コード例 #1
        public void InstallMsi(string msipath, bool uninstall)
            string pars = "";

            if (uninstall)
                pars = "REMOVE=ALL";

            IntPtr           ptr     = IntPtr.Zero;
            InstallUIHandler handler = new InstallUIHandler(MyInstallUIHandler);

            //отключаем стандартный UI
            MsiSetInternalUI(INSTALLUILEVEL.INSTALLUILEVEL_NONE, ref ptr);

            //устанавливаем обработчик сообщений

            //запускаем установку (удаление)
            MsiInstallProduct(msipath, pars);
コード例 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiate a new Validator.
 /// </summary>
 public Validator(IMessaging messaging)
     this.cubeFiles           = new StringCollection();
     this.extension           = new ValidatorExtension(messaging);
     this.validationUIHandler = new InstallUIHandler(this.ValidationUIHandler);
     this.messaging           = messaging;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Support.cs プロジェクト: kostaslamda/win-installer
 static extern InstallUIHandler MsiSetExternalUI(InstallUIHandler puiHandler, INSTALLLOGMODE dwMessageFilter, UIntPtr context);
コード例 #4
ファイル: MsiInterop.cs プロジェクト: roni8686/wix3
 internal static extern InstallUIHandler MsiSetExternalUI(InstallUIHandler installUIHandler, int installLogMode, IntPtr context);
コード例 #5
 internal static extern InstallUIHandler MsiSetExternalUI(InstallUIHandler installUIHandler, int installLogMode, IntPtr context);
コード例 #6
ファイル: Validator.cs プロジェクト: wixtoolset/codeplex
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiate a new Validator.
 /// </summary>
 public Validator()
     this.cubeFiles           = new StringCollection();
     this.extension           = new ValidatorExtension();
     this.validationUIHandler = new InstallUIHandler(this.ValidationUIHandler);
コード例 #7
ファイル: Validator.cs プロジェクト: wixtoolset/codeplex
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate a database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databaseFile">The database to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>true if validation succeeded; false otherwise.</returns>
        public void Validate(string databaseFile)
            Dictionary <string, string> indexedICEs           = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            Dictionary <string, string> indexedSuppressedICEs = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            int              previousUILevel   = (int)InstallUILevels.Basic;
            IntPtr           previousHwnd      = IntPtr.Zero;
            InstallUIHandler previousUIHandler = null;

            if (null == databaseFile)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("databaseFile");

            // initialize the validator extension
            this.extension.DatabaseFile = databaseFile;
            this.extension.Output       = this.output;

            // if we don't have the temporary files object yet, get one
            if (null == this.tempFiles)
                this.tempFiles = new TempFileCollection();
            Directory.CreateDirectory(this.TempFilesLocation); // ensure the base path is there

            // index the ICEs
            if (null != this.ices)
                foreach (string ice in this.ices)
                    indexedICEs[ice] = null;

            // index the suppressed ICEs
            if (null != this.suppressedICEs)
                foreach (string suppressedICE in this.suppressedICEs)
                    indexedSuppressedICEs[suppressedICE] = null;

            // copy the database to a temporary location so it can be manipulated
            string tempDatabaseFile = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, Path.GetFileName(databaseFile));

            File.Copy(databaseFile, tempDatabaseFile);

            // remove the read-only property from the temporary database
            FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(tempDatabaseFile);

            File.SetAttributes(tempDatabaseFile, attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

            Mutex mutex = new Mutex(false, "WixValidator");

                if (!mutex.WaitOne(0, false))

                using (Database database = new Database(tempDatabaseFile, OpenDatabase.Direct))
                    bool   propertyTableExists = database.TableExists("Property");
                    string productCode         = null;

                    // remove the product code from the database before opening a session to prevent opening an installed product
                    if (propertyTableExists)
                        using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT `Value` FROM `Property` WHERE Property = 'ProductCode'"))
                            using (Record record = view.Fetch())
                                if (null != record)
                                    productCode = record.GetString(1);

