コード例 #1
ファイル: InstantGui.cs プロジェクト: earth88/feuille
    //Aligning all elements and calculating hover
    public void Update()
        //if (updateTime > 0.1f && updateTimeLeft > 0) { updateTimeLeft-=Time.deltaTime; return; }
        //updateTimeLeft = updateTime;

        //if (!element)
        element = GetComponent<InstantGuiElement>();
        pointed = null;

        //getting game view size
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        if (!gameView)
            System.Type type = System.Type.GetType("UnityEditor.GameView,UnityEditor");
            System.Reflection.MethodInfo GetMainGameView = type.GetMethod("GetMainGameView",System.Reflection.BindingFlags.NonPublic | System.Reflection.BindingFlags.Static);
            gameView = (UnityEditor.EditorWindow)GetMainGameView.Invoke(null,null);
        width = (int)gameView.position.width;
        height = (int)gameView.position.height-16;

        //It is not possible to use Screen.height from an OnInspectorGUI (returns inspector height)
        string[] res = UnityEditor.UnityStats.screenRes.Split('x');
        width = int.Parse(res[0]);
        height = int.Parse(res[1]);

        width = Screen.width;
        height = Screen.height;

        Profiler.BeginSample ("CheckChildren");
        Profiler.EndSample ();

        Profiler.BeginSample ("Align");
        Profiler.EndSample ();

        Profiler.BeginSample ("Prevent Zero Size");
        Profiler.EndSample ();

        Profiler.BeginSample ("Point");
        Profiler.EndSample ();

        Profiler.BeginSample ("Action");
        Profiler.EndSample ();

        Profiler.BeginSample ("Style");
        Profiler.EndSample ();

        oldScreenWidth = Screen.width;
        oldScreenHeight = Screen.height;
コード例 #2
	public override void  Align ()
		//setting first shown value
		if (slider!=null) 
			slider.min = 0;
			slider.max = Mathf.Max(0, labels.Length - elements.Length);
			slider.shownValue = elements.Length;
			//scrolling slider
			slider.value -= Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse ScrollWheel")*10;
			slider.value = Mathf.Clamp(slider.value, slider.min, slider.max);
			firstShown = (int)slider.value;
		//calculating number of lines
		int linesNum;
		if (lineHeight <= 0) linesNum = elements.Length;
			linesNum = Mathf.FloorToInt( (absolute.bottom - absolute.top)*1.0f/lineHeight );
			linesNum = Mathf.Max(linesNum, 0);
		//re-creating elements if line num changed
		if (elements.Length != linesNum)
			//destroying overcount
			for (int i=elements.Length-1;i>=linesNum;i--) 
				if (elements[i]!=null) StartCoroutine(elements[i].YieldAndDestroy()); //DestroyImmediate(elements[i].gameObject);
			//resizing array	
			InstantGuiElement[] newElements = new InstantGuiElement[linesNum];
			int count = Mathf.Min(linesNum, elements.Length);
			for (int i=0;i<count;i++) newElements[i] = elements[i];
			elements = newElements;
			//creating undefened elements
			for (int i=0;i<elements.Length;i++) 
				if (!elements[i]) 
					elements[i] = InstantGuiElement.Create("ListElement", typeof(InstantGuiElement), this);
		//setting text and position
		for (int i=0;i<elements.Length;i++) 
			if (i+firstShown < labels.Length && firstShown >= 0) elements[i].text = labels[i+firstShown];
			else elements[i].text = "";
			elements[i].offset = new InstantGuiElementPos(0,-sliderMargin,0,0);
			elements[i].relative = new InstantGuiElementPos(0,100,(int)((100.0f/linesNum)*i),(int)((100.0f/linesNum)*(i+1)));
			elements[i].editable = false;
			//elements[i].style = elementStyle;
コード例 #3
	public override void  OnInspectorGUI ()
		InstantGuiTabs script = (InstantGuiTabs)target;

		script.guiElementProps = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(script.guiElementProps, "Tabs");
		//some non-gui actions
		for (int i=0; i<script.tabs.Length; i++)
			//creating field if it does not exists
			if (!script.fields[i]) script.fields[i] = script.CreateField(); 
			//fields names
			if (script.fields[i].transform.name.Length==0) script.fields[i].transform.name = script.tabs[i].transform.name + "_Field";
		if (script.guiElementProps)
			EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;
			script.selected = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Selected:", script.selected);
			Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (150, 16, "TextField");
			rect.width = rect.width*0.5f-40;
			EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Tabs:");
			rect.x += rect.width;
			EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Fields:");
			script.tabs = InstantGuiInspector.DrawElementsTable(script.tabs, script.fields);
			if (script.tabs.Length != script.fields.Length) //changing fields count (creating if necessary)
				InstantGuiElement[] newFields = new InstantGuiElement[script.tabs.Length];
				for (int j=0; j<script.tabs.Length; j++)
					if (j>=script.fields.Length || !script.fields[j]) { newFields[j] = script.CreateField();continue; }
					newFields[j] = script.fields[j];
				script.fields = newFields;
			EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;
		InstantGuiInspector.DrawActivator ("On Checked:", script.onChecked);
		InstantGuiInspector.DrawActivator ("On Unchecked:", script.onUnchecked);
コード例 #4
	public void  InvertAlign ( InstantGuiElement element  )
		int tmp = element.relative.top;
		element.relative.top = 100-element.relative.bottom;
		element.relative.bottom = 100-tmp;
		tmp = element.offset.top;
		element.offset.top = -element.offset.bottom;
		element.offset.bottom = -tmp;
		invertedAlign = !invertedAlign;
コード例 #5
	static public InstantGuiElement Create ( string name ,   string style ,   System.Type type ,   InstantGuiElement parent  ){
		//finding gui parent
		if (InstantGui.instance==null) InstantGui.instance = (InstantGui)FindObjectOfType(typeof(InstantGui));
		if (InstantGui.instance==null) 
			parent = InstantGui.instance.element;
		GameObject obj = new GameObject (name); //the object component will be assigned to
		//adding component
		InstantGuiElement element = (InstantGuiElement)obj.AddComponent(type);
		//parenting and setting styleset
		if (parent!=null)
			element.transform.parent = parent.transform;
			element.styleSet = parent.styleSet;
			//do not assign parent to element! It will get it automaticly
		//resetting transform
		if (obj.transform.parent!=null) obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,obj.transform.parent.localPosition.z + 1);
		else obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,0);
		obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0,0,1);
		//setting style
		element.styleName = style;
		if (element.styleSet!=null)
			for (int i=0; i<element.styleSet.styles.Length; i++) 
				if (element.styleSet.styles[i].name == element.styleName) 
					element.style = element.styleSet.styles[i];
		//setting default size
		if (element.style!=null)
			element.layerOffset = element.style.layerOffset;
		return element;
コード例 #6
    public virtual void Align()
        if (!this)
            return;        //element could be deleted to this time!
        //assigning vars if they do not exist
        if (guiTexts == null)
            guiTexts = new GUIText[0];

        //using style position
        if (styleSet != null && useStylePlacement)
            //if (style==null) style = styleSet.FindStyle(styleName, styleNum);
            if (style != null)
            if (relative.isStyle)
                relative = new InstantGuiElementPos(relative);
            if (offset.isStyle)
                offset = new InstantGuiElementPos(offset);

        //setting layer
        Transform parentTfm = transform.parent;

        if (parentTfm != null)
            Vector3 localPos = parentTfm.localPosition; localPos.z += layerOffset; transform.localPosition = localPos;

        //refreshing parent absolute pos
        InstantGuiElement parentElement = null;

        if (parentTfm != null)
            parentElement = parentTfm.GetComponent <InstantGuiElement>();
        if (parentElement != null)
            parentpos = parentElement.absolute;
        else //parentpos = InstantGuiElementPos(0,Screen.width,0,Screen.height);
            if (InstantGui.instance == null)
                InstantGui.instance = (InstantGui)FindObjectOfType(typeof(InstantGui));
            parentpos = new InstantGuiElementPos(0, InstantGui.width, 0, InstantGui.height);

        //checking if there is a need to re-allign
        if (!InstantGuiElementPos.Equals(parentpos, oldParentpos) ||
            !InstantGuiElementPos.Equals(relative, oldRelative) ||
            !InstantGuiElementPos.Equals(offset, oldOffset) ||
            InstantGui.oldScreenWidth != UnityEngine.Screen.width ||
            InstantGui.oldScreenHeight != UnityEngine.Screen.height ||
            //transforming relative pos to absolute
            //if (!absolute || !parentpos || !relative || !offset) return;
            absolute.GetAbsolute(parentpos, relative, offset);

            //setting fixed size (if on)
            if (style != null)
                if (style.fixedWidth)
                    absolute.right = absolute.left + style.fixedWidthSize;
                if (style.fixedHeight)
                    absolute.bottom = absolute.top + style.fixedHeightSize;

            //preventing negative size
            int minWidth = 10; int minHeight = 10;
            if (style != null)
                minWidth  = style.borders.left + style.borders.right;
                minHeight = style.borders.bottom + style.borders.top;
            if (absolute.right < absolute.left + minWidth)
                absolute.right = absolute.left + minWidth;
            if (absolute.bottom < absolute.top + minHeight)
                absolute.bottom = absolute.top + minHeight;

            //writing compare-data
            oldParentpos = new InstantGuiElementPos(parentpos);
            oldRelative  = new InstantGuiElementPos(relative);
            oldOffset    = new InstantGuiElementPos(offset);

        for (int i = 0; i < childElements.Count; i++)
コード例 #7
    static public void  EditFrame(InstantGuiElement element)
        Undo.RecordObject(element, "InstantGui Move");

