profilesFromFile = reader.Read(inputStream, filePath);

            Assert.AreEqual(profilesFromHttp.Count, profilesFromFile.Count);

            /* NOTE: Next commented code may not performed if current instrument
             * format was extended with new. */
            //for (int i = 0; i < profilesFromHttp.Count; i++) {
            //    Assert.AreEqual(profilesFromHttp[i], profilesFromFile[i]);
コード例 #2
        public void ReadFromHttpTest()
            InstrumentProfileReader   reader   = new InstrumentProfileReader();
            IList <InstrumentProfile> profiles = reader.ReadFromFile(dxfToolsHost, dxfToolsUser, dxfToolsPassword);

            Assert.Greater(profiles.Count, 0);
コード例 #3
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 7)
                    "Usage: dxf_option_chain_sample <host> <user> <password> <symbol> <nStrikes> <nMonths> <price>\n" +
                    "where\n" +
                    "    host     - valid host to download instruments (https://tools.dxfeed.com/ipf)\n" +
                    "    user     - user name to host access\n" +
                    "    password - user password to host access\n" +
                    "    symbol   - is the product or underlying symbol (GOOG, AAPL, IBM etc)" +
                    "    nStrikes - number of strikes to print for each series" +
                    "    nMonths  - number of months to print" +
                    "    price    - price of the last trade" +
                    "example: dxf_option_chain_sample https://tools.dxfeed.com/ipf demo demo AAPL 500 5 90.5\n"

            var path     = args[0];
            var user     = args[1];
            var password = args[2];
            var symbol   = args[3];

            try {
                var nStrikes = int.Parse(args[4]);
                var nMonths  = int.Parse(args[5]);
                var price    = double.Parse(args[6], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                var reader = new InstrumentProfileReader();
                //Read profiles from server
                var profiles = reader.ReadFromFile(path, user, password);

                Console.WriteLine("Profiles from '{0}' count: {1}", path, profiles.Count);

                Console.WriteLine("Building option chains ...");
                IDictionary <string, OptionChain> chains = OptionChainsBuilder.Build(profiles).Chains;
                var chain = chains[symbol];
                nMonths = Math.Min(nMonths, chain.GetSeries().Count);
                var seriesList
                    = new List <OptionSeries>(chain.GetSeries()).GetRange(0, nMonths);

                Console.WriteLine("Printing option series ...");
                foreach (var series in seriesList)
                    Console.WriteLine("Option series {0}", series);
                    var strikes = series.GetNStrikesAround(nStrikes, price);
                    foreach (var strike in strikes)
                        Console.Write("{0} ", strike);
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception occured: {exc}");
コード例 #4
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)


            var          path          = args[0];
            var          user          = string.Empty;
            var          password      = string.Empty;
            var          token         = string.Empty;
            const string ZIP_FILE_PATH = "profiles.zip";

                var reader = new InstrumentProfileReader();
                IList <InstrumentProfile> profiles;
                if (IsFilePath(path))
                    //Read profiles from local file system
                    using (var inputStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open))
                        profiles = reader.Read(inputStream, path);
                    if (args.Length >= 2)
                        if (args[1].Equals("-T"))
                            if (args.Length >= 3)
                                token = args[2];

                            user = args[1];
                            if (args.Length >= 3)
                                password = args[2];

                    //Read profiles from server
                    profiles = string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)
                        ? reader.ReadFromFile(path, user, password)
                        : reader.ReadFromFile(path, token);

                //Iterate through received profiles
                Console.WriteLine("Profiles from '{0}' count: {1}", path, profiles.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Print first {0} instruments:", MaxPrintCount);
                for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(profiles.Count, MaxPrintCount); i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("#{0}:{1}", i, profiles[i]);
                if (profiles.Count > MaxPrintCount)
                    Console.WriteLine("   {0} instruments left...", profiles.Count - MaxPrintCount);

                //Write profiles to local file system
                var writer = new InstrumentProfileWriter();
                writer.WriteToFile(ZIP_FILE_PATH, profiles);
            catch (Exception exc)
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception occured: {exc}");
コード例 #5
ファイル: Program.cs プロジェクト: ttldtor/dxfeed-net-api
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                    "Usage: dxf_instrument_profile_sample <host> <user> <password>\n" +
                    "or:    dxf_instrument_profile_sample <file>\n" +
                    "where\n" +
                    "    host      - The valid host to download instruments (https://tools.dxfeed.com/ipf)\n" +
                    "    user      - The user name to host access\n" +
                    "    password  - The user password to host access\n" +
                    "    file      - The name of file or archive (.gz or .zip) contains instrument profiles\n\n" +
                    "example: dxf_instrument_profile_sample https://tools.dxfeed.com/ipf demo demo\n" +
                    "or:      dxf_instrument_profile_sample profiles.zip\n"

            var          path          = args[0];
            var          user          = string.Empty;
            var          password      = string.Empty;
            const string ZIP_FILE_PATH = "profiles.zip";

            try {
                var reader = new InstrumentProfileReader();
                IList <InstrumentProfile> profiles;
                if (IsFilePath(path))
                    //Read profiles from local file system
                    using (var inputStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) {
                        profiles = reader.Read(inputStream, path);
                    if (args.Length >= 2)
                        user = args[1];
                    if (args.Length >= 3)
                        password = args[2];
                    //Read profiles from server
                    profiles = reader.ReadFromFile(path, user, password);

