コード例 #1
ファイル: Pointer.cs プロジェクト: AmirArdroudi/VR_platform
    private void UpdateLine()
        //use default value from our input module or distance
        PointerEventData data         = m_InputModule.GetData();
        float            TargetLength = data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance == 0 ? m_DefaultLength : data.pointerCurrentRaycast.distance;

        hitedRay = CreateRaycast(TargetLength);

        EndPosition = transform.position + (transform.forward * TargetLength);

        //Update when hitting something (Check for collider)
        if (hitedRay.collider != null)
            EndPosition = hitedRay.point;

        //Set position of the Dot
        m_Dot.transform.position = EndPosition;

        //Set position of LineRenderer
        m_LineRenderer.SetPosition(0, transform.position);
        m_LineRenderer.SetPosition(1, EndPosition);