コード例 #1
    public static string createMultipleChartScript(InstructorGraph data, List <string> labels)
        string script = "";

        script += @"var ctx = document.getElementById('instructorChart');
        if($(window).width() < 400)
            ctx.height = 700;
        else if($(window).width() < 450)
            ctx.height = 650;
        else if($(window).width() < 600)
            ctx.height = 450;
        else if($(window).width() < 767)
            ctx.height = 350;
        var instructorChart = new Chart(ctx, {
        type: 'line',
            labels: " + data.labels + @",
            datasets: [";

        int i = 0;

        foreach (var element in data.data)
            script += @"{
                label: '" + labels[i] + @"',
                data: " + element + @",
                borderWidth: 1,
                borderColor: '" + StaticData.graphColors[i] + @"',
                hidden: " + (i == data.data.Count() - 1 || (data.data.Count() > 1 && i == 0) ? "false" : "true") + @"

        //Delete last comma
        if (script[script.Length - 1] == ',')
            script = script.Remove(script.Length - 1);

        script += @"]
                scales: {
                    yAxes: [{
                        ticks: {
                            suggestedMin: 1
                responsive: true

コード例 #2
        public void createMultipleChartScriptTest()
            InstructorGraph testGraph = new InstructorGraph();

            testGraph.data = new List <string>();
            List <string> testLabels = new List <string>();

            string result = GlobalFunctions.createMultipleChartScript(testGraph, testLabels);

コード例 #3
        public ViewResult Detail()
            InstructorDetailViewModel viewModel = new InstructorDetailViewModel();

            if (Request.QueryString["instructor"] != null && StaticData.instructorList.Where(p => GlobalFunctions.escapeQuerystringElement(p.firstName + p.lastName) == GlobalFunctions.escapeQuerystringElement(Request.QueryString["instructor"].ToString())).Count() == 1)
                Instructor instructor = StaticData.instructorList
                                        .Where(p => GlobalFunctions.escapeQuerystringElement(p.firstName + p.lastName) == GlobalFunctions.escapeQuerystringElement(Request.QueryString["instructor"].ToString()))

                //Get semesters to display
                List <Semester> semesters = StaticData.semesters.Where(p =>
                                                                       new SemesterComparer().Compare(p.semester, GlobalVariables.CurrentSemesterLow) >= 0 &&
                                                                       new SemesterComparer().Compare(p.semester, GlobalVariables.CurrentSemesterHigh) <= 0).ToList();

                List <CourseRating> courseRatingsOverall = CourseRatingRepositorySQL.Instance.listByInstructor(instructor.instructorID);

                //Get all course ratings for the instructor, and adjust to the semester range
                List <CourseRating> courseRatings = courseRatingsOverall
                                                    .Where(p => semesters.Select(y => y.semester).Contains(p.semester)).ToList();

                //Calculate number of responses and number of students
                var           responsesOverall = courseRatingsOverall.Select(y => y.responses).Sum(z => z);
                var           studentsOverall  = courseRatingsOverall.Select(y => y.classSize).Sum(z => z);
                var           responses        = courseRatings.Select(y => y.responses).Sum(z => z);
                var           students         = courseRatings.Select(y => y.classSize).Sum(z => z);
                List <string> departments      = new List <string>();

                List <OverallRating> overallRatings = StaticData.categoryList.Where(p => p.name != "NULL").Select(p =>
                    return(new OverallRating
                        category = p.name,
                        rating = courseRatings.Sum(z => ((double)z.responses / (double)responses) * z.ratings.Where(a => a.categoryID == p.categoryID).FirstOrDefault().averageRating).ToString("#.##")

                int    totalResponses = 0;
                int    totalStudents  = 0;
                double averageRating  = 0.0;

                List <CourseDomain> courses = StaticData.courseList.Where(p => courseRatings.Select(a => a.courseID).Distinct().Contains(p.courseID)).Select(p =>
                    var courseRatingsList = courseRatings.Where(x => x.courseID == p.courseID);
                    var courseResponses   = courseRatingsList.Select(y => y.responses).Sum(z => z);
                    var courseStudents    = courseRatingsList.Select(y => y.classSize).Sum(z => z);
                    var instructors       = courseRatingsList.Select(y => y.instructorID).Distinct().Count();
                    var deptName          = StaticData.departmentList.Where(u => u.departmentID == p.departmentID).FirstOrDefault().name;
                    if (!departments.Contains(deptName))