                                    using (View dropProductCodeView = database.OpenExecuteView("DELETE FROM `Property` WHERE `Property` = 'ProductCode'"))

                    // merge in the cube databases
                    foreach (string cubeFile in this.cubeFiles)
                            using (Database cubeDatabase = new Database(cubeFile, OpenDatabase.ReadOnly))
                                    database.Merge(cubeDatabase, "MergeConflicts");
                                    // ignore merge errors since they are expected in the _Validation table
                        catch (Win32Exception e)
                            if (0x6E == e.NativeErrorCode) // ERROR_OPEN_FAILED
                                throw new WixException(WixErrors.CubeFileNotFound(cubeFile));


                    // commit the database before proceeding to ensure the streams don't get confused

                    // the property table may have been added to the database
                    // from a cub database without the proper validation rows
                    if (!propertyTableExists)
                        using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView("DROP table `Property`"))

                    // get all the action names for ICEs which have not been suppressed
                    List <string> actions = new List <string>();
                    using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT `Action` FROM `_ICESequence` ORDER BY `Sequence`"))
                        while (true)
                            using (Record record = view.Fetch())
                                if (null == record)

                                string action = record.GetString(1);

                                if (!indexedSuppressedICEs.ContainsKey(action))

                    if (0 != indexedICEs.Count)
                        // Walk backwards and remove those that arent in the list
                        for (int i = actions.Count - 1; 0 <= i; i--)
                            if (!indexedICEs.ContainsKey(actions[i]))

                    // disable the internal UI handler and set an external UI handler
                    previousUILevel   = Installer.SetInternalUI((int)InstallUILevels.None, ref previousHwnd);
                    previousUIHandler = Installer.SetExternalUI(this.validationUIHandler, (int)InstallLogModes.Error | (int)InstallLogModes.Warning | (int)InstallLogModes.User, IntPtr.Zero);

                    // create a session for running the ICEs
                    this.validationSessionComplete = false;
                    using (Session session = new Session(database))
                        // add the product code back into the database
                        if (null != productCode)
                            // some CUBs erroneously have a ProductCode property, so delete it if we just picked one up
                            using (View dropProductCodeView = database.OpenExecuteView("DELETE FROM `Property` WHERE `Property` = 'ProductCode'"))

                            using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`, `Value`) VALUES ('ProductCode', '{0}')", productCode)))

                        foreach (string action in actions)
                            this.actionName = action;
                            catch (Win32Exception e)
                                if (!Messaging.Instance.EncounteredError)
                                    throw e;
                                // TODO: Review why this was clearing the error state when an exception had happened but an error was already encountered. That's weird.
                                //    this.encounteredError = false;
                            this.actionName = null;

                        // Mark the validation session complete so we ignore any messages that MSI may fire
                        // during session clean-up.
                        this.validationSessionComplete = true;
            catch (Win32Exception e)
                // avoid displaying errors twice since one may have already occurred in the UI handler
                if (!Messaging.Instance.EncounteredError)
                    if (0x6E == e.NativeErrorCode) // ERROR_OPEN_FAILED
                        // databaseFile is not passed since during light
                        // this would be the temporary copy and there would be
                        // no final output since the error occured; during smoke
                        // they should know the path passed into smoke
                    else if (0x64D == e.NativeErrorCode)
                    else if (0x654 == e.NativeErrorCode)
                    else if (0x658 == e.NativeErrorCode)
                    else if (0x659 == e.NativeErrorCode)
                        string msgTemp = e.Message;

                        if (null != this.actionName)
                            msgTemp = String.Concat("Action - '", this.actionName, "' ", e.Message);

                        this.OnMessage(WixErrors.Win32Exception(e.NativeErrorCode, msgTemp));
                Installer.SetExternalUI(previousUIHandler, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
                Installer.SetInternalUI(previousUILevel, ref previousHwnd);

                this.validationSessionComplete = false; // no validation session at this point, so reset the completion flag.