        //getting mouse pos
        Vector2 mousePos = Event.current.mousePosition;

        mousePos.y = InstantGui.Invert(mousePos.y);

        if (Event.current.shift)
            if (Mathf.Abs(mousePos.x - dragStart.x) < Mathf.Abs(mousePos.y - dragStart.y))
                mousePos.x = dragStart.x;
                mousePos.y = dragStart.y;

        //getting mouse button
        bool mouseDown = false; bool mouseUp = false;

        if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0)
            mouseDown = true; dragStart = mousePos;
        if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp && Event.current.button == 0)
            mouseUp = true;

        //selecting locked element
        if (lockedElement != null)
            //element = lockedElement;
            //Selection.activeGameObject = lockedElement.gameObject;

        //duplicating element
        if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && Event.current.commandName == "Duplicate")
            GameObject newElement = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(element.gameObject);
            newElement.name = element.gameObject.name;
            if (element.transform.parent != null)
                newElement.transform.parent = element.transform.parent;
            newElement.transform.localPosition = element.transform.localPosition;
            newElement.transform.localRotation = element.transform.localRotation;
            newElement.transform.localScale    = element.transform.localScale;
            Selection.activeGameObject         = newElement;
            element = newElement.GetComponent <InstantGuiElement>();

        //key events
        if (Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown)
            //Undo.RegisterUndo(element, "Move PureGUI");

            //locking element
            if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.L)
                if (!lockedElement)
                    lockedElement = element;
                    lockedElement = null;

            //hiding frame
            if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.H)
                drawFrames = !drawFrames;

            //moving with keys
            if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow)
                element.offset.top--; element.offset.bottom--;
            if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow)
                element.offset.top++; element.offset.bottom++;
            if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow)
                element.offset.left--; element.offset.right--;
            if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow)
                element.offset.left++; element.offset.right++;

        Rect rect     = new Rect(0, 0, frameSize, frameSize);
        Rect textRect = new Rect(0, 0, 40, 20);

        //getting if any of dimension is fixed
        bool fixedWidth  = false;
        bool fixedHeight = false;

        if (element.style != null)
            if (element.style.fixedWidth)
                fixedWidth = true;
            if (element.style.fixedHeight)
                fixedHeight = true;
        if (mouseDown)
            nonGridOffset.left   = element.offset.left;
            nonGridOffset.right  = element.offset.right;
            nonGridOffset.top    = element.offset.top;
            nonGridOffset.bottom = element.offset.bottom;

            nonGridRelative.left   = element.relative.left;
            nonGridRelative.right  = element.relative.right;
            nonGridRelative.top    = element.relative.top;
            nonGridRelative.bottom = element.relative.bottom;

        if (mouseUp || mouseDown)
            dragging = 0;

        //storing borders to assign comfortable
        int left   = element.absolute.left;
        int right  = element.absolute.right;
        int top    = element.absolute.top;
        int bottom = element.absolute.bottom;

        //relative left
        rect.width  = frameSize * 1.5f;
        rect.height = frameSize;

        rect.x = left - element.offset.left - rect.width * 0.5f;
        rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height * 0.5f;

        textRect.x = rect.x; textRect.y = rect.y + 16;

        if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
            dragging = 1;

        if (dragging == 1)
            nonGridRelative.left = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).x);
            if (Event.current.control)
                element.relative.left = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.left * 0.2f)) * 5;
                element.relative.left = nonGridRelative.left;
            element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);

        //relative right
        if (!fixedWidth)
            rect.x = right - element.offset.right - rect.width * 0.5f;
            rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height * 0.5f;

            textRect.x = rect.x; textRect.y = rect.y - 20;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
                dragging = 2;
            if (dragging == 2)
                nonGridRelative.right = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).x);
                if (Event.current.control)
                    element.relative.right = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.right * 0.2f)) * 5;
                    element.relative.right = nonGridRelative.right;
                element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);
            element.relative.right = element.relative.left;

        //relative top
        rect.width  = frameSize;
        rect.height = frameSize * 1.5f;

        rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width * 0.5f;
        rect.y = top - element.offset.top - rect.height * 0.5f;

        textRect.x = rect.x + 20; textRect.y = rect.y - 2;

        if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
            dragging = 3;
        if (dragging == 3)
            nonGridRelative.top = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).y);
            if (Event.current.control)
                element.relative.top = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.top * 0.2f)) * 5;
                element.relative.top = nonGridRelative.top;
            element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);

        //relative bottom
        if (!fixedHeight)
            rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width * 0.5f;
            rect.y = bottom - element.offset.bottom - rect.height * 0.5f;

            textRect.x = rect.x - 30; textRect.y = rect.y - 2;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
                dragging = 4;
            if (dragging == 4)
                nonGridRelative.bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).y);
                if (Event.current.control)
                    element.relative.bottom = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.bottom * 0.2f)) * 5;
                    element.relative.bottom = nonGridRelative.bottom;
                element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);
            element.relative.bottom = element.relative.top;

        rect = new Rect(0, 0, frameSize, frameSize);

        if (!fixedWidth || !fixedHeight)
            rect.x     = element.absolute.left - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.top - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = rect.x - 25;
            textRect.y = (top + bottom) * 0.5f + (top - bottom) * 0.25f;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
                dragging = 5;
            if (dragging == 5)
                element.offset.left = (int)(nonGridOffset.left + (mousePos.x - dragStart.x));
                element.offset.top  = (int)(nonGridOffset.top + (dragStart.y - mousePos.y));
                if (Event.current.control)
                    element.offset.left = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.left * 0.1f) * 10;
                    element.offset.top  = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.top * 0.1f) * 10;

            rect.x     = element.absolute.left - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.bottom - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = (left + right) * 0.5f + (right - left) * 0.25f;
            textRect.y = rect.y + 10;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
                dragging = 6;
            if (dragging == 6)
                element.offset.left   = (int)(nonGridOffset.left + (mousePos.x - dragStart.x));
                element.offset.bottom = (int)(nonGridOffset.bottom + (dragStart.y - mousePos.y));
                if (Event.current.control)
                    element.offset.left   = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.left * 0.1f) * 10;
                    element.offset.bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.bottom * 0.1f) * 10;

            rect.x     = element.absolute.right - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.top - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = (left + right) * 0.5f + (left - right) * 0.25f;
            textRect.y = rect.y - 13;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
                dragging = 7;
            if (dragging == 7)
                element.offset.right = (int)(nonGridOffset.right + (mousePos.x - dragStart.x));
                element.offset.top   = (int)(nonGridOffset.top + (dragStart.y - mousePos.y));
                if (Event.current.control)
                    element.offset.right = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.right * 0.1f) * 10;
                    element.offset.top   = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.top * 0.1f) * 10;

            rect.x     = element.absolute.right - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.bottom - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = rect.x + 15;
            textRect.y = (top + bottom) * 0.5f + (bottom - top) * 0.25f;

            if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition)
                dragging = 8;
            if (dragging == 8)
                element.offset.right  = (int)(nonGridOffset.right + (mousePos.x - dragStart.x));
                element.offset.bottom = (int)(nonGridOffset.bottom + (dragStart.y - mousePos.y));
                if (Event.current.control)
                    element.offset.right  = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.right * 0.1f) * 10;
                    element.offset.bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.bottom * 0.1f) * 10;

        if (!InstantGui.instance)
            InstantGui.instance = (InstantGui)FindObjectOfType(typeof(InstantGui));
        if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying)

            InstantGui.width  = Screen.width;
            InstantGui.height = Screen.height;

            InstantGui.instance.element = InstantGui.instance.GetComponent <InstantGuiElement>();
            InstantGui.pointed          = null;


        //moving selected element (or setting fixed)
        rect = element.absolute.ToRect();
        if (InstantGui.pointed == element && mouseDown && dragging == 0 && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition && !selectionChanged)
            dragging = 9;
        if (dragging == 9)
            //Undo.RecordObject(element, "InstantGui Move");

            int sizeX = element.absolute.right - element.absolute.left;
            int sizeY = element.absolute.bottom - element.absolute.top;

            element.offset.left = (int)(nonGridOffset.left + (mousePos.x - dragStart.x));
            element.offset.top  = (int)(nonGridOffset.top + (dragStart.y - mousePos.y));
            if (Event.current.control)
                element.offset.left = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.left * 0.1f) * 10;
                element.offset.top  = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.top * 0.1f) * 10;

            element.absolute.GetAbsolute(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.offset);
            element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative,
                                     new  InstantGuiElementPos(element.absolute.left, element.absolute.left + sizeX, element.absolute.top, element.absolute.top + sizeY));

