コード例 #1
        public string MeasurementConditionsSummary()
            using (StringWriter result = new StringWriter())
                result.WriteLine("Input DUT=> Scope Channel: " + InputDUTChannel.ToString() + " Coupling: " + InputDUTCoupling.ToString() + "  Attenuation: "
                                 + InputDUTAttenuation.ToString() + " DC Offset: " + InputDUTDCOffset.ToString() + "V");
                result.WriteLine("Output DUT=> Scope Channel: " + OutputDUTChannel.ToString() + " Coupling: " + OutputDUTCoupling.ToString() + "  Attenuation: "
                                 + OutputDUTAttenuation.ToString() + " DC Offset: " + OutputDUTDCOffset.ToString() + "V");

                result.WriteLine("Stimulus DUT=> Amplitude: " + InitialStimulus.ToString() + "V" + " DC Offset: " + StimulusOffset.ToString() + "V");

                result.WriteLine("Frequency Sweep => Start Freqeuncy: " + StartFrequencyHz.ToString() + " Hz " + " Stop Freqeuncy: " + StopFrequencyHz.ToString() + " Hz " +
                                 " Steps/Decade: " + StepsPerDecade.ToString() + " Sweepdirection: " + SweepDirection.ToString());

コード例 #2
        private void SetUpChannels()
            logService.Info("Setting up Picoscope succesfully channels...");
            logService.Info("Input DUT channel:" + InputDUTChannel.ToString() + "   Coupling:" + InputDUTCoupling.ToString() + "   Atten:" + InputDUTAttenuation.ToString() + "   DC Offset:" + InputDUTDCOffset.ToString());
            logService.Info("Output DUT channel:" + OutputDUTChannel.ToString() + "   Coupling:" + OutputDUTCoupling.ToString() + "   Atten:" + OutputDUTAttenuation.ToString() + "   DC Offset:" + OutputDUTDCOffset.ToString());
            logService.Info("Initial stimulus:" + InitialStimulus.ToString() + "   Max Stimulis:" + MaxStimulus + "   Stimmulus Offset:" + StimulusOffset.ToString());
            byte result = FRA4PicoscopeAPI.SetupChannels(InputDUTChannel, InputDUTCoupling, InputDUTAttenuation, InputDUTDCOffset, OutputDUTChannel, OutputDUTCoupling, OutputDUTAttenuation, OutputDUTDCOffset, InitialStimulus, MaxStimulus, StimulusOffset);

            if (result != 1)
                HandlePicoException("Failed to setup channels and stimulus: " + result.ToString());
                logService.Info("Picoscope channels and stimulus succesfully setup");