コード例 #8
 /// <summary>
 /// Enables an external user-interface handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="installUIHandler">Specifies a callback function.</param>
 /// <param name="messageFilter">Specifies which messages to handle using the external message handler.</param>
 /// <param name="context">Pointer to an application context that is passed to the callback function.</param>
 /// <returns>The return value is the previously set external handler, or null if there was no previously set handler.</returns>
 internal static InstallUIHandler SetExternalUI(InstallUIHandler installUIHandler, int messageFilter, IntPtr context)
     return(MsiInterop.MsiSetExternalUI(installUIHandler, messageFilter, context));
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Validate a database.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="databaseFile">The database to validate.</param>
        /// <returns>true if validation succeeded; false otherwise.</returns>
        public bool Validate(string databaseFile)
            InstallUIHandler currentUIHandler      = null;
            Hashtable        indexedSuppressedICEs = new Hashtable();
            int              previousUILevel       = (int)InstallUILevels.Basic;
            IntPtr           previousHwnd          = IntPtr.Zero;
            InstallUIHandler previousUIHandler     = null;

            if (null == databaseFile)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("databaseFile");

            // initialize the validator extension
            this.extension.DatabaseFile = databaseFile;
            this.extension.Output       = this.output;

            // if we don't have the temporary files object yet, get one
            if (null == this.tempFiles)
                this.tempFiles = new TempFileCollection();
            Directory.CreateDirectory(this.TempFilesLocation); // ensure the base path is there

            // index the suppressed ICEs
            if (null != this.suppressedICEs)
                foreach (string suppressedICE in this.suppressedICEs)
                    indexedSuppressedICEs[suppressedICE] = null;

            // copy the database to a temporary location so it can be manipulated
            string tempDatabaseFile = Path.Combine(this.TempFilesLocation, Path.GetFileName(databaseFile));

            File.Copy(databaseFile, tempDatabaseFile);

            // remove the read-only property from the temporary database
            FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(tempDatabaseFile);

            File.SetAttributes(tempDatabaseFile, attributes & ~FileAttributes.ReadOnly);

                using (Database database = new Database(tempDatabaseFile, OpenDatabase.Direct))
                    bool   propertyTableExists = database.TableExists("Property");
                    string productCode         = null;

                    // remove the product code from the database before opening a session to prevent opening an installed product
                    if (propertyTableExists)
                        using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT `Value` FROM `Property` WHERE Property = 'ProductCode'"))
                            Record record = null;

                                if (null != (record = view.Fetch()))
                                    productCode = record.GetString(1);

                                    using (View dropProductCodeView = database.OpenExecuteView("DELETE FROM `Property` WHERE `Property` = 'ProductCode'"))
                                if (null != record)

                    // merge in the cube databases
                    foreach (string cubeFile in this.cubeFiles)
                            using (Database cubeDatabase = new Database(cubeFile, OpenDatabase.ReadOnly))
                                    database.Merge(cubeDatabase, "MergeConflicts");
                                    // ignore merge errors since they are expected in the _Validation table
                        catch (Win32Exception e)
                            if (0x6E == e.NativeErrorCode) // ERROR_OPEN_FAILED
                                throw new WixException(WixErrors.CubeFileNotFound(cubeFile));


                    // commit the database before proceeding to ensure the streams don't get confused

                    // the property table may have been added to the database
                    // from a cub database without the proper validation rows
                    if (!propertyTableExists)
                        using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView("DROP table `Property`"))

                    // get all the action names for ICEs which have not been suppressed
                    ArrayList actions = new ArrayList();
                    using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT `Action` FROM `_ICESequence` ORDER BY `Sequence`"))
                        Record record;

                        while (null != (record = view.Fetch()))
                            string action = record.GetString(1);

                            if (!indexedSuppressedICEs.Contains(action))

                    // disable the internal UI handler and set an external UI handler
                    previousUILevel   = Installer.SetInternalUI((int)InstallUILevels.None, ref previousHwnd);
                    currentUIHandler  = new InstallUIHandler(this.ValidationUIHandler);
                    previousUIHandler = Installer.SetExternalUI(currentUIHandler, (int)InstallLogModes.Error | (int)InstallLogModes.Warning | (int)InstallLogModes.User, IntPtr.Zero);

