public static void CreateMenu( MenuFlyout menu, InstalledFont font, bool standalone, bool showAdvanced = false) { MainViewModel main = ResourceHelper.Get <ViewModelLocator>("Locator").Main;
public static FontFace LoadFont(InstalledFont installedFont, string lang, HBDirection direction, int defaultScriptCode = 0) { NativeFontFace fontFace = LoadFreeTypeFontFace(installedFont); SetShapingEngine(fontFace, lang, direction, defaultScriptCode); return fontFace; }
public void Test_LettersDontRenderAsRectangles_SerifFont() { // this test ensures letters don't render as rectangles // System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new(200, 100); using var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); gfx.TextRenderingHint = System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.SingleBitPerPixel; gfx.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighSpeed; string[] fontNames = { InstalledFont.Serif(), InstalledFont.Sans(), InstalledFont.Monospace() }; foreach (string fontName in fontNames) { gfx.Clear(Color.Navy); System.Drawing.Font fnt = new(fontName, 18); gfx.DrawString("tttt", fnt, Brushes.Yellow, 10, 10); string hash1 = ScottPlot.Tools.BitmapHash(bmp); gfx.DrawString("eeee", fnt, Brushes.Yellow, 10, 10); string hash2 = ScottPlot.Tools.BitmapHash(bmp); Assert.AreNotEqual(hash1, hash2); } }
static NativeFontFace LoadFreeTypeFontFace(InstalledFont installedFont) { //if not found //then load it byte[] fontFileContent = File.ReadAllBytes(installedFont.FontPath); int filelen = fontFileContent.Length; IntPtr unmanagedMem = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(filelen); Marshal.Copy(fontFileContent, 0, unmanagedMem, filelen); //--------------------------------------------------- //convert font point size to pixel size //--------------------------------------------------- //load font from memory IntPtr faceHandle = NativeMyFontsLib.MyFtNewMemoryFace(unmanagedMem, filelen); if (faceHandle == IntPtr.Zero) { //error //load font error Marshal.FreeHGlobal(unmanagedMem); return null; } //------------------------------------------------------- NativeFontFace fontFace = new NativeFontFace(unmanagedMem, faceHandle, installedFont.FontName, installedFont.FontPath, FontStyle.Regular); fontFace.LoadFromFilename = installedFont.FontPath; ExportTypeFaceInfo exportTypeInfo = new ExportTypeFaceInfo(); NativeMyFontsLib.MyFtGetFaceInfo(faceHandle, ref exportTypeInfo); fontFace.HasKerning = exportTypeInfo.hasKerning; //------------------------------------------------------- return fontFace; }
private void CmbFontFamily_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { var font = (sender as ComboBox).SelectedItem as InstalledFont; var fontList = InstalledFont.GetFonts(); var items = font.GetCharacters(); gridView.ItemsSource = items; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the context menu for the Font List or the "..." button. /// Both of these have a font as their main target. /// </summary> /// <param name="menu"></param> /// <param name="font"></param> /// <param name="variant"></param> /// <param name="headerContent"></param> /// <param name="standalone"></param> /// <param name="showAdvanced"></param> public static void CreateMenu( MenuFlyout menu, InstalledFont font, CharacterRenderingOptions options, FrameworkElement headerContent, bool standalone, bool showAdvanced = false) { MainViewModel main = Ioc.Default.GetService <MainViewModel>();
public static void CreateMenu( MenuFlyout menu, InstalledFont font, FontVariant variant, CanvasTextLayoutAnalysis variantAnalysis, bool standalone, bool showAdvanced = false) { MainViewModel main = ResourceHelper.Get <ViewModelLocator>("Locator").Main;
public WinGdiFontFace(RequestFont f) { = f.Style; //resolve InstalledFont foundInstalledFont = s_fontLoader.GetFont(f.Name, style.ConvToInstalledFontStyle()); //TODO: review this.nopenTypeFontFace = OpenFontLoader.LoadFont(foundInstalledFont.FontPath); }
