public override void RemovedFromDocument(GH_Document document) { try { // Clean up generated objects in both the active and background models: Core.Instance?.ActiveDocument?.Model?.History?.DeleteAllFromSource(InstanceGuid.ToString()); GH_Document doc = OnPingDocument(); if (doc != null) { ModelDocument modelDoc = GrasshopperManager.Instance.BackgroundDocument(doc); modelDoc?.Model?.History?.DeleteAllFromSource(InstanceGuid.ToString()); } else { //If we can't lookup the document, we'll have to clear it from all of them! foreach (var kvp in GrasshopperManager.Instance.BackgroundDocuments) { kvp.Value?.Model?.History?.DeleteAllFromSource(InstanceGuid.ToString()); } } } catch { } base.RemovedFromDocument(document); }
public void Connect(string host = "", ushort port = DEFAULT_PORT, string natHost = "", ushort natPort = NatHolePunch.DEFAULT_NAT_SERVER_PORT) { if (Disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("UDPServer", "此对象已被处置且不能用于连接,请使用新的UDPServer。This object has been disposed and can not be used to connect, please use a new UDPServer"); } try { Client = new CachedUdpClient(port); Client.EnableBroadcast = true; Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, host, true, ResolveHost(host, port), this); Me.InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString(); //在成功绑定的结果中执行任何通用初始化 // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind OnBindSuccessful(); //创建将监听来自连接客户端的新数据并开始执行的线程 // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution Task.Queue(ReadClients); // 创建将检查播放器超时的线程 // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts Task.Queue(() => { commonServerLogic.CheckClientTimeout((player) => { Disconnect(player, true); OnPlayerTimeout(player); CleanupDisconnections(); }); }); //让我知道我连接成功 //Let myself know I connected successfully OnPlayerConnected(Me); //将自己设置为连接的客户端 // Set myself as a connected client Me.Connected = true; //Set the port SetPort((ushort)((IPEndPoint)Client.Client.LocalEndPoint).Port); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(natHost)) { nat.Register((ushort)Me.IPEndPointHandle.Port, natHost, natPort); nat.clientConnectAttempt += NatClientConnectAttempt; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(e); // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure OnBindFailure(); throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to host/port, see inner exception", e); } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { Host.EnsureInitialisation(); LastExecuted = null; if (ActionType != null) { IAction action = (IAction)Activator.CreateInstance(ActionType, true); if (action != null) { if (action is IModelDocumentAction && !GrasshopperManager.Instance.AutoBake) { IModelDocumentAction mDAction = (IModelDocumentAction)action; mDAction.Document = GrasshopperManager.Instance.BackgroundDocument(OnPingDocument()); } if (ExtractInputs(action, DA)) { ExecutionInfo exInfo = new ExecutionInfo(InstanceGuid.ToString(), DA.Iteration); if (action.PreExecutionOperations(exInfo)) { if (action.Execute(exInfo)) { if (action.PostExecutionOperations(exInfo)) { ExtractOutputs(action, DA, exInfo); LastExecuted = action; LastExecutionInfo = exInfo; } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { var launch = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref launch)) { return; } DA.DisableGapLogic(); const string url = ""; if (launch) { QueueManager.addToQueue(url, () => { try { Process.Start(url); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); } }); } var errors = StringCache.getCache(InstanceGuid.ToString()); if (errors != null) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, errors); } }
private void PollDownloadContent( string inputJson, string downloadPath, string localPath, string overrides, bool reload, string cacheKey ) { var queueName = "Download" + cacheKey; // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); var downloaded = false; var inputData = new Inputs().FromJson(inputJson); if (reload) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); } if (queueLock != "true" && inputData.Task != null) { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { while (!downloaded) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "progress", "Downloading..."); ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); downloaded = DownloadContent.Download(inputJson, downloadPath, localPath, overrides); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, downloaded.ToString()); if (!downloaded) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "progress", "Waiting for results..."); ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(60000); } else { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "progress", "Downloaded files"); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); } } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); } }
/// <summary> /// This will begin the connection for TCP, this is a thread blocking operation until the connection /// is either established or has failed /// </summary> /// <param name="hostAddress">[] Ip Address to host from</param> /// <param name="port">[15937] Port to allow connections from</param> public void Connect(string hostAddress = "", ushort port = DEFAULT_PORT) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostAddress)) { throw new BaseNetworkException("An ip address must be specified to bind to. If you are unsure, you can set to"); } // Check to see if this server is being bound to a "loopback" address, if so then bind to any, otherwise bind to specified address if (hostAddress == "" || hostAddress == "localhost") { ipAddress = IPAddress.Any; } else { ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(hostAddress); } try { // Setup and start the base C# TcpListner listener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, port); //listener.Start(); Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, "", true, listener, this); Me.InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString(); // Create the thread that will be listening for clients and start its execution //Thread connectionThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForConnections)); //connectionThread.Start(); //Task.Queue(ListenForConnections); listener.Start(); listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(ListenForConnections, listener); // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution Task.Queue(ReadClients); // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts Task.Queue(CheckClientTimeout); // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind OnBindSuccessful(); //Let myself know I connected successfully OnPlayerConnected(Me); // Set myself as a connected client Me.Connected = true; //Set the port SetPort((ushort)((IPEndPoint)listener.LocalEndpoint).Port); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(e); // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure OnBindFailure(); throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to host/port, see inner exception", e); } }
