/// <summary> /// Attempts to install tools on the vm /// </summary> /// <param name="vm"></param> /// <returns>null if user cancels or an AsyncAction. This is either the InstallPVToolsAction or the CreateCdDriveAction if the VM needed a DVD drive.</returns> private void SingleVMExecute(VM vm) { if (vm.FindVMCDROM() == null) { DialogResult dialogResult; using (var dlg = new NoIconDialog(Messages.NEW_DVD_DRIVE_REQUIRED, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo)) { dialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(Parent); } if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { //do not register the event ShowUserInstruction; we show explicitly a message afterwards var createDriveAction = new CreateCdDriveAction(vm); using (var dlg = new ActionProgressDialog(createDriveAction, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee)) dlg.ShowDialog(Parent); if (createDriveAction.Succeeded) { ShowMustRebootBox(); } InstallTools?.Invoke(createDriveAction); } return; } using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(Messages.XS_TOOLS_MESSAGE_ONE_VM, new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.INSTALL_XENSERVER_TOOLS_BUTTON, DialogResult.OK, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonType.ACCEPT, true), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonCancel) { ShowLinkLabel = true, LinkText = Messages.INSTALLTOOLS_READ_MORE, LinkAction = () => Help.HelpManager.Launch("InstallToolsWarningDialog") }) if (dlg.ShowDialog(Parent) == DialogResult.OK && CheckToolSrs(vm)) { var installToolsAction = new InstallPVToolsAction(vm, Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs); installToolsAction.Completed += InstallToolsActionCompleted; installToolsAction.RunAsync(); InstallTools?.Invoke(installToolsAction); } }
private void InstallTools_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Left) { return; } if (vms.All(v => Helpers.StockholmOrGreater(v.Connection))) { Help.HelpManager.Launch("InstallToolsWarningDialog"); return; } var cmd = new InstallToolsCommand(Program.MainWindow, vms); cmd.InstallTools += _ => InstallTools?.Invoke(); cmd.Execute(); }
/// <summary> /// Attempts to install tools on several VMs /// </summary> /// <param name="vms"></param> /// <returns>Whether the action was launched (i.e., the user didn't Cancel)</returns> private void MultipleVMExecute(List <VM> vms) { bool newDvdDrivesRequired = false; foreach (VM vm in vms) { if (CanExecute(vm) && vm.FindVMCDROM() == null) { newDvdDrivesRequired = true; break; } } if (newDvdDrivesRequired) { DialogResult dialogResult; using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(Messages.NEW_DVD_DRIVES_REQUIRED, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonYes, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonNo)) { dialogResult = dlg.ShowDialog(Parent); } if (dialogResult == DialogResult.Yes) { foreach (VM vm in vms) { if (CanExecute(vm) && vm.FindVMCDROM() == null) { //do not register the event ShowUserInstruction; we show explicitly a message afterwards var createDriveAction = new CreateCdDriveAction(vm); using (var dlg = new ActionProgressDialog(createDriveAction, ProgressBarStyle.Marquee)) { dlg.ShowDialog(Parent); } } } ShowMustRebootBox(); InstallTools?.Invoke(null); } } else { using (var dlg = new WarningDialog(Messages.XS_TOOLS_MESSAGE_MORE_THAN_ONE_VM, new ThreeButtonDialog.TBDButton(Messages.INSTALL_XENSERVER_TOOLS_BUTTON, DialogResult.OK, ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonType.ACCEPT, true), ThreeButtonDialog.ButtonCancel) { ShowLinkLabel = true, LinkText = Messages.INSTALLTOOLS_READ_MORE, LinkAction = () => Help.HelpManager.Launch("InstallToolsWarningDialog") }) if (dlg.ShowDialog(Parent) == DialogResult.OK && CheckToolSrs(vms.ToArray())) { foreach (VM vm in vms) { var installToolsAction = new InstallPVToolsAction(vm, Properties.Settings.Default.ShowHiddenVMs); if (vms.IndexOf(vm) == 0) { installToolsAction.Completed += FirstInstallToolsActionCompleted; } else { installToolsAction.Completed += InstallToolsActionCompleted; } installToolsAction.RunAsync(); } InstallTools?.Invoke(null); } } }