                    // create a session for running the ICEs
                    using (Session session = new Session(database))
                        // add the product code back into the database
                        if (null != productCode)
                            using (View view = database.OpenExecuteView(String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`, `Value`) VALUES ('ProductCode', '{0}')", productCode)))

                        foreach (string action in actions)
            catch (Win32Exception e)
                // avoid displaying errors twice since one may have already occurred in the UI handler
                if (!this.encounteredError)
                    this.OnMessage(WixErrors.Win32Exception(e.NativeErrorCode, e.Message));
                Installer.SetExternalUI(previousUIHandler, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
                Installer.SetInternalUI(previousUILevel, ref previousHwnd);

                // very important - this prevents the external UI delegate from being garbage collected too early


コード例 #10
 /// <summary>
 /// Instantiate a new Validator.
 /// </summary>
 public Validator()
     this.cubeFiles = new StringCollection();
     this.extension = new ValidatorExtension();
     this.validationUIHandler = new InstallUIHandler(this.ValidationUIHandler);
コード例 #11
ファイル: Installer.cs プロジェクト: zooba/wix3
 /// <summary>
 /// Enables an external user-interface handler.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="installUIHandler">Specifies a callback function.</param>
 /// <param name="messageFilter">Specifies which messages to handle using the external message handler.</param>
 /// <param name="context">Pointer to an application context that is passed to the callback function.</param>
 /// <returns>The return value is the previously set external handler, or null if there was no previously set handler.</returns>
 internal static InstallUIHandler SetExternalUI(InstallUIHandler installUIHandler, int messageFilter, IntPtr context)
     return MsiInterop.MsiSetExternalUI(installUIHandler, messageFilter, context);
コード例 #12
 static extern uint MsiSetExternalUI(InstallUIHandler puiHandler, INSTALLLOGMODE dwMessageFilter,
                                     IntPtr pvContext);
コード例 #13
ファイル: NativeMethods.cs プロジェクト: vitek-karas/sdk
 public static extern InstallUIHandler MsiSetExternalUI([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.FunctionPtr)] InstallUIHandler puiHandler, uint dwMessageFilter, IntPtr pvContext);
コード例 #14
        private void RunValidations()
            var previousUILevel = (int)InstallUILevels.Basic;
            var previousHwnd    = IntPtr.Zero;
            InstallUIHandler previousUIHandler = null;

                using (var database = new Database(this.DatabasePath, OpenDatabase.Direct))
                    var    propertyTableExists = database.TableExists("Property");
                    string productCode         = null;

                    // Remove the product code from the database before opening a session to prevent opening an installed product.
                    if (propertyTableExists)
                        using (var view = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT `Value` FROM `Property` WHERE Property = 'ProductCode'"))
                            using (var record = view.Fetch())
                                if (null != record)
                                    productCode = record.GetString(1);

                                    using (var dropProductCodeView = database.OpenExecuteView("DELETE FROM `Property` WHERE `Property` = 'ProductCode'"))

                    // Merge in the cube databases.
                    foreach (var cubeFile in this.CubeFiles)
                        var findCubeFile = typeof(WindowsInstallerValidator).Assembly.FindFileRelativeToAssembly(Path.Combine(CubesFolder, cubeFile), searchNativeDllDirectories: false);

                        if (!findCubeFile.Found)
                            throw new WixException(ErrorMessages.CubeFileNotFound(findCubeFile.Path));

                            using (var cubeDatabase = new Database(findCubeFile.Path, OpenDatabase.ReadOnly))
                                    database.Merge(cubeDatabase, "MergeConflicts");
                                    // ignore merge errors since they are expected in the _Validation table
                        catch (Win32Exception e)
                            if (0x6E == e.NativeErrorCode) // ERROR_OPEN_FAILED
                                throw new WixException(ErrorMessages.CubeFileNotFound(findCubeFile.Path));


                    // Commit the database before proceeding to ensure the streams don't get confused.