//public override GH_Exposure Exposure => GH_Exposure.hidden; //public override bool Obsolete => true; protected void HandleErrors() { var errors = StringCache.getCache(InstanceGuid.ToString()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errors)) { AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, errors); } }
/// <summary> /// Start the Forge Networking server on this Facepunch Steamworks client /// </summary> /// <param name="haveLobby">Boolean used internally to tell whether we have already created the lobby</param> public void Host(bool haveLobby = false) { if (Disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("FacepunchP2PServer", "This object has been disposed and can not be used to connect, please use a new FacepunchP2PServer"); } try { if (!haveLobby) { CreateLobby(); return; } var selfSteamId = SteamClient.SteamId; Client = new CachedFacepunchP2PClient(selfSteamId); Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, selfSteamId, true, this) { InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString() }; // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind OnBindSuccessful(); // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution Task.Queue(ReadClients); // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts Task.Queue(() => { commonServerLogic.CheckClientTimeout((player) => { Disconnect(player, true); OnPlayerTimeout(player); CleanupDisconnections(); }); }); // Let myself know I connected successfully OnPlayerConnected(Me); // Set myself as a connected client Me.Connected = true; OnServerCreated(); StartAcceptingConnections(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(e); // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure OnBindFailure(); throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to SteamClient.SteamId, see inner exception", e); } }
public void Host(CSteamID selfSteamId, ELobbyType lobbyType, OnLobbyReady func = null) { if (Disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("SteamP2PServer", "This object has been disposed and can not be used to connect, please use a new SteamP2PServer"); } try { Client = new CachedSteamP2PClient(selfSteamId); Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, selfSteamId, true, this); Me.InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString(); m_CallbackLobbyCreated = Callback <LobbyCreated_t> .Create((LobbyCreated_t data) => { LobbyID = (CSteamID)data.m_ulSteamIDLobby; if (func != null) { func(); } }); m_CreateLobbyResult = SteamMatchmaking.CreateLobby(lobbyType, 5); // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind OnBindSuccessful(); // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution Task.Queue(ReadClients); // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts Task.Queue(() => { commonServerLogic.CheckClientTimeout((player) => { Disconnect(player, true); OnPlayerTimeout(player); CleanupDisconnections(); }); }); //Let myself know I connected successfully OnPlayerConnected(Me); // Set myself as a connected client Me.Connected = true; StartAcceptingConnections(); } catch (Exception e) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(e); // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure OnBindFailure(); throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to host/port, see inner exception", e); } }
// Should validate the handshake response from the server private void ReceiveAsync_Completed(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs e) { if (e.BytesTransferred > 0 && e.SocketError == SocketError.Success) { int bytesAlreadyProcessed = 0; // Count of the total freshly transferred bytes processed so far ReceiveToken token = (ReceiveToken)e.UserToken; if (!headerExchanged) { byte[] header = HandleHttpHeader(e, ref bytesAlreadyProcessed); token = (ReceiveToken)e.UserToken; if (header == null) { DoRead(e); return; } else if (Websockets.ValidateResponseHeader(headerHash, header)) { headerExchanged = true; token.maxAllowedBytes = int.MaxValue; e.UserToken = token; // Ping the server to finalize the player's connection Send(Text.CreateFromString(Time.Timestep, InstanceGuid.ToString(), true, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.NETWORK_ID_REQUEST, true)); } else { // Improper header, so a disconnect is required Disconnect(true); return; } } while (bytesAlreadyProcessed < e.BytesTransferred) { byte[] data = HandleData(e, true, ref bytesAlreadyProcessed); if (data == null) { break; } FrameStream frame = Factory.DecodeMessage(data, false, MessageGroupIds.TCP_FIND_GROUP_ID, Server); FireRead(frame, Server); } DoRead(e); } else { Disconnect(true); } }
private void CompleteHeaderExchange() { initialConnectHeaderExchanged = true; // TODO: When getting the user id, it should also get the server time by using // the current time in the payload and getting it back along with server time // Ping the server to finalize the player's connection var textFrame = Text.CreateFromString(Time.Timestep, InstanceGuid.ToString(), false, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.NETWORK_ID_REQUEST, false); Send(textFrame, true); }
private void RunRadiance(string inputJson, List <GH_Mesh> geometry, string cacheKey, bool compute) { var geometryFile = Export.STLObject(geometry); var results = Compute.Create( inputJson, geometryFile, "Probe", compute ); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, results); StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); if (compute) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", "true"); } }
public void PutOnQueue(FunctionToQueue functionToQueue, string cachedValues, bool create) { if (cachedValues != null && !create) { return; } // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(QueueName); if (queueLock == "true") { return; } StringCache.setCache(QueueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(CacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(QueueName, () => { try { cachedValues = functionToQueue(); StringCache.setCache(CacheKey, cachedValues); if (create) { StringCache.setCache(CacheKey + "create", "true"); } } catch (NoObjectFoundException) { StringCache.setCache(CacheKey + "create", ""); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(CacheKey, "error"); StringCache.setCache(CacheKey + "create", ""); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(QueueName, ""); }); }
private void RunCFD(string inputJson, List <GH_Mesh> geometry, string cacheKey, bool compute) { var geometryFile = Export.STLObject(geometry); var refinementGeometry = Export.RefinementRegionsToSTL(geometry); var results = Compute.Create( inputJson, geometryFile, refinementGeometry, compute ); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, results); StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); if (compute) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", "true"); } }