        //selecting other objs
        if (mouseDown && dragging == 0 && InstantGui.pointed != element && InstantGui.pointed != null && !lockedElement && !Event.current.alt)
            Selection.activeGameObject = InstantGui.pointed.gameObject;
            element = InstantGui.pointed;

            nonGridOffset.left   = element.offset.left;
            nonGridOffset.right  = element.offset.right;
            nonGridOffset.top    = element.offset.top;
            nonGridOffset.bottom = element.offset.bottom;

            nonGridRelative.left   = element.relative.left;
            nonGridRelative.right  = element.relative.right;
            nonGridRelative.top    = element.relative.top;
            nonGridRelative.bottom = element.relative.bottom;

            selectionChanged = true;
        else if (selectionChanged)
            selectionChanged = false;
コード例 #8
	static public void  DrawFrame ( InstantGuiElement element  )
		if (!drawFrames) return;
		//setting textures	
		if (frameTexture==null) frameTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameSquare.png");
		if (lineTexture==null) lineTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameLine.png");
		if (squareTexture==null) squareTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameSquare.png");
		if (circleTexture==null) circleTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameCircle.png");
		if (triBottomTexture==null) triBottomTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowBottom.png");
		if (triTopTexture==null) triTopTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowTop.png");
		if (triLeftTexture==null) triLeftTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowLeft.png");
		if (triRightTexture==null) triRightTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowRight.png");
		if (lockTexture==null) lockTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameLock.png");
		//getting if any of dimension is fixed
		bool  fixedWidth = false;
		bool  fixedHeight = false;
		if (element.style!=null)
			if (element.style.fixedWidth) fixedWidth = true;
			if (element.style.fixedHeight) fixedHeight = true;
		Rect rect = new Rect(0,0,frameSize,frameSize);
		Rect textRect = new Rect(0,0,40,20);
		//storing borders to assign comfortable
		int left = element.absolute.left;
		int right = element.absolute.right;
		int top = element.absolute.top;
		int bottom = element.absolute.bottom;
		//drawing lines
		GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left, (top+bottom)*0.5f, -element.offset.left, 1), lineTexture);
		if (!fixedWidth) GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(right, (top+bottom)*0.5f, -element.offset.right, 1), lineTexture);
		GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect((left+right)*0.5f, top, 1, -element.offset.top), lineTexture);
		if (!fixedHeight) GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect((left+right)*0.5f, bottom, 1, -element.offset.bottom), lineTexture);
		GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left, top, right-left, 1), lineTexture);
		GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left, bottom, right-left, 1), lineTexture);
		GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left, top, 1, bottom-top), lineTexture);
		GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(right, top, 1, bottom-top), lineTexture);
		//drawing point offset
		if (element.style!=null && 
		    (element.style.pointOffset.left!=0 || element.style.pointOffset.right!=0 || element.style.pointOffset.top!=0 || element.style.pointOffset.bottom!=0))
			RectOffset pointOffset = element.style.pointOffset;
			GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left+pointOffset.left, top+pointOffset.top, right-left-pointOffset.left-pointOffset.right, 1), lineTexture);
			GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left+pointOffset.left, bottom-pointOffset.bottom, right-left-pointOffset.left-pointOffset.right, 1), lineTexture);
			GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left+pointOffset.left, top+pointOffset.top, 1, bottom-top-pointOffset.bottom-pointOffset.top), lineTexture);
			GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(right-pointOffset.right, top+pointOffset.top, 1, bottom-top-pointOffset.bottom-pointOffset.top), lineTexture);
		if (lockedElement!=null)
			GUI.DrawTexture( new Rect(left+5, top+5, 24, 24), lockTexture);
		//relative right
		rect.width = frameSize * 1.5f;
		rect.height = frameSize;
		if (!fixedWidth)
			rect.x = right - element.offset.right - rect.width*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height*0.5f;
			GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triRightTexture);
			if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging==2))
				textRect.x = rect.x-frameSize*0.25f-15; textRect.y = rect.y-frameSize*0.25f-15;
				GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.right.ToString() + "%");
		else element.relative.right = element.relative.left;
		//relative left
		rect.x = left - element.offset.left - rect.width*0.5f; 
		rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height*0.5f;
		GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triLeftTexture);
		if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging==1))
			//textRect.x = rect.x+frameSize*0.25f+15; textRect.y = rect.y+frameSize*0.1f+17;
			textRect.x = rect.x-frameSize*0.25f-15; textRect.y = rect.y-frameSize*0.25f-15;
			GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.left.ToString() + "%");
		//relative bottom
		rect.width = frameSize;
		rect.height = frameSize * 1.5f;
		if (!fixedHeight)
			rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width*0.5f; 
			rect.y = bottom - element.offset.bottom - rect.height*0.5f;
			GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triBottomTexture);
			if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging==4))
				//textRect.x = rect.x-frameSize-10; textRect.y = rect.y-frameSize*0.05f-20;
				textRect.x = rect.x-frameSize*0.25f-15; textRect.y = rect.y-frameSize*0.25f-15;
				GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.bottom.ToString() + "%");
		else element.relative.bottom = element.relative.top;
		//relative top	
		rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width*0.5f;
		rect.y = top - element.offset.top - rect.height*0.5f;
		GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triTopTexture);
		if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging==3))
			//textRect.x = rect.x+frameSize*1.1f; textRect.y = rect.y+frameSize;
			textRect.x = rect.x-frameSize*0.25f-15; textRect.y = rect.y-frameSize*0.25f-15;
			GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.top.ToString() + "%");
		rect = new Rect(0,0,frameSize,frameSize);
		if (!fixedWidth || !fixedHeight)
			//left-top 5
			rect.x = element.absolute.left-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.top-frameSize*0.5f;
			textRect.x = rect.x-25; 
			textRect.y = (top+bottom)*0.5f + (top-bottom)*0.25f;
			GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
			if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging==6 || dragging==5 || dragging==9)))
				GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.left.ToString() + "p");	
			//left-bottom 6
			rect.x = element.absolute.left-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.bottom-frameSize*0.5f; 
			textRect.x = (left+right)*0.5f + (right-left)*0.25f;
			textRect.y = rect.y+10;
			GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
			if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging==8 || dragging==6 || dragging==9)))
				GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.bottom.ToString() + "p");
			//right-top 7
			rect.x = element.absolute.right-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.top-frameSize*0.5f;
			textRect.x = (left+right)*0.5f + (left-right)*0.25f;
			textRect.y = rect.y-13;
			GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
			if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging==5 || dragging==7 || dragging==9)))
				GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.top.ToString() + "p");
			//right-bottom 8
			rect.x = element.absolute.right-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.bottom-frameSize*0.5f; 
			textRect.x = rect.x+15; 
			textRect.y = (top+bottom)*0.5f + (bottom-top)*0.25f;
			GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
			if (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues==InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging==7 || dragging==8 || dragging==9)))
				GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.right.ToString() + "p");
コード例 #9
    static public void  DrawSaveToStyleButton(string label, InstantGuiElement element, bool saveStyle, bool savePos)
        //if (!saveStyle && savePos && element.customStyle) return;

        Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(50, 18, "TextField");

        rect.x = 30; rect.width -= 15;
        if (GUI.Button(rect, label))
            //finding in set
            bool foundInSet = false;
            for (int j = 0; j < element.styleSet.styles.Length; j++)
                if (element.styleSet.styles[j].name == element.style.name)
                    if (saveStyle)
                        element.styleSet.styles[j] = element.style.Clone();
                    if (savePos)
                        element.styleSet.styles[j].relative    = element.relative.Clone();
                        element.styleSet.styles[j].offset      = element.offset.Clone();
                        element.styleSet.styles[j].layerOffset = element.layerOffset;
                    foundInSet = true;

            //adding new
            if (!foundInSet)
                                #if UNITY_EDITOR
                if (!saveStyle)
                    if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("No Such Style",
                                                    "Cannot find style in Style Set. Do you want to create it?",
                                                    "Create", "Cancel"))
                        saveStyle = true;
                        EditorUtility.SetDirty(element.styleSet); return;

                InstantGuiStyle[] newStyles = new InstantGuiStyle[element.styleSet.styles.Length + 1];
                for (int j = 0; j < element.styleSet.styles.Length; j++)
                    newStyles[j] = element.styleSet.styles[j];

                if (saveStyle)
                    newStyles[newStyles.Length - 1] = element.style.Clone();
                if (savePos)
                    newStyles[newStyles.Length - 1].relative    = element.relative.Clone();
                    newStyles[newStyles.Length - 1].offset      = element.offset.Clone();
                    newStyles[newStyles.Length - 1].layerOffset = element.layerOffset;
                element.styleSet.styles = newStyles;

                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
コード例 #10
    public override void  OnInspectorGUI()
        InstantGuiTabs script = (InstantGuiTabs)target;


        script.guiElementProps = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(script.guiElementProps, "Tabs");

        //some non-gui actions
        for (int i = 0; i < script.tabs.Length; i++)
            //creating field if it does not exists
            if (!script.fields[i])
                script.fields[i] = script.CreateField();

            //fields names
            if (script.fields[i].transform.name.Length == 0)
                script.fields[i].transform.name = script.tabs[i].transform.name + "_Field";

        if (script.guiElementProps)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;

            script.selected = EditorGUILayout.IntField("Selected:", script.selected);

            Rect rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(150, 16, "TextField");
            rect.width = rect.width * 0.5f - 40;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Tabs:");
            rect.x += rect.width;
            EditorGUI.LabelField(rect, "Fields:");

            script.tabs = InstantGuiInspector.DrawElementsTable(script.tabs, script.fields);

            if (script.tabs.Length != script.fields.Length)             //changing fields count (creating if necessary)
                InstantGuiElement[] newFields = new InstantGuiElement[script.tabs.Length];
                for (int j = 0; j < script.tabs.Length; j++)
                    if (j >= script.fields.Length || !script.fields[j])
                        newFields[j] = script.CreateField(); continue;
                    newFields[j] = script.fields[j];

                script.fields = newFields;