/// <summary> /// Creates the context menu for the Font List or the "..." button. /// Both of these have a font as their main target. /// </summary> /// <param name="menu"></param> /// <param name="font"></param> /// <param name="variant"></param> /// <param name="headerContent"></param> /// <param name="standalone"></param> /// <param name="showAdvanced"></param> public static void CreateMenu( MenuFlyout menu, InstalledFont font, FontVariant variant, FrameworkElement headerContent, bool standalone, bool showAdvanced = false) { MainViewModel main = Ioc.Default.GetService <MainViewModel>();
public static void CreateMenu( MenuFlyout menu, InstalledFont font, FontVariant variant, FrameworkElement headerContent, bool standalone, bool showAdvanced = false) { MainViewModel main = ResourceHelper.Get <ViewModelLocator>("Locator").Main;
private void FilterFontList(bool isSymbolFontsOnly) { var fontList = InstalledFont.GetFonts(); var newList = fontList.Where(f => f.IsSymbolFont || !isSymbolFontsOnly) .OrderBy(f => f.Name) .ToObservableCollection(); FontList = newList; }
/// <summary> /// Creates the context menu for the Font List or the "..." button. /// Both of these have a font as their main target. /// </summary> /// <param name="menu"></param> /// <param name="font"></param> /// <param name="variant"></param> /// <param name="headerContent"></param> /// <param name="standalone"></param> /// <param name="showAdvanced"></param> public static void CreateMenu( MenuFlyout menu, InstalledFont font, CharacterRenderingOptions options, FrameworkElement headerContent, FlyoutArgs args) { MainViewModel main = Ioc.Default.GetService <MainViewModel>(); bool standalone = args.Standalone; bool showAdvanced = args.ShowAdvanced; bool isExternalFile = args.IsExternalFile;
void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Text = "Render with PixelFarm"; this.lstFontSizes.SelectedIndex = 0;// lstFontSizes.Items.Count - 3; var installedFont = lstFontList.SelectedItem as InstalledFont; if (installedFont != null) { _selectedInstallFont = installedFont; } }
static InstalledFont[] Init() { var systemFonts = Fonts.SystemFontFamilies; var l = new InstalledFont[systemFonts.Count]; var i = 0; foreach (var item in systemFonts) { l[i++] = new InstalledFont(item); } Array.Sort(l, (x, y) => x.Name.CompareTo(y.Name)); return(l); }
private void CmbFontFamily_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, SelectionChangedEventArgs e) { if (gridView.Visibility == Visibility.Collapsed) { gridView.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; placeholder.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; } var font = (sender as ComboBox).SelectedItem as InstalledFont; var fontList = InstalledFont.GetFonts(); var items = font.GetCharacters(); gridView.ItemsSource = items; }
public void Test_DrawString_Aligned() { using System.Drawing.Bitmap bmp = new(400, 300); using Graphics gfx = Graphics.FromImage(bmp); gfx.Clear(Color.Navy); gfx.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, 150, 0, 150, 300); gfx.DrawLine(Pens.Gray, 0, 150, 400, 150); gfx.DrawEllipse(Pens.White, 145, 145, 10, 10); GDI.DrawLabel( gfx, "testing", 150, 150, InstalledFont.Sans(), 16, true, HorizontalAlignment.Left, VerticalAlignment.Upper, Color.Yellow, Color.Magenta); TestTools.SaveBitmap(bmp); }
// PixelFarm.Drawing.Fonts.SvgFontStore svgFontStore = new PixelFarm.Drawing.Fonts.SvgFontStore(); protected override void OnInitGLProgram(object sender, EventArgs args) { //temp*** int max = Math.Max(this.Width, this.Height); canvas2d = PixelFarm.Drawing.GLES2.GLES2Platform.CreateCanvasGL2d(max, max); painter = new GLCanvasPainter(canvas2d, max, max); //---------------------- var win32InstallFontProvider = new PixelFarm.Drawing.InstallFontsProviderWin32(); InstalledFontCollection collection = new InstalledFontCollection(); collection.LoadInstalledFont(win32InstallFontProvider.GetInstalledFontIter()); InstalledFont tahomaFont = collection.GetFont("tahoma", InstalledFontStyle.Regular); FontFace tahomaFace = OpenFontLoader.LoadFont(tahomaFont.FontPath, ScriptLangs.Latin); ActualFont actualFont = tahomaFace.GetFontAtPointsSize(72); FontGlyph glyph = actualFont.GetGlyph('K'); //var svgFont = svgFontStore.LoadFont("svg-LiberationSansFont", 300); ////PathWriter p01 = new PathWriter(); ////p01.MoveTo(0, 0); ////p01.LineTo(50, 100); ////p01.LineTo(100, 0); //////- ////p01.MoveTo(220, 10); ////p01.LineTo(50, 75); ////p01.LineTo(25, 15); ////p01.CloseFigure(); ////p01.Stop(); ////m_pathVxs = p01.Vxs; //var m_pathVxs = svgFont.GetGlyph('K').originalVxs;// typeFaceForLargeA.GetGlyphForCharacter('a'); ////m_pathVxs = MergeFontSubFigures(m_pathVxs); //Affine shape_mtx = Affine.NewMatix(AffinePlan.Translate(150, 100)); //m_pathVxs = shape_mtx.TransformToVxs(m_pathVxs); //var curveFlattener = new CurveFlattener(); //var m_pathVxs2 = curveFlattener.MakeVxs(m_pathVxs); glyph_vx = painter.CreateRenderVx(tempSnap1 = new PixelFarm.Agg.VertexStoreSnap(glyph.flattenVxs)); linearGrBrush2 = new LinearGradientBrush( new PointF(0, 0), Color.Red, new PointF(100, 100), Color.Black); //---------------------- }
public InstalledFont GetFont(string fontName, InstalledFontStyle style) { InstalledFont found = installFontCollection.GetFont(fontName, style); if (found == null) { //not found if (fontNotFoundHandler != null) { return(fontNotFoundHandler(installFontCollection, fontName, null, style)); } else { return(_defaultFontNotFoundHandler(installFontCollection, fontName, null, style)); } } return(found); }
public ActualFont LoadFont(string fontName, float fontSizeInPoints) { //find install font from fontname InstalledFont found = PixelFarm.Drawing.GLES2.GLES2Platform.GetInstalledFont(fontName, InstalledFontStyle.Regular); if (found == null) { return(null); } FontFace fontFace; if (!fonts.TryGetValue(found, out fontFace)) { throw new NotSupportedException("revisit freetype impl"); //convert to freetype data //TODO: review here //fontFace = FreeTypeFontLoader.LoadFont(found, // GLES2PlatformFontMx.defaultScriptLang // GLES2PlatformFontMx.defaultHbDirection, // GLES2PlatformFontMx.defaultScriptCode); //fontFace = FreeTypeFontLoader.LoadFont(found, // "en", // HBDirection.HB_DIRECTION_RTL); if (fontFace == null) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } fonts.Add(found, fontFace);//register } //----------- //create font at specific size from this fontface FontKey fontKey = new FontKey(fontName, fontSizeInPoints, FontStyle.Regular); ActualFont createdFont; if (!registerFonts.TryGetValue(fontKey, out createdFont)) { createdFont = fontFace.GetFontAtPointSize(fontSizeInPoints); } //----------- return(createdFont); }
internal static SkiaSharp.SKTypeface GetInstalledFont(string typefaceName) { InstalledFont installedFont = s_fontLoader.GetFont(typefaceName, InstalledFontStyle.Normal); if (installedFont == null) { return(null); } else { SkiaSharp.SKTypeface loadedTypeFace; if (!skTypeFaces.TryGetValue(installedFont, out loadedTypeFace)) { loadedTypeFace = SkiaSharp.SKTypeface.FromFile(installedFont.FontPath); skTypeFaces.Add(installedFont, loadedTypeFace); } return(loadedTypeFace); } }
void SetupFontList() { InstalledFont selectedFF = null; int selected_index = 0; int ffcount = 0; bool found = false; string defaultFont = "Tahoma"; //string defaultFont = "Alef"; //test hebrew //string defaultFont = "Century"; foreach (InstalledFont ff in _options.GetInstalledFontIter()) { if (!found && ff.FontName == defaultFont) { selectedFF = ff; selected_index = ffcount; _options.InstalledFont = ff; found = true; } lstFontList.Items.Add(ff); ffcount++; } //set default font for current text printer // if (selected_index < 0) { selected_index = 0; } lstFontList.SelectedIndex = selected_index; lstFontList.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { InstalledFont ff = lstFontList.SelectedItem as InstalledFont; if (ff != null) { _options.InstalledFont = ff; _options.InvokeAttachEvents(); } }; }
public static void RequestDelete(InstalledFont font) { MainViewModel main = Ioc.Default.GetService <MainViewModel>(); var d = new ContentDialog { Title = Localization.Get("DlgDeleteFont/Title"), IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = true, IsSecondaryButtonEnabled = true, PrimaryButtonText = Localization.Get("DigDeleteCollection/PrimaryButtonText"), SecondaryButtonText = Localization.Get("DigDeleteCollection/SecondaryButtonText"), }; d.PrimaryButtonClick += (ds, de) => { _ = MainPage.MainDispatcher.RunAsync(CoreDispatcherPriority.Normal, () => { main.TryRemoveFont(font); }); }; _ = d.ShowAsync(); }