public void Connect(string host = "", ushort port = DEFAULT_PORT, string natHost = "", ushort natPort = NatHolePunch.DEFAULT_NAT_SERVER_PORT) { try { Client = new CachedUdpClient(port); Client.EnableBroadcast = true; Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, host, true, ResolveHost(host, port), this); Me.InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString(); // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution Task.Queue(ReadClients); // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts Task.Queue(CheckClientTimeout); // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind OnBindSuccessful(); //Let myself know I connected successfully OnPlayerConnected(Me); // Set myself as a connected client Me.Connected = true; //Set the port SetPort((ushort)((IPEndPoint)Client.Client.LocalEndPoint).Port); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(natHost)) { nat.Register((ushort)Me.IPEndPointHandle.Port, natHost, natPort); nat.clientConnectAttempt += NatClientConnectAttempt; } } catch (Exception e) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(e); // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure OnBindFailure(); throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to host/port, see inner exception", e); } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string inputJson = null; var mesh = new GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>(); var points = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>(); var normals = new GH_Structure <GH_Vector>(); var names = new List <string>(); var create = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref inputJson)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataTree(1, out mesh)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataTree(2, out points)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataTree(3, out normals)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(4, names)) { for (var i = 0; i < points.Branches.Count; i++) { names.Add($"set{i.ToString()}"); } } DA.GetData(5, ref create); // Get Cache to see if we already did this var cacheKey = string.Join("", points) + string.Join("", names) + inputJson; var cachedValues = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey); DA.DisableGapLogic(); if (cachedValues == null || create) { var queueName = "radiationProbe"; // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); if (queueLock != "true") { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { var meshFile = Export.MeshToObj(mesh, names); var results = Probe.RadiationProbes( inputJson, Geometry.ConvertPointsToList(points), Geometry.ConvertPointsToList(normals), names, meshFile, create ); cachedValues = results; StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, cachedValues); if (create) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", "true"); } } catch (NoObjectFoundException) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); } } // Handle Errors var errors = StringCache.getCache(InstanceGuid.ToString()); if (errors != null) { if (errors.Contains("No object found")) { Message = "No Probe Task found."; } else { throw new Exception(errors); } } // Read from Cache Message = ""; if (cachedValues != null) { var outputs = cachedValues; DA.SetData(0, outputs); if (StringCache.getCache(cacheKey + "create") == "true") { Message = "Task Created"; } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string folder = null; var refresh = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref folder)) { return; } DA.GetData(1, ref refresh); // Get Cache to see if we already did this var cacheKey = folder; var cachedValues = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey); DA.DisableGapLogic(); if (cachedValues == null || refresh) { const string queueName = "radiationProbeResults"; StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); if (queueLock != "true") { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "progress", "Loading..."); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { var results = RadiationProbeResult.ReadResults(folder); probeResults = ConvertToDataTree(results); info = UpdateInfo(results); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "progress", "Done"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "results"); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "progress", ""); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); } } HandleErrors(); if (info != null) { DA.SetDataTree(0, info); } if (probeResults != null) { DA.SetDataTree(1, probeResults); } Message = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey + "progress"); }
/// <summary> /// Infinite loop listening for new data from all connected clients on a separate thread. /// This loop breaks when readThreadCancel is set to true /// </summary> private void ReadNetwork() { CSteamID messageFrom = default(CSteamID); try { BMSByte packet = null; // Intentional infinite loop while (IsBound) { // If the read has been flagged to be canceled then break from this loop if (readThreadCancel) { return; } try { uint msgSize = 0; if (SteamNetworking.IsP2PPacketAvailable(out msgSize)) { packet = Client.Receive(msgSize, out messageFrom); } else { Thread.Sleep(1); continue; } // Read a packet from the network if (PacketLossSimulation > 0.0f && new Random().NextDouble() <= PacketLossSimulation) { // Skip this message continue; } BandwidthIn += (ulong)packet.Size; } catch (SocketException ex) { // This is a common exception when we exit the blocking call Logging.BMSLog.LogException(ex); Disconnect(true); } // Check to make sure a message was received if (packet == null || packet.Size <= 0) { continue; } // Check to see if the headers have been exchanged if (!headerExchanged) { if (Websockets.ValidateResponseHeader(headerHash, packet.CompressBytes())) { headerExchanged = true; // TODO: When getting the user id, it should also get the server time // by using the current time in the payload and getting it back along with server time // Ping the server to finalize the player's connection Send(Text.CreateFromString(Time.Timestep, InstanceGuid.ToString(), false, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.NETWORK_ID_REQUEST, false), true); } else if (packet.Size != 1 || packet[0] != 0) { Logging.BMSLog.LogWarning("DISCONNECTED: RECEIVED UNKNOWN PACKET BEFORE HEADERS WERE EXCHANGED!"); Disconnect(true); break; } else { continue; } } else { if (packet.Size < 17) { continue; } // Format the byte data into a UDPPacket struct UDPPacket formattedPacket = TranscodePacket(Server, packet); // Check to see if this is a confirmation packet, which is just // a packet to say that the reliable packet has been read if (formattedPacket.isConfirmation) { if (formattedPacket.groupId == MessageGroupIds.DISCONNECT) { CloseConnection(); return; } OnMessageConfirmed(server, formattedPacket); continue; } // Add the packet to the manager so that it can be tracked and executed on complete packetManager.AddPacket(formattedPacket, PacketSequenceComplete, this); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(ex); Disconnect(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Infinite loop listening for new data from all connected clients on a separate thread. /// This loop breaks when readThreadCancel is set to true /// </summary> /// <summary> ///无限循环在单独的线程上监听来自所有连接客户端的新数据。 ///当readThreadCancel设置为true时,此循环中断 /// </ summary> private void ReadNetwork() { IPEndPoint groupEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); string incomingEndpoint = string.Empty; try { BMSByte packet = null; // Intentional infinite loop while (IsBound) { //如果读取已被标记为取消,则从此循环中断开 // If the read has been flagged to be canceled then break from this loop if (readThreadCancel) { return; } try { // Read a packet from the network packet = Client.Receive(ref groupEP, ref incomingEndpoint); if (PacketLossSimulation > 0.0f && new Random().NextDouble() <= PacketLossSimulation) { // Skip this message continue; } BandwidthIn += (ulong)packet.Size; } catch (SocketException /*ex*/) { // This is a common exception when we exit the blocking call //Logging.BMSLog.LogException(ex); Disconnect(true); } // Check to make sure a message was received if (packet == null || packet.Size <= 0) { continue; } // This message was not from the server if (groupEP.Address != Server.IPEndPointHandle.Address && groupEP.Port != Server.IPEndPointHandle.Port) { if (packet.Size == 1 && (packet[0] == SERVER_BROADCAST_CODE || packet[1] == CLIENT_BROADCAST_CODE)) { } else if (packet.Size.Between(2, 4) && packet[0] == BROADCAST_LISTING_REQUEST_1 && packet[1] == BROADCAST_LISTING_REQUEST_2 && packet[2] == BROADCAST_LISTING_REQUEST_3) { //这可能是一个本地列表请求,所以用客户端标志字节进行响应 // This may be a local listing request so respond with the client flag byte Client.Send(new byte[] { CLIENT_BROADCAST_CODE }, 1, groupEP); } continue; } // Check to see if the headers have been exchanged if (!headerExchanged) { if (Websockets.ValidateResponseHeader(headerHash, packet.CompressBytes())) { headerExchanged = true; // TODO: When getting the user id, it should also get the server time // by using the current time in the payload and getting it back along with server time // Ping the server to finalize the player's connection Send(Text.CreateFromString(Time.Timestep, InstanceGuid.ToString(), false, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.NETWORK_ID_REQUEST, false), true); } else if (packet.Size != 1 || packet[0] != 0) { Disconnect(true); break; } else { continue; } } else { if (packet.Size < 17) { continue; } // 格式的字节数据到一个udppacket结构 // Format the byte data into a UDPPacket struct UDPPacket formattedPacket = TranscodePacket(Server, packet); // Check to see if this is a confirmation packet, which is just // a packet to say that the reliable packet has been read if (formattedPacket.isConfirmation) { if (formattedPacket.groupId == MessageGroupIds.DISCONNECT) { CloseConnection(); return; } OnMessageConfirmed(server, formattedPacket); continue; } //将数据包添加到管理器,以便可以在完成时跟踪和执行 // Add the packet to the manager so that it can be tracked and executed on complete packetManager.AddPacket(formattedPacket, PacketSequenceComplete, this); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(ex); Disconnect(true); } }
/// <summary> /// Infinite loop listening for new data from all connected clients on a separate thread. /// This loop breaks when readThreadCancel is set to true /// </summary> private void ReadNetwork() { IPEndPoint groupEP = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Any, 0); string incomingEndpoint = string.Empty; try { BMSByte packet = null; // Intentional infinite loop while (IsBound) { // If the read has been flagged to be canceled then break from this loop if (readThreadCancel) { return; } try { // Read a packet from the network packet = Client.Receive(ref groupEP, ref incomingEndpoint); if (PacketLossSimulation > 0.0f && new Random().NextDouble() <= PacketLossSimulation) { // Skip this message continue; } BandwidthIn += (ulong)packet.Size; } catch (SocketException /*ex*/) { // This is a common exception when we exit the blocking call //Logging.BMSLog.LogException(ex); Disconnect(true); } // Check to make sure a message was received if (packet == null || packet.Size <= 0) { continue; } // This message was not from the server if (groupEP.Address != Server.IPEndPointHandle.Address && groupEP.Port != Server.IPEndPointHandle.Port) { if (packet.Size == 1 && (packet[0] == SERVER_BROADCAST_CODE || packet[1] == CLIENT_BROADCAST_CODE)) { } else if (packet.Size.Between(2, 4) && packet[0] == BROADCAST_LISTING_REQUEST_1 && packet[1] == BROADCAST_LISTING_REQUEST_2 && packet[2] == BROADCAST_LISTING_REQUEST_3) { // This may be a local listing request so respond with the client flag byte Client.Send(new byte[] { CLIENT_BROADCAST_CODE }, 1, groupEP); } continue; } // Check to see if the headers have been exchanged if (!headerExchanged) { if (Websockets.ValidateResponseHeader(headerHash, packet.CompressBytes())) { headerExchanged = true; // TODO: When getting the user id, it should also get the server time // by using the current time in the payload and getting it back along with server time // Ping the server to finalize the player's connection Send(Text.CreateFromString(Time.Timestep, InstanceGuid.ToString(), false, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.NETWORK_ID_REQUEST, false), true); } else if (packet.Size >= MINIMUM_FRAME_SIZE) { // The server sent us a message before sending a responseheader to validate // This happens if the server is not accepting connections or the max connection count has been reached // We will get two messages. The first one is either a MAX_CONNECTIONS or NOT_ACCEPT_CONNECTIONS group message. // The second one will be the DISCONNECT message UDPPacket formattedPacket = TranscodePacket(Server, packet); if (formattedPacket.groupId == MessageGroupIds.MAX_CONNECTIONS) { Logging.BMSLog.LogWarning("Max Players Reached On Server"); // Wait for the second message (Disconnect) continue; } if (formattedPacket.groupId == MessageGroupIds.NOT_ACCEPT_CONNECTIONS) { Logging.BMSLog.LogWarning("The server is busy and not accepting connections"); // Wait for the second message (Disconnect) continue; } if (formattedPacket.groupId == MessageGroupIds.DISCONNECT) { CloseConnection(); return; } // Received something unexpected so do the same thing as the if below Disconnect(true); break; } else if (packet.Size != 1 || packet[0] != 0) { Disconnect(true); break; } else { continue; } } else { if (packet.Size < MINIMUM_FRAME_SIZE) { continue; } // Format the byte data into a UDPPacket struct UDPPacket formattedPacket = TranscodePacket(Server, packet); // Check to see if this is a confirmation packet, which is just // a packet to say that the reliable packet has been read if (formattedPacket.isConfirmation) { if (formattedPacket.groupId == MessageGroupIds.DISCONNECT) { CloseConnection(); return; } OnMessageConfirmed(server, formattedPacket); continue; } if (formattedPacket.groupId == MessageGroupIds.AUTHENTICATION_FAILURE) { Logging.BMSLog.LogWarning("The server rejected the authentication attempt"); // Wait for the second message (Disconnect) continue; } // Add the packet to the manager so that it can be tracked and executed on complete packetManager.AddPacket(formattedPacket, PacketSequenceComplete, this); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Logging.BMSLog.LogException(ex); Disconnect(true); } }
