コード例 #1
            private InstanceCreationEditor GetInstanceCreationEditor(PropertyDescriptorGridEntry entry)
                if (entry is null)

                InstanceCreationEditor editor = null;

                // check the property type itself.  this is the default path.
                PropertyDescriptor pd = entry.PropertyDescriptor;

                if (pd != null)
                    editor = pd.GetEditor(typeof(InstanceCreationEditor)) as InstanceCreationEditor;

                // now check if there is a dropdown UI type editor.  If so, use that.
                if (editor is null)
                    UITypeEditor ute = entry.UITypeEditor;
                    if (ute != null && ute.GetEditStyle() == UITypeEditorEditStyle.DropDown)
                        editor = (InstanceCreationEditor)TypeDescriptor.GetEditor(ute, typeof(InstanceCreationEditor));
コード例 #2
            private void OnNewLinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e)
                InstanceCreationEditor ice = e.Link.LinkData as InstanceCreationEditor;

                Debug.Assert(ice != null, "How do we have a link without the InstanceCreationEditor?");
                if (ice != null && gridView?.SelectedGridEntry != null)
                    Type createType = gridView.SelectedGridEntry.PropertyType;
                    if (createType != null)

                        object newValue = ice.CreateInstance(gridView.SelectedGridEntry, createType);

                        if (newValue != null)
                            // make sure we got what we asked for.
                            if (!createType.IsInstanceOfType(newValue))
                                throw new InvalidCastException(string.Format(SR.PropertyGridViewEditorCreatedInvalidObject, createType));

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Extends CreateInstance so that methods that return a specific type object given a Type parameter can be
        /// used as generic method and casting is not required.
        /// <example>
        /// instancecreationeditor.CreateInstance<int>(context);
        /// </example>
        /// </summary>
        public static T CreateInstance <T>(this InstanceCreationEditor instancecreationeditor, ITypeDescriptorContext context)
            if (instancecreationeditor == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("instancecreationeditor");

            return((T)instancecreationeditor.CreateInstance(context, typeof(T)));
コード例 #4
            public void SetComponent(Control ctl, bool resizable)
                this.resizable = resizable;
                Font           = gridView.Font;

                // check to see if we're going to be adding an InstanceCreationEditor
                InstanceCreationEditor editor = (ctl is null ? null : GetInstanceCreationEditor(gridView.SelectedGridEntry as PropertyDescriptorGridEntry));

                // clear any existing control we have
                if (currentControl != null)
                    currentControl.Resize -= new EventHandler(OnCurrentControlResize);
                    currentControl = null;

                // remove the InstanceCreationEditor link
                if (createNewLink != null && createNewLink.Parent == this)

                // now set up the new control, top to bottom
                if (ctl != null)
                    currentControl = ctl;
                    Debug.WriteLineIf(CompModSwitches.DebugGridView.TraceVerbose, "DropDownHolder:SetComponent(" + (ctl.GetType().Name) + ")");

                    DockPadding.All = 0;

                    // first handle the control.  If it's a listbox, make sure it's got some height
                    // to it.
                    if (currentControl is GridViewListBox)
                        ListBox lb = (ListBox)currentControl;

                        if (lb.Items.Count == 0)
                            lb.Height = Math.Max(lb.Height, lb.ItemHeight);

                    // Parent the control now.  That way it can inherit our
                    // font and scale itself if it wants to.

                        Size sz = new Size(2 * DropDownHolderBorder + ctl.Width, 2 * DropDownHolderBorder + ctl.Height);

                        // now check for an editor, and show the link if there is one.
                        if (editor != null)
                            // set up the link.
                            CreateNewLink.Text = editor.Text;
                            CreateNewLink.Links.Add(0, editor.Text.Length, editor);

                            // size it as close to the size of the text as possible.
                            int linkHeight = CreateNewLink.Height;
                            using (Graphics g = gridView.CreateGraphics())
                                SizeF sizef = PropertyGrid.MeasureTextHelper.MeasureText(gridView.OwnerGrid, g, editor.Text, gridView.GetBaseFont());
                                linkHeight = (int)sizef.Height;

                            CreateNewLink.Height = linkHeight + DropDownHolderBorder;

                            // add the total height plus some border
                            sz.Height += (linkHeight + (DropDownHolderBorder * 2));

                        // finally, if we're resizable, add the space for the widget.
                        if (resizable)
                            sz.Height += ResizeBarSize;

                            // we use dockpadding to save space to draw the widget.
                            if (resizeUp)
                                DockPadding.Top = ResizeBarSize;
                                DockPadding.Bottom = ResizeBarSize;

                        // set the size stuff.
                        Size        = sz;
                        ctl.Dock    = DockStyle.Fill;
                        ctl.Visible = true;

                        if (editor != null)
                            CreateNewLink.Dock = DockStyle.Bottom;

                    // hook the resize event.
                    currentControl.Resize += new EventHandler(OnCurrentControlResize);
                Enabled = currentControl != null;