コード例 #1
        private void GetAnalogActionDataRaw(string ActionPath, out InputAnalogActionData_t data, string RestrictToDevicePath = "")
            ReadyCheck(); //実行可能な状態かチェック

            EVRInputError inputError = EVRInputError.None;

            data = new InputAnalogActionData_t();

            var   size   = (uint)System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(InputAnalogActionData_t));
            ulong handle = GetActionHandle(ActionPath); //無効なハンドルならthrowされる

            ulong DeviceHandle = OpenVR.k_ulInvalidInputValueHandle;

            if (RestrictToDevicePath != "")
                DeviceHandle = GetInputSourceHandle(RestrictToDevicePath); //無効なハンドルならthrowされる

            inputError = vrinput.GetAnalogActionData(handle, ref data, size, DeviceHandle);
            if (inputError == EVRInputError.WrongType)
                throw new ArgumentException(inputError.ToString());
            if (inputError != EVRInputError.None)
                throw new IOException(inputError.ToString());

コード例 #2
        /// <summary><strong>[Should not be called by user code]</strong>
        /// Updates the data for this action and this input source. Sends related events.
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateValue()
            lastActionData = actionData;
            lastActive     = active;

            EVRInputError err = OpenVR.Input.GetAnalogActionData(handle, ref actionData, actionData_size,

            if (err != EVRInputError.None)
                Debug.LogError("<b>[SteamVR]</b> GetAnalogActionData error (" + fullPath + "): " + err.ToString() +
                               " handle: " + handle.ToString());

            updateTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            changed = false;

            if (active)
                if (delta > changeTolerance || delta < -changeTolerance)
                    changed     = true;
                    changedTime =
                        Time.realtimeSinceStartup +
                        .fUpdateTime;     //fUpdateTime is the time from the time the action was called that the action changed

                    if (onChange != null)
                        onChange.Invoke(singleAction, inputSource, axis, delta);

                if (axis != 0)
                    if (onAxis != null)
                        onAxis.Invoke(singleAction, inputSource, axis, delta);

                if (onUpdate != null)
                    onUpdate.Invoke(singleAction, inputSource, axis, delta);

            if (onActiveBindingChange != null && lastActiveBinding != activeBinding)
                onActiveBindingChange.Invoke(singleAction, inputSource, activeBinding);

            if (onActiveChange != null && lastActive != active)
                onActiveChange.Invoke(singleAction, inputSource, activeBinding);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary><strong>[Should not be called by user code]</strong>
        /// Updates the data for this action and this input source. Sends related events.
        /// </summary>
        public override void UpdateValue()
            lastActionData = actionData;
            lastActive     = active;
            lastAxis       = axis;
            lastDelta      = delta;

            EVRInputError err = OpenVR.Input.GetAnalogActionData(handle, ref actionData, actionData_size, SteamVR_Input_Source.GetHandle(inputSource));

            if (err != EVRInputError.None)
                Debug.LogError("<b>[SteamVR_Standalone]</b> GetAnalogActionData error (" + fullPath + "): " + err.ToString() + " handle: " + handle.ToString());

            updateTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
            axis       = new Vector3(actionData.x, actionData.y, actionData.z);
            delta      = new Vector3(actionData.deltaX, actionData.deltaY, actionData.deltaZ);

            changed = false;

            if (active)
                if (delta.magnitude > changeTolerance)
                    changed     = true;
                    changedTime = Time.realtimeSinceStartup + actionData.fUpdateTime; //fUpdateTime is the time from the time the action was called that the action changed

                    if (onChange != null)
                        onChange.Invoke(vector3Action, inputSource, axis, delta);

                if (axis != Vector3.zero)
                    if (onAxis != null)
                        onAxis.Invoke(vector3Action, inputSource, axis, delta);

                if (onUpdate != null)
                    onUpdate.Invoke(vector3Action, inputSource, axis, delta);

            if (onActiveBindingChange != null && lastActiveBinding != activeBinding)
                onActiveBindingChange.Invoke(vector3Action, inputSource, activeBinding);

            if (onActiveChange != null && lastActive != active)
                onActiveChange.Invoke(vector3Action, inputSource, activeBinding);
コード例 #4
ファイル: OpenVRWrapper.cs プロジェクト: codysk/DynamicOpenVR
        internal static InputAnalogActionData_t GetAnalogActionData(ulong actionHandle)
            InputAnalogActionData_t actionData = default;

