public void CreateInspectionTest() { List <DamageDTO> damages = this.CreateDamages(); UserDTO user = this.CreateUser(); VehicleDTO vehicle = this.CreateVehicle(); InspectionDTO inspection = new InspectionDTO(); inspection.Damages = damages; inspection.CreatorUserName = user.UserName; inspection.Date = DateTime.Now; inspection.Location = "Puerto 1"; inspection.IdVehicle = vehicle.Vin; UserDTO userDTO = this.CreateUser(); Guid token = Guid.NewGuid(); var mockInspectionService = new Mock <InspectionService>(); mockInspectionService.Setup(b => b.CreateInspection(inspection)).Verifiable(); var mockUserService = new Mock <UserService>(); mockUserService.Setup(us => us.GetUserLoggedIn(token)).Returns(userDTO); InspectionController inspectionController = new InspectionController(mockInspectionService.Object, mockUserService.Object); inspectionController.Request = createInspectionControllerRequest(); this.addTokenHeaderToRequest(inspectionController.Request, token); ResponseMessageResult response = (ResponseMessageResult)inspectionController.Post(inspection); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.OK, response.Response.StatusCode); }
private async void InitCameraAndInspector() { if (MachineConfig.MV_SimulationAcquisitionEnabled) { _camera = new SimCamera(MachineConfigProvider.MachineConfig.MV_SimulationImageFileNames); } else { _camera = new JaiCamera(); } if (!MachineConfig.MV_SimulationInspectorEnabled) { _inspectionSchema = InspectionController.GetInspectionSchema(); _inspectionController = new InspectionController(); } bool isSuccessful; isSuccessful = await Task.Run(() => _camera.Init()); if (!isSuccessful) { throw new Exception("Camera cannot init"); } }
// Obtiene lista de defectos de inspeccion detallados por referencia public static string ListFaultInfo(InspectionController ictrl) { // CI.VC_LAST_RESULT_CODE IS NULL OR string query = @" SELECT CI.SEG_ID, REF.CIR_NAME as referencia, CI.INSP_RESULT_CODE as faultcode, CI.VC_LAST_RESULT_CODE, CASE WHEN CI.VC_LAST_RESULT_CODE = 0 THEN 'FALSO' ELSE 'REAL' END AS resultado FROM COMP_RESULT_INFO CI, CIR_INFO REF WHERE REF.CIR_ID = CI.COMP_ID AND CI.INSP_RESULT_CODE != 0 AND REF.PG_ITEM_ID = " + ictrl.vtsOraclePgItemId + @" AND CI.INSP_ID = " + ictrl.vtsOracleInspId; // CASE WHEN CI.VC_LAST_RESULT_CODE = 0 THEN 'FALSO' ELSE 'REAL' END AS resultado // CI.USR_CONFIRM_FLAG = 1 AND return(query); }
private void StartButton_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Save(); var ret = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure to start? ", "Warning", MessageBoxButton.YesNo); if (ret != MessageBoxResult.Yes) { return; } List <string> workedDir = new List <string>(); foreach (var directory in Directories) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(directory.DirectoryPath)) { //MessageBox.Show("ImageDir is null: " + directory.DirectoryPath); continue; } workedDir.Add(directory.DirectoryPath); // Init InspectionSchema schema = null; try { if (!File.Exists(InspectionSchemaTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("InspectionSchema file is not exist!"); return; } // schema = InspectionSchemaTextBox.Text.LoadFromFile(); //schema = InspectionSchemaExtensions.LoadFromFile(InspectionSchemaTextBox.Text); schema = InspectionController.GetInspectionSchema(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show("InspectionSchema loading error!"); return; } Run(directory.DirectoryPath, schema.DeepClone()); } string dirs = string.Empty; foreach (var dir in workedDir) { dirs += dir + "\n"; } MessageBox.Show("Directories exported:\n\n" + dirs); }
public async Task GetAll_Should_Call_Get_All() { // Given var controller = new InspectionController(_inspectionService, _tenantIdProvider); var allResponse = controller.GetAll(null, null); await _inspectionService.Received().GetAllAsync(null, null); }
