コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public Gh_CPythonComponent()
            : base("GH_CPython", "GH_CPython",
                   "a python IDE interface",
                   "Maths", "Script")
            initfunc = new InitFunctions();

            //1- Look for default GH_CPython path i.e.'C:\GH_CPython\'
            path = initfunc.isPythonFloderExists(@"C:\GH_CPython\");

            //2- Look for and set Python.exe interpreter if not set
            StartFileName = initfunc.getPythonInterpretere(@"C:\GH_CPython\interpreter.dat");

            //3- Add latest version of required python modules if not existed
            initfunc.addGrasshopperPyModule(@"C:\GH_CPython\Grasshopper.py", pythonVersion);

            // initiate python IDE instance
            PythonIDE = new PythonShell();

            PythonIDE.TopMost = true;

            PreviewExpired += Gh_CPythonComponent_PreviewExpired;

            thisIndex = Globals.index;

            name = "PythonFileWritten_" + thisIndex.ToString();

            Globals.fileName.Add(thisIndex, "_PythonExecutionOrder_" + thisIndex.ToString());
            Globals.index += 1;
            Globals.OpenThisShell.Add(thisIndex, false);

            ///Initiate Python process options.
            ///Don't show Shell - Redirect Standard output - Redirect Standard error - Hide Shell
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;

            /// Initiate Python IDE Editor text, it should be like so: - Change if you wish-
            //# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
            //Python Script
            //Created on  Tuesday August 2017 12:22:25
            //@author:  UserName

            at = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss");
            string Name = System.Environment.UserName;

            InitialPythonText = Resources.SavedPythonFile.Shellinit.Replace("##CreatedBy##", Name);
            InitialPythonText = InitialPythonText.Replace("##at##", at);

                /// Initiate Console data as follows
                /// "Hi UserName, How are you ?"
                PythonIDE.console.Text = "Hi " + Name + ", How are you ?";

                /// retrievedData are the data that are saved just after closing the Form (either by clicking x or close)
                /// They are saved here and then retrieved just after reopening the form again.
                if (writtenText != "")
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = writtenText;
                    retrievedData = writtenText;
                else if (retrievedData != "")
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = retrievedData;
                    writtenText = retrievedData;
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = InitialPythonText;
                    retrievedData = InitialPythonText;
                    writtenText   = InitialPythonText;

                /// This function reads all the input data, then initiates it in python syntax
                /// this refrers to the present winForm i.e. the python IDE.
                /// writeReaadPythonFile function needs a lot of work to handle different inputs in a proper way

                /// EventHandler of the Form Closing
                PythonIDE.FormClosing += Ps_FormClosing;

                PythonIDE.manageDataItem.Click += manageDataItem_Click;
                /// Handleing Test button click.
                PythonIDE.Test.Click += (se, ev) =>

                PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.KeyDown += PythonCanvas_KeyDown;
                PythonIDE.close.Click          += (se, ev) =>
                    InitialPythonText = PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text;
                    shellOpened       = false;
                    Globals.OpenThisShell[thisIndex] = false;

            catch { }

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public Gh_CPythonComponent()
            : base("GH_CPython", "GH_CPython",
                   "a python IDE interface",
                   "Maths", "Script")
            PythonIDE         = new PythonShell();
            PythonIDE.TopMost = true;

            PreviewExpired += Gh_CPythonComponent_PreviewExpired;

            thisIndex = Globals.index;

            name = "PythonFileWritten_" + thisIndex.ToString();

            Globals.fileName.Add(thisIndex, "_PythonExecutionOrder_" + thisIndex.ToString());
            Globals.index += 1;
            Globals.OpenThisShell.Add(thisIndex, false);

            // Verify that Python is installed on the machine properly.

            if (File.Exists(@"C:\Python27\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Python27\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Anaconda\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Anaconda\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Python34\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Python34\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Python35\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Python35\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Python36\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Python36\python.exe";

            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python27\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python27\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python34\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python34\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python35\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Python36\python.exe";

            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files\Python27\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files\Python27\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files\Python34\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files\Python34\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files\Python35\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files\Python35\python.exe";
            else if (File.Exists(@"C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe"))
                StartFileName = @"C:\Program Files\Python36\python.exe";

                MessageBox.Show("Sorry, We can't find Python installed on your machine, If you have already installed it, would you contact Mahmoud Abdlerahman via this e-mail \n [email protected]\n Thanks.");

            ///Initiate Python process options.
            ///Don't show Shell - Redirect Standard output - Redirect Standard error - Hide Shell
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow         = true;