            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        InstantGuiInspector.DrawActivator("On Checked:", script.onChecked);
        InstantGuiInspector.DrawActivator("On Unchecked:", script.onUnchecked);
コード例 #11
	public RectOffset pointOffset;// = new RectOffset(0,0,0,0);

	public InstantGuiStyle()
		main = new SubStyle();
		pointed = result.pointed.Clone();
		active = result.active.Clone();
		result.disabled = result.disabled.Clone();
		result.relative = result.relative.Clone();
		result.offset = result.offset.Clone();
		result.pointOffset = new RectOffset(result.pointOffset.left, result.pointOffset.right, result.pointOffset.top, result.pointOffset.bottom);
		result.borders = new RectOffset(result.borders.left, result.borders.right, result.borders.top, result.borders.bottom);
		return result;

	public void  Apply (SubStyle sub, InstantGuiElement element)
		//getting number of texts that should be in element
		int textsLength=0;
		if (element.text.Length==0) textsLength = 0;
		else switch (textEffect)
		case InstantGuiTextEffect.simple: textsLength = 1; break;
		case InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow: textsLength = 2; break;
		case InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke: textsLength = 5; break;
		//should a texture ot text be removed?
		bool  removeTexture=false; 
		bool  removeTexts=false;
		if (!sub.enabled) { removeTexture = true; removeTexts = true; }
		if (!sub.texture) removeTexture = true;
		if (element.guiTexts.Length != textsLength) removeTexts = true; //if text Length changed. No text included
		if (font!=element.currentFont) removeTexts = true; //if font changed
		for (int i=0; i<element.guiTexts.Length; i++) 
			if (!element.guiTexts[i]) removeTexts = true;	//if any of guitexts array do not exists
		if (removeTexture && element.mainGuiTexture!=null) { GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.mainGuiTexture.gameObject); }
		if (removeTexts)
			for(int i=element.guiTexts.Length-1; i>=0 ; i--)
				if (element.guiTexts[i]!=null) 
			//creating new array
			element.guiTexts = new GUIText[textsLength];
		if (!sub.enabled || (!sub.texture && element.text.Length==0)) return;
		//setting texture
		if (sub.texture!=null)
			if (element.mainGuiTexture==null)
				GameObject obj = new GameObject (element.transform.name + "_mainTexture");
				obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
				obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
				element.mainGuiTexture = obj.AddComponent<GUITexture>();
			if (element.mainGuiTexture.texture != sub.texture) element.mainGuiTexture.texture = sub.texture;
			element.mainGuiTexture.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,element.transform.localPosition.z);
			element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = InstantGui.Invert(element.absolute.ToRect(InstantGui.scale));
			if (borders!=null) element.mainGuiTexture.border = borders;

		if (proportional && element.mainGuiTexture!=null)
			Rect newInset = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset;
			if (1.0f * element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width / element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height < proportionalAspect)
				newInset.width = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height*proportionalAspect;
				newInset.x -= (newInset.width-element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width)*0.5f;
				newInset.height = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width*(1.0f/proportionalAspect);
				newInset.y -= (newInset.height-element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height)*0.5f;
			element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = newInset;
		//setting text
		if (element.text.Length!=0)
			//on font change - remove materials
			if (!font) font = (Font)Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf");
			if (font != element.currentFont) 
				//if (element.guiTexts.Length > 1) element.textEffectMaterial=null;
				for (int i=0;i<element.guiTexts.Length;i++) if (element.guiTexts[i]!=null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.guiTexts[i].gameObject);
				element.currentFont = font;
			//creating texts
			for (int i=0;i<element.guiTexts.Length;i++) 
				if (element.guiTexts[i]==null)
					GameObject obj = new GameObject (element.transform.name + "_text" + i.ToString());
					obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
					obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
					element.guiTexts[i] = obj.AddComponent<GUIText>();
					//setting materials		
					if (i==0)
						element.textMaterial = new Material (font.material);
						element.guiTexts[i].material = element.textMaterial;
					else if (i>0 && i==element.guiTexts.Length-1) //on the last one effect text
						element.textEffectMaterial = new Material (font.material);
						for (int j=1;j<element.guiTexts.Length;j++)
							element.guiTexts[j].material = element.textEffectMaterial;
			//setting text params
			for (int i=0;i<element.guiTexts.Length;i++) 
				if (i==0) element.textMaterial.color = sub.textColor;
				else element.textEffectMaterial.color = textEffectColor;
				element.guiTexts[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,element.transform.localPosition.z+0.01f - i*0.001f);
				//setting text		
				if (element.guiTexts[i].text != element.text && !element.password) element.guiTexts[i].text = element.text;
				else if (element.password)
					element.guiTexts[i].text = "";
					for (int j=0;j<element.text.Length;j++) element.guiTexts[i].text += "*";
				if (element.guiTexts[i].font != font) element.guiTexts[i].font = font;
				if (element.guiTexts[i].fontSize != fontSize) element.guiTexts[i].fontSize = fontSize;
				Vector2 pixelOffset = element.absolute.GetCenter();
				switch (textAligment)
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.center: element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.text: 
					pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; 
					pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
					element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.heading: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.above: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.label: 
					pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
					element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; break;
				case InstantGuiTextAligment.rightLabel: 
					pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.right;
					element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; break;
				pixelOffset += new Vector2(textOffsetX+sub.textOffsetX, textOffsetY+sub.textOffsetY);
				element.guiTexts[i].pixelOffset = InstantGui.Invert(pixelOffset);		
			//aligning text effect
			if (textEffect==InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow)
				element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize*0.75f,-textEffectSize);
			else if (textEffect==InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke) 
				element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize,textEffectSize);
				element.guiTexts[2].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize,textEffectSize);
				element.guiTexts[3].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize,-textEffectSize);
				element.guiTexts[4].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize,-textEffectSize);
コード例 #12
	static public void  Clear ( InstantGuiElement element  ){
			if (element.mainGuiTexture!=null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.mainGuiTexture.gameObject);
			for(int i=element.guiTexts.Length-1; i>=0 ; i--)
				if (element.guiTexts[i]!=null) 
			if (element.blendGuiTexture!=null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.blendGuiTexture.gameObject);
コード例 #13
	public void Unblend ( InstantGuiElement element  ) //removes any blend, done after base style apply
			if (element.blendGuiTexture!=null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.blendGuiTexture.gameObject);
			if (element.mainGuiTexture!=null && !Mathf.Approximately(element.mainGuiTexture.color.a, 0.5f)) 
				element.mainGuiTexture.color = new Color (element.mainGuiTexture.color.r, element.mainGuiTexture.color.g, element.mainGuiTexture.color.b, 0.5f);
コード例 #14
	public void Blend ( SubStyle sub ,   InstantGuiElement element ,   float blend  ) //done after base style apply
			//removing a blended texture if necessary
			if ((!sub.enabled || sub.texture==null) && element.blendGuiTexture!=null) GameObject.DestroyImmediate(element.blendGuiTexture.gameObject);
			//setting texture
			if (sub.texture!=null) 
				if (!element.blendGuiTexture)
					GameObject obj = new GameObject (element.transform.name + "_blendTexture");
					obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
					//obj.hideFlags = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
					element.blendGuiTexture = obj.AddComponent<GUITexture>();
				if (element.blendGuiTexture.texture != sub.texture) element.blendGuiTexture.texture = sub.texture;
				element.blendGuiTexture.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0,0,element.transform.localPosition.z+0.005f);
				element.blendGuiTexture.pixelInset = InstantGui.Invert(element.absolute.ToRect(InstantGui.scale));
				if (borders!=null) element.blendGuiTexture.border = borders;
				element.blendGuiTexture.color = new Color(element.blendGuiTexture.color.r, element.blendGuiTexture.color.g, element.blendGuiTexture.color.b, blend*0.5f);
				if (element.mainGuiTexture!=null) element.mainGuiTexture.color = 
					new Color(element.mainGuiTexture.color.r, element.mainGuiTexture.color.g, element.mainGuiTexture.color.b, (1-blend*blend)*0.5f);
			if (element.guiTexts!=null && element.guiTexts.Length > 0)
				element.textMaterial.color = element.textMaterial.color*(1-blend) + sub.textColor*blend;
コード例 #15
    public RectOffset pointOffset;    // = new RectOffset(0,0,0,0);

     * public InstantGuiStyle()
     * {
     *      main = new SubStyle();
     *      pointed = result.pointed.Clone();
     *      active = result.active.Clone();
     *      result.disabled = result.disabled.Clone();
     *      result.relative = result.relative.Clone();
     *      result.offset = result.offset.Clone();
     *      result.pointOffset = new RectOffset(result.pointOffset.left, result.pointOffset.right, result.pointOffset.top, result.pointOffset.bottom);
     *      result.borders = new RectOffset(result.borders.left, result.borders.right, result.borders.top, result.borders.bottom);
     *      return result;
     * }

    public void  Apply(SubStyle sub, InstantGuiElement element)
        //getting number of texts that should be in element
        int textsLength = 0;

        if (element.text.Length == 0)
            textsLength = 0;
            switch (textEffect)
            case InstantGuiTextEffect.simple: textsLength = 1; break;

            case InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow: textsLength = 2; break;

            case InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke: textsLength = 5; break;

