コード例 #1
        /// <summary>   Late update. </summary>
        public void LateUpdate()
            // Grab the rotation amount. We do the inverse tilt so we calculate the rotation in
            // "natural up" space. Later we'll use the tilt to put it back into "anchor up" space.
            Quaternion invTilt = Anchor.up.FromToRotation(Vector3.up);

            // Yaw is simple as we can go 360
            Quaternion yaw = Quaternion.AngleAxis(InputSource.GetCameraTwoAxis().x *degreesPerTick,
                                                  invTilt * transform.up);

            // Pitch is more complicated since we can't go beyond the north/south pole
            float pitchAngle = Vector3.Angle(toCameraDirection, invTilt * Anchor.up);

            float pitchDelta = (invertPitch ? -1f : 1f) * InputSource.GetCameraTwoAxis().y;

            if (pitchAngle < minPitch && pitchDelta > 0f)
                pitchDelta = 0f;
            else if (pitchAngle > maxPitch && pitchDelta < 0f)
                pitchDelta = 0f;

            Quaternion pitch = Quaternion.AngleAxis(pitchDelta, invTilt * transform.right);

            // Calculate the new "natural up" direction
            toCameraDirection = pitch * yaw * toCameraDirection;

            // Update our tilt to match the anchor's tilt
            tilt = tilt.Up().FromToRotation(Anchor.up) * tilt;

            // Put the new direction relative to the anchor's tilt
            Vector3 tiltedTocameraDirection = tilt * toCameraDirection;

            if (tiltedTocameraDirection.IsApproximatelyVectorZero())
                tiltedTocameraDirection = -Anchor.forward;

            // Calculate the new orbit center (anchor) and camera position
            transform.position = OffsettedAnchorPosition + tiltedTocameraDirection.normalized * radius;
            transform.rotation =
                    OffsettedAnchorPosition - (OffsettedAnchorPosition + tiltedTocameraDirection.normalized * radius),