/// <summary> /// This will begin the connection for TCP, this is a thread blocking operation until the connection /// is either established or has failed /// </summary> /// <param name="hostAddress">[] Ip Address to host from</param> /// <param name="port">[15937] Port to allow connections from</param> public void Connect(string hostAddress = "", ushort port = DEFAULT_PORT) { if (Disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("TCPServer", "This object has been disposed and can not be used to connect, please use a new TCPServer"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(hostAddress)) { throw new BaseNetworkException("An ip address must be specified to bind to. If you are unsure, you can set to"); } // Check to see if this server is being bound to a "loopback" address, if so then bind to any, otherwise bind to specified address if (hostAddress == "" || hostAddress == "localhost") { ipAddress = IPAddress.Any; } else { ipAddress = IPAddress.Parse(hostAddress); } try { // Setup and start the base C# TcpListner listener = new TcpListener(ipAddress, port); //listener.Start(); Me = new NetworkingPlayer(ServerPlayerCounter++, "", true, listener, this); Me.InstanceGuid = InstanceGuid.ToString(); // Create the thread that will be listening for clients and start its execution //Thread connectionThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(ListenForConnections)); //connectionThread.Start(); //Task.Queue(ListenForConnections); listener.Start(); listener.BeginAcceptTcpClient(ListenForConnections, listener); //在成功绑定的结果中执行任何通用初始化 // Do any generic initialization in result of the successful bind OnBindSuccessful(); //创建将监听来自连接客户端的新数据并开始执行的线程 // Create the thread that will be listening for new data from connected clients and start its execution Task.Queue(ReadClients); // 创建将检查播放器超时的线程 // Create the thread that will check for player timeouts Task.Queue(() => { // TODO ZF 关闭检测超时 //commonServerLogic.CheckClientTimeout((player) => //{ // Disconnect(player, true); // OnPlayerTimeout(player); // CleanupDisconnections(); //}); }); //让我知道我连接成功 //Let myself know I connected successfully OnPlayerConnected(Me); //将自己设置为连接的客户端 // Set myself as a connected client Me.Connected = true; //设置端口 //Set the port SetPort((ushort)((IPEndPoint)listener.LocalEndpoint).Port); } catch (Exception e) { BMSLog.LogException(e); // Do any generic initialization in result of the binding failure OnBindFailure(); throw new FailedBindingException("Failed to bind to host/port, see inner exception", e); } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string inputJson = null; var points = new GH_Structure <GH_Point>(); var names = new List <string>(); var fields = new List <string>(); var mesh = new GH_Structure <GH_Mesh>(); var cpus = 1; var dependentOn = "VirtualWindTunnel"; var caseDir = "VWT"; var overrides = ""; var create = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref inputJson)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataTree(1, out points)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(2, names)) { for (var i = 0; i < points.Branches.Count; i++) { names.Add($"set{i.ToString()}"); } } else { foreach (var name in names) { ValidateName(name); } } if (!DA.GetDataList(3, fields)) { fields.Add("U"); } DA.GetDataTree(4, out mesh); DA.GetData(5, ref cpus); DA.GetData(6, ref dependentOn); DA.GetData(7, ref caseDir); DA.GetData(8, ref overrides); DA.GetData(9, ref create); var convertedPoints = Geometry.ConvertPointsToList(points); caseDir = caseDir.TrimEnd('/'); // Get Cache to see if we already did this var cacheKey = inputJson + string.Join("", points) + string.Join("", fields) + string.Join("", names); var cachedValues = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey); DA.DisableGapLogic(); if (cachedValues == null || create) { var queueName = "probe"; // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); if (queueLock != "true") { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { var meshFile = Export.MeshToObj(mesh, names); var results = Probe.ProbePoints( inputJson, convertedPoints, fields, names, ComponentUtils.ValidateCPUs(cpus), meshFile, dependentOn, caseDir, overrides, create ); cachedValues = results; StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, cachedValues); if (create) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", "true"); } } catch (NoObjectFoundException) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); } } HandleErrors(); Message = ""; if (cachedValues != null) { DA.SetData(0, cachedValues); if (StringCache.getCache(cacheKey + "create") == "true") { Message = "Task Created"; } } }
protected void ButtonPostComment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // check the Honeypot if (TextBoxPhone.Text == string.Empty && this.InstanceGuid != Guid.Empty) { int indexUrl = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf(":" + Request.Url.Port.ToString()); if (indexUrl <= 0) { indexUrl = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.IndexOf(Request.Url.AbsolutePath); } string siteUrl = Request.Url.AbsoluteUri.Substring(0, indexUrl) + Request.ApplicationPath + "/"; using (MainDataSetTableAdapters.CommentTableAdapter taComment = new MainDataSetTableAdapters.CommentTableAdapter()) { Organization currOrganization = null; MainDataSet.Mc_InstanceRow currInstance = null; using (MainDataSetTableAdapters.Mc_InstanceTableAdapter taInstance = new MainDataSetTableAdapters.Mc_InstanceTableAdapter()) { MainDataSet.Mc_InstanceDataTable instances = taInstance.GetDataByInstanceId(this.InstanceGuid); if (instances.Count > 0) { currInstance = instances[0]; currOrganization = Micajah.Common.Bll.Providers.OrganizationProvider.GetOrganization(currInstance.OrganizationId); } } DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; if (this.ArticleGuid == Guid.Empty) { // create a reqest Guid newId = Guid.NewGuid(); // create a request if (this.ArticleTableAdapter.Insert(newId, this.InstanceGuid, new Guid?