                    // The property table may have been added to the database from a cub database without the proper validation rows.
                    if (!propertyTableExists)
                        using (var view = database.OpenExecuteView("DROP table `Property`"))

                    // Get all the action names for ICEs which have not been suppressed.
                    var actions = new List <string>();
                    using (var view = database.OpenExecuteView("SELECT `Action` FROM `_ICESequence` ORDER BY `Sequence`"))
                        foreach (var record in view.Records)
                            var action = record.GetString(1);

                            if (!this.SuppressedIces.Contains(action) && this.Ices.Contains(action))

                    // Disable the internal UI handler and set an external UI handler.
                    previousUILevel   = Installer.SetInternalUI((int)InstallUILevels.None, ref previousHwnd);
                    previousUIHandler = Installer.SetExternalUI(this.ValidationUIHandler, (int)InstallLogModes.Error | (int)InstallLogModes.Warning | (int)InstallLogModes.User, IntPtr.Zero);

                    // Create a session for running the ICEs.
                    this.ValidationSessionInProgress = true;

                    using (var session = new Session(database))
                        // Add the product code back into the database.
                        if (null != productCode)
                            // Some CUBs erroneously have a ProductCode property, so delete it if we just picked one up.
                            using (var dropProductCodeView = database.OpenExecuteView("DELETE FROM `Property` WHERE `Property` = 'ProductCode'"))

                            using (var view = database.OpenExecuteView($"INSERT INTO `Property` (`Property`, `Value`) VALUES ('ProductCode', '{productCode}')"))

                        foreach (var action in actions)
                            this.CurrentIce = action;

                            catch (Win32Exception e)
                                if (!this.Callback.EncounteredError)
                                    throw e;

                            this.CurrentIce = null;

                        // Mark the validation session complete so we ignore any messages that MSI may fire
                        // during session clean-up.
                        this.ValidationSessionInProgress = false;
            catch (Win32Exception e)
                // Avoid displaying errors twice since one may have already occurred in the UI handler.
                if (!this.Callback.EncounteredError)
                    if (0x6E == e.NativeErrorCode) // ERROR_OPEN_FAILED
                        // The database path is not passed to this exception since inside wix.exe
                        // this would be the temporary copy and there would be no final output becasue
                        // this error occured; and during standalone validation they should know the path
                        // passed in.
                        throw new WixException(ErrorMessages.ValidationFailedToOpenDatabase());
                    else if (0x64D == e.NativeErrorCode)
                        throw new WixException(ErrorMessages.ValidationFailedDueToLowMsiEngine());
                    else if (0x654 == e.NativeErrorCode)
                        throw new WixException(ErrorMessages.ValidationFailedDueToInvalidPackage());
                    else if (0x658 == e.NativeErrorCode)
                        throw new WixException(ErrorMessages.ValidationFailedDueToMultilanguageMergeModule());
                    else if (0x659 == e.NativeErrorCode)
                        throw new WixException(WarningMessages.ValidationFailedDueToSystemPolicy());
                        var msg = String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.CurrentIce) ? e.Message : $"Action - '{this.CurrentIce}' {e.Message}";

                        throw new WixException(ErrorMessages.Win32Exception(e.NativeErrorCode, msg));
                this.ValidationSessionInProgress = false;

                Installer.SetExternalUI(previousUIHandler, 0, IntPtr.Zero);
                Installer.SetInternalUI(previousUILevel, ref previousHwnd);
コード例 #15
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new <see cref="UserInterfaceHandler"/> instance to register an external event handler to process
 /// install messages and triggering separate events for each type of <see cref="InstallMessage"/>.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="messageFilter">Specifies which messages to handle.</param>
 public UserInterfaceHandler(InstallLogMode messageFilter)
     _previousHandler = NativeMethods.MsiSetExternalUI(Handler, (uint)messageFilter, IntPtr.Zero);