public static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; ParseArgs(args, ToolName); InitializeLogger(); PrintWelcome(ToolName, RevisionResource); try { if (InputFile.Contains("*.ppt")) { var files = Directory.GetFiles(InputFile.Replace("*.ppt", ""), "*.ppt"); foreach (string file in files) { if (new FileInfo(file).Extension.ToLower().EndsWith("ppt")) { ChoosenOutputFile = null; processFile(file); } } } else { processFile(InputFile); } } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Could not read input file {0}.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (MagicNumberException) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (InvalidStreamException) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (InvalidRecordException) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (StreamNotFoundException) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Conversion of file {0} failed.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } TraceLogger.Info("End of program"); }
void Input_SettingsLoaded(object sender, System.Configuration.SettingsLoadedEventArgs e) { InputFieldSeparator = EscapedInputFieldSeparator != null?EscapedInputFieldSeparator.Trim('\'') : ""; if (!InputFile.Contains(":")) { if (!Directory.Exists(Cliver.Log.AppCommonDataDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Cliver.Log.AppCommonDataDir); } string input_file2 = Cliver.Log.AppCommonDataDir + "\\" + Input.Default.InputFile; if (!File.Exists(input_file2)) { File.Copy(InputFile, input_file2); } InputFile = input_file2; Save(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ParseArgs(args, ToolName); InitializeLogger(); PrintWelcome(ToolName, RevisionResource); try { //copy processing file var procFile = new ProcessingFile(InputFile); //make output file name if (ChoosenOutputFile == null) { if (InputFile.Contains(".")) { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile.Remove(InputFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".xlsx"; } else { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile + ".xlsx"; } } //parse the document using (var reader = new StructuredStorageReader(procFile.File.FullName)) { var xlsDoc = new XlsDocument(reader); var outType = Converter.DetectOutputType(xlsDoc); string conformOutputFile = Converter.GetConformFilename(ChoosenOutputFile, outType); using (var spreadx = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(conformOutputFile, outType)) { //start time var start = DateTime.Now; TraceLogger.Info("Converting file {0} into {1}", InputFile, conformOutputFile); Converter.Convert(xlsDoc, spreadx); var end = DateTime.Now; var diff = end.Subtract(start); TraceLogger.Info("Conversion of file {0} finished in {1} seconds", InputFile, diff.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } } catch (ParseException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Could not convert {0} because it was created by an unsupported application (Excel 95 or older).", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Conversion of file {0} failed.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture; ParseArgs(args, ToolName); InitializeLogger(); PrintWelcome(ToolName); if (CreateContextMenuEntry) { // create context menu entry try { TraceLogger.Info("Creating context menu entry for ppt2x ..."); RegisterForContextMenu(GetContextMenuKey(ContextMenuInputExtension, ContextMenuText)); TraceLogger.Info("Succeeded."); } catch (Exception) { TraceLogger.Info("Failed. Sorry :("); } } else { try { if (InputFile.Contains("*.ppt")) { string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(InputFile.Replace("*.ppt", ""), "*.ppt"); foreach (String file in files) { if (new FileInfo(file).Extension.ToLower().EndsWith("ppt")) { ChoosenOutputFile = null; processFile(file); } } } else { processFile(InputFile); } } catch (ZipCreationException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Could not create output file {0}.", ChoosenOutputFile); //TraceLogger.Error("Perhaps the specified outputfile was a directory or contained invalid characters."); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Could not read input file {0}.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (MagicNumberException) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (InvalidStreamException e) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (InvalidRecordException) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (StreamNotFoundException e) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid PowerPoint 97-2007 file.", InputFile); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Conversion of file {0} failed.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } } TraceLogger.Info("End of program"); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ParseArgs(args, ToolName); InitializeLogger(); PrintWelcome(ToolName, RevisionResource); // convert try { //copy processing file var procFile = new ProcessingFile(InputFile); //make output file name if (ChoosenOutputFile == null) { if (InputFile.Contains(".")) { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile.Remove(InputFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".docx"; } else { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile + ".docx"; } } //open the reader using (var reader = new StructuredStorageReader(procFile.File.FullName)) { //parse the input document var doc = new WordDocument(reader); //prepare the output document var outType = Converter.DetectOutputType(doc); string conformOutputFile = Converter.GetConformFilename(ChoosenOutputFile, outType); var docx = WordprocessingDocument.Create(conformOutputFile, outType); //start time var start = DateTime.Now; TraceLogger.Info("Converting file {0} into {1}", InputFile, conformOutputFile); //convert the document Converter.Convert(doc, docx); var end = DateTime.Now; var diff = end.Subtract(start); TraceLogger.Info("Conversion of file {0} finished in {1} seconds", InputFile, diff.