(), ArticleType.Request.ToString(), (this.AlternateId != string.Empty) ? this.AlternateId : HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Utils.ShortCommentText(TextBoxComment.Text, 50)), (string)this.GetLocalResourceObject("BodyNotArticle"), string.Empty, 0, 0, 0, false, new DateTime?(), new DateTime?(), new DateTime?(), new Guid?(), new Guid?(), new Guid?()) > 0) { MainDataSet.CommentDataTable commentDataTable = taComment.InsertComment(newId, TextBoxName.Text, TextBoxEmail.Text, string.Format("{0} ({1})", Request.UserHostName, Request.UserHostAddress), HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Utils.ShortCommentText(TextBoxComment.Text, 50)), HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(TextBoxComment.Text), false, true, DateTime.Now, true); if (commentDataTable != null && commentDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { if (CommentPosted != null) { CommentPosted(this, new ArticleEventArgs(newId, true)); } if (currOrganization != null && currInstance != null) { string subj; Micajah.Common.Dal.OrganizationDataSet.UserDataTable users = Micajah.Common.Bll.Providers.UserProvider.GetUsers( currOrganization.OrganizationId, this.InstanceGuid, new string[] { "InstAdmin" }); ArrayList admins = new ArrayList(); ArrayList SendTo = new ArrayList(); admins.AddRange(this.InputListAdmin); foreach (Micajah.Common.Dal.OrganizationDataSet.UserRow row in users) { admins.Add(row.Email); } SendTo.AddRange(admins); MainDataSetTableAdapters.EmailsTableAdapter emailsTableAdapter = new MainDataSetTableAdapters.EmailsTableAdapter(); foreach (DataRow row in emailsTableAdapter.GetArticleEmails(ArticleGuid).Rows) { if (!SendTo.Contains(row["UserEmail"].ToString())) { SendTo.Add(row["UserEmail"].ToString()); } } foreach (DataRow row in emailsTableAdapter.GetUnsubscribedEmails(ArticleGuid, this.InstanceGuid).Rows) { SendTo.Remove(row["UserEmail"].ToString()); } string SendToList = string.Empty; bool separated = false; for (int i = 0; i < SendTo.Count; i++) { if (!separated && !admins.Contains(SendTo[i].ToString())) { SendToList += "<br><br>Commentors:<br>" + SendTo[i].ToString(); separated = true; } else { SendToList += ", " + SendTo[i].ToString(); } } SendToList = SendToList.Remove(0, 1); if (SendTo.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SendTo.Count; i++) { subj = (this.AlternateId != string.Empty) ? this.AlternateId : HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Utils.ShortCommentText(TextBoxComment.Text, 50)); StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder((string)this.GetLocalResourceObject("EmailBody_Request")); body.Replace("{OrgName}", currOrganization.Name); body.Replace("{InstName}", currInstance.Name); body.Replace("{ArticleName}", subj); body.Replace("{ArticleUrl}", siteUrl + string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "?i={0}&t={1}", this.InstanceGuid.ToString("N"), newId.ToString("N"))); body.Replace("{ArticleText}", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(TextBoxComment.Text)); body.Replace("{AuthorName}", TextBoxName.Text); body.Replace("{AuthorEmail}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxEmail.Text) ? string.Empty : string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<a href=\"mailto:{0}\" target=\"_blank\">{0}</a>", TextBoxEmail.Text)); body.Replace("{ImageUrl}", siteUrl + Micajah.Common.Configuration.FrameworkConfiguration.Current.WebApplication.Copyright.CompanyLogoImageUrl); if (body.Length > 0) { string encrypted = Utils.Encrypt(String.Format("{0}&{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}", SendTo[i].ToString(), 1, commentDataTable[0].CommentId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), InstanceGuid.ToString(), UserContext.SelectedOrganizationId.ToString()), "Dshd*&^*@dsdss", "237w&@2d", "SHA1", 2, "&s2hfyDjuf372*73", 256); string url = siteUrl + String.Format("Unsubscribe.aspx?token={0}", encrypted); body.Replace("{UnsubscribeFromArticleUrl}", url); encrypted = Utils.Encrypt(String.Format("{0}&{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}", SendTo[i].ToString(), 2, commentDataTable[0].CommentId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), InstanceGuid.ToString(), UserContext.SelectedOrganizationId.ToString()), "Dshd*&^*@dsdss", "237w&@2d", "SHA1", 2, "&s2hfyDjuf372*73", 256); url = siteUrl + String.Format("Unsubscribe.aspx?token={0}", encrypted); body.Replace("{UnsubscribeFromAllUrl}", url); if (admins.Contains(SendTo[i])) { body.Replace("{SendToList}", "This message was also sent to:<br>" + SendToList); } else { body.Replace("{SendToList}", string.Empty); } Utils.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", SendTo[i].ToString(), string.Format((string)this.GetLocalResourceObject("EmailSubjectRequest"), subj), body.ToString(), true, Micajah.Common.Configuration.FrameworkConfiguration.Current.WebApplication.Email.SmtpServer, true); } } } } ResetData(); } } } else { // post to article MainDataSet.CommentDataTable commentDataTable = taComment.InsertComment(this.ArticleGuid, TextBoxName.Text, TextBoxEmail.Text, string.Format("{0} ({1})", Request.UserHostName, Request.UserHostAddress), HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Utils.ShortCommentText(TextBoxComment.Text, 50)), HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(TextBoxComment.Text), false, true, dtNow, true); if (commentDataTable != null && commentDataTable.Rows.Count > 0) { if (CommentPosted != null) { CommentPosted(this, new ArticleEventArgs(this.ArticleGuid, false)); } MainDataSet.ArticleRow articleRow = this.GetCurrentArticle(); if (currOrganization != null && articleRow != null && !articleRow.IsUpdatedByNull() && currInstance != null) { string author = string.Empty, subj; subj = string.Format((string)this.GetLocalResourceObject("EmailSubjectComment"), articleRow.Subject); System.Data.DataRow mcuser = Micajah.Common.Bll.Providers.UserProvider.GetUserRow(articleRow.UpdatedBy, currOrganization.OrganizationId); if (mcuser != null) { author = (string)mcuser["Email"]; } Micajah.Common.Dal.OrganizationDataSet.UserDataTable users = Micajah.Common.Bll.Providers.UserProvider.GetUsers( currOrganization.OrganizationId, this.InstanceGuid, new string[] { "InstAdmin" }); ArrayList admins = new ArrayList(); ArrayList SendTo = new ArrayList(); admins.AddRange(this.InputListAdmin); foreach (Micajah.Common.Dal.OrganizationDataSet.UserRow row in users) { admins.Add(row.Email); } SendTo.AddRange(admins); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(author) && !SendTo.Contains(author)) { SendTo.Add(author); } MainDataSetTableAdapters.EmailsTableAdapter emailsTableAdapter = new MainDataSetTableAdapters.EmailsTableAdapter(); foreach (DataRow row in emailsTableAdapter.GetArticleEmails(ArticleGuid).Rows) { if (!SendTo.Contains(row["UserEmail"].ToString())) { SendTo.Add(row["UserEmail"].ToString()); } } foreach (DataRow row in emailsTableAdapter.GetUnsubscribedEmails(ArticleGuid, this.InstanceGuid).Rows) { SendTo.Remove(row["UserEmail"].ToString()); } string SendToList = string.Empty; bool separated = false; for (int i = 0; i < SendTo.Count; i++) { if (!separated && !admins.Contains(SendTo[i].ToString())) { SendToList += "<br><br>Commentors:<br>" + SendTo[i].ToString(); separated = true; } else { SendToList += ", " + SendTo[i].ToString(); } } SendToList = SendToList.Remove(0, 1); if (SendTo.