コード例 #1
        private void Detach()
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "WDE: DebugController.Detach():"));

            using (new DebuggerThreadMarker())
                lock (this.syncRoot)

                    AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad -= OnAssemblyLoad;

                    // See comments in Attach().
                    if (this.isZombie || !this.isAttached)

                    this.isAttached = false;

                    // Undone: AkashS - At this point wait for all event handling to complete to avoid exceptions.

                    this.programId = Guid.Empty;

                    if (this.debugControllerThread != null)
                        this.debugControllerThread = null;

                    if (this.attachTimer != null)
                        this.attachTimer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
                        this.attachTimer = null;

                    if (this.channel != null)
                        this.channel = null;

                    this.controllerConduit = null;

                    this.instanceTable = null;
                    this.typeToGuid = null;
                    this.xomlHashToGuid = null;

                    // Do this only after we perform the previous cleanup! Otherwise
                    // we may get exceptions from the runtime that may cause the cleanup
                    // to not happen.

                    if (!this.serviceContainer.IsZombie)
                        foreach (WorkflowInstance instance in this.serviceContainer.GetLoadedWorkflows())
                            WorkflowExecutor executor = instance.GetWorkflowResourceUNSAFE();
                            using (executor.ExecutorLock.Enter())
                                if (executor.IsInstanceValid)
                                    executor.WorkflowExecutionEvent -= OnInstanceEvent;

                        this.serviceContainer.WorkflowExecutorInitializing -= InstanceInitializing;
                        this.serviceContainer.DefinitionDispenser.WorkflowDefinitionLoaded -= ScheduleTypeLoaded;
コード例 #2
        internal void Attach(Guid programId, int attachTimeout, int detachPingInterval, out string hostName, out string uri, out int controllerThreadId, out bool isSynchronousAttach)
            Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "WDE: DebugController.Attach(): programId = {0}", programId));
            lock (this.syncRoot)
                hostName = String.Empty;
                uri = String.Empty;
                controllerThreadId = 0;
                isSynchronousAttach = false;

                // Race condition:
                // During the call to Attach() if Uninitialize() is also called, we should ignore the call to Attach() and
                // just return. The Zombie flag and lock(this) help us recognize the ----.
                if (this.isZombie)

                // Race condition:
                // The isAttached flat along with lock(this) catch the ---- where a debugger may have detached which
                // we haven't detected yet and another debugger may have attached, so we force detach from the first
                // debugger.
                if (this.isAttached)

                this.isAttached = true;

                this.programId = programId;
                this.debugControllerThread = new DebugControllerThread();
                this.instanceTable = new InstanceTable(this.debugControllerThread.ManagedThreadId);
                this.typeToGuid = new Dictionary<Type, Guid>();
                this.xomlHashToGuid = new Dictionary<byte[], Guid>((IEqualityComparer<byte[]>)new DigestComparer());


                // Publish our MBR object.
                IDictionary providerProperties = new Hashtable();
                providerProperties["typeFilterLevel"] = "Full";
                BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider sinkProvider = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider(providerProperties, null);

                Hashtable channelProperties = new Hashtable();
                channelProperties["name"] = string.Empty;
                channelProperties["portName"] = this.programId.ToString();
                SecurityIdentifier si = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinAdministratorsSid, null);
                IdentityReference idRef = si.Translate(typeof(NTAccount));
                channelProperties["authorizedGroup"] = idRef.ToString();
                this.channel = new IpcChannel(channelProperties, null, sinkProvider);
                ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(this.channel, true);