        //should a texture ot text be removed?
        bool removeTexture = false;
        bool removeTexts   = false;

        if (!sub.enabled)
            removeTexture = true; removeTexts = true;

        if (!sub.texture)
            removeTexture = true;

        if (element.guiTexts.Length != textsLength)
            removeTexts = true;                                                 //if text Length changed. No text included
        if (font != element.currentFont)
            removeTexts = true;                                    //if font changed
        for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
            if (!element.guiTexts[i])
                removeTexts = true;                                     //if any of guitexts array do not exists
        if (removeTexture && element.mainGuiTexture != null)
        if (removeTexts)
            for (int i = element.guiTexts.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (element.guiTexts[i] != null)

            //creating new array
            element.guiTexts = new GUIText[textsLength];

        if (!sub.enabled || (!sub.texture && element.text.Length == 0))

        //setting texture
        if (sub.texture != null)
            if (element.mainGuiTexture == null)
                GameObject obj = new GameObject(element.transform.name + "_mainTexture");
                obj.transform.parent   = element.transform;
                obj.hideFlags          = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
                element.mainGuiTexture = obj.AddComponent <GUITexture>();

            if (element.mainGuiTexture.texture != sub.texture)
                element.mainGuiTexture.texture = sub.texture;

            element.mainGuiTexture.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, element.transform.localPosition.z);
            element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = InstantGui.Invert(element.absolute.ToRect(InstantGui.scale));
            if (borders != null)
                element.mainGuiTexture.border = borders;

        if (proportional && element.mainGuiTexture != null)
            Rect newInset = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset;
            if (1.0f * element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width / element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height < proportionalAspect)
                newInset.width = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height * proportionalAspect;
                newInset.x    -= (newInset.width - element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width) * 0.5f;
                newInset.height = element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.width * (1.0f / proportionalAspect);
                newInset.y     -= (newInset.height - element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset.height) * 0.5f;
            element.mainGuiTexture.pixelInset = newInset;

        //setting text
        if (element.text.Length != 0)
            //on font change - remove materials
            if (!font)
                font = (Font)Resources.GetBuiltinResource(typeof(Font), "Arial.ttf");
            if (font != element.currentFont)
                //if (element.guiTexts.Length > 1) element.textEffectMaterial=null;
                for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
                    if (element.guiTexts[i] != null)
                element.currentFont = font;

            //creating texts
            for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
                if (element.guiTexts[i] == null)
                    GameObject obj = new GameObject(element.transform.name + "_text" + i.ToString());
                    obj.transform.parent = element.transform;
                    obj.hideFlags        = HideFlags.HideInHierarchy;
                    element.guiTexts[i]  = obj.AddComponent <GUIText>();

                    //setting materials
                    if (i == 0)
                        element.textMaterial         = new Material(font.material);
                        element.guiTexts[i].material = element.textMaterial;
                    else if (i > 0 && i == element.guiTexts.Length - 1)               //on the last one effect text
                        element.textEffectMaterial = new Material(font.material);
                        for (int j = 1; j < element.guiTexts.Length; j++)
                            element.guiTexts[j].material = element.textEffectMaterial;

            //setting text params
            for (int i = 0; i < element.guiTexts.Length; i++)
                if (i == 0)
                    element.textMaterial.color = sub.textColor;
                    element.textEffectMaterial.color = textEffectColor;

                element.guiTexts[i].transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, element.transform.localPosition.z + 0.01f - i * 0.001f);

                //setting text
                if (element.guiTexts[i].text != element.text && !element.password)
                    element.guiTexts[i].text = element.text;
                else if (element.password)
                    element.guiTexts[i].text = "";
                    for (int j = 0; j < element.text.Length; j++)
                        element.guiTexts[i].text += "*";

                if (element.guiTexts[i].font != font)
                    element.guiTexts[i].font = font;
                if (element.guiTexts[i].fontSize != fontSize)
                    element.guiTexts[i].fontSize = fontSize;

                Vector2 pixelOffset = element.absolute.GetCenter();

                switch (textAligment)
                case InstantGuiTextAligment.center: element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.text:
                    pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top;
                    pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
                    element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperLeft; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.heading: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.UpperCenter; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.above: pixelOffset.y = element.absolute.top; element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.LowerCenter; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.label:
                    pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.left;
                    element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleRight; break;

                case InstantGuiTextAligment.rightLabel:
                    pixelOffset.x = element.absolute.right;
                    element.guiTexts[i].anchor = TextAnchor.MiddleLeft; break;

                pixelOffset += new Vector2(textOffsetX + sub.textOffsetX, textOffsetY + sub.textOffsetY);

                element.guiTexts[i].pixelOffset = InstantGui.Invert(pixelOffset);

            //aligning text effect
            if (textEffect == InstantGuiTextEffect.shadow)
                element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize * 0.75f, -textEffectSize);
            else if (textEffect == InstantGuiTextEffect.stroke)
                element.guiTexts[1].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize, textEffectSize);
                element.guiTexts[2].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize, textEffectSize);
                element.guiTexts[3].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(-textEffectSize, -textEffectSize);
                element.guiTexts[4].pixelOffset = element.guiTexts[0].pixelOffset + new Vector2(textEffectSize, -textEffectSize);
コード例 #16
    static public InstantGuiElement[] DrawElementsTable(InstantGuiElement[] array, InstantGuiElement[] secondary)            //returns only the first array, but secondary members could be assigned
        int space      = 2;
        int buttonSize = 20;

        InstantGuiElement[] newArray = array;

        int indent = EditorGUI.indentLevel;

        EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        int scrollSize = Mathf.Min(array.Length * 20, 110);

        if (array.Length > 6)
            scrolls[3] = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(new Vector2(0, scrolls[3]), GUILayout.Height(scrollSize)).y;

        Rect rect = new Rect();

        for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++)
            rect         = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(150, 16, "TextField");
            rect.x      += indent * indentPixels; rect.width -= indent * indentPixels;
            rect.width  -= (buttonSize + space) * 3;
            rect.width   = rect.width * 0.5f - 2;
            array[i]     = (InstantGuiElement)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, array[i], typeof(InstantGuiElement), true);
            rect.x      += rect.width + 4;
            secondary[i] = (InstantGuiElement)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, secondary[i], typeof(InstantGuiElement), true);

            //move up
            rect.x += rect.width + space; rect.width = buttonSize;
            if (GUI.Button(rect, "∧ ") && i != 0)
                InstantGuiElement tmp = array[i - 1];
                array[i - 1] = array[i];
                array[i]     = tmp;

                tmp = secondary[i - 1];
                secondary[i - 1] = secondary[i];
                secondary[i]     = tmp;

            //move down
            rect.x += buttonSize + space;
            if (GUI.Button(rect, "∨ ") && i != array.Length - 1)
                InstantGuiElement tmp = array[i + 1];
                array[i + 1] = array[i];
                array[i]     = tmp;

                tmp = secondary[i + 1];
                secondary[i + 1] = secondary[i];
                secondary[i]     = tmp;

            rect.x += buttonSize + space;
            if (GUI.Button(rect, "X"))
                newArray = new InstantGuiElement[array.Length - 1];               //
                for (int j = 0; j < newArray.Length; j++)
                    if (j < i)
                        newArray[j] = array[j];
                        newArray[j] = array[j + 1];

        if (array.Length > 6)

        //adding a little space after
        if (array.Length > 0)
            GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(150, 2, "TextField");

        //adding new obj
        rect        = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(150, 16, "TextField");
        rect.x     += indent * indentPixels; rect.width -= indent * indentPixels;
        rect.width -= (buttonSize + space) * 3;
        rect.width  = rect.width * 0.5f - 2;
        InstantGuiElement addedVal = (InstantGuiElement)EditorGUI.ObjectField(rect, null, typeof(InstantGuiElement), true);          //

        if (addedVal != null)
            newArray = new InstantGuiElement[array.Length + 1];           //
            for (int j = 0; j < array.Length; j++)
                newArray[j] = array[j];
            newArray[newArray.Length - 1] = addedVal;

        //adding a little space after
        rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(150, 3, "TextField");

        EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;

コード例 #17
    public override void  OnInspectorGUI()

        InstantGuiElement script = (InstantGuiElement)target;

        Undo.RecordObject(script, "InstantGui Change");

        //EditorGUIUtility.LookLikeInspector ();
        //DrawDefaultInspector ();

        string newText = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Text:", script.text);

        script.guiLinkText = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Use Object Name:", script.guiLinkText);
        if (script.guiLinkText && !EditorApplication.isPlayingOrWillChangePlaymode && script.GetType() != typeof(InstantGuiTextArea))
            if (script.text != newText)             //if text changed
                if (newText.Length != 0)
                    script.gameObject.name = newText;
                    script.gameObject.name = "GuiElement";
                script.text = newText;
            if (script.text != script.gameObject.name && newText.Length != 0)
                script.text = script.gameObject.name;
            script.text = newText;

        //setting style
        script.guiStyle = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(script.guiStyle, "Style");
        if (script.guiStyle)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;

            script.styleSet = (InstantGuiStyleSet)EditorGUILayout.ObjectField("Style Set:", script.styleSet, typeof(InstantGuiStyleSet), false);
            bool customStyle = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Custom Style:", script.customStyle);

            //custom style
            if (customStyle)
                if (!script.customStyle)
                    if (script.style != null)
                        script.style = script.style.Clone();
                        script.style = new InstantGuiStyle();
                script.style.name = EditorGUILayout.TextField("Name:", script.style.name);
                script.styleName  = script.style.name;

                InstantGuiInspector.DrawStyle(script.style, false);

                if (script.styleSet != null && script.style != null && script.style.name.Length > 0)
                    InstantGuiInspector.DrawSaveToStyleButton("Add to StyleSet", script, true, false);

            if (!customStyle && script.styleSet != null)
                string[] styleNames    = new string[script.styleSet.styles.Length];
                int      selectedStyle = -1;            //default if style could not be found