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < SendTo.Count; i++) { StringBuilder body = new StringBuilder((string)this.GetLocalResourceObject("EmailBody_PostToArticle")); body.Replace("{OrgName}", currOrganization.Name); body.Replace("{InstName}", currInstance.Name); body.Replace("{ArticleName}", articleRow.Subject); body.Replace("{ArticleUrl}", siteUrl + string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "?i={0}&t={1}", this.InstanceGuid.ToString("N"), this.ArticleGuid.ToString("N"))); body.Replace("{ArticleText}", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(TextBoxComment.Text)); body.Replace("{AuthorName}", TextBoxName.Text); body.Replace("{AuthorEmail}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(TextBoxEmail.Text) ? string.Empty : string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "<a href=\"mailto:{0}\" target=\"_blank\">{0}</a>", TextBoxEmail.Text)); body.Replace("{ImageUrl}", siteUrl + Micajah.Common.Configuration.FrameworkConfiguration.Current.WebApplication.Copyright.CompanyLogoImageUrl); if (admins.Contains(SendTo[i])) { body.Replace("{SendToList}", "This message was also sent to:<br>" + SendToList); } else { body.Replace("{SendToList}", string.Empty); } if (body.Length > 0) { string encrypted = Utils.Encrypt(String.Format("{0}&{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}", SendTo[i].ToString(), 1, commentDataTable[0].CommentId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), InstanceGuid.ToString(), UserContext.SelectedOrganizationId.ToString()), "Dshd*&^*@dsdss", "237w&@2d", "SHA1", 2, "&s2hfyDjuf372*73", 256); string url = siteUrl + String.Format("Unsubscribe.aspx?token={0}", encrypted); body.Replace("{UnsubscribeFromArticleUrl}", url); encrypted = Utils.Encrypt(String.Format("{0}&{1}&{2}&{3}&{4}", SendTo[i].ToString(), 2, commentDataTable[0].CommentId.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), InstanceGuid.ToString(), UserContext.SelectedOrganizationId.ToString()), "Dshd*&^*@dsdss", "237w&@2d", "SHA1", 2, "&s2hfyDjuf372*73", 256); url = siteUrl + String.Format("Unsubscribe.aspx?token={0}", encrypted); body.Replace("{UnsubscribeFromAllUrl}", url); Utils.SendEmail("*****@*****.**", SendTo[i].ToString(), subj, body.ToString(), true, Micajah.Common.Configuration.FrameworkConfiguration.Current.WebApplication.Email.SmtpServer, true); } } } } ResetData(); } } } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string auth = null; string projectName = null; int? projectNumber = null; var excludeChildren = true; var refresh = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref auth)) { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref projectName)) { return; } DA.GetData(2, ref projectNumber); DA.GetData(3, ref excludeChildren); DA.GetData(4, ref refresh); // Get Cache to see if we already did this var cacheKey = projectName + projectNumber + excludeChildren; var cachedValues = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey); DA.DisableGapLogic(); if (cachedValues == null || refresh == true) { var queueName = "ListTasks" + cacheKey; // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); if (queueLock != "true") { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { cachedValues = ProjectAndTask.GetTasks( auth, projectName, projectNumber, excludeChildren ); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, cachedValues); StringCache.setCache(this.InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); } catch (NoObjectFoundException) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); } } HandleErrors(); // Read from Cache if (cachedValues != null) { var outputs = cachedValues.Split(';'); if (outputs.Length > 1) { outputs = outputs.OrderBy(task => task).ToArray(); } DA.SetDataList(0, outputs); } }
/// <summary> /// Logs software start with category InstanceGuid and insert three newlines. /// </summary> /// <param name="appName">The name of the app.</param> public static void LogStarting(string appName) => Log(LogLevel.Info, $"{appName} is starting...", category: InstanceGuid.ToString(), additionalEntrySeparators: 3, additionalEntrySeparatorsLogFileOnlyMode: true);
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string inputJson = null; var epwFile = ""; var method = 0; var probes = new List <string>(); var thresholds = new List <string>(); var cpus = 4; var dependentOn = "Probe"; var create = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref inputJson)) { return; } if (inputJson == "error") { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref epwFile)) { return; } DA.GetData(2, ref method); if (!DA.GetDataList(3, probes)) { return; } DA.GetDataList(4, thresholds); DA.GetData(5, ref cpus); DA.GetData(6, ref dependentOn); DA.GetData(8, ref create); // Get Cache to see if we already did this var cacheKey = string.Join("", probes) + epwFile + inputJson + method; var cachedValues = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey); DA.DisableGapLogic(); if (cachedValues == null || create) { const string queueName = "outdoorComfortSimulation"; // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); if (queueLock != "true") { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { cachedValues = OutdoorComfort.CreateComfortTask( inputJson, epwFile, Presets[method], probes, thresholds, ComponentUtils.ValidateCPUs(cpus), dependentOn, create ); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, cachedValues); if (create) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", "true"); } } catch (NoObjectFoundException) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.AppendCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message + "\n"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); } } HandleErrors(); // Read from Cache if (cachedValues != null) { DA.SetData(0, cachedValues); Message = ""; if (StringCache.getCache(cacheKey + "create") == "true") { Message = "Task Created"; } } }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { string inputJson = null; var epwFile = ""; var patches = new List <string>(); var thresholds = new List <string>(); var cpus = 4; var dependentOn = "Probe"; var create = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref inputJson)) { return; } if (inputJson == "error") { return; } if (!DA.GetData(1, ref epwFile)) { return; } if (!DA.GetDataList(2, patches)) { patches.Add("set1"); } DA.GetDataList(3, thresholds); DA.GetData(4, ref cpus); DA.GetData(5, ref