            EVRInputError error = OpenVR.Input.GetAnalogActionData(actionHandle, ref actionData, (uint)Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(InputAnalogActionData_t)), OpenVR.k_ulInvalidInputValueHandle);

            if (error != EVRInputError.None && error != EVRInputError.NoData)
                throw new OpenVRInputException($"Could not get analog data for action with handle {actionHandle}: {error}", error);

コード例 #5
ファイル: Data.cs プロジェクト: MrReBot/OpenVR2WS
        public static void UpdateOrAddAnalogInputActionData(InputAnalogActionData_t data, InputActionInfo info)
            var source = handleToSource[info.sourceHandle];

            if (!analogInputActionData.ContainsKey(source))
                analogInputActionData[source] = new ConcurrentDictionary <string, Vec3>();
            analogInputActionData[source][info.pathEnd] = new Vec3()
                x = data.x, y = data.y, z = data.z
コード例 #6
ファイル: OpenVR_New.cs プロジェクト: Saticmotion/Vivista
        private Vector3 GetAnalogState(ulong handle, ulong hand)
            var dataSize = Marshal.SizeOf <InputAnalogActionData_t>();
            var data     = new InputAnalogActionData_t();
            var error    = input.GetAnalogActionData(handle, ref data, (uint)dataSize, hand);

            #if UNITY_EDITOR
            if (error != EVRInputError.None && error != EVRInputError.NoData)
                Debug.LogError("GetAnalogActionData: " + error.ToString());
            return(new Vector3(data.x, data.y, data.z));
コード例 #7
            public float UpdateTime = float.NaN; //変化時間

            public AnalogAction(InputAnalogActionData_t Data, OriginSource OriginInfo)
                Available = Data.bActive;
                Origin    = OriginInfo;

                x = Data.x;
                y = Data.y;
                z = Data.z;

                deltaX = Data.deltaX;
                deltaY = Data.deltaY;
                deltaZ = Data.deltaZ;

                UpdateTime = Data.fUpdateTime;
コード例 #8
ファイル: VRInput.cs プロジェクト: rricarda24/Go_Masterthesis
        private Vector2 GetVector2Input(ulong action, XRNodeState node)
            InputAnalogActionData_t data = new InputAnalogActionData_t();

            var res = OpenVR.Input.GetAnalogActionData(
                action, ref data,
                node.nodeType == XRNode.LeftHand ? leftHand : rightHand

            if (res != EVRInputError.None)
                throw new ApplicationException("Failed to get vector input data " + node.nodeType + ": " + res);

            return(new Vector2(data.x, data.y));
コード例 #9
        public ControllerEvent()
            switch (EventType())
            case EventTypeEmun.Digital:
                Digital = new InputDigitalActionData_t();

            case EventTypeEmun.Analog:
                Analog = new InputAnalogActionData_t();

            case EventTypeEmun.Pose:
                Pose     = new InputPoseActionData_t();
                Position = new HmdVector3_t();
コード例 #10
ファイル: SteamVRv2Module.cs プロジェクト: BipPip/MediSIM
            public bool TryGetCurrentAnalogData(CVRInput vrInput, out IVRModuleDeviceState prevState, out IVRModuleDeviceStateRW currState, ref InputAnalogActionData_t data)
                ulong originDevicePath;

                if (!TryGetCurrentOriginDataAndDeviceState(vrInput, out prevState, out currState, out originDevicePath))

                var error = vrInput.GetAnalogActionData(CurrentHandle, ref data, s_moduleInstance.m_analogDataSize, originDevicePath);

                if (error != EVRInputError.None)
                    Debug.LogError("GetAnalogActionData failed! action=" + CurrentPath + " error=" + error);

コード例 #11
ファイル: AnalogInput.cs プロジェクト: jy970320/DynamicOpenVR
 internal override void UpdateData()
     _actionData = OpenVRWrapper.GetAnalogActionData(handle);
コード例 #12
 internal override void UpdateData()
     _actionData = OpenVRFacade.GetAnalogActionData(handle);