                //compiling popup array
                for (int i = 0; i < script.styleSet.styles.Length; i++)
                    styleNames[i] = script.styleSet.styles[i].name;

                //finding popup selected
                if (script.style == null)
                    selectedStyle = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < styleNames.Length; i++)
                        if (styleNames[i] == script.styleName)
                            selectedStyle = i;

                styleNames[0] = "None";

                int newSelected = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Style:", selectedStyle, styleNames);
                if (newSelected != selectedStyle)
                    script.style     = script.styleSet.styles[newSelected];
                    script.styleName = script.style.name;
                    //script.styleNum = newSelected;

            script.customStyle = customStyle;

            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        script.guiPosition = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(script.guiPosition, "Position");
        if (script.guiPosition)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;

            script.useStylePlacement = EditorGUILayout.ToggleLeft("Use Style Placement", script.useStylePlacement);

            if (!script.useStylePlacement)
                int preset = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Preset:", -1, positionPresets);
                switch (preset)
                //case 0: if (script.style!=null) { script.relative.Set(script.style.relative); script.offset.Set(script.style.offset); script.layerOffset = script.style.layerOffset; } break;
                case 0: script.relative.Set(0, 100, 0, 100); script.offset.Set(0, 0, 0, 0); break;

                case 1: script.relative.Set(10, 90, 10, 90); script.offset.Set(10, -10, 10, -10); break;

                case 2: script.offset.right = -script.offset.left; script.offset.bottom = -script.offset.top; break;

                case 3: script.relative.Set(50, 50, 50, 50); script.offset.Set(20, -20, 20, -20); break;

                case 4: if (script.style != null)
                        script.offset.left = (int)(-script.style.fixedWidthSize * 0.5f); script.offset.right = (int)(script.style.fixedWidthSize * 0.5f);

                case 5: if (script.style != null)
                        script.offset.top = (int)(-script.style.fixedHeightSize * 0.5f); script.offset.bottom = (int)(script.style.fixedHeightSize * 0.5f);

                InstantGuiInspector.DrawElementPosLabels("", "Left", "Right", "Top", "Bottom");
                script.relative = InstantGuiInspector.DrawElementPos("Relative:", script.relative);
                script.offset   = InstantGuiInspector.DrawElementPos("Offset:", script.offset);
                InstantGuiInspector.DrawElementPosLabels("Absolute:", script.absolute.left.ToString(), script.absolute.right.ToString(), script.absolute.top.ToString(), script.absolute.bottom.ToString());
                script.layerOffset = InstantGuiInspector.DrawLayerOffset("Layer Offset:", script.layerOffset);

                script.lockPosition = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Lock Position", script.lockPosition);

                if (script.styleSet != null && script.style != null && script.style.name != null && script.style.name.Length > 0)
                    InstantGuiInspector.DrawSaveToStyleButton("Set as Default in Style", script, false, true);
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        script.guiAttributes = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(script.guiAttributes, "Attributes");
        if (script.guiAttributes)
            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 1;

            //EditorGUI.indentLevel = 20;
            script.dynamic   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Dynamic", script.dynamic);
            script.editable  = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Editable", script.editable);
            script.pointed   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Pointed", script.pointed);
            script.disabled  = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Disabled", script.disabled);
            script.activated = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Activated", script.activated);
            script.pressed   = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Pressed", script.pressed);
            //script.checkbutton = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("\tCheckbutton", script.checkbutton);
            script.check    = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Checked", script.check);
            script.instant  = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Instant", script.instant);
            script.password = EditorGUILayout.Toggle("Password", script.password);

            EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

        if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
コード例 #18
    static public InstantGuiElement Create(string name, string style, System.Type type, InstantGuiElement parent)
        //finding gui parent
        if (InstantGui.instance == null)
            InstantGui.instance = (InstantGui)FindObjectOfType(typeof(InstantGui));
        if (InstantGui.instance == null)
            parent = InstantGui.instance.element;

        GameObject obj = new GameObject(name);          //the object component will be assigned to

        //adding component
        InstantGuiElement element = (InstantGuiElement)obj.AddComponent(type);

        //parenting and setting styleset
        if (parent != null)
            element.transform.parent = parent.transform;
            element.styleSet         = parent.styleSet;
            //do not assign parent to element! It will get it automaticly

        //resetting transform
        if (obj.transform.parent != null)
            obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, obj.transform.parent.localPosition.z + 1);
            obj.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
        obj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

        //setting style
        element.styleName = style;
        if (element.styleSet != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < element.styleSet.styles.Length; i++)
                if (element.styleSet.styles[i].name == element.styleName)
                    element.style = element.styleSet.styles[i];

        //setting default size
        if (element.style != null)
            element.layerOffset = element.style.layerOffset;

コード例 #19
	static public InstantGuiElement[] DrawElementsTable ( InstantGuiElement[] array ,   InstantGuiElement[] secondary  ) //returns only the first array, but secondary members could be assigned
		int space = 2;
		int buttonSize = 20;
		InstantGuiElement[] newArray = array;
		int indent= EditorGUI.indentLevel;
		EditorGUI.indentLevel = 0;

		int scrollSize = Mathf.Min(array.Length*20, 110);
		if (array.Length>6)
			scrolls[3] = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(new Vector2(0,scrolls[3]), GUILayout.Height(scrollSize)).y;