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (ReadBytesAmountMismatchException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (MagicNumberException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (UnspportedFileVersionException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("File {0} has been created with a Word version older than Word 97.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (ByteParseException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (MappingException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("There was an error while converting file {0}: {1}", InputFile, ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Conversion of file {0} failed.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { ParseArgs(args, ToolName); InitializeLogger(); PrintWelcome(ToolName, RevisionResource); if (CreateContextMenuEntry) { // create context menu entry try { TraceLogger.Info("Creating context menu entry for xls2x ..."); RegisterForContextMenu(GetContextMenuKey(ContextMenuInputExtension, ContextMenuText)); TraceLogger.Info("Succeeded."); } catch (Exception) { TraceLogger.Info("Failed. Sorry :("); } } else { try { //copy processing file ProcessingFile procFile = new ProcessingFile(InputFile); //make output file name if (ChoosenOutputFile == null) { if (InputFile.Contains(".")) { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile.Remove(InputFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".xlsx"; } else { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile + ".xlsx"; } } //parse the document using (StructuredStorageReader reader = new StructuredStorageReader(procFile.File.FullName)) { XlsDocument xlsDoc = new XlsDocument(reader); OpenXmlPackage.DocumentType outType = Converter.DetectOutputType(xlsDoc); string conformOutputFile = Converter.GetConformFilename(ChoosenOutputFile, outType); using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadx = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(conformOutputFile, outType)) { //start time DateTime start = DateTime.Now; TraceLogger.Info("Converting file {0} into {1}", InputFile, conformOutputFile); Converter.Convert(xlsDoc, spreadx); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan diff = end.Subtract(start); TraceLogger.Info("Conversion of file {0} finished in {1} seconds", InputFile, diff.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } } catch (ParseException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Could not convert {0} because it was created by an unsupported application (Excel 95 or older).", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (ZipCreationException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Could not create output file {0}.", ChoosenOutputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Conversion of file {0} failed.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { ParseArgs(args, ToolName); InitializeLogger(); PrintWelcome(ToolName); if (CreateContextMenuEntry) { // create context menu entry try { TraceLogger.Info("Creating context menu entry for doc2x ..."); RegisterForContextMenu(GetContextMenuKey(ContextMenuInputExtension, ContextMenuText)); TraceLogger.Info("Succeeded."); } catch (Exception) { TraceLogger.Info("Failed. Sorry :("); } } else { // convert try { //copy processing file ProcessingFile procFile = new ProcessingFile(InputFile); //make output file name if (ChoosenOutputFile == null) { if (InputFile.Contains(".")) { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile.Remove(InputFile.LastIndexOf(".")) + ".docx"; } else { ChoosenOutputFile = InputFile + ".docx"; } } //open the reader using (StructuredStorageReader reader = new StructuredStorageReader(procFile.File.FullName)) { //parse the input document WordDocument doc = new WordDocument(reader); //prepare the output document OpenXmlPackage.DocumentType outType = Converter.DetectOutputType(doc); string conformOutputFile = Converter.GetConformFilename(ChoosenOutputFile, outType); WordprocessingDocument docx = WordprocessingDocument.Create(conformOutputFile, outType); //start time DateTime start = DateTime.Now; TraceLogger.Info("Converting file {0} into {1}", InputFile, conformOutputFile); //convert the document Converter.Convert(doc, docx); DateTime end = DateTime.Now; TimeSpan diff = end.Subtract(start); TraceLogger.Info("Conversion of file {0} finished in {1} seconds", InputFile, diff.TotalSeconds.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); } } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { TraceLogger.Error(ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (ReadBytesAmountMismatchException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (MagicNumberException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (UnspportedFileVersionException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("File {0} has been created with a Word version older than Word 97.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (ByteParseException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Input file {0} is not a valid Microsoft Word 97-2003 file.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (MappingException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("There was an error while converting file {0}: {1}", InputFile, ex.Message); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (ZipCreationException ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Could not create output file {0}.", ChoosenOutputFile); //TraceLogger.Error("Perhaps the specified outputfile was a directory or contained invalid characters."); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { TraceLogger.Error("Conversion of file {0} failed.", InputFile); TraceLogger.Debug(ex.ToString()); } } }