public int vtwinTestMachineId = 0; // id de maquina en oracle public static void Delete(InspectionController ictrl) { ictrl.machine.LogBroadcast("debug", string.Format("+ Pendiente.Delete({0}) ", ictrl.barcode) ); string query = string.Format("CALL sp_removeProcesarPendient('{0}')", ictrl.barcode); MySqlConnector sql = new MySqlConnector(); sql.LoadConfig("IASERVER"); bool rs = sql.NonQuery(query); }
public void Overview_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior() { // Arrange var inspectionController = new InspectionController(); InspectionFormViewModel model = null; // Act var result = inspectionController.Overview( model); // Assert Assert.Fail(); }
public void Get_ShouldFail_GivenInspectionDoesntExist() { // Given var inspectionService = Substitute.For <IInspectionService>(); inspectionService.When(s => s.GetAsync(Arg.Any <Guid>())) .Do(v => throw new ItemNotFoundException(v[0].ToString(), "inspection")); var controller = new InspectionController(inspectionService, _tenantIdProvider); // When AsyncTestDelegate action = async() => await controller.GetInspection(Guid.NewGuid()); // Then Assert.ThrowsAsync <ItemNotFoundException>(action); }
public void Index_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior1() { // Arrange var inspectionController = new InspectionController(); FormCollection form = null; InspectionFormViewModel model = null; // Act var result = inspectionController.Index( form, model); // Assert Assert.Fail(); }
public void ErrorCreateInspectionWithoutTokenTest() { InspectionDTO inspection = new InspectionDTO(); var mockInspectionService = new Mock <InspectionService>(); mockInspectionService.Setup(b => b.CreateInspection(inspection)).Verifiable(); InspectionController inspectionController = new InspectionController(mockInspectionService.Object, null); inspectionController.Request = createInspectionControllerRequest(); ResponseMessageResult response = (ResponseMessageResult)inspectionController.Post(inspection); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.Response.StatusCode); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); RegionIndicators = new ObservableCollection <RegionIndicatorViewModel>(); DefectIndicators = new BindableCollection <RectangleIndicatorViewModel>(); ObjectIndicators = new ObservableCollection <RectangleIndicatorViewModel>(); LineIndicators = new ObservableCollection <LineIndicatorViewModel>(); CircleIndicators = new ObservableCollection <CircleIndicatorViewModel>(); this.DataContext = this; this.Closing += MainWindow_Closing; InspectionController = new InspectionController(); Refresh(); }
// Obtiene lista de maquinas public static string ListBlockBarcode(InspectionController ictrl) { string query = @" SELECT SEG_ID, SEG_BARCODE, COMP_NG_COUNT, VC_COMPLETE_FLAG FROM SEG_RESULT_INFO WHERE INSP_ID = " + ictrl.vtsOracleInspId; return(query); }
public static string ListBlocks(InspectionController ictrl) { string query = @" SELECT SEG_ID, SEG_NO FROM seg_info WHERE pos_x <> 0 and pos_y <> 0 and size_x <> 0 and size_y <> 0 and PG_ITEM_ID = " + ictrl.vtsOraclePgItemId; return(query); }
public void ErrorCreateInspectionBadTokenTest() { InspectionDTO inspection = new InspectionDTO(); Guid token = Guid.NewGuid(); var mockInspectionService = new Mock <InspectionService>(); mockInspectionService.Setup(b => b.CreateInspection(inspection)).Verifiable(); var mockUserService = new Mock <UserService>(); mockUserService.Setup(us => us.GetUserLoggedIn(token)).Throws(new UserNotExistException()); InspectionController inspectionController = new InspectionController(mockInspectionService.Object, mockUserService.Object); inspectionController.Request = createInspectionControllerRequest(); ResponseMessageResult response = (ResponseMessageResult)inspectionController.Post(inspection); Assert.AreEqual(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, response.Response.StatusCode); }