		Rect rect = new Rect();
		for (int i=0; i<array.Length; i++)
			rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (150, 16, "TextField");
			rect.x+=indent*indentPixels; rect.width-=indent*indentPixels;
			rect.width -= (buttonSize+space)*3;
			rect.width = rect.width*0.5f - 2;
			array[i] = (InstantGuiElement)EditorGUI.ObjectField (rect, array[i], typeof(InstantGuiElement), true); 
			rect.x += rect.width + 4;
			secondary[i] = (InstantGuiElement)EditorGUI.ObjectField (rect, secondary[i], typeof(InstantGuiElement), true); 
			//move up
			rect.x += rect.width+space; rect.width = buttonSize; 
			if (GUI.Button(rect, "∧ ") && i != 0)
				InstantGuiElement tmp= array[i-1];
				array[i-1] = array[i];
				array[i] = tmp;
				tmp = secondary[i-1];
				secondary[i-1] = secondary[i];
				secondary[i] = tmp;
			//move down
			rect.x += buttonSize+space;
			if (GUI.Button(rect, "∨ ") && i != array.Length-1)
				InstantGuiElement tmp = array[i+1];
				array[i+1] = array[i];
				array[i] = tmp;
				tmp = secondary[i+1];
				secondary[i+1] = secondary[i];
				secondary[i] = tmp;
			rect.x += buttonSize+space;
			if (GUI.Button (rect, "X"))
				newArray = new InstantGuiElement[array.Length-1]; //
				for (int j=0; j<newArray.Length; j++) 
					if (j<i) newArray[j] = array[j];
					else newArray[j] = array[j+1];
		if (array.Length>6) EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView();
		//adding a little space after	
		if (array.Length>0) GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (150, 2, "TextField");
		//adding new obj
		rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (150, 16, "TextField");
		rect.x+=indent*indentPixels; rect.width-=indent*indentPixels;
		rect.width -= (buttonSize+space)*3;
		rect.width = rect.width*0.5f - 2;
		InstantGuiElement addedVal = (InstantGuiElement)EditorGUI.ObjectField (rect, null, typeof(InstantGuiElement), true); //
		if (addedVal!=null) 
			newArray = new InstantGuiElement[array.Length+1]; //
			for (int j=0; j<array.Length; j++) newArray[j] = array[j];
			newArray[newArray.Length-1] = addedVal;
		//adding a little space after	
		rect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (150, 3, "TextField");
		EditorGUI.indentLevel = indent;
		return newArray;
コード例 #20
	static public void  EditFrame ( InstantGuiElement element   )
		Undo.RecordObject(element, "InstantGui Move");
		//getting mouse pos
		Vector2 mousePos= Event.current.mousePosition;
		mousePos.y = InstantGui.Invert(mousePos.y);
		if (Event.current.shift) 
			if (Mathf.Abs(mousePos.x-dragStart.x) < Mathf.Abs(mousePos.y-dragStart.y)) mousePos.x = dragStart.x;
			else mousePos.y = dragStart.y;
		//getting mouse button
		bool  mouseDown=false; bool  mouseUp=false;
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDown && Event.current.button == 0) { mouseDown = true; dragStart = mousePos; }
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp  && Event.current.button == 0) { mouseUp = true; }
		//selecting locked element
		if (lockedElement!=null)
			//element = lockedElement;
			//Selection.activeGameObject = lockedElement.gameObject;
		//duplicating element
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.ValidateCommand && Event.current.commandName == "Duplicate")		
			GameObject newElement = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(element.gameObject);
			newElement.name = element.gameObject.name;
			if (element.transform.parent!=null) newElement.transform.parent = element.transform.parent;
			newElement.transform.localPosition = element.transform.localPosition;
			newElement.transform.localRotation = element.transform.localRotation;
			newElement.transform.localScale = element.transform.localScale;
			Selection.activeGameObject = newElement;
			element = newElement.GetComponent<InstantGuiElement>();
		//key events
		if (Event.current.type == EventType.keyDown)
			//Undo.RegisterUndo(element, "Move PureGUI");
			//locking element
			if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.L)
				if (!lockedElement) lockedElement = element;
				else lockedElement = null;
			//hiding frame
			if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.H)
				drawFrames = !drawFrames;
			//moving with keys
			if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.UpArrow) { element.offset.top--; element.offset.bottom--; }
			if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.DownArrow) { element.offset.top++; element.offset.bottom++; }
			if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.LeftArrow) { element.offset.left--; element.offset.right--; }
			if (Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.RightArrow) { element.offset.left++; element.offset.right++; }
		Rect rect = new Rect(0,0,frameSize,frameSize);
		Rect textRect = new Rect(0,0,40,20);
		//getting if any of dimension is fixed
		bool  fixedWidth = false;
		bool  fixedHeight = false;
		if (element.style!=null)
			if (element.style.fixedWidth) fixedWidth = true;
			if (element.style.fixedHeight) fixedHeight = true;
		if (mouseDown)
			nonGridOffset.left = element.offset.left;
			nonGridOffset.right = element.offset.right;
			nonGridOffset.top = element.offset.top;
			nonGridOffset.bottom = element.offset.bottom;
			nonGridRelative.left = element.relative.left;
			nonGridRelative.right = element.relative.right;
			nonGridRelative.top = element.relative.top;
			nonGridRelative.bottom = element.relative.bottom;
		if (mouseUp || mouseDown) dragging = 0;
		//storing borders to assign comfortable
		int left = element.absolute.left;
		int right = element.absolute.right;
		int top = element.absolute.top;
		int bottom = element.absolute.bottom;
		//relative left
		rect.width = frameSize * 1.5f;
		rect.height = frameSize;
		rect.x = left - element.offset.left - rect.width*0.5f; 
		rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height*0.5f;
		textRect.x = rect.x; textRect.y = rect.y+16;
		if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
		{ dragging = 1; }
		if (dragging==1)
			nonGridRelative.left = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).x); 
			if (Event.current.control) { element.relative.left = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.left*0.2f))*5; }
			else { element.relative.left = nonGridRelative.left; }
			element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);
		//relative right
		if (!fixedWidth)
			rect.x = right - element.offset.right - rect.width*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height*0.5f;
			textRect.x = rect.x; textRect.y = rect.y-20;
			if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
			{ dragging = 2; }
			if (dragging==2)
				nonGridRelative.right = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).x); 
				if (Event.current.control) { element.relative.right = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.right*0.2f))*5; }
				else { element.relative.right = nonGridRelative.right; }
				element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);
		else element.relative.right = element.relative.left;
		//relative top
		rect.width = frameSize;
		rect.height = frameSize * 1.5f;
		rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width*0.5f;
		rect.y = top - element.offset.top - rect.height*0.5f;
		textRect.x = rect.x+20; textRect.y = rect.y-2;
		if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
		{ dragging = 3; }
		if (dragging==3)
			nonGridRelative.top = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).y); 
			if (Event.current.control) { element.relative.top = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.top*0.2f))*5; }
			else { element.relative.top = nonGridRelative.top; }
			element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);
		//relative bottom
		if (!fixedHeight)
			rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width*0.5f; 
			rect.y = bottom - element.offset.bottom - rect.height*0.5f;
			textRect.x = rect.x-30; textRect.y = rect.y-2;
			if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
			{ dragging = 4; }
			if (dragging==4)
				nonGridRelative.bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(InstantGuiElementPos.ScreenPointToRelative(element.parentpos, Event.current.mousePosition).y); 
				if (Event.current.control) { element.relative.bottom = (Mathf.RoundToInt(nonGridRelative.bottom*0.2f))*5; }
				else { element.relative.bottom = nonGridRelative.bottom; }
				element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, element.absolute);
		else element.relative.bottom = element.relative.top;
		rect = new Rect(0,0,frameSize,frameSize);
		if (!fixedWidth || !fixedHeight)
			rect.x = element.absolute.left-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.top-frameSize*0.5f;
			textRect.x = rect.x-25; 
			textRect.y = (top+bottom)*0.5f + (top-bottom)*0.25f;
			if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
			{ dragging = 5; }
			if (dragging==5)
				element.offset.left = (int)(nonGridOffset.left + (mousePos.x-dragStart.x)); 
				element.offset.top = (int)(nonGridOffset.top + (dragStart.y-mousePos.y));
				if (Event.current.control)
					element.offset.left = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.left*0.1f)*10;
					element.offset.top = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.top*0.1f)*10;
			rect.x = element.absolute.left-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.bottom-frameSize*0.5f; 
			textRect.x = (left+right)*0.5f + (right-left)*0.25f;
			textRect.y = rect.y+10;
			if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
			{ dragging = 6; }
			if (dragging==6)
				element.offset.left = (int)(nonGridOffset.left + (mousePos.x-dragStart.x)); 
				element.offset.bottom = (int)(nonGridOffset.bottom + (dragStart.y-mousePos.y));
				if (Event.current.control)
					element.offset.left = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.left*0.1f)*10;
					element.offset.bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.bottom*0.1f)*10;
			rect.x = element.absolute.right-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.top-frameSize*0.5f;
			textRect.x = (left+right)*0.5f + (left-right)*0.25f;
			textRect.y = rect.y-13;
			if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
			{ dragging = 7; }
			if (dragging==7)
				element.offset.right = (int)(nonGridOffset.right + (mousePos.x-dragStart.x)); 
				element.offset.top = (int)(nonGridOffset.top + (dragStart.y-mousePos.y));
				if (Event.current.control)
					element.offset.right = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.right*0.1f)*10;
					element.offset.top = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.top*0.1f)*10;
			rect.x = element.absolute.right-frameSize*0.5f; 
			rect.y = element.absolute.bottom-frameSize*0.5f; 
			textRect.x = rect.x+15; 
			textRect.y = (top+bottom)*0.5f + (bottom-top)*0.25f;
			if (rect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && mouseDown && dragging==0 && drawFrames && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition) 
			{ dragging = 8; }
			if (dragging==8)
				element.offset.right = (int)(nonGridOffset.right + (mousePos.x-dragStart.x)); 
				element.offset.bottom = (int)(nonGridOffset.bottom + (dragStart.y-mousePos.y));
				if (Event.current.control)
					element.offset.right = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.right*0.1f)*10;
					element.offset.bottom = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.bottom*0.1f)*10;
		if (!InstantGui.instance) InstantGui.instance = (InstantGui)FindObjectOfType(typeof(InstantGui));
		if (!EditorApplication.isPlaying) 
			InstantGui.width = Screen.width;
			InstantGui.height = Screen.height;
			InstantGui.instance.element = InstantGui.instance.GetComponent<InstantGuiElement>();
			InstantGui.pointed = null;
		//moving selected element (or setting fixed)
		rect = element.absolute.ToRect();
		if (InstantGui.pointed==element && mouseDown && dragging==0 && !Event.current.alt && !element.lockPosition && !selectionChanged) 
		{ dragging = 9; }
		if (dragging==9)
			//Undo.RecordObject(element, "InstantGui Move");
			int sizeX = element.absolute.right-element.absolute.left;
			int sizeY = element.absolute.bottom-element.absolute.top;
			element.offset.left = (int)(nonGridOffset.left + (mousePos.x-dragStart.x)); 
			element.offset.top = (int)(nonGridOffset.top + (dragStart.y-mousePos.y));
			if (Event.current.control)
				element.offset.left = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.left*0.1f)*10;
				element.offset.top = Mathf.RoundToInt(element.offset.top*0.1f)*10;
			element.absolute.GetAbsolute (element.parentpos, element.relative, element.offset);
			element.offset.GetOffset(element.parentpos, element.relative, 
			                       new  InstantGuiElementPos(element.absolute.left, element.absolute.left + sizeX, element.absolute.top, element.absolute.top + sizeY));
		//selecting other objs
		if (mouseDown && dragging==0 && InstantGui.pointed!=element && InstantGui.pointed!=null && !lockedElement && !Event.current.alt)
			Selection.activeGameObject = InstantGui.pointed.gameObject;
			element = InstantGui.pointed;
			nonGridOffset.left = element.offset.left;
			nonGridOffset.right = element.offset.right;
			nonGridOffset.top = element.offset.top;
			nonGridOffset.bottom = element.offset.bottom;
			nonGridRelative.left = element.relative.left;
			nonGridRelative.right = element.relative.right;
			nonGridRelative.top = element.relative.top;
			nonGridRelative.bottom = element.relative.bottom;
			selectionChanged = true;
		else if (selectionChanged) selectionChanged = false;

コード例 #21
	static public void  DrawSaveToStyleButton ( string label ,   InstantGuiElement element ,   bool saveStyle ,    bool savePos  ){
		//if (!saveStyle && savePos && element.customStyle) return;
		Rect rect= GUILayoutUtility.GetRect (50, 18, "TextField");
		rect.x=30; rect.width-=15;
		if (GUI.Button(rect, label))
			//finding in set
			bool  foundInSet = false;
			for (int j=0; j<element.styleSet.styles.Length; j++)
				if (element.styleSet.styles[j].name == element.style.name)
				if (saveStyle) element.styleSet.styles[j] = element.style.Clone();
				if (savePos)
					element.styleSet.styles[j].relative = element.relative.Clone();
					element.styleSet.styles[j].offset = element.offset.Clone();
					element.styleSet.styles[j].layerOffset = element.layerOffset;
				foundInSet = true;
			//adding new
			if (!foundInSet)
				if (!saveStyle) 
					if (EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("No Such Style",
					                                "Cannot find style in Style Set. Do you want to create it?",
					                                "Create", "Cancel")) saveStyle = true;
					else { EditorUtility.SetDirty(element.styleSet); return; }
				InstantGuiStyle[] newStyles = new InstantGuiStyle[element.styleSet.styles.Length+1];
				for (int j=0; j<element.styleSet.styles.Length; j++) newStyles[j] = element.styleSet.styles[j];
				if (saveStyle) newStyles[newStyles.Length-1] = element.style.Clone();
				if (savePos)
					newStyles[newStyles.Length-1].relative = element.relative.Clone();
					newStyles[newStyles.Length-1].offset = element.offset.Clone();
					newStyles[newStyles.Length-1].layerOffset = element.layerOffset;
				element.styleSet.styles = newStyles;
コード例 #22
    static public void  DrawFrame(InstantGuiElement element)
        if (!drawFrames)

