コード例 #1
    public async Task DeleteInstanceAsync(
        // TODO(developer): Set your own default values for these parameters or pass different values when calling this method.
        string projectId   = "your-project-id",
        string zone        = "us-central1-a",
        string machineName = "test-machine")
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
        InstancesClient client = await InstancesClient.CreateAsync();

        // Make the request to delete a VM instance.
        var instanceDeletion = await client.DeleteAsync(projectId, zone, machineName);

        // Wait for the operation to complete using client-side polling.
        await instanceDeletion.PollUntilCompletedAsync();
コード例 #2
    public async Task DeleteInstanceAsync(
        string projectId   = "your-project-id",
        string zone        = "us-central1-a",
        string machineName = "test-machine")
        // Initialize the client that will be used to send instance-related requests.
        // You should reuse the same client for multiple requests.
        InstancesClient client = await InstancesClient.CreateAsync();

        // Make the request to delete a VM instance.
        Operation instanceDeletion = await client.DeleteAsync(projectId, zone, machineName);

        // You may poll the operation until it completes or fails, or for a given amount of time.
        // If polling times out, the operation may still finish successfully after.
        await instanceDeletion.PollUntilCompletedAsync(projectId, zone);