                    totalResponses += courseResponses;
                    totalStudents  += courseStudents;
                    averageRating  += courseRatingsList
                                      .Sum(z => ((double)z.responses * z.ratings.Where(a => a.categoryID == Convert.ToInt32(GlobalVariables.CurrentCategory)).FirstOrDefault().averageRating));

                    return(new CourseDomain
                        code = p.code,
                        title = p.title,
                        departmentID = p.departmentID,
                        departmentName = deptName,
                        rating = courseRatingsList
                                 .Sum(z => ((double)z.responses / (double)courseResponses) * z.ratings.Where(a => a.categoryID == Convert.ToInt32(GlobalVariables.CurrentCategory)).FirstOrDefault().averageRating).ToString("#.##"),
                        responses = courseResponses.ToString(),
                        students = courseStudents.ToString(),
                        responseRate = ((double)courseResponses / (double)courseStudents).ToString("p1")
                }).Where(t => Convert.ToInt32(t.students) > 0).ToList();

                //Populate graph
                InstructorGraph instructorGraph = new InstructorGraph();

                //Create a list of IEnumerables, in which each element will hold a pair, first for the semester, to sort by, second for the rating
                List <IEnumerable <Pair <string, string> > > graphData = new List <IEnumerable <Pair <string, string> > >();
                //List of labels to display on the graph, in this case the category names
                List <string> labels = new List <string>();

                //Loop through all categories and calculate the instructor rating for each semester for said category
                foreach (var category in StaticData.categoryList.Where(p => p.name != "NULL"))
                    graphData.Add(courseRatings.Select(p => p.semester).Distinct().Select(u =>
                        var graphRatingsList = courseRatings.Where(x => x.semester == u);
                        var graphResponses   = graphRatingsList.Select(y => y.responses).Sum(z => z);

                        return(new Pair <string, string>(u,
                                                         .Sum(z => ((double)z.responses / (double)graphResponses) * z.ratings.Where(e => e.categoryID == category.categoryID).FirstOrDefault().averageRating).ToString("#.##")
                    }).OrderBy(p => p.First, new SemesterComparer())

                //Join all semesters once for the labels to be in JSON
                instructorGraph.labels = "['" + String.Join("', '", graphData[0].Select(p => p.First).ToArray()) + "']";

                instructorGraph.data = new List <string>();

                //Join the data for each linegraph to be in JSON
                foreach (var line in graphData)
                    instructorGraph.data.Add("[" + String.Join(", ", line.Select(p => p.Second).ToArray()) + "]");

                viewModel.instructor       = instructor;
                viewModel.overallRatings   = overallRatings;
                viewModel.courseRatingsAll = courseRatings.Select(p =>
                    Course thisCourse = StaticData.courseList.Where(y => y.courseID == p.courseID).FirstOrDefault();
                    return(new CourseRatingDomain {
                        classSize = p.classSize,
                        courseID = p.courseID,
                        courseRatingID = p.courseRatingID,
                        instructorID = p.instructorID,
                        ratings = p.ratings,
                        responses = p.responses,
                        section = p.section,
                        semester = p.semester,
                        term = p.term,
                        courseCode = thisCourse.code
                viewModel.firstTerm = courseRatingsOverall.Select(v => v.semester).Distinct()
                                      .OrderBy(t => t, new SemesterComparer()).FirstOrDefault().ToString();
                viewModel.responsesAll        = responsesOverall.ToString();
                viewModel.studentsAll         = studentsOverall.ToString();
                viewModel.departments         = departments;
                viewModel.responseRateOverall = ((double)responsesOverall / (double)studentsOverall).ToString("p1");
                viewModel.courses             = courses;
                viewModel.currentCategory     = StaticData.categoryList.Where(p => p.categoryID == Convert.ToInt32(GlobalVariables.CurrentCategory))
                ViewBag.loadChart             = GlobalFunctions.createMultipleChartScript(instructorGraph, labels);
                viewModel.totalResponses      = totalResponses.ToString("N0");
                viewModel.totalStudents       = totalStudents.ToString("N0");
                viewModel.averageResponseRate = ((double)totalResponses / (double)totalStudents).ToString("p1");
                viewModel.averageRating       = (averageRating / (double)totalResponses).ToString("#.##");
                viewModel.currentSemesterLow  = GlobalVariables.CurrentSemesterLow;
                viewModel.currentSemesterLow  = GlobalVariables.CurrentSemesterHigh;
                throw new HttpException(404, "Instructor not found!");