public void Test_DefaultFont_MatchesOsExpectations() { string defaultFont = InstalledFont.Default(); Console.WriteLine($">>> Default font: {defaultFont}"); string defaultFontSans = InstalledFont.Sans(); Console.WriteLine($">>> Default sans font: {defaultFontSans}"); string defaultFontSerif = InstalledFont.Serif(); Console.WriteLine($">>> Default serif font: {defaultFontSerif}"); string defaultFontMonospace = InstalledFont.Monospace(); Console.WriteLine($">>> Default monospace font: {defaultFontMonospace}"); Assert.That(defaultFont == defaultFontSans); if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Windows)) { Assert.That(defaultFontSans == "Segoe UI"); Assert.That(defaultFontSerif == "Times New Roman"); Assert.That(defaultFontMonospace == "Consolas"); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.Linux)) { Assert.That(defaultFontSans == "DejaVu Sans"); Assert.That(defaultFontSerif == "DejaVu Serif"); Assert.That(defaultFontMonospace == "DejaVu Sans Mono"); } else if (RuntimeInformation.IsOSPlatform(OSPlatform.OSX)) { Assert.That(defaultFontSans == "Helvetica"); Assert.That(defaultFontSerif.StartsWith("Times")); Assert.That(defaultFontMonospace == "Courier"); } }
public void Test_MeasureString_ShowSize() { string testString = "ScottPlot"; var fontName = InstalledFont.Default(); float fontSize = 14; // an active Graphics object is required to measure a string... using (var bmp = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(1, 1)) using (var gfx = System.Drawing.Graphics.FromImage(bmp)) using (var font = new System.Drawing.Font(fontName, fontSize)) { var stringSize = ScottPlot.Drawing.GDI.MeasureString(gfx, testString, font); var sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendLine(System.Environment.OSVersion.ToString()); sb.AppendLine($"The string '{testString}' with font '{fontName}' (size {fontSize}) " + $"measures: {stringSize.Width}px x {stringSize.Height}px"); Console.WriteLine(sb); } }
protected override void OnReadyForInitGLShaderProgram() { InstalledFontCollection collection = new InstalledFontCollection(); collection.LoadSystemFonts(); InstalledFont tahomaFont = collection.GetFont("tahoma", InstalledFontStyle.Normal); FontFace tahomaFace = OpenFontLoader.LoadFont(tahomaFont.FontPath); ActualFont actualFont = tahomaFace.GetFontAtPointSize(72); FontGlyph glyph = (FontGlyph)actualFont.GetGlyph('K'); //var svgFont = svgFontStore.LoadFont("svg-LiberationSansFont", 300); ////PathWriter p01 = new PathWriter(); ////p01.MoveTo(0, 0); ////p01.LineTo(50, 100); ////p01.LineTo(100, 0); //////- ////p01.MoveTo(220, 10); ////p01.LineTo(50, 75); ////p01.LineTo(25, 15); ////p01.CloseFigure(); ////p01.Stop(); ////m_pathVxs = p01.Vxs; //var m_pathVxs = svgFont.GetGlyph('K').originalVxs;// typeFaceForLargeA.GetGlyphForCharacter('a'); ////m_pathVxs = MergeFontSubFigures(m_pathVxs); //Affine shape_mtx = Affine.NewMatix(AffinePlan.Translate(150, 100)); //m_pathVxs = shape_mtx.TransformToVxs(m_pathVxs); //var curveFlattener = new CurveFlattener(); //var m_pathVxs2 = curveFlattener.MakeVxs(m_pathVxs); glyph_vx = painter.CreateRenderVx(tempSnap1 = new PixelFarm.Drawing.VertexStoreSnap(glyph.flattenVxs)); linearGrBrush2 = new LinearGradientBrush( new PointF(0, 0), Color.Red, new PointF(100, 100), Color.Black); //---------------------- }
public AddToCollectionResult(bool success, InstalledFont font, UserFontCollection collection) { Success = success; Font = font; Collection = collection; }
public Form2() { InitializeComponent(); //choose Thai script for 'complex script' testing. //you can change this to test other script. _currentTextPrinter.ScriptLang = Typography.OpenFont.ScriptLangs.Latin; //---------- button1.Click += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //simple load test fonts from local test dir //and send it into test list chkFillBackground.Checked = true; chkBorder.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkFillBackground.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.OpenFont); cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.Kerning); cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.None); cmbPositionTech.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbPositionTech.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.None); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.TrueTypeInstruction); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.TrueTypeInstruction_VerticalOnly); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.CustomAutoFit); lstHintList.SelectedIndex = 0; lstHintList.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- //share text printer to our sample textbox //but you can create another text printer that specific to text textbox control _textBoxControllerForGdi.TextPrinter = _currentTextPrinter; _textBoxControllerForGdi.BindHostGraphics(this.sampleTextBox1.CreateGraphics()); this.sampleTextBox1.SetController(_textBoxControllerForGdi); //---------- txtInputChar.TextChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //1. create font collection installedFontCollection = new InstalledFontCollection(); //set some essential handler installedFontCollection.SetFontNameDuplicatedHandler((f1, f2) => FontNameDuplicatedDecision.Skip); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles("../../../TestFonts", "*.ttf")) { //eg. this is our custom font folder installedFontCollection.AddFont(new FontFileStreamProvider(file)); } // _typefaceStore = new TypefaceStore(); _typefaceStore.FontCollection = installedFontCollection; //---------- //show result InstalledFont selectedFF = null; int selected_index = 0; int ffcount = 0; bool found = false; foreach (InstalledFont ff in installedFontCollection.GetInstalledFontIter()) { if (!found && ff.FontName == "Source Sans Pro") { selectedFF = ff; selected_index = ffcount; found = true; } lstFontList.Items.Add(ff); ffcount++; } //set default font for current text printer _currentTextPrinter.Typeface = _typefaceStore.GetTypeface(selectedFF.FontName, selectedFF.FontSubFamily); //---------- if (selected_index < 0) { selected_index = 0; } lstFontList.SelectedIndex = selected_index; lstFontList.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { InstalledFont ff = lstFontList.SelectedItem as InstalledFont; if (ff != null) { //direct set _currentTextPrinter.Typeface = _typefaceStore.GetTypeface(ff); //sample text box UpdateRenderOutput(); } }; lstFontSizes.Items.AddRange( new object[] { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72, 240, 300, 360 }); lstFontSizes.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { //new font size _currentTextPrinter.FontSizeInPoints = (int)lstFontSizes.SelectedItem; UpdateRenderOutput(); }; lstFontSizes.SelectedIndex = 0; this.Text = "Gdi+ Sample"; //------ }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); _devGdiTextPrinter = new DevGdiTextPrinter(); this.sampleTextBox1.Visible = false; _openFontStore = new OpenFontStore(); //default //set script lang, //test with Thai for 'complex script' _current_script = Typography.OpenFont.ScriptLangs.Latin; _devGdiTextPrinter.ScriptLang = _current_script; _devGdiTextPrinter.PositionTechnique = PositionTechnique.OpenFont; this.Load += new EventHandler(Form1_Load); this.txtGridSize.KeyDown += TxtGridSize_KeyDown; //---------- txtInputChar.TextChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- cmbRenderChoices.Items.Add(RenderChoice.RenderWithTextPrinterAndMiniAgg); cmbRenderChoices.Items.Add(RenderChoice.RenderWithMiniAgg_SingleGlyph); cmbRenderChoices.Items.Add(RenderChoice.RenderWithGdiPlusPath); cmbRenderChoices.Items.Add(RenderChoice.RenderWithMsdfGen); cmbRenderChoices.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbRenderChoices.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.OpenFont); cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.Kerning); cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.None); cmbPositionTech.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbPositionTech.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.None); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.TrueTypeInstruction); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.TrueTypeInstruction_VerticalOnly); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.CustomAutoFit); lstHintList.SelectedIndex = 0; lstHintList.