            /// Initiate Python IDE Editor text, it should be like so: - Change if you wish-
            //# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
            //Python Script
            //Created on  Tuesday August 2017 12:22:25
            //@author:  UserName

            at = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss");
            string Name = System.Environment.UserName;

            InitialPythonText = Resources.SavedPythonFile.Shellinit.Replace("##CreatedBy##", Name);
            InitialPythonText = InitialPythonText.Replace("##at##", at);

                /// Initiate Console data as follows
                /// "Hi UserName, How are you ? Are you ready to Change the world ?"
                PythonIDE.console.Text = "Hi " + Name + ", How are you ? Are you ready to Change the world ?";

                /// retrievedData are the data that are saved just after closing the Form (either by clicking x or close)
                /// They are saved here and then retrieved just after reopening the form again.
                if (writtenText != "")
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = writtenText;
                    retrievedData = writtenText;
                else if (retrievedData != "")
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = retrievedData;
                    writtenText = retrievedData;
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = InitialPythonText;
                    retrievedData = InitialPythonText;
                    writtenText   = InitialPythonText;

                /// This function reads all the input data, then initiates it in python syntax
                /// this refrers to the present winForm i.e. the python IDE.
                /// writeReaadPythonFile function needs a lot of work to handle different inputs in a proper way

                /// EventHandler of the Form Closing
                PythonIDE.FormClosing += Ps_FormClosing;

                /// Handleing Test button click.
                PythonIDE.Test.Click += (se, ev) =>

                PythonIDE.close.Click += (se, ev) =>
                    InitialPythonText = PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text;
                    shellOpened       = false;
                    Globals.OpenThisShell[thisIndex] = false;

            catch (Exception erx)
                this.AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, erx.ToString());
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        public PythonInterfaceComponent()
            : base("GH_CPython", "GH_CPython",
                   "a python IDE interface",
                   "Maths", "Script")
            PythonIDE         = new PythonShell();
            PythonIDE.TopMost = true;
            thisIndex         = Globals.index;

            name = "PythonFileWritten_" + thisIndex.ToString();

            Globals.fileName.Add(thisIndex, "_PythonExecutionOrder_" + thisIndex.ToString());
            Globals.index += 1;
            Globals.OpenThisShell.Add(thisIndex, false);

            ///Initiate Python process options.
            ///Don't show Shell - Redirect Standard output - Redirect Standard error - Hide Shell
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError  = true;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.WindowStyle            = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden;
            RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute        = false;
            //RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;

            /// This adds Python folder to Windows Environment Paths variables.
            /// if it exists, set python as the process file name , else, set python folders and then set python as the process filename
            if (ExistsOnPath("python.exe"))
                RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "python.exe";
                string pp    = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH");
                string path_ = pp + @";C:\Python27;C:\Python27\DLLs;C:\Python27\Scripts";
                System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", path_);

                RunningPythonProcess.StartInfo.FileName = "python.exe";

            /// Initiate Python IDE Editor text, it should be like so: - Change if you wish-

            /*  # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
             *  """
             *  Python Script
             *  Created on  Tuesday August 2017 12:22:25
             *  @author:  UserName
             *  """

            at = DateTime.Now.ToString("dddd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss");
            string Name = System.Environment.UserName;

            InitialPythonText = Resources.SavedPythonFile.Shellinit.Replace("##CreatedBy##", Name);
            InitialPythonText = InitialPythonText.Replace("##at##", at);

                /// Initiate Console data as follows
                /// "Hi UserName, How are you ? Are you ready to Change the world ?"
                PythonIDE.console.Text = "Hi " + Name + ", How are you ? Are you ready to Change the world ?";

                /// retrievedData are the data that are saved just after closing the Form (either by clicking x or close)
                /// They are saved here and then retrieved just after reopening the form again.
                if (writtenText != "")
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = writtenText;
                    retrievedData = writtenText;
                else if (retrievedData != "")
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = retrievedData;
                    writtenText = retrievedData;
                    PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text = InitialPythonText;
                    retrievedData = InitialPythonText;
                    writtenText   = InitialPythonText;

                /// This function reads all the input data, then initiates it in python syntax
                /// this refrers to the present winForm i.e. the python IDE.
                /// writeReaadPythonFile function needs a lot of work to handle different inputs in a proper way

                /// EventHandler of the Form Closing
                PythonIDE.FormClosing += Ps_FormClosing;

                /// Handleing Test button click.
                PythonIDE.Test.Click += (se, ev) =>

                PythonIDE.close.Click += (se, ev) =>
                    InitialPythonText = PythonIDE.PythonCanvas.Text;
                    shellOpened       = false;

                    Globals.OpenThisShell[thisIndex] = false;

            catch (Exception erx)