/// <summary> /// Setup the test /// </summary> public InspectionApiUnitTest() { DbContextOptions <DbAppContext> options = new DbContextOptions <DbAppContext>(); Mock <DbAppContext> dbAppContext = new Mock <DbAppContext>(null, options); /* * * Here you will need to mock up the context. * * ItemType fakeItem = new ItemType(...); * * Mock<DbSet<ItemType>> mockList = MockDbSet.Create(fakeItem); * * dbAppContext.Setup(x => x.ModelEndpoint).Returns(mockItem.Object); * */ InspectionService _service = new InspectionService(null, dbAppContext.Object); _InspectionApi = new InspectionController(_service); }
public static void Save(InspectionController ictrl) { DateTime customDate = DateTime.Parse(ictrl.fecha + " " + ictrl.hora); ictrl.machine.LogBroadcast("debug", string.Format("+ Pendiente.Save({0}) ", ictrl.barcode) ); string query = string.Format("CALL sp_addProcesarPendient('{0}', '{1}', '{2}', '{3}', '{4}', '{5}');", ictrl.barcode, customDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"), ictrl.machine.mysql_id, ictrl.programa, ictrl.vtwinProgramNameId, ictrl.vtwinTestMachineId ); MySqlConnector sql = new MySqlConnector(); sql.LoadConfig("IASERVER"); bool rs = sql.NonQuery(query); }
public async Task CompleteInspection_Should_Call_CompleteInspectionAsync_And_Return_NoContent() { // Given var controller = new InspectionController(_inspectionService, _tenantIdProvider); var completionDto = new InspectionCompleteDto { Id = _incompleteInspection.Id, FinishTime = DateTimeOffset.Now }; // When // user tries to mark inspection as completed var response = (OkObjectResult)await controller.PutInspectionComplete(completionDto.Id, completionDto, default(CancellationToken)); // Then // The controller calls service with proper arguments await _inspectionService.Received().CompleteInspectionAsync( Arg.Is <Guid>(g => g == completionDto.Id), Arg.Is <DateTimeOffset>(t => t == completionDto.FinishTime), Arg.Any <CancellationToken>()); response.StatusCode.ShouldBe((int)HttpStatusCode.OK); }
public void BeginInspection_Should_Call_BeginInspectionAsync_And_Return_Created_() { // Given var controller = new InspectionController(_inspectionService, _tenantIdProvider); var newInspectionModel = new InspectionDto { MethodSetId = "Method_Set_Id", StartTime = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(7), FinishTime = DateTime.Now, InspectionPlace = InspectionPlace.OnWorkplace, InspectionType = InspectionType.PreShift, EmployeeId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), BranchOfficeId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), DepartmentId = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), MachineName = "HOST002", MethodSetVersion = "Version 16" }; // When var response = controller.PostInspection(newInspectionModel); // Then _inspectionService.Received().BeginInspectionAsync(Arg.Any <Inspection>()); _inspectionService.Received().BeginInspectionAsync( Arg.Is <Inspection>(v => v.StartTime == newInspectionModel.StartTime && v.TenantId == _tenantId)); var createdResponse = (CreatedResult)response.Result; Assert.That(createdResponse.Location, Is.EqualTo(nameof(InspectionController.GetInspection))); var createdAttribs = (CreatedWithGuidDto)createdResponse.Value; Assert.That(createdAttribs.Id, Is.EqualTo(_newId)); }
public void Setup() { _inspectionService = new Mock <IInspectionService>().Object; _sut = new InspectionController(_inspectionService); }
public void Run(string imageDir, InspectionSchema schema) { IList <string> fileNames; try { var strings = Directory.GetFiles(imageDir).ToList(); fileNames = strings.Where(x => { if (x.EndsWith(".bmp")) { return(true); } if (x.EndsWith(".tif")) { return(true); } if (x.EndsWith(".jpg")) { return(true); } return(false); }).ToList(); } catch (Exception) { MessageBox.Show("Image directory cannot load files! " + imageDir); return; } // Inspect IList <InspectionResult> inspectionResults = new List <InspectionResult>(); // IList<ImageInfo> imageInfos = new List<ImageInfo>(); IList <HImage> images = new List <HImage>(); foreach (var fileName in fileNames) { string name = fileName; var fn = (string)name; Debug.WriteLine("Task.Started: " + fn); // BitmapImage bi = null; // try // { // Debug.WriteLine("BitmapImage() begin"); // bi = new BitmapImage(new