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //edge offset lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(0f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(-10f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(-8f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(-6f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(-4f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(4f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(6f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(8f); lstEdgeOffset.Items.Add(10f); lstEdgeOffset.SelectedIndex = 0; lstEdgeOffset.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //share text printer to our sample textbox //but you can create another text printer that specific to text textbox control Graphics gx = this.sampleTextBox1.CreateGraphics(); _controllerForGdi.BindHostGraphics(gx); _controllerForGdi.TextPrinter = _devGdiTextPrinter; //---------- _controllerForPixelFarm.BindHostGraphics(gx); _controllerForPixelFarm.TextPrinter = _devVxsTextPrinter; //---------- this.sampleTextBox1.SetController(_controllerForPixelFarm); button1.Click += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkShowGrid.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkShowTess.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkXGridFitting.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkYGridFitting.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkFillBackground.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkLcdTechnique.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkGsubEnableLigature.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- chkShowTess.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDrawCentroidBone.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDrawGlyphBone.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDynamicOutline.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkSetPrinterLayoutForLcdSubPix.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDrawTriangles.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDrawRegenerateOutline.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkBorder.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDrawLineHubConn.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDrawPerpendicularLine.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkDrawGlyphPoint.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkTestGridFit.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkUseHorizontalFitAlign.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkWriteFitOutputToConsole.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- //1. create font collection installedFontCollection = new InstalledFontCollection(); //2. set some essential handler installedFontCollection.SetFontNameDuplicatedHandler((f1, f2) => FontNameDuplicatedDecision.Skip); foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(Path.Combine("..", "..", "..", "TestFonts"), "*.ttf")) { //eg. this is our custom font folder installedFontCollection.AddFont(new FontFileStreamProvider(file)); } //3. //installedFontCollection.LoadSystemFonts(); //---------- //show result InstalledFont selectedFF = null; int selected_index = 0; int ffcount = 0; bool found = false; string defaultFont = "Tahoma"; //string defaultFont = "Alef"; //test hebrew //string defaultFont = "Century"; foreach (InstalledFont ff in installedFontCollection.GetInstalledFontIter()) { if (!found && ff.FontName == defaultFont) { selectedFF = ff; selected_index = ffcount; _selectedInstallFont = ff; found = true; } lstFontList.Items.Add(ff); ffcount++; } //set default font for current text printer // _typefaceStore = new TypefaceStore(); _typefaceStore.FontCollection = installedFontCollection; if (selected_index < 0) { selected_index = 0; } lstFontList.SelectedIndex = selected_index; lstFontList.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { InstalledFont ff = lstFontList.SelectedItem as InstalledFont; if (ff != null) { _selectedInstallFont = ff; selectedTextPrinter.Typeface = _typefaceStore.GetTypeface(ff); //sample text box UpdateRenderOutput(); } }; //---------- lstFontSizes.Items.AddRange( new object[] { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72, 240, 280, 300, 360, 400, 420, 460, 620, 720, 860, 920, 1024 }); lstFontSizes.