dependentOn); DA.GetData(6, ref create); // Get Cache to see if we already did this var cacheKey = string.Join("", patches) + epwFile + inputJson; var cachedValues = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey); DA.DisableGapLogic(); if (cachedValues == null || create) { var queueName = "windThreshold"; // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); if (queueLock != "true") { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { var results = WindThreshold.ComputeWindThresholds( inputJson, epwFile, patches, thresholds, ComponentUtils.ValidateCPUs(cpus), dependentOn, create ); cachedValues = results; StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, cachedValues); if (create) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", "true"); } } catch (NoObjectFoundException) { StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey + "create", ""); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); } } HandleErrors(); // Read from Cache if (cachedValues != null) { DA.SetData(0, cachedValues); Message = ""; if (StringCache.getCache(cacheKey + "create") == "true") { Message = "Task Created"; } } }
/// <summary> /// Infinite loop listening for new data from all connected clients on a separate thread. /// This loop breaks when readThreadCancel is set to true /// </summary> protected ReadState Read() { if (disconnectedSelf) { return(ReadState.Disconnect); } NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); if (stream == null) //Some reason the stream is null! { return(ReadState.Continue); } // If the stream no longer can read then disconnect if (!stream.CanRead) { Disconnect(true); return(ReadState.Disconnect); } // If there isn't any data available, then free up the CPU by sleeping the thread if (!stream.DataAvailable) { return(ReadState.Continue); } int available = client.Available; if (available == 0) { return(ReadState.Continue); } // Determine if this client has been accepted by the server yet if (!headerExchanged) { // Read all available bytes in the stream as this client hasn't connected yet byte[] bytes = new byte[available]; stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); // The first packet response from the server is going to be a string if (Websockets.ValidateResponseHeader(headerHash, bytes)) { headerExchanged = true; // Ping the server to finalize the player's connection Send(Text.CreateFromString(Time.Timestep, InstanceGuid.ToString(), true, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.NETWORK_ID_REQUEST, true)); } else { // Improper header, so a disconnect is required Disconnect(true); return(ReadState.Disconnect); } } else { byte[] messageBytes = GetNextBytes(stream, available, false); // Get the frame that was sent by the server, the server // does not send masked data, only the client so send false for mask FrameStream frame = Factory.DecodeMessage(messageBytes, false, MessageGroupIds.TCP_FIND_GROUP_ID, Server); if (frame is ConnectionClose) { // Close our CachedUDPClient so that it can no longer be used client.Close(); return(ReadState.Disconnect); } // A message has been successfully read from the network so relay that // to all methods registered to the event OnMessageReceived(Server, frame); } return(ReadState.Void); }
/// <summary> /// 无限循环在单独的线程上监听来自所有连接客户端的新数据。 /// readThreadCancel设置为true时,此循环会中断 /// /// Infinite loop listening for new data from all connected clients on a separate thread. /// This loop breaks when readThreadCancel is set to true /// </summary> protected ReadState Read() { if (disconnectedSelf) { return(ReadState.Disconnect); } NetworkStream stream = client.GetStream(); if (stream == null) //Some reason the stream is null! //某些原因流为空! { return(ReadState.Continue); } //如果流不再可读,则断开连接 // If the stream no longer can read then disconnect if (!stream.CanRead) { Disconnect(true); return(ReadState.Disconnect); } //如果没有可用的数据,则通过休眠线程释放CPU // If there isn't any data available, then free up the CPU by sleeping the thread if (!stream.DataAvailable) { return(ReadState.Continue); } int available = client.Available; if (available == 0) { return(ReadState.Continue); } //确定这个客户端是否已被服务器接受 // Determine if this client has been accepted by the server yet if (!headerExchanged) { //读取流中所有可用的字节,因为这个客户端还没有连接 // Read all available bytes in the stream as this client hasn't connected yet byte[] bytes = new byte[available]; stream.Read(bytes, 0, bytes.Length); //来自服务器的第一个数据包响应将是一个字符串 // The first packet response from the server is going to be a string if (Websockets.ValidateResponseHeader(headerHash, bytes)) { headerExchanged = true; //通过Ping服务器来确定玩家的连接 // Ping the server to finalize the player's connection Send(Text.CreateFromString(Time.Timestep, InstanceGuid.ToString(), true, Receivers.Server, MessageGroupIds.NETWORK_ID_REQUEST, true)); } else { // Improper header, so a disconnect is required Disconnect(true); return(ReadState.Disconnect); } } else { byte[] messageBytes = GetNextBytes(stream, available, false); //获取由服务器,服务器发送的帧 //不发送被屏蔽的数据,只有客户端发送false为掩码 // Get the frame that was sent by the server, the server // does not send masked data, only the client so send false for mask FrameStream frame = Factory.DecodeMessage(messageBytes, false, MessageGroupIds.TCP_FIND_GROUP_ID, Server); FireRead(frame, Server); } return(ReadState.Void); }
/// <summary> /// This is the method that actually does the work. /// </summary> /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param> protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA) { var inputJson = ""; var exclude = ""; var include = ""; var rerun = false; if (!DA.GetData(0, ref inputJson)) { return; } DA.GetData(1, ref exclude); DA.GetData(2, ref include); DA.GetData(3, ref rerun); // Get Cache to see if we already did this var cacheKey = inputJson + "exc" + exclude + "inc" + include; var cachedValues = StringCache.getCache(cacheKey); DA.DisableGapLogic(); if (cachedValues == null || rerun == true) { var queueName = "FileList" + cacheKey; // Get queue lock var queueLock = StringCache.getCache(queueName); if (queueLock != "true") { StringCache.setCache(queueName, "true"); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, null); QueueManager.addToQueue(queueName, () => { try { var results = FileList.GetFileList( inputJson, exclude, include ); cachedValues = results; StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, cachedValues); StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), ""); } catch (Exception e) { StringCache.setCache(InstanceGuid.ToString(), e.Message); StringCache.setCache(cacheKey, "error"); } ExpireSolutionThreadSafe(true); Thread.Sleep(2000); StringCache.setCache(queueName, ""); }); } } // Read from Cache if (cachedValues != null) { var outputs = cachedValues.Split(','); if (outputs.Length > 1) { outputs = outputs.OrderBy(file => file).ToArray(); } DA.SetDataList(0, outputs); } HandleErrors(); }