Uri(fn, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); // Debug.WriteLine("BitmapImage() end"); // } // catch (Exception e2) // { // MessageBox.Show("BitmapImage loading error: " + fn); // } // // Debug.WriteLine("ToImageInfoWith8Bpp() begin"); // var imageInfo = bi.ToImageInfoWith8Bpp(); // Debug.WriteLine("ToImageInfoWith8Bpp() end"); // // imageInfos.Add(imageInfo); images.Add(new HImage(name)); } IList <Task> tasks = new List <Task>(); foreach (var imageInfo in images) { // string name = fileName; var imageInfo2 = imageInfo; var task = new Task( (x) => { HImage imageInfo3 = (HImage)imageInfo2; // Debug.WriteLine("Task.Started: " + fn); // // BitmapImage bi = null; // try // { // Debug.WriteLine("BitmapImage() begin"); // bi = new BitmapImage(new Uri(fn, UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute)); // Debug.WriteLine("BitmapImage() end"); // } // catch (Exception e2) // { // MessageBox.Show("BitmapImage loading error: " + fn); // } // // Debug.WriteLine("ToImageInfoWith8Bpp() begin"); // var imageInfo = bi.ToImageInfoWith8Bpp(); // Debug.WriteLine("ToImageInfoWith8Bpp() end"); using (var inspectionController = new InspectionController()) { inspectionController .SetInspectionSchema(schema.DeepClone()) .SetImage(imageInfo3) .CreateCoordinate() .Inspect() ; inspectionController.InspectionResult.Comment = ""; inspectionResults.Add(inspectionController.InspectionResult); } // var targetTask = new SearchingTask(); // foreach (var csd in schema.CircleSearchingDefinitions) // { // var relativeVector = new Vector(csd.BaselineX*1000.0/16.0, csd.BaselineY*1000.0/16.0); // var originalVector = coord.GetOriginalVector(relativeVector); // csd.CenterX = originalVector.X; // csd.CenterY = originalVector.Y; // } // targetTask.CircleDefinitions.AddRange(schema.CircleSearchingDefinitions); // // // var targetResult = inspector.Search(imageInfo, targetTask); // // targetResult.CircleSearchingResults.UpdateRelativeCoordinate(coord); }, imageInfo); tasks.Add(task); task.Start(); } Task.WaitAll(tasks.ToArray()); var coordinateResultGroups = inspectionResults.Select(x => x.CoordinateCircles).ToList(); List <CircleSearchingResultCollection> objectsResultGroups = inspectionResults.Select(x => x.Circles).ToList(); foreach (var task in objectsResultGroups) { foreach (var t in task) { Debug.WriteLine("objectsResultGroups Circle " + t.Index + " X: " + t.Definition.CenterX); Debug.WriteLine("objectsResultGroups Circle " + t.Index + " Y: " + t.Definition.CenterY); } } DateTime dateTime = DateTime.Now; string reportDir = "_reports" + dateTime.ToString(""); var exportDir = Path.Combine(imageDir, reportDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(exportDir); // SaveToCSV ReportManager.SaveToCSV(coordinateResultGroups, exportDir, "Coordinate"); ReportManager.SaveToCSV(objectsResultGroups, exportDir, "Objects"); Debug.WriteLine("SaveToCSV() end"); var distGroups = inspectionResults.Select(x => x.DistanceBetweenPointsResults).ToList(); ReportManager.SaveCsvGroupByEdge(distGroups, exportDir, "Edges"); Debug.WriteLine("SaveCsvGroupByEdge() end"); List <RegionDefectResult> defectsGroups = inspectionResults.SelectMany(x => x.RegionDefectResults).ToList(); var dgs = defectsGroups.Select(x => x.DefectResults).ToList(); ReportManager.SaveDefectResultsToCsvGroupByWorkpiece(dgs, exportDir, "Defects"); Debug.WriteLine("SaveDefectResultsToCsvGroupByWorkpiece() end"); // SaveToXaml ReportManager.SaveToXaml(coordinateResultGroups, exportDir, "Coordinate"); ReportManager.SaveToXaml(objectsResultGroups, exportDir, "Objects"); ReportManager.SaveToXaml(inspectionResults, exportDir, "All"); Debug.WriteLine("SaveToXaml() end"); var cs = CoordinateCircleCalculator.Calculate(inspectionResults); // var allResultGroup = new List<CircleSearchingResultCollection>(); // allResultGroup.AddRange(coordinateResultGroups); // allResultGroup.AddRange(objectsResultGroups); // ReportManager.SaveToCSV(allResultGroup, exportDir, "All"); // ReportManager.SaveToXaml(allResultGroup, exportDir, "All"); }