        //setting textures
        if (frameTexture == null)
            frameTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameSquare.png");
        if (lineTexture == null)
            lineTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameLine.png");
        if (squareTexture == null)
            squareTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameSquare.png");
        if (circleTexture == null)
            circleTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameCircle.png");
        if (triBottomTexture == null)
            triBottomTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowBottom.png");
        if (triTopTexture == null)
            triTopTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowTop.png");
        if (triLeftTexture == null)
            triLeftTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowLeft.png");
        if (triRightTexture == null)
            triRightTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameArrowRight.png");
        if (lockTexture == null)
            lockTexture = GetTexture("GuiFrameLock.png");

        //getting if any of dimension is fixed
        bool fixedWidth  = false;
        bool fixedHeight = false;

        if (element.style != null)
            if (element.style.fixedWidth)
                fixedWidth = true;
            if (element.style.fixedHeight)
                fixedHeight = true;

        Rect rect     = new Rect(0, 0, frameSize, frameSize);
        Rect textRect = new Rect(0, 0, 40, 20);

        //storing borders to assign comfortable
        int left   = element.absolute.left;
        int right  = element.absolute.right;
        int top    = element.absolute.top;
        int bottom = element.absolute.bottom;

        //drawing lines
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left, (top + bottom) * 0.5f, -element.offset.left, 1), lineTexture);
        if (!fixedWidth)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(right, (top + bottom) * 0.5f, -element.offset.right, 1), lineTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((left + right) * 0.5f, top, 1, -element.offset.top), lineTexture);
        if (!fixedHeight)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect((left + right) * 0.5f, bottom, 1, -element.offset.bottom), lineTexture);

        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left, top, right - left, 1), lineTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left, bottom, right - left, 1), lineTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left, top, 1, bottom - top), lineTexture);
        GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(right, top, 1, bottom - top), lineTexture);

        //drawing point offset
        if (element.style != null &&
            (element.style.pointOffset.left != 0 || element.style.pointOffset.right != 0 || element.style.pointOffset.top != 0 || element.style.pointOffset.bottom != 0))
            RectOffset pointOffset = element.style.pointOffset;

            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left + pointOffset.left, top + pointOffset.top, right - left - pointOffset.left - pointOffset.right, 1), lineTexture);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left + pointOffset.left, bottom - pointOffset.bottom, right - left - pointOffset.left - pointOffset.right, 1), lineTexture);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left + pointOffset.left, top + pointOffset.top, 1, bottom - top - pointOffset.bottom - pointOffset.top), lineTexture);
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(right - pointOffset.right, top + pointOffset.top, 1, bottom - top - pointOffset.bottom - pointOffset.top), lineTexture);

        if (lockedElement != null)
            GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(left + 5, top + 5, 24, 24), lockTexture);

        //relative right
        rect.width  = frameSize * 1.5f;
        rect.height = frameSize;

        if (!fixedWidth)
            rect.x = right - element.offset.right - rect.width * 0.5f;
            rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height * 0.5f;

            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triRightTexture);
            if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging == 2))
                textRect.x = rect.x - frameSize * 0.25f - 15; textRect.y = rect.y - frameSize * 0.25f - 15;
                GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.right.ToString() + "%");
            element.relative.right = element.relative.left;

        //relative left
        rect.x = left - element.offset.left - rect.width * 0.5f;
        rect.y = element.absolute.GetCenter().y - rect.height * 0.5f;

        GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triLeftTexture);
        if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging == 1))
            //textRect.x = rect.x+frameSize*0.25f+15; textRect.y = rect.y+frameSize*0.1f+17;
            textRect.x = rect.x - frameSize * 0.25f - 15; textRect.y = rect.y - frameSize * 0.25f - 15;
            GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.left.ToString() + "%");

        //relative bottom
        rect.width  = frameSize;
        rect.height = frameSize * 1.5f;

        if (!fixedHeight)
            rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width * 0.5f;
            rect.y = bottom - element.offset.bottom - rect.height * 0.5f;

            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triBottomTexture);
            if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging == 4))
                //textRect.x = rect.x-frameSize-10; textRect.y = rect.y-frameSize*0.05f-20;
                textRect.x = rect.x - frameSize * 0.25f - 15; textRect.y = rect.y - frameSize * 0.25f - 15;
                GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.bottom.ToString() + "%");
            element.relative.bottom = element.relative.top;

        //relative top
        rect.x = element.absolute.GetCenter().x - rect.width * 0.5f;
        rect.y = top - element.offset.top - rect.height * 0.5f;

        GUI.DrawTexture(rect, triTopTexture);
        if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && dragging == 3))
            //textRect.x = rect.x+frameSize*1.1f; textRect.y = rect.y+frameSize;
            textRect.x = rect.x - frameSize * 0.25f - 15; textRect.y = rect.y - frameSize * 0.25f - 15;
            GUI.Label(textRect, element.relative.top.ToString() + "%");

        rect = new Rect(0, 0, frameSize, frameSize);

        if (!fixedWidth || !fixedHeight)
            //left-top 5
            rect.x     = element.absolute.left - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.top - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = rect.x - 25;
            textRect.y = (top + bottom) * 0.5f + (top - bottom) * 0.25f;

            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
            if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging == 6 || dragging == 5 || dragging == 9)))
                GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.left.ToString() + "p");

            //left-bottom 6
            rect.x     = element.absolute.left - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.bottom - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = (left + right) * 0.5f + (right - left) * 0.25f;
            textRect.y = rect.y + 10;

            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
            if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging == 8 || dragging == 6 || dragging == 9)))
                GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.bottom.ToString() + "p");

            //right-top 7
            rect.x     = element.absolute.right - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.top - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = (left + right) * 0.5f + (left - right) * 0.25f;
            textRect.y = rect.y - 13;

            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
            if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging == 5 || dragging == 7 || dragging == 9)))
                GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.top.ToString() + "p");

            //right-bottom 8
            rect.x     = element.absolute.right - frameSize * 0.5f;
            rect.y     = element.absolute.bottom - frameSize * 0.5f;
            textRect.x = rect.x + 15;
            textRect.y = (top + bottom) * 0.5f + (bottom - top) * 0.25f;

            GUI.DrawTexture(rect, circleTexture);
            if (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.always || (showValues == InstantGuiFrameShowValues.onChange && (dragging == 7 || dragging == 8 || dragging == 9)))
                GUI.Label(textRect, element.offset.right.ToString() + "p");
コード例 #23
	static public InstantGuiElement Create ( string name ,   System.Type type ,   InstantGuiElement parent  ){ return Create(name, name, type, parent); }
コード例 #24
 static public InstantGuiElement Create(string name, System.Type type, InstantGuiElement parent)
     return(Create(name, name, type, parent));
コード例 #25
    public override void  Align()

        //setting first shown value
        if (slider != null)
            slider.min        = 0;
            slider.max        = Mathf.Max(0, labels.Length - elements.Length);
            slider.shownValue = elements.Length;

            //scrolling slider
            slider.value -= Input.GetAxisRaw("Mouse ScrollWheel") * 10;
            slider.value  = Mathf.Clamp(slider.value, slider.min, slider.max);

            firstShown = (int)slider.value;

        //calculating number of lines
        int linesNum;

        if (lineHeight <= 0)
            linesNum = elements.Length;
            linesNum = Mathf.FloorToInt((absolute.bottom - absolute.top) * 1.0f / lineHeight);
            linesNum = Mathf.Max(linesNum, 0);

        //re-creating elements if line num changed
        if (elements.Length != linesNum)
            //destroying overcount
            for (int i = elements.Length - 1; i >= linesNum; i--)
                if (elements[i] != null)
                    StartCoroutine(elements[i].YieldAndDestroy());                                    //DestroyImmediate(elements[i].gameObject);
            //resizing array
            InstantGuiElement[] newElements = new InstantGuiElement[linesNum];
            int count = Mathf.Min(linesNum, elements.Length);
            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                newElements[i] = elements[i];
            elements = newElements;

            //creating undefened elements
            for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
                if (!elements[i])
                    elements[i] = InstantGuiElement.Create("ListElement", typeof(InstantGuiElement), this);

        //setting text and position
        for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
            if (i + firstShown < labels.Length && firstShown >= 0)
                elements[i].text = labels[i + firstShown];
                elements[i].text = "";

            elements[i].offset   = new InstantGuiElementPos(0, -sliderMargin, 0, 0);
            elements[i].relative = new InstantGuiElementPos(0, 100, (int)((100.0f / linesNum) * i), (int)((100.0f / linesNum) * (i + 1)));
            elements[i].editable = false;
            //elements[i].style = elementStyle;