                ObjRef o = RemotingServices.Marshal(this, this.programId.ToString());
                hostName = this.hostName;

                uri = this.channel.GetUrlsForUri(this.programId.ToString())[0];
                controllerThreadId = this.debugControllerThread.ThreadId;
                isSynchronousAttach = !this.isServiceContainerStarting;

                this.attachTimeout = attachTimeout;
                this.attachTimer = new Timer(AttachTimerCallback, null, attachTimeout, detachPingInterval);
コード例 #3
        public ProfileGroup Load(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, SqlQueryParameters parameters)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            if (parameters == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("parameters");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT {0} " +
                             ProfileGroupTable.GetColumnNames("[pg]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ProfileCategoryTable.GetColumnNames("[pg_pc]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[pg_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [web].[ProfileGroup] AS [pg] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [web].[ProfileCategory] AS [pg_pc] ON [pg].[ProfileCategoryID] = [pg_pc].[ProfileCategoryID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [pg_i] ON [pg].[InstanceID] = [pg_i].[InstanceID] ";

                parameters.Top = 1;
                sqlCmdText     = parameters.BuildQuery(sqlCmdText);
                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, object> argument in parameters.Arguments)
                    sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@" + argument.Key, argument.Value);

                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("pg", "customload", "notfound"), "ProfileGroup could not be loaded using custom logic as it was not found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, parameters);
                    if (this.Logger.IsDebugEnabled)

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                ProfileGroupTable    pgTable    = new ProfileGroupTable(query);
                ProfileCategoryTable pg_pcTable = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ProfileCategoryTable(query) : null;
                InstanceTable        pg_iTable  = (this.Depth > 0) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;

                ProfileCategory pg_pcObject = (this.Depth > 0) ? pg_pcTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Instance        pg_iObject  = (this.Depth > 0) ? pg_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                ProfileGroup    pgObject    = pgTable.CreateInstance(pg_pcObject, pg_iObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("pg", "customload", "exception"), "ProfileGroup could not be loaded using custom logic. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, parameters);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "ProfileGroup", "Exception while loading (custom/single) ProfileGroup object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);
コード例 #4
        protected override ProfileGroup LoadInternal(ISqlConnectionInfo connection, int id)
            IDatabase database = connection.Database;

            if (database == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("database", "Error initializing database connection.");
            string sqlCmdText = string.Empty;

                sqlCmdText = "SELECT " +
                             ProfileGroupTable.GetColumnNames("[pg]") +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + ProfileCategoryTable.GetColumnNames("[pg_pc]") : string.Empty) +
                             (this.Depth > 0 ? "," + InstanceTable.GetColumnNames("[pg_i]") : string.Empty) +
                             " FROM [web].[ProfileGroup] AS [pg] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [web].[ProfileCategory] AS [pg_pc] ON [pg].[ProfileCategoryID] = [pg_pc].[ProfileCategoryID] ";
                if (this.Depth > 0)
                    sqlCmdText += "INNER  JOIN [core].[Instance] AS [pg_i] ON [pg].[InstanceID] = [pg_i].[InstanceID] ";
                sqlCmdText += "WHERE [pg].[ProfileGroupID] = @ProfileGroupID;";

                SqlCommand sqlCmd = database.Add(sqlCmdText) as SqlCommand;
                sqlCmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@ProfileGroupID", id);
                SqlDataReader sqlReader = database.Add(sqlCmd) as SqlDataReader;

                if (!sqlReader.HasRows || !sqlReader.Read())
                    IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("pg", "loadinternal", "notfound"), "ProfileGroup could not be loaded by id as it was not found.", sqlCmdText, this, connection, id);
                    if (this.Logger.IsWarnEnabled)

                SqlQuery query = new SqlQuery(sqlReader);

                ProfileGroupTable    pgTable    = new ProfileGroupTable(query);
                ProfileCategoryTable pg_pcTable = (this.Depth > 0) ? new ProfileCategoryTable(query) : null;
                InstanceTable        pg_iTable  = (this.Depth > 0) ? new InstanceTable(query) : null;