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { //new font size _fontSizeInPts = (int)lstFontSizes.SelectedItem; UpdateRenderOutput(); }; //---------------- //string inputstr = "ก้า"; //string inputstr = "น้ำน้ำ"; //string inputstr = "example"; //string inputstr = "lllll"; //string inputstr = "e"; //string inputstr = "T"; //string inputstr = "u"; //string inputstr = "t"; //string inputstr = "2"; //string inputstr = "3"; //string inputstr = "o"; //string inputstr = "l"; //string inputstr = "k"; //string inputstr = "8"; //string inputstr = "#"; //string inputstr = "a"; //string inputstr = "e"; //string inputstr = "l"; //string inputstr = "t"; //string inputstr = "i"; string inputstr = "ma"; //string inputstr = "po"; //string inputstr = "Å"; //string inputstr = "fi"; //string inputstr = "ก่นกิ่น"; //string inputstr = "ญญู"; //string inputstr = "ป่า"; //for gpos test //string inputstr = "快速上手"; //string inputstr = "啊"; //---------------- this.txtInputChar.Text = inputstr; this.chkFillBackground.Checked = true; _readyToRender = true; }
public MainViewModel() { var fontList = InstalledFont.GetFonts(); FontList = fontList.OrderBy(f => f.Name).ToObservableCollection(); }
private void InitializeList() { var fontList = InstalledFont.GetFonts(); CmbFontFamily.ItemsSource = fontList; }
public CollectionUpdatedArgs(InstalledFont font, UserFontCollection collection, bool isAdd) { Font = font; Collection = collection; IsAdd = isAdd; }
public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); //choose Thai script for 'complex script' testing. //you can change this to test other script. _currentTextPrinter.ScriptLang = Typography.OpenFont.ScriptLangs.Thai; //---------- button1.Click += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //simple load test fonts from local test dir //and send it into test list chkFillBackground.Checked = true; chkBorder.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); chkFillBackground.CheckedChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.OpenFont); cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.Kerning); cmbPositionTech.Items.Add(PositionTechnique.None); cmbPositionTech.SelectedIndex = 0; cmbPositionTech.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.None); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.TrueTypeInstruction); lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.TrueTypeInstruction_VerticalOnly); //lstHintList.Items.Add(HintTechnique.CustomAutoFit); lstHintList.SelectedIndex = 0; lstHintList.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); //---------- txtInputChar.TextChanged += (s, e) => UpdateRenderOutput(); // //1. create font collection installedFontCollection = new InstalledFontCollection(); //2. set some essential handler installedFontCollection.SetFontNameDuplicatedHandler((f1, f2) => FontNameDuplicatedDecision.Skip); installedFontCollection.LoadFontsFromFolder("../../../TestFonts_Err"); installedFontCollection.LoadFontsFromFolder("../../../TestFonts"); //installedFontCollection.LoadSystemFonts(); //---------- //show result InstalledFont selectedFF = null; int selected_index = 0; int ffcount = 0; bool found = false; foreach (InstalledFont ff in installedFontCollection.GetInstalledFontIter()) { if (!found && ff.FontName == "Tahoma") { selectedFF = ff; selected_index = ffcount; found = true; } lstFontList.Items.Add(ff); ffcount++; } //set default font for current text printer // _typefaceStore = new TypefaceStore(); _typefaceStore.FontCollection = installedFontCollection; //set default font for current text printer _currentTextPrinter.Typeface = _typefaceStore.GetTypeface(selectedFF); //---------- if (selected_index < 0) { selected_index = 0; } lstFontList.SelectedIndex = selected_index; lstFontList.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { InstalledFont ff = lstFontList.SelectedItem as InstalledFont; if (ff != null) { _currentTextPrinter.Typeface = _typefaceStore.GetTypeface(ff); //sample text box UpdateRenderOutput(); } }; //---------- lstFontSizes.Items.AddRange( new object[] { 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 36, 48, 72, 240, 300, 360 }); lstFontSizes.SelectedIndexChanged += (s, e) => { //new font size _currentTextPrinter.FontSizeInPoints = (int)lstFontSizes.SelectedItem; UpdateRenderOutput(); }; lstFontSizes.SelectedIndex = 0; this.Text = "Gdi+ Sample"; //------ }