                //Iterate through received profiles
                Console.WriteLine("Profiles from '{0}' count: {1}", path, profiles.Count);
                Console.WriteLine("Print first {0} instruments:", MAX_PRINT_COUNT);
                for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(profiles.Count, MAX_PRINT_COUNT); i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("#{0}:{1}", i, profiles[i]);
                if (profiles.Count > MAX_PRINT_COUNT)
                    Console.WriteLine("   {0} instruments left...", profiles.Count - MAX_PRINT_COUNT);

                //Write profiles to local file system
                var writer = new InstrumentProfileWriter();
                writer.WriteToFile(ZIP_FILE_PATH, profiles);
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception occured: {exc}");
コード例 #6
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length == 0)
                    "Usage: dxf_ipf_connect_sample <ipf_host> <user> <password> <host:port> <events>\n" +
                    "or:    dxf_ipf_connect_sample <file> <host:port> <event>\n" +
                    "where\n" +
                    "    ipf_host  - The valid ipf host to download instruments (https://tools.dxfeed.com/ipf)\n" +
                    "    user      - The user name to host access\n" +
                    "    password  - The user password to host access\n" +
                    "    host:port - The address of dxfeed server (demo.dxfeed.com:7300)\n" +
                    "    events    - Any of the {Profile,Quote,Trade,TimeAndSale,Summary,\n" +
                    "                TradeETH,Candle,Greeks,TheoPrice,Underlying,Series,\n" +
                    "                Configuration}\n" +
                    "    file      - The name of file or archive (.gz or .zip) contains instrument profiles\n\n" +
                    "example: dxf_ipf_connect_sample https://tools.dxfeed.com/ipf?TYPE=STOCK demo demo demo.dxfeed.com:7300 Quote,Trade\n" +
                    "or:      dxf_ipf_connect_sample https://demo:[email protected]/ipf?TYPE=STOCK demo.dxfeed.com:7300 Quote,Trade\n" +
                    "or:      dxf_ipf_connect_sample profiles.zip demo.dxfeed.com:7300 Quote,Trade\n"

            var           path     = args[0];
            var           user     = string.Empty;
            var           password = string.Empty;
            string        dxFeedAddress;
            EventType     events;
            List <string> symbols;

            try {
                var reader = new InstrumentProfileReader();
                IList <InstrumentProfile> profiles;
                var dxFeedAddressParamIndex = 1;

                if (IsFilePath(path))
                    //Read profiles from local file system
                    using (var inputStream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)) {
                        profiles = reader.Read(inputStream, path);
                    if (args.Length == 5)
                        user     = args[1];
                        password = args[2];
                        dxFeedAddressParamIndex += 2;

                    //Read profiles from server
                    profiles = reader.ReadFromFile(path, user, password);

                dxFeedAddress = args[dxFeedAddressParamIndex];
                var eventsString = args[dxFeedAddressParamIndex + 1];

                if (!Enum.TryParse(eventsString, true, out events))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Unsupported event type: {eventsString}");

                if (profiles.Count == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("There are no profiles");


                Console.WriteLine("Profiles from '{0}' count: {1}", path, profiles.Count);

                symbols = profiles.Select(profile => profile.GetSymbol()).ToList();

                Console.WriteLine(value: $"Symbols: {string.Join(", ", symbols.Take(42).ToArray())}...");
            } catch (Exception exc) {
                Console.WriteLine($"Exception occured: {exc}");


            Console.WriteLine($"Connecting to {dxFeedAddress} for [{events} on [{string.Join(", ", symbols.Take(42).ToArray())}...] ...");

            NativeTools.InitializeLogging("dxf_ipf_connect_sample.log", true, true);

            using (var connection = new NativeConnection(dxFeedAddress, DisconnectHandler, ConnectionStatusChangeHandler)) {
                IDxSubscription subscription = null;
                try {
                    subscription = connection.CreateSubscription(events, new EventPrinter());

                    if (events == EventType.Candle)

                    Console.WriteLine("Press enter to stop");
                } catch (DxException dxException) {
                    Console.WriteLine($"Native exception occured: {dxException.Message}");
                } catch (Exception exc) {
                    Console.WriteLine($"Exception occured: {exc.Message}");
                } finally {