                ProfileCategory pg_pcObject = (this.Depth > 0) ? pg_pcTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                Instance        pg_iObject  = (this.Depth > 0) ? pg_iTable.CreateInstance() : null;
                ProfileGroup    pgObject    = pgTable.CreateInstance(pg_pcObject, pg_iObject);

            catch (Exception ex)
                IMessageBuilder builder = new DbLogMessageBuilder(new LogErrorCode("pg", "loadinternal", "exception"), "ProfileGroup could not be loaded by id. See exception for details.", sqlCmdText, ex, this, connection, id);
                if (this.Logger.IsErrorEnabled)
                    this.Logger.Error(builder.ToString(), ex);
                throw new DataOperationException(DataOperation.Load, "ProfileGroup", "Exception while loading ProfileGroup object from database. See inner exception for details.", ex);
 internal void Attach(Guid programId, int attachTimeout, int detachPingInterval, out string hostName, out string uri, out int controllerThreadId, out bool isSynchronousAttach)
     lock (this.syncRoot)
         hostName = string.Empty;
         uri = string.Empty;
         controllerThreadId = 0;
         isSynchronousAttach = false;
         if (!this.isZombie)
             if (this.isAttached)
             this.isAttached = true;
             this.programId = programId;
             this.debugControllerThread = new DebugControllerThread();
             this.instanceTable = new InstanceTable(this.debugControllerThread.ManagedThreadId);
             this.typeToGuid = new Dictionary<Type, Guid>();
             this.xomlHashToGuid = new Dictionary<byte[], Guid>(new DigestComparer());
             IDictionary properties = new Hashtable();
             properties["typeFilterLevel"] = "Full";
             BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider serverSinkProvider = new BinaryServerFormatterSinkProvider(properties, null);
             Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
             hashtable["name"] = string.Empty;
             hashtable["portName"] = this.programId.ToString();
             IdentityReference reference = new SecurityIdentifier(WellKnownSidType.BuiltinAdministratorsSid, null).Translate(typeof(NTAccount));
             hashtable["authorizedGroup"] = reference.ToString();
             this.channel = new IpcChannel(hashtable, null, serverSinkProvider);
             ChannelServices.RegisterChannel(this.channel, true);
             RemotingServices.Marshal(this, this.programId.ToString());
             hostName = this.hostName;
             uri = this.channel.GetUrlsForUri(this.programId.ToString())[0];
             controllerThreadId = this.debugControllerThread.ThreadId;
             isSynchronousAttach = !this.isServiceContainerStarting;
             this.attachTimeout = attachTimeout;
             this.attachTimer = new Timer(new TimerCallback(this.AttachTimerCallback), null, attachTimeout, detachPingInterval);
 private void Detach()
     using (new DebuggerThreadMarker())
         lock (this.syncRoot)
             AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyLoad -= new AssemblyLoadEventHandler(this.OnAssemblyLoad);
             if (!this.isZombie && this.isAttached)
                 this.isAttached = false;
                 this.programId = Guid.Empty;
                 if (this.debugControllerThread != null)
                     this.debugControllerThread = null;
                 if (this.attachTimer != null)
                     this.attachTimer.Change(-1, -1);
                     this.attachTimer = null;
                 if (this.channel != null)
                     this.channel = null;
                 this.controllerConduit = null;
                 this.instanceTable = null;
                 this.typeToGuid = null;
                 this.xomlHashToGuid = null;
                 if (!this.serviceContainer.IsZombie)
                     foreach (WorkflowInstance instance in this.serviceContainer.GetLoadedWorkflows())
                         WorkflowExecutor workflowResourceUNSAFE = instance.GetWorkflowResourceUNSAFE();
                         using (workflowResourceUNSAFE.ExecutorLock.Enter())
                             if (workflowResourceUNSAFE.IsInstanceValid)
                                 workflowResourceUNSAFE.WorkflowExecutionEvent -= new EventHandler<WorkflowExecutor.WorkflowExecutionEventArgs>(this.OnInstanceEvent);
                     this.serviceContainer.WorkflowExecutorInitializing -= new EventHandler<WorkflowRuntime.WorkflowExecutorInitializingEventArgs>(this.InstanceInitializing);
                     this.serviceContainer.DefinitionDispenser.WorkflowDefinitionLoaded -= new EventHandler<WorkflowDefinitionEventArgs>(this.ScheduleTypeLoaded);