コード例 #1
    }    //~Cube

    void Start()
        InputPlus.Initialize();         //Start up InputPlus.
        InputPlus.SetDebugText(true);   //Do you want to see Debug text from InputPlus?

        /* Subscribe to the disconnect event. This event happens when a controller is disconnected. Unfortunately
         * it doesn't seem like Unity's core control features (v4.3.4) handle connecting and reconnecting controllers during
         * execution in a standalone build. So it's STRONGLY recommended to condiser handling this event to allow a
         * game save. Hopefully this will change in the future */
        InputPlus.On_EVENT_Disconnect += Disconnect;
    }    //Start
コード例 #2
 override protected void SteeringStart()
     //InputPlus.LearnController (1);
     InputPlus.Initialize(); //Start up InputPlus.
     foreach (UnityLikeInput input in inputs)
         input.con = GamePad_Num;
     Input = new Input2(inputs);